Thursday, December 16, 2010


"What do we live for, if it is not to make life less difficult for each other?"
-George Eliot

I've noticed a jump in my viewer stats. Of particular note is that they are coming from a Google search using "michelle manweiler" and "michelle manweiler rotweiler" as search terms. Too specific for some complete stranger. All these hits are from the USA, the first few hits were on a Mac using Safari browser with the next batch of hits coming from a Windows computer using IE.

Obviously I need to watch out. Just in case Ms. Manweiler and the Charlottesville law enforcement (or any law enforcement agency) attempt to do something, I want to make sure I have certain posts linked so that they show up on the front page. I'm not too concerned. I have been off probation since early 2010 and there is nothing illegal involving this page - to try arresting me over this page would be a further civil rights violation for the Charlottesville law enforcement.

In the end, both the Manweilers and the C'ville law enforcement would be shooting themselves in the foot by taking aggressive action against me.

This is the link to the prosecution's threat made against me:

As mentioned, I was threatened into pleading against my will by both the prosecution and my own attorney. Not only is this grounds for invalidating the plea agreement, but the fact that I can prove the prosecution threatened me out my right to a fair trial and threatened me when I tried to fire my incompetent attorney means Federal charges for Joseph Platania and Warner Chapman. It is my intent to go to the FBI with this case after the plea agreement is invalidated.

This post lists the Federal civil rights statutes they violated:

Mr. Johnson (my former attorney) stated that Ms. Manweiler and her parents were informed of the threat made by the prosecution and went along with it. An American citizen was threatened out of his Constitutional rights for the benefit of the Manweiler's and with their knowledge and consent.

This post shows the grounds for invalidation of the plea agreement, majority of the grounds are things I have physical evidence in both documentation and tape recordings of my former attorney:

This post shows my medical issues with my muscles limiting my employment abilities, and shows the photos of Michelle Manweiler having fun in Venice and Lucerne at a time she claimed she was upset and scared:

This post shows some of the documents I have from my former attorney that are just a small part of the evidence I have against the C'ville law enforcement and Michelle Manweiler:

This post relates to my Virginia State Bar inquiry I filed against Michelle Manweiler, William Johnson, Joseph Platania and Warner Chapman. It displays the letter from the VSB and makes a case for the VSB covering for corrupt lawyers:

I will go over my accusations briefly. I have evidence proving beyond all reasonable doubt that Michelle Annette Manweiler, a licensed attorney, knowingly tampered with the evidence that the Charlottesville law enforcement based a felony charge against me. This evidence not only shows Ms. Manweiler was forwarding emails to a fake account made to look like mine, but also shows that she took a March 12th email and wrote fake dates on page 2 and 3 of this email to make them appear to have been sent in April and May.

I have evidence that justifies a Federal criminal investigation of the Charlottesville law enforcement. It is my assertion that the Charlottesville law enforcement were greatly negligent in their initial handling of this case due to Ms. Manweiler's status as a UVA student with a rich father. This is not the first time an accusation like this has been made against Charlottesville - the biggest of these scandals involves a UVA student with a rich father who received a slap on the wrist for stabbing a volunteer firefighter to death.

This is my theory on what took place by the Charlottesville law enforcement:
It is my belief that the Charlottesville Police Department and the Charlottesville District Attorney became aware of Ms. Manweiler's tampering of evidence after having jailed me and committed a cover-up. In order to avoid scandal and lawsuits, they "threw me under the bus" to protect themselves. They lied about losing the tape recordings of the interrogation with Detective Rudman due to exculpatory evidence, and lied about damaging my confiscated computer hard drive so that they would be unable to verify the computer printouts (provided by Ms. Manweiler with no attempt to verify contents) that they based the criminal charge. The DA consisting of Warner Chapman and Joseph Platania, then proceeded to threaten me out of my due process rights to avoid presenting evidence to a jury that exhibited blatant tampering (a supposed April and May email with March 12th printer time stamps).

My former attorney William Johnson was not only incompetent in his handling of this case, but I have evidence that suggests he was working with the prosecution to harm me. Not only do I have documentation against him, but I have tape recordings made during meetings my mom and I had with William Johnson. The statements he makes on tape about Warner Chapman and Joseph Platania are extremely damaging for them. Johnson admits to everything that was done by the prosecution and CPD, and even makes statements about Ms. Manweiler that show not only a conflict of interest on his part (referring to Ms. Manweiler as a "hottie" and a "pretty red head") but also show he was aware of her criminal behavior and was covering for her.

As I said, I have evidence backing up what I am saying. However, I was not stupid enough to keep it on my person. The only thing kept at my home are copies of what I'm providing in the motion I will submit to invalidate the plea agreement. My originals and bulk of my evidence is in multiple copies kept at different locations.

My hope is that not only will I get my life back, but I will be able to call attention to the corrupt occurrences by prosecutors all across the United States. A revision of our legal system is necessary to prevent injustices like this and curb prosecutor abuses of the system.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Update and additions

Also noticed some viewing statistic trends that concern me, but then its no surprise that Ms. Manweiler has been keeping tabs on me on occasion. Thus I'll go ahead and post some more information. This way, if Ms. Manweiler does try something I'll have a reference for news media sources. Also a little confused on some of the country sources. I'm a little surprised to have readers in Latvia 0_o

First thing I want to post is some of William Johnson's notes. I may take these down at a later point, but for now I want to show further evidence that I'm not just talk, that I do have the evidence I claim to have.

This first page shows Johnson making notes of the four email messages that were supplied to him by the prosecution. This is part of the evidence that shows the prosecution did not comply with the order of discovery, and its also part of the evidence that shows Ms. Manweiler tampered with the email messages she supplied to law enforcement. As you can see on the entry for the February 22nd email, Johnson makes the note '"To Rick"... should be "From Rick"'.

This discrepancy is present on the email claimed to have been sent on that date, and it shows that Ms. Manweiler printed this email from her sent messages folder and not from her inbox - this means it was outgoing from her account, not an incoming email sent from mine. Johnson seemed very disturbed by this when he went to see me at the jail, he turned to me and asked if I had any idea why the email would have this discrepancy. I didn't have an answer for him at that time. Johnson had already written this down when he came back from the prosecutor's office with these emails, which means he would have made this issue known to Joe Plantania, the ADA handling this case.

This page, the further email comments and the emails themselves contain evidence that when combined prove that Ms. Manweiler was forwarding my emails out to another account (apparently made up to look like mine) and was trying to hide the fact that she was forwarding the messages. Why hide it if you aren't doing anything wrong?

The next page shows the notes William Johnson took just before my guilty plea hearing. At the top you see a "Y" and an "N". When the Judge asked me questions at the guilty plea hearing, Johnson informed me that I was to answer what he pointed to otherwise I'd go to prison. He did the same thing at the preliminary hearing. He also records how my mother and I were attempting to replace him as counsel and get the guilty plea hearing extended a month. As I've mentioned previously, I attempted to hire Ms. Katherine Peters to replace the incompetent William Johnson and was threatened out of doing so by both the prosecution and William Johnson.

You can also see the notation "in case too long". This shows how quickly William Johnson tried to conduct the case so that he could take his money and run. This guy was trying to find things for me to plead guilty to before he ever looked at a piece of evidence. He not only told me that he would not provide a defense for me in court, but that if I did not plead guilty he would refuse to continue as counsel and I would have to hire another attorney - something I was already under threat against doing by Warner Chapman the head prosecutor. This is considered coercion by the defense counsel and is justification for invalidating the plea agreement.

As I said, this is just a further sampling of the evidence I've been claiming to have all this time. I'm not kidding around with the claims in this blog - I have all the evidence to back up my claims. Unfortunately thanks to our faulty legal system, having the evidence is not enough. You have to either pay tons of money to have a lawyer navigate the mess of a system we have, or if you don't have the money you have to figure it out yourself - not an easy proposition I assure you. Something needs to be done about that, and I hope my case helps spearhead the efforts to fix our broken legal system.

I can tell by the way pages are being viewed that someone is printing blog posts. Not a problem. What Ms. Manweiler is not aware of is the fact that she may end up in a lot of trouble when this goes public.

I wanted to add a summary of what since I never got around to updating the accusation post. I have evidence showing Ms. Manweiler made false statements to police and tampered with the evidence she provided to law enforcement. When realizing that they just jailed a guy for a crime he didn't commit, the Charlottesville police and district attorney's office decided to cover it up. They threw me under the bus to protect themselves from scandals and lawsuits.

They lied about damaging the hard drive so that they could not verify the blatantly tampered emails. Warner Chapman and Joseph Platania violated my civil rights to avoid having to present the evidence. They not only lied in court, but they withheld evidence that would have cleared me. The CPD and the DA's office lied to the media to make this situation sound worse than what it was. And I have evidence that not only shows my former attorney William Johnson acted incompetent, but there is also evidence that suggest he was aware Ms. Manweiler committed criminal actions and was helping to cover it up - he may have even been working with the prosecution to hurt his client.

I have the ability to prove every claim I've made.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Interesting Times

Me: "I just don't understand how they could threaten me like that." 
William Johnson: "Mr. <Redacted>, prosecutors do this kind of thing to people every day!"
Tape recording from meeting with William Johnson on November 14, 2006
Decided to make another post after seeing some of the viewing stats recently. Lot of attention all of a sudden. So I'm putting up a bit more information just in case. It will give a good reference for news media.

First is an explanation of my medical issue that I brought up previously. It is a muscle condition in which my muscles deteriorate faster than a normal individual during physical activity. My understanding based on what I've been told, is that during physical activity a person normally has some muscle cells die off, mine just do it faster and regrow slower.

While I can eventually work myself up to a normal level, it takes me longer to get to a point than a regular individual. I've been able to push myself as long as I'm careful, but it results in a longer recovery period than everyone else. I've been told that its similar to muscular dystrophy but no where near the severity. In fact I was told that it was not something they have seen before and that they do not know why it happened. There is literally no family history of anything that would result in something like this happening to me. My understanding is that since there is no family history or reason for it happening, I basically just got a bad flip of the coin. And since it wasn't a genetic disorder, it can't be passed on. But it certainly creates a problem for me in getting a job.

I can't take any job that revolves around manual labor. I was hired to work at a contracting company after my sentencing, and the only reason that happened was due to a family member, who knew the people working there, speaking with them about my situation. I was also told I had an impressive resume. However, I never told the company about my medical issues because I was so desperate to get a job. There were many times I had to push myself physically. But during one extended run out of town, I had to get sent home.

I was pushing myself past my physical capabilities during long hours. I went from Monday to Wednesday doing this. Without that recovery time my condition caught up to me by the third day. My foreman mentioned that I was stumbling around, which is one of the symptoms that happens when I push myself too far - a loss of coordination. Considering I was working on rooftops and around electrical panels, this obviously isn't a good thing. I ended up getting sent home, which is actually what prevented me from being seriously hurt.

I was so desperate to avoid losing my job, that I would have continued pushing myself until something happened to me. However, while getting sent home kept me from further harm, it also contributed to me losing my job. Obviously getting another job that requires physical labor would be a bad idea. Just to show that I'm not making up the medical issue, here is the posting of the doctor's letter, I lined out anything that was irrelevant to the muscle condition.

Upon hearing about my muscle condition and how it affected my employment, a family friend shook his head and said "If only that girl and her parents knew what they've done". As I mentioned in a previous post, Ms. Manweiler had gym classes with me and knows I have a medical condition - she just couldn't care less. Comes from not viewing people as human beings unless they measure up to your warped views of social standing.

This same family friend has a brother who is a big lawyer in another state, and he asked his brother for advice about my legal situation. This is where I was told about how I can ask the court to downgrade the charge to a misdemeanor. When we came to the part about how my lawyer would have to write a letter to Ms. Manweiler asking her to agree to dropping it down to a misdemeanor, the family friend commented that once Ms. Manweiler found out about my medical issues and employment problems, he couldn't see her being evil enough to want to hold on to the felony charge. I replied that he hasn't met someone as evil as Ms. Manweiler.

As for the photos of Ms. Manweiler, I went ahead and posted them on my photobucket account for this blog. These will be the full sized photos supplied to the news media. They are of Ms. Manweiler in Lucerne and Venice in August of 2006. Ms. Manweiler claimed in her Victim Impact Statement of being so upset and emotionally distressed during the legal proceedings. Does she look upset in these photos? No.

The Charlottesville law enforcement should have been smart enough to know she was lying, after all how many people would be in fear of their life and yet wait months to go to the police? I will be directing news reporters to this blog once this situation goes public, this way they will have access to Ms. Manweiler's photographs as well as the information on this legal scandal.

As mentioned before, the following photos were linked to me by a reader of my blog. As an addition to that, as I said in another post I do not encourage others to get involved in this case for your own safety. The photos are important because they show Ms. Manweiler having a good time during the legal troubles she caused by lying to the police. Ms. Manweiler is quite happy in the photos, and this is during a time that she claimed was a stressful and terrifying crisis for her.

Considering I already mentioned they came from a third party source this should go without saying, but just in case I am not the photographer nor do I make any claims of ownership on these pictures. These photos have been cropped to remove other individuals from the photos, and in one case a face was blocked out when cropping was not an option. This was only done in cases where there was enough clarity in the photo to result in identification of the individual. The originals show much more area, but again I cropped to avoid displaying someone other than Manweiler. I also have not included the name of the photographer because I doubt they would want their names out in the public when this situation goes to the media. This was done out of respect for them and their privacy and I made sure that they were not present in the cropped photos. They had their photos posted where the public could see them, and they were available for purchase in their high-res form.

Impact Statement quotes on the Venice and Lucerne photos

Photos of Michelle Manweiler's dinner in Lucerne on August 18 2006

Going by the explanation from the site these photos were obtained, this was a traditional Swedish Folk Dinner that was held after the tour. An individual in a cow suit showed up, as apparently this type of dairy cow is native to Sweden. I have no idea as I've never been to Sweden, and don't know anything about cows beyond them making good steaks and burgers, I'm just going by what the person wrote when they posted the photos. The photos are slightly out of order. The first image was put in the first slot because of its clarity. It is actually last in the line up, based on the order they were put on the source site. This makes sense since others photos not including Ms. Manweiler show a circuit around the tables taken by the individual in the cow suit. Based on that, it appears Ms. Manweiler was surprised by the individual in the cow suit, so to be fair part of her reaction would be from suddenly having a guy in a cow suit get in her face - however, she certainly seems to be free from any concerns over the legal nonsense that summer. Only the first image is out of order, the other images are posted in the order they were listed on the site.

Venice and Lucerne photos without quote

Also want to go over some of the grounds I have for declaring the plea agreement invalid, based on the information I copied into the last post.
I.  Violations of the Right to Counsel
         Denial of Counsel
             As mentioned, I attempted to hire Ms. Katherine Peters to replace my incompetent attorney William Johnson. We even paid her for doing her research on the case, and still have the receipt. She's now a prosecutor under Warner Chapman, who threatened me out of hiring her. This is interesting and its likely Chapman did this so that Ms. Peters would be reluctant to testify against her boss should anything come up. She did after all know about the tampering because we gave her copies of the emails and pointed it out. She acknowledged it and said she'd have to look into it further. I have William Johnson on tape admitting Warner Chapman threatened me out of hiring Ms. Peters as a replacement counsel, I even misquoted him to make him correct me, which he does. That shows he remembered the conversation. That is when he brings up how prosecutors do that every day to people. By denying me my right to fire an incompetent attorney and hiring a replacement, Warner Chapman violated my Right to Counsel, which is grounds for invalidating the plea.

      Ineffective Assistance of Counsel
            As mentioned in the posting previously, this is the most common grounds to reverse a conviction. I have PLENTY of evidence of this. Mr. Johnson had no idea that my mother had a tape recorder on her. He admitted to all the things the prosecutors and the police did, from loss of evidence (CPD claimed they damaged my hard drive and said repairs would take 9 months before they could obtain anything, claimed they lost the tape of my interrogation with Detective Rudman) to prosecutor threats. He even talked about comments Chapman made over the phone to him, comments that won't sound so good on the news. He freely admits to not doing things he should have (admits that he was told evidence of my innocence existed, admits he's had months to look for it, and admits he still hasn't looked for it when he has me pleading guilty in a week). 

And the kicker - when my mother brings up the discrepancies showing Ms. Manweiler took page two and three of a March 12th email and wrote April and May dates on them, he acknowledges these discrepancies are present. When asked to explain, he clearly panics and begins trying to change the subject. He may have even violated lawyer client privilege by telling us things about other cases that sounded very private, such as comments made to him by the clients he represented. Not only do I have hours worth of tapes taken during meetings with him and even in the courtroom lobbies, but we have documents of his own making that show it as well. You have no idea just how much we have on this guy. I will likely be able to overturn the conviction just on the evidence of his incompetence without mentioning anything else that I've brought up in this.

II. Invalid Guilty Pleas
      Failure to establish factual basis
              The court is stated to have found factual basis based on the evidence presented by the prosecution. However, I can prove Ms. Manweiler tampered with the emails and I can prove the CPD and DA did not verify the contents of the email printouts with the originals. Since you can not submit evidence that has been tampered with, and the prosecution did not verify the contents of the evidence to prove the comments made within were real, there can be no factual basis. There are rules of evidence, and submitting blatantly tampered emails without verification from another source clearly violates those rules.

    Coercion to enter plea
              As you can see from the prosecutor email linked in the other posts, I have evidence showing the plea was coerced. Not only do I have the email, but I have a letter written by my attorney informing me of the threat and his admission on tape that I was threatened. He even admits they threatened me out of hiring another attorney. I can even show that my own attorney threatened me into the plea and directed what I was to say in both the preliminary hearing and the guilty plea hearing. With the inability to obtain exculpatory evidence due to Ms. Manweiler withholding it and the CPD claiming they damaged the only other source, I couldn't prove my innocence. Johnson even said he would not provide a defense for me if I tried to fight the charge. I was railroaded, and the evidence is overwhelming. The plea will be invalidated, the Judge really won't have a choice when he sees the evidence.

There is more I'd like to write, but I need to get some school work done before I turn in for the night.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Just in case

Little exhausted right now, went to the vet today to pick up Patches' ashes and ended up helping a lady chase her cat around the neighborhood. I ended up getting separated from her after I boosted her over a fence and had to take the long way around. Made my way back to the vet after I couldn't locate her, thankfully someone else had helped her catch the cat and gave her a ride back. So its been an interesting day, but I saw something that really turned out to be interesting.

I've noticed a large amount of views in a short period of time coming from the USA, especially centered on the VSB inquiry. I highly doubt five people just happened to view my blog at the same time - around 9:00PM. Something tells me that someone is about to pull a stunt. Just in case, I want to make sure some insurance is posted on the site. This is the re-linking of the prosecutor email where ADA Joseph Platania threatened me out of my Constitutional right to a fair trial, which is a Federal offense.

These are the Federal statutes I can prove they violated, one of which carries a potential 10 year sentence:
Title 18, U.S.C., Section 241
Conspiracy Against Rights

This statute makes it unlawful for two or more persons to conspire to injure, oppress, threaten, or intimidate any person of any state, territory or district in the free exercise or enjoyment of any right or privilege secured to him/her by the Constitution or the laws of the United States, (or because of his/her having exercised the same).
It further makes it unlawful for two or more persons to go in disguise on the highway or on the premises of another with the intent to prevent or hinder his/her free exercise or enjoyment of any rights so secured.
Punishment varies from a fine or imprisonment of up to ten years, or both; and if death results, or if such acts include kidnapping or an attempt to kidnap, aggravated sexual abuse or an attempt to commit aggravated sexual abuse, or an attempt to kill, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned for any term of years, or for life, or may be sentenced to death.

Title 18, U.S.C., Section 242
Deprivation of Rights Under Color of Law

This statute makes it a crime for any person acting under color of law, statute, ordinance, regulation, or custom to willfully deprive or cause to be deprived from any person those rights, privileges, or immunities secured or protected by the Constitution and laws of the U.S.
This law further prohibits a person acting under color of law, statute, ordinance, regulation or custom to willfully subject or cause to be subjected any person to different punishments, pains, or penalties, than those prescribed for punishment of citizens on account of such person being an alien or by reason of his/her color or race.
Acts under "color of any law" include acts not only done by federal, state, or local officials within the bounds or limits of their lawful authority, but also acts done without and beyond the bounds of their lawful authority; provided that, in order for unlawful acts of any official to be done under "color of any law," the unlawful acts must be done while such official is purporting or pretending to act in the performance of his/her official duties. This definition includes, in addition to law enforcement officials, individuals such as Mayors, Council persons, Judges, Nursing Home Proprietors, Security Guards, etc., persons who are bound by laws, statutes ordinances, or customs.
Punishment varies from a fine or imprisonment of up to one year, or both, and if bodily injury results or if such acts include the use, attempted use, or threatened use of a dangerous weapon, explosives, or fire shall be fined or imprisoned up to ten years or both, and if death results, or if such acts include kidnapping or an attempt to kidnap, aggravated sexual abuse or an attempt to commit aggravated sexual abuse, or an attempt to kill, shall be fined under this title, or imprisoned for any term of years or for life, or both, or may be sentenced to death.

This and other evidence I have will result in Federal charges related to civil rights violations by the Charlottesville DA. I will be going to the FBI after the mistrial hearing to show the evidence to them. I wouldn't be stupid enough to try that if I didn't have the evidence I say I do.

I think its time to get this going, any further delays only help the guilty parties in this. I'm finishing the case summary of the motion this weekend, even if it ends up putting me behind in my schoolwork. Soon as the journalist friend gets back to me with the edits to the main body of the motion, I'm going to put on my suit, drop off the motion and head to the NBC29 station.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Soldiering On

As you can see from my previous post, I lost my dog on the 7th. I unfortunately had to make the difficult decision to put him to sleep. Not only was he getting old, but he suffered a serious injury to his front leg last December when falling down some icy stairs on my parent's back porch. This injury never healed, and in addition his arthritis caught up to him. He had to be carried out to the bathroom, and was in a great deal of pain that even medication couldn't help. The hardest decision I ever made, and I'm still hoping it was the right one. While some people out there might think "it's just a dog", he was a best friend. I've had him since I was 14. When you have a dog that long, they become a family member. I'm still upset, and likely will be for a very long time.

I was concerned that his loss would deepen my depression to a point where I'd give up on everything. While I can't say it hasn't done its damage, the death of my dog has spurred me on more. I needed a couple days to grieve, but now I'm more determined than ever. There is no question, this is getting settled. In a way, my dog's a victim of Ms. Manweiler along with the rest of my family. Had I not lost my career and kept my job, I'd have a house of my own by now. He would have come to live with me, and thus would never have fallen down the porch stairs of my parent's home - which resulted in his health declining sharply. I would have also had the money to help him with his medical problems from old age. I would not have had to put him to sleep, least not for some time, if the severe damage of this legal situation had never happened. And while I should never have contacted Ms. Manweiler, she should not have tampered with evidence and lied to the police. Its because of her actions, and the fact her father is a rich man who might have used his influence to manipulate the legal system, that I sat in jail for five months and received a felony I did not commit. As I said, I'm even more determined now.

As you can see from the new page picture, the blog reader who helped me out found some pictures of Ms. Manweiler. The photos came from an unknowing third party who was posting vacation pictures that happened to include Ms. Manweiler. These are important because these photos were taken during a vacation Ms. Manweiler took in 2006 - in fact the photos show her in Lucerne and Venice while I was sitting in jail. As you can see, she's all smiles on this trip. This is very interesting to see considering the big deal she made out of this situation. The quote on the picture is from her Victim Impact Statement that was submitted in November 2006. "... I spent much of the summer on autopilot." And in Venice it seems. I'd love to "autopilot" like that, she looks like she's having a lot of fun for someone on "autopilot". I spent that summer in the Albermarle Charlottesville Regional Jail on a felony charge I didn't commit, eating garbage posing as food and trying to sleep while 20 other inmates are snoring and farting. Who do you think had the worse summer? Take a look at this pic and ask yourself that question:
Michelle Manweiler in Lucerne, August 18,2006

I'll give you a hint: which of the two have a smile on their face? Ms. Manweiler sure looks like she's having fun. Messing up someone's life for a crime they didn't commit because you tampered with evidence, and playing the entire Charlottesville law enforcement for a bunch of fools, can certainly make a trip more enjoyable if you are a manipulative individual. I have a few other pictures, which I will be posting soon. They will also be provided to the news agencies I will be speaking with. I especially think the Venice picture sums up the stupidity of the Charlottesville law enforcement, which is why I picked it to be the primary image for this site. Ms. Manweiler is smiling and laughing at the CPD and the DA's office.

I've noticed multiple hits during the past few days. While I'm surprised at some of the sources, like France, Canada and Russia, I've noticed some hits from the US that seem to occur at roughly the same time - 5:00PM EST. The Virginia State Bar inquiry post also seems to be getting a lot of attention. This pushed me to posting the photos, as I want to make sure they are in the public view should anything happen. I'm not concerned however. First off, I'm no longer on probation - I have been released from it earlier this year. And even if I was still on probation, there was nothing in the plea agreement that said I couldn't accept photos of Ms. Manweiler supplied by another source. There is literally nothing illegal in having photos of Ms. Manweiler or posting them on the internet - especially since their source is a third party who posted them online as part of their vacation photos. Nor have I committed any crimes in posting this blog - it is after all a Constitutional right to freedom of speech, though I know that doesn't mean much to the Prosecutors in the District Attorney's Office of Charlottesville.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

List of Accusations and Theories

***Under Construction*** Due to Blogspot's editor having issues saving my post as a draft, I published this post before I was ready to so that I would not lose it. I will slowly be updating and adding to it until I finish.

As I mentioned in a previous post, I wanted to provide a summary list of the accusations being brought against the involved parties. In the case of the accusations, I have physical evidence to back them up in the form of legal documentation, lawyer's notes, tape recordings, etc. In some cases I will provide a theory on what I believe took place based on evidence that suggests this theory. Essentially accusations have direct evidence supporting them, theories are based on circumstantial evidence and more investigation would be required in order to prove that the event took place as believed. This list may be edited and modified as evidence is examined and as time allows. Even though I was never given the courtesy of doubt, all parties are innocent until proven guilty in a court of law or a disciplinary investigation by state bar association.

Michelle Annette Manweiler ( Claimed victim, VSB licensed attorney, UVA School of Law Alumni)

1. Ms. Manweiler provided emails she tampered with to police
Ms. Manweiler provided evidence to CPD, in the form of email printouts, that she knowingly tampered with in order to produce trumped up charges against her target. While I did contact Ms. Manweiler when I should not have, and fully admit this was stupid and wrong, at no point in time were any threats of violence made against Ms. Manweiler or any family members of hers. I have copies of some of the emails provided to my attorney the day before the Preliminary hearing in July 2006. I also have copies of my former attorney's legal notes, and there is a section listing information on the emails provided by the prosecution. In his personal notes, my former lawyer makes note of a discrepancy on one of the emails and had even asked me during our meeting at the jail if I could explain why this discrepancy exists. I had no answer for him at the time.

However, since my release I have investigated this discrepancy and can now prove that this discrepancy existed because Ms. Manweiler was forwarding email messages to an account made to look like mine and making edits to hide the fact she was doing this. I believe Ms. Manweiler was altering the contents of the message to make things sound worse than what was actually written. I can not prove she rewrote the emails beyond all doubt unless the original messages are recovered, but my former attorney admits on tape that from the first time seeing these emails that I told him there were things I don't recall writing in them. In addition, Ms. Manweiler was forwarding these messages and trying to hide the fact she was doing this - if she was not doing anything wrong, why try to hide it?

I also can prove that Ms. Manweiler was taking individual emails and putting separate dates on each page to claim that I sent more messages than what were received by her. My former lawyer admits on tape that I told him I didn't send as many messages as the prosecution claimed to have in their possession. There is a reason for this - single emails were split up by Ms. Manweiler. In the example I have, Ms. Manweiler has taken a March 12 2006 email and in her own handwriting she recorded April and May dates on page 2 and 3 of this message. Both the April and May emails have a March 12th time stamp on the bottom of the page. In addition, both emails have the same message ID number at the top of the page - something they would not possess if they were two separate messages sent a month apart as Ms. Manweiler claims in her handwriting.

My mother noticed these discrepancies when she was provided copies of the emails by my former attorney. In a tape recording conducted by my mother in a meeting she had with William Johnson (former attorney) a week before my guilty plea hearing, she asked Mr. Johnson about the time stamp and message ID issue. He freely admits that there is a March 12th time stamp and same message ID on both of these emails that he admits Ms. Manweiler dated April and May. When my mother asks him to explain how a March 12th time stamp could be present on April and May emails, Johnson can clearly be heard on the tape to panic and tries to change the subject. In fact he became so upset that my mother tries to go along with him and calm him down, believing that at any moment he might tell her to get out. The likely reasons for him acting like this are brought up in his list.

After my release I tried to determine why these discrepancies existed. It was actually pretty easy. The emails have the same message ID number because they are one email, not two. If you put the "April" email below the "May" one and read them straight down, they read as one email. In fact, not only is a paragraph shared between the pages, but even a sentence is split between the two of them. They read from one to the other. They even say "Page 2 of 3" and "Page 3 of 3" at the bottom of each email. So what date were they actually sent on, April or May? Neither date. In the "May" email, there is a paragraph that references a Sunday after an event in 2006 - UVA's spring break in March. When I looked up the date referenced in a 2006 calendar, it was March 12th - which matches the time stamp on the bottom of the page. 
    2. Ms. Manweiler provided false statements to the CPD on my actions during the Charlottesville incident

    One of the reasons that the news agencies continued to falsely report that I had journeyed to Charlottesville to stalk Ms. Manweiler is due to the fact that Ms. Manweiler made these very claims to police and at the Protective Order hearings. An additional reason for this is that the the CPD transported me to C'ville from Hampton the night of my arrest and then claimed that I was arrested in C'ville (this is covered in the accusation list against the CPD). Ms. Manweiler lied to police in claiming that I journeyed to C'ville in order to make this situation sound worse than what had actually taken place. At no time did I even attempt to located Ms. Manweiler in C'ville. I couldn't have cared less where she lived and worked there. I was too busy playing video games, working, playing paintball, going out with friends, etc to even bother with that. My neighbor in my apartment (who the police never bothered to speak with) even stated to my mother that he knew I never went to C'ville because I left for work the same time he did, came home the same time and never left my home long enough to even travel to C'ville (we're talking a roughly six hour round trip just in travel time alone between Hampton and Charlottesville) let alone do anything there. In addition, I have my gas receipts showing I never bought more than $10 to $15 dollars worth of gas every week to week and a half, and the bank statements to match - with gas prices what they were in 2006, there was no way I'm traveling around alot on that little amount of gas. I even have my cars mileage record from an inspection and servicing in January 2006, and when compared to what my documented mileage in my vehicle was it shows I didn't drive around much.

    All of this means nothing however because Ms. Manweiler has herself admitted in her Victim Impact Statement that I not only never knew her location in C'ville, but that the first time we've even been in each other's presence since graduating high school in 1999 was the 2006 Preliminary hearing.

    Obviously I can't have journeyed to C'ville when she freely admits I didn't know her location. Ms. Manweiler not only made these statements to the CPD, but even made these statements at the protective order hearings she attended - and I have been told that she would have been under penalty of perjury at these hearings. On one of the documents from the protective order, it states that victim claimed I was following her around the city - something even she admits later never happened. In addition, in a page of notes from my former attorney that were written at the protective order hearing, he records that the accusation was made that there was "contact in Chalottesville other than through the internet". As I recall, he evens says on tape that Ms. Manweiler claimed I went to C'ville. He would later admit months later that he knows there was no in person contact in C'ville.

    Tuesday, August 24, 2010

    The VSB Inquiry

    I mentioned filing an inquiry with the Virginia State Bar in earlier postings. I believe I also said I'd post the letter response I received from them. Below these paragraphs are the links to the scans of the two page letter, I have removed my address information as well as the name of the individual at the VSB who reviewed my inquiry.

    Basically what they have stated is that unless I have the court declare my plea agreement invalid (which I'm currently working on), they will take no action on my inquiry. They claim that despite providing them with overwhelming evidence proving I was threatened (Prosecutor email with the threat in writing, several documents from my lawyer stating I was being threatened, and even tape recordings with him admitting they threatened me), that it somehow can't happen because there are protections to prevent that from happening.

    Those protections do not work, especially when your own attorney tells you those protections do not exist. I was informed by Johnson that if I told the Judge that I was threatened (or said anything that would have the plea thrown out) that all the Judge would do was throw out the plea, we would get a new Judge (the Prosecution made it a point to tell us that the next Judge in line was the "Hanging Judge"), the Prosecution would file the multiple felony counts and that I would spend years in prison (for a felony charge I didn't even commit). I was basically told that no one would do anything to protect my Constitutional rights and that I had better do everything my attorney tells me or else.

    I even have the notepad where he wrote "Y" and "N" for where he would point to for my answer to the Judges at both the Preliminary and Guilt Plea hearings, and he stated if I answered different from what he indicated I would go to prison. My (former) attorney is the one who has a law degree and is a VSB licensed attorney, not I. It would be unreasonable for anyone to expect me to know if he's full of it or not considering it was the first time I've ever been involved with the legal system and have not had the training he has had. The simple fact is that he was covering for Ms. Manweiler just as much as the Prosecution (tape recordings to back that up), and he also had a desire to finish this quickly so that he could take his money and run (recordings and his own notes to back this up).

    Johnson even went so far as to state that he would not provide a defense for me at a trial, and essentially I would have to hire another attorney for this. However, when attempting to even fire him and hire Ms. Katherine Peters as my attorney (who interestingly enough is now working for Warner Chapman the head C'ville prosecutor) I was informed that Warner Chapman called Johnson up and stated that if I attempted to fire my attorney and hire another one, that he would not only carry out their earlier threat but that come Monday (the guilty plea hearing) he might file the multiple counts anyway regardless of my cooperation (because he was so angry that I tried to fire my attorney) and FORCE me into pleading to all counts. I could not even fire my incompetent attorney without suffering penalties for it. Thankfully I have Johnson not only admitting this happened on tape, but he even goes so far as to say that Prosecutors do this kind of thing to people every day.

    The VSB has decided to ignore reality simply because it was not convenient for them to take action. And of course a bunch of excuses follow. Our neighbor, who attended the hearings with my mother, has a son who is a retired Federal Judge. He stated to my mother that it was a "good try" but that he was not surprised at the VSB's refusal to do their job. He has reported lawyers to the VSB before and has been ignored. Even two lawyers I've talked to said not to bother with the VSB, that they don't do anything.

    Considering I provided a binder at least an inch thick with evidence and testimony, and not just simply filled out a form, there is no excuse for the VSB to not take any actions regardless of the conviction status. Its just an excuse to avoid doing anything. I also noticed they completely ignored my inquiry against William Johnson, only mentioning his name in the subject line. They even admitted my lawyer should have taken certain actions, yet they still ignored his inquiry.

    Once I saw that the VSB would refuse to do anything until I overturned the conviction, it was obvious to me that I needed to reach certain milestones. As for them bringing up the nolle prossed charges, I had informed them that the reason I waited as long as I did to file the inquiry was due to wanting to ensure that those charges could not be used against me by the prosecution to harass me out of withdrawing my inquiry. They had passed the two year statute of limitations on misdemeanor charges and thus those charges were no longer a concern once I filed the inquiry in 2009.

    Once I received word from the VSB, I decided it would be prudent to wait until I was off probation before I took any further action. If I filed the paperwork before being removed from probation and the court refused to overturn the conviction, they might try to keep me on probation for the entire five years. As I was released from probation early, that is also no longer a concern. It also gives me some other options.

    In regards to plea agreements, Ms. Manweiler had the option to have me sign over my right to own a gun in exchange for a misdemeanor charge - I have been informed that if I had agreed to this option for a misdemeanor (which is what I was willing to do just to avoid the felony) that I could have never recovered my right to own a firearm. But it is exactly as William Johnson admits on one of the tape recordings - that this never had anything to do with me owning a firearm, they just wanted a felony conviction at any cost. Another notch on the Prosecution's belt. The comments Johnson made about a conversation he had with head prosecutor Warner Chapman, have Chapman essentially stating that he could care less about Ms. Manweiler's safety - that he is more concerned about his elected position and not having a finger pointed at him, rather than being concerned with what happens to the "victim".

    While having the good behavior time reduced to five years and a pardon after that would restore my rights, I am more concerned with clearing my name and having the charge completely removed from my record - something I can accomplish with what I have in my possession, though it is nice to know there are other options. I was also informed that I can ask the court to drop the felony to a misdemeanor and have everything restored that way, but in order to do so my attorney would have to write Ms. Manweiler a letter asking her to agree to this.

    While Ms. Manweiler does not have a say in the good behavior time being reduced, they do ask for her input for the court to drop it to a misdemeanor. If she says no, they will not agree to reducing it to a misdemeanor (though again, they can still reduce the good behavior time regardless of her objection). I'm not about to waste money on a lawyer doing this when I know damn well she'll say no - this is a vicious individual and a "no" is a guarantee. I've never seen one single act of kindness or compassion from this woman, not towards others and definitely not towards me, so I'm not even going to bother with that option.

    I was also told Ms. Manweiler could ask for a pardon at any time regardless of probation and good behavior status and it would be granted, but again this is not an option to even waste time hoping for. Even one of the individuals speaking to me about this said he couldn't believe that Ms. Manweiler, upon hearing of my employment difficulties and medical issues, would be cold and evil enough to refuse to let this felony go. I told him he's never met someone like Michelle Manweiler.

    This woman had her chance to show mercy before, something that was completely unexpected by me and if she had surprised me with it, it would have shown that I was wrong about her - but she did what I expected her to do, not only refusing mercy but also insuring that I was hammered into the ground by this. I didn't get mercy then, I have no illusions about getting it now.

    The VSB response letter:

    As for the blog, believe me when I say that it serves a purpose beyond giving me a forum to talk about this injustice. I'm well aware Ms. Manweiler may be reading it, and it is not a concern.

    I may not post for awhile after this. It is far more important to work on the necessary material to overturn the conviction than it is to just sit here writing about it. I might not post again until I have dropped off the motion at the courthouse and gone to the news (unless I get a lawyer first, then I'll post about that). We will have to see.

    Sunday, June 6, 2010

    Myth v. Fact

    "The history of our race, and each individual's experience, are sown thick with evidence that a truth is not hard to kill and that a lie told well is immortal." --- Mark Twain, Advice to Youth

    This post will be edited and added to as I recall more details. Should it get bumped down enough from other posts, I will post it again to bring it back to the top.


    Myth: It was reported that I had been arrested in Charlottesville attempting to confront Michelle Manweiler over a protective order she filed, and that I had made trips to Charlottesville before.

    The Truth: I was arrested right down the road from my apartment in Hampton by two Hampton police officers. I didn't even know there was a protective order filed against me until Detective Rudman told me in the interrogation room. It was an emergency PO that was taken out along with the warrants - they aren't going to tell you about an emergency PO ahead of time because they are about to arrest you.

    On the day of my arrest, I had left my workplace with Northrop Grumman in Newport News at 3:00 PM. I had discovered that the Charlottesville police were looking for me while I was at work, somewhere around 10:00 AM to 11:00 AM. I was working on a schematic when I was told that the CPD had called up the NGNN security office to find out if I was at work. Considering some time had gone by since my last message to Ms. Manweiler and I had never threatened her, I was not at all sure why they would pick that time to come knocking. I sent off an email to Ms. Manweiler (that was CC'd to my home email address so I retain a copy) basically in the hope that she'd reconsider (something that I knew wouldn't happen) and tried to remain calm at work.

    Unfortunately by the time 3:00 came around I was exhausted - I'm not too proud to admit I was scared out of my mind at that point and trying to hide that from my coworkers throughout the day had worn me out. In addition, I was afraid that the police were waiting for me in the parking lot and I did not want to be arrested in front of my coworkers. So I left at 3:00 instead of 4:00. I worked in a secure building where I had to swipe my badge to get in and to clock out, and had to file my hours worked on each project using a password protected account that required my social security number - so there is more than enough proof to show I had attended work that day and did not leave until 3:00 PM. I was arrested some time around 3:30 PM. Considering that the only way I could get from Newport News to Charlottesville (roughly three hour drive) in a half hour was if Doc Brown and Marty McFly picked me up in their time traveling DeLorean, it is pretty apparent that I wasn't arrested in Charlottesville.

    However, if my word isn't enough the police report is public information and will verify that I was arrested in Hampton and driven up to Charlottesville that night by the investigating officer Detective Rudman under orders from his supervisor (it was a deliberate attempt by the CPD to drive me to Cville at night and lie to the media in order to make the situation seem like a bigger deal than it was).

    As for going up to Charlottesville, Ms. Manweiler has already admitted that I never knew where she lived or worked in Charlottesville in her Victim Impact Statement - completely contradicting her earlier statements to police. I'll post her VIS later, but I did see that a copy of her Impact Statement is in my case file in the Charlottesville Circuit Court. Not only does the Protective Order paperwork show that Ms. Manweiler claimed I went to C'ville, but my lawyer even wrote down in his personal notes that Ms. Manweiler made these statements at one of the PO hearings (I have a copy of his notes). A person is sworn in under oath in a Protective Order hearing, so considering I have proof that Ms. Manweiler claimed I went to her residence in Charlottesville at the PO hearings and have her admitting in her own Victim Impact Statement that I didn't know where she lived and worked in Charlottesville, there is enough evidence to bring a charge of Perjury against her - which is a Class 5 Felony.


    To be continued...

    Friday, March 26, 2010

    Prosecutor threat

    This is one page of an email exchange between my former attorney William Johnson and Assistant Prosecutor Joseph Platania. There are a number of pages with the continued contact between the two, I am only posting this one at the moment since its the important message. This email is evidence of a Federal crime committed by two Charlottesville prosecutors. Essentially the prosecutors were stating that if I attempted to challenge the felony charge in court with a jury trial (my civil right as an American citizen) that they will file a felony count for each email message sent to Michelle Manweiler (the "victim", and an attorney) as punishment for exercising my right to trial.

    Under the two Federal statutes that I listed in the last post, this could potentially land both prosecutors in prison for 10 years. In addition, since I can prove that Ms. Manweiler took a March 12th email and essentially split it up by putting April and May dates on page 2 and 3 of this email, this threat is made even more serious. They would have essentially given me two felony counts because they did not realize that Ms. Manweiler split up the email messages.

    Ms. Manweiler likely committed this criminal act not only to increase the level of law enforcement response by making it look like more emails were sent than what was actually received by her, but by claiming the emails were sent in April and May instead of in March she also wanted to cover up how long she waited before going to police in June.

    Its hard to claim that you took an email as a death threat and was in fear of your life, if you received this threat in March and didn't go to police until June. I can also prove that Ms. Manweiler created a false account in my name and was forwarding emails back and forth between her profile and the fake one, thus altering their contents. I can prove all this using copies of her emails provide to my attorney by the prosecution (though they only provided four emails and deliberately hid the rest in violation of an order of discovery).

    The email reads as follows:
    Since Mr. <Redacted> did not contest probable cause today, I plan on going forward on just the 1 felony charge. If that charge is contested in Circuit Court, I will review all e-mails with Det. Rudman and explore additional felony charges relating to written threats. I also will have the 2 misdemeanors re-filed. My opinion (and that of the victim) is that Mr. <Redacted> needs to be a felony so that he may never again possess a firearm. He also needs to leave the victim alone and never contact her again. That being said, I also feel that Mr. <Redacted> is in need of mental health treatment. I would like to set this case as soon as possible for a guilty plea to the one charge and get a quick sentencing date with a PSI report. Right now, I am leaning towards a recommendation of time served at the sentencing with strict terms and conditions of probation.
    You have been an excellent advocate for Mr. <Redacted> thus far, and I anticipate we will speak soon about a fair resolution of these matters.
    Joe Platania

    I blocked out the email addresses to prevent someone from messing with those addresses.

    Platania makes the statement that they are making me a felon to keep me from owning a gun. Not only does he admit in court that I never threatened the victim with a gun, but you don't give someone a felony for that. In fact there was the option to have me sign over my right to own a gun in exchange for a misdemeanor - this was refused by the Manweilers. As one lawyer said to me "To give someone a felony to keep them from owning a gun is like going deer hunting with a grenade launcher, you will do far more damage than you intend".

    Not to mention that I had no criminal record and that this charge is supposed to be a misdemeanor not a felony. The law enforcement did this because Ms. Manweiler has a rich father and was a UVA student. The fact is that there was never any guns involved in this case and Ms. Manweiler and I haven't been around each other since we graduated high school in 1999 (the preliminary hearing was the first time and she even admits this in her victim impact statement, which I will be publishing soon).

    In addition, the police department lied to the public and tried to make this situation look like something it never was in the first place. I was arrested in Hampton right down the road from my apartment, where I was returning to after work. Not only do I have witnesses and the police report to back it up, but my mother has even spoken with the Hampton police officer who arrested me. After having me placed in the Hampton lockup, Detective Rudman (the investigating officer) and his partner left for C-ville. The plan was to have the Sheriffs department drive me to the bond hearing the next morning.

    I was later awakened that evening in the lockup where I had fallen asleep in my cell, after being so exhausted from the huge amount of stress and fear I had felt since hearing that the police were looking for me, only to find out that Rudman was halfway up to C-ville when his supervisor called him up and told him to turn around and bring me to town himself. I arrived for the first time in C-ville around midnight/1 Am. The next day, the Charlottesvile police told the news media that I had been arrested in C-ville trying to confront Ms. Manweiler over a protective order she had taken out against me (an emergency PO that I didn't even know existed until Det. Rudman told me about it after my arrest in Hampton).

    Hauling me up to C-ville under the cover of night and lying to the media was a deliberately attempt on the part of the police to make my case seem more threatening. The fact is I had never been to C-ville and I never bothered trying to even locate Ms. Manweiler there because I couldn't care less about where she lived there. This situation between us had been going on for seven months. I could have found her address in less than a week (still could if I cared), obviously I didn't care if I didn't try it in seven months.

    The police report backs up the fact I was arrested in Hampton near my apartment, and I have more than enough evidence and witnesses to back it up. Ms. Manweiler even admits I didn't know her location in C-ville in her victim impact statement - though this is in contradiction to what she said at the protective order hearings, which was recorded on one of the protective order sheets and written down on my lawyer's personal notes (which I have copies) that he took at the protective order hearing.

    My belief is that Ms. Manweiler knowingly allowed a fellow American citizen to be threatened out of their constitutional rights and into a felony that she tampered with the evidence to cause. Ms. Manweiler can never say later that she regretted her actions - I've been informed that all this time, she could have had me pardoned to give me back my life. She has not done this, and as a lawyer she knew she had this option. She could have given me my life back at any time, but she has refused. In addition members of law enforcement, who believed her and wanted to protect her, could lose their careers.

    Copied from a more current post:

    As promised, I've also included the prosecutor's email with his threat in writing. This was a straight up violation of my civil right to a fair trial - as a right isn't a right if I can be threatened by a government official with retaliation when lawfully exercising it. Platania's threat here can be better explained in non-legal speak as a simple analogy. Imagine I'm going to a polling place to vote, and Mr. Platania approaches me with baseball bat in hand. He informs me that if I attempt to exercise my right to vote, he'll crack open my head with the bat afterwards in retaliation. But yet it's supposedly not a violation of my right to vote, because I can still go inside the polling place to vote - I just have to accept I'm getting my head smashed in with a bat for doing so. That certainly sounds like being denied a civil right to anyone that isn't bootlicking trash or huffing paint as a hobby. Prosecutors do this every single day to people and get away with it - but getting away with it doesn't make it right.

    A point of comedy is Platania saying my lawyer was an excellent advocate. You mean the guy who waited until the day before a hearing to look at evidence when he had a month, thus (by his own admission) being completely unprepared for the hearing? The guy who said the evidence was sufficient when he had never even seen it? The man who was too lazy to even show up to some hearings and was even screening calls to avoid talking to his client? Who couldn't stop gushing about Michelle Dickerman to my mother, made inappropriate comments about Dickerman, and even had locker room talks with the prosecutor over the phone about Michelle Dickerman? The guy who was ogling my sisters (one a minor at the time) as he spoke to my mother about the case? The guy who verbally abused both my mother and me? The guy Platania knew full well was working with the prosecution against his own client? The guy who allowed his client to be railroaded into a false felony charge, when he later even admitted after the sentencing hearing (on tape) that he knew his client never had any intentions to do the very thing the charge was based upon? That guy totally sounds like an excellent advocate, and not some absolute shitbag that essentially stole $15,000 that he demanded up front to take advantage of my family's desperation and then didn't even do the job he was hired to do.

    Let's see what happens

    Took a trip up to Charlottesville with my mother and a witness, looked through my court file in the Circuit Court. Nothing I haven't already looked at, which was important to find out. Also located the NBC29 station there that covered my legal issue back in 2006, so I know where to stop by when I go public.

    Just to let anyone know why this is happening now, what I was waiting for was to be released from probation early. After the state bar told me I had to first get the charge thrown out before they would review my inquiry I felt it was more prudent to wait out the probation. Also just to show I'm not making up the potential fed charges for the prosecutors, here are the charges I'm talking about - and yes, I have the necessary proof to bring about the charges:

    Title 18, U.S.C., Section 241
    Conspiracy Against Rights

    This statute makes it unlawful for two or more persons to conspire to injure, oppress, threaten, or intimidate any person of any state, territory or district in the free exercise or enjoyment of any right or privilege secured to him/her by the Constitution or the laws of the United States, (or because of his/her having exercised the same).

    It further makes it unlawful for two or more persons to go in disguise on the highway or on the premises of another with the intent to prevent or hinder his/her free exercise or enjoyment of any rights so secured.

    Punishment varies from a fine or imprisonment of up to ten years, or both; and if death results, or if such acts include kidnapping or an attempt to kidnap, aggravated sexual abuse or an attempt to commit aggravated sexual abuse, or an attempt to kill, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned for any term of years, or for life, or may be sentenced to death.

    Title 18, U.S.C., Section 242
    Deprivation of Rights Under Color of Law

    This statute makes it a crime for any person acting under color of law, statute, ordinance, regulation, or custom to willfully deprive or cause to be deprived from any person those rights, privileges, or immunities secured or protected by the Constitution and laws of the U.S.

    This law further prohibits a person acting under color of law, statute, ordinance, regulation or custom to willfully subject or cause to be subjected any person to different punishments, pains, or penalties, than those prescribed for punishment of citizens on account of such person being an alien or by reason of his/her color or race.

    Acts under "color of any law" include acts not only done by federal, state, or local officials within the bounds or limits of their lawful authority, but also acts done without and beyond the bounds of their lawful authority; provided that, in order for unlawful acts of any official to be done under "color of any law," the unlawful acts must be done while such official is purporting or pretending to act in the performance of his/her official duties. This definition includes, in addition to law enforcement officials, individuals such as Mayors, Council persons, Judges, Nursing Home Proprietors, Security Guards, etc., persons who are bound by laws, statutes ordinances, or customs.

    Punishment varies from a fine or imprisonment of up to one year, or both, and if bodily injury results or if such acts include the use, attempted use, or threatened use of a dangerous weapon, explosives, or fire shall be fined or imprisoned up to ten years or both, and if death results, or if such acts include kidnapping or an attempt to kidnap, aggravated sexual abuse or an attempt to commit aggravated sexual abuse, or an attempt to kill, shall be fined under this title, or imprisoned for any term of years or for life, or both, or may be sentenced to death.