Sunday, October 10, 2010

Soldiering On

As you can see from my previous post, I lost my dog on the 7th. I unfortunately had to make the difficult decision to put him to sleep. Not only was he getting old, but he suffered a serious injury to his front leg last December when falling down some icy stairs on my parent's back porch. This injury never healed, and in addition his arthritis caught up to him. He had to be carried out to the bathroom, and was in a great deal of pain that even medication couldn't help. The hardest decision I ever made, and I'm still hoping it was the right one. While some people out there might think "it's just a dog", he was a best friend. I've had him since I was 14. When you have a dog that long, they become a family member. I'm still upset, and likely will be for a very long time.

I was concerned that his loss would deepen my depression to a point where I'd give up on everything. While I can't say it hasn't done its damage, the death of my dog has spurred me on more. I needed a couple days to grieve, but now I'm more determined than ever. There is no question, this is getting settled. In a way, my dog's a victim of Ms. Manweiler along with the rest of my family. Had I not lost my career and kept my job, I'd have a house of my own by now. He would have come to live with me, and thus would never have fallen down the porch stairs of my parent's home - which resulted in his health declining sharply. I would have also had the money to help him with his medical problems from old age. I would not have had to put him to sleep, least not for some time, if the severe damage of this legal situation had never happened. And while I should never have contacted Ms. Manweiler, she should not have tampered with evidence and lied to the police. Its because of her actions, and the fact her father is a rich man who might have used his influence to manipulate the legal system, that I sat in jail for five months and received a felony I did not commit. As I said, I'm even more determined now.

As you can see from the new page picture, the blog reader who helped me out found some pictures of Ms. Manweiler. The photos came from an unknowing third party who was posting vacation pictures that happened to include Ms. Manweiler. These are important because these photos were taken during a vacation Ms. Manweiler took in 2006 - in fact the photos show her in Lucerne and Venice while I was sitting in jail. As you can see, she's all smiles on this trip. This is very interesting to see considering the big deal she made out of this situation. The quote on the picture is from her Victim Impact Statement that was submitted in November 2006. "... I spent much of the summer on autopilot." And in Venice it seems. I'd love to "autopilot" like that, she looks like she's having a lot of fun for someone on "autopilot". I spent that summer in the Albermarle Charlottesville Regional Jail on a felony charge I didn't commit, eating garbage posing as food and trying to sleep while 20 other inmates are snoring and farting. Who do you think had the worse summer? Take a look at this pic and ask yourself that question:
Michelle Manweiler in Lucerne, August 18,2006

I'll give you a hint: which of the two have a smile on their face? Ms. Manweiler sure looks like she's having fun. Messing up someone's life for a crime they didn't commit because you tampered with evidence, and playing the entire Charlottesville law enforcement for a bunch of fools, can certainly make a trip more enjoyable if you are a manipulative individual. I have a few other pictures, which I will be posting soon. They will also be provided to the news agencies I will be speaking with. I especially think the Venice picture sums up the stupidity of the Charlottesville law enforcement, which is why I picked it to be the primary image for this site. Ms. Manweiler is smiling and laughing at the CPD and the DA's office.

I've noticed multiple hits during the past few days. While I'm surprised at some of the sources, like France, Canada and Russia, I've noticed some hits from the US that seem to occur at roughly the same time - 5:00PM EST. The Virginia State Bar inquiry post also seems to be getting a lot of attention. This pushed me to posting the photos, as I want to make sure they are in the public view should anything happen. I'm not concerned however. First off, I'm no longer on probation - I have been released from it earlier this year. And even if I was still on probation, there was nothing in the plea agreement that said I couldn't accept photos of Ms. Manweiler supplied by another source. There is literally nothing illegal in having photos of Ms. Manweiler or posting them on the internet - especially since their source is a third party who posted them online as part of their vacation photos. Nor have I committed any crimes in posting this blog - it is after all a Constitutional right to freedom of speech, though I know that doesn't mean much to the Prosecutors in the District Attorney's Office of Charlottesville.