Thursday, September 5, 2024

Getting a bit interesting

Updated 9:00PM 9/5/2024

So I've definitely smacked the hornets nest with Dickerman on that addendum post. Which to be honest it isn't the first time I've made a post that got attention. But I had something else happen today that was interesting. Someone from UVA went right to the main website. Usually when I get UVA views they go to the blog posts about Alston first before looking around. They went to the main website instead and didn't bother to look at the blog. Which isn't normal behavior so it did catch my attention. Catching my attention and my making assumptions is not without reason though, given what I've seen since publishing the addendum post.

Now I'm going to assume for the time being that the most likely reason for the odd view is that this was some random student. One who just happened to hit on one of my meta tags on the website in their search and weren't interested in looking any further than that. If that's the case it's perfectly fine. It's odd they ended up on the main website first but not completely abnormal. Though rather convenient timing.

The other option is that it could be Joseph Platania after Michelle Dickerman contacted him. Given Dickerman is riled up a bit it isn't impossible for her to make a dumb call like that. I did some checking and Platania is still an adjunct professor at UVA School of Law who teaches prosecutor classes. He also sits on the VA State Bar disciplinary board, I'm definitely going to get that nonsense ripped out of his grasp in the future. Nothing quite like putting the State Bar on blast for corruption and favoritism to make them want to distance themselves from problem people and take action against said people.

Platania definitely could have checked the website from his office at UVA. Especially since he might be aware that viewing from computers at the district attorney's office will show up and be a massive red flag for me. Though I would have just expected him to do it from home rather than at UVA. I'm thinking it is less likely that this was Platania but it isn't outside the realm of possibility by a long shot. Like I said, I did seem to light a fire under Dickerman a bit, so I do want to discuss that scenario if indeed she made contact with one of her co-conspirators.

It's possible she ran to Joseph Platania, especially considering this isn't the first time she ran to him over something on this blog (or his former boss at least if not Platania). That was done over her and her parents seeing my post on my former lawyer's plea deal offer. If she did run to him again, it's not the smartest thing for her considering he heavily contributed to making this situation what it is nearly 20 years later. It's also really not smart because Platania's big mouth is also the reason I will be able to sue her father into the ground (maybe literally on that, given his advanced age and the likely stress it'll cause him). Not to mention that if one of the first things she does is reach out to a prosecutor who showed inappropriate affection towards her - well that’s definitely not going to help them when it comes to appearances. I’m not the only person to question whether Dickerman and Platania had improper relations in the past.

If Dickerman is dumb enough to go running to Platania and give him a heads up by all means do so. There will be records showing the contact between them, and that can then be pulled up in court discovery or criminal investigations. Even if it's just phone calls those call logs can still be pulled, and her number showing up on Platania’s phone will prove contact was taking place. It will help demonstrate that the co-conspirators are still working together. It will look bad in court and in the media.

There isn't anything Platania can do about any of this anyway. The evidence against them doesn’t change just because he’s been given notice of what is coming. And if he was actually dumb enough to try criminal shenanigans it would just help me get all this laid out in public and the media. Please be dumb enough to try that shit. By all means I want them to play that fucking game with me so that all of them can be run over by the Streisand Effect truck. They will quite literally be helping me fuck up their lives.

Not to mention that anything they do right now will be used against them later. Michelle Dickerman has seen what I've written. I can prove that. So she knows exactly what is coming and that means everything she does now is on record and will be used against her later. Any actions from this point on can be used against her. Any inaction from this point on can be used against her - since not trying to "fix" what she's done isn't going to look good to people. If Platania tries anything negative he'll also provide proof to everyone that he's aware now of what is going on. That means anything he's doing right now and in the future can be used against him later. Assuming of course if Dickerman contacted him - the proof will come out on that in the future if she did.

Though as I mentioned, I've gotten responses like this from Michelle Dickerman before. It never went anywhere. I'm guessing it isn't going anywhere this time as well. Dickerman is a narcissist. She doesn't care about who she hurt. She doesn't care if it'll harm her family. Dickerman will literally sit on her hands and wait until she has no other option. Although at that point it'll be too late and she won't actually have any options. 

Because that "no other option" will literally be the VA Supreme court vacating the felony and opening her and her parents up to lawsuits. And as I've said in the addendum post, if I have to pay a lawyer to fight it out in court and I end up winning - there are no deals and no settlements. Once money changes hands there is no turning back. At that point I'm going in to this to destroy lives, reputations, and careers. And I'm perfectly fine with mutually assured destruction being the end result of this legal fight. If I can't win then everyone gets to lose along with me.

Both parties also need to keep in mind that I get two shots at this. Let’s say the VA Supreme Court doesn’t side with me on the Writ. Unlikely given all my evidence, and the fact that Dickerman and Platania can’t even prove their email evidence is genuine given that C’ville law enforcement never verified the printouts, but nothing is ever certain in law. I’m still getting this entire thing out into the open with the public and media when the Writ happens, and that’s not going to be a happy time for the guilty parties. Assuming the State Attorney General doesn’t step in to overrule Platania and vacate the felony, I can instead then make my petition to the Governor via the Writ of Actual Innocence on that end and their office can do what the VA Supreme Court did not. And that’s a bad day for the guilty parties as well. 

Given the publicity the case will be getting at that time, I’m betting a politician is going to want to be seen doing the right thing and correcting the act of evil committed against me in 2006. So Dickerman should really think about the fact I can get multiple chances here, not just the two Writ attempts (since an outside party like the Attorney General can step in), and I only have to get lucky once. Michelle Dickerman has to be lucky every single time with a mountain of evidence against her. Is it really worth the very significant legal risk to her and her father to take the chance that she gets lucky multiple times? Because like I said, it just has to work out once for me - and I won’t be making deals anymore at that point. Does she really want to put her family, especially her aging father, through legal proceedings? 

And no I don’t feel one bit bad about mentioning that, not after the Manweilers gave glares of disgust at my mother as she ran out of the courtroom crying at the preliminary hearing. That wasn’t an act, my former attorney hadn’t told either of us what he was doing (that was his intention). Having me waive the hearing, after he dropped it on me right before I was to step out in front of the judge and I had to make a snap decision with bad legal advice, wasn’t something my mother expected and she was in shock. She was hoping the judge would do the right thing considering he argued with Platania at the bond hearings that there was no evidence of death threats in the emails. To suddenly see me waiving the hearing was a blow to her and too much for her to process. She needed to get out of there because she couldn’t watch what was happening. My mother did a lot of crying during 2006 and after - as did many in my family.

So I couldn’t give less of a shit about what Dickerman’s family will go through, not after what was done to me and my family. If they want to give my mother ugly glares after they inflicted serious emotional harm to her, the Manweilers can suffer all kinds of bad things as far as I’m concerned. The ball is in Dickerman’s court to shield her family from this by coming clean about her actions. I know Michelle Dickerman doesn’t care about anyone but herself however, and I intend on using that against her to prove how bad of a person she really is. Refusing to fess up and make this right (to the small extent that’s even possible) even if it protects her family from legal consequences will prove my case that she’s a narcissist. The fact that she’s let the felony go on this long is already a really, really bad look. Making her parents get dragged through the court and media circus when she could have avoided it, all because Dickerman wants to save her career and reputation, is going to be a really bad look.

We'll see whether this UVA view is nothing or not. Like I said it’s really convenient on the timing. I'm really not expecting anything from either side however, even if it does happen to be Platania viewing the main website. If it is him and he tries anything, then that just helps me further fuck up Platania's life later when all this takes off, and it makes his and Dickerman’s current knowledge of this situation a material fact in court. Can’t claim you weren’t aware of all this when you decided to screw with me. The smart thing would be for both sides to not let me have to go through with the writ by vacating the felony on their own, and then trying to make deals with me to limit the damages that are coming their way. But I don’t expect the smart thing from these people. 

If it is not the case that this view was due to Dickerman running to Platania ... well it isn't like I actually believe Dickerman to be sane enough to take the only good way out of this mess she got herself and her family into anyway. So it doesn’t really change anything. Dickerman at least having enough common sense to not run to Platania isn’t really saying much. It’s more an act of self preservation since Platania would be just as happy to flip on her if he thinks it will save him. 

For Platania, the proverbial displaying of Michelle Dickerman’s head in court would go a long way towards blunting some of the damage to himself and the city of Charlottesville. There is every possibility that if Dickerman goes to Platania and he realizes the wave of shit about to come his way, he might slide into my inbox and try to make a deal at Dickerman’s expense. It would actually be funny as hell if Dickerman ran to him and he turned on her. As much as I want to nail Platania’s hide to the wall, the massive shock to Dickerman in getting screwed over like that would be worth making a deal with Platania. Though I can’t imagine Dickerman would be dumb enough to trust Platania and think he’s her friend. Then again she’s made a lot of really, really stupid calls that got her to this point anyway so we’ll see I guess.

That willingness of mine to deal of course is assuming she even has that option. My potential choice to be willing to reach a deal to limit damages to Dickerman's side of the fence isn't out of any consideration for the very people who showed no mercy towards me in 2006. I'm only willing to make deals because I want to get this over and done with, and fighting it out just means it takes me longer to get on with my life. I’ve lost far too much time as it is. But if that has to happen then so be it - the more time of mine gets wasted the more damages get added to the lawsuits after all. But I'm still waiting on any news on something that has the potential to not pan out because of the felony, so there will be some time before I make the decision on whether I even make the offer. I give it 50/50 shot right now with the info I'm operation on.

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