Sunday, December 23, 2018

Addendum to Update Post

To help add additional material showing how I came to the conclusion that Detective Rudman was investigating my financial information, I've decided to include a screenshot I took on my phone of the LinkedIn searcher listing. I have done this for two reasons.

The first reason is to show just how out of place the Capital One search is in my general feed. I initially just clipped the screenshot to only show the Capital One searcher. But when my profile shows up in search results the searcher either works at an engineering company, shipyard, or a "headhunting" agency hired to recruit people for those agencies. The Capital One searcher is the first time a financial institution has shown up.

The second reason is that I realized that the previous screenshot, that was taken on my computer when logged into the site, looks odd because of the distance from the searcher listing and the websites header for "Where your searchers work". While this spacing is how it actually appears on the website, I want to make sure people know this is a legitimate notification I received.

As for the FOIA requests I've talked about, I'm still in the process of writing them. I don't just want to send a FOIA form, I want to include a summary and packet of info. I want to let Rudman and Platania know that I am indeed going to talk to Internal Affairs, and any other investigative agency necessary. By also sending this packet and my claims that I will be taking to IA, it puts Rudman and Platania in a more complicated situation. They won't be able to deny awareness of making a serious error in 2006.

The simple fact is that the Charlottesville police and District Attorney's office are under a legal obligation right now, and back in 2011/2012 when first poking around on this blog, to investigate Michelle Manweiler. There is enough evidence to prove in court that Manweiler tampered with the emails in a blatant fashion, thus Charlottesville has to conduct a criminal investigation of her and the events of 2006. They are also legally obligated to have the felony charge dismissed once made aware that it was in error. The continued refusal to fix their mistake when made aware of the issue will become a serious matter when the events of this case hit the media. I'd wager that it would involve criminal charges for those refusing to take action - namely Platania and even Rudman. It would also increase the financial damages facing the city, police department, and involved individuals, should the Charlottesville law enforcement continue to ignore the evidence.

Joseph Platania has already been made aware of the problem through the motion I filed in court. I did not initially intend for it to go to the prosecutor, but that certainly serves my purposes. It also means that right now Platania has no ability to play dumb anymore. Since receiving the motion he has had the obligation to speak to me. By now I should have received some contact from C'ville law enforcement to see the evidence and begin the investigation - with the roles of Ms. Manweiler and I being reversed from what they were in 2006. The fact that so far Platania has ignored the accusations, and deliberately delayed the motion, is something that will not work out well for him later on if he continues. By including a brief account of what I will be speaking to IA about, and reiterating the accusations being made, neither Platania or Rudman will be able to hide their knowledge of what happened anymore. It puts the police and district attorney's office in a very bad position legally if they continue to do nothing at that point.

It would also mean that Rudman and Platania will have to end whatever investigations they have been conducting against me. As it stands, I'm betting Rudman and Platania (who would have ordered it) are on extremely shaky ground legally with having apparently conducted a credit background check on me and contacted banks I have an account with. This is especially bad because both Platania and Rudman have a conflict of interest with this case. When I say that Rudman and Platania have a legal obligation to investigate, that actually means that the police department and district attorney's office as legal entities have the obligation. Rudman and Platania have a legal obligation to ensure this case is investigated and appropriate action is taken by other parties in C'ville law enforcement, and any continued attempts of theirs to obstruct justice will have a negative impact for them when this case becomes public.

Given that the evidence shows they not only screwed up the case but that they potentially covered it up, and thus they would be facing potential consequences, both Platania and Rudman have a vested interest in this case - and not in a good way. If Platania ordered an investigation of me, which already has a conflict of interest, he should have had a different police detective conduct that investigation. By apparently having Detective Rudman, who could be facing lawsuit and lose of career, conduct the investigation against me (both now and in 2011/2012), the Charlottesville law enforcement has already made what I would expect to be a serious legal misstep.

Neither Platania or Rudman can have any involvement in the investigation (regardless of who is being investigated) because both of them are named guilty parties and have a conflict of interest. Platania is legally obligated to have the district attorney's office start an investigation of Manweiler and this case given his role as the head prosecutor - but he cannot have any personal involvement and would have to require another prosecutor in his office handle it. Even then, it is still a potential problem given this is someone who works for Platania could certainly be seen as being influenced by his boss named as a guilty party.

To have Detective Rudman, who could face consequences for missing Manweiler's tampering in 2006 that lead to injury to the defendant, perform any investigations of me or Michelle Manweiler would also be crossing legal lines given that obvious conflict of interest. Neither Rudman or Platania can have any direct involvement, certainly not to the extent they clearly have so far. Given that Rudman has this conflict of interest and yet was obviously tapped to investigate me, I'd say Charlottesville already has a problem. As I said, another officer should have been picked to make those inquiries to my bank, inquiries which already will look bad given that they don't have the legal justification for it anyway.

So getting back to the FOIA request, this isn't some simple form I'm filing and that takes time. Time I don't have at the moment thanks to some deadlines at work and the holiday season, but both will be clearing up soon enough and I'll start mailing things out prior to my talk with IA. Until then, here is the screenshot I promised below:

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