Monday, April 29, 2024

Update 4/29

Michelle Dickerman of the US Department of Treasury
I wanted to post an update, mainly to help keep this blog from falling too far in search results.

Obviously I'm not dead nor have I "given up". I can't imagine that Michelle Dickerman would be incompetent enough to think I'd ever "give up" after all these years and everything she did to me in 2006, but then again who knows what goes through her head. 

My silence, especially long term silence, should never be taken as a good sign. Especially if an obituary of me hasn't been posted anywhere. I haven't been talking right now because I'm currently working on something in the background that has taken priority. Making blog posts just aren't remotely a concern right now. The website is also low priority as well for now because of it. I have pages set up that are approaching publishing, but for now I'm not making them public.

I did notice that my summary I updated on the website front page seems to have gotten a lot of attention. It even looked like someone Dickerman knows reached out to her after reading it. Though I could admittedly just be misinterpreting the specific stats I saw with the 'someone reaching out to Dickerman' part. But I have at least had a few reactions reach me since making that small change. The consensus is that putting everything down like that in such a summary really makes the events and participants of the 2006 case look really bad. I was told I should have done something like this from the very beginning, because everything on the blog is just spread out over multiple long posts. I fully admit that this was a mistake and I regret not fixing that issue sooner.

Also, that's just what I bothered to mention in the summary. There is more that got left out that makes things look even worse for these people. A lot of supposedly professional people behaved very badly in 2006, not just Michelle Dickerman alone. Everything reeks of corruption and backroom deals.

Michelle Dickerman has also made it abundantly clear that she is well aware of just how bad things look.

She clearly doesn't want to "poke the bear" by doing anything to me. I mentioned before that she knows it'll all blow up in her face if she tries anything. Her silence and inaction over the past couple of years demonstrates that she indeed knows that there is a high chance it'll go very wrong for her on round two. Dickerman has essentially admitted that, regardless of her personal belief on whether she will dodge criminal charges or not, she at least knows that the damage to her reputation will be serious and lifelong.

Dickerman has also shown that she knows that if I have the evidence I say I do (and I wouldn't be so gung-ho and blatant in my accusations of law enforcement if I didn't) that the criminal charge against me gets thrown out once the events of 2006 become public. Regardless of whether she ends up a felon or not, I certainly won't be a felon once all this dirty business hits the public eye. Too many people in positions of authority can be proven to have acted badly and negligently.

The fact that they never verified a single printout through an untainted source is really, really bad news for the felony they railroaded me into pleading to.

I can prove the police and DA claimed to have severely damaged the computer hard drive they took from my home. I can prove that they said they couldn't recover anything until repairs were done, repairs which they cited as taking 9 to 11 months. This “convenient accident” removed that source of evidence verification.

I can prove Michelle Dickerman removed her profile from Myspace right after hearing of my arrest. Which conveniently destroyed any evidence of her wrongdoing and removed another source of evidence verification.

I can prove law enforcement never subpoenaed Myspace for their records.

Which means the only evidence as the basis of the felony charge were unverified email printouts in law enforcement possession that have blatant and well documented tampering.

I doubt I need to explain why that's a really big problem for Michelle Dickerman and the Charlottesville law enforcement.

I can prove all their actions during the case, and all their threats against my civil rights. I even accused Prosecutor Joseph Platania and the police department of criminal acts in my FOIA requests and the motions I filed in court. I accused them of knowing Dickerman faked evidence. I essentially dared him and the police to do something about those accusations against them. Platania definitely made it clear I pissed him off.

I waved a red cape in front of the law enforcement bull and dared it to gore me - knowing they were fully capable of doing so. I was willing to step foot in Charlottesville knowing that I'm in their jurisdiction after pissing Platania off. I even walked right into the police station to talk with Internal Affairs. I wouldn't have ever contemplated any such actions that incredibly risky if I didn't have the evidence against them that I say I do.

I'm not going to claim I had zero fear going into it. I was doing the equivalent of smacking a hornets nest, except the hornets have badges and the authority of a State entity behind them. I knew they could do something to me if they wanted - but I genuinely wanted them to try me. I knew what evidence I have against them and I'm very confident I'll win that fight in the end. It would be smart for the Manweilers to keep that in mind - I wanted law enforcement to try it. Because I knew that once all this came out in the media it would be my turn to wreck some lives.

So given my evidence of what went on during the criminal case, Michelle Dickerman as a lawyer knows the case against me has no leg to stand on. Because Tweedle-dee and Tweedle-dumbass in the C'ville prosecution left me plenty of evidence to show exactly what they did. And just as important, evidence of what they failed to do. Would it be enough in a criminal trial of both prosecutors to overcome the insane levels of qualified immunity prosecutors enjoy? Don't know until we try. But it'll definitely be enough for someone to step in and get the false felony charge thrown out. And getting it thrown out is frankly the only chance Dickerman has to ever see the end of this in her life.

However, as a lawyer Dickerman knows that if the false felony charge were to be thrown out, her and her parents will immediately be open to very serious civil consequences. So she's not about to willingly get the felony tossed out. But she also knows that she can't ever do anything to me, because that just risks accomplishing that very removal of the felony charge. It will blow up in her face and she in turn gives me the very media coverage necessary to ruin everyone who ever touched this case. That's a bad position for Dickerman to be in.

Additionally the lack of mercy by the Manweilers in 2006, and their allowance of the injury to continue for decades despite knowing exactly what harm they inflicted, means they are facing serious damages in a civil suit. Dickerman knows that I'd have zero incentive to show mercy on my end because of what they did and how long they've let it go on for. After years of dealing with this I've come to firmly believe in showing my enemies the same mercy that they would show to me. God help the Manweilers if I get the upper hand, because I'll use the legal system as a bludgeon the same way they did. I suspect Dickerman knows that.

Dickerman and her father will also be vilified in the media. A rich white girl got special treatment by law enforcement and she doesn't see any issues with it? Yeah that'll go over real well these days. And nobody is going to believe that her dad (a banker and UVA alumni) didn't manipulate things behind the scenes. Does Dickerman know for sure her father didn’t do something? He denies any wrongdoing I’m sure. But how can Dickerman be certain he isn’t just lying to keep her from the consequences of his actions? Not that I expect her to care about anyone but herself, but his damaged reputation will reflect on hers as well. If Greg Manweiler went to jail for something like bribing a defense attorney to throw a case for his daughter’s benefit, that’s not going to help Dickerman at all. And once again - how can she know if he really did anything behind her back or not?

Regardless of how criminal investigations and civil trials work out, Michelle Dickerman and Gregory Manweiler's names will always be stained by what went on in 2006. It was all done in their names. With not only their consent but also on their demand. The prosecution have helped me demonstrate that she and her parents pushed for all this to happen. Platania had no issues pointing fingers of blame in the direction of the Manweiler family.

The trial that takes place in the court of public opinion will not be kind to their reputations - and that damage will be for the rest of their lives. Especially if this turns into a Federal investigation given the actions of the Charlottesville law enforcement. Imagine having your name and reputation negatively attached forever to a massive law enforcement scandal. Imagine if they do find something in this case that the Feds can pursue? It would be more than a statewide scandal. Does Dickerman and her parents think that prosecutors who acted this badly (especially Platania) had clean hands?

If it turns out during an investigation to be a lot of uncovered corruption with UVA students going back over decades, and I definitely know that this will be the case, then it might turn into the biggest law enforcement scandal in Virginia history. Imagine if Dickerman tried to fuck with me and it all turns into that in the end? That's permanent damage for her, because her name will always be tied to it all forever for being the first case of corruption that broke the scandal wide open.

My original case in 2006 caught some slight national level news. I definitely had national news agencies try to get an interview with me in 2006 while the case was ongoing. With everything that I can prove happened in 2006, Dickerman and her parents will have national news agencies parked out in front of their homes. She'll wish all she received was the few emails and phone calls from journalists that she whined about back in 2006.

Anyway, for now Dickerman has had enough sense to avoid falling into a trap that helps make all this go public. I fully believe she's not going to do a thing to me no matter what I do, because the risk for her is far too great to take any actions. That tells me far more about her fears of what she could be facing legally than I think she realizes quite frankly.

I think this works as a rather nice and short summary to add to this blog, as a sort of companion to the website. Which is why I'm not in any rush on the website. I know she's never going to do anything so it isn't like I'm trying to beat a clock here. If I wanted to I could immediately make what I currently have public, but I want to take my time and ensure that the pages are as free of errors and as clear as possible before that. I don't want to have to go back over them later to fix anything. I want to make sure that everything on the website looks good before I make certain next steps, in order to make that first impression on people much better. 

Those next steps being some plans I have on promoting the website that Dickerman is really not going to like. Though again she's not going to do anything about it overtly. She might be dumb enough to escalate by interfering in things, but that's about all I expect from her. In the meantime, like I mentioned I'm working on something else in the background that takes priority over the website. I'll bring it up here when the time comes.

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