Tuesday, December 27, 2011

The Manweiler Legal Code

"Right to habeas corpus; suspended.
Right to legal counsel; suspended.
Right to verdict by a jury of peers; suspended."
- Pirates of the Caribbean: At the World's End

Unfortunately the lack of channels at the motel I'm staying at means I'm stuck watching movies I've already seen. While watching the beginning scene of "Pirates of the Caribbean: At the World's End", I couldn't help but see the link with this scene and Ms. Manweiler's opinion of justice.

As I've said repeatedly, I was denied several of my civil rights that are supposed to be guaranteed to me under the Constitution.

I was denied bond, which went against legal statutes. This was only done due to underhanded influences by the Manweiler family and the corruption of the Charlottesville legal system. To give you an idea of just how ridiculous things are in Charlottesville, let me relate an incident witnessed by me in jail during my confinement of 2006. Shortly after the threat was made against me by the prosecution, most of the general population was taken out of the cell block. I and a handful of inmates remained. We were told we were picked to remain in the cell block with the Bridge Ministry group, who originally were in the block and had requested to be returned. This timely entrance of the Bridge Ministry was not only a greatly needed source of comfort at a low point in my life, but I likely would have ended up a much worse individual from my confinement had they not been moved into the cell block.

Unfortunately, because they allowed general population to be in the block with the Bridge Ministry, this also meant that some not so pleasant individuals would be placed with us. One of these was an individual who was on anti-psychotic medication. This inmate required regular dosage of medication or he would become violent. In fact, prior to placement in the Bridge Ministry block this inmate had attempted to strangle another inmate with a hand towel when he didn't receive his medication. This individual had been arrested on charges of assault and battery against his girlfriend, who had also taken out a protective order against him.

During this individual's stay at the Bridge Ministry block, he continued to make phone calls to his girlfriend using the jail phone. Again, this woman had a protective order against him. The girlfriend never answered, and the jail never tried to stop him from making the calls. All the while, this individual kept stating to the rest of us inmates that as soon as he got out, he was going to go straight to his girlfriend to "talk it out". Several of the inmates tried to talk to him, telling him that the last thing he wants to do is violate a protective order. The individual kept insisting that his girlfriend wouldn't do anything and that he knew he could talk to her and straighten things out. Several times this individual became violent with other inmates. During one group meeting, the individual in question snapped for no reason and told another inmate that he would stab the guy in the throat with an ink pen while he slept.

So what happened to this guy and how does it relate to me being denied bond? The individual in question was granted a bond hearing. After the hearing, the guy came back with a smile on his face and said he had been bonded out. Sure enough, the correctional officer bringing him back to the cell told him to get his stuff ready so he could be processed out. While this individual packed his belongings, he continued to state that his next destination would be his girlfriend's house. Other inmates tried to talk some sense into this guy, but to no avail. He was bonded out that day determined to go speak with his girlfriend. I never followed up on what happened, I can only hope the woman was safe.

This gives you an idea of the backwards nature of the Charlottesville courts. This guy was a certified nut, who without regular medication would attempt to kill people - and had tried to make good on that with a hand towel around someone's throat. He continued to call his girlfried from jail - on the jail's own phone. She had a protective order against him and he had been charged with committing assault and battery on her. The jail records calls and there is no doubt they knew he was calling the woman. He even threatened to stab an inmate in the throat in front of me and the entire cell block. This inmate's intention as soon as he left jail was to go straight to the woman who had a protective order against him. That guy gets bonded out.

While I had no criminal record or history of violence, held a job with a military contractor in an engineering position, had no knowledge of Ms. Manweiler's location in Charlottesville because I never attempted to find out, and the woman involved waited for several months before even going to police over mean emails sent to her - by a guy she didn't even lay eyes on until the preliminary hearing. That inmate gets bonded out, while I sit in jail for months. The whole thing reeks of bullshit and Ms. Manweiler knows it. You know the differences between that guy and me, so what would possibly explain the unequal handling in this case? That would be the difference in the victims. Ms. Manweiler is a rich UVA student with a rich alumni father. The other woman is not. Also, the other woman was black while Ms. Manweiler is white. According to Warner Chapman, head prosecutor for the city of Charlottesville, only white rich UVA students with wealthy alumni fathers get protection.

The other rights taken from me relate to my right to a fair trial and my right to counsel. I was not only threatened out of my right to a trial, but even out of my right to a preliminary hearing. I'm not going to link the email since it is linked in the popular post listing. Prosecutor Joseph Platania quite clearly states that if I attempt to contest the felony in court - by exercising my right to a fair trial - he will take actions to harm and punish me for exercising the right. According to Federal statutes, this does constitute a criminal act under the law.

I would have gladly fought the felony in court as was my right, because I know I never committed that charge. After all, people who read the emails in my possession agree that while they are really mean and hateful, there is no evidence of a threat to do bodily harm in any of the emails. A Charlottesville judge, a Hampton magistrate and a Newport News prosecutor all agreed. But with the threat of multiple felonies, no ability to prove my innocence because the law enforcement claimed they damaged my computer hard drive (conveniently preventing me from obtaining the original emails), being accused of threatening a UVA student in a UVA town, and my incompetent lawyer refusing to defend me and do his job because he was enamored with Ms. Manweiler - well let's just say I had a hard choice to make.

One option was to take the risk in court with a corrupt deck stacked against me and risk years in prison with multiple felonies I didn't even commit - which would also mean that any evidence proving what took place would also likely be disposed of by the time I was released. Or give in to the threat so as to be released, in the hopes that I can gather evidence to prove what was done to me, clear my name and potentially take down all those responsible. Neither option is good and both had high risks involved. But spending years in prison for a crime I did not commit and losing all evidence to prove my innocence would be the worst result possible. So I made the only choice I could in that position.

As I also mentioned, I was threatened out of my right to competent counsel in addition to being denied right to trial. My lawyer was an egotistical ass who not only verbally abused me and my family, but also made inappropriate remarks about Ms. Manweiler that clearly show he was attracted to her. During the whole case, this man refused to retrieve a single piece of evidence. Instead, he tried to find things for me to plead guilty to in order to speed up the case and take off with his money. This idiot didn't even try to look at a single piece of evidence against me until the day before the preliminary hearing - a month after he had been hired. When I attempted to replace Mr. William Johnson with another attorney, Ms. Katherine Peters, I was threatened out of doing so by prosecutor Warner Chapman.

A week before the guilty plea hearing I had contacted Ms. Peters and arrangements were being made for her to take over the case. As soon as she had spoken with assistant prosecutor Joe Platania, my former attorney rushed down to the jail in Charlottesville. Not only did Johnson cuss me out for daring to hire another attorney, but he informed me of a phone call made by Warner Chapman. Johnson stated that Warner Chapman said that if I was to attempt to hire another attorney, he would carry out the threat previously made against me. It was further elaborated that Chapman was so angered that I tried to fire my counsel and hire another attorney, that he said that come the guilty plea hearing he might just file multiple felony counts against me and force me to plead guilty to all of them.

Johnson told me that as my attorney he would refuse to defend me in court, and that if I did not plead guilty he would quit in retaliation so that Warner Chapman would carry out the threat and I would have no counsel. With another threat made against me (by both the prosecution and my own attorney) and no desire to see my family put into further debt, I reluctantly made a difficult decision. William Johnson admits on a tape recording in my possession that Warner Chapman threatened me out of firing my counsel. It is very interesting that Ms. Katherine Peters, the attorney I attempted to hire who was also informed of the tampered emails, is now working for Warner Chapman - the man who threatened me out of hiring her in the first place. I'm sure the citizens of Charlottesville will find this a very interesting "coincidence".

Why was I threatened like this? There are many reasons. First among them is that Ms. Manweiler is a rich UVA student and Charlottesville is well known for its favoritism of those students. Another reason is that the law enforcement knew they had screwed up and that Ms. Manweiler had tampered with the evidence, so they threw me under the bus to save their asses. They couldn't risk a trial where someone might find out what they did. But there is also another reason, and I have a picture to demonstrate:
This photo is yet another reason I was denied due process: because Ms. Manweiler's after graduation trip took priority over my civil rights. If I had not plead guilty then there would have been a trial. This would have interfered with Ms. Manweiler's trip - and we can't have that can we? My rights took a back seat to her trivial pursuits. If I had fired my attorney and replaced him, this would have started the entire process over again if I understand it correctly. This would have upset Ms. Manweiler during her trip. So Chapman threatened me out of this right, not only to keep this whole affair swept under the rug, but to also avoid giving Ms. Manweiler bad news on her vacation. Ms. Manweiler felt it was okay to deny someone their civil rights just so that she can grin ear-to-ear on a gondola in Venice.

This photo and the events occurring at the time of it are an excellent example of the vicious hypocrite known as Michelle Annette Manweiler, which is why I used it as the primary photo for this blog. This woman claims to stand for equality yet denies it to someone who crossed her. As I said in the Michelle Manweiler article, Ms. Manweiler only believes in equality so long as she receives more than everyone else. The girlfriend of the psycho inmate I mentioned previously did not receive the same level of protection that Ms. Manweiler received. Even a molested child does not receive that same level of protection. Again, Ms. Manweiler finds no fault with this.

I look forward to the day that this whole affair comes out, and everyone gets a good glimpse of the real Michelle Annette Manweiler. It is not a question of "if" but "when". If Ms. Manweiler is ever involved in politics, this whole thing comes out into the open. It doesn't just apply to her, but to anyone Ms. Manweiler is involved with - one example being her current boyfriend. As I mentioned, thanks to friends of Ms. Manweiler contacting me, I am much better informed than Ms. Manweiler realizes. I know who her boyfriend is, and I know he was the one responsible for the views coming from the House of Representatives. I have no quarrel with him, but the simple fact is that if he attempts to run for office instead of Ms. Manweiler, she will end up dragging him down (or anyone else connected to her who runs for office).

Ms. Manweiler's past will come out regardless of which one runs for a political office. If Ms. Manweiler were to doubt this, she has only to look at some examples in the political arena. A recent example is Herman Cain - while the man is innocent until proven guilty, the simple fact is that his past came back to haunt him. It wouldn't be the first time that skeletons in one's closet brought down a politician - and Ms. Manweiler has some pretty big skeletons here.

All these corrupt actions were done in her name and with her consent. A guy with an engineering job, security clearance and no criminal record to speak of (not even traffic tickets) was given a felony charge when everyone else gets misdemeanors for the same thing. This individual was denied basic civil rights for Ms. Manweiler's convenience, and all with her knowledge and consent. We have the corrupt actions of my lawyer thrown in, as well as some very interesting "coincidences" by the law enforcement. The police claimed to have damaged a perfectly healthy hard drive, which they claimed would take nine months to repair before they could get any evidence off of the drive - this conveniently kept them from retrieving the original emails, ensuring that they could only use the printouts handed to them by Ms. Manweiler to base the case on.

They also claimed that they "misplaced" the tape of my interrogation with Detective Rudman, and although I never confessed to threatening to kill Ms. Manweiler (or confess to anything other than merely sending emails), the "loss" of these tapes conveniently allowed Mr. Platania to claim otherwise. Two of the biggest pieces of evidence in this case end up "damaged" or "misplaced", and this just so happens to cover their ass and Ms. Manweiler's. Oh, and let's not forget that the lawyer I attempted to replace my counsel with, who was informed of the tampering on the emails and found it to be interesting, is now working as an assistant prosecutor under the very man who threatened me out of hiring her.

My lawyers corrupt behavior, coupled with his unprofessional views of Ms. Manweiler which he not only professed in front of witnesses on many ocassions, but was caught on tape as well. He admits to everything the prosecution and police did, including the hard drive damage and loss of the interrogation tape, but also brings up personal conversations between him and the prosecution - and those comments aren't going to sound very good when I play them for the media. One example is when Johnson relates that Warner Chapman did all this because if he at least gave me a felony and Ms. Manweiler ends up dead afterwards, at least no one can point the finger at him.

That is only about half of what I've even bothered to bring up, and I've got evidence to prove it all. Johnson was an idiot, but he was an idiot in love with his own voice - and the tape recorders loved him. When this hits the news, either through legal action on my part or Ms. Manweiler (or significant other) running for public office, this is going to stick with her and her parents for the rest of their lives. No one is going to believe that this woman was at all clueless about any part of the legal issue - she is a lawyer after all. Ms. Manweiler also can not claim ignorance about any of the things done in her name - after all, I have copies of all the views from her. She knows how my civil rights were violated and what was done in her name, but her only reaction is to give the prosecutor a heads-up when she sees that I'm attempting to get my life back. There are too many politicians who do not deserve the honor of their office, and I firmly believe that Ms. Manweiler won't be added to that number. If she wants to point a finger in blame for it, Ms. Manweiler should point it at herself.