Monday, May 28, 2018

If you want to go down this road again

Ever since I noticed Michelle Dickerman (Manweiler) attempt to cover up her views, I've been monitoring my blog slightly more often than usual. I figured it was probable that she was up to something, and because of this I've noticed some interesting views. 

One example involved views from a Belgium University that did a direct request viewing of my blog. If you aren't aware of what direct request is, this means that they did not have to find my blog by searching for it or through Blogger's browsing between blogs. In order for a view to be classified as a direct request, you either directly type the blog into your browser or you are sent a hyperlink in an email and the viewer clicks it. I don't know anyone in Belgium and there would be no reason for anyone there to be aware of my blog. They would have had to be told about my blog and given the address. Whether it was Michelle Dickerman that contacted this individual or someone else, I can't say. I did notice that the second viewing of the individual followed after Michelle Dickerman viewed the evidence I presented about my former attorney. As for the University it was Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, a research institute that involves multiple studies such as Law and Technology. However, this is not the view that prompted this post.

This is the view that prompted my post:

That ladies and gentlemen, is either prosecutor Joseph Platania or Detective Nicolas Rudman. Because the "City of Charlottesville" ISP is the ISP for city officials. This isn't the first time I've seen this ISP pop-up either. Around 2011 Michelle Dickerman contacted either the Charlottesville police department or the district attorney's office, and directed them to this blog. They began going through my blog extensively, though they conveniently avoided looking at posts where I showed evidence that Michelle Dickerman tampered with the emails they used against me in 2006. I guess they figured that if they didn't look at it, they could claim ignorance of it. Problem is that it is hard to say they didn't notice it when I had it plastered everywhere and it is a popular post. It was blatantly clear that they were avoiding looking at it. As for how I know it was the Charlottesville law enforcement that were behind those views during the first instance Michelle Manweiler pointed them to this blog?

Well it becomes rather easy to guess that when you see something like this:

This was about 2012 and Detective Rudman didn't realize that the tracker still sent me the information of his viewing - even when he opened the saved page on his hard drive to burn it to a CD. In his defense I didn't know it could do that either, so there wasn't any way for him to know that. The page he saved was the post that showed Michelle Manweiler had been viewing my blog, this was not the post showing the evidence that she tampered with the emails.

As for why Rudman would burn the page to a CD? I believe Rudman did this so that he could analyze my blog coding on a computer that wasn't connected to the internet. This would allow him to figure out a way to avoid being seen on my blog. The Charlottesville law enforcement had more interest in keeping me from seeing their views, then they had about the evidence proving they got it wrong in 2006. That will definitely come back to bite them in the ass.

Now while any city official in Charlottesville could be viewing this blog last night, there isn't any reason for anyone other than law enforcement to visit this blog after Michelle Dickerman has expressed her recent interest in what I'm posting. There simply isn't any other likely suspects other than the police department or the district attorney - no other officials would be interested in this blog. Which means that Michelle Dickerman is once again attempting to cause problems. This is the assumption I'm operating on and acting upon.

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