Monday, December 6, 2021

Quick Links to Criminal Evidence Postings on Michelle Dickerman (Manweiler) and the Charlottesville Law Enforcement

          Michelle Dickerman Department of Treasury Joseph Platania Warner Chapman Charlottesville Nicholas Rudman John Dickerman CBI Confederation of British Industry British-American Business Association BABA

Pictured from left to right: Michelle Annette Dickerman (Manweiler) of Falls Church VA and a Deputy Assistant General Counsel for the US Department of Treasury; Joseph Platania the current head prosecutor for Charlottesville VA; Warner Chapman the former head prosecutor for Charlottesville VA

Listing updated with additional info on 04/22/2021

I will be periodically re-posting this listing to refresh the blog in Google search results, especially to combat any attempts to cause issues with its placement in the search results.

***To see further information, please view the new website at*** 

***Notice To Future Viewers of This Blog via Media Coverage***
Please read the following post before viewing the other information linked further down: To Future Viewers
This post gives a summary of the dispute and the reasons behind my decisions and actions - both those of the past and those coming in the future. It will give you far more information on the truth of the situation than the coverage you'll likely see displayed on the news initially. Once the story of what prompted all this comes to the forefront, hopefully the coverage will begin to shed light on the corrupt individuals behind the injustice that led to this point.

Recent Impact and Further Explanations on Evidence Against Michelle Dickerman (Manweiler)
One of the most important pieces of evidence proving Michelle Annette Dickerman (formerly Michelle Annette Manweiler) tampered with the evidence she provided to law enforcement is presented here in a more detailed explanation. This evidence not only shows that Michelle Dickerman committed criminal acts by using her law school training to tamper with evidence, but it shows Charlottesville prosecutors Warner Chapman and Joseph Platania were negligent/incompetent in their handling of this case. I further charge that both these prosecutors actually became aware Michelle Dickerman tampered with the evidence after they had already jailed me, and they then swept it under the rug to prevent any repercussions to their careers. They in turn committed violations of civil rights for the purpose of hiding the evidence I present here. This evidence would have not only resulted in criminal charges against Mrs. Dickerman in 2006, but if this information becomes public it would result in severe legal consequences for the Charlottesville police and district attorney's office.

Update - Plagscans, Motions, Police Investigations, and Prepping for Things to Come
Among other information, this post shows an informal timeline of the incidents that occurred during the 2006 criminal case. This list helps to demonstrate the shady actions and behavior of the guilty parties, especially Charlottesville Law Enforcement. This entire case reeks of not only special favors and privileges given to Michelle Dickerman (Manweiler) for merely being a UVA student with a rich alumni father, but it also smells of a cover-up for her criminal behavior in tampering with the evidence that the entire case was based upon. The info listed about a potential police investigation is outdated, as it appears Nick Rudman may have already been retired from the department when these odd views occurred. While it is clear that Rudman (or someone connected to him) was involved, I can only speculate on the reasons for the views given that he was no longer a police officer at the time. Perhaps he had a conversation with a family member who later got curious while at work. Or maybe Rudman was applying to the bank for a job and what I experienced was their social media background check. Again, I can provide nothing more than theories with the information currently available.

Michelle Dickerman's Potential for a Serious Personality Disorder
The links above are a summary of my belief that Michelle Annette Dickerman has a dangerous personality disorder called Vulnerable Narcissistic Personality Disorder. The posts reference videos from various professionals in the field, and behavior they discuss directly links back to behavior witnessed in Michelle Dickerman.

Evidence Against Michelle Dickerman (Manweiler) Part 2
The above link references this much older post on the email evidence. This specific posting was much less detailed. I was prompted to create the new post due to recognizing that I wasn't as clear as I could be with the explanations in this post. I will still keep this post up because it is a popular post on this blog, and because it displays the entire sheet of the emails so you can see the tampering as it originally appears.

Actions of attorney William Johnson, former defense counsel
This posting discusses the actions of my former defense counsel - attorney William Johnson of Matthews County Virginia. This not only details the incompetent and corrupt actions of my former attorney, but it also goes over information showing improper and even criminal behavior on the part of the other parties involved in this case.

2006: My Case and the Andrew Alston Scandal of Charlottesville
This posting discusses how corrupt the Charlottesville court system is and how it works to protect rich University of Virginia students when they commit criminal acts - even if that act results in the death of a non-UVA affiliated citizen. Former UVA student Andrew Alston stabbed a volunteer firefighter to death (18 to 20 stab wounds as reported in the media) in an altercation, yet received a slap on the wrist for voluntary manslaughter when he received less than a third of the maximum sentence in the state of Virginia for this crime. I was actually punished more harshly than a UVA student who killed someone. All for emails sent to a rich UVA law school student - a student who I can prove blatantly tampered with (and even outright fabricated) those emails used as evidence in the case.

Evidence Posting: Part Two
This post shows evidence that Michelle Dickerman (Manweiler) provided false statements in court and to law enforcement, with the intent of causing an excessive response from law enforcement. It also shows that Michelle Dickerman deleted critical evidence in this case, including exculpatory evidence that would have shown my innocence on the felony charge. As a newly graduated law school student, Mrs. Dickerman knew this act was not only wrong, but that such an act could have easily resulted in a charge of obstruction of justice, especially due to the fact that it clearly covers up her tampering of evidence. These pieces of evidence were recorded by my former counsel William Johnson (a lawyer who refused to do his job) in his notes on the case. I have also shown two snips of voice recordings of my former attorney, recorded by my mother during her encounters with my former attorney. In the first recording at William Johnson's office, he fully admits to Manweiler deleting evidence and attempts to make excuses for this act. In the second recording outside the Charlottesville Circuit Court, Johnson freely admits without any prompting that he knew I had no intentions of ever harming anyone - despite having just had me plead guilty to a felony that requires showing of intent at minimum. I have also provided proof that the prosecution threatened me out of my civil right to a fair trial (to cover for Dickerman/Manweiler's blatant tampering) in the form of an email sent by prosecutor Joseph Platania to my former attorney.

Evidence Posting: Part One
This posting proves Michelle Dickerman (Manweiler) lied about events in her victim impact statement, using evidence via letters she wrote to me during the stated time period of the accusation. Her own handwritten letters tell a different story than the one she told to law enforcement. This is not the first time Dickerman was accused of making such false statements as these, as making up such lies has been a repeat accusation from third parties throughout this dispute. By repeating the same lies in 2006 as those she was accused of making in the past, Michelle Dickerman inadvertently confirmed what others had been warning me about for years.

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