Wednesday, December 9, 2020

Specific posts have been updated with evidence of criminal actions by Michelle Annette Dickerman

I have finished my additions of the explanation behind the criminal evidence against Michelle Annette Dickerman to various popular posts that didn't contain that information previously. This includes the post on Detective Nicholas Rudman and the evidence proving he had investigated my blog after Michelle Dickerman's contact with Charlottesville law enforcement back around 2012. The old information is still present, it will just be found at the bottom of the evidence explanation info. This is being done in preparation for future actions, and I wanted to ensure future viewers were quickly able to see the most important evidence first.

To summarize what I mean by criminal evidence against Michelle Dickerman, I can prove that Michelle Dickerman deliberately fabricated evidence that was the basis of my criminal charges in 2006. This led to me being railroaded by the Charlottesville law enforcement, and even my own attorney William Johnson of Matthews County Va, into acceptance of a felony charge I did not commit. I believe that if my evidence were presented in court Michelle Annette Dickerman (formly Michelle Annette Manweiler) would be convicted of the following criminal charges: Class 6 Felony Obstruction of Justice, Class 6 Felony Disorderly Conduct (see Jussie Smollett case), Class 5 Felony Perjury. The Commonwealth of Virginia has no statute of limitations on Felony charges, meaning even to this day Michelle Dickerman could face charges.

Michelle Dickerman wouldn't be the only one facing criminal charges however. There is enough evidence to justify charges against prosecutors Warner Chapman and Joseph Platania, and former Detective Nicholas Rudman, for criminal negligence and even for a cover-up committed by them after their discovery of Michelle Dickerman's actions. A cover-up committed to avoid scandal, investigations, and lawsuits for the blatant and criminal levels of negligence on display by multiple members of the Charlottesville law enforcement.

I intend to make sure justice is done one way or another.

Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Another Puzzle Piece Slides Into Place

"Self-love is often rather arrogant than blind; it does not hide our faults from ourselves, but persuades us that they escape the notice of others." - Samuel Johnson
I previously made two posts (technically three) going into Michelle Dickerman's potential for having Narcissistic Personality Disorder, specifically of the Vulnerable or Covert version of the disorder. In these posts I showed videos made by various individuals who are experts in the field of narcissism and mental health. Most of those individuals (Dr. Grande, Dr. Ramani, Dr. Carter) are clinical psychiatrists, with only one (Richard Grannon) being a life coach who treats primarily the victims of narcissistic abuse. I subscribed to all of them as I usually do for any Youtube channels I find helpful regardless of the frequency of viewing, but for the most part my research into the subject of NPD has ceased. Of all those channels I listed Dr. Grande is the only regular one I view, and mainly for his video commentary on mental health related to famous cases - such as his commentary on Michael Jackson and the Leaving Neverland documentary.

The reason that I have largely stopped looking further into NPD is because I have found the answers I needed on the kind of person I am dealing with in Michelle Dickerman. No further revelations on NPD are changing what is going to happen in the future when this dispute meets its final conclusion. What little closure I will get in this dispute has already been found now that I at least understand what I was dealing with. In fact it really only brings about anger when I look into narcissistic personality disorder content now, because it demonstrates how I essentially was navigating a minefield blindfolded all these years. But thanks to being subscribed to these channels every once in awhile something pops up on the feed that catches my attention, and adds further weight of evidence to my case that Michelle Dickerman has Vulnerable Narcissistic Personality Disorder.

The below video by Dr. Ramani Durvasula adds another puzzle piece to Michelle Dickerman's disorder. The video involves a term used by psychiatrists called "Narcissistic Amnesia" or "Abuse Amnesia". This term relates to how narcissists conveniently "forget" things related to their abuse or actions. The "forgetfulness" is very selective, which leads me to believe they don't actually forget. They just tone out anything that contradicts the story they have in their head. After all narcissists think they are wonderful people and they don't want to "remember" anything that contradicts that idea.

Once again information on narcissistic behavior has linked directly back to behavior conducted by Michelle Dickerman. This selective "forgetfulness" has been used by Dickerman to push a narrative that I can prove isn't what she claims. I don't believe for one minute that she's genuinely forgetting things, I think she selectively picks events she chooses to not recall correctly.

A perfect example of this involves the first statements she made in her 2006 Victim Impact Statement. In the opening lines of her statement Michelle Dickerman claimed the following: "It began with notes in my locker for 4 years - notes which started out friendly, quickly turned obsessive, and then angry and insult-laden". This is actually the very same accusation that third parties told me about throughout our high school years - that Michelle Dickerman claimed I was writing her love letters during times when I wasn't writing any letters to her at all. This false rumor she spread was a substantial source of the harassment and bullying I received from her actions during high school. I can prove that what she said in her impact statement was a complete lie, as I have copies of two of her letters from that time period and they do not tell the same story.

I posted sections of those letters in this blog previously as evidence to back up my accusation. You can find that post linked in the post listing, which will be put back up to the top of the blog soon. I will however briefly discuss it here. Both of her letters show that my notes did not "quickly turned obsessive, and then angry and insult-laden" as Dickerman claimed in her statements to the court. Her final letter written in 12th grade even admitted she didn't have any bad feelings on the situation - something you wouldn't say if you experienced letters matching what she claimed in court. Most importantly however, one of the letters prove she wasn't receiving letters all four years of high school like she claimed in 2006.

In one of her letters Michelle Dickerman admits flat out that she thought the situation was resolved because she hadn't heard anything from me for two years. Twice she references a two year gap between communication. So obviously she couldn't have been getting letters from me for four years when in her own handwriting she admits a two year lapse where she thought the entire thing was resolved. With the statements being in her own handwriting it also means that she can't deny her 2006 statement to the court was false.

This isn't a case of some little white lie, it is actually a pretty serious issue. That false claim by her was specifically cited by the prosecution as being one of the reasons justifying their heavy handed actions towards me. In addition as a lawyer Dickerman knew this victim impact statement would be given to the presiding judge when he was making a decision on the plea agreement at the sentencing hearing. I believe it was her intention to distort what happened in the hopes of angering the judge. At the sentencing hearing one of three possibilities would occur based on what my former lawyer told me.

The first possibility would be the judge refusing the plea agreement. Which would result in the prosecution carrying out the threats they previously made, and the presiding judge being replaced by another judge that the prosecution referred to as a "hanging judge". The second potential outcome is that the judge could have accepted the plea agreement, but he could impose additional penalties beyond what was included in the agreement. It would then be on me and the prosecution to either accept or reject the altered agreement (again according to my former attorney). In which case a refusal meant the previous scenario (rejection of the agreement, replacing of the judge, prosecution carrying out their threats) would happen. The third possibility is the judge accepts the agreement with no additional terms, which is what took place in 2006.

I believe the only reason for the third scenario taking place was due to the judge admitting he didn't read her statement until the last minute. By quickly scanning through it before he had to make a decision, he didn't have the time to dwell on her statements. I also believe that the second scenario, the judge imposing additional penalties, is exactly the scenario Dickerman hoped for when she distorted the situation in her impact statement. Given I was already unwilling to accept the agreement as it was (due to being threatened into accepting by both the prosecution and my former attorney), I would have refused the agreement had the judge imposed any additional penalties beyond the garbage that was already in the agreement.

As you can see this is not some innocent act by Michelle Dickerman. It is an act that needs to have repercussions. By making such lies Dickerman increased the damages law enforcement sought to bring against me. Such lies also could have influenced the judge at the sentencing hearing to have inflicted more harm beyond what the prosecution intended. Had the judge instead rejected the plea agreement due to her statements (or had I rejected it if he imposed additional terms), the prosecution would have carried out the threat of multiple felony counts and if convicted I would have been sent to the most violent of the region's prisons (also part of the prosecution's threat). I likely would have been convicted because at the time I didn't have the proof of what Dickerman did to fabricate and tamper with the emails. That proof was not obtained by me until 2007 after fighting to gather what evidence I could after my release from jail.

Being sent to a very violent prison for a conviction based on lies and fabricated evidence by Michelle Dickerman directly endangered not only my physical safety but it also endangered my life. Get the idea why such false statements from her aren't a game now? This is the reason I consider Michelle Dickerman's actions in 2006 to have been an act of violence committed against me. Not only for the months I spent for false imprisonment in jail (while a cakewalk to prison it is still a violent institution) but also for the fact she nearly sent me to a prison that I was warned about by inmates in the jail cell block. I won't relate here the stories I heard about the place, you can likely infer what such stories would be. As I said her actions require consequences and she isn't going to escape from that.

I'm sure Michelle Dickerman tries to excuse such lies by claiming she just didn't correctly remember what happened. Funny how she conveniently "forgot" something in a way that would help her distort the situation into something more than what it was. It wasn't the only lie/exaggeration in her statement, so that makes it less likely this was just a simple case of convenient forgetfulness. Not to mention this isn't the only situation where she has conveniently "misremembered" what happened in order to dismiss something bad she did to me, or to make my actions seem worse than what they actually were. I guess it's possible a narcissist's brain just doesn't retain any information that isn't flattering to them, but no research has been done into this sort of thing to prove that. I really don't believe her "narcissistic amnesia" involves any actual memory loss. I think Michelle Dickerman knew her statements were false when she wrote them, she just pretends to not remember certain things.

As I've said before such information is solely presented to those viewing this blog, especially in the future when this case comes up in the media. There isn't a doubt in my mind that not a single thing I've posted has resulted in any sort of self-reflection or thought from Michelle Dickerman. I guarantee she completely dismissed the idea of being a narcissist or of being wrong without a second thought. Which is exactly what a narcissist would do ironically enough.

Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Update April 2020

I wanted to add three additional videos to the narcissism post that I felt added more to the story, and go further into the disorder. These were uploaded after I made the post on my belief in Michelle Dickerman's narcissism so they were unfortunately not available for inclusion. The third video below by Dr. Ramani would have been especially helpful in demonstrating one of Dickerman's habits in that post.

I initially began a considerably more lengthy and descriptive write-up to discuss how each video applied to the situation and to Dickerman. I decided instead to delete what I had and just go with a brief summary on each. What you see currently is cut by a third of what I was initially contemplating when first starting this update post. I lost interest very quickly in writing out such long descriptions, and as I've already said many times before we're well past the point of discussion anyway.

The first of these videos is Richard Grannon discussing one of his relationships with a narcissist. From what I understand this is the second relationship he had with someone having NPD. He has referred to himself in the past as being an "inverted" narcissist, in that he was the personality type to attach himself to narcissists rather than being a narcissist himself. He has since left that behind. I can certainly relate with the level of damage such people cause, and the scars they leave on your life. It's helpful to listen to what he discusses and understand that we're dealing with people who, while damaged and traumatized individuals themselves, are also abusive people who inflict emotional harm (and potentially physical harm) on other people.

An interesting thing to note is that he mentions about the fact that narcissists create this false persona they present to others. I've brought this up before, especially in the narcissism post. I came to the realization prior to our high school graduation that the person I thought I was interested in actually never existed. What I had been led to believe was the real Michelle Dickerman was nothing more than a shell persona. It was a fake created not only by Dickerman's own attempts to act like someone she wasn't, but was also a creation of my own projections of what I wanted to believe her to be as a person. I only wish I had realized from the beginning that I didn't actually love a real person, that my affections were directed at a mask Dickerman wears around in public.

The video below involves the tricks vulnerable narcissists use with communication to mess with people and cause issues. One of the issues I experienced with Dickerman was an annoying obliviousness on her part, that was in actuality an act she was doing. It was a deliberate refusal to pay any attention to what was said or what the situation was actually about. It makes it easier for her to distort things under those circumstances. This is another one of those issues that wasn't just an observation on my part - others noticed it as well. It also relates back to one of Dickerman's statements in court.

Michelle Dickerman claimed in her victim impact statement that my notes in high school "quickly turned obsessive and insult laden" - a statement I've already proven false on this blog using snippets from her own letters during that time period. But what further proves her statement false was that she was not the only audience of what letters I did write in my futile attempts to communicate the problem to her. I actually shared my letters with a couple close friends and some family members before I sent them off to Dickerman. I wanted to make sure I was absolutely clear in what I was saying, and I wanted their input as to how I was coming across. Obviously my notes weren't what she claimed them to be when none of those people found any issue with the contents.

When I would receive Dickerman's response via a letter, I would share what she wrote with these same individuals for two reasons. One reason was to make sure I wasn't just reading anything into her response that wasn't there, something which Dickerman loved to do with my letters. Dickerman always came across as arrogant and condescending in her letters (and more than a few veiled insults), and I wanted to see if others saw it as well in case it was just bias on my part. The second reason is that I also wanted them to compare her response to what I wrote. Dickerman can't complain about me doing this, because at least I never passed around her notes in a classroom full of kids so they could mock and harass her about it later - a statement Dickerman isn't capable of making. Those friends and family I shared the notes with all noticed a frustrating issue that I observed myself. Their comparisons between my letter and Dickerman's response ran along the same theme - "It's like she didn't even read your letter".

Dickerman would pretend to not understand what I was saying or what the situation was even about, go off on some unhelpful tangent on things I never even brought up, and completely ignore the questions I did ask of her. I stupidly didn't realize what she was doing the whole time with this, and like Grannon mentions I made the mistake of thinking I could have any sincere communication with the insincere. As I've said many times before, if this entire dispute is somehow all just an extremely massive and convoluted case involving one hell of a misunderstanding - the entire fault for that lies solely on Michelle Dickerman's shoulders. I was the only person attempting actual and honest communication, and I was the only one attempting to understand the other person's side in this. Michelle Dickerman couldn't have given less of a damn and she even stated as much publicly. Of course she and I both know this was never a misunderstanding, and she wasn't being falsely accused by the third parties who pointed a finger of blame in her direction.

One thing Grannon points out in this video is how narcissists change their behavior based on their environment, and I believe this certainly applies now to Dickerman. A vulnerable narcissist is really just a failed grandiose narcissist who has a hard time generating narcissistic supply, but they can switch to grandiose behaviors when things go their way. During high school and the early part of her college career, I believe she was in the vulnerable mode because she wasn't at all a popular person.

I wasn't Mr. Popular either so it's not like that's an attempt at an insult - bringing up Dickerman's lack of the same is merely a statement of fact. Where things differ is my lack of popularity came about from not knowing people, my social awkwardness, and not standing up for myself. While the reason behind Michelle Dickerman's lack of popularity was said to be centered solely on her arrogance and snobbery. Of course popularity in high school doesn't mean a damn thing once you get into the real world, but the reasons behind our lack of popularity gives insight into the differences between the two of us. One person is unpopular because they are awkward, while the other is unpopular because of a bitchy attitude. That's a clear difference I would say.

Given her lack of popularity, when Michelle Dickerman ran for class president in 9th grade it was unsurprising that she lost pretty badly. Even adult politics is really just a popularity contest, but it reaches Lord of the Flies level bullshit in grade school. The fact she even deluded herself into thinking she remotely had a chance given her extreme lack of popularity (which tends to happen when you act like a massive snob) lends weight to the argument of her being a narcissist. It shows an extreme lack of self-awareness on her part. Getting back on point, I have no doubt that now that Dickerman has achieved her goals, social status, and authority in her career - she has probably switched over to more grandiose behaviors with her narcissism.

The below video from Doctor Ramani illustrates a tactic commonly used by Michelle Dickerman, and narcissists in general. The term "Flying Monkeys" is used by those in psychiatry to describe the people who are used by a narcissist to attack their target. Rumor spreading and gossip is an extremely common behavior that narcissists do to isolate the target and encourage others to attack. It keeps the narcissist's hands clean while still committing their abuse. In the past this was Michelle Dickerman's friends and other kids, but by adulthood it grew to include tricking law enforcement into working for her. It is really an insidious and damaging act, as you'll see in the video.

As for the update part of this post:

On the Google search front I'm still observing and recording what is going on. I still don't feel I can make a call on what the root causes for the search issue are at this point. It could have been Dickerman's efforts or it could be some weird glitch with Google's algorithm. The blog shows up in the middle of the front page currently, though when it does dip down to the second page it tends to do that rather quickly. I don't have an explanation for why that happens right now.

Of course the big thing on everyone's lips is the Covid-19 problem. Having a job involving computers means that working remotely is not an issue. So I've been spending my days working from home. The whole self-isolation thing isn't affecting me as much as it does other people. Roughly a year into gaining employment I slowly began withdrawing to the point where I was already barely leaving the house.

This was part of the reaction to no longer being able to push what happened in 2006 out of my primary focus anymore. During my unemployment period I knew I wasn't in a state to deal with the emotional fallout of everything that occurred during that court case. I was still in a state of shock for quite awhile, and dealing with the probation system certainly didn't help that. I knew things wouldn't go well if I tried to fully unpack that baggage while still sitting around unemployed with no future prospects. So I was forced to "shove it into a box" essentially, knowing one day I was going to have to face it. I could largely push it to the back of my mind with the excuse that I had to focus on either getting back into my career field or attempting another career. After I finally got a job I lost the excuse to avoid facing what happened. So when the lid on the box finally popped open, it hit like a tsunami.

I mentioned in previous posts about problems such as focusing on my job thanks to this issue. I've managed to pull myself out of the nosedive to an extent, I may even have started to look better. But now with the hit to the economy that may be for nothing. Already the parent company as a whole was not doing good prior to the Covid-19 quarantines, as not all the smaller companies it owns were doing well. It has become bad enough now that they actually announced a slash to salaries across the board of 20% for awhile as one of their measures. I'm sure there are more measures like this coming in the future.

I'm skeptical on whether the parent company survives the current pandemic situation, and I'm not sure where that will leave the smaller companies like mine when it happens. I can't say what the future holds at this point in regards to my job. To be honest I no longer really care anymore. I've stopped caring about a lot of things.

At least one benefit to everyone being stuck at home is that it creates certain opportunities I hadn't expected before. Whether I decide to move on those opportunities or not remains to be seen. It has actually taken a lot of restraint so far to not act on those opportunities, so I honestly don't know what will happen in the coming weeks.

Getting back to the search issues and this blog: for the near future I'm likely going to switch back to just re-posting the main link listing, with updated links to these update posts. That's the plan for the moment at least. I'll monitor how the blog preforms and make decisions based on what happens.

Sunday, March 29, 2020

Update March 2020

“Narcissism falls along the axis of what psychologists call personality disorders, one of a group that includes antisocial, dependent, histrionic, avoidant and borderline personalities. But by most measures, narcissism is one of the worst, if only because the narcissists themselves are so clueless.” 
Jeffrey Kluger

 "You gave me hope and then you took it away. That's enough to make anyone dangerous." 
The 11th Doctor

For a listing of evidence posts describing some of the issues I reference, such as the evidence proving criminal acts committed by Michelle Dickerman, see this post here. It will be reposted later to return to it's former position at the top of the blog.

Enough time has passed since the previous post to see if the blog search ranking would alter. After a few days the blog rose to the very bottom of the first page, then began flipping back and forth between the first and second page, before going back on the second page. It's like the blog is fighting for placement for some reason, which certainly raises my suspicions. Then I had the following happen:
For several hours the site dropped off of Google search. The main page no longer showed up, though individual posts still popped up in the search. Nothing that I did would reinstate the blog on the search engine. However, looking through the account did not reveal anything that would indicate Dickerman's hand in the matter. Nothing in the admin info showed that the blog was intentionally removed. So despite the statement from Google claiming otherwise in the above image, I considered the issue to be an error at that point and decided to wait it out. Eventually the blog reappeared in the search results, so I was correct in assuming it was an error. Though again I will admit the timing is rather interesting.

The images of Michelle Dickerman still appeared in the image search despite the blog dropping off Google briefly. Clicking the image would then bring you to this blog. This would have allowed a searcher to still find my blog during that drop off, especially if the individual knew Michelle Dickerman. This certainly shows that I was justified in posting updated images of Michelle Dickerman to combat any games with the blog. So I will continue to post an image on any further update posts to ensure people have no issues finding this blog.

As for the search ranking issue, I don't feel I have enough information to make a call one way or the other just yet. But I'm leaning towards it being a deliberate thing. It's very odd to not have anything change for months, even with me only posting the link directory repeatedly, then suddenly I have problems with search ranking only after some recent views from Dickerman. It's also not normal for the blog to keep slipping back and forth in ranking despite the amount of views I get daily, especially with the recent efforts/posts on my end. It all points to a reasonable conclusion, though I'm still holding off on making that final call until I get more info. But there is no reason for the blog to have suddenly fallen off the first page previously, and there is no reason why it shouldn't have returned to its previous position after I made an update post. If the ranking still continues to be a problem after updated posts, then I'm going to have to consider the problem to originate with some action on the part of Michelle Dickerman. And that's going to escalate things further.

The indexing error I faced also gave me some concern. The reality is that Blogspot is a Google property, so I'm at the whims of Google when it comes to the blog. The UI for Blogspot isn't exactly first class. The blog also has some outdated coding, primarily from the design template, as it was originally created in 2010. Because of this outdated coding there are issues with the blog that prevent me from using some features by Google. I'm not sure at this point that it is possible to debug the old coding, certainly not without some considerable amount of time spent on it. Which is time I don't have much interest in spending. So I'm kicking around a few options for expanding this blog out to another medium, such as a formal website. I'll post more about it when things are more developed with this change.

In the meantime, I mentioned in my last update about posting information on Michelle Dickerman's potential to have a personality disorder called Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD). Specifically the type that psychiatrists refer to as "Covert" or "Vulnerable". She may also be comorbid with another disorder called Obsessive Compulsive Personality Disorder (OCPD). This disorder is not to be confused with the more commonly known Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD), they are actually two different disorders despite the names being nearly identical. I'll post further information explaining the difference between OCPD and OCD later in this post.

I've briefly discussed the disorders I believe Dickerman to have in the post-Charlottesville hearing update that I gave. I had a considerably longer and more in-depth evidence post that I was working on before finally abandoning it. At the time I decided I really don't feel like spending the amount of time such a post would require. I've mentioned before that I've grown tired of writing about the situation. As far as I'm concerned the time for talk has long passed, and it's time for something else to happen now. The only reason for me writing posts now is due to it becoming apparent that something was happening to the blog search ranking, and I needed to figure out why that was happening. Best way to test things is to post new content and see how that changes the ranking. But I don't have the patience for writing anything very lengthy like the evidence posts.

The reason I was willing to devote time to writing those past evidence posts was due to them being far more important. They prove that Dickerman committed criminal acts in 2006. Providing proof that backs up my belief that she has a personality disorder really isn't important in comparison. Why isn't the question of her having a disorder important enough to spend time to write something of the necessary length and evidence backing to prove my conclusions? Because convincing people she has a mental problem doesn't really change anything about the situation. Michelle Dickerman can't be tried in court for having narcissism. She can be tried in court for her lies and fabricating/destruction of evidence. It's far more important to prove she's an unpunished criminal than to prove she has the potential for a disorder.

That said it does warrant at least some brief discussion, if only to warn people of the danger in merely being around her. I'm just not going into the kind of detail that would require multiple days of write-up, nor am I going to discuss every single thing I've witnessed over the years that backs up my belief.

The first video to start you off is the video that immediately clued me into the subject of Vulnerable Narcissistic Personality Disorder. I came across this video by accident during my search to explain what I experienced. Many years ago when it became clear to me that Michelle Dickerman really was spreading rumors and siccing people on me for harassment, just as 3rd party observers were claiming the entire time, naturally the first reaction I had was anger and hate. Anger and hate not only at Michelle Dickerman for doing something like that, but anger and hate at myself for foolishly being blind the entire time.

Had I listened to what others were warning me about sooner, instead of refusing to believe she was really a bad person, I could have avoided giving her fairy tales more fuel. I would have never written letters asking to talk or have tried to approach her in any way if I knew what I was dealing with. I allowed my feelings for her at the time to delude me for so long into believing that she wasn't the bad person others were claiming her to be. I even ignored all the signs of what she was that I was witnessing with my own eyes. I gave Michelle Dickerman the benefit of the doubt for far too long.

If by some chance it was all just a "misunderstanding" (as she called it) and I was getting bad information, Dickerman had every opportunity to correct the situation. All I had asked of her for years was to sit down and talk the situation out, and I gave her countless opportunities to correct the "misunderstanding" if indeed I was receiving bad information. If supposedly this entire dispute is just a case of miscommunication and third party interference, there had at one time been one simple trick to fixing all of that - to sit down like adults and fucking talk. Yet all I ever received in response to my requests to talk was extreme arrogance, games, and notes dripping with condescension that seemed to deliberately avoid answering the questions that I asked of her. It was stupid of me to have ever thought better of Michelle Dickerman. She's never given me any reason to believe she is a good person, and I was an idiot to make that assumption without any evidence.

As I've said in past posts, the 2006 court case was a confirmation of every negative thing I had ever been told or had come to believe about Michelle Dickerman. She even started off her victim impact statement with the very same lie people accused her of making during our high school years. The very same lie responsible for much of the abuse, bullying, isolation, and harassment that made life hell for me at the time. I can prove her statement is a lie because I still have copies of some of her letters written in her own hand from that time period. Those letters tell a different story than the one Michelle Dickerman told to law enforcement and the courts. It wasn't a case of some little white lie - she was accusing me of something that I can prove did not happen, and that lie was one of the reasons specifically cited by law enforcement in court as the justification for their reckless prosecution of me.

I have always had difficulty in understanding the motivations behind Michelle Dickerman's actions. Having never dealt with someone like this at any other time in my life, I ended up falling into traps that I could have otherwise minimized or avoided had I known what I was dealing with. So I wanted to understand what exactly I was dealing with. While just being an evil person is one explanation for Dickerman's behavior, after 2006 I had a hard time believing that this was really the answer. It just didn't adequately explain certain actions and behaviors from her. Normal people do not do the things that Michelle Dickerman has done.

Once I came to the conclusion that I was possibly dealing with someone who had a mental or personality disorder (as mentally healthy people don't tamper with evidence and lie to police to get false charges filed), I began looking into what disorder could possibly be responsible. I eventually dismissed Dickerman being a psychopath or a sociopath since she simply did not meet enough of the criteria. It was hard admitting this, as it is difficult to not view her cold and vicious behavior as psychotic. But despite the large amount of overlapping traits between narcissists and psychopaths/sociopaths, there simply wasn't enough there.

One of the biggest signs of those two disorders is risk-taking, bold, and impulsive behavior. Granted Dickerman took one hell of a risk in assuming the Charlottesville law enforcement would either not notice her tampering, or that they would cover for her if they did. But then again she lied to the William and Mary Campus Police during our first online dispute and they refused to go after her for it, so Dickerman probably guessed (correctly) that she could pull that off a second time. I'm sure it helped that Charlottesville law enforcement would have risked lawsuit and scandal for being tricked by a rich UVA law school student. Regardless there just isn't enough matching signs on Dickerman's part to consider these two disorders as a possibility.

So next on the list in the "Dark Triad" personality disorders (Psychopathy, Narcissism, Machiavellianism) was narcissism. While Dickerman fit far more closely with narcissism, it at first did not seem like enough of a match. This is thanks to the standard definition of narcissism being for the overt form or "classic" form, which is the most common type that people associate with narcissism.

It wasn't until I happened upon a video by Richard Grannon that I finally figured out what I was dealing with. Mr. Grannon is not a psychiatrist, he is a life coach that typically works with the victims of narcissism - especially given that he was the victim of an overt narcissist himself. His material on narcissism is well researched and is backed up by the research I've done as well. Even one of the professional sources I've used in this post, Dr. Todd Grande, has reviewed the video. He had issues with only two statements - he said that psychopathy was a proper clinical term, and that you should not make assumptions on who is the abuser until the facts point you towards that conclusion. Otherwise he found the rest of the material presented to be factual. There are a few more videos by him I'll post, as he does a great job of explaining the material.

The below video by Dr. Todd Grande helps show the differences between overt and vulnerable narcissism:

This video details the thoughts of an overt narc versus the vulnerable narc. Note the mention of how vulnerable narcissists will switch to gossip and rumor spreading as a form of revenge - the same abuse I experienced from Michelle Dickerman during our teenage years.

The video below helps demonstrate further traits of a female vulnerable narcissist, specifically a relationship between a husband and wife. Dickerman and I have thankfully never had a friendship let alone a relationship, so some of this obviously doesn't apply to my experience. While I have seen some of the signs listed, such as the over-sensitivity to criticism, I'm not in a position to have witnessed a few of the other signs he lists. However if Dickerman is a narcissist then it is possible her husband has seen such behavior.

Whether he'd acknowledge any of it (or whether Dickerman would risk him seeing this vid) I can't honestly say. I feel that anyone marrying Michelle Dickerman would likely have some small amount of the same traits as her, such as arrogance and a huge ego. What I have seen of him hasn't convinced me that I'm wrong in that assessment. It's also possible he dotes on her so much that he's just not capable of seeing Dickerman for what she really is, which is exactly the type of person narcissists like to attach themselves to. My expectation is that he has deluded himself into not recognizing her behavior. I've posted plenty of evidence proving Michelle Dickerman lied to law enforcement and fabricated evidence. It's her very own evidence, documents and handwriting pointing to a crime she's committed - yet I guarantee I'm still the bad guy in the eyes of him and his family. Which says quite a lot of bad things about the kind of people who can still think that even with the evidence I've presented. This is why I expect nothing good from any of those people.

As I've said previously, the reason for initially dismissing Dickerman as having NPD came about thanks to the standard definition of narcissism not fitting Dickerman's behavior enough. Overt or classic narcissists tend to be more aggressive, confident, and extroverted. When it came to Michelle Dickerman however I was generally experiencing something more subdued, less confident and less aggressive, than an overt narcissist. A few good comparisons of the differences between overt and covert (vulnerable) narcissism is made in the video. Think of the overt as the alpha lion and the covert as the cowardly lion. While both types can use their own orbiting entourages (referred to as "Flying Monkeys") to attack their targets - Michelle Dickerman has always been more cowardly in her actions and prefers to get other people to do the dirty work for her. This differs from an overt narc who has no problem getting in someone's face and confronting them. This is due to the overt narc brainwashing themselves into believing the false self-image they've created for themselves is true. While it is believed that vulnerable narcs know the false self-image is a fake - which makes them less confident.

As I listened to the video the first time, I slowly began to get more disturbed as the signs listed matched up exactly with things I encountered with Michelle Dickerman. Of the 20 signs he lists I have witnessed behavior from Dickerman that matches 13 of the signs (this is even when dropping the first sign he lists from my consideration). She quite possibly matches further signs than just those 13, but I simply do not have enough experience with Dickerman to say whether she matches the other signs. Only one sign can be said to not be displayed by Dickerman (potentially). This is why I believe her to be comorbid with another disorder (I'll discuss that later).

Narcissism however runs on a spectrum, and not every narcissist will display every sign. In fact a vulnerable narcissist will switch between vulnerable and overt behavior depending on their levels of narcissistic supply. A good video demonstrating further this issue with vulnerable narcissists can be found in this video:

In order for someone to be diagnosed as a narcissist of any form by a psychiatrist, you only have to match five to six of the major signs. So the fact that Dickerman matches 13 signs and they include the major symptoms of the disorder - that is something that sets off alarm bells. That's someone who is a risk to anyone around them.

If you are around Michelle Dickerman for any length of time you can compare your experiences of her behavior to the reference material I've listed. This is especially helpful if you work with her, primarily in a position where you are subordinate to her and thus she isn't concerned about your opinion of her. That's a key factor in comparing your experiences. Are you in a position where she either has to be nice to you (you have rank on her, are a family member, friends with a close family member like her husband, etc), or are you in a position where she may consider you to be "on her level" (such as people that have jobs, status, and income of a level that impresses her).

I'll give you an example. One of the traits Michelle Dickerman has exhibited is extreme arrogance. Dickerman has had a reputation of being an extreme snob. She is the kind of person who would treat people in the service industry as slaves beneath her notice. An example is janitorial staff. During the evenings at my work we have janitors come in to clean and empty trash cans. The janitors will greet people and I thankfully have never witnessed any of my coworkers not say hello, usually followed by a thank you as the janitor moves on. I can imagine Dickerman completely ignoring a janitor who came into her office, and either glaring at them or ignoring them if they dared to speak to her. It's how I've seen her treat me and other people in the past - and I have no reason to believe that's changed over the years. I think if we were to talk to the people at her work that are lower on the rank structure, we'd hear some pretty nasty stories about Michelle Dickerman.

How Dickerman behaves around you will be determined by those factors I listed earlier. If you are seen as someone she has to be nice to, or someone she considers to be near the level of the delusional pedestal she's placed herself upon, then your experience will be considerably different when compared to someone who does not fall into either category. But even if you fall into the category of someone she has to act nice towards, if you have enough interaction with her and really give her behavior an honest and thorough analysis - I think you'll have to admit to yourself that you do see some of this behavior come out. I think if you're really honest with yourself you'll recognize some arrogance and "high and mighty" behavior under the surface of Michelle Annette Dickerman.

Another excellent sign demonstrating Michelle Dickerman's narcissism can be seen in her own Victim Impact Statement from the 2006 court case. Dickerman lists how she was so worried about the safety of her roommates, her coworkers, her friends, her family, children in the neighborhood, her pet goldfish, etc. All people I couldn't have cared less about nor ever considered to be a part of this issue until Michelle Dickerman made them a part of this issue. Funny thing about this statement - Michelle Dickerman talks up a lot about how she's been so worried for the safety of these people and how this has hurt her emotionally. But not once does she mention anything about the harm this would have had to have on these people.

If Dickerman truly believed these people were in danger of violence as she claims, then I'm assuming she actually warned these people they were in danger, right? Because if she didn't warn people about the danger she claimed they were in then there are only two explanations for such an evil act. Either she was lying about considering these people to be in danger in order to artificially inflate this case to be something worse than what it actually was. Or she believed these people to actually be in danger but never cared enough about them to tell them that they were in danger. Neither act speaks highly of her.

So if Michelle Dickerman told these people they were in danger then this would have affected these people emotionally, caused them to change their routines, and be more aware of their surroundings. They would have spent time looking over their shoulder. So why does Dickerman's statement never mention anything about this? Why no mention of how this intruded on the lives of all these people she claimed were in danger? Her parents had to drive down to Charlottesville in preparation to testify in court for the preliminary hearing - why was there no mention of what her parents went through? She falsely claimed I was monitoring her brother in this statement, a person who I couldn't have given less of a shit about at the time, but never mentions how this would have impacted his life had it actually happened. These things are a glaring omission.

All we see in her statement is Michelle Dickerman hand-wringing about how her concern for the danger others were in caused her so much distress. No word whatsoever about anyone else going through any kind of emotional toll if the situation was really as bad as she claimed. The whole show is all about her, even when she brings up other people who would have had to have suffered harm if the situation been as she claimed it to be. That's certainly a massive clue that something is wrong.

The one sign that Michelle Dickerman does not appear to possess from those listed in Grannon's video, is the laziness and disorganized trait. Even though it appears Dickerman's family manipulated things with the high school administration to keep her in the running for valedictorian, the simple fact is that even getting to that point requires someone to be the opposite of lazy and disorganized. There are several possible explanations for her not appearing (at least on the surface) to possess this trait.

The number one possibility is of course that Dickerman might not have NPD and instead be just an arrogant individual with a mean streak, though I truly don't believe this is the case. A second possibility is that as I previously mentioned not every narcissist displays every single trait, and this trait is just one that Dickerman doesn't happen to possess. It is considered one of the more minor of symptoms of the disorder, while she does show many of the major symptoms.

A third possibility is that Dickerman's entire ego and identity, indeed even her belief in her own superiority, is wrapped around her academic and professional achievements. I believe that Michelle Dickerman's ego and false self-image is so dependent on her achievements that she cares more about them than she does her kids or her family. Since the only thing that gives her any feeling of superiority is her achievements, indeed it's the only thing she actually has to point to, it stands to reason that this is something she would focus on with extreme effort. Since she needs her achievements to feel that she is better than everyone else, and such achievements require a lack of laziness and disorganization, this forced her out of such behavior. Perhaps her academic and professional career are the only areas in her life where she does not display laziness or disorganization, but displays this trait when it comes to other areas of her life.

Another possibility is that Michelle Dickerman not having this trait could be tied with the abuse that potentially created her narcissism in the first place. It was said during our teenage years that the only thing Dickerman did every day was study and play the piano. She appeared to have a very rigid and controlled life during this time. Dickerman's parents may have been very controlling and restrictive of their kids. If your parents essentially turn their home into an abusive boot camp and you have certain traits forced into being a daily routine, it stands to reason that Dickerman would hold on to such traits even in adulthood because she doesn't know any other way of behaving.

While I use the term abuse, understand that not all forms of abuse are physical, and I have no evidence that her upbringing was physically abusive. The reason I'm assuming any abuse occurred at all however is simply because Michelle Dickerman heavily matches the signs for having vulnerable narcissism. If she does have NPD then she received abuse in some form as a child. That's simply how something like this develops. Because NPD is a defense mechanism against trauma inflicted as a child, and is tied to PTSD and CPTSD. Trauma doesn't come about without some form of abuse.

One of the ways narcissists are created is by receiving mixed messages during childhood. If one parent is distant or abusive, while the other overcompensates by spoiling the child, this creates confusion in a child's mind that they are unable to process. They are being made to feel worthless by one parent and special by the other, and their brain isn't developed enough to process this conflicting information. So if Michelle Dickerman was taught that she's special and above everyone else because she's a Manweiler, yet also told she was a failure and horrible unless she measured up to her parents' high expectations - this could certainly create a narcissist.

An example that demonstrates something concerning going on at home was brought up to me by someone who attended the same elementary school (Captain John Smith Elementary) as Michelle Dickerman. This individual was in some of Michelle Dickerman's classes, and joked about how he was actually a good student before coming to high school and discovering girls and partying. Michelle Dickerman was always the highest scoring kid in the class, until one day he actually out scored her on a test. He said that Michelle Dickerman was not happy about this and showed some very clear distress at not being the top scorer. After this had happened, during recess Dickerman would separate from the other children and pull her books out to study. She would completely forgo play at recess to do more studying. The guy further stated that he never beat her again as the high scorer of the class, though her behavior during recess continued despite this.

This seems like rather disturbing behavior for a child that young, as children that age simply want to play. This wasn't a case of her failing in a class and getting in trouble for bad grades - she merely wasn't the top scorer on a single test. To segregate herself away from other kids during recess to study, just because she didn't make the highest grade one time, is a rather extreme measure for any elementary school aged child to take over something that minor. I think this incident demonstrates that something was not right at home, and that some form of abuse was occurring to make a child that age behave in such a way.

This of course is speculation since I know very little about her upbringing. But given that she fits the definition of vulnerable narcissism, and narcissism is believed to only occur from abuse, I feel my speculation is likely very close given what information I do possess. Too many dots connect back to some form of abuse and NPD.

The final possibility however, is that Michelle Dickerman could be comorbid with another personality disorder. Indeed, as Dr. Grande discusses in the video below, there are other personality disorders that overlap with Narcissism and are often misdiagnosed as NPD. One such disorder is Obsessive Compulsive Personality Disorder (OCPD). People with OCPD tend to be over-achievers and workaholics. They share some of the traits of narcissism and I would have considered OCPD to be the real disorder, if it wasn't for some key differences in Dickerman's behavior that only matches vulnerable narcissism or does not match OCPD.

Once such issue is that people with OCPD usually have a difficult time actually completing their work due to their obsession with perfection. Clearly Dickerman does not have this problem with perfectionism to such an extent. It could be that she has a milder form of the disorder, and that being comorbid with narcissism offsets that obsession with perfectionism. An additional problem is that people with OCPD tend to be massive bootlickers and show a complete disdain and lack of mercy for anyone who is seen as a "lawbreaker". Michelle Dickerman on two separate occasions lied to law enforcement and committed criminal acts, which certainly makes her a "lawbreaker". Such behavior flies in the face of the symptoms of your typical OCPD sufferer, but not for someone who is afflicted with NPD. This is why I believe that Dickerman could be comorbid with a mild form of OCPD, but that vulnerable NPD is the primary disorder.

Even if Dickerman were to be diagnosed by a professional as having NPD, it would not work in court as an excuse for her behavior. Narcissists know what they are doing to a certain extent. They know they are doing something wrong, and they understand they are hurting people. They know society doesn't like their behavior, hence the hiding and manipulation used as tools by them. They just don't care that they are doing this. They commit these acts because they believe they are above the rest of us and thus our morals and beliefs don't apply to them.

Where the clueless part of my quote at the start of this blog comes in is the awareness of reasons behind the narcissist's actions. A narcissist doesn't actually know the deeper reasons behind why they commit such acts. The abuse they suffered as a child caused them to create this predatory self-image to survive in a predatory environment. Everything they do is tied to the protection, and the reinforcing, of this false self-image. They just aren't aware that this is the source of the problem. Nor does the narcissist actually realize they are a narcissist, it's everyone else who is the problem as far as they are concerned. Because the narcissist feels they are superior they think it isn't an issue for them to do wrong to others. They don't understand that they aren't special, that they aren't the center of the world. Though it is theorized that vulnerable narcissists, like I believe Dickerman to be, are aware in the back of their mind that their idealized false self-image isn't real. This results in a cold rage that occasionally flares to the surface, because they have a little voice telling them constantly "you really aren't as great as you think you are".

Michelle Dickerman was every bit aware of what she was doing to me, both as teenagers and as adults. I have never once witnessed empathy, remorse, kindness or compassion from Dickerman. I have only ever seen viciousness, arrogance, contempt and condescension. The foul treatment from Dickerman had a profound effect on me as a kid, causing many issues that took years to overcome - and some of which were never overcome. Some of the abuse listed in the three videos below were things I experienced with Dickerman.

Many narcissism videos focus on a romantic relationship because this is the most common way people encounter narcissistic abuse. Thankfully that sort of thing never happened between Michelle Dickerman and myself. We never even had a friendship let alone anything else. But the abuse and situations listed can still occur even without a relationship. In the case of the first video, Dickerman never had any interests in me in a romantic way, so she skipped most of those steps except gas-lighting. Dickerman mainly just went right to cliffhanging, stonewalling, and attacking of reputation, because again she never had any romantic interest in me and thus did not have interest in my submission to her. So she skipped right to the revenge part.

For the cliffhanging and stonewalling, there were certain events that happened early in the conflict that I needed answers to and Dickerman would refuse to provide that closure I was seeking. Even when asking her about certain occurrences, Dickerman would either flat out ignore the questions, or even dance around the issue with an explanation that seemed at first to be an attempt to answer - before completely missing the mark and answering nothing at all. I never did receive any sort of closure on those issues and never will, and the pain that inflicted on me was only erased by the damage inflicted by her in 2006.

I've also went over many times on this blog with the issue of her attacking my reputation in school. She did this by constantly spreading rumors and claiming to others that I was doing things that weren't actually taking place, or weren't happening in the way that she was inflating them to be. This was done in the pursuit of attention and sympathy from others, again a vulnerable trait that grandiose narcs don't exhibit, with no regard to the impact it had on me. The impact to me was years of bullying, harassment, and being ostracized by the others - some of which would even continue after we both graduated. This also resulted in damage to my confidence and self-worth that never completely healed.

In the second video, Dickerman enjoyed playing the victim, which if you listened to the 20 signs video you'd recall this is a major symptom of vulnerable narcissism. If she did something mean towards me, it was always my fault that it happened. She was always the injured party even when it was blatantly clear she was in the wrong. This showed itself further in her refusal to apologize for bad behavior, even when it was clear to any sane person that she was in the wrong. Her apologies, what little there were, were always phrased like they were written by a lawyer (almost amusing given her current profession). It was the kind of apology phrased in a way to avoid actually admitting responsibility or a mistake.

Now it is entirely possible that I'm wrong on the narcissist belief. I'm not a psychiatrist, I'm not even a subject matter expert. It could be that Michelle Dickerman is just an arrogant asshole. I don't believe that I'm wrong in labeling Michelle Dickerman a vulnerable narcissist, but I'm open to the potential that I could be completely wrong and she's just a spoiled, entitled, and arrogant person without a personality disorder being at the center of the behavior. Given that I've seen the same behavior from her parents, her arrogance and entitlement certainly could be learned behavior from her parents rather than a personality disorder. There is a possibility that her parents are narcissists as well, which is one of the ways that children can become narcissists when they reach adulthood. If one or both of the parents are narcissists, the child is highly likely to become one as well. Even if a kid grows up to not become a narcissist, they will still carry some kind of trauma from the abuse they suffered under the parent.

Regardless of whether Dickerman is a narcissist or just a bad person, we can say in this instance that the parents are responsible for the way their child behaves (though this does not absolve Dickerman of guilt for her actions). Dickerman's parents either taught her this kind of behavior or they inflicted trauma on her that turned her into a narcissist. This video helps demonstrate a case of real life narcissism, and shows how the actions of the parents can inflict trauma on a child that causes them to become a narcissist.

Now the final three videos below mention about the risks of confronting a narcissist or holding onto the abuse they inflict. I post these as a warning for others, as I'm quite past this point. But for the rest of you - confronting a narcissist about their behavior, or letting them know that you've caught on to them, carries with it a risk that you have to weigh. My advice to you is to look at what happened to me and just walk away from a narcissist. Best thing for the safety of yourself and your family is to distance yourself as quickly as possible. The second video puts this in much better terms. Don't make the same mistakes I did.

My current situation however can be summed up as follows:
For me it is already far too late, and now I'm walking down this road as far as I have to in order to get justice. I'm done with trying to be reasonable and I'm done letting these people get away with what they did. There is no forgiveness and no chance that I would ever let them walk away without answer. I get nothing of value from taking the high road, while the guilty parties would love nothing more than for me to walk away and let them escape answering for their crimes.

I'm not concerned about anything Michelle Dickerman does in retaliation anymore, because she no longer has anything to threaten me with. She went too far with it, and crossed lines that can't be uncrossed. Dickerman also can't act against me, because if she does this ends up all over the news and it'll destroy her reputation and that of her family. There is enough evidence to justify felony charges against Dickerman, and in the state of Virginia she can still be charged with a felony that was committed in 2006.

All of the Manweiler family's dirty secrets will come out. From her parents pulling strings back in high school with the school administration to keep their daughter in the running for valedictorian, to the potential of her banker father having bribed my former attorney to throw the case. All of it will come out once this case hits the news, and there would be nothing any of them could do to stop all of it from coming out.

None of what I've discussed, from the effects on my life to the harm it inflicted on my family, has ever been intended for Michelle Dickerman's eyes. As a narcissist she couldn't care less and I'm quite aware of this. Dickerman has never listened and never will listen. I post about the damages and effects so that when the day comes you'll know exactly why certain things happened. But I have no illusions that I'm in anyway getting through the massive ego of Michelle Dickerman. And I know she derives pleasure from hearing how she hurt me and my family. I don't care if she does enjoy it quite frankly, because she won't be enjoying it one day.

I know that as a narcissist she also is using anything I say to further justify her actions to other people around her. But I've completely moved past the point of giving a damn about what bad things she says to others about me. If they aren't smart enough to realize that Dickerman pushed me to this point that's their problem. That's the important thing to keep in mind in the future for those of you visiting this blog from media coverage - I didn't start out here, I was pushed down this path.

In the end Michelle Dickerman herself will prove me right about what kind of person she is. Her personality is about as deep as a puddle, with her entire identity and sense of self-worth being wrapped up in her achievements. Take away her achievements and you destroy her as a person. Without her achievements Dickerman has nothing to point towards to prove her superiority, and not being able to show that she's better than everyone else is the most frightening thing to her. I know that she will never willingly take responsibility for her actions, because doing so would endanger her career and her reputation. Her academic and professional career are more important to her than her own children. She would sooner jeopardize her entire family than ever risk her reputation and career for them. Dickerman proves this every day that this dispute continues, and it only continues because she refuses to take responsibility for what she did in 2006. And I know that will never change.

This post ended up being much longer than I had originally planned, but had I actually gone in-depth with my evidence and experiences it would probably be three times as long. Once this is posted up we'll see what happens with the blog's ranking again. It has currently slipped low on the second page, which again is rather suspicious to me given that there isn't a good reason for that to happen. Given the steady traffic this shouldn't be an issue. We'll see what happens and whether I need to move things to a formal website. There will also likely be other update posts to help push the blog up in ranking, though I do not expect anything coming even close to the length of this post.

Monday, February 17, 2020

Update February 2020

Michelle Dickerman Michelle Manweiler Department of Treasury
This post is really more of a test than anything else. I've noticed the blog's ranking dropping off the first page on Google search results. I'm looking into whether adding new content will pump the results up, rather than reposting the links page over and over. I noticed that the blog was high in the first page results prior to a sudden amount of traffic from Dickerman, and likely some of her family, after the holiday season came to an end. After those views the blog began descending the rankings.
There are pay services out there for online reputation that mess with search results to lessen the impact of negative information. Whether this is what's happening or not - well that's what I'm attempting to find out now. I've been reposting the link page for some time without harming search results. So it's interesting that the blog ranking suddenly takes a dive after the Treasury Department views returned. If the page climbs back up the results ladder after I post, then I may just do very short regular update posts to keep the Google Gods happy with new content. If posting something new does not improve the rankings, then there is every reason to suspect fuckery is going on. We'll see what happens in the next couple weeks after this post.

Given that this blog is the least of what Michelle Dickerman (Manweiler) should be worried about now, it would be a waste of time and money trying to interfere with the search results. Screwing with the search ranking isn't going to help her situation. In fact if it becomes clear that the falling rankings are from her efforts, it only adds further fuel to an already very volatile situation. I already feel I'm being denied every means of redress for the injustices done in 2006 save for one. To further add to this dispute by giving me the perception that you're also trying to take my voice on the matter from me isn't a smart move. But Dickerman has never made a smart move in this entire dispute, which is why I have come to expect the same old crap from her time and again.

Thankfully it isn't like I hadn't planned on the potential for search ranking problems. It's the reason why I made a point of updating her images on the page. So even if the blog filters down past the first page in the results, people will still see her photos on Google Images and this will take them to the blog. In fact if the issue with the search ranking does appear to be a problem, I may begin to attach different photos of Dickerman to every update post I make. This would flood Google Images with her photos and make it harder for someone searching for her to not spot this blog.

We'll see after I post this how Google search responds. What change, if any, occurs to the search ranking will indicate to me what is actually going on. Given the blog has been fine in ranking all this time, and has only fallen off the front page results recently after Dickerman's latest viewings, it's hard to not assume that the two are related.

Considering how long the blog has been up, I'm not sure what the motivation would be if Dickerman was only now paying to have the site lowered on the search results. The only explanation I have for such a decision is that she would mistakenly believe the situation is over just because I'm not posting anymore. But I have a really hard time believing she could possibly be stupid enough to reach that kind of conclusion. Dickerman has some poor decision-making skills in regards to this dispute, but to not learn from her past history would require a massively thick individual. How long has this fight been going on so far?

The abuse from the narcissism and rumor-mongering that Michelle Dickerman leveled at me during our younger years greatly pales in comparison to what she has inflicted on me from 2006 and beyond. Yet I held a long grudge when the damage she inflicted was considerably more minor than what she did to me post-2006. But after all that was done to me during that court case, and everything I've been through after?

If Michelle Dickerman actually thinks this goes away for her and her family without an answer after what happened, well I honestly don't know what would possibly possess her to think that. I'm not ever letting go of her destroying my life when she still has not yet answered for her role in it. Especially when I have all the evidence I need to not only prove she lied and fabricated evidence, but enough to also show law enforcement knew and covered up for it. If Dickerman does not understand that there will be consequences for what she did in 2006, if she truly believes there will ever be peace for her and her family when this injustice remains unresolved, then I don't know how she has managed to make it so far in life.

I've already gone over all the bad stuff that was done to me during the case, and all I dealt with in the aftermath, in previous posts. I'm not going to rehash all of that here. I'll give you a brief rundown on some of the issues I'm dealing with right now - you tell me if just this little bit here sounds like I've forgotten about this legal case during my silence on this blog.

Since 2006 my mind replays the events of the entire legal fiasco and beyond on a constant repeat. From the moment I get up in the morning to the time I eventually pass out in bed after sitting awake for at least an hour or two. It runs continuously in my head, and my mind constantly second guesses every decision made related to the court case. The constant mental replay of events from 2006 and the years following it isn't something done by choice, it's an effect of trauma. As you can imagine it is extremely hard to focus on day-to-day things when this is going on. Especially when you throw in the lack of sleep thanks to it. I haven't received a decent night's sleep since the conclusion of the court case, and often I wake up to nightmares related to what happened.

All of this has increased to the point where I have an extreme difficulty in focusing on basic tasks, and it has become a problem at work. It's become enough of a problem where even though I'm trying to pull out of my nose dive, I might have already done too much damage to recover. Because of this I've been looking at other places of employment. I'll begin putting my resume out there soon. But that of course leads me back to the problem of a company's willingness to hire a felon. Even if they initially hire me, they may fire me later on after finding out about the record. If they don't fire me, the problem that caused me to leave my current job likely wouldn't have resolved itself and I'm back to doing this all over again.

Add to this family issues as well. My mother spent Christmas in the hospital, so we got our first taste of the holidays without her. With her heart issues, brought on largely by the strain she went through in 2006 during the court case, the reality is my mother could pass away at any time. I've wanted her to see justice done - not just in me getting the charges thrown out, but seeing my former attorney William Johnson answer for what he did. The day she passes away without seeing justice done will be the point of no return.

Another family related problem is that my father has Alzheimer's, and during the holidays last year it was obvious that he is losing his memory, especially when he grows tired towards the end of a family gathering. It was pretty clear to me that he forgot who I was by the end of the evening. My father is a retired police officer so you can imagine how my status as a felon went over with him. His Alzheimer's diagnosis and the knowledge he'll eventually forget everyone around him was already bad enough. But an additional point of pain is knowing that even if I were to magically resolve the criminal charge tomorrow, I'll never get that chance to redeem myself to my father anymore. He'll unfortunately forget that it happened.

Add to all this some additional problems such as withdrawal from contact with other people, depression, decline in physical health, increasing anger, to name a few. I know it's all the effect of trauma. That court case was the single biggest turning point of my entire life, and one filled with a considerable amount of damage drawn out over the years. Knowing what the problem is however doesn't help me solve anything in this case. There is no possibility of moving beyond that trauma because of the specifics of the situation. This isn't going to get better.

Law enforcement and the Manweiler family did their best to inflict as much trauma as possible in 2006. These idiots lumped ever harm they could upon me, and somehow thought that wouldn't end up creating the very thing they claimed to be worried about. Throw in the additional abuse from my lazy attorney and it's no wonder I'm having issues. But even with all of this, the possibility of getting past that trauma might have been available if not for some major issues.

I first and foremost know that something criminal was done to me. I'll summarize below. I have the evidence in hand proving what Michelle Dickerman pulled. I can prove in court that she was forwarding emails to a fake account made to look like mine. Even my lawyer noticed the discrepancy which confirms she did this tampering. Had my lawyer not pointed this discrepancy out, neither I nor my mother would have had our suspicions raised by the email evidence. By forwarding the messages, it gave Michelle Dickerman the ability to alter the contents to be whatever she wanted it to be. At no point did Dickerman mention to law enforcement that these emails were forwarded and not printed directly from her own inbox - thus casting further suspicion on her actions.

I can also prove Mrs. Dickerman wrote fake dates on individual sheets of the emails to split them up and make it appear she received more emails than actually existed. The evidence is the very emails she herself printed up and handed to law enforcement, with the false dates written in her own handwriting. One of the emails even says in the body of the message what date the email was sent to her - that date does not match her handwritten date but it does match the printer timestamp at the bottom of the sheet. I can further prove Dickerman lied about in-person contact in Charlottesville in order to increase law enforcement reaction to the case. I can also show she deleted evidence after hearing of my arrest, as even the media recorded that she did this.

As a lawyer Michelle Dickerman knew this act of deletion was not acceptable. In fact she knew that none of what she was doing was acceptable. Michelle Dickerman's status as a lawyer hurts her more than anything else. Because at no point in time can she claim ignorance as to the consequences or the inappropriateness of her actions. As a lawyer Dickerman knew better.

If my evidence were to be heard in court, I'm confident that Michelle Dickerman would be convicted of felony charges - ranging from felony obstruction of justice to felony disorderly conduct. Given I'm not an attorney there may be even further charges that I'm not aware of that a prosecutor could dig up. Considering the threats made by the prosecution, that they would give me a felony count for every email in their possession, I think it would only be fair that Dickerman receive a felony count for every email. The 2006 prosecution claimed they had a dozen or more emails - so that's a dozen or more felony counts that Dickerman should receive now. But if prosecutors handling her case limited it to just the emails in my possession, then we're still looking at four felony counts and that isn't a pleasant thing to face.

The disorderly conduct charge would be for filing a false police report, the same charge that Jussie Smollett was facing for his alleged hoax prior to it being dismissed. Providing evidence she fabricated and tampered with certainly applies with filing a false police report. And given the extreme level of damage inflicted by her actions, she has definitely justified receiving felony level charges. In the state of Virginia there are no statute of limitations on felonies as I understand it. This means even in 2020 Michelle Dickerman can be charged and convicted for what she did in 2006. The obstruction of justice can certainly apply to her tampering of evidence, along with her wiping out her MySpace profile right after hearing of my arrest (documented by both my former lawyer and the news media).

(Above) Clip from a news report about my arrest. (Below) From my former lawyer's notes taken during the protective order hearing on what Dickerman told him during their conversation.  

As a lawyer Michelle Dickerman knew she wasn't supposed to delete evidence like that. The fact she knew better means that Dickerman can not claim ignorance as a defense, though ignorance of the law doesn't work out in court anyway. Taking down her profile deleted the original emails in her inbox. Considering I can prove she was forwarding emails to a fake account and writing false dates to split up the email sheets, this act would conveniently allow her to cover up her criminal fabrication of evidence. The deletion of her account right after hearing of my arrest looks shady and I'm sure Dickerman knows that.

Dickerman however isn't the only one who would face criminal charges. I can prove not only criminal malfeasance on the part of multiple officials of the Charlottesville law enforcement, but I can also demonstrate that they became aware of Dickerman's crime and railroaded me to avoid anyone finding out they screwed up. All of the convenient "disappearance" or "damage" of critical evidence, the threats to coerce a plea, to even their actions after the court case - every bit of it can be backed up by evidence in my possession. And all of it is exactly what you would do as a law enforcement agency if you wanted to cover up a screw up like this. All of the shady behavior would more than justify a criminal investigation of the Charlottesville police and district attorneys office. I'm confident that criminal charges against Nick Rudman, Joe Platania, and Warner Chapman would occur if an investigation were to be conducted.

At bare minimum there is grounds for criminal malfeasance related to their negligence in their handling of the case. There can be no argument when the tampering was blatant and staring you in the face. They can not claim they paid attention to what they were reading, if they did not notice the glaring errors and issues with the printouts Dickerman provided. They were supposed to exercise due diligence and verify the printouts but they of course did not. That is criminal levels of negligence there.

So now we get to the point of what I just summarized above and how it applies to the issues I'm facing now. With the ability to prove all of the things that were done to me, the simple fact is that the felony conviction would be overturned in a heartbeat. I just  need to get the day in court that I was denied in 2006 and all of this would be over. It's knowing what these people did to me, and knowing I could get it fixed with the evidence I have, that makes it impossible to move past what happened.

Had I not known what they did, and not have all the evidence in front of my face to prove it, I might have actually been able to move on knowing there was no other choice. But knowing that I have the proof to get all of this fixed (to the greatest extent possible at least, it'll never be made right), and being ignored and blocked at every turn, has sent me down into an admittedly dark place. No one has bothered to listen to me. When someone is looking for justice and have every other avenue of relief blocked off to them, they start looking at other options to get the justice that's being denied them.

I've been robbed of many things thanks to the Manweiler family. I've been robbed of more than a decade of my life, and that tally of years keeps increasing. They have taken away the life and future I had imagined for myself. I'll never have a family thanks to all the years wasted just trying to rebuild. None of the remaining years have any value to me anymore so long as the injustice still stands. Something has to happen, sooner rather than later. So tell me - does it sound like I've forgotten about any of this?

I've tried to be reasonable in the past with Michelle Dickerman. It never got me anywhere. I've even given both sides the chance to come forward and fess up to what they did, in exchange for clearing the slate with me. I'm not going to rehash that in further detail, it's already been discussed prior and both refused it. It was a rather reasonable offer to both given all the harm they have inflicted. But they both tossed that back in my face. So I'm done with being reasonable, I'm done with deals. Now we get down to my other options. Keep that in mind however to those of you reading this blog in the future - I tried being reasonable first. I gave them both an out and neither of them took it. They deserve what is coming their way in the future.

I was initially working on another post a couple months back. I had originally begun a write-up on showing evidence for Michelle Dickerman having a personality disorder called Vulnerable Narcissistic Personality Disorder. This was during the lead up to the motion hearing and it fell off my radar due to the situation. I picked it back up briefly recently before ceasing any further work on it. I just simply don't have any desire to work on long posts anymore. It doesn't make much difference to the situation in proving Michelle Dickerman's mental issues on here. If I do end up making more update posts on here to combat the search results issue, I may just post a few snips from that post and some videos related to the disorder. But I'm not planning on spending the amount of time it would take to make another evidence post. Especially on something that doesn't change the situation regardless of whether I prove to anyone else that she has a mental health problem.

As I said earlier I don't know what her reasons are behind screwing with the search results, if she even is doing that in the first place. As for any other actions from her or the other parties, I'm not concerned in the least. If messing with the search results is indeed her work, it shows just how limited she is in what she can actually do now. They don't have anything left to threaten me with anymore. In a way Platania and the Charlottesville law enforcement folded during the motion and FOIA request. I did at first wonder if they would try to pull something while I was in town, but Platania merely showed his pettiness. He did however blink. I got in his face. I got in the Charlottesville police department's face. And they still didn't touch me.

One of the more interesting things that came from his response to my FOIA request, was how Platania side-stepped my request about the email Dickerman sent them back when she initially contacted them about the blog. It was around the time that I posted the plea deal my former attorney sent in a letter to the prosecution back in 2006. I'm certainly interested in what that email from Dickerman contained, and I'm sure the public will be interested as well. I get the feeling there was some arguing between co-conspirators. The wonderful thing about emails that get sent to public officials - they aren't allowed to delete them and there are ways to still get them even if they ignore a FOIA request. It's certainly something for the media to pursue.

The media of course is one of the primary reasons the Charlottesville law enforcement didn't try anything. Attempting to arrest me or cause any legal harm to me is a trap, and perhaps Platania was at least smart enough to realize this. So long as the media doesn't hear about anything he's in the clear. A light being shined on this case is the last thing he and the Manweiler family needs. Right now the media has ignored me because of one simple fact - nothing has happened yet. The only time they will bother to report on this is if I go to court to have this thrown out, I get arrested for something, or something else serious happens. But something big has to happen before they will pay attention. Which I'm certainly working on that 'something big'. But that's why I'm not concerned about Dickerman or the Charlottesville law enforcement.

In reality trying anything to harm me will just give me the publicity that I need, and this time I've got plenty to talk to the media about. I can't imagine Michelle Dickerman would be dense enough to not know what the actions from the 2006 case, all of the evidence, and the post-2006 behavior of law enforcement looks like. She has to know how bad all of it looks. All the shady and corrupt behavior by law enforcement, the actions of my former attorney, and all the evidence I've displayed here - it looks like she committed a crime and law enforcement railroaded me to prevent anyone from discovering their screw up. It also looks like my former attorney helped the prosecution as well, and people will understandably wonder if some transfer of funds was involved to get that result.

Given the increasing anger and distrust directed towards law enforcement today, this story will get traction once made public. People will see that a rich white girl with a banker father got special status and treatment. Her father's reputation will go down with hers after the things I bring up. Hell if he actually bribed my former attorney to throw the case like I suspect, he might even be investigated and charged for it. Because you better believe I'll bring up my suspicions on that in the news media. Considering William Johnson's actions during the case, other people will certainly draw that same conclusion of lawyer bribery.

Considering that Jussie Smollett, a black man, was looking at the potential of felony charges for a hoax - people will rightly ask why a rich white girl who caused far more harm gets to walk away without felony charges. Attempting legal action against me again would not work out well for any of them this time around. And they know it, even if they don't like to admit it to themselves. Everything that happened in 2006 looks bad enough for people to start asking questions. So it puts the Manweiler family and the Charlottesville law enforcement in a very bad position - they can't do anything until I do something. And even if I do something it'll still turn nasty for them once the details come out in the media.

Michelle Dickerman made a massive mistake in 2006, the biggest of her life. If she hasn't come to this realization years ago then she's really been overestimated by everyone. Especially since no one else had an issue seeing that one coming all the way back in 2006. Even guys in the jail cell with me thought she was being an idiot to push this as far as she did. "You know, if I wanted someone to let this all go and forget about me, the last thing I'd want to do is give them a felony that will remind them of me for the rest of their life" - said by a guy arrested on a robbery charge for snatching money from cash registers to feed his drug addiction, after he read Dickerman's impact statement.

Getting back on track, I'll see how the blog performs in the search results after this. That will determine the posting of other updates. As I said, I'll even make a point of posting more photos of her to flood Google images to combat the lowering of search ranking. Whatever it takes. We'll see how it goes.