Sunday, June 6, 2010

Myth v. Fact

"The history of our race, and each individual's experience, are sown thick with evidence that a truth is not hard to kill and that a lie told well is immortal." --- Mark Twain, Advice to Youth

This post will be edited and added to as I recall more details. Should it get bumped down enough from other posts, I will post it again to bring it back to the top.


Myth: It was reported that I had been arrested in Charlottesville attempting to confront Michelle Manweiler over a protective order she filed, and that I had made trips to Charlottesville before.

The Truth: I was arrested right down the road from my apartment in Hampton by two Hampton police officers. I didn't even know there was a protective order filed against me until Detective Rudman told me in the interrogation room. It was an emergency PO that was taken out along with the warrants - they aren't going to tell you about an emergency PO ahead of time because they are about to arrest you.

On the day of my arrest, I had left my workplace with Northrop Grumman in Newport News at 3:00 PM. I had discovered that the Charlottesville police were looking for me while I was at work, somewhere around 10:00 AM to 11:00 AM. I was working on a schematic when I was told that the CPD had called up the NGNN security office to find out if I was at work. Considering some time had gone by since my last message to Ms. Manweiler and I had never threatened her, I was not at all sure why they would pick that time to come knocking. I sent off an email to Ms. Manweiler (that was CC'd to my home email address so I retain a copy) basically in the hope that she'd reconsider (something that I knew wouldn't happen) and tried to remain calm at work.

Unfortunately by the time 3:00 came around I was exhausted - I'm not too proud to admit I was scared out of my mind at that point and trying to hide that from my coworkers throughout the day had worn me out. In addition, I was afraid that the police were waiting for me in the parking lot and I did not want to be arrested in front of my coworkers. So I left at 3:00 instead of 4:00. I worked in a secure building where I had to swipe my badge to get in and to clock out, and had to file my hours worked on each project using a password protected account that required my social security number - so there is more than enough proof to show I had attended work that day and did not leave until 3:00 PM. I was arrested some time around 3:30 PM. Considering that the only way I could get from Newport News to Charlottesville (roughly three hour drive) in a half hour was if Doc Brown and Marty McFly picked me up in their time traveling DeLorean, it is pretty apparent that I wasn't arrested in Charlottesville.

However, if my word isn't enough the police report is public information and will verify that I was arrested in Hampton and driven up to Charlottesville that night by the investigating officer Detective Rudman under orders from his supervisor (it was a deliberate attempt by the CPD to drive me to Cville at night and lie to the media in order to make the situation seem like a bigger deal than it was).

As for going up to Charlottesville, Ms. Manweiler has already admitted that I never knew where she lived or worked in Charlottesville in her Victim Impact Statement - completely contradicting her earlier statements to police. I'll post her VIS later, but I did see that a copy of her Impact Statement is in my case file in the Charlottesville Circuit Court. Not only does the Protective Order paperwork show that Ms. Manweiler claimed I went to C'ville, but my lawyer even wrote down in his personal notes that Ms. Manweiler made these statements at one of the PO hearings (I have a copy of his notes). A person is sworn in under oath in a Protective Order hearing, so considering I have proof that Ms. Manweiler claimed I went to her residence in Charlottesville at the PO hearings and have her admitting in her own Victim Impact Statement that I didn't know where she lived and worked in Charlottesville, there is enough evidence to bring a charge of Perjury against her - which is a Class 5 Felony.


To be continued...

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