Wednesday, January 25, 2012

The Corrupt Never Rest

"Corruption is worse than prostitution. The latter might endanger the morals of an individual, the former invariably endangers the morals of the entire country."

- Karl Kraus, 'Morality and Criminal Justice (1908)'
"If you are neutral in situations of injustice, you have chosen the side of the oppressor. If an elephant has its foot on the tail of a mouse and you say that you are neutral, the mouse will not appreciate your neutrality."

- Desmond Tutu

As I mentioned yesterday, Detective Rudman used a VPN to attempt to access my blog undercover. He didn't realize that saving the post Evidence Against Michelle Manweiler Part 1 showed me the username it was being saved to on the computer - Rudman. The Detective then burned a copy of that one page (why just that page?) to a CD. Well today the City of Charlottesville IP that viewed my blog last year showed up on my counter. Only they didn't visit my blog - they viewed the html file on the CD Rudman had burned yesterday, and some how my counter picked this up (as I said before, I had no clue it did this). This was the visit link source that the counter showed:


This of course concerns me a little, though I'm not immediately going to assume that action is being taken against me. After all, the Charlottesville law enforcement has been screwing around on my blog for a year now and haven't tried anything, with their last visit taking place in June. This at least gives me the ability to show the level of corruption and waste on the part of the C'ville law enforcement. They have no jurisdiction over this case. This isn't me trying to pull legal theory out of my ass - I was told this by an Appellate Attorney who is a former prosecutor. They stated that trying to submit my motion to Charlottesville Circuit Court was incorrect because once the conviction was made, the case left the jurisdiction of Charlottesville and became a Commonwealth of Virginia case. I was submitting my motion to the wrong level of court essentially. In addition, Michelle Manweiler no longer lives in Charlottesville, and has not lived there in years. The only parties that can prosecute me on any further issues with Michelle Manweiler are the State Attorney General's Office or Arlington - the city of Ms. Manweiler's physical residence.

Charlottesville wouldn't have anything to prosecute me under in the first place. I haven't once contacted Ms. Manweiler or any member of her family, nor do I have any intentions of ever getting in touch with them. This isn't because I'm at all concerned about getting prosecuted for it - if I wanted to quickly tell off Ms. Manweiler in a single letter or in person one time, the police literally couldn't do anything to me unless I blatantly threatened her or continued to make repeated contact. You see there is a thing called the first amendment, and so long as I don't cross certain lines - harassment or threats - there isn't anything they could do to me from a single contact. I don't have contact Ms. Manweiler or her family because I have no desire to say anything to them.

In addition, Ms. Manweiler has been going to this blog of her own free will, and has been doing it for quite some time. I don't have any magical powers to force her into visiting. Ms. Manweiler doesn't have to come here - if I were her, I'd completely ignore the site and go on with my life. I also have no control over who goes to the blog. If I did, I wouldn't have allowed Ms. Manweiler or the Charlottesville law enforcement to view the site. Unfortunately I only have two options when it comes to viewers - either I can stop everyone from seeing the site or I can allow everyone to see the site. Not a lot of control there. Again, nobody has made Ms. Manweiler continue to visit this blog - as Ms. Manweiler is a human being (I use that term loosely) with free will, I would suggest that if this blog bothers Ms. Manweiler she can ignore the site altogether. If the Charlottesville law enforcement do not like this blog, I would suggest they cease visiting it as well. It's not like either party can do anything about it. I've not once threatened Ms. Manweiler or anyone else with violence on this blog. I've also backed up claims I've made with evidence, and have a pile of evidence that hasn't even been shown here to back things up further. While I would not be surprised that the C'ville law enforcement or the Manweilers take issue with others exercising their civil rights, this is America and I have the freedom to speak my mind so long as I don't cross certain boundaries - and I have not crossed those boundaries.

I'm also not the only person who ever ran my mouth about the Charlottesvile law enforcement's behavior. When people get screwed over by corruption they tend to complain about it. One such example is another blog I've linked to in the past that kept tabs on activities of the law enforcement in that area ( Both Charlottesville law enforcement and the agencies in surrounding counties seem to have targeted that blog writer for harassment repeatedly as I understand it, obviously C'ville LEOs have problems with being scrutinized - that comes from being corrupt, they don't want people to watch their activities too closely. I think they know better than to try that with me - they know I already have enough evidence to have a legal boot placed up their ass if this ever got out, and if they tried to harass me any further when I've broken no laws that will earn them an even bigger boot in civil court.

I also know that they aren't trying to make some connection between Ms. Manweiler living in the D.C. metro area and my recent employment with a company in that same area. My move to this area was completely unwanted. At least 80% of my family lives in the tidewater region, and I much more prefer tidewater to the terrible traffic, rudeness and over-built urban areas of the D.C. metro area. I had no choice unfortunately. My field is in engineering, and there is a lack of such jobs in tidewater. The best place was my former employer NGNN shipyard - which was recently sold by Northrop, which should tell you how bad things are right now. There were constant layoffs and then a freeze on hiring. Most of the engineering jobs are in and around the D.C. area, so it was either remain unemployed or take a chance and move. If Ms. Manweiler had not had me threatened into a felony charge that limited my employment opportunities, I wouldn't have had to come to this area for employment. Essentially, if Ms. Manweiler had not made the decisions that she did in 2006 I wouldn't be working for a company in the D.C. Metro area near her. Ms. Manweiler should think on that.

At no time did I ever run into Ms. Manweiler. This woman lied to police and tampered with evidence to get me a felony she knew I didn't commit - the last thing I would want is to give the little sociopath something else to lie about that would ruin this chance for me. I also have every right as an American citizen to visit any city I wish and freely move about regardless of Ms. Manweiler residency in that city. So if the Manweilers and the Charlottesville law enforcement do not like that I live in the same region as Ms. Manweiler, my response to them is "Tough shit". In addition, there is nothing about my current location that even has anything to do with Charlottesville. If Ms. Manweiler had some claim, it would be the job of the Arlington police to take action. While I realize that Warner Chapman is arrogant enough to believe his authority is above even God himself, the simple fact is that Charlottesville has no jurisdiction towards anything to do with Michelle Manweiler any more. Not only that, but technically Ms. Manweiler would be considered the stalker in this because she continues to make visits to a blog to keep an eye on me. She's done a number of searches on me, and has even had some friends send me Myspace and Facebook invites so they can report on me to her. I know which ones are doing it and I allow them to remain on my friend list so that I have another piece of evidence to point to later on. There isn't anything of value on my profiles, if there was I wouldn't have allowed them to friend me in the first place.

While I wouldn't normally expect them to try something as moronic as attempting to take action against me for gaining employment for a company in Arlington, Assistant DA Joe Platania isn't exactly the sharpest knife in the drawer apparently. After all, this is the prosecutor who claimed in court that a very intelligent psychiatrist with an extremely impressive resume, who has been studying criminal behavior and psychiatry since Platania was playing with Barbies, was essentially incompetent simply because he didn't agree with Platania's assessment of me (Platania of course having no degree in that field of study). In addition, this prosecutor actually stood up in court and claimed that one of the reasons I should receive a felony is due to having a bumper sticker on my car that Platania didn't like. Platania and his boss are absolutely ridiculous and I wouldn't put it beyond Tweedledee and Tweedledum to try something so insane.

The more the Charlottesville law enforcement play games with my blog, the more ammo they give me. Not only are they trying to hide their activities (if they weren't doing anything wrong when viewing this blog, why hide it) but they continue to waste tax payer money. The Charlottesville public needs to understand this - you are paying these guys to screw around on my blog while they are on the clock. They are using assets that you pay for to do this. It is your money they are wasting in continuing to get involved in a situation that no longer affects the city of Charlottesville - the woman this situation revolved around hasn't lived in the city for years. Do you really need them to waste your money during such an economy?

The only thing about this that affects Charlottesville is that when I get the charge overthrown (and I will now that I can afford a lawyer without burdening my parents) and go to the news media, the actions of the C'ville law enforcement are going to cost the tax payers huge amounts of money when I sue the hell out of the police department, the DA's office, the city and every person who was involved in the case. As I said before, I have evidence that proves gross negligence at the very least against multiple members of your law enforcement. Much of my evidence would not only justify a criminal investigation against the responsible parties, but could very well send C'ville law enforcement officials to prison. But until that time, the only thing of importance to Charlottesville is the waste of tax money your officials are conducting to play games with me. I'm not going to tolerate any actions against me by the Charlottesville law enforcement. Not only did I have the insane luck (I prefer to view it as someone upstairs looking out for me) to land such a career during times like these, but I'm about to sign a 12 month lease at the end of the week - a lease which would cost me thousands if I have to break it early. If you think these guys racked up one hell of a tab on the taxpayer's dime from damages done in 2006, wait and see what it costs the city in civil court if they dick around again.

I don't know what Ms. Manweiler's game is in constantly running to the Charlottesville law enforcement, especially when as a lawyer she knows they can't do anything anymore. If she wants to be butt hurt over this blog, that is her problem. If you go around haphazardly wrecking people's lives, you have no one to blame when it comes back to bite you. I noticed her parents jumped on the blog during the holiday season to check out the post where I mentioned landing the job in Arlington. I'm sure it sent the Manweilers in panic mode, but they can just get over it. I also noticed Ms. Manweiler's views have dropped off considerably since the announcement. My family and I recently discussed this, and the answer we came to was simple. Ms. Manweiler was entertained by reading how she wrecked someone's future. Now that I rose out of the ashes and into a career that is even better than the one I was forced into resigning due to being denied bail, Ms. Manweiler is no longer entertained. This is a woman who believes that I'll never amount to anything, and she is arrogant enough to be pissed that even a false felony did not stop me from proving her wrong. I knew Ms. Manweiler was pathetic enough to get pleasure out of inflicting suffering on others, but sometimes even I'm surprised by just how screwed up this chick is.

As I said, I haven't told my mother about the C'ville views. She has been a nervous wreck since 2006, and has constantly worried about my future. For the first time in years, her mind is somewhat at ease. I don't want to ruin that when the likelihood is that nothing will come of the views just like before. I did however talk to some friends about it who know the story, and the reactions were of disbelief and anger. As one of my friends put it, "What the fuck is wrong with her? What the hell did you ever even see in someone that messed up in the head?" I even spoke with a female friend of Ms. Manweiler's who has been in occasional contact with me since she read the blog and discussed the issue over the phone with me. Even she thinks that Ms. Manweiler would really be twisted to try something like this, especially with the timing - I just started to get my life back together. The comment when I told her about this current situation was "Wow, that is really bad, I never thought she'd act like this". This friend mentioned that she wanted to try to say something to Ms. Manweiler about ending this behavior, but I asked her not to because Ms. Manweiler would only try to claim that I was getting in contact with her. Hopefully it never gets brought up. I'd rather Ms. Manweiler not know exactly who I've been in contact with anyway.

Michelle Manweiler would of course be sick enough to pull this again, especially with the timing. Amazing how she only waits until I get a good career again before turning the dogs on me. Any attempt to harm me right after I get my life somewhat repaired would only succeed in making this woman look like a really vicious and sick person. This time around I will fight it out. There will be a trial. If she thinks that she received reporter attention before - this time her name will be out in the public, especially when there is a trial. There won't be any hiding for her this time. If this woman really was smart she'd knock it off, ignore me, and hope that if I can't fix this that getting my life back together somewhat would eventually quiet me down. Granted I have no intentions of ending my fight for justice no matter how my life improves (it will never even be close to whole so long as the felony exists in any form on my record), but kicking me in the teeth again isn't going to make me back off - didn't do it the first time, and not only did it give me more supporters and her more enemies, but it gave me something to rally behind. It gave me something worth holding a lifelong grudge over. Doing it again over a stupid blog, especially timing it for when I finally get my life somewhat repaired, would only give me something to point to to show just how twisted Ms. Manweiler really can be. If the woman wants to give an even worse image of herself, and thus give me more to use against her, then we'll just see what happens won't we?

Well I've managed to stay up too late yet again. I did end up rambling a bit, sometimes I get into what I'm writing about. I've got work in the morning and I've already spent two nights with only a few hours sleep each night. This is partly from being excited about the move from a motel to a nice two bedroom apartment, and partly from being upset over the actions of Rudman and the C'ville law enforcement. My nerves are on edge, and with the lack of enough sleep I have to be careful or my performance at work will suffer if I don't calm myself and try to relax. I'm off to bed, and here's hoping that the Nazis in C'ville, Williamsburg and Arlington knock it off and leave me alone.