Monday, February 17, 2020

Update February 2020

Michelle Dickerman Michelle Manweiler Department of Treasury
This post is really more of a test than anything else. I've noticed the blog's ranking dropping off the first page on Google search results. I'm looking into whether adding new content will pump the results up, rather than reposting the links page over and over. I noticed that the blog was high in the first page results prior to a sudden amount of traffic from Dickerman, and likely some of her family, after the holiday season came to an end. After those views the blog began descending the rankings.
There are pay services out there for online reputation that mess with search results to lessen the impact of negative information. Whether this is what's happening or not - well that's what I'm attempting to find out now. I've been reposting the link page for some time without harming search results. So it's interesting that the blog ranking suddenly takes a dive after the Treasury Department views returned. If the page climbs back up the results ladder after I post, then I may just do very short regular update posts to keep the Google Gods happy with new content. If posting something new does not improve the rankings, then there is every reason to suspect fuckery is going on. We'll see what happens in the next couple weeks after this post.

Given that this blog is the least of what Michelle Dickerman (Manweiler) should be worried about now, it would be a waste of time and money trying to interfere with the search results. Screwing with the search ranking isn't going to help her situation. In fact if it becomes clear that the falling rankings are from her efforts, it only adds further fuel to an already very volatile situation. I already feel I'm being denied every means of redress for the injustices done in 2006 save for one. To further add to this dispute by giving me the perception that you're also trying to take my voice on the matter from me isn't a smart move. But Dickerman has never made a smart move in this entire dispute, which is why I have come to expect the same old crap from her time and again.

Thankfully it isn't like I hadn't planned on the potential for search ranking problems. It's the reason why I made a point of updating her images on the page. So even if the blog filters down past the first page in the results, people will still see her photos on Google Images and this will take them to the blog. In fact if the issue with the search ranking does appear to be a problem, I may begin to attach different photos of Dickerman to every update post I make. This would flood Google Images with her photos and make it harder for someone searching for her to not spot this blog.

We'll see after I post this how Google search responds. What change, if any, occurs to the search ranking will indicate to me what is actually going on. Given the blog has been fine in ranking all this time, and has only fallen off the front page results recently after Dickerman's latest viewings, it's hard to not assume that the two are related.

Considering how long the blog has been up, I'm not sure what the motivation would be if Dickerman was only now paying to have the site lowered on the search results. The only explanation I have for such a decision is that she would mistakenly believe the situation is over just because I'm not posting anymore. But I have a really hard time believing she could possibly be stupid enough to reach that kind of conclusion. Dickerman has some poor decision-making skills in regards to this dispute, but to not learn from her past history would require a massively thick individual. How long has this fight been going on so far?

The abuse from the narcissism and rumor-mongering that Michelle Dickerman leveled at me during our younger years greatly pales in comparison to what she has inflicted on me from 2006 and beyond. Yet I held a long grudge when the damage she inflicted was considerably more minor than what she did to me post-2006. But after all that was done to me during that court case, and everything I've been through after?

If Michelle Dickerman actually thinks this goes away for her and her family without an answer after what happened, well I honestly don't know what would possibly possess her to think that. I'm not ever letting go of her destroying my life when she still has not yet answered for her role in it. Especially when I have all the evidence I need to not only prove she lied and fabricated evidence, but enough to also show law enforcement knew and covered up for it. If Dickerman does not understand that there will be consequences for what she did in 2006, if she truly believes there will ever be peace for her and her family when this injustice remains unresolved, then I don't know how she has managed to make it so far in life.

I've already gone over all the bad stuff that was done to me during the case, and all I dealt with in the aftermath, in previous posts. I'm not going to rehash all of that here. I'll give you a brief rundown on some of the issues I'm dealing with right now - you tell me if just this little bit here sounds like I've forgotten about this legal case during my silence on this blog.

Since 2006 my mind replays the events of the entire legal fiasco and beyond on a constant repeat. From the moment I get up in the morning to the time I eventually pass out in bed after sitting awake for at least an hour or two. It runs continuously in my head, and my mind constantly second guesses every decision made related to the court case. The constant mental replay of events from 2006 and the years following it isn't something done by choice, it's an effect of trauma. As you can imagine it is extremely hard to focus on day-to-day things when this is going on. Especially when you throw in the lack of sleep thanks to it. I haven't received a decent night's sleep since the conclusion of the court case, and often I wake up to nightmares related to what happened.

All of this has increased to the point where I have an extreme difficulty in focusing on basic tasks, and it has become a problem at work. It's become enough of a problem where even though I'm trying to pull out of my nose dive, I might have already done too much damage to recover. Because of this I've been looking at other places of employment. I'll begin putting my resume out there soon. But that of course leads me back to the problem of a company's willingness to hire a felon. Even if they initially hire me, they may fire me later on after finding out about the record. If they don't fire me, the problem that caused me to leave my current job likely wouldn't have resolved itself and I'm back to doing this all over again.

Add to this family issues as well. My mother spent Christmas in the hospital, so we got our first taste of the holidays without her. With her heart issues, brought on largely by the strain she went through in 2006 during the court case, the reality is my mother could pass away at any time. I've wanted her to see justice done - not just in me getting the charges thrown out, but seeing my former attorney William Johnson answer for what he did. The day she passes away without seeing justice done will be the point of no return.

Another family related problem is that my father has Alzheimer's, and during the holidays last year it was obvious that he is losing his memory, especially when he grows tired towards the end of a family gathering. It was pretty clear to me that he forgot who I was by the end of the evening. My father is a retired police officer so you can imagine how my status as a felon went over with him. His Alzheimer's diagnosis and the knowledge he'll eventually forget everyone around him was already bad enough. But an additional point of pain is knowing that even if I were to magically resolve the criminal charge tomorrow, I'll never get that chance to redeem myself to my father anymore. He'll unfortunately forget that it happened.

Add to all this some additional problems such as withdrawal from contact with other people, depression, decline in physical health, increasing anger, to name a few. I know it's all the effect of trauma. That court case was the single biggest turning point of my entire life, and one filled with a considerable amount of damage drawn out over the years. Knowing what the problem is however doesn't help me solve anything in this case. There is no possibility of moving beyond that trauma because of the specifics of the situation. This isn't going to get better.

Law enforcement and the Manweiler family did their best to inflict as much trauma as possible in 2006. These idiots lumped ever harm they could upon me, and somehow thought that wouldn't end up creating the very thing they claimed to be worried about. Throw in the additional abuse from my lazy attorney and it's no wonder I'm having issues. But even with all of this, the possibility of getting past that trauma might have been available if not for some major issues.

I first and foremost know that something criminal was done to me. I'll summarize below. I have the evidence in hand proving what Michelle Dickerman pulled. I can prove in court that she was forwarding emails to a fake account made to look like mine. Even my lawyer noticed the discrepancy which confirms she did this tampering. Had my lawyer not pointed this discrepancy out, neither I nor my mother would have had our suspicions raised by the email evidence. By forwarding the messages, it gave Michelle Dickerman the ability to alter the contents to be whatever she wanted it to be. At no point did Dickerman mention to law enforcement that these emails were forwarded and not printed directly from her own inbox - thus casting further suspicion on her actions.

I can also prove Mrs. Dickerman wrote fake dates on individual sheets of the emails to split them up and make it appear she received more emails than actually existed. The evidence is the very emails she herself printed up and handed to law enforcement, with the false dates written in her own handwriting. One of the emails even says in the body of the message what date the email was sent to her - that date does not match her handwritten date but it does match the printer timestamp at the bottom of the sheet. I can further prove Dickerman lied about in-person contact in Charlottesville in order to increase law enforcement reaction to the case. I can also show she deleted evidence after hearing of my arrest, as even the media recorded that she did this.

As a lawyer Michelle Dickerman knew this act of deletion was not acceptable. In fact she knew that none of what she was doing was acceptable. Michelle Dickerman's status as a lawyer hurts her more than anything else. Because at no point in time can she claim ignorance as to the consequences or the inappropriateness of her actions. As a lawyer Dickerman knew better.

If my evidence were to be heard in court, I'm confident that Michelle Dickerman would be convicted of felony charges - ranging from felony obstruction of justice to felony disorderly conduct. Given I'm not an attorney there may be even further charges that I'm not aware of that a prosecutor could dig up. Considering the threats made by the prosecution, that they would give me a felony count for every email in their possession, I think it would only be fair that Dickerman receive a felony count for every email. The 2006 prosecution claimed they had a dozen or more emails - so that's a dozen or more felony counts that Dickerman should receive now. But if prosecutors handling her case limited it to just the emails in my possession, then we're still looking at four felony counts and that isn't a pleasant thing to face.

The disorderly conduct charge would be for filing a false police report, the same charge that Jussie Smollett was facing for his alleged hoax prior to it being dismissed. Providing evidence she fabricated and tampered with certainly applies with filing a false police report. And given the extreme level of damage inflicted by her actions, she has definitely justified receiving felony level charges. In the state of Virginia there are no statute of limitations on felonies as I understand it. This means even in 2020 Michelle Dickerman can be charged and convicted for what she did in 2006. The obstruction of justice can certainly apply to her tampering of evidence, along with her wiping out her MySpace profile right after hearing of my arrest (documented by both my former lawyer and the news media).

(Above) Clip from a news report about my arrest. (Below) From my former lawyer's notes taken during the protective order hearing on what Dickerman told him during their conversation.  

As a lawyer Michelle Dickerman knew she wasn't supposed to delete evidence like that. The fact she knew better means that Dickerman can not claim ignorance as a defense, though ignorance of the law doesn't work out in court anyway. Taking down her profile deleted the original emails in her inbox. Considering I can prove she was forwarding emails to a fake account and writing false dates to split up the email sheets, this act would conveniently allow her to cover up her criminal fabrication of evidence. The deletion of her account right after hearing of my arrest looks shady and I'm sure Dickerman knows that.

Dickerman however isn't the only one who would face criminal charges. I can prove not only criminal malfeasance on the part of multiple officials of the Charlottesville law enforcement, but I can also demonstrate that they became aware of Dickerman's crime and railroaded me to avoid anyone finding out they screwed up. All of the convenient "disappearance" or "damage" of critical evidence, the threats to coerce a plea, to even their actions after the court case - every bit of it can be backed up by evidence in my possession. And all of it is exactly what you would do as a law enforcement agency if you wanted to cover up a screw up like this. All of the shady behavior would more than justify a criminal investigation of the Charlottesville police and district attorneys office. I'm confident that criminal charges against Nick Rudman, Joe Platania, and Warner Chapman would occur if an investigation were to be conducted.

At bare minimum there is grounds for criminal malfeasance related to their negligence in their handling of the case. There can be no argument when the tampering was blatant and staring you in the face. They can not claim they paid attention to what they were reading, if they did not notice the glaring errors and issues with the printouts Dickerman provided. They were supposed to exercise due diligence and verify the printouts but they of course did not. That is criminal levels of negligence there.

So now we get to the point of what I just summarized above and how it applies to the issues I'm facing now. With the ability to prove all of the things that were done to me, the simple fact is that the felony conviction would be overturned in a heartbeat. I just  need to get the day in court that I was denied in 2006 and all of this would be over. It's knowing what these people did to me, and knowing I could get it fixed with the evidence I have, that makes it impossible to move past what happened.

Had I not known what they did, and not have all the evidence in front of my face to prove it, I might have actually been able to move on knowing there was no other choice. But knowing that I have the proof to get all of this fixed (to the greatest extent possible at least, it'll never be made right), and being ignored and blocked at every turn, has sent me down into an admittedly dark place. No one has bothered to listen to me. When someone is looking for justice and have every other avenue of relief blocked off to them, they start looking at other options to get the justice that's being denied them.

I've been robbed of many things thanks to the Manweiler family. I've been robbed of more than a decade of my life, and that tally of years keeps increasing. They have taken away the life and future I had imagined for myself. I'll never have a family thanks to all the years wasted just trying to rebuild. None of the remaining years have any value to me anymore so long as the injustice still stands. Something has to happen, sooner rather than later. So tell me - does it sound like I've forgotten about any of this?

I've tried to be reasonable in the past with Michelle Dickerman. It never got me anywhere. I've even given both sides the chance to come forward and fess up to what they did, in exchange for clearing the slate with me. I'm not going to rehash that in further detail, it's already been discussed prior and both refused it. It was a rather reasonable offer to both given all the harm they have inflicted. But they both tossed that back in my face. So I'm done with being reasonable, I'm done with deals. Now we get down to my other options. Keep that in mind however to those of you reading this blog in the future - I tried being reasonable first. I gave them both an out and neither of them took it. They deserve what is coming their way in the future.

I was initially working on another post a couple months back. I had originally begun a write-up on showing evidence for Michelle Dickerman having a personality disorder called Vulnerable Narcissistic Personality Disorder. This was during the lead up to the motion hearing and it fell off my radar due to the situation. I picked it back up briefly recently before ceasing any further work on it. I just simply don't have any desire to work on long posts anymore. It doesn't make much difference to the situation in proving Michelle Dickerman's mental issues on here. If I do end up making more update posts on here to combat the search results issue, I may just post a few snips from that post and some videos related to the disorder. But I'm not planning on spending the amount of time it would take to make another evidence post. Especially on something that doesn't change the situation regardless of whether I prove to anyone else that she has a mental health problem.

As I said earlier I don't know what her reasons are behind screwing with the search results, if she even is doing that in the first place. As for any other actions from her or the other parties, I'm not concerned in the least. If messing with the search results is indeed her work, it shows just how limited she is in what she can actually do now. They don't have anything left to threaten me with anymore. In a way Platania and the Charlottesville law enforcement folded during the motion and FOIA request. I did at first wonder if they would try to pull something while I was in town, but Platania merely showed his pettiness. He did however blink. I got in his face. I got in the Charlottesville police department's face. And they still didn't touch me.

One of the more interesting things that came from his response to my FOIA request, was how Platania side-stepped my request about the email Dickerman sent them back when she initially contacted them about the blog. It was around the time that I posted the plea deal my former attorney sent in a letter to the prosecution back in 2006. I'm certainly interested in what that email from Dickerman contained, and I'm sure the public will be interested as well. I get the feeling there was some arguing between co-conspirators. The wonderful thing about emails that get sent to public officials - they aren't allowed to delete them and there are ways to still get them even if they ignore a FOIA request. It's certainly something for the media to pursue.

The media of course is one of the primary reasons the Charlottesville law enforcement didn't try anything. Attempting to arrest me or cause any legal harm to me is a trap, and perhaps Platania was at least smart enough to realize this. So long as the media doesn't hear about anything he's in the clear. A light being shined on this case is the last thing he and the Manweiler family needs. Right now the media has ignored me because of one simple fact - nothing has happened yet. The only time they will bother to report on this is if I go to court to have this thrown out, I get arrested for something, or something else serious happens. But something big has to happen before they will pay attention. Which I'm certainly working on that 'something big'. But that's why I'm not concerned about Dickerman or the Charlottesville law enforcement.

In reality trying anything to harm me will just give me the publicity that I need, and this time I've got plenty to talk to the media about. I can't imagine Michelle Dickerman would be dense enough to not know what the actions from the 2006 case, all of the evidence, and the post-2006 behavior of law enforcement looks like. She has to know how bad all of it looks. All the shady and corrupt behavior by law enforcement, the actions of my former attorney, and all the evidence I've displayed here - it looks like she committed a crime and law enforcement railroaded me to prevent anyone from discovering their screw up. It also looks like my former attorney helped the prosecution as well, and people will understandably wonder if some transfer of funds was involved to get that result.

Given the increasing anger and distrust directed towards law enforcement today, this story will get traction once made public. People will see that a rich white girl with a banker father got special status and treatment. Her father's reputation will go down with hers after the things I bring up. Hell if he actually bribed my former attorney to throw the case like I suspect, he might even be investigated and charged for it. Because you better believe I'll bring up my suspicions on that in the news media. Considering William Johnson's actions during the case, other people will certainly draw that same conclusion of lawyer bribery.

Considering that Jussie Smollett, a black man, was looking at the potential of felony charges for a hoax - people will rightly ask why a rich white girl who caused far more harm gets to walk away without felony charges. Attempting legal action against me again would not work out well for any of them this time around. And they know it, even if they don't like to admit it to themselves. Everything that happened in 2006 looks bad enough for people to start asking questions. So it puts the Manweiler family and the Charlottesville law enforcement in a very bad position - they can't do anything until I do something. And even if I do something it'll still turn nasty for them once the details come out in the media.

Michelle Dickerman made a massive mistake in 2006, the biggest of her life. If she hasn't come to this realization years ago then she's really been overestimated by everyone. Especially since no one else had an issue seeing that one coming all the way back in 2006. Even guys in the jail cell with me thought she was being an idiot to push this as far as she did. "You know, if I wanted someone to let this all go and forget about me, the last thing I'd want to do is give them a felony that will remind them of me for the rest of their life" - said by a guy arrested on a robbery charge for snatching money from cash registers to feed his drug addiction, after he read Dickerman's impact statement.

Getting back on track, I'll see how the blog performs in the search results after this. That will determine the posting of other updates. As I said, I'll even make a point of posting more photos of her to flood Google images to combat the lowering of search ranking. Whatever it takes. We'll see how it goes.

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