Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Update on VPN Issue

On a hunch, I decided to do a search of my page view stats to see if there were any views in the past from the VPN Detective Rudman recently used. I remembered seeing this VPN client in the past, but couldn't be sure. Well I found what I was looking for - on December 21, 2011, Detective Rudman used the VPN client to view my blog. Since I had no information at the time as to who this was, I didn't bother to give the VPN much thought, though I knew it to be someone connected to the Manweiler family.

What I find very interesting is that Detective Rudman seems to be at the beck and call of the Manweiler family. In the past, right after the Manweilers viewed my post where I announced my intentions to file a motion to get the plea agreement invalidated, Detective Rudman makes an appearance at my blog. Rudman's views were the very next day after Ms. Manweiler and her parents reviewed my blog after the motion announcement. Now it appears the same pattern is occurring.

On December 19th, 2011, Michelle Manweiler made visits from her home computer on my blog. This may have been the first time Ms. Manweiler saw my post about my new job in the D.C. Metro area. This apparently put the Manweilers in panic mode, because her parents than jump on my blog. This was on December 21, 2011 - the same day as Detective Rudman's views of my blog. So in both instances, Detective Rudman immediately responded to requests by the Manweiler family.

Are things so slow in Charlottesville that Detective Rudman can serve as an on-call police officer to the Manweiler family? This officer is using tax payer resources to pursue the Manweiler's personal errands. The time he is wasting on playing around on my blog, over something that is not a crime and a situation that is no longer in his jurisdiction, could be better spent protecting the citizens of Charlottesville. It appears to me from this evidence that there is a personal agenda here on the part of members of the Charlottesville law enforcement. They are also still providing preferential treatment to a rich UVA alumni, as Detective Rudman will immediately respond to any request by the Manweiler family - even though no member of the Manweiler family has lived in the city of Charlottesville for years. I know for a fact that Rudman would not be doing all of this for the average citizen of Charlottesville.

The public needs to know of the abuses done in their name, and I will ensure that this happens. This is a waste of public funding during an already bad economy. Any citizen of Charlottesville will agree that Detective Rudman has no business using their money and assets to cuddle the Manweiler family. His continued viewing of this blog and investigating this old case is a waste of resources. No jurisdiction, no crime, and no member of the Manweilers living in the city - yet Rudman continues to provide support to these individuals. Not only that, but it is interesting how Rudman makes a determined effort to avoid viewing any of the evidence I posted that proves criminal behavior on the part of Michelle Manweiler (In Evidence Against Michelle Manweiler Part 2). Why is he determined to ignore this evidence? Because this evidence shows he was negligent and could very well cost him his badge.

Rudman knows he is doing wrong. After all, he immediately ceased viewing my blog in the summer after I called him out on it and told him to stop wasting taxpayer money on a case that wasn't even his jurisdiction anymore. When the Manweilers called on him again in December, Rudman tries to find a way to avoid letting me know he is on the blog. This officer went out of his way to avoid being detected, not only by using a VPN to view the blog but also burning a post to a CD so that he could view it at his leisure at his desk without me knowing. Rudman just didn't know that the saved blog post view would still be detected by my counter.

If this officer wasn't doing anything wrong, he wouldn't be trying so hard to hide it. When I brought up the fact that I could show that Charlottesville law enforcement was viewing the blog, Rudman just continued to visit without a care. But when I pointed out how he was wasting taxpayer money on a case that wasn't his jurisdiction, suddenly Rudman stops viewing my blog altogether for months. He wasn't concerned about my knowledge of his activities until I pointed this out. My post calling him out on his behavior was the last post he visited before returning in December. Now Rudman has tried to sneak around on the blog to avoid leaving any evidence of his visit. I think the public will be very interested to know why their law enforcement is behaving in this manner, especially on top of all the other suspicious actions they took during the 2006 case (which I mentioned in the previous posts to this one).

Regardless, I've grown tired of this game that the Manweilers and the Charlottesville law enforcement continue to play. Every time I try to do something to repair the damage they inflicted on my life, the Manweilers run to the Charlottesville law enforcement. They don't run to Arlington police over the blog, who would have far more jurisdiction in this case than Rudman. Or maybe they have and the Arlington police told them to get over it. So the Manweilers seek help from the only law enforcement that has given them special treatment all along - Charlottesville.

Ms. Manweiler is only digging herself in deeper and deeper, and showing more people what she really is deep down. As I said, she only tries this when I make an announcement about trying to repair the damage she caused. When I announce that I'm planning a motion to invalidate the plea, Ms. Manweiler runs to C'ville law enforcement. When I mention that I got a really good job now, one that would allow me to hire an attorney down the road to repair the damage, Ms. Manweiler runs to the C'ville law enforcement. No other times has she or her family tried to take action over the blog. Even when I made the lengthy article about her, Ms. Manweiler does nothing. Only when I mention something that could undo the harm she has done, does Ms. Manweiler take any kind of action. This proves that Ms. Manweiler is only concerned with maintaining the damage to my life out of pure viciousness. When I've brought this up to people who know the situation, including some of Ms. Manweiler's friends who have contacted me, the most common statement runs along the lines of "she needs to get a life". Indeed. Obviously causing suffering is far more important to her than getting a hobby or going outside once in awhile.

As I've said, I've grown tired of these games. We'll see if I hold off for awhile or not on taking action. I want to see what additional things Rudman intends. I'll go ahead and get the forensic expert's opinion on my evidence soon, but I'll hang onto it for the time being. While I eventually intend on going to the news and Internal Affairs down the road, I have more important concerns for the time being.

Work has been quite busy for me, as I'm the sole designer working on a project for the USCG's new cutters. I also signed a lease for an apartment and am in the process of moving in and buying furnishings. As this is a 12 month lease, I have to get some money saved to make the buyout in case of an emergency - such as the Charlottesville law enforcement pulling another stunt. The C'ville law enforcement won't get away with this again, but I want to be sure that my family doesn't get more into debt over me.

Right now neither I nor my family have the cash to spare to make the buyout, meaning that anything costing me my employment again would result in me having to simply abandon the apartment - a huge hit to my credit and renting history. In addition, since I'm only in the early stages of the work project, losing me would cause a big problem for both the client and my employer. Even if they rush, my employer would likely not find a replacement for some time. Having to resign from an employer yet again, especially when only working with them for a couple of months, would cause me even more trouble to get hired later on. My family also had to devote quite a bit of money to help me relocate, and I haven't had the chance to repay them in full. I was content to wait it out for some time and merely prepare, instead of trying to take action immediately. I didn't make this decision for my own sake, as I would much rather take action immediately. I don't want to rock the boat until I'm ready, so that I do not cause my family nor my employer any problems. I would still be content to let some time pass before acting, though whether I can afford to do that remains to be seen.

If I continue to see Rudman visit this blog anymore, I'll be in touch with Internal Affairs. I also will speak with a civil attorney about what it will cost me to take Rudman to civil court for harassment. Because I see no other purpose behind his actions. In addition, I'll provide copies of his activities to the various reporters who I've been in contact with in the past, along with every TV station in Charlottesville. The reporters who responded to me last time said they wanted to see something happen before they would follow the story, either my filing of legal papers in court or my arrest. But I have no doubt the local news would be quite interested in a story about the Charlottesville police department not only giving blatant favoritism to a rich UVA alumni, but also wasting tax dollars on a case no longer in their jurisdiction - especially when no crime was even being committed. Rudman's actions continue to stress me out, and my anxiety level was already very high before he started playing this game with my blog. His continued behavior in this manner will only serve to cause me further strain during an already stressful time, and thus result in further damages brought against him in court.

While I was planning on cooling off and trying to get my life in order, I'm not going to just sit around if I think the people against me (Manweilers and Charlottesville law enforcement) are going to try something. If I continue to see activity like this, then I'm going to assume I'm in danger and immediately take action to protect myself. Detective Rudman, and a couple other CPD detectives, were involved in a lawsuit in recent times (I think 2010) relating to civil rights accusations. If Rudman thinks that the Charlottesville police can afford to have another lawsuit brought against them, he is certainly working hard to make it happen.

If Ms. Manweiler, her parents and the Charlottesville law enforcement were actually intelligent people, they would keep quiet and ignore my bitching on this blog now that I have a good job. The only hope they have of this situation going away is my life improving to the point that I decide not to fight it anymore. While I have no intentions of dropping this until my record is expunged, especially since at any time the charge could end my employment, not taking action against me and hoping I walk away is the only option Ms. Manweiler has if she has any hope at all of seeing the end of this. Because what is being done now certainly isn't helping achieve that end.

Playing games like this with me is only pushing this situation more. I can't see a valedictorian and lawyer not being smart enough to notice that the more harm she inflicts, the more determined I become to fight what I see as an injustice. Apparently Ms. Manweiler hasn't bothered to reflect on the past very much, otherwise she'd notice that every time she inflicts harm, it only serves to escalate the problem. I don't just forget about someone doing harm to me, and Ms. Manweiler has done quite a bit of harm over the years. Inflicting harm and being mean to me hasn't given her what she wanted, and will never get her whatever she hopes to get out of it.

Then again, maybe Ms. Manweiler isn't as intelligent as one would think a valedictorian would be. While I should not have contacted Ms. Manweiler back then, by the time she took action I was already growing bored with the whole situation, and no offense but only a complete idiot would miss the signs. I had recently met a woman and things were looking up in my career. Obviously Ms. Manweiler didn't pay attention to the fact that by the end of it I was simply sending links to joke sites because I was too bored with the situation to bother with anything else. If Ms. Manweiler hadn't taken legal action against me, my interest would have completely died out and I would have come away from it feeling that I gave her a glimpse of what she had put me through. Again, I'm not saying that should excuse me for contacting her, I am simply stating the fact that I was getting bored and that this situation would been concluded had no legal actions occurred in 2006. I guess I was just looking to get the last word in this situation essentially. I should have known that Ms. Manweiler's ego would never allow that to happen.

If nothing had happened in 2006, I wouldn't have Ms. Manweiler's actions on my mind right now. Not only that, but this situation is now far beyond anything it ever could have been before. This woman has caused damage to my life that can never be repaired. Nothing will ever be right again for me or my family. Not only was it done over a lie, but the unfair and brutal treatment I received for something so ridiculous served only to give me a rally cry - to give me something worth holding a grudge over. Even if actions had been taken, if I had only been given misdemeanors, even to charges I know I did not do, I wouldn't have spent all these years without a job. Those are years of my life that I'm not getting back. There were good job opportunities during that time that I missed out on solely because of having a felony, and I was extremely lucky to get what I have now. But instead of starting my life at 25, I'm now starting my life all over again at 31. That wouldn't have been necessary if I hadn't received a felony. How the hell is anyone supposed to move on from essentially having their life put on pause for years? Especially when having this felony means at any point I could end up in that situation again.

This current game of Ms. Manweiler's serves to do nothing more than "prod the bull". Then again, perhaps that is the point of all this. Every time I start to get tired of the issue and don't want to deal with it anymore, Ms. Manweiler decides to make her move. I'm not kidding either - every time she sees the situation winding down, sees me in my last gasp effort, that is when Ms. Manweiler takes action. When the woman constantly picks the worst possible moment to act that only ends up prolonging an issue that was winding down, you have to figure it is on purpose. Nobody could possibly have that bad of judgement.

I'm going to have to take this one day at a time. I'd like the opportunity to relax and get my life put back together before returning to this legal issue. But that all depends on what the Manweilers and Rudman choose to do after this. I'm not kidding when I say that I had better not receive any further attention from Detective Rudman. If I continue to see views from him or he ever darkens my doorstep, not only will it serve to push me into taking action sooner rather than later, but I will have no issues with filing a complaint against him with IA and taking civil action. I'm building my case against the involved parties, and Rudman is only giving me more to use in court. As I said, if the Manweilers and C'ville LE were smart, they would lay low and hope that things continue to improve for me. Because that is the only faint hope they have that this gets dropped in the future.