Friday, July 19, 2024

Alright, if we’re going to play that game

Michelle Annette Dickerman US Department of Treasury Falls Church VA
The longer post is still in the works, that’s not what this is about. I’m fine with just having the new update on the main website, and the update post below this one, for now. This is about something a little different.

I had created a LinkedIn profile as a social media advertisement for the website. When I check Google search results to keep an eye on my website's ranking, Michelle Dickerman’s LinkedIn profile shows up at the top of the search results. The website is only a 3 to 4 hits below it but I would like to see it higher.

LinkedIn however is a social media site that gets so much more traffic than any singular non social media website could hope to get, despite LinkedIn's issues and lack of real usefulness in my opinion. This social media site traffic is why LinkedIn ends up at the top of the search rankings for Google. So I figured making a profile on LinkedIn would help balance things out with getting the website showing higher in the search results. This way there would be two profiles shown for Michelle Dickerman at the top of the results and anyone seeing the one I made would immediately become aware of the website. 

The about section made it clear it was a social media outlet for the website, and prominently displayed the website on the profile. I never sent out connection requests to anyone working in government service with Michelle Dickerman, hell I never sent or received connection requests with anyone at all. I didn't even try visiting the profiles of Treasury Department workers, despite the fact this would have helped advertise the website to people Dickerman potentially works with. Granted I've already had results in the past from the Treasury department that were pretty clearly not Michelle Dickerman. There were too many views during work hours, coupled with further outside views after work hours from various homes in the DMV area, and all looking through old posts Dickerman had already seen. It looked like someone saw the blog and started spreading it to others at the Treasury. But spreading the website to her employer wasn't the intention here with the LinkedIn profile.

Unlike Michelle Dickerman I'm not about to go dragging people into this who aren’t party to the dispute. I'd rather those people come to the website of their own volition through other forms of advertising. If they search her name and find my website on their own, that's a better result than me forcing it by showing up in their profile viewers list. They are more likely to give the website a read if they were already looking up information on Dickerman themselves.

Not to mention the entire point of the profile wasn't to create problems for Dickerman at her work. She would absolutely deserve it but that wasn't the goal. I want a much wider audience to what was done to me, because it aids me in repairing some of the damage that was done and lets me hold the guilty parties accountable. Dickerman deserves far worse trouble in her life than just having her fellow employees see the website. Michelle Annette Dickerman deserves to go to jail and get sued into the ground for what she's inflicted. Her parents deserve to lose everything in a civil suit and her father deserves jail time if he interfered in the case at all. Getting the website higher in search results aids in those endeavors in some small way. So the point was simply to get a link to the website at the top of search results.

However, it appears that the profile finally got reported at some point. I can't say I never expected it to happen. It could have been Michelle Dickerman who reported it, or it could have been a third party that knows Dickerman. No way for me to know at this point. LinkedIn never sent me an email about the issue or any reasons behind their actions. But I do have my suspicions on it being Dickerman for a good reason.

Right now LinkedIn is asking me to provide a photo of a government ID to verify the profile every time I try to log in. It will not let me move beyond this verification request. The profile also seems to have been automatically removed from viewing by the public. The fact that I'm asked to provide ID verification is certainly a reasonable indicator that Dickerman reported it as a fake profile. I don't think a 3rd party reporting it as a fake profile would work but I could be mistaken on that point.

It would be pretty easy for me to fake an ID good enough to pass LinkedIn's verification. After all, these social media sites outsource this task overseas to the same companies, with employees who make shit pay doing it. Most of the people doing the reviewing haven't seen American ID's in anything but company instructional videos. They receive a batch of marginal to bad photos taken by a cell phone, and they take all of a minute to look through them before saying yay or nay and moving to the next one. They get a significant amount of pictures of IDs to verify every single day. They simply don't have the time, inclination, or manpower to give all of them close screening. Throw in even the less than stellar AI tools available online now, and I absolutely could pass the ID check if I wanted to do so.

However that would be entering some very shaky ground there. It isn't illegal to submit a fake ID to LinkedIn, they are just a social media company and not a government entity. But I imagine faking the ID itself is probably illegal. Can't imagine that it wouldn't be, but then again I remember fake IDs being somewhat common in my 20s with people trying to buy alcohol. I probably wouldn't even get caught doing it considering what's involved. It isn't like I would be submitting the fake ID to get government employment - it's for social media verification. I certainly wouldn't risk doing a RealID, a regular VA driver's license would have worked. But I haven't bothered to check the laws on fake IDs because I would just rather not enter territory that would even remotely be a grey area legally. I have a chance to fix what this woman did to me in the courts now, and I'd rather not throw that all away trying to fake an ID for a social media website.

So no, getting that specific profile back up isn't something I'm going to bother with, since I'm not going to risk faking an ID. So I'm going to explore other options. I've been using a burner phone and other tools, so creating a brand new profile would be simple. I might try to see if I can make a company page devoted to the website instead of an individual profile, but using Michelle Dickerman's name front and center in some way for the title of the company page. There shouldn't be a problem with that for LinkedIn, and Dickerman won't be able to report it since it's a company page made for the website.

Whether I bother or not I'm not sure. I was content to just sit back and let the profile help with the search results considering the new development. Since I discovered changes to the laws that let me use the Writ of Actual Innocence, I was going to hold off trying anything more significant to advertise the website. But then someone had to go report that profile, and I remember quite clearly in a past post mentioning that this would be considered an escalation. Well someone had to go ahead and escalate now. So I might escalate a step further and do some advertising that has some teeth to it in response. We shall see.

I wanted to add in something additional. Just some thoughts that came to my mind later at night after having posted this earlier in the day.

I genuinely don't want to be doing this shit quite frankly. But someone decided they were going to play games with another person's life in 2006. Completely ripped someone's future apart over bullshit on a social media site nobody even fucking uses anymore. So here we fucking are, going on 20 years when 2026 hits.

Of course this fight goes back further than that. All because a narcissistic and spoiled girl decided she liked fanning the flames of the dispute rather than taking the peaceful alternative that was always presented to her. At least, an alternative presented to her right up until the day she walked into the Charlottesville police department with a lie. Before she made a stupid internet slap fight between two immature people turn into something that I really, really don't think the idiot was ever prepared to actually deal with. She had to have known it was going to get out of hand when she did it. If not she was an absolute dumbass because everyone else saw it. But Dickerman was never one for making good decisions.

Someone decided to lie to the cops, fake evidence, and have me railroaded into a felony she absolutely fucking knew I was innocent of. Someone had to let this shit continue for over a decade because she didn't have the backbone to fess up to her crimes and end this - if for nothing else than for the sake of her family. And as much as I don't want to be doing this shit, I'm only losing steam on the talking about it part. The making people answer for the crimes they committed against me part - that's gone nowhere.

We're going to have our day in court Michelle Annette Dickerman. And if I win that fight in the VA Supreme Court, I'm bringing as much absolute fucking hell down upon her and her parents as I possibly can. I'm going to try to take her parent's home from them in court. Take her inheritance. Ruin reputations so that her father goes to his grave with everyone believing he was a shitbag who manipulated things to get his daughter special treatment - which let's face it, that's almost certainly what the bastard did. The court of public opinion will believe it as well. Everyone who hears how all this went down assumes that Gregory Manweiler had something to do with everything that happened. So Michelle Dickerman has dragged her father down with her because she got butthurt over being called out and insulted.

All of what is coming will cause her family to be shamed and stained, all because of Michelle Dickerman's actions. The longer this goes on the older her kids get and thus the more likely it is that their peers will remember the bad publicity that will come from this case. As the clock keeps ticking longer on a resolution, the more likely it is that her kids will be bullied for their mother's actions for the rest of their grade school careers. Not something I want at all but it isn't up to me. I'm merely the one calling attention to the fact that it won't just be Michelle Dickerman who suffers for what she did in 2006. Everyone around her will be affected in some way when all this moves forward. How long this case goes on for, and how much damage it does, is all dependant upon how long their mother waits before taking responsibility for her crime.

We're going on 20 years of my life these "people" took from me. Time I can never get back. This can never be made right. There is no way of making things whole. So believe me when I say that if the blunt instrument that is the legal system falls into my hands, I'm going to show every bit of the lack of mercy I was shown. And people are going to answer in court (both the legal courts and the public opinion courts) for what they did.

As I mentioned on the website, and will be discussing in the post I'm working, Michelle Dickerman has the option of limiting the damage to herself and her family by "falling on her sword" so to speak - which means her fessing up to the evil she did to another human being. The longer this case continues to go on, the more I have to fight to get my life back, and the more she refuses to take responsibility for the harm she's inflicted, the worse it'll be for Dickerman and her family in the end.

Michelle Dickerman won't fess up of course. She's a narcissist through and through. She doesn't care about her parents, her kids, or her husband. She'll prove me every bit right about her. It won't matter that she could take the hit herself and thus limit the damage to the people around her. The reality is that the only important person in Michelle Dickerman's life is the one she sees in the mirror every day. Fessing up means her reputation and career gets ruined and those are all she values in life. Dickerman would rather drag everyone around her down with her than ever take responsibility for the evils she has committed.

Her refusal to fess up and make things as "right" (as little as that is even possible) will hurt her in both the media and in court. Nobody will find it acceptable that Dickerman let something this evil stand for going on 20 years. People did evil in her name, and then pointed the finger of blame back at her as being the responsible party. Hell she could have done something to fix it over a decade ago when she watched me be unable to gain employment thanks to the felony she had me railroaded into. I can prove that she just sat back and watched me struggle, having never lifted a finger to make any of this right. Nobody is going to find that acceptable at all, and both the public and a jury will rip her a new asshole for it.

Nor will she ever be able to claim she didn't agree with the prosecution's actions. Nobody will believe her if she claims it was all the prosecution's fault. Not when she could have done something about it and yet refused. Nobody will find it acceptable that Michelle Dickerman refused to take responsibility for what she did. But they especially won't find it acceptable if she tries to fight me in court to prevent me from getting my life back. The court of public opinion is going to tear her apart for that especially. Because they will see that it only comes from Dickerman's selfish desire to avoid accountability for her actions.

Michelle Dickerman won't fess up to her actions to limit the damage, because this woman isn't capable of accepting accountability. She also can't just let me win in the VA Supreme Court either, because it means she faces serious legal consequences when the felony is vacated. But her fighting to prevent me from getting my life back will make everyone hate her, especially considering what the Charlottesville law enforcement did to me and my family in Dickerman's name. Those optics will be terrible. Any attempt to prevent me from righting the wrongs she committed against me will backfire massively. It'll definitely make a jury absolutely hate her. Once Dickerman goes down that road she can never take it back or excuse it away. She'll get dragged for that decision.

Michelle Dickerman will take a hit no matter what option she takes in the end - but some options would limit the fallout to others around her and maybe even limit the damages she is facing. Dickerman is not smart enough to choose those options however. She'll choose the ones that end up doing the most to fuck over her and everyone else around her. Because that's just what Dickerman has always done. It's the only consistency the woman has.

We've been stuck in a cycle for a very, very, very long time. And the only way to break that cycle has always been for Michelle Dickerman to accept responsibility and answer for the harm she causes other people via her thoughtless actions. But the idea of taking personal responsibility is anathema to Michelle Dickerman. So she lashes out and causes more harm instead, and then plays victim when someone decides to not let her get away with it. Thus the cycle repeats, and everything is just made worse for everyone - for herself especially. That's the kind of malignancy we're dealing with here.

We'll just have to let a court decide how much Dickerman answers for, because she isn't capable of making that call herself. Not even if it saves the people around her from a hell of a lot of grief.

Anyway, I'll continue to work on the new post coming up where I address the new legal developments. Until that pops up, you can check the update on the website, and the update post below this one, for a bit of background on what those new legal developments are.

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