Wednesday, March 8, 2023

Two Felonies for Dickerman

Michelle Dickerman, Michelle Manweiler, Gregory Manweiler
Michelle Dickerman and her
father Gregory Manweiler
I found something interesting that I wanted to pass on, specifically involving potential criminal charges for Michelle Dickerman.

This will be the first of two short posts. The second post will be a reposting of my former attorney's plea deal proposal letter along with two emails from the prosecution. One of the emails from Joseph Platania (the assistant prosecutor handling the case) threatens me out of a civil right to a fair trial, but he also admits that the railroading occurring to me in order to secure a false felony charge is exactly what Michelle Dickerman wanted as well.

The other email has the prosecutor fully stating that Michelle Dickerman and her parents were consulted about artificially extending my confinement into November. The reason I say artificially is that the prosecution deliberately delayed my sentencing hearing with the expressed purpose of keeping me confined in jail as long as possible (on a felony he knew Michelle Dickerman fabricated evidence for) until November. Thus without a judge's input and outside of any legal mechanisms, the prosecutor was using underhanded means to inflict further injury to me and unnecessarily extend my confinement. Even my former attorney questioned him on the need to extend my confinement.

I was told by my former attorney that this was being done solely as retaliation. Retaliation from the prosecution for having tried to hire another attorney to replace my incompetent one, and retaliation from the Manweiler family for angering them. Thus the Manweiler family was receiving further special treatment and being allowed to inflict harm upon me through underhanded means out of pure spite. Given that Michelle Dickerman was working in DC prior to this and had in turn already moved out of Charlottesville long before November - there was no actual purpose behind extending my confinement into November other than outright maliciousness (which again, my attorney told me it was expressly done as retaliation).

Any reasonable person would agree that this act served no purpose other than to inflict harm, thus malice and intent to cause injury by the act can be proven. My boss at the time at Northop Grumman had attempted to hold my position vacant as long as possible, but by November he had been forced to hire someone else. Thus this act of malice inflicted harm financially and to my career going forward. The years of unemployment that resulted from this even caused me harm very recently, when I had to apply for other jobs after my recent employer went bankrupt. The gap in employment was a red flag to other employers I interviewed with.

The prosecutor further admits that this plan to delay the sentencing and extend my confinement to November was told to Michelle Dickerman and her parents (Greg and Carole Manweiler). He goes on to further state that Michelle Dickerman and her parents were in full agreement with the prosecution pulling this unethical, malicious, and unnecessarily harmful act

Both the letter and the emails on the second post will serve to drive home four specific points:
  1. That Michelle Dickerman (and her parents) had a far more reasonable plea deal presented to them than what they ultimately went along with, and thus Michelle Dickerman and her parents were acting with malicious intent to inflict as much harm as possible. Every legal professional I've shown my former attorney's letter to has praised the idea and said there was zero justification on anyone's part to reject the plea deal he proposed. All agree that my railroading into a felony charge instead was done out of pure spite by all parties given that a considerably more reasonable plea deal offer had been put forward to them. Since I can prove beyond all doubt that Michelle Dickerman fabricated evidence and lied to law enforcement, she was aware I was not guilty of the felony I was being threatened into, and yet she wanted to inflict as much harm as she possibly could despite having far more acceptable terms that wouldn't cause as much injury to my future.

  2. That Michelle Dickerman willingly went along with railroading me into the felony charge in full knowledge and agreement with the prosecution's actions. The prosecution fully admitted, in both emails and in court, that Michelle Dickerman was a knowing and willing participant in what was being done. Proving an act of malice on Michelle Dickerman's part given that she had more lenient options available and yet she wished to cause maximum harm against a man she knew she had fabricated evidence against.

  3. That Michelle Dickerman's parents (Greg and Carole Manweiler) were consulted throughout the proceedings and had just as much of a decision in the harm to be inflicted upon me as their daughter did - admitted to by both the prosecution and my former attorney.

  4.  That both Michelle Dickerman and her parents acted with malice and a deliberate manipulation of the legal system to inflict further harm upon me, specifically as mentioned in one of the emails with their request to wrongfully extend my confinement into November - when their daughter had already moved out of Charlottesville long before.
While I prep that second post, I want to share something I found in an article I read today at lunch. This article mentioned two felony charges being pressed against a former police officer. This officer had been involved in two shootings with two different individuals - the first one being a paralyzed man in a wheel chair. The officer did not have charges brought in either shooting (not surprising given how hard it is to overcome the corrupt implementation of qualified immunity), but it did cost the city a great deal of money from lawsuits in both cases.

It was found after the second investigation that the officer had actually made false statements and tampered with evidence. Here is a screenshot of the paragraph related to the charges.

This specifically related to the officer having swapped the barrel of his gun after the first shooting, and then lying to investigators about the barrel swap when being questioned on the second shooting. Thus he was charged with two felonies - one for the false statement and one for swapping the barrel which was believed to be an intent to interfere with the investigation.

As for the mention of lack of candor, in regards to legal matters is typically defined as knowingly leaving out important information and details that should have been disclosed during statements, and that withholding said information causes statements to be inaccurate. A "staggering and disturbing lack of candor" can absolutely describe Michelle Dickerman's behavior during the events of 2006 and her behavior in general. Not to mention just flat out lying about events that happened. This isn't me just saying this either. Just look for the recent post I did called 'A Catalog of Lies', where I prove that Michelle Dickerman has been lying about what went on during our entire butting of heads - using her own statements to prove she isn't being honest at all about what has happened. 

Now granted these charges were brought forward in Delaware and not in Virginia. Obviously not everything is going to line up the same between two different states - but I know that Virginia has charges related to tampering with evidence and making false statements to law enforcement. Virginia also has a disorderly conduct charge, much like the charge brought against Jussie Smollett. It's a 'catchall' type of charge from what I understand - and Smollett got a felony for it by lying to law enforcement about a hate crime.

Delaware was willing to charge a cop with no prior criminal record with felonies for lying to law enforcement and tampering with evidence. Two charges I can prove in court that Michelle Dickerman committed. I have no doubt that Virginia can charge both crimes as a felony, and in our current political climate I doubt they would be willing to risk the fallout of letting a white girl who got special treatment off the hook for inflicting so much harm. And it is my understanding that there are no statute of limitations in Virginia for felony charges. So even today Michelle Annette Dickerman could, and should, be charged with felonies for her actions in Charlottesville in 2006.

One of the few good things about this case is that I have plenty of documentation to back up the events and actions of other parties. My former attorney was an idiot but he was also in love with the sound of his own voice, so he thankfully admits to everything on the tape recordings that were made. From conveniently "misplaced" and "damaged" evidence by police (such as my computer hard drive), to admitting to discrepancies on the emails that prove blatant tampering by Michelle Dickerman - he happily admits to all of it.

He also ended up handing over all his personal notes and the emails with prosecutors, likely because in his arrogance he assumed it couldn't possibly come back to bite him in the ass one day. It was documented by the prosecution and my lawyer that Michelle Dickerman's parents were fully consulted and pushed for the actions of the prosecution on their daughter's behalf. This makes Dickerman's parents just as liable for the harm done to me as any of the other guilty parties. You don't get to push the prosecution to inflict more harm than warranted out of malice, and then pretend you don't bear any responsibility for the damage you inflicted when it turns out your daughter actually lied about what happened.

Given that Michelle Dickerman was 25 years old at the time her parents had no business being consulted or having any part of the decision making process. Dickerman was an adult and her parents did not require any input. My family certainly wasn't consulted or allowed to be part of the process. As I said before, my former attorney admits in writing and on tape that Dickerman's parents had just as much of a role in the harm done against me as their daughter. The prosecution admits to this as well - in emails and in court.

I feel that the only way justice would be fully served if and when any criminal charges are brought against Michelle Dickerman, is if her parents are considered accessories to the criminal acts. I firmly believe that Michelle Dickerman had confessed to her parents about the evidence tampering during this time period. Given the Charlottesville law enforcement was aware of the issue and was railroading me to cover up for their negligence - I can't see Michelle Dickerman keeping her actions a secret from her parents.

I believe Gregory and Carole Manweiler had full knowledge that their daughter had lied and falsified evidence this entire time. I believe Greg Manweiler used his connections and financial means to ensure that I was thrown under the bus so that his daughter would be protected from responsibility - and the prosecution and police were all too willing given that it was their necks on the line as well.

I believe the possibility exists that my former attorney, William Johnson, could have been offered financial compensation by Gregory Manweiler to throw the case. It became blatantly clear that Johnson had ceased being my attorney during the case and was working in cooperation with the prosecution. Either it was hand-in-hand or at least making no attempt to challenge any of it. Whether he did this out of his own laziness and corruption, or whether he received "encouragement" to behave like this - that is something that would need to be investigated.

I absolutely believe William Johnson would take a bribe to screw his client so long as he could avoid anyone finding out about it. The guy made it very clear that he was a complete piece of shit during my case. I absolutely don't put any immoral acts past Johnson and I think he would happily do whatever he believed he could get away with. One beneficial thing with Johnson in this case is that he's also sleazy enough to sell out others to help himself. If Johnson believes he could save his own skin by ratting out anyone else, I have absolutely no doubt that he would do it without a second thought. He's also lazy and arrogant enough to have not covered his tracks very well, meaning that he's the weak link in anything inappropriate that might have taken place in 2006.

I also absolutely believe Gregory Manweiler would be happy to grease a lawyer's palms to get back at a guy who pissed off his daughter. The Manweiler family has always oozed arrogance from every pore, and people who behave like that tend to think the rules apply to everyone but them. "All animals are equal but some animals are more equal than others" as the quote from Animal Farm goes. While I honestly believe Michelle Dickerman has a personality disorder known to psychiatrists as Vulnerable Narcissism (also called Covert Narcissism online), there is also plenty of her behavior that I believe to be learned from her parents. When on more than one occasion I've witnessed her and her parents walk with their noses literally pointed in the air as they wear a look of disdain on their faces for everyone around them, you can't help but notice that the apple didn't fall far from the tree and not in a good way. I used to think depictions of snobbish people having their nose in the air was just a caricature to mock arrogant individuals - until I encountered the Manweiler family. Some people really do that nonsense.

Johnson's bank account isn't the only one I believe could have benefited during the 2006 criminal case. When this case goes public Gregory Manweiler should absolutely be investigated for the possibility of bribery and manipulation of the legal process. I wouldn't be the only person calling for this. Every person who hears about the 2006 case makes similar statements - that it sounds like her father got someone important at the University of Virginia to put pressure on the Charlottesville law enforcement. The entire criminal case of 2006 sounds like outright corruption and special treatment from the very start when everything is laid out. Nobody would find it hard to believe that money changed hands during or after the events that took place. I can't imagine that trying to subvert legal proceedings unethically wouldn't be a criminal charge, and that this would apply regardless of whether it was via bribes or by getting important people to pressure the courts and law enforcement. I would think it would fall under obstruction of justice.

Now I'm not a lawyer, and just because I believe that Greg and Carole Manweiler should be charged as accessories to their daughter's crimes doesn't mean it is remotely possible to be charged as such. In fact unfortunately it probably doesn't work like that. Even if Gregory and Carole Manweiler couldn't be charged as accessories to their daughter's crimes, the fact that the prosecution and my former attorney fully admit that they were being consulted about the harm being done to me, were themselves pushing for the prosecution to inflict said harm, and were in full agreement with the damages done to me - they are more than able to be held liable in civil court even if their guilt does not extend to criminal court.

The Manweilers acted with clear malice - and according to the prosecution and my lawyer they were aware of, and onboard with, everything being done to me. They are liable for the mental trauma, physical trauma, financial and career damages, the civil rights violations done for their benefit, and nearly 20 years of life with a false felony charge. All of this was done with the full knowledge and consent of Michelle Dickerman and her parents Gregory and Carole Manweiler.

As I said at the start of this, I will be publishing that proof on the next small post.

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