Thursday, February 28, 2019

FOIA Response from the Charlottesville District Attorney

Last week I received the following in the mail:

The arrogance and disdain is palpable, and there is a lack of professionalism shown versus the police department's response. It's also interesting how Joseph Platania can answer a FOIA request quickly but still can't be bothered to give a response to a motion filed months ago. Probably because he can't ignore the FOIA request by law. The problem is that he actually hasn't complied with the FOIA request. I specifically asked that emails related to the 2011/2012 contact by Michelle Manweiler be provided to me. I also asked for any emails that were sent to Warner Chapman during this time period, since he was still holding office at that time. As you can see, Joseph Platania has completely ignored both of those requests in my FOIA documentation, and if I'm not mistaken this means he did not comply with something required by law. As I understand it, he has to address everything I asked for by either providing it or giving me a valid explanation of why it is being refused. This is something else I can now use against him, so his arrogance is only making his situation worse.

I know for a fact that Michelle Manweiler contacted Charlottesville law enforcement in 2011. I know because I have the viewing logs that prove her and her parents went through my posts, and then the next day law enforcement from Charlottesville began pouring over my blog. The Charlottesville PD's response to my FOIA request already confirms an investigation took place at that time. While Manweiler's contact could have been limited to Detective Rudman I seriously doubt that this is the case. The catalyst for her contact at that time appears to have been a letter I posted from my former attorney of a proposed reasonable plea deal to the prosecution during the 2006 case. I find it extremely unlikely that Manweiler would have spoken with Detective Rudman over that. As a police officer Rudman had nothing to do with it, because the letter was sent to the district attorney.

If Ms. Manweiler was not informed of this offer from my attorney, she might have chewed out the district attorney's office for withholding important information. I personally don't believe she chewed them out, as it was made clear to me that Manweiler was kept in the loop on everything and had demanded the plea deal the prosecution actually went with. But had she chewed Chapman/Platania out I could see something like that prompting a response from the Charlottesville law enforcement as they attempted to cover their butts. I could also see why Joseph Platania wouldn't want to have an email like that go public. He wouldn't be able to claim it was part of a criminal investigation to make it exempt from FOIA, and if he tried claiming that he would risk getting caught in a lie that would get him into trouble. It would certainly explain why he decided to just ignore that part of my request rather than get caught in another lie. The problem is that this is potentially an issue for him. Maybe in his arrogance Platania thought I was stupid enough to not catch that deliberate omission, but that would be quite an assumption from a prosecutor who was tricked by a newly minted lawyer fresh out of law school.

Regardless, I've grown tired of Platania's antics and his belief that he is above the law. Perhaps he should ask Mike Nifong whether prosecutors are above the law as Platania apparently believes. I'm currently prepping the evidence I need to show the Charlottesville Police Internal Affairs department. I'm also reviewing copies of the tape recordings of my attorney so that I can provide portions of it to the Charlottesville news media. It's very apparent that this case is going to have to keep escalating here, and I'm prepared to take things as far as I have to to get justice.

One recent thing of note relates to the case with Jussie Smollett. I noticed that one of his charges was felony disorderly conduct, which is normally a misdemeanor. When looking through the information on this charge, one I never realized could be connected to filing false police reports, it appears that felony level charges can be pursued when a false report is filed. I further looked into the charge of obstruction of justice and discovered another interesting bit of Virginia law - obstruction of justice can be a misdemeanor or a felony charge in the state of Virginia.

The point of this is that I initially believed Michelle Manweiler (Dickerman) couldn't be charged with anything, because I believed the only charges she could be given were misdemeanors. After two years misdemeanors cannot be pursued in the state of Virginia. There was a question on whether she and her roommate could be charged with Perjury (a class 5 felony) for false evidence and statements at the protective order hearings, but I have been unable to get any clear agreement on whether they were considered under oath at such a hearing. However, the ability for Michelle Manweiler (or any of her roommates named in the police report) to receive felony charges for disorderly conduct and obstruction of justice changes things immensely - because Virginia has no statute of limitations on felony charges.

This all means that Michelle Manweiler can in fact still be slapped with criminal charges even today. Felony disorderly conduct for filing a false police report using evidence she knowingly tampered with. Felony obstruction of justice for taking down her Myspace profile and thus deleting all the evidence. Neither of these charges are ones that Michelle Manweiler has any defense against.

In her own handwriting Manweiler claimed two pages of a March 12th email as being sent to her in April and May. Not only do both emails read as one when put together, they include the same message ID number in the printer stamp. The claimed "May" email even says it was sent on the Sunday of UVA's spring break in 2006 - which matches the March 12th timestamp at the bottom of both emails. By putting an earlier date on the last page, Michelle Manweiler shuffled the pages out of order. This shows a deliberate attempt to misled the reader, demonstrating criminal intent behind the tampering. Hard to defend yourself when your own documentation completely contradicts what you claimed in your own handwriting.

Michelle Manweiler took down her Myspace profile right after hearing of my arrest, which resulted in destruction of critical evidence that would just so happen to help hide what she did to the emails (such as forwarding them on to a fake account made to look like mine). There are multiple sources that confirm she did this deletion. I still have copies of a local TV station's news report that says Michelle Manweiler deleted the profile. My mother checked after seeing the report, and was able to confirm the deletion. When my former attorney spoke with Manweiler at the protective order hearing, she admitted to him that she deleted the profile. My lawyer not only informed my mother and I of this statement by Manweiler, but he confirms it in his own notes on the hearing (I even posted it in one of the evidence articles). He also fully admits to the deletion on tape recordings, and Virginia has a one party law on recordings so they are usable in court. He even says "she was wrong, she shouldn't have done that". So Michelle Manweiler can't deny the event. Multiple sources not only confirm it, but even my attorney admits that she herself confessed to committing this act.

Even if Manweiler restored the profile at a later time it would not have restored the deleted evidence, nor does it excuse her for deleting it in the first place. As someone who was a fully trained attorney at the time of the act, Michelle Manweiler knew better than to do such a thing. She passed the bar exam on the first try from what I understand, meaning she had all the legal knowledge of a practicing attorney as determined by the state bar. While an untrained person could claim they did not realize that this deletion was wrong, Michelle Manweiler's law school training works against her because she is not able to claim ignorance. She deliberately destroyed evidence while an investigation was ongoing and that's all there is to it. This destruction not only covered up for tampered emails, but also disposed of evidence she withheld from law enforcement that would have exonerated me of the felony written threats charge. If that doesn't count as obstruction of justice then the legal concept of obstruction doesn't exist.

The fact that there are two potential felonies involved with Michelle Manweiler makes this actually quite a serious situation for Charlottesville and certainly for the Manweilers. By lying to police and taking things as far as she did, Michelle Manweiler walked into something that one day will end up destroying her life and severely impacting her family. She had her chance for a way out of all this and all she's done is leave insults. So now the ball is in Charlottesville's court.

Despite Platania's obvious show of disdain, he'll have one last chance before I go forward with my other plans. I'll speak to Internal Affairs first, and then visit with Platania before I make the rounds with the local media. Once I confront him, I'll demand that he clear my record and file felony charges against Michelle Manweiler. Right now he still has the ability to put the brunt of the blame on Michelle Manweiler and his former boss Warner Chapman. He can potentially spin it in his favor, a new administration fixing the mistakes of the past one. If he refuses to fix this however, and the media does in fact run with the story, it's not going to end well for the Charlottesville law enforcement. Platania would at that point lose any ability to pass the blame onto someone else. It'll all fall on his shoulders.

As I said in earlier posts, the local media and the Charlottesville public are hostile towards Charlottesville law enforcement. Already you have a general hostility being directed at law enforcement across the country, but it has increased in Charlottesville ever since the events surrounding the assholes with tiki torches. A lot of people blame law enforcement handling of the situation for the violence that took place. Joseph Platania himself has been a target stemming from some of the charges he pursued after the rally. Platania released a statement on why he was charging individuals who were in altercations with white supremacists:

"A prosecutor should always strive to apply the law to the facts of each case without bias or favor. Charging decisions and subsequent prosecutions must be undertaken without regard to gender, race, ethnicity or political ideology. Public safety and confidence in the fair and impartial administration of justice depend upon even-handed accountability for those who violate our laws."

I bet Charlottesville media will ask Joseph Platania why that statement doesn't extend to a rich white girl that he's shown affection towards. He mentions applying the law without bias or favor, but that completely and utterly flies in the face of the special treatment he's been giving to Michelle Annette Manweiler since 2006. Platania is so arrogant he doesn't realize what he's risking by continuing to ignore this issue. There is a very good chance the local media will take up this story right now, and it'll carry some pretty serious consequences for him when they do.

Even if the media doesn't take up the story when I first approach them, I'm not backing off. Every time he's up for re-election or some new media criticism hits him, I'll be in touch with the local news reminding them of this issue. Every new controversy, every big case - I'll touch base with the local media again. I just have to get lucky once, while Joseph Platania and the Manweilers have to hope to get lucky every single time. As I said, I'm not backing off. I'll never stop and I don't have a problem escalating things as far as I'm pushed to in order to get justice.

If I'm forced to seek post-conviction remedies for this charge, I fully intend on it. I'm still in touch with the attorney who discovered a post-conviction solution to have the charge dismissed. It's not a common or well known one, but there is a way to deal with it in court. She stated that my biggest hurdle is explaining why I plead guilty, but as she herself said I have lots of evidence to show why that happened. I have a better footing when it comes to evidence than most people do in the same situation - the primary basis of the case against me was the lies and manipulations of a narcissist. With the Charlottesville law enforcement having not followed proper procedures or validated any of Manweiler's blatantly modified printouts through a credible secondary source, they have no ability to argue against the dismissing of the charge.

The simple reality is this - if this case goes to court for a post-conviction appeal the chances are very high that I'll win. A simple read through of the events I summarized in the motion I filed in court back in August demonstrates exactly why I'd win. The sole reason I did not pursue this was because I was unemployed at the time and was not about to put my family into further debt over my mistake. Even with being employed now I have not had the ability to fund such a bill yet. That however will not be the situation forever. From what I understand I'm due for a promotion very soon, and this is likely to push me to the point where I can finally pay the attorney.

If this is the route I'm forced to go and I'm successful at overturning the charge - I'm destroying everyone's lives. There will be no settlements out of court. I'll sign it all over to the lawyer that bankrupts people. I'll sue Platania, Rudman, Chapman, Johnson, Manweiler, her parents - everyone. I'll force Charlottesville to bring felony charges against Manweiler with pressure from not only the lawsuit but also from the media - as getting the charge overturned and filing a major suit against the city is guaranteed press coverage. Even if it means I'd have to get Platania kicked out of office first before the Charlottesville law enforcement finally files charges against Michelle Manweiler. I have no problem making him the next Mike Nifong if he wants to keep playing games.

So now the prep work happens while I wait for the Clerk of Court to get back to me on the motion I filed back in August. Once I have everything ready I plan on at least a two day excursion to Charlottesville to see about getting this settled. In the meantime I'm tossing around a post idea discussing what mental issues I believe Michelle Manweiler (Dickerman) has that makes her commit such screwed up acts.

In the past I've mistakenly referred to a belief that Manweiler is a psychopath/sociopath. But as much as it bothers me to admit it she simply does not match some of the major signs of either of those disorders. Sociopaths are usually very impulsive and have difficulty holding down jobs, and psychopaths usually have difficulty maintaining personal relationships. The disorder I believe Michelle Manweiler does match up with is what psychiatrists refer to as covert (or shy) narcissism.

If indeed Manweiler has this personality disorder, it does not make her any less a danger to the people around her then a psychopath or sociopath. It's a bit less "stabbity stab" and more "I'll ruin your life". When people knowledgeable in the field of covert narcissism list 19 signs and I can immediately think of things I've witnessed that match 18 out of the 19 signs - there is a problem. They actually listed 20 in total on one particular instance. The first was "You're actually seeking information on what is wrong with this person", and I didn't feel that was a fair one to count.

The only sign that did not match up with what I've witnessed from Michelle Manweiler is that covert narcissists tend to be lazy and their lives are generally a disorganized mess. This hasn't seemed to match up with what I've witnessed in Manweiler's academic career, but there could be alternative explanations. It could be that her obsession with her career, both professional and academic, makes her more focused in this one aspect of her life. Maybe Manweiler's organizational skills only extend into that field, while everything else in her life is disorganized and a mess. It would certainly explain why she didn't cover up for her tampering very well. It could also be that such organization was drilled into her by overbearing parents. Not every narcissist is a "cookie-cutter" version of each other, nor does one outlier mean that she can't have the disorder. Hitting 18 out of 19 signs is a very massive red flag that something isn't right with the person.

Having the covert narcissism personality disorder would actually explain so much about why Manweiler did what she did. But it also made me angry at myself. I realized that I have never been dealing with a mentally healthy individual in Michelle Manweiler, and I wasted so much on the false belief that I was dealing with a normal person. Way back before the 2006 dispute I had tried to reason with Manweiler and appeal to her "better nature" when trying to find out why she was spreading rumors. That in fact was a massive waste of time. There has never been a "better nature" to appeal to and she was never an emotionally healthy person. Had I recognized long ago what kind of creature I was dealing with, I would have definitely acted differently. The fact is all I did was just enable my abuser to dish out more. Covert narcissists feed off of getting attention and sympathy from others, they live to play the victim. All I did was help her sell the lie, and that makes me just as responsible. It doesn't excuse any of her behavior and she more than deserves to be punished for what she has done. But I certainly didn't help my situation.

You can't reason with an unreasonable person. You can't appeal to the sensibilities of someone who has a massive lack of empathy and remorse for the harm they inflict on others. You can't convince a person they are in the wrong when their ego and disdain for others will never allow them to admit they were ever wrong. Even Manweiler's apologies (all two of them) were coached in a way that demonstrated her narcissism if I had but known to look for it. The apologies were never "I was wrong and I'm sorry for doing that to you" or even "I could have handled that better". Instead the apologies were essentially "I'm sorry you didn't react well to what I did". Not once has Michelle Annette Manweiler taken responsibility for any of her actions and wrongs committed - in her messed up head it's everyone else that is the problem.

Whether I'll bother to make this write up is uncertain, I may not waste the time. But I will still put forward the belief of Manweiler being a covert narcissist should the media pick up the story. Maybe once charges are brought Manweiler can be analyzed by a psychiatrist to determine for certain whether she has the disorder. Not because I care about her receiving help (and the general consensus suggests there is no curing narcissism anyway), but because I want to ensure people know what they are dealing with to be able to exercise caution around her.

Friday, February 15, 2019

Charlottesville Police FOIA Response

Today I received the following letter in the mail from the Charlottesville Police Department:
I'll save you some reading, it was essentially an official way for the Charlottesville police to tell me to go screw myself. I'm not bothering to wait around for the prosecution's response to the FOIA request, they will likely claim the same or just allow the police department to be their answer. The reason why it is essentially a middle finger from the police is that so far I've received no communication from the Charlottesville police for the start of an investigation.

I'll post the FOIA request I sent later this weekend so you'll get an idea of exactly what the police and prosecution were told. Even though they have clearly been to my blog and viewed my evidence, they need to see the actual evidence in my possession before they can continue forward with any actions. The fact that this FOIA refusal is the only communication I've received is more than enough of a statement to the intentions of the Charlottesville law enforcement. So now we're going to escalate things. They want to play games, they can suffer the consequences.

What they don't realize is that this letter admits two things that aren't in their best interests. First and foremost they admitted they read my FOIA request where I laid out exactly what has been going on. By not taking action even when faced with the accusations, they are digging themselves further into a hole when this situation goes public. As I said I'll post up the FOIA request and you'll see exactly what the police have been made aware of.

The second problem for Charlottesville law enforcement is that by citing this code, they are fully admitting they have been conducting a criminal investigation without jurisdiction or legal justification. Because no crime was committed (as evidenced by there not being an arrest) and neither I nor Michelle Manweiler lived in the city limits of Charlottesville at the time of the 2011/2012 investigation (thus no legal jurisdiction to pursue an investigation). This letter is an admission that Detective Rudman, Joseph Platania, and the Charlottesville police used public resources to investigate me as a personal favor to a rich UVA student that hasn't lived in the city of Charlottesville for more than a decade. I doubt the public and media are going to be well receiving of such news, especially in this anti-LEO climate.

So now that it's obvious what Charlottesville law enforcement's intentions are, I'm now moving forward with the next step. Next week I'll be contacting the Clerk of Court to find out if the Judge's decision can be enforced without Joseph Platania's comment, given that the prosecutor has blatantly been withholding comment out of spite. If she says I can receive the documents now, I'll ask her to hold onto them so I can pick them up in person. I'll then begin prepping for the trip down to Charlottesville and what it'll entail.

Once I stop by Circuit Court and pick up the documents, my next step will be to speak to Internal Affairs for the Charlottesville police and get that ball rolling. I'll also be confronting Joseph Platania in person at his office, and give the police and prosecution one last chance to settle this issue themselves before I go to the Charlottesville media.

Any refusal by Platania and the police department will mean I go to the media with one hell of a story, and will put the police and DA's office on full blast. I'll publicly call for a criminal investigation of Platania, Chapman and the police department. It won't be just the Charlottesville police and Mr. Platania getting blasted either. I fully intend on dragging out Michelle Manweiler and her family members publicly - not only with what they did but with what I suspect they have done (such as my belief that Gregory Manweiler might have paid off my attorney to throw the case).

One way or another this is going to get settled. Platania and the police are fully aware they screwed up, and they are going to accept that responsibility no matter what. If I have to go to the media to force this, or put myself in debt to hire a lawyer to overturn this charge - it'll be my turn to cause damage to some lives when the guilty parties get their day in court. I won't be looking for money and I won't care how I end up when it's over with - I'm looking for justice for what my family and I went through and I'll get it no matter what it costs me in the end.

As I said before, whether I get justice now or ten years later for what was done to me in 2006, the only thing that changes is how much I'm going to make it hurt for everyone responsible.

Thursday, February 7, 2019