Wednesday, December 28, 2022

Commenting on a Comment

This isn't the big update post I've been talking about. That's taking some time, including the preparations offline that I need to make before posting that update. So that post isn't happening until 2023. With work and the holidays I've just been too busy to spend time on it like I want to, not to mention that it's turning into a longer post than I thought it would be. Speaking of which - so did this one. Which is why I'm only addressing this situation now in December, when it actually took place in November. That situation being a very interesting comment that was left on one of my posts.

This comment was actually a first for me because it's a comment that had nothing at all to do with Michelle Dickerman. Instead this comment involved information about Andrew Alston, a former UVA student with a rich father who got a slap on the wrist in court for stabbing a guy to death in Charlottesville. Before I've only had comments discussing Michelle Dickerman, and in one specific case someone who had a family member named Michelle Manweiler (Michelle Dickerman's maiden name) and they cussed me out because they thought I was talking about their specific Michelle Manweiler. The name Michelle Manweiler isn't a common one apparently in the US. I've only seen two other people besides Michelle Annette Dickerman who held the name Michelle Manweiler since starting this blog long ago. One of them is dead now I think, I believe she was a retired school teacher.

I should say this is the first legitimate non-Dickerman related comment, because as usual with anything online I've had spam comments like anyone else. Those disappeared however once I got rid of anonymous comments. This change was intended to keep Dickerman from running her mouth anonymously on here again, but apparently spammers don't like having to log into an account to post comments either.

That decision did have the side effect that some of those contacting me about Dickerman don't want to risk leaving a comment on here that is linked to their Google account. Their concerns have been completely understandable since in some cases they don't know me. But I've assured those that have contacted me through other means that blog comments are moderated by me, and they do not get put in public view on the blog until I hit the publish button. But I have no desire to publish comments and risk doxxing someone who attempts to help me.

Not only would it be shitty behavior on my part, but understandably there would be less people willing to help out if I screwed over someone by announcing them on here publicly. Granted I'm not entirely trusting of everything I've been told since it's hard to verify some things. But even though there have been instances that I felt I was getting bad info, I'm still not going to put that person on blast when I could be wrong about their intentions (or they could just be mistaken on what they were telling me and not deliberately trying to pass on wrong information).

That said I've never solicited for information on Dickerman nor do I need it, and to be completely honest it's really better for people that they do not contact me or get involved in this matter in any way. Frankly the bulk of the gasoline thrown on the flames in this dispute has come from third party interference solicited by Michelle Dickerman herself, so I have no desire to enlist third party help like I've received from people contacting me.

It would be hypocritical of me to encourage direct third party efforts against Michelle Dickerman and her family, when this entire clusterfuck of a dispute is in large part the result of Dickerman dragging other people into a fight that was none of their business. The entire reason that her and her family have to spend their lives looking over their shoulders from potential retribution is thanks to the idiot dragging law enforcement into this situation - especially through lies and evidence she falsified. A situation mind you that could have been easily and immediately solved by her simply not behaving like an arrogant ass and instead attempting to talk it out peacefully. But I do appreciate the thought when someone sees that the actions of Dickerman and law enforcement was wrong, and want to help tip the scales even in some small way. It's just better for your own sake that you don't get involved.

Before I move on with discussing this comment, I want to make something absolutely clear to those who have spoken with me in the past. I have never published anyone's comments other than the one left by Dickerman herself. None of the past comments that were on moderation even exist anymore, as I made sure to purge them. I only bring up this person's recent comment because I need to make some statements about it since it doesn't involve Michelle Dickerman. I won't be publishing this person's comment to the blog, and I'm blocking out sensitive info here in the screenshot for their safety so that they can't be identified.

As I said the only comment I've ever published in this blog's was the insult Michelle Dickerman herself left on the now unpublished "The Long War" post. I'm only assuming it was Dickerman of course, and admittedly it could have been one of her family members instead. But let's face it - it was probably Michelle Dickerman. Her comment was the only comment I considered hitting the publish button on in order to demonstrate her behavior. Although I did turn off anonymous comments to make it less easy for Dickerman to talk shit from behind an anonymous mask, I honestly don't expect any further comments from her. I highly doubt she'd be that massively stupid to keep poking the bear by leaving insults again on here anyway. I think she knows I've been pushed pretty far already, especially lately. She's also never had the backbone to run her mouth to me unless she can hide behind something or someone, so as I said I don't believe I'll see any further comments from her.

 Anyway, the comment on the Andrew Alston case post goes as follows:
Now I sincerely appreciate that this person reached out to me. However I can't use any information from them nor could I discuss this type of information on this blog. While I have no doubt this information is probably true given everything that was made public about the Andrew Alston case, there are a couple important reasons why I can't use anything that this person would tell me.

First and foremost this would essentially be hearsay. I would have no way of personally verifying this information or the person giving me the info. I simply wasn't around to witness any of what I would be told, nor would I have any personal knowledge about the events in Alston's past. Everything I discussed in the Andrew Alston case post was based almost entirely on the news media coverage. The only exception was my mention of the inmates at the jail all stating to me that Alston was moved to a white collar prison that people with voluntary manslaughter charges don't get sent to (further evidence of the well known Charlottesville special treatment of UVA students with rich parents). I made it clear that this was merely something that was relayed to me, and it is an accusation made against the Charlottesville legal system's favoritism of rich UVA students. Alston himself wouldn't have had anything to do with that decision. That would all be corruption on the Charlottesville law enforcement's side if it turned out to be true.

Now I'm no stranger to the media getting things wrong believe me. They certainly got plenty wrong in my case as I'll discuss. But if I'm merely repeating what was reported in the news media there isn't anything that can be done about it. I can't get served with a cease & desist because I'm merely repeating information that was disseminated to the public already via the media.

Not to mention Alston was tried in court and convicted by a jury. Something I never got since I was threatened out of that right. One of the reasons that happened is so that Michelle Dickerman could go on her summer trip to Europe without worrying about something as bothersome as my right to a fair trial. The civil rights of human beings obviously take a back seat to some spoiled rich girl living her best life. So unlike my case, all the information about Alston was out in public thanks to the trial.

That immunity would go completely out the window if I start using unverified information from a third party that I've never met, involving an individual whose life and personal history is also not completely known by me. Granted I would make it quite clear that this account was being told to me by someone else with no claims made by me as to whether it was true or not. But it opens a potential can of worms that I would rather just keep shut. I've got enough on my plate with setting out on the path I'm taking to make Michelle Dickerman and her family finally answer once and for all for the crimes against me and my family.

Any attempts to use the claims from this individual about Alston is a different legal situation than the one related to what is being posted on this blog about Michelle Dickerman and my case. The simple fact is that every single thing I've said on this blog about Dickerman and the events of 2006 I 100% believe. I believe in everything I've said with absolute certainty because I've either witnessed it, experienced it, or have evidence of it. When someone has proof, along with a sincere belief in what they say that is backed up by their experiences and evidence, it clearly and unequivocally makes their statements fall outside of anything the law is allowed to deal with. That in turn would put Michelle Dickerman in an untenable position because I can either prove my claims or the claims are made with 100% conviction on my part. Not to mention I think Dickerman knows better.

Dickerman would be well aware that rattling that particular cage isn't going to result in anything she wants any part of, at least she would if she has any level of intelligence. Granted Dickerman's level of critical thinking has shown a combination of autism and arrogance in the really stupid and poorly thought out decisions of her past. But I think that stupidity in her decision-making process has some limitations. After all she hasn't been stupid enough to pull that particular trigger yet. Additionally there is a little thing called the Streisand Effect that she should research a bit. While she might not know about that particular effect of information suppression, I have no doubt that a big reason for Michelle Dickerman not taking any actions against me is because she knows quite well that it'll merely draw more attention to what was done in 2006 in her name.

Anything she does try against me risks drawing attention to the events of the 2006 case that even someone as oblivious as her has to acknowledge looks really, really bad for her and the Charlottesville law enforcement. That legal hammer she used to bludgeon me with in 2006 could easily swing back in her direction and fuck her life completely if the word gets out on what took place. Because the Commonwealth of Virginia apparently doesn't have a statute of limitations on felonies related to fabricating evidence and lying to police and the courts. The legal system also doesn't care about the lives it destroys, even the lives of spoiled rich girls like Dickerman. I would say especially spoiled rich white girls like her given how things are in society today.

Like the lifeless machine that it is the court system will chew Michelle Dickerman up and spit her out the same as it did to me. Because there is too much here for her to be shielded from legal repercussions. She had her chance in the past to come forward and sell out the DA's office and police department in exchange for immunity from prosecution. But that's not likely something that would be extended to her anymore no matter how good her testimony against the Charlottesville law enforcement. Not in our current legal and political climate. People would want her head just the same as the guilty members of law enforcement who helped her out. After all, why should some rich white girl get off the hook for inflicting so much harm? Why should Michelle Dickerman not suffer for what she did when so many people these days receive no justice for the wrongs done to them? Why should she prance away while others are left holding the bag for a situation that was entirely of her own creation?

All of the evidence shows Michelle Dickerman committed some really serious criminal acts (fabricating evidence, lying to cops/court, deleting evidence when as a lawyer she knew better), and of her actions there are certainly some very, very questionable ones. It all looks like she committed multiple criminal acts and it looks like the Charlottesville DA's office and police department covered up for her due to her status as a rich UVA student (a status for which an accusation of favoritism has already been brought up before in the Alston case).

Even the manner that I was dragged up to Charlottesville under the cover of night (so that C'ville PD could lie and say they arrested me in their city) is viewed as extremely strange. My family and I have spoken with the two Hampton officers who arrested me. They are completely blown away by what happened to me during the entire case, the punishments done to me, and have said that the way I was transferred to Charlottesville at night is very shady. A family friend of one of my sisters is former Hampton PD who now trains cops in the area, and he has said that how I was transferred to Charlottesville was not at all procedure and that something was clearly wrong. Which the booking officer at the Hampton lockup argued with Detective Rudman about that night. Rudman was halfway to Charlottesville when his supervisor called his cell phone and told him to turn around and take me up that night. I know this because Rudman bitched about it to the booking officer.

Two other Hampton cops are family friends and they both agree that something really underhanded happened with both my case and the transfer. The way I was transferred to Charlottesville at night is just tip of the iceberg of extremely questionable things that were done during my 2006 case. But even just the manner of that transfer raises an eyebrow from those who know what was actually supposed to happen that day. But by all means let's continue to pretend blatant law enforcement corruption and favoritism of the Manweiler family didn't take place. The evidence and events surrounding the case say different. It's so blatant it can be seen from space.

Not only was she a University of Virginia student, but Dickerman also has a father (Gregory Manweiler) who was the CFO at the time of a prominent bank in the area that is tied financially to Langley AFB and NASA. Just as important, Mr. Manweiler was a UVA alumni himself and a donor to the university. The plot thickens. How very convenient that his daughter was given special treatment by law enforcement and the courts well in excess of anything given to regular members of the public. I wonder what the amount of UVA donations from Greg Manweiler totaled after my conviction. I'm sure the public will ask that question as well.

You have only to read the posts on my evidence involving Michelle Dickerman's lies and her evidence tampering (here and here) to know that none of what happened in 2006 looks good for her and her family. The public will draw the exact same conclusions I have from the evidence and the events that occurred during the case - especially in our current situation with distrust of law enforcement at an all-time high.

Returning to my belief in my statements, this conviction in what I write would not reasonably apply to anything I was told about Alston via the person leaving their comment. That's because I know nothing of the events in Alston's life other than what the media has repeated. So I have stuck to the narrative that the media gave for his case because I don't have any other narrative. Now I acknowledge that there is a good chance the media got some things wrong in Alston's case, at least information they published prior to his trial. After all I had the media report a lot of incorrect stuff about me during my case. In fact I would say that pretty much the only thing most reporters got right about the coverage of my case was the fact that I was arrested. Everything else was either completely wrong or based on incorrect statements about what did occur.

I had a particular reporter, Liesel Nowak (IIRC Croiser is her last name now) for the Daily Progress that even went so far as to put words in my mouth that were never spoken or written by me. She continued to even claim throughout the case that I went to Dickerman's home in Charlottesville (which I've already proven false here using Michelle Dickerman's own admission in her Victim Impact Statement), and she reported that I had been arrested in Charlottesville (which even a casual glance at the police report would have proven I was arrested in Hampton). This reporter continued to claim I was arrested in Charlottesville trying to confront Dickerman even after other new outlets went quiet about that particular bit of false information. Those other outlets went quiet because they found out from the police report that I was actually arrested in Hampton. Nowak however was too lazy to look up publicly available information and continued to report false information throughout the entire case.

So I acknowledge that not everything the media reported initially about Alston's case might have been correct. But as I said before Andrew Alston got something I didn't - he actually got a trial by jury.

During a trial, where all the facts (at least those not hidden by the prosecutors) are laid out, it is a little harder for media to screw up. Though I don't doubt that false reporting can potentially still happen as well. But I'm less inclined to believe that a mistake was made when Alston's defense is to apparently have his martial arts instructor testify to the ridiculous claim that the victim could have stabbed themselves (a reported 18 to 20 times) with Alston's knife during the fight. Really man? I could believe one or two times. Hell I could maybe even buy five times since a little alcohol was involved. But 18 to 20 times? Get the fuck out of here. The simple fact is that regardless of the stupid testimony a man was killed by Alston's own actions and the jury agreed. Alston should be fucking ecstatic that he only got sentenced to the absolute trickle of jail time that he did receive. He could have been sitting in prison for a decade or more.

As I recall it was three and a half years which he only served two and a half for good behavior. For putting a reported 18 to 20 stabs wounds in a man and ending his life. 

Meanwhile I got a suspended sentence of five years in 2006 for printed up emails that were blatantly tampered with and never verified by the police via any source other than a "trust me bro" from Michelle Dickerman. Emails I was accused of sending to a woman who hadn't even been in my presence since 1999. The first time that woman breathed the same air as me since we graduated high school was the preliminary hearing of 2006. A spoiled and arrogant little rich girl I had never laid a hand on, not even to tap her on the shoulder. I would have likely gotten more than five years if the prosecution carried out their threats. I was warned by my former lawyer that I could have faced ten years or more in prison when all was said and done. Ten years or more for fucking emails. 

Alston killed someone and I would have served more time behind bars than he did. For. Fucking. Emails. Actually that's wrong, it wasn't done to me because of emails. All of this was done to me because a spoiled child who has never been told "No" in her life had a rich daddy with strings he could pull. It's not the first time Greg Manweiler used special treatment from people in authority to help his daughter coast through life or mop up her mistakes.

Alston can cry me a river if he doesn't like me repeating what the media said about his case. At least you got a trial. Alston got way better treatment than I did and he actually stabbed someone to death. Which certainly puts a spotlight on the massive special treatment Dickerman received in 2006. 

I wouldn't have been sent to some white collar country club prison like Alston was claimed to have been sent. The trash in the DA's office threatened to send me to one of the most violent prisons in the region as punishment if I dared to exercise my right to a fair trial. My own lawyer even threatened me into pleading guilty and said he'd sit back and not defend me in court if it went to trial - all because the lazy bastard wanted to take his money and move on to the next client to ripoff. When I tried to fire him for his incompetence and deliberate obstruction of my case I was threatened by the prosecution for that as well.

I didn't have anything available to me at the time to prove my innocence, certainly not while I was stuck in jail with an incompetent and lazy individual for a lawyer who refused to do his job. I knew something was wrong with the emails and that Dickerman had lied, but like I've said before on this blog - it's not what you know it's what you can prove. The problem is that at the time I couldn't tell what exactly she had done to the emails and I didn't have all the proof available to me back then that I have in my possession now. It took me getting out of jail before I could get my hands on the evidence that proved what Michelle Dickerman had done. So I didn't have a choice. Because here were my only two options:
  1. I could cave to the threat, find the evidence to prove their lies that I believed I could track down once I was released, and hope that I find some way to clear my name and record later on. 

  2. I let them carry out the threats, get falsely convicted because I didn't have the proof I needed at the time, nobody to help me, and a city that let a guy who stabbed someone to death get a slap on the wrist because of the same UVA student status that Dickerman shared. Then get sent to a really violent prison for ten years or more that I might leave in a body bag before reaching that ten years. Even if I walked out of there in one piece all the evidence of what they did to me would have been completely destroyed by the time I was released. So I'd have been absolutely screwed anyway because I wouldn't have any proof of what they did to me, and I'd have been through a really bad if not lethal experience on top of it.
Now tell me all about what kind of choice I had during my court case. Because option #2 would leave me with nothing to prove the crimes committed by Michelle Dickerman and the Charlottesville law enforcement. Plus years of brutal experience in a very violent prison. Getting abused in prison for years on a charge I knew I never committed, getting railroaded into that prison, and not having the ability to clear my name afterwards with all the evidence being destroyed - ironically that all would have actually led to the very violence against Dickerman that she claimed to have wanted to prevent.

Which further shows Michelle Dickerman's level of incompetence given that she apparently never realized that result would have been the only outcome of sending me to a really violent prison. Did Dickerman really think the guy she would be facing after that, on top of everything else that was done to him in her name, was somehow better than the guy she had dealt with prior? It was better to deal with the guy who before the 2006 case wasn't handed a massive dose of hate and motive until after the court system got done with him. She was better off being hated by the guy who didn't get handed all the evidence to validate every bad thing he ever heard until 2006. Even with me not going to prison, does she even think she still ended up better off even now?

If the answer is yes to any of those questions I asked above - just how stupid is this chick and how did she manage to get as far as she has in life? Just how far has daddy's money had to carry Michelle Dickerman if she's incapable of recognizing the complete fuck up she made in 2006? The felony slapped on me has done nothing they claimed they wanted to prevent. Nothing about the felony stops me from doing anything violent to her were that my desire, and nothing about it stops me from getting access to a firearm illegally if that was something I wanted to do. So what has threatening me into a felony I never committed actually accomplished? I mean besides escalating her situation and ensuring she was never going to walk away from this fight even a decade plus later?

How stupid did she have to be to pull the trigger on law enforcement instead of even attempting to talk it out first? The spoiled ass didn't even try that before going with the nuclear option. What really would have been the harm in pulling her head out of her ass and trying to talk it over before getting the shit-show called the Criminal Justice System involved? Given everything that happened in this clusterfuck of a criminal case - I wonder if she now wishes she had at least tried to talk it out before she royally screwed herself (and her family) and has to now spend the rest of her life looking over her shoulder?

I wonder how she feels knowing there is enough evidence against her to rip her entire life to shreds, and that anything she does towards me will cause every bit of it to come out in public. What took place in 2006 was a massive fuck up and she deserves everything coming to her. She deserves to get her life ruined once it all comes out. Michelle Dickerman made everything worse for herself and everyone else around her, which seems to be her only true talent in life. The only question I have for Dickerman now and in the future when it all inevitably comes out is this - was it all worth it?

Michelle Dickerman got treated excessively better by the Charlottesville legal system than the man (Walter Sisk) who was fatally stabbed 18 to 20 times by Alston. Dickerman was babied by the Charlottesville court system because she was a UVA student with money and family connections to the university - while Walter Sisk's family had none of that. You think three and half years would be considered enough for the death of their son? Would you consider that enough for the death of someone you loved? They sued Alston after he walked out of jail, but if I recall correctly he filed for bankruptcy and they didn't get much. I think a few thousand. That's apparently all that Sisk's life was worth to the city of Charlottesville - three and a half years and a few thousand dollars.

So Michelle Dickerman can cry a river as well for having to look over her shoulder for the remainder of her life. That spoiled brat's life was not only considered more valuable than mine to the Charlottesville court system, but her life was also considered more valuable than Sisk's life. Her family was given more priority than Sisk's family was simply because daddy has that banker money to let his daughter coast through life. Hell Dickerman got more protection than any raped woman or molested child in Charlottesville - unintentionally admitted to by the assistant DA Joseph Platania. At the guilty plea hearing Platania admitted to the judge that one of the penalties of the plea agreement I was being threatened into was the most that had ever been handed out in the history of the Charlottesville Circuit court. Platania used this exact phrase in court in front of me and everyone else in that courtroom that day - "the most ever handed out in the history of the Charlottesville Circuit court". That phrase came out of that bastard's mouth and he didn't even flinch.

I want you to understand what that means. 

Andrew Alston stabbed a man to death. He put 18 to 20 stabs wounds in Walter Sisk according to media reports. Think about what kind of pain Sisk would have been in as he was dying. Bleeding out on the ground from stab wounds isn't that quick of a process. But the Charlottesville legal system didn't think Alston deserved the same penalties that was given to me in the plea deal I was threatened into signing by the prosecution and my garbage lawyer. For writing emails to Michelle Dickerman. Emails to a woman who hadn't been in my physical presence since 1999. I had a bigger sentence hanging over my head than what was served by the guy who put 18 to 20 stab wounds into Walter Sisk. I got punished more than a guy who killed someoneFor sending emails.

Circuit court handles serious crimes like murder, rape, molestation, etc. I'm sure no one would be stupid enough to claim that the city of Charlottesville has never had a rape trial or a case of child molestation in it's entire history. So I received a penalty that, by District Attorney Joseph Platania's own admission in court, has never been given to a rapist or a child molester in the C'vile Circuit courts entire existence. But I get that for sending emails to a rich UVA student.

That's privilege folks by definition. That's what daddy's money can buy you in the legal system. That's what happens when your father has money, graduated from the same university you had just graduated from, has contacts within the university, and donates money to UVA. I wonder how high the donations from the Manweilers were to UVA after my sentencing? How much money did it cost Daddy Manweiler to fuck up the life of a guy who wrote mean emails to his narcissistic daughter that she deliberately tampered with and even outright fabricated just to create a false narrative? Additionally Dickerman herself interned for a Virginia Supreme Court judge as a clerk prior to the 2006 case and I'm willing to bet she contacted him as well to get him involved behind the scenes.

So like I said - Alston can shut up if he didn't like me writing about his case, because he got a hell of a lot better result than I did and he's done a lot worse.

Sorry rant over, let's get back to the second reason why I won't be using information from this source.

The person who came to me is claiming to be someone from Alston's past who knew him before the events in the manslaughter case. The thing is I have to wonder what unknown person might try to say the same things about me when this case eventually comes to light in the news media. There are plenty of people out there who crawl out of the woodwork to get their 15 minutes of fame. I encountered this during the 2006 case, though it wasn't from someone who knew me and Dickerman from the past. Not saying at all that that's what is going on with the person who contacted me, but I'll get into that in a bit since I want to touch on the personal experiences behind why I'm averse to using this individual's statements.

As I've said, I've unfortunately already had the experience of people jumping in to comment on my case when they knew nothing about me, so I'm already well aware that this issue will likely arise when the case inevitably goes public in the future. In 2006 when news of my arrest got out, I actually had neighbors in the area surrounding my apartment building run their mouths about me. Their statement on my guilt was that in the whopping one year I lived in that neighborhood that I "was always so quiet". As if somehow that is some kind of indication of guilt. I lived there for only one year but because I didn't talk to many neighbors or make a lot of noise I'm guilty before I've even had a bond hearing? Very intelligent people we're dealing with clearly. You know why I didn't talk to most of my neighbors?

I didn't talk to my neighbors because they were rich bastards in waterfront houses who completely ignored my existence the entire year I lived there. Go ahead and look at the area of Grand View in Hampton VA in Google Maps, specifically near the area the old lighthouse was long ago, and you'll see what I mean. It isn't cheap living that close to the water with beach access in a really short walking distance (that was before the really big houses came in and turned Grand View Beach into private backyard beaches). Even the small houses there would have cost quite a lot.

Now don't misunderstand me when I make comments like "rich bastards" in regards to well-off individuals. I don't have a problem with people who have more money or means than I do, and I especially don't have a problem with people who legitimately worked their way up to that point. Hell being paid what I'm getting currently with the new employer would probably put me in that category to some people with far less means. While I'm not into displays of wealth and typically go for practical over flashy, I also don't take issue with someone having nice things that I do not have.

What I have a problem with is people who treat others like shit because of that difference in financial situation. I have a problem with someone with money acting like they own me, think they know what's best for my life more than I do because of their cash flow, and/or believe they have a right to dictate my life because of their financial status. I have a problem when people with money use their money and/or status to get special treatment not afforded to the rest of us "plebs". It's even worse if they think special treatment is "owed" to them because of how much money they have, and especially when said special treatment involves the courts or government. I have a problem with people who think having money makes their shit smell like a Yankee Candle factory. Basically I have a problem with arrogant assholes regardless of their financial means or lack-there-of, though my experience has been that the level of arrogance tends to increase proportionately with higher bank balances.

I was a guy who just moved into a very old and beat-the-hell-up beach house badly converted into a three bedroom apartment. That's all I could afford on the low salary I made at Northrop Grumman as a junior designer. Meanwhile the people around me lived in nice houses (or rented those houses out to people on vacation who wouldn't be chatting up the locals), made very high salaries, and drove around in golf carts to each others houses rather than walk. The roads were private roads that weren't paved, but at the time they were sandy in color and the unpaved nature was intentional to keep a sort of "beach" appearance to the area. It was pretty clear I wasn't on the same financial level of the people living around me. Thus many of the people living there wouldn't have pissed on me if I was on fire, and some even had no issue making that rather clear. Rich bastards like I said. Michelle Dickerman and her equally arrogant parents would have felt right at home living with people who are up their own ass.

The entire time I lived there I only had two groups of people bother to acknowledge my existence let alone get to know me - my landlady's family was one group, and a man and his family who lived next to me was the other (my building was at the intersection of two roads and he was across one of the roads from me). Those two groups are the only ones who ever introduced themselves to me and would talk to me. Everyone else in the neighborhood couldn't have cared less, and so I didn't care about them either. But I'm guilty of all the garbage that the news accused me of simply because I was quiet around people who kept to themselves and never cared to even acknowledge me. Apparently being so quiet with snobbish neighbors was clear evidence that I was a killer in the making, rather than a by-product of those same people pretending I didn't exist. My former landlady said she argued with those people about just how stupid their claims of my guilt based on my quietness were - "So what if he was quiet? How was that a problem? What does that have to do with anything?"

While this was annoying considering the hypocrisy that's not the bad part. Where this really became a problem is when I had one guy living in the area run his mouth to the news media standing outside my apartment while I was in jail. He was repeating that same bullshit about me being "so quiet" as if that meant I was guilty of everything. Based on what my landlady told me after my release I'm 99% certain I know who it was. She said that given his issues with his heavy drinking, and arrests made because of that drinking, that this guy had no business running his mouth about me to the news. Which would mean that the guy telling the news I was guilty because I was "so quiet" was the same guy who once drunkenly shoved his way into my apartment and began yelling.

The day before the incident where he shoved his way into the apartment, my landlady mentioned they were having someone come over to work on some repairs. The guy knocked on my door, a sliding glass door, and I opened it up to speak to him thinking he was the guy my landlady mentioned. As soon as the door opened enough for him to physically enter he immediately shoved past me, gracing me with the reek of alcohol as he did so, and stood in my living room shouting loudly "Where the hell's *Redacted* at?! Bring his ass out here!" The name he was shouting was the landlady's brother who lived next door to me, though I didn't know his name at the time having just recently moved into the apartment next to him.

The drunk gossiper should be thankful I wasn't the violent guy the news and police claimed me to be. Because he easily and justifiably could have been looking down the barrel of one of the guns in my collection. Lucky for him I only braced myself for the potential of a fight but made no attempt to be aggressive with the guy because I assumed he got the wrong apartment. Without a word from me the drunk realized his mistake after looking around for a bit, makes a statement of "Oh wait a minute", walks right by me out of my apartment without an apology, and knocks on the door next to mine.

I closed my door after he walked out and never said anything about the incident. He apparently told the landlady's brother what happened, because she apologized to me for what he did the next day. I told her I wasn't worried about it and knew it had just been an accident. I doubt most people would have been as generous with a drunk person barging into their home while shouting. Given he (according to my landlady) has a history of alcohol abuse, and apparently history with the legal system as well because of said abuse, I'd agree with my landlady's assessment that the guy had no business talking shit about me to the news media.

So I think you can understand my reluctance to run with anything told to me by someone from Andrew Alston's past. There were people spouting misleading statements to the news media about me for attention during my criminal case after all. Now there is a high chance that this person is exactly who they say they are and that they actually know the details they claim to know about Alston. I see little gain for them in being willing to pass on information to me. I'm not a journalist, though most claiming that title these days aren't one either, and I'm not someone famous that they can get 15 minutes of fame from exploiting.

I don't think anyone is even talking about Alston's case anymore in the media. I do get regular views on that post about his case, but I'm not sure why those views tend to be rather steady since I don't think people talk about his case. Granted a substantial portion tends to come from Pennsylvania, which is Alston's home state IIRC. I tend to get unique visitors rather than a repeat visitor so they can't all be Alston or his family. I do get Charlottesville views as well, some who appear to be journalists. I don't recall seeing any media coverage of it in a very long time and thus I don't really have an explanation behind the steady views on that Alston post. So I'm not seeing any benefit for this person to give false information to a nobody like me who just writes a blog about his legal troubles, especially about a resolved manslaughter case from over a decade ago.

I think this person might be telling the truth about their knowledge of Andrew Alston's past, but I have to acknowledge the fact that this is the internet and people lie for shits and giggles rather than any tangible gain. I'm also well aware some hanger-on's in my past or Dickerman's past would probably try to get some media air time when that coverage does happen in the future. One way or another I'm getting my case out there in the media regardless. Whatever method of mine forces it out into the public's attention, I know there are people who will likely run their mouths on subjects they knew nothing about even when the first disputes originally happened.

I'm not expecting more than one or two, and it would probably be friends of Dickerman rather than an outsider to the dispute. I can't see anyone outside the fight remembering anything decades later about two people they didn't have any close associations with. But there is plenty of trash out there looking for even the tiniest crumb of attention when the cameras turn on, so it's not impossible to have people who knew nothing about the dispute between myself and Dickerman coming forward with complete bullshit. After all, I had a guy who didn't speak to me again after he drunkenly entered my home start gossiping to the news media pretending as if he knew anything about me.

Hopefully the two reasons I've discussed help explain to this individual why I can't use anything they are willing to provide. So I haven't bothered to contact them except in this post statement, assuming they come back to the blog. It has been some time since they left the comment, but with work and the holiday season I just didn't have the time to pound this post out - which is already much longer than I originally intended but that tends to be a common problem for me. If this person was legitimate and wanted to share truthful information with me, I sincerely appreciate that you wished to share your story with me. I just can't post anything you say about Alston, both for the legal can of worms it opens up and because of the moral issues I have with posting such info due to my own experiences. I wish you well, and I'm genuinely sorry you had to experience anything involving Alston.

Thursday, October 27, 2022

A Catalog of Lies - Michelle Dickerman (Manweiler)

Note: You can find more information on additional criminal evidence against Michelle Dickerman her

Before I get started, I want to point out that this is not the big post I've previously mentioned. That's still being tweaked, though I'm focusing a bit more on the other preparations for it outside of blogger at the moment. Instead this is intended as a shorter post that was prompted by something I spotted recently. 

I've recently noticed that my blog appears to have again become a talking point by Michelle Dickerman to friends and family. More specifically her husband's friends and family, though there are other potential views that suggest her family members are looking as well. I've seen some tracker views and a LinkedIn notification that heavily demonstrate all this to be true.

This has all happened after a Department of Treasury view recently - which is Michelle Dickerman's employer. The view itself isn't particularly special despite being one of the primary locations Dickerman views the blog from. I've had this blog apparently making the rounds among multiple viewers connected to the Treasury. But what really helped seal the deal was getting a view that appears to be one of her husband's family, which happened a few days after the Treasury view. Add to it a LinkedIn notification that points to someone the Dickerman family knows, and it becomes a little hard to not suspect that I've at least come up in conversation after my last post. An addition to that pile is another info source that I'm not disclosing which also helped connect some dots a bit.

While I and my blog being a topic of conversation among Dickerman and those around her isn't anything new either, something about it this time has me raising my eyebrow a little bit. Especially since that Treasury viewer looked at the previous post I did, immediately went to the post detailing the email evidence of Michelle Dickerman's crime of 2006 and clearly read through it, went looking for the prosecutor threat email, jumped over to the post I made comparing my case to the Andrew Alston case and clearly read it, and then returned to the blog front page after reading all those separate posts. It was unusual behavior and rather interesting to me. If it was Dickerman, and I feel pretty certain it was, it makes me wonder what exactly was said in the previous post that prompted her to look for all those posts suddenly.

While I feel pretty safe in assuming this Treasury viewer was Dickerman herself considering the views, two things further confirm the belief. The first was the fact that this viewer knew where to look for the prosecutor threat email in the date dropdown list (which I wouldn't expect of someone not familiar with my blog history). The second was seeing what appeared to be a family member of her husband viewing the blog later on. And as I said a earlier a LinkedIn notification and another info source are pointing me to this conclusion.

Doesn't mean that I'm correct, but I think it is a good bet that I am based on what I've seen. So I thought it might be beneficial to just add a little more evidence to the top of the blog. More specifically the evidence demonstrating that Michelle Dickerman lied to the court and law enforcement back in 2006. I'm not talking about email evidence fabrication, I've already gone over that and have linked it at the top and bottom of this post. No this evidence involves verbal lies she told during the case, as well as lies from her Victim Impact Statement to the court. This not only proves further criminal acts beyond the email evidence tampering, but it also shows how she hasn't been honest at all about her actions and the events that have occurred between us.

This actually isn't brand new evidence as I've posted it on here before. But this way I get it in one post front and center. You know, just in case. The best thing about it is that most of the evidence of her lies that I'm posting right here come from Michelle Dickerman herself. Which only makes it just that much more damning and impossible to deny. I'll first start with more minor lies that she made. It isn't something that can really get her in jail, but it proves that her stories of what took place aren't remotely trustworthy - which is a bit important on its own to be honest. It will increase further towards the end into detailing the actual criminal evidence that could easily catch her some charges if it was shown in court.

Specifically I'll be posting the following:

  1. Portions of Michelle Dickerman's own Victim Impact Statement from the 2006 court case
  2. Statements from handwritten letters penned by Michelle Dickerman that were sent to me in the past 
  3. A section of my former lawyer's notes he took at the protective order hearing, where he cataloged statements made by Michelle Dickerman both in the hearing and in the conversation he had with her and her roommate after the hearing concluded.
So the first piece of evidence I'll post up is an excerpt from Michelle Dickerman's Victim Impact Statement (VIS) to the court in 2006. More specifically her opening statement where she makes false statements about events long in the past. Yes, Michelle Dickerman indeed started her VIS with lies. I can prove this using her own handwritten letters from that time period, but I'm getting ahead of myself. Here is a screenshot taken right from her VIS:

Now that sounds bad doesn't it? That was the point. Dickerman wanted to immediately lay in with bullshit claims of things that didn't happen right off the bat. She wanted to make it sound as bad as possible because it helps to set the tone for the entire VIS. If she actually stated what really happened, which was a much more lackluster, stupid, and inconsequential series of events - people would have responded to her with "Who gives a damn?". Instead when reading this more serious sounding statement without knowing what really took place, it makes the reader immediately set against me and make preconceived judgements. It makes the rest of her claims easier to believe. As a lawyer Michelle Dickerman knew this and she deliberately manipulated people reading her VIS. The problem with this statement is that it isn't true. And Michelle Dickerman will be telling you it isn't true herself in a moment.

This can be considered a minor lie in that Michelle Dickerman probably can't face criminal charges for it. It is a false statement made to the court (as I'll prove), but unlike the tampered emails and lies to cops I seriously doubt she'd face anything criminal for false statements in her VIS years later. Maybe she could have faced a contempt of court charge for it had it been proven as a lie at the time, but I have a hard time believing that would have actually occurred. Certainly not without having also proven her tampering of emails in court before the conclusion of the 2006 case. While the lie is minor in that Dickerman can't likely face criminal charges for it - it isn't minor in the damage it caused. By making these kind of bullshit statements Dickerman caused law enforcement to react in a far more harsh and reckless manner than they might have otherwise.

It influenced the judge handling the case, which I believe was the real reason for the lies in her VIS. The judge had the option of amending the plea deal I was being threatened into. He could have chosen to add more penalties or forced me to serve some or all of the suspended sentence. I think Michelle Dickerman knew this and made sure to make her VIS as much of a character assassination as possible. All in the hopes that the judge might penalize me more. What Dickerman failed to anticipate was that the judge hadn't actually read the VIS before the hearing, and in fact just skimmed it quickly while everyone waited. That probably prevented him from adding any additional penalties since he wouldn't have had time to really contemplate Dickerman's statement. So while this is a minor lie (in a criminal sense) and the events she discusses are pretty minor and stupid in reality - her lie did cause me harm in the 2006 case and could have very likely made the damage even worse for me. That isn't minor in my opinion.

The evidence I'm about to show was thankfully left in my possession due to a poorly conducted search by law enforcement in 2006. There are many instances of incompetence/corruption demonstrated by former detective Nicolas Rudman during the 2006 case. He failed to notice blatant tampering of evidence that even my idiot lawyer noticed right away. He lied for the prosecution by falsely claiming I confessed to all charges in the interview with him - after they conveniently "lost" the tape recording of my interrogation after the prosecution listened to it. He claimed my confiscated hard drive was damaged in police custody so thoroughly that they would not be able to obtain anything off it until it underwent nine months of recovery work - which made Michelle Dickerman's blatantly tampered with printouts the sole evidence used against me. He even took all four of my high school yearbooks as "evidence" just because Michelle Dickerman and I attended the same high school - which were destroyed along with everything else extremely quick by the Charlottesville PD after my case was resolved (Rudman actually left a message on my family's answering machine stating this and I believe we still have the recording). But at least one act of incompetence worked out for my benefit.

When executing the search warrant the police didn't do a very good job with the search of my apartment. This was potentially due to their likely assumption that the computer, my yearbooks, and two of the guns from my collection that were present at the location, were all that they needed. One thing they missed was an unopened box with a lot of saved high school material inside. When I was cleaning out everything my family recovered from my apartment a couple months after the sentencing, I came across an old notebook inside of this box. In this notebook was folded up copies of two of the letters that Michelle Dickerman had written back in high school. They were photocopies I made in high school and not the original notes themselves, but the copies had everything I needed to show what really took place and demonstrate the lies this woman has been telling people.

I knew her statements about the past were lies when I first read her VIS statement. After all I lived through the experience, which Michelle Dickerman seems to forget, and I know exactly what I did and did not do. But to quote Denzel Washington in Training Days "It's not what you know, it's what you can prove". Thankfully I can prove Michelle Dickerman is lying in her statement to the court. And I can do it using her own words against her. This specific piece below will contest the timeline of events Dickerman recounted in her VIS. Here is an excerpt from a letter Michelle Dickerman wrote to me in 11th grade, which references the time period Dickerman claims to have been receiving contact:

Michelle Dickerman: "Okay - I thought I explained this two years ago, but - here goes."

Wow that's really odd. Michelle Dickerman said in her statement to the court that I was making contact with her, specifically writing letters to her, for FOUR YEARS. Yet here in a letter she wrote in 11th grade to me she admits that a TWO YEAR gap in communication took place. Well that's really interesting isn't it. The events she wrote about in an old 11th grade letter don't match the events she described to the court in her VIS. Now just in case you think it was an accidental slip, she admits later in the letter that once again TWO YEARS went by where she didn't hear a single thing from me. She thought the situation was over and done with because she hadn't heard from me all that time.

Michelle Dickerman: "I guess I thought things were settled w/ my letter, until now two years later."

So as you can see her claim of contact for four years was complete bullshit. There was a two year gap where she heard nothing from me and she assumed the issue was over and done. Facts of course don't matter to Michelle Dickerman, nor apparently do they matter to the people orbiting her.

While she was truthful to me about the two year gap in time (because she was aware that I knew better and that such a blatant lie would have given her away), this was not the case when she would discuss the situation with other people. In fact the only one of us who received any contact from the other party during that two year gap was me. Because during that two year gap people were telling me that Michelle Dickerman was making false accusations against me. She was primarily telling other people that I was writing her love letters and harassing her during this period of no contact, which in turn resulted in harassment and bullying towards me throughout my time in high school. 

I'm not going to bother going over the full details of what took place in high school. Not only would that make this a much longer post than intended, but it's also pretty stupid and childish stuff (we were teenagers after all). Though I never got the opportunity to really sit down and talk about what was done to me back then, it no longer holds any real importance to discuss those events. What was done to me in 2006 by Michelle Dickerman and the Charlottesville legal system was far more damaging and impactful than the years I spent being bullied and harassed over false claims by Dickerman.

The problem, however, is that Michelle Dickerman herself brought those old events up to police and the court - and lied about what happened in the process. Dickerman's fabricated events (and a lot of assistant DA Platania's own fabrications on them at the court hearings) were used against me to do harm. And those lies to law enforcement about my past actions did quite a lot of permanent and irreversible harm to my life.

Not to mention that having clear evidence of her lies helps to show that this woman has never been honest about what took place with anyone she has spoken to on it. It isn't just me saying she made these false claims - I'm showing you the proof with her own words. If she was willing to lie to the court and law enforcement with all the risks that involves - she is more than willing to lie to everyone else when the penalties for doing so are far lower.

The thing with the false accusations she made in the VIS about the past is this  - as I said earlier this was not the first time I've heard those lies. People were coming to me all the time with things they claimed she was saying behind my back. These false claims of contact was just one such accusation by Michelle Dickerman. I continued to get harassed and mocked for these rumors. It included one friend of hers attempting to start a fight with me by physically putting their hands on me, and a few others verbally threatening me with a physical assault. But unfortunately despite all the fingers that were being pointed in Michelle Dickerman's direction, I was a massive enough idiot to give her the benefit of the doubt for a majority of our time in high school.

I didn't want to believe she'd commit these acts and spread rumors, even though I had no reasons to justify that belief. Obviously the fact that I was inexplicably attracted to her at the time played a heavy role in this delusion of innocence. But I also knew there were people who didn't like me or Michelle Dickerman and I wouldn't have put it past some of them to pull this kind of thing. So I tried to get Michelle Dickerman to sit down and talk things out. I wanted to get to the bottom of what was going on and I had questions that needed answers.

It didn't matter whether or not she wanted to talk. I was being harassed, threatened, and bullied and everyone was telling me she's the one behind it all. Her own actions during that time did nothing to dispel the accusations against her. She refused to tell me her side of the story, leaving me with nothing else to work with other than the claims of third parties and her own dickish behavior. Dickerman didn't get to walk away while others were causing harm in her name. She could have taken some personal responsibility and acted like an adult for once in her life by talking things out. I'm far from perfect or blameless, but at least I tried to peacefully resolve it long before I took the asshole route after being pushed around too much. Michelle Dickerman never stopped being an asshole from the very beginning.

Even all those years leading up to the court case, deep down I still idiotically wanted to believe it had all been the antics of some bullies. Until I read the VIS in the jail cell as I awaited the sentencing hearing. It no longer became possible to make excuses for Michelle Dickerman when she repeated the same lies in print that people had accused her of speaking for years. The lie was no longer from the lips of third parties - it was now written by Michelle Dickerman herself. That's just one of the many ways Dickerman fucked up in 2006. She handed me proof for it all. Then she handed me justification for so much more. In the past I had little to prove that she was behind everything - until the day Dickerman strolled into the Charlottesville police department, her nose likely pointed skywards the whole time in her typical arrogant fashion.

This lie involving the claimed four years of contact isn't the only lie she made in that opening statement however. Continuing with addressing her opening statement, she also claims that my letters "quickly turned obsessive, and then angry and insult-laden". Except that wasn't true either. Hell my entire motivation during that time was to try to get this woman to talk the situation over peacefully. That can't be accomplished if I was immediately "obsessive, and then angry and insult-laden".

The only times I ever got angry is when she did something bad towards me, and I only started letting that show through late in the dispute. And even when I wasn't in the wrong I always apologized for it. Even when I was actually right to react with anger to her shitty behavior. I knew producing an olive branch was the only way to try to move the dispute towards resolution. Because I was well aware that Dickerman certainly wasn't going to apologize for her actions or recognize fault in how poorly she handled things. This woman does not possess the capacity for introspection.

But once again I'm not just saying she's lying - I have proof in the letters from Michelle Dickerman's own hand that this statement of hers was never true. Here is an excerpt from the very same letter from 11th grade that I shared previously:

Michelle Dickerman: "I don't know how you got the idea that I hated you for liking me. I didn't, and I still don't. I have no reason to."

How very interesting. Dickerman says she had no reason to hate me when writing this letter. This was in 11th grade. So if I was supposedly writing letters for all four years (which I've already proven I didn't, but let's run with that lie for a moment) it would mean I had to start writing these letters early in 9th grade and never stop. And my letters "quickly turned obsessive, and then angry and insult-laden" according to Dickerman's statement to the court. Well then why on earth would she say she had no reason to hate me in the middle of 11th grade when she wrote that note? Doesn't sound like the kind of thing a normal person would say if the letters she was getting were actually being written the way she claimed.

The way to confirm when in the timeline she wrote that statement is using the very comments she made on the two years of no contact. I would have had to stop communicating with her by the middle of 9th grade, not contact her in all of 10th grade, and only start contact in the middle of 11th grade for two years to have gone by. So here she is in the middle of 11th grade admitting she had no reason to hate me. Seems my letters couldn't have "quickly turned" towards the behavior she claimed if I hadn't given her any reasons to hate me.

Just in case you think this is just a fluke however, below is an excerpt from a letter Michelle Dickerman wrote to me in our senior year of high school when I attempted to ask her to talk the dispute over again.

Michelle Dickerman: "I want you to make sure you know that I do not hate you. While I don't think it is possible for us to ever be close friends, I have no bad feelings towards you. Have a good year." (emphasis on underline parts was added by Dickerman herself in the letter)

So here Michelle Dickerman makes a point to heavily emphasis that she does not hate me, and that she doesn't have any bad feelings towards me. So let's be completely honest with ourselves here - does this sound like the kind of statement made by a woman who experienced what Dickerman claimed in her opening statements of her VIS? Keep in mind this was written our senior year and according to Dickerman's VIS I'm supposed to have written letters to her for four years. Does any of what she says in those two excerpts I've shared make any sense at all if my letters "quickly turned obsessive, and then angry and insult-laden"? In order for them to have "quickly turned", especially given her claim of contact for four years, it would have had to have happened long before 12th grade. Would you write such statements to anyone who did to you what Dickerman claimed I'm supposed to have done to her?

Just in case there are any doubts about her authorship of the letters, I want to show a comparison of the signatures she left on both the 11th grade letter, and the signature she put on her VIS of 2006. Naturally a person's signature is going to adapt over time especially when going from 1998 to 2006. But you can definitely tell they are written by the same person. The lowercase "R" at the end of "Manweiler" even has the little extended sweep to the right in both 1998 and 2006. Some of the writing from the high school letters even match the notations Dickerman wrote on the 2006 email evidence before she turned those emails over to the police as evidence. I'd happily put these two handwritten letters up for expert examination in a court of law any time.

Michelle Dickerman's (maiden name Manweiler) signature on her 11th grade letter in 1998

Michelle Dickerman's (maiden name Manweiler) signatures on her Victim Impact Statement in 2006

Now while this concludes the letters and their contesting of Michelle Dickerman's account of that time period, I'm not yet done with Michelle Dickerman's own VIS. There is another lie that Michelle Dickerman told to the Charlottesville law enforcement, the courts, and even my former attorney. It was a far, far more serious lie. I have proof not only of this lie, but I also can prove it was a lie thanks to Michelle Dickerman's own Victim Impact Statement.

Michelle Dickerman claimed that I had journeyed to Charlottesville to her place of residence and made in-person contact with her within the city limits. This in turn made my case seem more threatening to law enforcement, so they didn’t “waste time” confirming their evidence and instead rushed to club me over the head and drag me down to Charlottesville themselves on the day of my arrest. More specifically the late night of my arrest. 

The problem with this statement of Charlottesville visitation is that there was never a time where I had even bothered to find her address during the seven months it took Dickerman to go to police. I couldn't have given less of a damn where she lived in Charlottesville if I tried. The first time I set foot in Charlottesville since contacting Dickerman, was when former Detective Nicholas Rudman and his partner drove me to Charlottesville themselves really late at night on the day of my arrest.

I had no desire or intent to travel up to Charlottesville to contact Michelle Dickerman. Laziness, video games, and a total lack of care meant that I never bothered to look up her information even though it wouldn't have taken me more than a day or two to do so. But the Charlottesville law enforcement of course totally had proof of intent to justify pushing a felony on a guy who couldn't even be bothered to find the "victim’s" address in the city for seven months. Because planning a murder apparently doesn't require actually knowing where your target lives or anything.

This lie of contact within Charlottesville was told to me via multiple different sources. During my interrogation former detective Nicholas Rudman flat out told me that Michelle Dickerman claimed I was at her house in Charlottesville on more than one occasion. Rudman said that this was the reason they filed a stalking charge against me. He attempted to get me to confess to this act but I continued to tell him that this never happened.

But yet despite denying things like this, as well as stating I never threatened her with violence, I'm supposed to have somehow confessed to all the charges according to Rudman and Joseph Platania. Which is surely why they took great care of the recording of the interview and totally didn't "lose" it so that they could falsely claim in court I confessed to everything. Oh wait a minute - they did “mysteriously” lose the recording after Platania managed to listen to it. I'm sure losing that tape wasn't just because they knew I never confessed to the charges, and that with the loss of the recording it meant that it came down to my word against that of a police officer's in court.

I posted on this blog a few years back the recording of my lawyer admitting they not only "lost" the recording of my supposed confession, but that they some how magically damaged my hard drive so severely that they claimed it was going to take them ninth months to repair before they could recover anything from it. Which conveniently left the blatantly tampered printouts Michelle Dickerman printed up and handed to law enforcement as the sole evidence against me.

Especially after Dickerman then took down her Myspace account, which the emails used as evidence against me had been sent to, right after my arrest which completely deleted all the original emails on her account. Along with deleting the proof that she had been forwarding those emails to a fake account made to look like mine, which gave her total freedom to alter their contents. You'll see what I mean if you review the email evidence post I placed at the top and bottom of this post. Her deletion of her profile is confirmed in news reports. It was admitted to by my attorney on recording - who added "She was wrong, she shouldn't have done that" (she's a lawyer mind you), and even recorded that she took down her profile in his own notes from the protective order hearing. Here, I'll even post up my lawyer's note on it and the news report saying she did this:

Excerpt from William Johnson's notes on Dickerman taking down her Myspace account

Last lines of a news report of my arrest confirming that Dickerman took down her Myspace account, thus deleting all the original evidence right after she heard of my arrest

I'm going to go a little off rails here in a bit of a rant and I think I'm pretty justified in that. All of that stuff on the events of the case I just talked about, all of which I have documentation and recordings proving every bit of it happened (some of which I've even posted up on this blog) - I want you to go back and read all of that and reflect for a moment on just how much of a cluster fuck this entire case was. Critical evidence conveniently disappearing or getting damaged. Blatant tampering of email printouts made by Dickerman that were never verified independently by law enforcement (so blatant was the tampering that my former attorney noticed it immediately and wrote it down in his notes). Dickerman deleting critical evidence as soon as I'm arrested - and as a lawyer knowing full well she wasn't supposed to do that.

This is just a portion of what happened, the tip of the iceberg. Far more bullshit took place than this. I'd love to get it all out in court. I'd bet my life on it all standing up in a court of law. My problem has never been a lack of evidence, as I can prove every bit of what was done to me. My problem has been a lack of access to the means to get that evidence out in court. Justice requires deep pockets, which I haven't had access to for years. Or at the very least forcing it out in the public eye, which there are options for that but some are better in outcome than others. I'll get more into this in the longer post I'm working on.

Returning to the rant, how can this woman read any of that and not realize how much she massively fucked up by doing what she did in 2006? Does she realize she'd be flayed alive in the news media if any of this stuff became public? A rich white girl with a banker father (who graduated from the same college, UVA, and donates money to it) received blatant special treatment far in excess of anything that any regular citizen of Charlottesville would receive. Combined with obvious law enforcement corruption and clear evidence of a coverup to shield her from responsibility for her blatant criminal acts. Yeah I'm sure that's all going to play out wonderfully on the news in this day and age.

As I said earlier that's not even remotely all of what happened, a hell of a lot more blatant shit took place beyond just those things. All of which there are witnesses and evidence to back everything up. After all the things that were done to me in 2006 in her name - how does she not expect to have created the very thing she claimed to be scared of happening? How did Michelle Dickerman not know what she was doing in 2006? If you witnessed this kind of stuff being done to you and had your life ruined by it in the process - are you really going to tell me that it wouldn't cause some very bad thoughts to start rolling through your mind? Does she not realize how massively stupid her choices here were? And for all those "flying monkeys" that still cling to her word and believe everything she's told you in the face of all the evidence I've been showing you all these years - apologize to the trees for the oxygen you're wasting. I've more than proven what she's done over the years - using her own words and her own evidence.

Sorry I'll get back on track here. After all this is being written for reference of those outside this case who have no contact with the Dickerman family. I expect no self-awareness from Dickerman and I don't expect independent thought from the people around her. So returning back to the subject of her lies, Michelle Dickerman claimed that I went to Charlottesville at her place of residence multiple times - a location I still don't know about to this day. This is the more serious lie I was talking about. The lie that could add additional charges to her legal troubles if it ever got out.

This lie by Dickerman was confirmed by Detective Rudman and he attempted to get me to confess to it during the interview. In turn there can't be any denial by Dickerman that she didn't make the accusation - the police detective working her case specifically said she made this claim. Additionally the court paperwork from the protective order hearings was given to me at the jail by Detective Rudman. The paperwork stated that there was in-person contact within the city limits of Charlottesville. Not just through emails - it specifically said in-person contact in addition to the emails. So at the protective order hearings Michelle Dickerman testified with one of her roommates that I went to her home in Charlottesville - and the court recorded this accusation.

An additional source was my former attorney William Johnson. He spoke with Michelle Dickerman after the protective order hearing. He records in his notes from that day both comments Dickerman made at the protective order hearing and in the discussion he had with her. He specifically writes down the following:

Attorney William Johnson: "Conduct in C'ville - Personal contact other than contact by electronic means."

"Personal contact other than contact by electronic means" is as crystal clear as it can get. Johnson records here that Michelle Dickerman herself claimed in court that I made in-person contact with her in Charlottesville. Not contact through emails - "other than contact by electronic means". So here it is in black and white so that Michelle Dickerman can't claim she didn't make this accusation.

I've heard that there is the possibility she'd be considered under oath during her testimony at the protective order hearing. If she was she's looking at a class 5 felony for perjury. Both for her lie about going to her home in Charlottesville, as well as for her tampering with the email evidence she provided law enforcement. But before I show the evidence, from Michelle Dickerman herself, proving I never went to her Charlottesville home as she claimed, I'm going to give an additional source of her false statements.

My late father had met with me at the jail after the first failed bond hearing, which he had intended to act as an advocate on my side. During our talk he confronted me about what he was told at the bond hearing. Both Joseph Platania and Detective Rudman were in attendance and spoke with my father, so I'm not certain which one told him this story. In reality it doesn't matter - both were present to hear it regardless of which one actually told the story, and clearly the other didn't disagree with what was said.

My father explained that he was told Michelle Dickerman had claimed that on one specific instance I had been outside her home in Charlottesville sitting in my car. She had claimed to have even seen me sitting out in my car. During this visit I'm supposed to have called her cell phone, spoken with her on the phone, and told her I was waiting outside her home with a gun to kill her. All of this was told to my father by law enforcement. Needless to say this accusation came as quite the shock to me given it never remotely happened. I didn't know what address Dickerman even lived at in Charlottesville, let alone that I had never known her cell phone number at the time. And the two of us have never exchanged a single verbal word to each other since 1999.

This fictional event supposedly took place at least a month prior to Dickerman having gone to the police. Which in reality completely shoots down this accusation as pure unfiltered bullshit when a little logic is applied. You're going to tell me that I'm supposed to have:
  1. Sat in my car outside her Charlottesville home
  2. Been spotted sitting outside her home by Dickerman herself
  3. Called her cell phone, which the police would naturally be able to get cell phone records to obtain proof of this act and yet never produced said proof in court
  4. Told her over the phone that I was outside with a gun waiting to kill her
And we're to believe that after such a horrible event Michelle Dickerman proceeded to: 
  1. Hang up the phone
  2. Not call the police to arrest me immediately
  3. Let me drive away from her home without incident after making such a statement
  4. Wait at least a month before actually telling the cops about this
Can you smell the bullshit wafting through the air folks? This isn't even something that requires evidence to disprove, it merely requires a shred of common sense. Does the actions of Michelle Dickerman sound like something a mentally healthy person would do? Nobody would react like that if this event was supposed to have taken place. I certainly wouldn't have reacted like that.

I'd have responded with "Okay", hung up the phone, and merrily dialed the cops right then and there so they could arrest the guy. Every single one of you reading this know that you'd react the same way. That's how a vast majority of people would respond. Granted the temptation for the remainder might be to confront the individual if they had a gun of their own to bring along. While it might be tempting it's really, really not a smart way to handle the situation - ego gets people killed every day. I could go over all the pitfalls of such a scenario but that isn't the point of this post. Let's just say you might think you're Wyatt Earp but the bad guy could get lucky (or you could get very unlucky). Especially when the bad guy has the initiative because you want to stay on the "not catching a murder charge" side of the law.

So given that no mentally sound person would respond the way that she claimed to have responded, Michelle Dickerman's claim doesn't even remotely pass the sniff test. At least not unless she's completely crazy. Which granted Dickerman is nuttier than squirrel shit - nobody would make up the kind of lies and fabrication of evidence that Dickerman can be proven to have done unless there is some faulty wiring upstairs. But I doubt she's enough of a space cadet to override the instinct of self-preservation.

Narcissists by definition have a highly developed sense of self-love and self-preservation. They are the most important person on this earth (in their heads at least) and they are going to respond as such. So it still stands that Dickerman would have called the cops immediately if this fake scenario had actually taken place. Especially the "calling her cell phone with a blatant death threat" part. I mean there is nothing open to interpretation if someone calls your cell to tell you they are waiting outside with a gun to shoot you.

I pointed out to my father that it doesn't make any sense that she wouldn't call the cops immediately. He agreed with me that it sounded very odd, but given that he was a police officer through and through he clearly did not want to believe that fellow members of law enforcement would lie to him like that. Then again they probably didn't lie to him.

I don't doubt that Michelle Dickerman made this false accusation herself given all her false statements both in 2006 and in years prior. Given that she had already made the false claim of in-person contact in Charlottesville, this story of a cell phone call at her C'ville home was almost certainly an accusation from Dickerman that Platania or Rudman was simply repeating to my father - rather than a lie fabricated by law enforcement. So in a way there was likely no conscious attempt by either of them to mislead my father with this specific story at the time, though I admittedly wouldn't put it past them.

Now I have multiple pieces of evidence and witness statements saved that back up the fact that I wasn't going to Charlottesville and had not known Dickerman's address in the city or her cell phone number. But I have even better evidence to prove her claims to be outright lies. I'm going to let Michelle Annette Dickerman tell you herself that I didn't know where she lived in Charlottesville the entire time, and thus couldn't possibly have been to her residence in the city as she was claiming to law enforcement:

Michelle Dickerman in her statement to the court in 2006:
"Because I've worried that Richard might figure out at any time where I live or work ..."

There you have it folks. Michelle Dickerman herself said that she was worried I would figure out at any time where she lived or worked. Which means she was aware that I didn't know those locations. It also means I couldn't have been to her residence in Charlottesville as she claimed to police and the courts earlier in the case. Because in her own words she knew that I hadn't discovered her location the whole time and was worried I'd eventually find it out.

Which given that, by her own admission, I hadn't done so in the roughly seven months it took her to go to the police and have me arrested - it means I clearly didn't care enough to find this information out. Even to this day I have no idea where Dickerman was living in Charlottesville because I've never cared to know that information. It would have taken me a day to find out where she lived in Charlottesville- two at the most but that's if I was being lazy. While we have an abundance of options these days, in 2006 the resources were still easily available and known to me back then. I think I've made my point so far that I could have found her address any time in 2006 if I had wanted to know it.

Yet Michelle Dickerman fully admits I didn't have this information in her own statement to the court. I didn't bother to find it in the seven month period from first contact to my eventual arrest. Yeah that really sounds like I had such intent to kill that it warranted a misdemeanor bumped to a felony on a guy with zero criminal record and hadn't been in her presence since we graduated in 1999. And I'm pretty sure that knowing your target's location is extremely important in order to commit the crime of murder. Do you people see why I'm fucking pissed yet? Of course that should have been obvious a long time ago given all the evidence I've posted here, especially proof of her tampering of evidence and what it did to my life.

Not only does her own admission prove that her prior claims of Charlottesville visitation were a lie, but her VIS also proves it in another way - the complete absence of the accusation. Dickerman accused me of a lot of bullshit in the VIS, but yet she never mentions anything about any visits to Charlottesville. She doesn't mention anything about any in-person face-to-face contact period, let alone any in Charlottesville. She doesn't mention any calls to her cell phone other than ones she received from journalists (funny how they didn't have a problem finding that info right away, but yet I never bothered to do so in seven months). She doesn't mention anything about seeing me waiting outside her home in the city of Charlottesville. It seems that in the months that went by from my arrest to the writing of the Victim Impact Statement Michelle Dickerman had forgotten some of her lies.

Dickerman had to take a Bar exam study course and sit for the exam while this case went forward. She traveled through parts of Europe on a trip her parents probably paid for as a graduation gift, while I was being railroaded into a felony that she fabricated evidence to bring about. She had to focus on packing, moving, and getting new employment in DC while I was being threatened by both the prosecution and my own attorney into pleading guilty - under threat that I'd be deliberately sent to the most violent prison in the area if I refused and was convicted. Michelle Dickerman had made so many false accusations at the start of the case that she apparently forgot a few of them in the "busy" months this case took to resolve for her. Thus she ended up giving me a "smoking gun" unintentionally.

The proof that Dickerman made those accusations of in-person contact in Charlottesville is overwhelming. It was stated by the detective working the case and he said it was the reason they filed the stalking charge. Court documents say the accusation was made by her at the protective order hearing. My former attorney admits on tape recordings that Dickerman claimed that I'm supposed to have gone to her home in Charlottesville. He even recorded in his notes that the accusation was made at the protective order hearing. My father was told at the bond hearing (by either prosecutor or detective) that I'm supposed to have gone to her home in Charlottesville and called her on her cell phone. Even news articles still in my possession repeat these same accusations of Charlottesville visits.

Multiple sources are on record saying these accusations were made against me, and they all point a finger in Michelle Dickerman's direction as the source. Yet in Dickerman's own statement to the court she admits she knew I didn't know her address in Charlottesville the entire time. So what she claimed at the start of the case about Charlottesville visitation couldn't have taken place. Those events never happened. She makes lots of other accusations in her VIS yet that document remains silent when it comes to any conduct at her address in Charlottesville. I can prove that Michelle Annette Dickerman made the accusations, yet in her own words months later she admits those events she accused me of couldn't possibly have happened. Yet some people still believe every word coming out of her mouth.

The simple fact is that what we have here is clear evidence of a criminal act performed by Michelle Annette Dickerman in 2006 - on top of the evidence proving she tampered and even fabricated the email evidence the felony charge was based upon. I have been told that Dickerman might have been considered under oath during the protective order hearing. If this is true Michelle Dickerman could be facing a class 5 felony for the crime of perjury. She might even face more than one count - one for the physical evidence tampering of the emails she submitted as evidence and one for the lies about in-person contact in Charlottesville.

The information on her being under oath might be incorrect however. Dickerman might not have been sworn in, which is an extremely stupid act even at a protective order hearing if this is true. So those of us accused don't get to have protections in place for a potential accuser making false claims against us just because it's a protective order? As if having that order falsely put into place can't harm someone's life? Our accuser can just lie and not receive punishment? It wouldn't surprise me however given the steaming pile of dogshit the court system has become. Who am I kidding - it's always been a steaming pile from the beginning.

It would also make sense given that the Charlottesville prosecution was really keen to have me waive the preliminary hearing that Michelle Dickerman was set to testify at. Dickerman would certainly have been placed under oath - and Joseph Platania and Warner Chapman knew that she was going to have to lie on the stand. Because by that time both prosecutors knew Michelle Dickerman had lied and had also fabricated the email evidence they were using as the basis of the criminal charges.

They knew back at my second (and last) failed bond hearing that Dickerman had done something to the emails. Prior to the second bond hearing the lie of law enforcement damaging my computer hard drive was concocted. I believe that they never actually damaged the hard drive. They lied to not only prevent the finding of exculpatory evidence, but also made Dickerman's blatantly modified email printouts the only source of evidence against me. Platania knew he'd have to put a witness on the stand that he knew was lying. He probably knew she lied about me going to Charlottesville and he definitely knew what she had done to the emails. Threatening me out of holding the preliminary hearing, aided by the shitbag attorney representing me, helped to prevent Michelle Dickerman from lying under oath at that hearing.

Not necessarily because he wanted to protect Dickerman from a class 5 felony. Though given he was sweet on her from the sexual comments he and my attorney had clearly been exchanging over the phone (according to my own lawyers comments to me) and other such inappropriate behavior towards her, his clear attraction to her might have played some role in the decision. But I think it had more to do with Platania not having to knowingly put someone on the stand that he knew to be lying - just in case everything came out publicly one day.

The primary motivation behind the cover up committed by the Charlottesville law enforcement was one of self preservation and saving face for having been tricked by a newly minted lawyer fresh out of law school. I was thrown under the bus to save everyone's careers - Detective Rudman, Prosecutors Joseph Platania & Warner Chapman, Magistrate Edward Rex, and even Michelle Dickerman's budding future as a lawyer.

Even without Michelle Dickerman being under oath at the protective order hearing - the fact that it can be proven she made false accusations about in-person Charlottesville contact, that even she later admitted never happened, is still a criminal act. Dickerman could definitely face the potential for felony level disorderly conduct (same as Jussie Smollett was charged for his fake hoax accusations), and multiple counts of that if they really wanted to twist the knife. There is no statute of limitations on felonies in Virginia. My understanding is that disorderly conduct is sort of a "catch-all" type of charge that can cover a range of different actions.

Even if I'm wrong on that (can't see how given the Jussie Smollett example) Michelle Dickerman clearly committed obstruction and tampering of evidence at the very least. Probably more charges out there that I'm not aware of given that I'm not a lawyer. I'd say that given the amount of damage she inflicted, the fact that as a lawyer she knew better, and that she used her lawyer training to trick law enforcement - that there is more than enough justification for bumping misdemeanors to felonies. After all that's what they did to me in 2006 based on nothing more than her status as a rich UVA student with an alumni father - who as a banker held influence and donated to the university.

If the City of Charlottesville refused to bump misdemeanors to felonies for a rich white girl that they gave blatant special treatment towards in the past - well I'm sure that's really going to go over well in the news media. People will naturally wonder why Jussie Smollett, a black man, can get a felony for hoaxing a hate crime, but a white woman with a rich father can't get a felony for inflicting actual and direct harm to people's lives. I just don't see how Charlottesville can avoid stepping into that mine field.

I think that's more than enough of Dickerman's lies for now, this post was already far longer than I wanted. I don't expect Michelle Dickerman to ever get some self-awareness, after all that's never happened in her entire life. Nor do I expect to get through the heads of those who orbit around her. Instead I wanted to get her criminal acts out in the open and front-and-center. With what I saw in my views I figured it wouldn't hurt to have that clearly visible just in case.

Needless to say, anyone who takes the word of a narcissist like Michelle Dickerman as truth would have to be a very stupid individual indeed. But we live in stupid times where vapid people like her can virtue signal while freely fucking over others without consequence, and will still get praised as good people while they do it.

I'd be cautious though if I was a cop being dragged into this. I can prove Michelle Dickerman lied and fabricated evidence to mislead law enforcement. If what she did ever went public the Charlottesville police and District Attorney's office would be hammered for their involvement. There would definitely be a criminal investigation of the Charlottesville law enforcement. This whole clusterfuck stands to really blow up when it gets out in the public eye. I'd imagine this case would be radioactive, if not an outright kiss of death, for the careers of any police or prosecutors who touched it.

I wanted to leave off with an appropriate video clip that fits in well with the subject matter. It was originally posted by a channel called "It'sAGundam" who does commentary on gaming, media, and culture. This video involved accusations a guy received during the MeToo movement, which were made via a tweet by a woman who has a questionable moral character and integrity. With no evidence other than an accusation people attacked the guy to the point he committed suicide. The woman who accused him quietly deleted her tweet of the accusation after he killed himself and now pretends nothing ever happened.

I felt two specific sections of this video fit well as a closing. His opening that had comments from a channel called "The Factual Feminist" was one clip. I combined this with a clip about accusations made by a woman against a guy called ProJared, events which he was later able to prove never took place using video evidence of the event in question. The woman was caught in a lie but proceeded to double down and use word salad rather than admit she lied about the guy.

I will include the full video from the guy's channel below the clips I used. I highly recommend watching the full YouTube video, as it touches on a lot of relevant things with this case. I particularly felt those comments of his about depression. When you have people do some bad shit to you, it really fucks you up and it can take years to get right. It took me years to work through what Dickerman had done to me when we were teenagers, but clearly I hadn't destroyed those demons like I had thought. But I still have not been able to move past what was done to me in 2006. Nor can I until I get justice for what these people did to me.

Hopefully he doesn't mind me using the two clips here, though I doubt he'd ever see this blog. If he has any issues with me posting it I'll gladly take them down and just have his full video linked back to his YouTube page if he contacts me here.

This video relates to this case in that it illustrates a problem. Just as those guys were immediately viewed as guilty, with nothing more than an accusation made against them, I was also judge merely on the basis of an accusation. All Michelle Annette Dickerman has ever done is just point the finger in my direction and idiots believed every word without question. She is not a victim, and neither am I for that matter. But my behavior has always been motivated by the harm she has inflicted on me for decades. Her lies have always been the driving force behind pushing this dispute to the point it has reached. You don't get to do what she has done and just walk away without consequences.

Given that the evidence used in 2006 consisted of printouts from Dickerman that were blatantly tampered with and fabricated by her, and never verified by the Charlottesville law enforcement (because they claimed they mysteriously damaged my computer hard drive), I was railroaded on essentially nothing more than her word. And I've amply proven in just this post alone that Michelle Dickerman's word can never be trusted.

You've seen proof in her own words that the events she alluded to in the VIS did not happen the way she claimed. You've seen proof that she made accusations of in-person contact in Charlottesville, and then in her own words admit that those events couldn't have happened. If you go to this post right here, I'll show you how she blatantly tampered with and even fabricated the evidence that was the entire basis of the felony I was railroaded into.

Dickerman is an evil person who lied to hurt someone she didn't like, and in turn not only received special treatment but also used a corrupt legal system to commit acts that she would virtue signal against. Anyone who takes her word as gospel in the face of overwhelming evidence is an evil person as well. This wasn't a fucking game - this was my life she destroyed and I could have even lost that life given the prosecution's threats. And these people are going to face justice for that one day.

Clips from "In The Court of Public Opinion There Is NO Due Process For A Man"
by It'sAGundam

Full video of "In The Court of Public Opinion There Is NO Due Process For A Man"
by It'sAGundam