Tuesday, January 15, 2019

FOIA Requests and Trip to Charlottesville

After looking into Charlottesville's procedure with FOIA requests, I've decided to not include a summary of the allegations I'm going to Internal Affairs with. I had initially assumed I could submit these directly to the police department and district attorney's office, which is why I wanted to include this summary. Instead I have to submit it to a department of the city and then it'll make its way to the police and DA.

When it comes to the allegations summary, I have no interest in putting further work into that part only to have it get removed by some random employee of the city before it reaches its destination. This does at least mean the FOIA request will get mailed out sooner, since I won't be writing up nearly as much material.

Since I'm not providing that summary I plan on contacting Detective Rudman either via phone or email, to pursue information on why he apparently ran a credit check on me and called my banks up. I'm sure he'll claim he did no such thing despite the evidence suggesting otherwise. If he lies to me about it then that's something that'll come back to bite him during the IA investigation. Lying to me about it won't accomplish anything if IA finds out he actually did it, and I'm speaking to them about it regardless of Rudman's denial. As I said in the previous posts, having an employee of a bank I have a credit card with search for Rudman and then myself is just too much of a coincidence to be dismissed.

The work flow at my job is slowing down now to the extent that soon I can take some extended time off, which will involve a trip to Charlottesville to speak to Charlottesville PD Internal Affairs. There is a very good chance I may also visit the media outlets in Charlottesville while I'm there.

Currently the climate for law enforcement within the city of Charlottesville is very bad. The open hostility towards LE within the city (cited both by media sources and even the police), combined with additional issues such as low salary, has resulted in the Charlottesville police department having trouble retaining officers and gaining new recruits. The media there is extremely receptive at this time to any negative press involving the police and the district attorney. There has never been a better time for me to go to them with a story like this. This entire case reeks of a cover-up for a rich UVA student, and the current actions of Rudman and Platania are only helping to prove their guilt in this.

That however does not come without a personal cost to me. Going to the media without Charlottesville law enforcement's admission that they screwed up means announcing that I'm currently a felon to everyone who didn't already know it. This certainly creates severe issues with my work, which will mean consequences for those who forced me to go that route. If I have to go through any more grief to get this charge removed, guess what happens when I accomplish this and it comes time to settle up in court with the guilty parties? I'm going into it with the intention of pushing lengthy years long court battles and bankrupting people. I'll happily sign over everything to the civil attorney willing to take people's homes away from them. If the guilty parties keep wanting to play games with my life then they can cry in court for it later.

I used to talk about how if our roles were reversed I wouldn't have had Manweiler threatened out of her right to trial like she did to me. But after so many games from her, and so many years of my life down the drain, she can suffer whatever consequences come about from what she did. She could have stopped what was happening in 2006 at any time. She not only decided to let it happen, she demanded that it happen. She could have undone some of the damages she inflicted afterwards. She decided to keep going along with it for over a decade - a decade I'll never get back. My life, and the lives of even my family, have been permanently and irreversibly altered no matter how positive the results of my current legal efforts. A majority of my mothers declining health has been the result of the massive charade performed for Manweiler's benefit in 2006. It wasn't the arrest that did it, it was everything that was inflicted afterwards. From the months I was confined as if I were a murderer, to the verbal abuses of my lawyer, the blatantly wrong and corrupt actions of the prosecutors, and the ridiculous penalties she was helpless to stop. All of that combined is what did it.

So I have no sympathy and no mercy for whatever ruin happens to Michelle Manweiler's life. The same goes for her parents, who my former attorney and the prosecution both thankfully admitted on record to being just as responsible for what happened. This admission that they were deeply involved in the decision making process makes them just as legally liable for the permanent damages inflicted on my life as their daughter. I'm dragging everyone into this now so I hope Michelle Manweiler is happy with her choices. Nobody should feel sorry for Manweiler either. All she accomplished was dragging in people who weren't originally part of this fight. What was at first a stupid and immature dispute solely between two individuals, has grown into a very serious situation now involving and affecting many lives. One that has had, and will continue to have, life altering consequences for all the people it has touched.

There are individuals who will lose their livelihoods because of Manweiler's choices. Whatever their personal actions to support her, the reality is that everything negative that will happen to other people in this case is going to happen because of her choices. None of it would be happening if she hadn't lied, tampered with evidence, and inflated a stupid situation like a drama queen. In 2006 she used people and placed them in jeopardy just to satisfy her bruised ego - even I wasn't that petty to endanger the livelihoods of other people over my own vendetta with Manweiler. I'm sure Rudman's family will thank Michelle Manweiler for what they experience if he loses his job when this is over. Though he's not the only one looking at losing out in this - well frankly everyone involved loses no matter how this ends. Not that she actually cares what happens to others, the only person that matters in Michelle Manweiler's life is herself.

Getting back on point, naturally I'm quite angry that I'll have to use vacation time to handle a situation that should be getting resolved without resorting to any of this additional effort. I shouldn't have to go to the media or Internal Affairs when Joseph Platania and the Charlottesville police have been entirely aware of their screw-up for some time. What that vacation time should be spent on is attempting to enjoy a break to decompress from the several months I've spent with little time off. Instead I'll be dealing with traffic and a long drive, the obvious stress of walking into a hostile police station to speak to Internal Affairs, the stress of going to the media with the story, potentially paying for a hotel while there if the stay gets extended, all of it just to force the Charlottesville law enforcement to actually do the right thing for once in their careers.

Platania and the police already know what's going on and they know what evidence I have, yet they continue to keep screwing around. I should have received some contact by now for the start of an investigation into what happened in 2006. There isn't an excuse to not have received any communication by now. I know they are poking through my blog right now given the views, so they have seen the evidence so far and they know what they are facing. Joseph Platania and Detective Rudman absolutely know I caught Manweiler. Instead of reaching out to fix their mistake, which is something they should be doing if they aren't guilty of doing anything wrong, I get a fluke viewing from a bank employee that shows the police are calling up banks I have accounts with. They would rather search for irrelevant information on me instead of doing their real job.

Which brings us to another issue. There is still no response from the prosecution to the motion. At this point I'm certainly not expecting that to change until either time runs out for his response, or until he's forced into actually doing his job for once. It is blatantly obvious Joseph Platania is delaying his response to the motion deliberately at this point. If he actually had even a shred of common sense he'd realize just how bad that will look when this situation becomes public.

What else does he think his deliberate delay on the response will look like? That motion is public information that will be sitting in that court file no matter what he does. The behavior by law enforcement cited in it looks very much like they did something illegal and immoral - that's probably why the judge forwarded it to him. Platania has had more than enough time to get the ball rolling on the investigation after seeing what was brought up. Which once again is something they should voluntarily do if they aren't guilty of anything. I should have already received a phone call by a C'ville police detective wanting to see my evidence at the bare minimum right now. Instead Platania has apparently asked Rudman to call up banks I have accounts with, which is completely irrelevant information to anything about this case. It really is just harassment at this point. Just what does Joseph Platania think this will all look like to the public?

As I said, if Platania had a clue he'd realize the clock is running out on him. At the moment members of the Charlottesville law enforcement have the potential to still sell themselves as "victims" of Michelle Manweiler. They could deflect some of the flak they receive by showing they were lied to by the person they were only trying to protect. But the window of opportunity to tell the media "We wanted to protect her and she lied to us, and it's her fault we hurt this guy" is running out very quickly thanks to the current games being played by Rudman and Platania. The longer Charlottesville law enforcement takes to act, the less the public will believe that they were ever a victim. The public instead will view them as co-conspirators with Manweiler. Especially if I have to come down there and force them to take action.

Joseph Platania and Detective Rudman have known for years that I caught what Manweiler did. But with the motion being forwarded to Joseph Platania, where I all but spell the accusations out, the Charlottesville law enforcement no longer has the ability to deny any knowledge. With them still not doing anything to correct the situation, and the problematic addition of Rudman apparently investigating my financial history, the public and media will not be very pleasant once this whole thing comes out.

If Charlottesville law enforcement thinks people in the city are hostile to them now, wait until this story hits. More importantly, wait until this story hits while they have still refused to fix their mistake in the face of overwhelming evidence. The actions so far by Platania and Rudman only make C'ville law enforcement look even more guilty when it comes to the accusations of a cover up. Also add in the fact that I've made an offer to limit the damages sought against the city in exchange for them fixing this themselves, which has so far fallen on deaf ears. I made an offer to both parties and the ball is now in Charlottesville law enforcement's court to accept or not. You can bet the public will want heads to roll when they find out their tax dollars are going down the drain because Platania and Rudman wanted to keep their screw-ups hidden even after getting caught.

Everything the guilty parties did will come out into the open no matter what. Whether that's tomorrow or ten years from now, the only thing that changes is the amount of damages the longer this goes on. And there are many ways this case can end up in the public eye, some ways less pleasant than others. I have been pushed too far and I simply have no interest in ever letting the guilty parties move forward with their lives until this is resolved. That resolution will be on my terms one way or another. For the moment I'm trying these specific options, and I'll be visiting Internal Affairs in that pursuit soon enough.

Charlottesville law enforcement is going to have to make a decision. Make the wrong decision in the coming weeks, and when this story does break in the media you'll be facing even worse than what you are dealing with now. Because the continued refusal to fix your mistake means you not only lose the ability to claim ignorance of Manweiler's actions, but you only end up proving that you covered up for the crimes of a rich UVA student. You know as well as I do that the events of 2006 look like a cover up by law enforcement. Nobody will believe that it wasn't what it looks like when you continue to behave like you are even after being made aware of what Manweiler did.

In the meantime I will attempt to get those FOIA requests mailed out this week, and the email to Detective Rudman will follow soon after. Prior to my meeting with Internal Affairs I think I'll review some of the copies I have of the recordings involving my former attorney. I may even post some more snippets from those recordings.

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