Sunday, August 4, 2019

To Future Viewers

Since the trip to Charlottesville, it's become obvious that if I want justice for what the Manweilers and the Charlottesville law enforcement did to me and my family in 2006, there is really only one option left to me to accomplish it. I've known for years that this was likely what would be required. I have been preparing for that eventuality, even as I had hoped the other options I tried would give me an alternative. But those options didn't accomplish what they should have and so it has come to this. There are still other things I will attempt and if they work out then that's great, but I have no trust that those methods will succeed. Since I don't expect any other options to work, I will still move forward with what has become the only path that has been left to me. 

Understand that path wasn't my first choice, nor even my second or third. This is in fact an option that I had hoped wouldn't be necessary. Remember that, it's important. It came down to this choice because so far I've been given no other options to find justice. The guilty parties have had opportunities to end this dispute in a way that all parties could eventually move on with their lives afterwards. They went with something else instead and so now it comes down to this.

They first had that option with the plea agreement proposed by my former attorney William Johnson. It was extremely reasonable and quite frankly the only competent thing the man ever did in his life. Until I was threatened into a plea agreement, I had recognized the fact that I made a mistake and was willing to accept I was in the wrong. Michelle Annette Manweiler (now Michelle Annette Dickerman) may have inflicted abuse on me in the past, but that did not excuse me lashing out later in life no matter how minor the form it took. Having recognized this, I was willing to accept responsibility for things I didn't do so long as I was given misdemeanors and allowed to go back to my life. Misdemeanors are the most this case should have ever seen in the first place, as I went over in previous posts.

It should have never been a felony, especially on a guy with zero criminal record and who never laid a hand on Manweiler to begin with. Hell the first time we were in each others presence since 1999 was the 2006 preliminary hearing. The state of Virginia says that even had I threatened her in an email it was only supposed to be a misdemeanor. It was only bumped up to a felony simply because of the special privileged status that Michelle Manweiler held in Charlottesville.

That status of course is largely due to being a law school graduate of the University of Virginia in Charlottesville. A further aid was having a father (Gregory Manweiler) who was the chief financial officer of a bank at the time and an alumni of UVA. Mr. Manweiler also conveniently provided generous donations to the university (I've personally seen his name listed as a donor). When an uncle was attempting to help me get a job right after I was released from jail, he explained what took place to the owner of an HVAC contractor outfit that he knew. Without ever being told a single thing about Gregory Manweiler, the owner's comment to my uncle was "It sounds like someone had a rich daddy who knew people at the university that could pull strings for them". Amazing how a complete stranger to this situation hit the nail right on the head without knowing a single bit of background on the Manweiler family. He was only told what took place during the court proceedings, because that's all my uncle heard about as well. It certainly doesn't hurt that Michelle Manweiler is white. It is further helped by prosecutor Joseph Platania blatantly displaying inappropriate affection and attraction towards Ms. Manweiler, as I've previously described on this blog.

I can give a perfect example of the massive disparity in Manweiler's treatment by Charlottesville law enforcement versus your average Charlottesville citizen - from personal experience. There was a guy in our cell block who was on anti-psychotic medication. The behavior of this individual was quite erratic, with violent outbursts often occurring. In front of the whole cell block he threatened to stab another inmate in the throat with an ink pen while he slept. He was a previous resident of the jail (multiple times), and I was warned by other inmates that he once tried to strangle an inmate when he didn't receive his medication on time. At the time of my stay in the jail he was arrested for assault and battery on his girlfriend (so he had actually physically attacked someone), and the woman had a protective order against him. While in the cell block awaiting his bond hearing he was attempting phone calls to his girlfriend from the jail phone (remember that protective order), and kept saying he was going to speak to her as soon as he got out on bond.

He was granted bond and mentioned how he was going to straighten things out with his girlfriend right away - even as he took his belongings to the door and was processed out. I can only hope his girlfriend wasn't harmed further. Meanwhile, I was denied bond and spent nearly five month in jail awaiting the conclusion of my railroading for a felony I didn't commit or deserve. All for a handful of angry emails sent to a narcissistic woman that hadn't been in my presence since high school.

I guess had the man's girlfriend not been black but instead a white UVA student with a rich banker father, the court system in Charlottesville would have fallen all over themselves to protect her. Just like they did with Michelle Annette Manweiler. Hell my sister received genuine death threats from the ex-husband of her roommate (he had a violent criminal record such as assaults) a couple years after what happened to me. As a test my sister took the emails to the Poquoson police to see what kind of response she would get. They refused to do anything, merely telling my sister to call if the guy ever showed up on her doorstep. Funny how that works, my family just didn't have enough cash to flash around like the Manweilers do.

Ms. Manweiler is a lawyer so she knows all this is true. She knows she received special treatment that was not afforded to regular citizens of Charlottesville - or anywhere else in the United States. Her husband is also completely aware of this fact since he's a lawyer. Ms. Manweiler's immediate family, both her parents and her husband's family, know it as well. I guarantee these people have preached about these sort of issues such as the "Black Lives Matter" movement. Yet the hypocrites are fully aware Michelle Manweiler received privileged protection not afforded to the rest of us and they couldn't care less. That tells you everything you need to know about the kind of people they are. They see no issue with looking the other way when it personally benefits them, yet would dare wag a preaching finger at anyone else.

When it comes to this garbage of the felony and the heavy handed actions that were paired with it, it doesn't matter what Michelle Manweiler claimed she thought or believed - it matters what actually took place. What actually took place was nothing like the fairy tale Manweiler sold to police. Whether she actually bought her own press in her head or not I really can't say, her ability to make things up that I can subsequently knock down through evidence doesn't hint either way on that. Given that I genuinely think she is what psychiatrists refer to as a "covert" or "vulnerable" narcissist, it is highly likely she's convinced herself that things really did happen the way she claims. Only they didn't happen that way, and a great example is when Manweiler made up statements about events from high school in her impact statement that I can utterly prove to be false (I've laid this evidence out on a previous post). This is thanks to still possessing some of the letters she wrote to me back then - you can't argue when your own notes from that time period say something completely different from what you claim in your statement to the court.

Interesting how she conveniently "misremembers" things from the past in such a way as to make a story sound so much more horrible than the proven reality. A reality I believe Ms. Manweiler doesn't accept in her head. I wouldn't be surprised if Manweiler continues to insist her narrative of past events was true despite me actually producing evidence to the contrary written in her own hand. Or maybe she's just changed the narrative she gives to others in order to make it sound like she didn't just outright lie in a court document. Regardless of the question of what personality/mental issues Michelle Manweiler has, it doesn't change the fact that what actually took place from 2006 and prior was not the massive drama she concocted. In a just society we are supposed to convict people based on what they actually did, not what one individual imagined that person did. We do not hammer people for something stupid just because the claimed victim is a rich UVA student with a banker for a father. Nor do we deprive someone of a fair trial just because a spoiled rich girl was too busy on a trip to Europe her parents paid for to be bothered with allowing something considered to be a human right.

The simple fact is I didn't commit the stalking charge, it was filed only because of Manweiler's false claim of going to her residence in Charlottesville based on what former detective Nicholas Rudman told me at the start of this. This claim was further confirmed by my attorney in the notes he took at the protective order hearing (posted on this blog). I've already proven this claim of hers to be a lie, using her own words in her own victim impact statement. She admitted that the entire time I never knew where she lived or worked in Charlottesville - an extremely important piece of information to have in order to have come to her residence and make in-person contact as she claimed in the beginning. Months later Ms. Manweiler forgot her lie and ended up implicating herself.

Nor did I commit the felony written threats charge. Had I actually threatened violence I'd have just come right out and said it back then. Prior to the legal events of 2006 I had never known that such a charge even existed. The only threats I had ever heard of someone being prosecuted for was bomb threats and threats directed at the president - both of which made sense since those are acts of terrorism. When it came to your average citizen I had honestly thought that what you said didn't matter, that only upon actually attempting the act you threatened did police involvement occur (which is the scenario my sister encountered, where police told her they wouldn't act until the guy did).

I didn't have any reason to suspect anything to the contrary at the time, as making a threat towards average Joe isn't in the same category as terrorist acts. So believe me, had I the intent to threaten to kill or physically injure Michelle Manweiler back then I would have flat out said it. The word "kill" would have been used had that been my intention. No one would need to make up their own interpretations of meanings behind cliché statements back in 2006. Again it doesn't matter what Michelle Manweiler claims she thought I said, all while she was sitting with her thumb up her butt until graduating law school before actually doing anything about what she claims she believed. "I'm terrified he's going to hurt everyone around me, but hang on I have to get some exams out of the way first so I can start bringing in that attorney paycheck".

It was never my intent because I had no desire to throw my life away in 2006 over a spoiled girl just because she made me her whipping boy as a teenager to get attention for herself. Killing another person carries far heavier consequences than anything I faced in 2006. Only someone living under a rock all their life doesn't know what the consequences for murder are. So if my intent in 2006 was to throw my life away to kill Ms. Manweiler or any of her family members - then explain why the hell would I have allowed myself to be railroaded into pleading to a felony in the first place? Just to avoid the potential of a few more felony counts and a couple years in prison? If I was willing to go to prison for the rest of my life, then why the hell would I care about some more felonies and a few years in prison? Hell I might as well have rolled the dice and tried my luck in court in that case. What's a few years in prison compared to an entire lifetime knowing you'll never breath free air again? Did Ms. Valedictorian ever think about that one?

So considering that back in 2006 I clearly didn't want to throw my life away or go to prison, I obviously didn't have the intent to commit an act that I was well aware meant never seeing the outside of a prison cell for the remainder of my life. Not to mention there clearly wasn't intent when it would have taken me a day or two at most to find her address in Charlottesville, and yet I didn't even bother to try in the roughly seven months since first contacting her. I was too busy playing video games and figuring out where I was going to take my career, before the events of 2006 derailed my future in a permanent manner. I couldn't have cared less where she lived in Charlottesville. So when it is clear the person didn't even have any such intent or desire to do what you claimed, then you don't have any justification for the charge even as a misdemeanor. And you definitely don't remotely have the basis to justify bumping a misdemeanor to a felony on a guy who didn't even have a speeding ticket on his record let alone anything worse.

A Newport News prosecutor my mother spoke to said that he couldn't justify bumping a misdemeanor to a felony on a guy with no criminal record, without proving intent to actually follow through with killing the individual in question. He stated that intent was a difficult thing to prove in court, that people say things they don't actually mean all the time. Even after my mother read the emails out to him (they talked over the phone), the prosecutor said he didn't even see there was a death threat let alone anything that demonstrated intent.

A Hampton magistrate my mother showed the emails to said the exact same thing - "All I see is an immature person making some cliché statements, this is defensible". Even the Charlottesville district court judge demanded the prosecutor show where these death threats were in the emails during one of the bond hearings. When Platania tried to dodge the question, the judge didn't bite and again demanded to be shown the death threats. Platania just threw up his hands and said nothing.

The reality is that Michelle Annette Manweiler had another human being railroaded into a criminal charge that this person never committed. She can arrogantly deny it all she wants but it doesn't change the facts. It doesn't matter what she claims to have thought, it matters what the situation was in reality. As I said before, we are supposed to convict people on what they actually committed and not what someone deluded herself into believing. Assuming she ever even believed her life to be in danger, which her actions certainly suggest that she never actually thought anyone was ever in danger (as I've previously demonstrated on this blog). Waiting around for months before acting just doesn't add up with that claim. I believe this was nothing more than a vicious and sick person manipulating a legal system to do her biding out of spite. She didn't do this to protect herself, because any idiot could see that taking things this far would only cause the opposite result to happen. She did this because she wanted to get back at me for daring to stand up to her.

When you actually sit back and look at the case and what really took place, it's pretty clear it wasn't what Manweiler made it out to be. Her claims to believing it was something more doesn't change the reality - that the situation was not in fact what she claimed it to be. Not only that, but Michelle Manweiler didn't have to do what she did. She really didn't. It was never a necessity to take things that far. That day at the preliminary hearing, I know she heard how scared I was while responding to the judge's questions while we were all standing at the bench. She knew what she was doing to my life and knew she didn't have to - but she didn't care regardless.

Michelle Manweiler has permanently destroyed the life of another human being for what was actually a stupid dispute that could have been easily resolved by talking things out. Imagine that, actually talking to the person you claimed has a misunderstanding about you. Who could have ever figured that communication would solve a problem with miscommunication? But then again, this was never a misunderstanding. Not on my part at least. Nobody forced her into the choices she made in 2006 either - not me and not the prosecutors. Michelle Annette Manweiler did all this to herself.

From the very beginning, Ms. Manweiler was always given the option to compromise. To resolve the dispute in a way that didn't harm either one of us, and allowed us both to walk away to better lives. Instead she always chooses the most selfish of options, which blow up in her face every single time. And deservedly so. As I said, Michelle Annette Manweiler has done this all to herself. Every single enemy she's ever made, and there are far more than she likely realizes, is of her own doing. The result of her own choices.

I had never wanted to become an enemy. I was turned into one. I am one Michelle Manweiler manufactured for herself, slowly but surely. She once told me in the past that "We will never be friends". She was absolutely correct and I'm honestly happy about us never being friends. But we didn't need to be enemies. That was her choice. There could not have been any other result with the way she behaved. The only way to avoid it was a peaceful discussion meant to clear up the "misunderstandings" as she called them. A discussion that has never happened, and will never happen now.

Getting back on subject, if what I've presented here on intent never actually occurred to Michelle Manweiler, then she is an even more incompetent lawyer than the one representing me in 2006. While it's possible, I doubt she would have gotten where she is now by being nearly that stupid. So Ms. Manweiler is fully aware that she had someone's life destroyed and their right to a fair trial denied for a charge that was never deserved let alone committed. She has also allowed this false charge to continue all these years, robbing me of more than a decade of life that I'll never get back. What would have been the best years of my life are down the drain forever, all spent just trying to claw my way back to where I was before the 2006 court case. It has robbed me and my family of far more as I'll eventually get into. Given all this and everything that happened during the court case - if Michelle Manweiler has ever actually wondered why I hate her, ever questioned why this situation became what it is, then I truly don't know how someone that dense got so far in life. Then again, these days a lot of stupid people fall into positions they don't belong in.

What this situation is now is not the same as what it was prior to the court case. Everything changed the day I was informed of the threat from the prosecutor, as I watched the future I had planned for myself circle the drain. This whole messy situation as it currently exists came about solely because of the choices Michelle Manweiler made during that court case, as well as the decisions she has continued to make ever since then. That at least is something that hasn't changed from the original dispute - that it is only spurred on and made worse through the foolish actions and decisions of Michelle Manweiler in the first place. At least she's consistent if nothing else.

While other individuals throughout both disputes (pre and post court case) certainly played their own roles in making things worse, this was still all down to Michelle Manweiler's choices in the end. Considering her status as a soon-to-be lawyer in 2006, if she wasn't aware at the time that involving law enforcement could easily get out of her control and make everything worse, then she should relinquish her license to practice law right now. Because nobody else had a problem in foreseeing the chances of that one happening.

The criminal justice system is largely a blunt instrument, and cares little about what you want from it or about who gets hurt from it. Like any good bureaucracy it heedlessly steamrolls anyone you put in front of it. I understood this before the events of 2006 and I'm no lawyer, so if Ms. Manweiler did not realize it then I have to seriously question the curriculum of UVA School of Law. But then again it's been pretty clear that the results of 2006 were entirely her intention, and thus she bears the responsibility for what it did in her name. As for why I took the risk even contacting her knowing how the legal system operates? As cheesy as it is to do this, a line from a Tarantino film sums up what I believed at the time:
"Could you do what you did? Of course you could. But, I never thought you would or could do that to me."
At the top of the list of mistakes I made was underestimating Michelle Manweiler's level of crazy, and more importantly her willingness to be vicious. As much as I hated her I didn't think she was nearly that bad enough of a person deep down to pull a stunt like she did. I was obviously, quite spectacularly, wrong. It's one thing for her to verbally lie to police. It is quite another to falsify evidence to increase the damages done to a person. I didn't think she'd destroy the life of a fellow classmate without even a shred of remorse or hesitation. Especially when she's not only the one who caused the fight in the first place, but had every chance in the world made available to her to end the dispute peacefully. Ms. Manweiler should have thought better about stomping on someone's head when they were down. Perhaps she's started to realize that. Then again she's never shown that she's one to accept personal responsibility for anything she does. Regardless I won't forget her viciousness or her lack of mercy - nor the same put on display by her family. They can expect the exact same from me in turn.

Manweiler doesn't get to claim she was justified in taking things too far in 2006 just because she screwed up and turned this situation into something far worse. Given everything that happened in this court case, all the bad behavior of the other parties involved, all the damage that's been inflicted - what else did she honestly expect to create? What other result did she really think could have possibly have come out of the massive injustice she's inflicted on another human being? And not just one person, Michelle Manweiler has hurt a lot of other people by taking this too far. Whether she wants to accept it or not, it doesn't change the fact that she bears the responsibility for creating this situation as it stands now. She's not only brought it on herself, she's brought it down on her entire family. I hope the thrill she got initially from doing all this to me was worth it in the end.

Far more important than demonstrating the sheer lack of intent and zero basis for the charges however, is the fact I can show Michelle Manweiler fabricated the evidence the entire case was based upon. I can prove Manweiler was forwarding the emails she received to a fake account made to look like mine (again, already posted up). Even my former attorney recorded his concerns about the discrepancy in his notes, and the only possible way to explain that discrepancy is Manweiler forwarding the emails to a fake account setup by her. This gave her the ability to modify the messages in whatever way she wished. Given that Manweiler hid this information from law enforcement it only serves to further cast suspicion on her actions.

In addition I can prove she was writing false dates on individual pages (again, it's posted on this blog), thus splitting singular emails into multiple by falsely claiming the other sheets were separate emails. My former attorney states that the prosecution had a "dozen or more" written multi-page emails, which is an amount that never existed. He further admits on the tape recordings taken by my mother that I even told him this amount of emails never existed. I firmly believe the prosecutors knew Michelle Manweiler fabricated the evidence they based the charges on. The primary motivation behind them railroading me into a plea agreement was to cover-up Manweiler's criminal acts. Both Warner Chapman and Joseph Platania belong behind bars. How many other people have they done this to besides me? How much other exculpatory evidence has conveniently "disappeared" in their custody over the years?

But even with all that I just went over - had the charges been misdemeanors and I was allowed to go back to my life, I was prepared to take responsibility even for charges I didn't commit. Hence why I agreed when William Johnson first proposed the plea deal of his. The idea of having the misdemeanors horrified me as is back then, but I knew I would at least have a future. I knew I wouldn't have an uphill battle to recover afterwards, not in the way that a felony certainly caused. I was willing to take the hit and just walk away forever. That ended the day I was threatened out of my right to trial and into a felony I never committed. This will never end now, not until that gets resolved.

There was never any possibility of anyone walking away from this after threatening me into a felony I did not commit. Particularly after being threatened into pleading to it not just by the prosecutors, but by my own lazy attorney. Especially for a charge that wasn't even supposed to be a felony, and definitely not after I was hammered for it. It was bad enough that Manweiler fabricated evidence and lied, but to get hammered simply because she was a rich UVA student with a banker father just added to the situation. If any of the guilty parties thought there would not be consequences then they are absolutely delusional.

The second opportunity the guilty parties had to walk away is when I made offers to both sides on this blog. That whichever side came forward to make this situation right (well as right as possible, things will never truly be right after what they've done) it would settle the account between myself and that party. The two parties I refer to are the Manweilers and the Charlottesville law enforcement - William Johnson would be screwed no matter which side came forward. All it took was fessing up to what they did and giving me the means to go after the other party. I wanted three things out of this - my name cleared, my rights restored, and someone answering for what happened. If any party had accepted this offer there would be no further dispute between myself and that party ever again.

Believe me when I say I'd rather have every single one of them answer for all they did, but I also recognized that accomplishing that was going to be a fight that consumed time and resources. I had already lost years of my life trying to recover from a felony charge. So if compromising by letting one party off the hook meant avoiding any further years of my life slipping away, then I was prepared to do that at the time. It was one hell of a compromise considering the harm done, but so long as at least someone answered for the debacle that took place in 2006, I could live with some of the others getting away without answering for what they did. So the deal was essentially "fix what you did and I'll let you walk away for good while I deal with the other side of this". Considering the severe and permanent harm not only inflicted upon my life but also the harm this case has inflicted upon my family - I feel that was an extremely generous offer. But both sides have already given me their answers, so now we're coming down to my last options.

I've gone over how the Charlottesville law enforcement thumbed their nose at me in more detail in other posts. Each individual involved on their side of this issue gave me their answer. Warner Chapman played his little games with my blog by having former detective Nicholas Rudman investigate my posts. That was Chapman's answer to my offer, and now that he's retired he's not even in a position to deal anymore.

Former Detective Rudman of course was set to be the main one that Platania and Chapman pinned this whole thing on. Not without reason, since his negligence with evidence caused them to crack me over the head before they could realize their mistake. Rudman was all too willing to play games with my blog just as much as Chapman was, and he certainly saw the offer I put forward back then. Now he's retired and so he isn't isn't in a position to deal - not that he likely ever was in a position to offer anything regardless. His retirement is why I didn't even bother continuing with the interview with Lieutenant Gore from Internal Affairs, since I was told there wasn't much they could do with Rudman having left the force. Granted I could've certainly sued the hell out of Rudman had things gone the route of getting the case overturned, but he definitely deserves to be investigated for criminal behavior once this case becomes public. There is no doubt that the former detective cooperated with the prosecutors to make certain evidence have an "accident". As said several times before, it has all been documented and laid out on this blog. Hopefully after this all goes public, Rudman will get some comeuppance with the rest of them.

Then we come to Mr. Joseph Platania. As I said, he was real sweet on Michelle Manweiler. Inappropriately so and he should have recused himself. In fact his affections were so much on show that even my former attorney William Johnson expressed concern, and Johnson is a womanizer himself. When the behavior of a prosecutor bothers a man who was ogling my sisters even as he carried on a conversation with our mother in the courthouse, well you know the prosecutor is out of line.

Platania had his chance very recently to take my offer. He's been to the blog and I watched him go through the evidence on my view tracking after the motion was received by him. He could have pinned the responsibility on his former boss Warner Chapman, and in turn I was willing to not bring up certain actions and behavior conducted by Platania and the Charlottesville law enforcement. It would have looked like the new administration was undoing the mistakes of the old administration. Platania could have spun it to make himself look far better, and likely could have walked away unscathed so long as certain details remained out of the public's knowledge.

Instead Platania deliberately played games with the motion I filed, and sent me a condescending response to my FOIA request. He then had his deputy prosecutor handle the court proceeding while he made excuses to be elsewhere on the day of the hearing. The only reason for the hearing turned out to be Platania challenging the release of my own personal information from the sealed file. It was a hearing that ended in my favor, but it became clear to me that Platania knew the documents would get released anyway and just wanted to give me a big middle finger. Even if it meant wasting the court's time and tax payer dollars to make that statement.

I didn't bother seeing him at his office afterwards as I had initially intended. Once I saw what he was playing at I knew there was no point. He's too much of an idiot to accept the out I gave him, and too arrogant to realize this is going to blow up in his face one way or another. At least Platania's behavior is going to bring the city of Charlottesville a black eye in the end, though hopefully it'll carry serious legal penalties and not just simply the ending of his career.

Joseph Platania and Warner Chapman knew Michelle Manweiler committed a crime. By covering for her crime and threatening me out of my civil rights as part of that cover up, they committed a criminal act themselves. I also have no doubt that Platania, under the orders of Warner Chapman, removed some of the more blatant signs of Manweiler's tampering from the email evidence once made aware of it by my own attorney. I bet if we could see the emails they submitted to the grand jury and the circuit court judge, we'd find some very convenient items removed from them. If the only thing that happens though is they are both disgraced and disbarred, well at least they can't hurt anyone else.

As for Michelle Manweiler's answer to the offer, her silence has answered for her. The only instance that silence was broken was an insult she left on one of my posts. That insult only served to let me know not to even bother expecting anything from her but the usual garbage. In reality it was one of her dumber moments, though it pales in comparison to the decisions made in 2006 by her. But the insult accomplished nothing other than to further antagonize a person she really shouldn't. She would have been better off just not leaving any comment rather than to leave an insult. But that's Michelle Manweiler for you - always choosing the worst option that only screws her over in the end.

Those of you viewing the site now have not had the opportunity to view that post because I took it down from public viewing. The primary reason is that it was in need of some major work to clean it up, since it had been written piecemeal over many months, and I had no desire to spend the time it would take to fix it. A second reason is that while it gave a background on what started this fight in the first place, and finally gave me the opportunity to voice what I had been put through in the past, I also came to feel that it would cause people to focus too much on something that is no longer important. Or that they would assume that these past issues are important to me now, when in reality there simply is too much that happened after my arrest for me to care about the past stunts of Michelle Manweiler.

That said, it is important for people to know at least a little bit about the past dispute once the public inevitably comes to this blog. As I explained in the post on the Charlottesville trip, my sincere belief is that Michelle Manweiler is what psychiatrists refer to as a "covert" or "vulnerable" narcissist. That detail is important to help explain Ms. Manweiler's actions, so bare with me on my explanation. This spectrum of the disorder differs from the "overt" or "classical" narcissist that is generally associated with NPD. When I did my research into covert narcissism it answered so many questions that I had. I have personally witnessed behavior from Manweiler matching a majority of the signs of this disorder - especially the major signs that are the red flags of covert narcissism. Of course this doesn't mean I'm correct in my analysis of Michelle Manweiler - I'm not a psychiatrist. But I think the chances are pretty high that I'm dealing with someone very sick.

Even if she's not personality disordered she's at least a very evil person. To be honest I'm not sure if it's better for her to have a disorder, or for her to just have done all of this out of pure evil desire. At least with the disorder there is a slight excuse for her actions, since NPD is a defense mechanism to abuse received in childhood. Not much of an excuse but still more than if she did all of this just because she's an entitled ass. I believe however that I'm 100% correct in my judgement that she has NPD. I don't have reason to believe otherwise given all I've seen. Of course Michelle Manweiler disagrees with my assessment of her personality, no doubt about that. That's the thing about narcissists - they can't be treated successfully because they don't believe they have anything wrong with them. As one psychiatrist put it, "If you're a narcissist you're in a club for life". No matter what you tell them or say to them, they can't ever accept being wrong. To be wrong means they aren't as superior as they believe they are.

This is because a person with NPD has a false and grandiose self image that they present to the world. Due to this, they are extremely arrogant and extremely entitled. They view themselves as deserving of more than everyone else, hence why Michelle Manweiler has seen no issue with the special treatment she received in 2006. A narcissist will also not admit to being wrong, and will not take responsibility for their actions. This explains why Manweiler refuses to truly apologize for doing some of the most horrible things to me, while at the same time coaching the only two apologies she's ever made (in notes, never to my face) in a way to avoid admitting guilt. Instead of "I'm sorry for doing that to you, it was wrong", I instead get "I'm sorry you didn't react well to what I did". Multiple times in the past I apologized even for things I was actually justified in, just so that I could end the conflict and try to talk it out peacefully. But it was impossible to get a simple "I'm sorry" out of Michelle Manweiler for anything, even when anyone in their right mind would know she was in the wrong.

It is impossible to get through to a narcissist. Their ego and arrogance does not allow them to recognize their own wrongdoing.  Now that I know what kind of person I'm dealing with, I know there isn't any point to trying to be reasonable with her. Which is fine since I'm done with trying to be reasonable anyway. But it has always been a waste of my time attempting to reason with her, and I only wish I had realized long ago the type of individual I was dealing with. You can't appeal to someone's better nature when they simply do not have one.

A person with NPD does not have remorse or empathy and is unable to actually feel the same emotions as normal people. The narcissist does not view other people as human beings and doesn't actually care about them. Others are merely tools to be used and, if needed, to be discarded if they no longer supply what the narcissist needs. This is how I've been treated by Michelle Manweiler since the very beginning - as if I were not even a human being. That kind of treatment from her, along with her scapegoating, is the entire reason this conflict took place.

During our teenage years Michelle Manweiler began spreading rumors to smear me. I was approached throughout the years by people relaying stories that they claimed were being spread by Ms. Manweiler. This escalated to the point where I received regular mocking and harassment from other people for years, especially from her friends. It resulted in me not only being ostracized by others for her claims (despite the only evidence being her word), but even reached the point of me receiving threats and attempts to start physical altercations. A good example of this was a friend of hers shoving me repeatedly in the hall on the way to class. What had prompted this act? He had heard Ms. Manweiler claiming I was harassing her and writing her love letters. The reality was different - I not only hadn't written any "love letters" (in fact I have never written anything to her that has ever resembled a "love letter"), but hadn't even been in contact with Ms. Manweiler for quite some time. That didn't matter to the idiot trying to start a fight with me. This is merely one of many examples of this same persistent behavior and actions from Michelle Manweiler and those around her.

I have a theory for why Manweiler actually did this nonsense. The initial motivation was due to two of her friends seeing her treating me in a very bad manner at the start of all this. All for the "crime" of trying to ask her out. Ms. Manweiler likes to make sure she presents this 'good as gold' image to people she views as being close to her level. The way she behaved towards me did not match that fake image she presents, and she was witnessed behaving like an arrogant and vicious ass by friends of hers. But if she makes me look like a bad person instead, then the gullible people around her will excuse any actions towards me regardless of how horrible those actions are. They didn't bother thinking for themselves or trying to talk to me, they took her at her word and treated me badly despite the fact that I had never done anything to them. Just as those around her now still support everything she did, despite the evidence proving how she has lied and manipulated others in order to harm other human beings.

As time went on I think she realized that she could get sympathy and attention from others if she played the victim. So it took on a life of its own. This matches some of the major symptoms of covert narcissism. The covert narc, unlike the overt version, enjoys getting sympathy from others around them. They will also be the biggest victim in the room even while they are doing horrible things to another person. It didn't matter that what Manweiler was doing was causing severe harm to a person who didn't deserve it. She was far too in love with the attention she was receiving from it.

I stupidly didn't want to believe she was behind it for most of the dispute. I knew there were others who didn't like me, and there were plenty who didn't like her either, so I didn't put it past these people to try to play the two of us against each other. I let the feelings I had for her cloud my judgement, and ignored many of the signs that proved what I was being told about her was true. Throughout the situation I attempted to reason with Manweiler and get her to talk the situation over. I gave Michelle Manweiler every opportunity to straighten the issue out. Though Ms. Manweiler continued to refer to the dispute as a "misunderstanding", it never sunk into her head that the solution to a miscommunication/misunderstanding is a really simple one - actually talk to the person.

If Michelle Manweiler actually tries to claim that she never committed the actions she was accused of back then, she can only blame herself for the stories being believed. If you are going to allow others to keep speaking for you, especially during the court case of 2006, then you are the only one at fault when the story gets screwed up. Why should I have not believed the narrative of others when I had absolutely no explanations forthcoming from Ms. Manweiler? Not only did I receive nothing more than arrogant and condescending responses to my attempts to talk things over, but Manweiler would make some of the most blatant lies that she somehow thought would help the situation. This entire dispute has become the convoluted mess that it is because Michelle Manweiler was too arrogant to simply talk it over like a normal human being.

By the end of high school, it became rather clear to me that Ms. Manweiler had actually been doing exactly what everyone accused her of the entire time. I even witnessed her conducting the very same behavior that people had been claiming. That's when I got angry. Not only at her for inflicting all that bullying and harassment I had received for years, but angry at myself for wasting my time trying to talk it out and thus only fanning the flames in the process. It was further confirmed in 2006 that Manweiler was behind it all along, when she lied about those same events in her victim impact statement (which I've provided the evidence to back up). When the lie Michelle Manweiler makes in 2006 matches the very same lies she was accused of years ago, what else am I supposed to believe? There is only one thing that Michelle Manweiler accomplished with the court case of 2006. I came out of it knowing that every bad thing ever said about her was right all along, and that my hate had been completely justified. Nothing done to me protected her in any way, and only served to give me justification for my decisions now. So congrats I guess?

As for why I didn't go to the school administration to report what she was doing? Yeah right, I'm sure they would have hopped right on that. Ms. Manweiler had built the false image of the goody-two-shoes valedictorian, while I wasn't anyone special to the school administration. Who the hell would listen to me? Especially when I had no evidence to present at the time. Then add in the fact that her and her parents were close with the school administration. The principle of the school adored her. Her family was close with the head of the school board and his family. I've been tempted to post the section of the tape from our graduation where Michelle Manweiler received personal and enthusiastic praise from the principal and the head of the school board - which was something that was not given to the other co-valedictorian, salutatorian, and class president.

This close relationship with her family and the school administration resulted in the very first example (that I'm aware) of Michelle Manweiler getting special treatment. During our senior year she was allowed to be transferred from a class that had a teacher she didn't like, and room was made for her in the class of a teacher that just so happened to be a favorite of hers. Something that would not have been done for any other student. I know for a fact there were straight A students who got destroyed by specific bad teachers at the school, to the point that one lost her chance to go to college and waits tables now, and none of them were ever given that same special treatment that the Manweiler family received.

Worst of all, it appears the motivation for this transfer was for no other reason than to allow Michelle Manweiler to keep in the competition for valedictorian with the other girl she was competing with. Meanwhile the girl she would split valedictorian status with had no problem remaining in the very same class that Manweiler was allowed to transfer out. Why didn't she need to be moved out of that class? Why wasn't she given the same option? Michelle Manweiler should have been the salutatorian, because having to get special favors from the school administration just to remain in the running for valedictorian isn't legitimately earning the title.

Amusingly enough, Manweiler also likes to not tell people she had to split it. After speaking with her at the protective order hearing, my lawyer was under the belief that Manweiler was the sole valedictorian. When I informed my lawyer she had actually split the valedictorian status with another girl, he didn't believe me - "Well she never said anything about that".

As you can see, Michelle Manweiler's family certainly appears to have had enough pull with school officials to potentially have helped their daughter get valedictorian status. So what exactly would I have accomplished by reporting her behavior to those very same school officials that gave her special favors? Nothing at all of course. So as I saw it, I had only two options. The first was to just accept the scapegoating, and all the bullying and abuse from others that came from it. Nobody has any right to tell me I should have accepted that abuse. So the only other option was to talk it out with Manweiler. If she wasn't guilty of it then she could help combat the situation. If she was guilty, which I increasingly began to suspect over the years, I was hoping she'd stop once made aware of the problems it was causing.

I had no knowledge of personality disorders back then, and no awareness that I was dealing with an unreasonable person. I certainly made mistake and definitely didn't handle the situation as well as I could have - but I was just a kid. I was doing the only things I thought I could to resolve a bad situation peacefully. I paid a price for those peaceful attempts instead. The actions of Michelle Manweiler during that time period left me in a bad place emotionally. She destroyed my confidence in myself. I even started hating myself, because I had assumed there was something wrong with me to have deserved this kind of treatment. I had been made to feel like I was less than a person. It took me years afterwards to move beyond that loss of confidence in myself, and that lack of self-worth that she instilled in me. I've been bullied throughout a majority of my life, and yet only Michelle Manweiler has ever made me feel like I was less than a human being. How could I not hate someone who inflicted that?

So it should be no surprise that I lashed out after graduation. And while I started the fight, it wasn't a one sided fight. This is also where Michelle Manweiler first lied to law enforcement. An officer from the William and Mary campus police came to my parent's home with the intent to arrest me. In front of my mother and sisters, he specifically said he was there to arrest me because Manweiler claimed I had been driving around the college campus following her in a vehicle. He tried hard to get me to confess, until he finally allowed my mother to speak up and discovered I didn't have a drivers license let alone a vehicle. The officer couldn't leave the house fast enough. 

These are the facts of that incident: 
  1. The officer traveled from Williamsburg to Hampton (roughly a 45 minute to an hour drive one way depending on traffic) and stated his intent to arrest me in front of witnesses that were present.
  2. The officer had brought other police to assist him in the arrest, showing that this was a serious matter and further displaying his intent that day.
  3. If the officer had been there to arrest me for emails or threats, there is no reason he would have left without making an arrest that day, unless the situation was not what he had been led to believe.
  4. The officer immediately left the house without making any arrest after being told by my mother that I didn't have a drivers license or a vehicle. This would be completely irrelevant information if he was there to arrest me for anything other than Manweiler's false claim of seeing me following her with a vehicle.
  5. That there was no arrest that day is a matter of public record. Not a single arrest show up on a criminal background check until the 2006 case in Charlottesville. I didn't even have speeding tickets.
How often do you hear of police going to arrest someone and then just walking away? That alone should tell you everything.

During this time period I would even receive a warning of potential violence from Michelle Manweiler. I was told that Manweiler had given my address to some male friends that were discussing attacking me at my home. My family's address had been provided to Manweiler by the incredibly incompetent W&M campus police. Eventually I would be forced to back off and withdraw from any further butting of heads with Michelle Manweiler during her time at William and Mary. The officer involved wouldn't listen to anything that I had to say, despite having witnessed her lie to him about a crime. Knowing that I couldn't fight back when a corrupt cop was set against me, I bowed out of any further conflict. As for the lie told by Manweiler to law enforcement, my mother and I had actually told former detective Nicholas Rudman about this incident in 2006. It was ignored by Rudman, along with a lot of other important details he completely ignored.

I moved forward from that William and Mary fight, and for years gave little thought to Michelle Manweiler. That was until I had the previous lies of Ms. Manweiler brought up again in 2005, when encountering someone who knew me from that time period. Unfortunately what they remembered most about me was the fairy tales and rumors told by Michelle Manweiler. Understand that what would happen later was not the fault of this individual. I do not believe they intended to rile me up, nor do I believe they suspected that I would react the way I did. I didn't even give any outward sign that I was bothered by the situation being brought up, and I'm the one responsible for allowing myself to react badly to it.

After realizing that this situation Manweiler created would follow me throughout my life if I ever ran into anyone who knew me from that time period (and a majority of our class and the people I knew stuck around the area), I became pretty angry at Manweiler. Actually it would be more truthful to say that anger was always there, it just had a reason to get pulled to the surface again. I also knew I couldn't ever go to any reunions without risking harassment. Especially harassment from Manweiler's friends. It wasn't that I really cared about high school reunions - it was that I was being forced not to attend because of the lies Ms. Manweiler spread, rather than me simply choosing not to attend.

So after a few days from this incident, I googled Michelle Manweiler for the first time. I came across a photo of her on a website that listed law school students and their internships. In the photo Michelle Manweiler had an ear-to-ear grin and obviously not a care in the world. Meanwhile, the lies and abuse that was inflicted by her actions continued to haunt me even years after graduating. It just didn't seem right to me that she should get to walk away while I was left dealing with the repercussions of her bad behavior. You know what happened after that.

That's really the gist of that "The Long War" post, the drawn out details from it are really unimportant to the situation. Of course as I expected, Manweiler's response to the harm she inflicted was amusement and insults. I noticed that once I began posting proof showing that she's lied to everyone and manipulated evidence, that shut Michelle Manweiler up real quick. No more insults and comments now that I've demonstrated her lies rather than just discussing them. Prior to posting that evidence, Manweiler seemed to encourage her family and friends to visit the blog. Once I posted evidence that didn't make her look good, I noticed she wasn't encouraging their visits anymore. Interesting isn't it? They still stop by from time to time, but not nearly as much as before when Manweiler was obviously coaxing them. That should tell you something.

The choices made by the Manweilers, William Johnson, and the Charlottesville law enforcement didn't just hurt me. I told my family to not pay for a lawyer, that I would just go with a public defender. But they were warned by someone not to do that for a felony, and in their panic and desperation they paid William Johnson the $15,000 he demanded upfront in order to take advantage of their fear. Turns out the public defender would have done a better job. Johnson was a complete piece of trash who refused to do his job, and continuously voiced his attraction to Michelle Manweiler after meeting her. He verbally abused my mother during the court case. The strain from his actions, and especially the railroading during the court case, nearly resulted in my mother and stepfather getting a divorce. This strain in turn negatively impacted everyone else in the family. Everyone in the family was angry, hurt, and embarrassed when this case concluded, and sometimes those emotions got turned on each other.

My mother aged considerably during the court case, largely because I was denied bond and left in jail for nearly five months while being railroaded into a felony charge. The effect it all had on her was so great that her health has taken a steady decline since then. This has progressed to the point where EMS visits over her heart are so regular to their house, that my parents have made changes to give emergency services easier access to their home. My mother could pass away at any point quite frankly, and I've been told to prepare myself for that. It's really a matter of how long does she have.

That was one of the reasons why I took the desperate steps of filing that motion and FOIA requests. It was a risk, but I wanted to get in the Charlottesville law enforcement's face to force them into fixing this. They refused - more specifically Platania refused as you'll read in other posts. I had hoped that by getting this fixed, should my mother pass away her last thoughts wouldn't be worrying about me and this felony. I had also hoped she could receive justice against William Johnson by seeing him disbarred and sued. I definitely think my mother deserves to see Johnson punished considering his actions towards her. To belittle and verbally abuse someone who was seeing their child's life be destroyed shows the kind of asshole Johnson is.

Unfortunately that faint hope I had from the trip to Charlottesville did not come to pass. One thing is for certain. If my mother passes away without this having been resolved and justice done - there is no going back for anyone. We'll head down this path I'm taking now and there won't be the opportunity to "fix" things later. Especially if she passes away like my grandmother - who in her stroke damaged state was in a panic about how something bad was happening to her "son" (she never had a son, I was the closest thing to a son because I lived with her for the first ten years of my life).

I think my family deserves justice for what happened just as I do. One of the biggest reasons why Michelle Manweiler made the worst mistake of her life in 2006 is that she pulled other people into this dispute. This isn't a fight between two people anymore. My family was directly harmed by Manweiler's choices, which means her family is considered a part of this now. In addition, plenty of other parties did things they should not have and they need to answer for those actions. This isn't just about Michelle Manweiler anymore. This is also about Warner Chapman, Joseph Platania, William Johnson and Nicholas Rudman. They need to see punishment and need to be prevented from harming anyone else again.

What I need is to either win in court against these people in the post-conviction process, which is quite some time off given the resources needed for that - or I need to get national news attention to this issue. Getting local Charlottesville news involved isn't enough. There needs to be far more involved than local news. I've got some ideas on how to accomplish getting national news attention and I'm prepared to go that route whatever the cost. Once the public finds out about all the shady behavior - careers and lives will be ruined. The only reason the guilty parties have gotten away with it for this long is because few people know what actually took place. News publicity is the enemy of the Manweilers and more importantly the Charlottesville law enforcement. Once their crimes are brought into the light, it all falls apart for them. And that's why you're here now.

Joseph Platania's career would be over as prosecutor if anyone found out how he behaved. He and his former boss Chapman need to be criminally investigated and sent to prison. How many lives have those two pieces of garbage ruined? How many people are running around with charges they didn't commit because of those two criminals? But if the only thing that happens is the end of their careers and disbarment - at least they can't hurt other people anymore. The same goes for William Johnson. Once people hear about his behavior in this case, I doubt anyone would be crazy enough to hire him again. So even if he escaped disbarment proceedings for his actions, his career will be done and he won't be able to wreck anymore lives. Hopefully Gregory Manweiler gets investigated as well when the info on Johnson hits the airwaves, since I personally believe some money exchanged hands to get Johnson to throw the case.

Despite the negative effects on my life, at least I know that I've not been the one spending the rest of my days looking over my shoulder. I haven't had to teach my children to look over their shoulders and live in fear, just to maintain a lie. I haven't had to hide myself on social media. I haven't had my life revolve around the worry of stepping outside my door. I haven't had to live with a constant fear lessening the enjoyment of not only my life, but also lessening the lives of my immediate family. And at least I haven't been the one living a complete lie of a life.

 Then again none of what I listed applies to Joseph Platania, Warner Chapman, William Johnson or Nicholas Rudman. Guarantee none of them are having their lives altered by this case right now. They are all without a care in the world. There is only one person having to live like that. Only one person making her family live in such a way because of her choices. And regardless of her arrogance preventing her from accepting it, the simple fact is that Michelle Annette Manweiler completely deserves it. It was all her choice. Whatever "weight" she's carrying, she put that up there herself. And when it all comes down to it - she didn't have to do any of it. It was never necessary for Manweiler to do what she did. I hope she's happy with what she has created.

For now, I'm not going to let this situation stress me. It's rather surprising really how calming it is, now that I know what is required in the future (near or otherwise). Frankly nothing really changed due to the Charlottesville trip. If anything it just confirmed for me where this situation needs to head to in order to see justice done. While I'm upset that this likely won't get resolved before my mother passes away, I've done all I can about it at this point. It was the choices of other people, and it isn't like I can do much about it at the moment thanks to them. Not until this hits the media at least. But their choices are the cause of that situation with my mother, just as it was their choices that made this fight what it is now. I've done all I can to try to find other options to resolve this, before I finally settled on one. Frankly I'm the only one of the involved parties who has ever attempted to find another way. Again, remember that.

Take a look around my blog. Read my account. Look through my evidence. Look through the motion I've posted at the bottom, and you'll see just how shady the actions of Charlottesville law enforcement have been. With any luck an extensive criminal investigation will happen in Charlottesville, and there will be consequences for its law enforcement. Chapman, Platania, Rudman and likely many more need to end up in prison. I'm not the first person they have done this to nor was I the last. I guarantee there are many more people out there who were thrown under the bus for the careers of Warner Chapman and Joseph Platania. Many lives wrecked through the laziness of William Johnson and Nicholas Rudman. If you won't put them behind bars for the things they have done - at least end their careers so they aren't able to do this to someone else.

Thursday, May 9, 2019

Aftermath of the Charlottesville Trip

"You have made me very desperate.You might not be glad you did."
- Nick Fury, The Avengers

The trip to Charlottesville has been resolved by now. Quite obviously it didn't pan out as I had hoped since no mention of it came up in the news yet. It was not without some needed information reveals however.

The first came about from the Charlottesville police department. After speaking with the Lieutenant in Internal Affairs who was to handle my case, I discovered that Nicholas Rudman was no longer a police officer and had moved on to the private sector. The investigator was willing to move forward with the interview, but stated that IA couldn't do much given that Rudman was no longer with the department. They wouldn't be able to even interview him on what happened. This would make it difficult for them to find out what actually took place.

I told them to forget about it at that point, it would clearly have been a waste of time. It is unlikely they would have discovered anything without being able to speak to Rudman at least. Guess Rudman got out at just the right time. This does come with the additional anger of realizing that I've lost so many years just rebuilding, that the people involved with harming me are retiring now. I didn't ask when Rudman had left the force, though it is clear from articles online it wasn't that long ago. It is entirely possible the Capital One viewer was Rudman at his new job, since I am not currently aware of where his new employment is located.

An additional piece of information, along with a revelation I had involving it, was the prosecution and the hearing prompted by my motion. I showed up early at the current location of the Charlottesville Circuit Court, as the old building is being renovated. I sat through a hearing watching another person have their life crushed with a felony. Quite obviously I didn't find the experience pleasant, and it dredged up some bad memories. After that hearing completed early, the judge went ahead and moved forward on my hearing since both parties were present.

The deputy DA was present and stated that Joseph Platania was "busy" that morning, so she was handling all his cases. In fact the one previous to me had been one of his. The impression I received from the deputy DA's comments is that this was due to Platania not wanting to be present in the courtroom during my hearing. Perhaps he didn't want to risk overhearing anything I said on the case. If he really thinks he has plausible deniability from not hearing about my evidence in the courtroom -the C'ville City ISP views of this blog, the FOIA requests, and the motion itself already sank that hope.

The big reveal of information was that it turns out Platania had actually decided to contest the release of the documents from the sealed file. This honestly caught me off guard at the start of the hearing. The deputy DA said that they wanted to hold a hearing to have their reasons for not allowing the release put on court record, which there appeared to be a court reporter taking down everything that was said (I assume this is normal for all hearings). I believe the real reason for contesting the release is that Platania just wanted to waste time as a middle finger to me. I knew Platania was an arrogant and petty individual, but I was really surprised he was pathetic enough to bother challenging something this minor and inconsequential. Gotta love a public official wasting public tax dollars on a personal statement.

Since we were on record as the deputy DA had pointed out, I made a point of specifically laying out how I can prove Michelle Manweiler tampered with the evidence that Platania based the entire case on. I did notice the deputy DA writing notes as I discussed this, but I don't know whether she was actually writing down anything I said or if it was unrelated. The judge was very kind and gave me my opportunity to say all this before he finally asked what I was hoping to find in the file.

I said that my initial hope was to find the original emails that the prosecution submitted, to see if any evidence of Manweiler's tampering was removed before it went to the grand jury and the court. I made sure to phrase it to not sound like I was outright accusing Platania of a crime, since I didn't want to anger the judge. I think anyone reading the transcript could read between the lines on my comment.

The judge said that he was under the impression it was just my pre-sentencing report, which I already expected since the clerk of court stated as such. He explained to me what the reasons are behind such documentation being sealed - that it was intended to protect my personal information from just anyone getting hold of it. In the end the judge ruled in my favor, stating that he felt a defendant and his attorney should always be allowed to view these records - it was my personal information after all he said. He unsealed the file and asked me to review it to see if there was anything in it that wasn't already in my possession. If so then a copy would be made and supplied to me. Everything in the file appeared to be information I had already, and afterwards the judge resealed the file in front of all of us. That concluded the hearing.

My intention when initially heading to Charlottesville was to confront Joseph Platania at his office after the hearing. I had wanted to push him into dismissing the charge with the evidence in front of his face. Prosecutors can actually dismiss a criminal charge well after a conviction. The first time I became aware of this was from a wrongful conviction case, which I'll give an extremely brief summary. There was a woman who was convicted of murder for apparently poisoning her two infant children. She continued to claim innocence from prison, and gained the aid of an organisation devoted to helping those wrongfully convicted.

It was later determined by doctors that this woman was a carrier for a genetic disorder. This disorder causes a person's body to create a specific toxin that will build up in the body. If not caught by doctors and treated, it will mimic a death by poisoning. When both children's remains tested positive for this disorder, the prosecutor dismissed the charges. During an appeals process a prosecutor also has the opportunity to dismiss a charge if they feel it is needed. I have not found anything that says they can't dismiss the charge after a plea agreement. In fact I've had a lawyer state that there was a way to get my current felony downgraded to a misdemeanor even after the conviction if getting it thrown out wasn't possible, but I was told it was very difficult to accomplish. However, I wanted it dismissed outright and was hoping to push Platania to do this by confronting him with the evidence of his screw up.

I waited at the entrance of the courthouse for a moment thinking it over before I decided there was no point in bothering with this. If Platania was that petty to contest the release of sealed documents that only contained my personal information, I knew that no amount of evidence was ever going to get through that thick head. Attempting to demand that Platania dismiss the charge based on his evidence being a lie was just going to be a waste of my time.

The hearing did have the assuredly unintended consequence however of showing how unwilling Platania was to take action against me. I clearly have pissed him off from getting in his face on this case. Yet while there are things Platania likely could do to me, he refuses to touch me. This is because if he attempts to take any sort of legal actions against me, he'll help me get the media attention I need.

My arrest in 2006 resulted in a level of media attention I was unprepared for. I was even getting some slight national attention to my horror at the time, though I don't think it ever crossed the screens of major national outlets like CNN or NBC. I had to sign quite a few forms at the jail confirming I did not want to speak to each news outlet that wanted to talk to me. Even the dullest of attorney's will inform their client to not speak to the media during pending legal actions, so obviously this was the advice of William Johnson.

While stations can be disinterested when minor things happen, getting arrested again will most assuredly spark that same interest to speak to me again. This time around I would gladly speak to them. Not to mention people will do searches and come across this blog. And as soon as the shady details of this case become public, everything starts to unravel. Again, both Platania and Michelle Manweiler know what all this looks like. I doubt any of the guilty parties are stupid enough to try anything until they absolutely have no choice. They would just simply be helping me get the media attention I need. Which means that both the prosecutors and the Manweilers are in the very bad position of having to spend their lives waiting and looking over their shoulders.

When I got back to the motel after the hearing, I waited around for the news director I contacted to set up an appointment. Being in Charlottesville a few days, but not being able to do anything while waiting for calls and appointments, leaves a lot of time to think when you get tired of reading. On Friday, with the information from the hearing fresh in my mind, I came to a few conclusions. The first being that if I want justice for what the Manweiler family has done I probably won't find it through a courtroom. The second involves the prosecution and Manweiler's interactions in 2006 and beyond.

I initially had the belief that it was Manweiler pulling the strings, and the prosecution went along because it was in their best interests to keep this covered up. It may genuinely be that Manweiler is holding the threat of testifying against them to prevent them from touching her. After that hearing I'm thinking that maybe Michelle Manweiler was the one being used all along.

After all, the best thing would have been for Platania to not bother contesting the motion, and I suspect Manweiler would agree. Pulling a stunt like that is just going to piss off someone who already is loaded up with a lot of anger and hate. Being used by the prosecution doesn't mean she's innocent (not by a long shot) or that she deserves any sympathy. But I think I've been giving Manweiler too much credit all this time, because it isn't the prosecution who are spending their life looking over their shoulder every day since 2006.

Michelle Manweiler wasn't particularly bright with her tampering, so I have at least known she wasn't exactly a mastermind. I mean how do you not think to remove printer timestamps before putting fake dates on individual sheets? This does speak quite poorly to the competency of the Charlottesville law enforcement in 2006. But if the Manweilers have manipulated the entire situation, and I believe the prosecution when they say Ms. Manweiler and her parents were pushing for all of this, then they actually got the worse end of the deal when compared to the rest of the guilty parties.

In reality so long as nobody finds out what they did, Chapman and Platania never have to worry about any consequences or risks. The same goes for Rudman and William Johnson. The first three of those are classified as law enforcement, and as such they enjoy benefits of protection not extended to Michelle Manweiler or her family. They deal with gang members and other such violent criminals on a daily basis after all. In regards to Johnson, that idiot wouldn't even be worth it.

Hell they probably know that if I wanted retribution it would be the Manweilers who are first on that list. Guarantee that Rudman, Platania, Chapman, and Johnson have never been in fear for their physical safety from me a single day in their life since 2006. I bet Michelle Manweiler can't say the same. Imagine if you had lied about someone, tampered with evidence, and you exaggerated the case to law enforcement. And the person you lied about ended up with evidence proving you lied and tampered with evidence. The harm inflicted on this person due to your actions was permanent and very serious. Said harm not only affected that person, but it also inflicted harm upon that person's family. That harm happened solely because you received special treatment, due to your privilege as a UVA student in Charlottesville with a rich banker father - who was also an alumni and donating to the university. The entire family of this person also suffered considerably from what happened, so there isn't a reason for this person to consider any member of the Manweiler clan off limits. So you'd be an idiot to not be worried. I would be if our roles were reversed.

My former attorney had stated the reason that Platania and Chapman were so interested in pursuing the felony charge. It wasn't for the protection of Michelle Manweiler, because nothing about the felony actually protects her or her family in any way. Platania said in one of the emails that it was to keep me from owning a firearm, but the guys in the cell-block with me found that especially amusing. They said Platania knew better, since many of them were felons being prosecuted by him for firearms possession. They all said they'd own guns again after they got out. Only a complete idiot thinks giving me a felony prevents me from gaining access to firearms if my goal was what they claimed. Sure it stops you from walking into just any gun store and buying the legal way, but that's never stopped any gang member after all.

The real motivation, according to my former attorney William Johnson, was as follows: "Chapman said that when they release you and she turns up dead on the evening news, at least nobody will blame them for only having misdemeanor convictions". That was Johnson's exact statement to me at the jail when discussing the plea agreement. This statement is further confirmed in the plea agreement Johnson put forward, where he even says that he understands the prosecution doesn't want to be "on the hook" if something happens afterwards.

I doubt Chapman and Platania ever cared much about what happens to Manweiler afterwards. They just wanted to cover their own butts. They got another felony conviction notch on their belt, and Michelle Manweiler gets to deal with the aftermath. I think if things had happened like Chapman said, most people would have actually blamed the prosecution more than Platania/Chapman think. Since with the ridiculous punishment leveled against me, people would say that the prosecution actually pushed things to that point. They would be right in that assessment. After all, prior to all that harm inflicted I had sat around for months without bothering to learn where Manweiler even lived in Charlottesville.

Again though, Platania gets the best end of the deal. As long as the public never discovers what actually happened, and I don't get the charge overturned with the help of a lawyer - then he's in the clear. He doesn't have to look over his shoulder in fear every day. He doesn't have to be scared about leaving his house while alone. He doesn't have to teach his kids to watch out for the "bad man" and see the fear in their eyes. He doesn't have to worry about the safety of his family, at least not from me. My FOIA requests and the motion have been the only time that I have actually intruded on his life since 2006. Michelle Manweiler can't say the same - she wouldn't be regularly checking this blog otherwise. At least when it comes to intrusion in her life. When it comes to concern for her family, I doubt any narcissist can feel concern for anyone but themselves. Even Manweiler's children clearly don't rate above her career and ego.

So you might be wondering what I mean by those last comments. Understand that what the people around her think they know of her is merely a mask she wears. I've seen a rather ugly side of her long before the events of 2006. I wasn't the only person to witness it either, through the years many brought up stories of her behavior towards them that were similar to my experiences. Though I seem to be the one who was targeted the most by her, and in some of the worst ways. In a way I know the real Michelle Manweiler better than the people around her.

One of the things I've done in recent months was attempt to find an explanation of why Manweiler is the way she is. I wanted to know what kind of person I've been dealing with all this time. There was a lot of her behavior of the past laid out in that very lengthy post titled "The Long War", which has since been pulled off of public reading by me. There are two reasons for pulling the post.

For one, a lot of that post focused on actions from when we were teens. While it does show how we got to this point and gave me the opportunity to tell my side of the dispute, I felt it added irrelevant information into this case. Most people aren't likely to care about the fighting that occurred back then, nor did I expect them to. After all I don't even care anymore about the behavior of Manweiler in the past, and the entire basis of our conflict now revolves around what happened in 2006 and beyond. Not caring however doesn't mean that I don't think she is still a complete ass for her past behavior, which inflicted a lot of abuse on me in my formative years that took a long time to actually work through.

The second reason is that it was assembled piece by piece, paragraph by paragraph, over the course of more than a year. As such the end result was actually a jumbled mess that restated things too many times. This is because there were weeks or months between each section being written. Due to being heavily engaged at work with a lengthy commute to an offsite client location, and due to the painful memories raised by it's writing, I hadn't read the entire huge post from start to finish before hitting the publish button. Once I finally looked it over, I decided it was just too much work to fix it than it was worth and eventually pulled it from public view.

If you were someone who read the original post then you know there were a lot of bad acts on both sides, but Michelle Manweiler's actions and choices played a big role in creating this situation. Had we talked it out peacefully long ago, or had she at least just treated me like a human being from the very start, we would never have heard from each other again. None of this situation would have taken place and both of us would have moved on with our lives being much happier for it.

For all my mistakes, I was the only one willing to talk it out peacefully right up until the time she walked into the police station with an exaggerated story. I didn't want to be enemies with Michelle Manweiler and fought hard to avoid becoming one. But enemies we are for the rest of our lives, and if there even is such a thing as an afterlife we'll be enemies there as well. And I am an enemy that Ms. Manweiler created herself. All of her enemies are ones she alone made, and while I'm the worst one she'll ever face I am not the only one she's ever earned. That is a longer list than I think she's willing to admit to herself. Manweiler earned those enemies for being an arrogant ass who can't treat people like human beings, though if she does have NPD she'll never admit that was the reason.

Foremost among her list of personal issues, Manweiler's actions of the past show a massive level of arrogance. But I think it goes beyond merely arrogance or a huge ego. I've referred to Michelle Manweiler by many unflattering terms on this blog. Psychopath, sociopath, narcissist. Unfortunately I fell into the ignorant misuse of those terms, something that is a far too common occurrence these days. Once I did my research on the specific disorders, I realized my mistake with the terms I was using.

Michelle Manweiler doesn't fit enough of the signs of psychopaths or sociopaths to actually be classified as such, though she certainly shares some traits with them. The standard narcissist definition also didn't fit, though she exhibited far more signs linking her with that personality disorder. Eventually I discovered there were two types of narcissists according to psychiatrists. The standard narcissist that everyone immediately thinks of is the overt, grandiose, or "classical" narcissist. The disorder I think Ms. Manweiler has is referred to as the covert, vulnerable, or "shy" narcissist.

I want to take a moment to write about this subject, since before the issue of the hearing came up I stated that I would discuss it. The following video (20 Signs You Are With A "Covert" Narcissist by Richard Grannon) was actually the first time I was introduced to the covert narcissist disorder, and have since looked over even more researched material on the subject. Discovering this disorder and hearing the signs actually answered so many questions I had about the actions of Michelle Manweiler through the years. Though it also had the effect of making me angry at myself.

I was angry at myself because I had attempted long ago to reason with Michelle Manweiler, to appeal to her better nature. But there was never a better nature and she was never a reasonable person, so I essentially wasted my time. When it comes to these signs, I have witnessed behavior from Michelle Manweiler that matches a majority of what is pointed out in this video. Some signs are ones I'm not in a position to answer, because they require more knowledge of Manweiler's activities and personal life than I'd ever care to know.

Of the signs that I have encountered, the exact type of behavior from Michelle Manweiler I've witnessed matches 13 of those signs at least - and those include the major signs of the disorder. Again it could be many more, but some of those signs I just simply don't have the necessary information to say whether she exhibits it or not. It is very problematic to match 13 signs however. To give you an idea of how much of a red flag that is, to be diagnosed by a psychiatrist requires matching at least 5 to 6 of the primary signs.

Richard Grannon works with individuals and psychiatrists who are considered leading experts in the subject of narcissism. The information in this video matches the research I've seen put out for peer review by psychiatrists.

Much of this disturbing behavior is something that was witnessed throughout the years of growing up with Michelle Manweiler. I wasn't the sole witness to this behavior either. Many people came to me with their own stories during our high school years. Even an ex-boyfriend of one of my sisters had stories. None of what I heard was good, and all matched how Manweiler treated me as well.

There was certainly some massive showings of arrogance and contempt for anyone she viewed as being beneath her. Which is rather amusing since there never was anything about her or her family that should have made her believe this. You went to public school same as the rest of us princess.

Ms. Manweiler has shown no empathy or remorse for any of the harm she's inflicted on other people through the years. Which is certainly a trait she seems to share with her parents. I've previously mentioned how I was told about her and her parents glaring at my mother as she ran out of the courtroom crying in genuine distress. The look wasn't even appearing to involve anger at the situation, which they never had a right to show any towards my mother. The look was more of a "Woman you're making a scene, how embarrassing".

I don't believe her parents are narcissists themselves, at least not both of them. I've not seen anything in my research that suggests it is possible for two narcissists to have a marriage last that long. It would be World War III in that house. Having one narcissistic parent will certainly increase the chances of at least one child becoming a narcissist, but having two parents who are terrible people is also another way to cause this. Narcissism is after all a defense mechanism to mental trauma inflicted as a child, and it is usually the parents who are behind that trauma.

Another sign is the lack of apologies for her bad behavior. Michelle Manweiler has never actually apologized for any of the wrongs she has committed through the years. And regardless of her refusal to accept responsibility for her actions (another narcissistic trait), she has indeed done quite a lot wrong. I certainly never had a single apology said to my face. The two instances she claimed to be apologizing were in the notes she wrote, and it was framed in a way to not accept responsibility. No apology involved her simply saying "I'm sorry, I did something wrong and it wasn't okay". Instead they were essentially "I'm sorry you didn't react well to what I did". Any mentally sound individual would recognize that such a statement isn't an apology or an acceptance of responsibility.

Ms. Manweiler also has a massive victim complex, always portraying herself as being the one wronged even when she's stepping on people. Covert narcissists differ from the overt type in that they love to play victim to get sympathy and attention. This explains perfectly why Michelle Manweiler spread so many rumors through the years to make me her scapegoat. It got her the attention she craved, without regard to the effect it was having on me as a kid. Overt types don't want sympathy because it would mean they aren't better than other people. Covert types still believes themselves to be better than everyone else certainly, but sympathy received from their martyr act doesn't register as changing the dynamic of who is superior. Sympathy is simply another form of attention to them.

The victim impact statement Ms. Manweiler wrote in 2006 is a great example of her waving her victimhood around in an over-dramatic fashion. There is a reason why the inmates in the cell-block with me dubbed it "the chicken little statement". It is almost childish in the way she exaggerates, which again matches the disorder. The daughter of the elderly woman attending the hearings with my mother read over the statement after my release. She is a former journalist and worked as a court reporter (I think she's still working as a court reporter). She actually laughed at the way Manweiler wrote, calling it childish as well and asking why a grown woman was referring to E-cards as "scary". As you'll see in the video, that child-like behavior gets revealed for a specific reason with narcissists.

Ms. Manweiler has also shown plenty of self-centeredness. While she attempts to sound like she cares about others, it is very shallow and easy to see through. Again the victim impact statement gives us a glimpse into this. Michelle Manweiler talks about how she was in fear for the safety of her family, her roommates, her friends, her co-workers, the children playing in the streets, her goldfish, her pet rock, etc. But Ms. Manweiler only discusses how her worrying about these people has stressed and upset her. She doesn't mention once about the effect such a thing would have had on any of these people.

If she was so scared for their safety, then I'm assuming she actually told these people to be on the lookout - right? I mean that's what a normal person would do. You would tell the people you think are in danger that they are potentially at risk. You wouldn't sit around for roughly seven months with your thumb in your rear, waiting for law school graduation to complete before actually doing something to keep all these people safe. Oh wait, that latter one is exactly what Manweiler did.

So what about the mental effects this had to have had on her parents? They journeyed down to Charlottesville to testify at the preliminary hearing after all, why didn't she discuss what they went through?

How about the effect on her brother? Her roommates? Her friends? Her co-workers? Once again, did she not tell them that she thought they were in danger? If she didn't warn people she claims to have thought were in danger, then she is a massive piece of garbage for not doing so. If any of these people were not made aware of the situation, and none were ever living in fear or affected by the case, then you don't get to parade them around as fake victims just so that you can virtue signal. If she did warn them, then why does she not mention how this case has affected any other individuals other than herself? They would have been afraid as well wouldn't they?

The entire statement is Michelle Manweiler putting herself on a cross for others, but not once does she discuss what these supposed other victims experienced if things had been as bad as she claimed. Exhibit A of Michelle Manweiler being a covert narcissist - she claims others are victims she was so concerned for, but doesn't care enough to talk about the effects this case would have had on the lives of these claimed victims. Either she knew these people were not in danger and just lied about the whole thing, or she's a self-obsessed individual who only used these people to virtue signal and couldn't care less what this case did to them. Neither option makes Michelle Manweiler sound like a good person. It's because she really isn't a good person, and she never has been.

There are so many other things I've seen, but there is no sense in going into all of them. I think if the people around her reviewed the material and started looking at her behavior, they would come to the same conclusions. Does this mean I'm right about her having such a disorder? Not at all. I'm not a psychiatrist. Thus I can't diagnose Michelle Manweiler nor can this post be considered a diagnosis for that exact reason.

But people can at least take the facts of the situation and evaluate Michelle Manweiler as a person. And the facts say at the bare minimum that she's not the sweetheart she tries to present to others. That she can be shown to not measure up to the false mask she's presented to others is more than enough to question what is going on in her head. Normal people don't tamper with evidence and lie to get someone false charges. Normal people would feel guilty over receiving special treatment that regular people don't receive. Normal people would feel remorse for causing so much damage to someone's life. Normal people would accept responsibility for the harm their lies inflicted rather than making those living with them suffer and look over their shoulder in fear along with them. But Michelle Manweiler isn't a normal person mentally.

I truly believe she's a covert narcissist, it lines up perfectly with all of her actions I've witnessed. But I'll fully admit it is also entirely possible she's just an extremely entitled jerk. Only a psychiatrist can determine whether she actually has a disorder or not. But given that she has no remorse or shame over what she has done, I think we're dealing with something worse than a very arrogant individual.

I'm sure there are people around her who absolutely refuse to see the obvious about Manweiler, but at what point does such a denial become rampant stupidity? I've already shown the evidence on this blog proving Michelle Manweiler fabricated evidence and lied to police. I've spelled it out for you people Barney-style in those posts.

Even my lawyer noticed the "To Rick" notation on one of the emails and was bothered enough by it to record it in his notes. The only possible way that could have happened was by Michelle Manweiler forwarding the emails and printing them from her sent messages folder. That is hard indisputable fact. It is simply the way email was designed to work, even emails sent through Myspace. And Manweiler was certainly not forwarding these emails to me, I'd have jumped all over the police and prosecutors from the beginning if she had been doing that.

So considering it wasn't my profile that was clearly having emails forwarded, just who did that Rick profile belong to? It's not difficult to figure that one out. While this alone doesn't prove she rewrote the contents, she certainly had ever opportunity to do so. Clearly she never warned law enforcement she was doing it either, since they wouldn't be stupid enough to build their case on it until they verified it. So if she wasn't doing anything wrong by doing it, why didn't she tell the police that she was forwarding the emails?

I also showed how Manweiler wrote fake dates on individual sheets. These April and May emails never existed as she claimed, she just wanted to make it look like she received more emails than what had actually been sent. Forget the time stamps showing the emails were printed in March, one of the emails says it was sent on the Sunday of Spring Break week right in the body of the email. When you look up when UVA had Spring Break in 2006, that Sunday was March 12th - the exact date of the printer time stamps on the claimed May and April emails.

When you even put the two emails together, they read as one email. They not only split a paragraph between sheets, they split a sentence between them. By putting an earlier date on page three it shuffled them out of order if you read them chronologically, so only someone paying close attention would realize what was done. That shows a deliberate attempt to mislead anyone reading the emails - when you attempt to do it to law enforcement that's called criminal intent.

I recognize the handwriting as Manweiler's - we attended middle school and high school together, and for three years we were members of the Model United Nations club. But even tossing that aside, the handwriting existed on law enforcement's own copies. This can be proven. My lawyer came straight from the prosecutor the day before the preliminary hearing with copies in hand, and the handwriting was printed on those copies. My mother even gets Johnson to retrieve his copies from his own files, and records him admitting that this handwriting is on the copies he received from the prosecution. He even says it was Michelle Manweiler who wrote it. Given the copies in LEO possession held the handwriting, either it was a member of law enforcement who wrote fake dates or it was Michelle Manweiler. Do you think Joseph Platania is going to say that a member of law enforcement wrote fake dates and thus supplied falsified evidence to a defense attorney, a grand jury, and a circuit court judge? Do you have any idea the magnitude of something like that? It would carry serious consequences.

Prison sentences. Massive lawsuits. Every defense attorney in the area would be jumping for joy. Because if they did it in one case who is to say they didn't do it in others? Every single case that was ever touched by that individual would be called into question from just doing it in one case. Every. Single. Conviction. And that's a lot of cases touched by the only law enforcement officials it could have been - Detective Rudman, Joseph Platania, and Warner Chapman. Do you think they would ever claim it was a member of law enforcement? Hell no they won't. Not only would the consequences be severe, the Charlottesville law enforcement wouldn't even have anything to gain from doing it. But they would have everything to lose from doing it. They would know every conviction in their whole career could be called into question. Given the extreme danger from such an act, they at least would be smart enough to remove the March 12th time stamps. The only person who had anything to gain from it is the only non-law enforcement suspect who could possibly be responsible - Michelle Annette Manweiler.

It's her own emails she gave to police, and that very evidence is telling on her. There comes a point where refusing to believe the sheer weight of evidence against Michelle Manweiler just makes you a total fucking idiot.

I can even prove Manweiler lied in her own victim impact statement. She lied about the events of high school and I've shown the proof of that using the very notes she wrote to me back then. Through out high school third parties were claiming she was making up the very same lies about me that I caught her making in her victim impact statement. You tell me what I'm supposed to believe there?

I think that more than concludes my little synopsis on Michelle Manweiler's severe personality issues, and fulfills something I intended on doing before the hearing came up. Continuing on with the situation at hand, as I said I had been waiting on a news director to get in touch with me. I went to one of the local stations and spoke with the people there. I was told to get in touch with the news director of the station, and was given his email and phone number. I wrote to this individual but so far have not heard back. I was told if I didn't hear from him through email to give him a call to follow up. However, I don't plan on doing that.

The revelation of Platania challenging such a minor motion showed that even if the news takes up the story, Platania would be stubborn enough to refuse to dismiss the charges. He would simply deny wrongdoing and continue on. This would leave me with having to go forward with an attorney anyway. Maybe someone would have stepped up to help me, but then maybe they wouldn't. Which would mean walking around with a felony for some time, and everyone around me knowing that I was a felon.

That however doesn't mean I'm giving up. I'm not going away. I'm not going to stop. This isn't going to end or get better for the guilty parties unless I get justice. One of the things that makes the 2006 case the worst mistake of Michelle Manweiler's entire life, is that by hammering me she gave me no incentive to move on with my life. Where I live now, nobody knows about what happened in 2006. If I didn't have a felony I'd have been quite content to let 2006 be a dark chapter in my life and rebuild from it. But I do have a felony.

This felony has not only robbed me of years of my life from rebuilding, but it has also made it to where the remaining years to me have absolutely no value. By taking this so far in 2006 and inflicting so much damage, Michelle Manweiler no longer has anything to threaten me with. I don't find any value in living life as a felon. I don't consider myself to have anything to lose anymore. That's one reason why I was so willing to butt heads with Platania while in Charlottesville despite the huge risk that was. So how has that been an improvement on the previous situation of 2006 - where the prospect of a felony charge if I ever contacted Manweiler again was so fear inducing to me that I would have gladly walked away and never been heard from again if they had only let me? If the Manweilers actually intended for things to happen the way they did in 2006, then they have really been given far too much credit in the intelligence department.

As I said, I'm not likely to bother following up with the news director. There are other options out there to get justice, which I'll start looking into those, but I think I've settled on what is going to happen from here and will be moving forward with that decision. That's where we come to this blog. It has run its course, and I don't feel it needs updating anymore. I wanted to post the results of my Charlottesville trip, and that's all I have the interest for anymore.

The time for talk ended quite a long time ago, and writing these posts stopped being therapeutic. Google gave me the option of hiding it from search results temporarily, which I took since I didn't want to reveal my evidence in case of any legal action against Manweiler. But I also suspected it wouldn't pan out, so I didn't want to permanently remove it off the search results. The results should be coming back up not long after this post. I'll leave the blog up as a record for when people have reason to visit it in the future. I want the public to not only see what was done to me, but I want them to also see what I attempted to do to fix the situation.