Thursday, July 19, 2018

Update on the Request

In regards to the plan of getting my file unsealed and viewing the material inside, I've recently had a conversation with the Clerk of Court. It was confirmed that indeed the file is present and still sealed. She then gave me instructions on how to go about requesting the file to be unsealed to get copies, so I am prepping this in the coming days.

The Clerk's thoughts on the contents was that this was my pre-sentencing investigation. However, when I viewed my file years ago I noticed the PSI was already in the court case folder and unsealed. So I'm not sure why another copy of it would need to be sealed. Perhaps it does contain a pre-sentencing report, but is also just part of the over-all packet given to the judge for his consideration of the plea agreement. A packet which might contain the prosecution's evidence to the judge since he clearly was given items to look over. At some point the judge was given the emails Manweiler supplied to law enforcement. He stated himself that he reviewed them and yet they aren't in the public files in the court case folder. So where else would those files be? Even if the sealed file contains just another copy of the pre-sentencing investigation, it doesn't change the fact that something is going to have to happen at this point.

Regardless of whether the unsealed documents work out or not, I'm looking to make a trip down to the Charlottesville police department to contact internal affairs. This game that has been played on my blog by Michelle Manweiler (Dickerman) and Detective Rudman has to have a response. I have proof that Detective Rudman was not only viewing my blog on the taxpayer dime at Manweiler's request, but that he was using a VPN to try to hide his activities from me. I've already posted the evidence proving Rudman was doing this. This behavior also likely extends to the district attorney, given the viewing habits of the City of Charlottesville ISP. The Charlottesville police and district attorney do not have the authorization to use public resources to pursue personal actions. Resources which as previously mentioned are on the taxpayer payroll.

The police can't deny it since Rudman's own windows username shows up in the evidence. They can't claim it was part of a criminal investigation either. Even if a crime were committed based on something I said on this blog, during the first instance of their activities Michelle Manweiler (Dickerman) was a resident of Arlington VA. During the second instance of viewing my blog at Ms. Manweiler's request, she is currently a resident of Falls Church VA. Neither of these are cities that Charlottesville police have any jurisdiction within whatsoever. Thus any claim of a crime would be out of Detective Rudman's jurisdiction to investigate or handle. I would think this is Law Enforcement 101.

Only law enforcement local to Ms. Manweiler would have any justification to investigate any current crime between the two of us, as neither of us are residents of Charlottesville. If neither party is inside the Charlottesville city limits, then no crime was committed in Charlottesville. If they try to claim a criminal investigation, not only would they have to take a massive leap to explain any jurisdiction to do so, but they will also have to explain why they have done absolutely nothing all this time. The investigation has clearly gone nowhere, I wouldn't be writing on this blog right now if it had. If you are going to claim you were investigating a supposed crime, you'll have to show what crime was committed and explain why you didn't continue forward with it. There are questions that neither Rudman nor Platania will have any answers to justify.

In addition to their inability to explain or justify their actions, their viewing activity shows that they weren't even investigating any sort of crime in the first place. Detective Rudman seems to blatantly ignored evidence I presented showing Manweiler tampered with the emails he based the 2006 charges on. How can you even remotely claim to be investigating a crime against Michelle Manweiler while not viewing everything posted about her?

Considering it appears they don't want to be observed viewing the evidence proving they screwed up in 2006, this is going to look very bad for Charlottesville PD and the district attorney. Why are they scared to see evidence that shows they got it wrong? The only reason they have to be scared of viewing it is because they know I caught their mistake, and there are legal repercussions if they admit they screwed up.

The problem is that the refusal of Charlottesville law enforcement to not investigate my evidence and clear their mistake is just digging themselves in deeper. If Charlottesville law enforcement came clean, fixed their mistake willingly, and prosecuted Michelle Manweiler - I'd be extremely open to talking this out with Charlottesville law enforcement in regards to legal actions towards.

If law enforcement had come clean back in 2006 once they realized they screwed up, so long as Michelle Manweiler had been charged with a crime I would never have even sued the city or any law enforcement department. My focus would instead have been on the Manweilers. Even if I had sued the departments involved, there would have been very little in damages that I could possibly claim after only sitting in jail a week. But after everything that has happened to me because they continued forward with their prosecution on clearly tampered evidence?

Obviously there are some consequences from that. But not nearly as serious as there will be if I manage to get the upper hand and have to drag the Charlottesville law enforcement kicking and screaming into fixing their mistake. Their behavior so far has only made the situation worse for themselves, and made them look very corrupt. I'm not a money driven individual, hell there isn't enough money in the world that could ever make this right, and I would be all too willing to sign everything over to the lawyer who ripped all parties apart if I'm forced to do this all by myself. I want my life back and I want someone to answer for the harm caused me, so I'm willing to work things out if they cooperate. I don't expect that to happen however, so it looks like we're resolving this my way no matter what.

Returning to the here and now, another problem for the police is that Detective Rudman's investigation appears to have been focused on finding ways of hiding from my ability to see viewers of my blog. This is something that has not been very successful for any party involved. Even if the other parties hid successfully from one tracker, there are multiple analytics at my disposal that can piece together more than enough of a picture to prove who is on my blog if I needed to go that route.

When Manweiler tried to spoof her location as being in France, even if it had worked did she honestly expect me to believe I have anyone in France viewing my blog? The only reason I didn't assume that Belgium University viewer was her was due to two big reasons. First it didn't show the real location as actually being in the US, like Manweiler's spoof attempts. The second reason is it showed the viewer was using a Linux OS and a screen projector (exactly like the type used in classrooms) to view this blog. Michelle Manweiler doesn't strike me as the computer savvy type, so I doubt she knows what Linux is let alone how to operate it. Detective Rudman probably knows how to use Linux, but then why a school screen projector instead of a regular monitor? This seemed to be someone who had access to a classroom and school equipment at a Belgium university. That doesn't fit with Manweiler or Rudman. I have no idea why I received this view, but clearly someone contacted this individual and supplied them with a link for whatever reason.

I've already shown how Michelle Manweiler (Dickerman) tried and failed to hide her views on my blog. The interesting thing is that I've seen Detective Rudman use very similar tactics as Manweiler in an attempt to hide - as if Rudman had given her instruction.

There is enough to suggest that Detective Rudman might have instructed Michelle Manweiler in her attempts to hide herself from being tracked on my blog. It is an easy enough conclusion to reach even without seeing the viewing records. There has been no action taken against me from Rudman's investigation. That investigation appears to focus primarily on researching how to hide Rudman's viewing of my blog. Michelle Manweiler, who contacted Rudman or Platania for a reason unknown to me currently, has attempted similar tactics that Rudman has used before. Doesn't necessarily mean that Rudman gave any instruction to Manweiler. But why else was Rudman wasting time researching this, and why is Manweiler now using similar tactics? Those are questions that require an investigation to answer.

That a police detective and prosecutor could be using taxpayer resources while on the clock, in order to instruct a rich UVA alumni in how to essentially cyber-stalk a blog anonymously, is a rather serious implication if it does happen to be true. It is an implication that I'm sure is going to be of interest in an internal affairs investigation.

All of the activities related to the views on my blog suggest that the Charlottesville police department and district attorney's office is making every effort to personally help out a non-resident UVA alumni. They are doing this long after her case was concluded and all while they are on the clock. They have no jurisdiction and no crime was committed, yet they seem to be bending over backwards to aid Michelle Manweiler. That really doesn't look good for everyone involved - including Michelle Annette Manweiler (Dickerman). It only helps me further demonstrate that some seriously corrupt favoritism is going on.

Granted I'm only seeing one side of their efforts via their views, I haven't seen how Michelle Manweiler kept in touch with them nor have I seen why she ran to them in the first place. But that's why Internal Affairs exists. Detective Rudman is going to have to reveal all this to an investigator, he can't deny he was taking part in jumping on my blog at the request of Michelle Manweiler given my evidence.

Once again, I'm not worried about mentioning any of this on the blog. Attempts to hide their actions only dig the guilty parties in deeper, and force them to commit actions that come with the risk of criminal charges. In the end it doesn't really matter whether either of these two actions I'm planning will succeed or not. I've already made my decision on what route I'm going in regards to this case, I'm merely attempting to try something else first before I fall back on that choice. Obviously I'll update on here how everything goes with these two options.

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