Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Interesting Times

Me: "I just don't understand how they could threaten me like that." 
William Johnson: "Mr. <Redacted>, prosecutors do this kind of thing to people every day!"
Tape recording from meeting with William Johnson on November 14, 2006
Decided to make another post after seeing some of the viewing stats recently. Lot of attention all of a sudden. So I'm putting up a bit more information just in case. It will give a good reference for news media.

First is an explanation of my medical issue that I brought up previously. It is a muscle condition in which my muscles deteriorate faster than a normal individual during physical activity. My understanding based on what I've been told, is that during physical activity a person normally has some muscle cells die off, mine just do it faster and regrow slower.

While I can eventually work myself up to a normal level, it takes me longer to get to a point than a regular individual. I've been able to push myself as long as I'm careful, but it results in a longer recovery period than everyone else. I've been told that its similar to muscular dystrophy but no where near the severity. In fact I was told that it was not something they have seen before and that they do not know why it happened. There is literally no family history of anything that would result in something like this happening to me. My understanding is that since there is no family history or reason for it happening, I basically just got a bad flip of the coin. And since it wasn't a genetic disorder, it can't be passed on. But it certainly creates a problem for me in getting a job.

I can't take any job that revolves around manual labor. I was hired to work at a contracting company after my sentencing, and the only reason that happened was due to a family member, who knew the people working there, speaking with them about my situation. I was also told I had an impressive resume. However, I never told the company about my medical issues because I was so desperate to get a job. There were many times I had to push myself physically. But during one extended run out of town, I had to get sent home.

I was pushing myself past my physical capabilities during long hours. I went from Monday to Wednesday doing this. Without that recovery time my condition caught up to me by the third day. My foreman mentioned that I was stumbling around, which is one of the symptoms that happens when I push myself too far - a loss of coordination. Considering I was working on rooftops and around electrical panels, this obviously isn't a good thing. I ended up getting sent home, which is actually what prevented me from being seriously hurt.

I was so desperate to avoid losing my job, that I would have continued pushing myself until something happened to me. However, while getting sent home kept me from further harm, it also contributed to me losing my job. Obviously getting another job that requires physical labor would be a bad idea. Just to show that I'm not making up the medical issue, here is the posting of the doctor's letter, I lined out anything that was irrelevant to the muscle condition.

Upon hearing about my muscle condition and how it affected my employment, a family friend shook his head and said "If only that girl and her parents knew what they've done". As I mentioned in a previous post, Ms. Manweiler had gym classes with me and knows I have a medical condition - she just couldn't care less. Comes from not viewing people as human beings unless they measure up to your warped views of social standing.

This same family friend has a brother who is a big lawyer in another state, and he asked his brother for advice about my legal situation. This is where I was told about how I can ask the court to downgrade the charge to a misdemeanor. When we came to the part about how my lawyer would have to write a letter to Ms. Manweiler asking her to agree to dropping it down to a misdemeanor, the family friend commented that once Ms. Manweiler found out about my medical issues and employment problems, he couldn't see her being evil enough to want to hold on to the felony charge. I replied that he hasn't met someone as evil as Ms. Manweiler.

As for the photos of Ms. Manweiler, I went ahead and posted them on my photobucket account for this blog. These will be the full sized photos supplied to the news media. They are of Ms. Manweiler in Lucerne and Venice in August of 2006. Ms. Manweiler claimed in her Victim Impact Statement of being so upset and emotionally distressed during the legal proceedings. Does she look upset in these photos? No.

The Charlottesville law enforcement should have been smart enough to know she was lying, after all how many people would be in fear of their life and yet wait months to go to the police? I will be directing news reporters to this blog once this situation goes public, this way they will have access to Ms. Manweiler's photographs as well as the information on this legal scandal.

As mentioned before, the following photos were linked to me by a reader of my blog. As an addition to that, as I said in another post I do not encourage others to get involved in this case for your own safety. The photos are important because they show Ms. Manweiler having a good time during the legal troubles she caused by lying to the police. Ms. Manweiler is quite happy in the photos, and this is during a time that she claimed was a stressful and terrifying crisis for her.

Considering I already mentioned they came from a third party source this should go without saying, but just in case I am not the photographer nor do I make any claims of ownership on these pictures. These photos have been cropped to remove other individuals from the photos, and in one case a face was blocked out when cropping was not an option. This was only done in cases where there was enough clarity in the photo to result in identification of the individual. The originals show much more area, but again I cropped to avoid displaying someone other than Manweiler. I also have not included the name of the photographer because I doubt they would want their names out in the public when this situation goes to the media. This was done out of respect for them and their privacy and I made sure that they were not present in the cropped photos. They had their photos posted where the public could see them, and they were available for purchase in their high-res form.

Impact Statement quotes on the Venice and Lucerne photos

Photos of Michelle Manweiler's dinner in Lucerne on August 18 2006

Going by the explanation from the site these photos were obtained, this was a traditional Swedish Folk Dinner that was held after the tour. An individual in a cow suit showed up, as apparently this type of dairy cow is native to Sweden. I have no idea as I've never been to Sweden, and don't know anything about cows beyond them making good steaks and burgers, I'm just going by what the person wrote when they posted the photos. The photos are slightly out of order. The first image was put in the first slot because of its clarity. It is actually last in the line up, based on the order they were put on the source site. This makes sense since others photos not including Ms. Manweiler show a circuit around the tables taken by the individual in the cow suit. Based on that, it appears Ms. Manweiler was surprised by the individual in the cow suit, so to be fair part of her reaction would be from suddenly having a guy in a cow suit get in her face - however, she certainly seems to be free from any concerns over the legal nonsense that summer. Only the first image is out of order, the other images are posted in the order they were listed on the site.

Venice and Lucerne photos without quote

Also want to go over some of the grounds I have for declaring the plea agreement invalid, based on the information I copied into the last post.
I.  Violations of the Right to Counsel
         Denial of Counsel
             As mentioned, I attempted to hire Ms. Katherine Peters to replace my incompetent attorney William Johnson. We even paid her for doing her research on the case, and still have the receipt. She's now a prosecutor under Warner Chapman, who threatened me out of hiring her. This is interesting and its likely Chapman did this so that Ms. Peters would be reluctant to testify against her boss should anything come up. She did after all know about the tampering because we gave her copies of the emails and pointed it out. She acknowledged it and said she'd have to look into it further. I have William Johnson on tape admitting Warner Chapman threatened me out of hiring Ms. Peters as a replacement counsel, I even misquoted him to make him correct me, which he does. That shows he remembered the conversation. That is when he brings up how prosecutors do that every day to people. By denying me my right to fire an incompetent attorney and hiring a replacement, Warner Chapman violated my Right to Counsel, which is grounds for invalidating the plea.

      Ineffective Assistance of Counsel
            As mentioned in the posting previously, this is the most common grounds to reverse a conviction. I have PLENTY of evidence of this. Mr. Johnson had no idea that my mother had a tape recorder on her. He admitted to all the things the prosecutors and the police did, from loss of evidence (CPD claimed they damaged my hard drive and said repairs would take 9 months before they could obtain anything, claimed they lost the tape of my interrogation with Detective Rudman) to prosecutor threats. He even talked about comments Chapman made over the phone to him, comments that won't sound so good on the news. He freely admits to not doing things he should have (admits that he was told evidence of my innocence existed, admits he's had months to look for it, and admits he still hasn't looked for it when he has me pleading guilty in a week). 

And the kicker - when my mother brings up the discrepancies showing Ms. Manweiler took page two and three of a March 12th email and wrote April and May dates on them, he acknowledges these discrepancies are present. When asked to explain, he clearly panics and begins trying to change the subject. He may have even violated lawyer client privilege by telling us things about other cases that sounded very private, such as comments made to him by the clients he represented. Not only do I have hours worth of tapes taken during meetings with him and even in the courtroom lobbies, but we have documents of his own making that show it as well. You have no idea just how much we have on this guy. I will likely be able to overturn the conviction just on the evidence of his incompetence without mentioning anything else that I've brought up in this.

II. Invalid Guilty Pleas
      Failure to establish factual basis
              The court is stated to have found factual basis based on the evidence presented by the prosecution. However, I can prove Ms. Manweiler tampered with the emails and I can prove the CPD and DA did not verify the contents of the email printouts with the originals. Since you can not submit evidence that has been tampered with, and the prosecution did not verify the contents of the evidence to prove the comments made within were real, there can be no factual basis. There are rules of evidence, and submitting blatantly tampered emails without verification from another source clearly violates those rules.

    Coercion to enter plea
              As you can see from the prosecutor email linked in the other posts, I have evidence showing the plea was coerced. Not only do I have the email, but I have a letter written by my attorney informing me of the threat and his admission on tape that I was threatened. He even admits they threatened me out of hiring another attorney. I can even show that my own attorney threatened me into the plea and directed what I was to say in both the preliminary hearing and the guilty plea hearing. With the inability to obtain exculpatory evidence due to Ms. Manweiler withholding it and the CPD claiming they damaged the only other source, I couldn't prove my innocence. Johnson even said he would not provide a defense for me if I tried to fight the charge. I was railroaded, and the evidence is overwhelming. The plea will be invalidated, the Judge really won't have a choice when he sees the evidence.

There is more I'd like to write, but I need to get some school work done before I turn in for the night.