Wednesday, April 7, 2021

New Website Under Construction

As part of my push to ensure documentation of the criminal acts by Dickerman and the Charlottesville law enforcement are front and center in any discussion of my future actions, I have finally put up a website devoted to the case. It can be found at the following address:

It has been a very long time since I've put together a website from scratch (since the very early 2000's to be exact), so getting it fully put together is going to take a bit. This is problematic because my lengthy write-up on the 2006 case (calling it a manifesto for lack of a better term at the moment) is also still being written at the same time. I've been having a hard time holding myself back from taking any actions until these two things are done at least, but I'm not sure whether that will happen. I've been tempted three times already to move forward. Logically I feel the best option is to wait a few years for the guilty parties to get lazy and complacent before I follow through with the only option left to me to get justice, but to be honest I really don't think I can hold back for that long. It all depends on when I feel I have an opportunity in front of me.

Speaking of other parties getting lazy and complacent, I've noticed Michelle Dickerman appears to be doing just that. I've seen an uptick in the regular traffic flow of the blog, getting additional visitors per day than normal. I didn't know what the reason behind it was until I was recently checking the google search placement of the dot-com website once it went active. It appears Michelle Dickerman filled out her Linkedin profile and set it to public. That's a rather dumb mistake to put any information out there at all, though that's obviously that complacency I was mentioning earlier.

The only reason I can come up with for her pulling a stupid move like that is perhaps she's hoping her Linkedin profile pulls viewers away from my blog. The plan potentially being that if people are searching for her they won't look at the other search results when her Linkedin profile is at the top. This is of course pure speculation on my part, there might not be any plan behind her publication of her Linkedin profile. This could just simply be a sign that Dickerman is making the mistake of getting too relaxed. Good for me, bad for her. But if the plan was indeed as I mentioned, to pull potential viewers from my blog, then it seems to have done quite the opposite. I'm getting more not less. It could be that her Linkedin profile is showing people that they have the right person popping up in the search, so with that knowledge they go looking for what else comes up about her. Again that's pure speculation on my part, the uptick in viewers might not even be connected to the Linkedin profile. But it's certainly a reasonable explanation. Regardless of the real reasons I'm happy anytime something for my benefit happens at an enemy's expense.

We'll see how that complacency pans out. To be honest I don't even think Dickerman has been checking this blog anymore. I haven't bothered to dig through the visitor details in a long time, I've only looked at the viewer counts on the various counters I have. I have no doubt that Dickerman is assuming that because nothing has happened that nothing will happen. That is a bad assumption, but that assumption is just fine by me. Anyone can follow the trajectory on the future with this dispute. This has been going on for how long now? To assume this is going to end when even a decade of time hasn't accomplished that is outright incompetence. This isn't going away, this isn't going to get better. I want justice for what Dickerman and the other guilty parties have done and I'm going to get it one way or another. Certain actions of mine have had the past motivation of making a point to Dickerman (and she knows what that point is), but I now have a completely different motive behind those actions. And there is a decision being made each time I do it.

I'm not concerned about any retaliation from Dickerman either. The fact is that she and her family are completely aware of the shit show they will bring down on themselves if this case ever made it into the news media. They've made their awareness of that fact absolutely clear. Any actions taken on anything that happened now is always going to dreg up what happened in 2006. There simply isn't anyway to avoid that. Once all the details about that case comes out, and there isn't anyway to stop it from coming out, everything goes sideways for the Manweiler family.

It looks exactly like Michelle Dickerman fabricated the evidence the entire case was based upon. That evidence demonstrating she tampered with and outright faked emails is strong enough to stand up in court. She was clearly forwarding emails to an account made to look like mine, and never informed anyone of this fact (because C'ville law enforcement wouldn't be stupid enough to move on evidence like that). This gave her the ability to alter the email contents as she saw fit, and my lawyer admits on the tape recordings by my mother that from the very beginning I told him there were things in those emails I never recall writing. It can be proven that Dickerman wrote false dates on individual sheets of a March 12th email to split the emails up and make it look like she received more than what was actually sent to her. Then my lawyer and the news media record that Dickerman took down her Myspace profile right after my arrest, which conveniently destroyed all the original evidence in her possession - including any potential evidence of her faking emails. That looks shady as hell and Michelle Dickerman knows it.

Given the severe damages she's inflicted on me, felony charges would obviously be filed against her. Not only did her 2006 case against me set the legal precedent of a misdemeanor being bumped to a felony because of her social status (and potentially via family manipulation as well), but in this current public climate nobody is going to be pleased that little miss white girl gets to do something this serious and walk away without felony charges. People will make the obvious comparison to Jussie Smollett getting charged for felony disorderly conduct for an alleged hoax, while Michelle Dickerman clearly faked evidence and destroyed someone's entire life with a felony she knew to be based on lies and corruption. And in the Commonwealth of Virginia there are no statute of limitations on felonies. Maybe had she come clean and turned state's evidence years ago she could have bargained for immunity from prosecution. Admitting what she did but testifying against her co-conspirators in law enforcement in exchange for a deal puts the primary news focus on the corrupt law enforcement officials rather than on her. But taking action against me and then having all her crimes dragged out in the news media would instead immediately turn the focus of conversation on the rich white girl getting away with her crimes. Good luck trying to bargain for leniency then.

Switching back to the facts of the 2006 case, it also looks like the Charlottesville law enforcement committed a coverup to prevent anyone from finding out they screwed up. Everything they did during that case looks extremely corrupt. From the convenient disappearance of critical evidence that just happened to cover for the blatant tampering of the emails by Dickerman, to all of the recorded actions by Charlottesville law enforcement - it all looks extremely shady as hell. And once again - in this public climate nobody is going to assume innocence on the part of law enforcement. It'll be a complete and total shit show for the Manweiler family once everyone finds out what actually went on in 2006.No benefit of the doubt will be given to Dickerman or C'ville law enforcement by the public - not these days. The whole case looks way too suspicious and the guilty parties can't possibly be that clueless about that fact.

Then we throw in Michelle Dickerman's father Gregory Manweiler. He's was a banker (that doesn't carry very good public perception these days), as well as a UVA alumni and a donor to the university. Charlottesville law enforcement has a track record of covering for UVA students as it is, but now add in the fact her father has lots of money, is a UVA alumni, and makes donations to the school. Michelle Dickerman and her father should be able to figure out what obvious conclusion the public will reach. It'll be the same conclusion one of the co-presidents of the only company to hire me right out of jail reached after my uncle spoke with him about what happened. The only piece of information the man received about Michelle Dickerman was that she was a UVA student, every other part of the conversation was solely about what law enforcement and my lawyer did to me. Yet without being told any more information about the Manweiler family beyond her alumni status the man came to one conclusion - "It sounds like someone had a rich daddy who knew someone at the university who could pull strings". Again, he hit the nail right on the head while knowing nothing more about Michelle Dickerman than her student status.

So I'm sure you can imagine the conclusion everyone reaches once information about Gregory Manweiler becomes public - because you can bet I'm going to talk all about him. Given my lawyers actions and some of the things he says on tape, people will also believe Mr. Manweiler influenced my lawyer with some financial incentive - all under the table of course. Even if her father didn't do that, the public will assume he did. I'll also bring up about how it appears the Manweiler family manipulated the school system to keep their daughter in the running for her valedictorian status. I'm sure that will go over well with a public that's obsessed with equal treatment right now. I don't know if a scholastic honor can be retracted after the fact, but you damn well better believe I'll at least make mention of what the Manweilers did back then during the conversations with the media.

The simple fact is that Michelle Dickerman has far more to lose here than I do from any actions she takes against me. Considering I no longer hold any value to my life as a felon nor do I feel I have anything to lose anymore, I'd say she stands to lose a hell of a lot more than me. As I said, it isn't possible to take action against me without the entire 2006 case being brought up by the media. The media will definitely talk to me, hell I had lots of media come to the jail to speak to me during the court case, and I had to sign a form every time saying I wouldn't speak to them. I did this on the advice of my former attorney, but you better believe I'm happily talking to them the second time around. And this case looks far too corrupt and shady, and my evidence far to numerous and strong, complete with lots of tape recordings of my former attorney admitting to all kinds of things, to escape scrutiny from the media and the public.

Two good scenarios have a chance of coming out of any situation where Dickerman tries causing trouble. Very best case? The charges against me are dismissed by Charlottesville or the Commonwealth of Virginia, and a criminal investigation of Michelle Dickerman takes place after charges are filed against her. Maybe she is convicted and goes to jail, which to avoid the focus on law enforcement they might indeed use her as the sacrificial lamb. "Hey look, we're sending the rich spoiled white girl off to prison for what she did, let's not talk about that stuff with law enforcement shall we?" But let's try taking a more conservative and likely scenario to this.

The charges will get dropped against me when this entire story hits the media. The evidence in my possession showing Dickerman fabricated the emails is too strong, the actions revolving around the case far too shady. I have the ability to back up my accusations with evidence that can be presented in court. The simple fact is that the Charlottesville law enforcement never verified a single piece of the evidence they used against me to base the charges on. This entire case is based off of printouts supplied by Michelle Dickerman - and I can prove serious tampering by her that completely dismisses the validity of her evidence. With the documented fact of her deleting the originals via taking down her Myspace account, and the documented fact that the Charlottesville law enforcement claimed to have damaged my hard drive too severely to get any evidence off of it - that means the sole evidence left against me are printouts supplied by the claimed victim that show blatant tampering and were never verified. Michelle Dickerman fucking knows that scenario doesn't work out for her when it goes public.

Then we have Joseph Platania's inappropriate locker room talk with my lawyer about Michelle Dickerman in the wake of the MeToo movement. He's already been hammered for prosecuting black men who squared off against neo-nazis in Charlottesville. I think I heard about even further heat coming in his direction of a racial nature. Now add in the fact that he showed blatant favoritism to a rich white girl that no black person in Charlottesville would have ever received. That weaselly bastard will get dragged harder than a doctor on a United Airlines flight. He'll have no choice but to drop the charges just to appease the mob coming at him, and he sure as hell isn't going to try doing anything to me in retaliation. Even if somehow he's not smart enough to drop the charge and clear my record just to get the scandal off his back, everyone else can see what was done in 2006 was wrong and I'll have no shortage of help being offered to get the charge removed through the court system. So even if Dickerman and the Charlottesville law enforcement don't end up with charges out of it? Her reputation and that of her family's will be ruined for sure, and her word won't ever be trusted again. Arlington county and Falls Church won't want to touch any case against me with a ten foot pole given the scandal, the revelations of Dickerman's lack of integrity as a witness, and the current negative media and political climate towards law enforcement. Meanwhile, I'll have all rights restored with the felony gone, but I'll still be full of anger and hatred for Michelle Dickerman for the loss of over a decade of my life (and her attempt to inflict further harm), while not having received satisfactory justice against her in the legal system. Can't say that's a favorable scenario for her. 

But let's go worst case scenario for me shall we? The media and the public ignores what was done in 2006, Dickerman and the Charlottesville law enforcement skate away without penalty, and law enforcement comes after me with a polycarbonate ass beating stick. Far more unlikely than the conservative scenario from earlier given the amount of evidence and climate towards law enforcement, but we're playing devils advocate here.

Given the threats from the prosecution in 2006, Michelle Dickerman should give daily thanks to whatever God she prays to that I didn't end up in prison over her bullshit back then. There is no scenario where that would have worked out for her. With my knowledge of Dickerman's fabricating of evidence, the wrongness of what was being done to me, and now being handed far more justification for my hatred than I've ever had? Add in a dash of a few years spent in a violent institution on a false felony. That guy who would have walked out of prison after the 2006 case would not have been someone I'd want to meet. And throw in the high possibility of the kind of stuff prison is notoriously known for being done to that guy over those years? What would a guy who got raped in prison because of you do if you two ever ran into each other again? Not a pleasant hypothetical. The simple fact is that there would have been no bargaining or fixing things had the prosecution carried out the threat against me in 2006. There would be no possibility of ever undoing the damage that prison inflicts. So yeah, I wasn't the only one who dodged a bullet with me not ending up in prison.

Now consider the current scenario. Slapping me with that false felony charge accomplished nothing other than to escalate things. Nothing done to me has made me back down, quite the opposite. It gave me even more reason for my hatred, and since I have evidence of all the lies and corruption that went on there is no chance I ever let that go without getting justice for what was done to me. Continuing to hurt me has only ever made things worse for Dickerman. Not once has it ever turned out beneficial for her. You'd think she'd figure that out long ago. Is Dickerman stupid enough to think adding prison and possible physical abuse on top of that will somehow make things better for her in this dispute? When nothing she's done to me so far has ever ended favorably? What exactly would be gained from bringing about an even further escalation with no possibility of deescalating it ever again? A few years head start?

So no, I don't anticipate Michelle Dickerman being incompetent enough to try anything. As I said, she stands to risk far more than I do from such a scenario. So she's stuck in a situation where she can't lift a finger to act no matter what I do. Because there is no scenario that ends favorably for her down that path, while there is a very high probability that it would actually end badly for her and her alone. Because her buddy Platania sure as hell isn't going to stick his neck out for her. Hell the two prosecutors even told my lawyer their reason for doing this was just so that they wouldn't end up on the hook for just misdemeanors when something happens to her later. Platania and Chapman were never thinking about her safety, they only thought about covering their own asses. So Dickerman's stuck all alone between a rock and a hard place now. Nobody should feel sorry for her either, Dickerman brought all this on herself.

Michelle Dickerman made the choices that she has without anyone forcing her to do so. Without any influence other than her own. As a lawyer she was fully cognizant of the consequences her choices would bring about the day she walked into the C'ville police station with lies and tampered evidence. Between the two of us Dickerman was the only one that was fully aware of the sheer extent of consequences that her choices would have the entire time - not just for herself but for others. She knew full well the pain and suffering those choices were going to inflict, especially the decision to have me threatened into a felony she knew I never committed. A felony she knew was only a felony because she was getting special treatment she did not deserve.

Dickerman also knew that her choices would hurt more than just me. To borrow a quote from The Expanse - "He is not only himself. He is everyone who cares for him". She watched my mother run out of that courtroom crying at the preliminary hearing and felt nothing. No concern whatsoever for the suffering she was inflicting on more than just me. Even now as a mother you would think Dickerman could finally relate to what she inflicted on my mother through her actions and decisions. But this is simply not the case - and it isn't surprising given Dickerman's own mother Carole Manweiler felt nothing that day but disdain for my mother's tears.

My mother thinks she might have encountered Dickerman and her parents after the court case. This was at a popular restaurant she was eating at in Williamsburg (where Dickerman's parents live) with my stepfather. She mentioned to me that this older couple around her and my stepfather's age was eating there along with a woman about my age with brassy/reddish hair. My mother stated that she only took notice because the three people kept looking over at her constantly as they talked. My mother isn't aware of what Dickerman or her parents look like so she doesn't know if it was them. But she said she felt these people recognized her and they seemed amused.

Michelle Dickerman knew how many people she was hurting beyond just me. Knew what damage she would inflict upon my life. Knew she was getting privileged treatment. Knew every bit of what was being done was excessive and wrong. Even lawyers I've spoken to about my case have said these very same things. Michelle Dickerman knew every bit of this better than your average person because she is a lawyer.

When I posted up my former attorney's plea agreement idea, Dickerman contacted the Charlottesville law enforcement. It was more likely to alert them to my blog since they began investigating it. But if this happened because Dickerman claims this letter from my lawyer had been hidden from her by the prosecution? Even if that were true, understand that at no point would Michelle Dickerman have chosen any different of a result in 2006 regardless of what information she received from the prosecution. Because even with the revelations of everything that's been brought out on this blog, including that letter, Michelle Dickerman spent over a decade allowing the wrongful damage she inflicted to continue to inflict harm on my life. All because she was too much of a coward to ever admit to what she had done. Michelle Dickerman continued forward with her choices in 2006 knowing all of it was wrong - and she did it with a smile on her face. That is what makes Michelle Dickerman a monster. That is what makes her deserving of everything she has coming.

Anyway, I still have to add the search meta data to the website, I'm hoping that boosts the websites placement in the Google search afterwards. Granted it's likely going to take awhile for that to shift. This blog has been online longer and has much more traffic going to it. Somehow the website gets traffic as well despite its new release, but not close to being at the level of traffic this blog pulls. Give it time I'm sure. I'm also going to make sure the website is paid up at least a year in advance at all times, just ensure that if it does get taken down it won't be from non-payment.

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