Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Important Evidence Post Incoming

I've decided to pull some things out of the big update post coming up and instead make them an Addendum to my evidence of Favoritism post. It involves four pieces of new evidence that I decided needed a post of their own. I'm currently finishing it up and it should be done soon. I want to post this new evidence post by this weekend the latest. Because it has a bit of a bombshell that I think makes things look really bad for Gregory Manweiler, and will worsen what he will be facing in the future.

Two of these pieces of information involved specific mentions of events from that favoritism post that came about from discussions with family members over my upcoming legal actions.

One piece of info was from my mother, and it was something I wasn't aware of when writing that post. It relates to the Albemarle Charlottesville Regional Jail's deliberate attempts to avoid releasing me, in defiance of a Judge's order, after my sentencing hearing. It turns out that my mother had to actually get someone to intervene on my behalf before the jail finally released me late at night. That's going to be a big problem for Charlottesville in the Monell lawsuit I bring against them in the future.

Another was from my sister commenting on something she remembered from what she witnessed when Dickerman first tried to lie to the cops. Specifically what she witnessed at the incident of John Coleman of the William & Mary Campus police paying me a visit over Dickerman's false claims of physically stalking her - and more importantly what Coleman's comments revealed about Michelle Dickerman's actions prior to his visit.

A third piece of information came about from being contacted by a lawyer who came across my blog while researching the Andrew Alston case. He had personal knowledge of some things related to the Andrew Alston case, and pointed me towards something rather disturbing going on with Alston currently.

But the fourth piece of information is a real eye opener, one that I think is going to be very, very problematic for Michelle Dickerman's father - Gregory Manweiler.

I was contacted by someone who warned me with some information showing that Gregory Manweiler and his side of the family have some very close ties to Charlottesville. Ties that go well beyond Greg Manweiler's UVA alumni status or his daughter’s UVA alumni status. Well I did some digging after this person's heads up, and I found something that not only verifies their story but I think it is going to be an issue for the Manweilers. Because it helps further strengthen the case against Gregory Manweiler pulling strings with people he knew in Charlottesville, in order for him to get his daughter special treatment by law enforcement.

Everyone who hears about what took place in Charlottesville always assumed Gregory Manweiler had a hand in it behind the scenes, and the UVA alumni status shared between him and his daughter, his status as a bank CFO, along with his donations to UVA, made a very good case for it already. But this new information bumps things up on another level. To a very disturbing level in my opinion. It seems very suspicious that the information linking them to Charlottesville seems hard to find online by the way - as if there was a deliberate attempt to expunge it from the internet. As if the Manweilers knew it looked bad and wanted to avoid it being found. But if that was the case, then they weren't thorough enough in their removal.

I think this revelation is going to be bad for Gregory Manweiler, and the Manweiler family in general. I'll get into what this evidence is in far more autistic detail than I will in this post obviously. But I'll drop some photos below as hints. It won't be understood by outsiders without my explanation in the upcoming evidence post.

But Michelle Annette Dickerman and her parents will know exactly what I found with the photos below.

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