Sunday, April 24, 2011

The Norfolk Four: Man Coerced Into Pleading Guilty Has Conviction Overturned

Link to article
As I do not want any potential copyright problems I'm not quoting the article until I know it is okay, but you can find it in the link above on the PBS website.

It amazes me how many people are still naive or foolish enough to believe the legal system is perfect and doesn't make mistakes when things like this happen. After the Duke University rape case I just can't see how anyone could be dense enough to not realize that these things do happen. That rape case involved Duke University Lacrosse players who were accused of rape and given no benefit of doubt by the media or law enforcement, but were later found to be innocent of the rape charge. The prosecutor in that case tried to hide the evidence of their innocence and prosecute them anyway. The Duke players were lucky enough to have a good attorney. Unfortunately I had a scumbag lawyer who was sweet on Ms. Manweiler and more interested on getting his money for as little work as possible.

I always hear the same garbage no matter how many times these courtroom tragedies occur - "Why plead guilty if you are not?" and "Law enforcement wouldn't do things like that". The detective who coerced the confessions from the Norfolk Four? If I recall correctly he is in prison right now for 15 years because he was a dirty cop. People need to get this through their heads - if you have never been the one to sit in the defendant's chair being prosecuted by a prima donna district attorney, or in a police interrogation room being grilled by detectives who believe themselves to be Sherlock Holmes - then you don't know a damn thing about the legal system. I don't care who you are, until you are sitting in that chair you have no idea what really happens in our criminal justice system. Anyone claiming otherwise is a fool or a liar.

The man in the article was one of the four who refused the Governor's conditional pardon because he knew he was innocent. As you can see, he was exonerated. The unfortunate truth though is that there will always be incompetent individuals out there who will always treat him like he is guilty no matter what.

The simple fact is that the legal system is just as open to politics and corruption as any government system. This is especially true when you are Ms. Manweiler, who has a rich father who can pull strings to get her what she wants. Top that off with the fact that she knows the Chief Justice of the Virginia Court of Appeals, and this woman can manipulate the system to her benefit. Michelle Manweiler is a corrupt individual, always has been. She uses people and treats them like cattle. Then if they step out of line and don't do what she wants, she gets daddy to fix the system for her.

This is just one of many reasons I'm going to fight these people for the rest of their lives and expose them for what they are - because I guarantee that Michelle Annette Manweiler will do something like this again to someone else. I'm not the only one who believes Ms. Manweiler's father influenced the system. In fact every time someone hears what Greg Manweiler does for a living, and that he is a UVA alumni, they immediately guess he had something to do with all the corrupt behavior by the C'ville law enforcement. A family member was speaking with a business owner about what was done to me, and after hearing Ms. Manweiler was a UVA student he didn't even need to hear who her father is to guess what happened. Without knowing anything about the man this business owner said "It sounds like someone had a rich father who knew someone important at the university and got them to lean on the law enforcement". Without knowing anything about Greg Manweiler this individual got it dead on.

Seeing things like the overturn of that man's conviction gives me hope, no matter how hard the road ahead may be. I would never accept a pardon. While I have other options that would give me back all my civil rights, none of these options would give me my life back. I have the proof I need to exonerate myself, as you can see in the previous post, and will not accept anything less than an overturned conviction and expungement. This will never be over until that happens - that is a promise. As I have often said, if the Manweilers and the Charlottesville law enforcement thought it was over on November 8th 2006, they were seriously mistaken. They know now of course that is it not over, and they know that this situation will one day come out - and that all their reputations and careers will be ruined when it does.

While I could have lived with a misdemeanor, even one for a charge I did not commit, being threatened into a felony I can prove I'm innocent of was more then I can accept. The Manweilers and the Charlottesville law enforcement went too far. I am not going to stop fighting this until I get my life back and the injuring parties are held responsible for what they have done. I will never shut up no matter what harm is done to me - Ms. Manweiler and the other parties had better believe this will always follow them throughout their lives. And seeing things like the above article only help to push me harder. There is nothing in this world that will deter me from my goal. As far as I'm concerned this is a life long fight and I'm prepared for that - the Manweilers and C'ville LE better be prepared for that as well.

My life has been destroyed by a lie, and allowing that to stand is simply not acceptable.

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