Friday, October 12, 2012

Update on current situation

"Sometimes you don't know you've crossed the line until you're on the other side and can't go back."
--- Unknown

I wanted to put out an update on things as they stand so far. There is a big reason for this. There are two large posts I've been working on, however I have not had the time to get them completed. I did want to at least get a status out due to a recent development in my work that has left me suspicious.

I can't go into any details, but recently my company lost a contract that they've been working on for some time. It was quite a surprise for all, as we weren't supposed to lose this contract. This specific contract was related to the type of ship I currently support in my work, though my contract is completely different from the one that was lost. The fact that my company lost a contract that was a complete surprise, and it happens to be one involving the type of ship I support, has left me wondering about what may have taken place.

I'm already certain that Ms. Manweiler/Dickerman is completely aware of what company I work for now due to a couple reasons. I have a profile on a professional site that shows what company I work for, and let's just say I know who visited it a couple months back. While I have never put my company name on my facebook page, I do have photos from the company softball games in Arlington that are not listed on a public album. The t-shirts show the company name, and I'm aware of persons on my friends list who are certainly passing information. One of them is already known due to the fact that they seem to have locked certain sections of their profile from me specifically, while friends of mine on their friends list seem to not have this lock.

I knew it was only a matter of time before Ms. Manweiler found out about my place of business. I have only been intent on delaying it until I was established with the company. This recent contract falling through has raised some suspicions for me however, and for a number of reasons. The biggest reason is that Ms. Manweiler has contacts in Government, along with her fiance's contacts. For all I know Greenberg Traurig LLP could even represent engineering companies in the DC area, including my own, which would allow Ms. Manweiler to gain information she shouldn't have. So when my company loses a contract that was a big shock, and it just happens to involve a ship that my main employment focuses on, I can't help but wonder if there is something else going on.

I'd like to first start off by saying that I have no evidence yet that this is anything but a run of bad luck for my company. Losing contracts does happen all the time in this line of work. If I was certain that this lost contract was an attempted retaliation against me, I wouldn't hesitate to contact management, explain the situation and let them get the legal ball rolling. As I said, nothing yet has shown me that this was anything other than bad luck.

However, let me make this quite clear to those reading that know Ms. Manweiler and work in the Government. I'm not oblivious and I will continue to monitor the situation. This is helped with the fact that with this company, my position allows for more contact with clients. That's one of the benefits of working for this company - its small size versus my past work with a giant like Northrop Grumman.

With NGNN, most of my contact was with random submarine crewmen out on the ships and an occasional outside contractor. It was individuals higher than me who interfaced with information on contracts and Government clients, and of those higher than me, only a few were able to do this. Granted my current company is part of a larger group, but our specific entity could be considered a small business were it not for a group ownership. Every employee is expected to keep an eye on job and contract work, and pass along potential work leads on to management. I regularly interface with members of the Coast Guard to perform my job. If something starts looking funny with a contract, I'll eventually hear about it.

The second I have reason to believe that a contract loss by my company was a retaliation against me over Ms. Manweiler, I will get in touch with my company's management so that a Government investigation can take place. Not only would my company likely sic a legal team on someone, but I imagine that anyone attempting to put subversive influence on Government contracts (especially for petty retaliation) could be grounds for major criminal and legal penalties.

Even if Ms. Manweiler isn't directly involved with subverting the contract, anyone subverting the contract for her benefit would have a close enough link to her to be discovered. While my legal knowledge is limited, I'm pretty sure that if someone subverting the contract could be linked with her, she'd be charged as a co-conspirator. If I'm not mistaken, if you can charge one conspirator with a crime, you can charge all of them with the same crime regardless of their direct involvement. So Ms. Manweiler wouldn't have to directly influence things - if a friend or contact of her's in the Government was found to have been trying to subvert Government contracts for Ms. Manweiler's benefit, she could be charged along with the person who took an active role.

Maybe Ms. Manweiler isn't crazy enough to try something with such huge risks and implications for her. After all there is no benefit to her. This isn't the same thing as lying to the Charlottesville police. In that situation she'd unlikely face felonies had it been caught early. But being found to have subverted a Government contract process? I imagine that's not something you want to get caught doing.

Not to mention that trying something along those lines would lose Ms. Manweiler any support from people. If, for example, she was behind the loss of this contract, it didn't cost me my job but it may cause other people to lose their jobs. That won't look very good for Ms. Manweiler. Even if it had been the contract I'm working on, I wouldn't be the only person whose job is at risk. Every contract has multiple individuals conducting their business and coordinating together to get the job done. The loss of a single defense contract can mean multiple people are out of work. Costing other people their livelihood just to get me fired would be immaturity at it's worst. There wouldn't be too many people who stand behind her after something like that.

It wouldn't be a good idea for Ms. Manweiler to interfere with my employment, and perhaps she knows this. I seriously doubt that she has tried anything so far, but then I don't put much past this woman. I don't think any act is too beneath her if it gets her what she wants, and this woman has made many bad decisions before in relation to this problem. Ms. Manweiler especially made a really stupid decision in 2006, even dumber than the decision I made back then.

I'm not alone in believing it was a really bad decision on her part. In fact, most people I talk with about the situation are surprised that someone as supposedly intelligent as her wouldn't be able to see how bad an idea it was. This is especially after hearing of all the actions conducted against me by Ms. Manweiler, the Charlottesville law enforcement, my five month jail stay, and the abuses of my own former attorney - along with all the problems I had after release with just trying to rebuild my life. The common comment from people is much like one lawyer's comment to me - "If an individual didn't want to hurt someone before, they'd have a hard time not wanting to do so after all that". Ms. Manweiler's heavy handed tactics have only ever made things worse for everyone, herself included, so you would have thought at some point this woman would have attempted diplomacy for a change.

However, attempting diplomacy takes a fair amount tact, something that Ms. Manweiler has never displayed. Her past attempts to smooth over ruffled feathers typically involved statements along the lines of "I'm perfect and never make mistakes, so instead of apologizing for my blatant screw ups and absolutely snobbish comments and behavior, I'll simply say that I forgive you for your negative reactions to my behavior". Problem is, while there obviously was little if any admission at all of wrong behavior on her part, that statement really isn't an exaggeration of Ms. Manweiler's "diplomacy" of the past.

Ms. Manweiler's idea of diplomacy was literally, "I forgive you for your negative reactions to my rude and inconsiderate behavior, though I have no intentions of changing said behavior". Even though other people clearly saw her as being an ass, this woman was completely unable to apologize when that behavior caused harm, and could never recognize when she was at fault. In Ms. Manweiler's mind it is always someone else who was at fault, never her. While I have no idea what kind of coworker Ms. Manweiler is, my guess is that if something goes wrong she's the type to quickly pin it on someone else.

Another comment that best sums up Ms. Manweiler's decision came from an inmate with the Bridge Ministry - "If I wanted someone to just forget about this situation and move on, the last thing I would want is to give them a felony, which would remind them of me and this issue for the rest of their life". That was from an inmate who took to stealing to support a cocaine addiction, yet a UVA law school grad couldn't figure that one out. Even my former defense counsel William Johnson, for all his incompetence, admitted in a plea proposal letter that "tattooing" me with a felony was not going to resolve the issue, instead make it worse. Ms. Manweiler took what was a stupid disagreement and turned it into something that I don't believe she was ready to deal with. This is no longer some simple argument between two people who didn't see eye to eye.

Ms. Manweiler made the choice to make this situation what it is - nobody forced her into giving the go ahead to have me threatened into a felony she knew I didn't commit. She knew there were better options that wouldn't turn this into something permanent, but instead she chose to go with the option that did the most harm. The day she made that decision was the day she ensured that neither of us were going to walk away from this. It's just not happening. Ms. Manweiler has only herself to blame, because she knew she didn't need to take it that far.

This isn't going away for her anymore than it's going away for me. A very recent development, the specifics of which I'm working on in a draft post, has illustrated to me that there is no possibility of me being able to live a normal life with this false charge. When I finish the post you'll understand why I can't live a normal life thanks to the charge. I can't walk away from this, not with this false charge, not with this level of injustice - Ms. Manweiler took that option away from me on November 8th, 2006.

I want my name cleared, the felony removed, my rights restored, and justice done against members of law enforcement who violated my rights through negligence and corruption. Ms. Manweiler and her parents as well need to pay some penalty for their role in this. Until those things happen, this situation will not go away for anyone. If I can't get my record restored from being hammered for something I know I didn't do, then I'll be damned before the people responsible just trot away in the clear. Not going to happen. Ms. Manweiler attempting to add to the problem won't help either, it can only make things worse for all. Which is where my post photo comes in - Ms. Manweiler has been playing a game of Jenga with this long standing problem. Instead of talking it over and resolving the issue, the only thing she was ever asked to do, Ms. Manweiler kept pulling pieces out. The events of 2006 was like pulling a major piece from the tower base.

I don't think this woman is fully aware of just how much damage she's inflicted. There is damage done that can never be repaired (not just damage to me, but more importantly damage to my family) and things taken away that can't be returned. It is far, far in excess of anything I deserved. Each time she takes away something from me, she makes her own problems just that much worse. Yet this woman seems almost intent on making things worse, you would almost think that Ms. Manweiler is deliberately trying to make life harder for herself and others. Perhaps that's exactly what is going on, and I doubt she is able to stop herself. I don't think this woman can see the line before she's crossed it (I guess that's a problem I have as well), but she definitely crossed it in 2006 and there is no going back. Lets see if she continues to take steps beyond the line.

As for my legal timeline, I've chosen to extend it due to recent developments, especially in light of the contract loss. While I've taken some important steps in the legal timeline, I feel I likely will need to find a drastic solution to resolve this. While my employment is not in danger at the moment, that could easily change. Last thing I need is to have a $10,000+ loan for legal fees over my head should I get a layoff notice. Not to mention that my car is getting up there in age, and there is no telling whether I would need a new one before the legal fees were paid up. So as I said, something else may be in order than fighting it in the courtroom - at least in the near future. We'll have to see how things go. Since I've had to step back and evaluate my position, obviously nothing in the legal arena will occur prior to Ms. Manweiler's wedding, but perhaps karma visits her on her wedding day.

On that note: I am aware that there is an internet listing showing Ms. Manweiler's registries for the wedding. I don't need anymore links to it sent to me, though I have appreciated the attempts to point it out to me. I already knew details about the wedding before it popped up and I am not concerned about her gift registries. Again I appreciate the help, but I don't need to continue to receive anymore links to it. Thanks.

As for the blog and website: I've recently taken the necessary steps to have the blog indexed on Bing websearch. Any searches for Ms. Manweiler will now show my website, though I don't believe it's any higher than page two at the moment. This will change down the road, just as it did for Google. Website is also still in development.

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