Sunday, April 3, 2011

A Comment on Law Enforcement and a Few Other Things

*Edit: This post has been expanded

I'm still slowly chipping away on the post with the email evidence involving Ms. Manweiler, as well as the photo post. Unfortunately I'm running into crunch time this semester. Finals are in May and this is my last semester for this degree. However, the final project for my simulation class will take some work and is eating up some time. Of course this is a degree that I unfortunately can't get a job with since the felony would prevent me from being hired for the very job the degree was intended on, but at least it's some progress. I just wanted to make a comment on the state of law enforcement as I see it, because of an annoying situation that continues to present itself - especially tonight.

As I've mentioned before, the Charlottesville law enforcement lied to the public by claiming I was arrested in Charlottesville attempting to confront Ms. Manweiler over a protection order she filed. The truth was I was arrested in Hampton right down the road from my former apartment, and I didn't even know about the protection order until the detective told me about it in the interrogation room. The two detectives involved in the case left for Charlottesville that evening after I was placed in the Hampton lock-up. They were ordered to turn around half-way to Charlottesville and told they had to bring me to C-ville that night. I managed to arrive safely at the Albremarle Charlottesville Regional Jail late at night despite two very exhausted officers having difficulty driving. The CPD lied to the media to make my case sound more serious, something that based on conversations with inmates is a standard practice for Charlottesville law enforcement. Anyone doubting that I was arrested in Hampton can speak to my former landlady who witnessed the arrest, speak to the Hampton police officer who arrested me and has talked with my mother, or can view a copy of the police report which is considered public information.

While it is important to address the false information the CPD released to the media, the details of where I was arrested is not the focus of this post. The focus is a brief commentary on the failing state of law enforcement today. Keep in mind two important pieces of information before you consider me to be speaking from a biased viewpoint due to my legal difficulties: 1. My father is a retired police detective, and 2. Due to my father's law enforcement service I had seriously considered becoming a police officer after high school, but eventually decided that my muscle condition would prevent it and went into an engineering field instead. So I have never been one to immediately jump on law enforcement's back. In fact I've often defended law enforcement against people bashing them. Now my viewpoint has changed thanks to the Charlottesville police.

After I was arrested in Hampton, the police did a search of my vehicle. It was pouring rain that day so my interior got nice and wet thanks to that. Strangely enough not only do two of the worst days in my life involve Ms. Manweiler, but both also involved a heavy rain storm. While I do not like the fact that my car's interior was soaked, it was unavoidable for police and not the issue here. The real issue comes from the fact that tonight I went out to my car to retrieve my ipod cord only to have my glove-box lock fall to the floor and the box topple open. That was due to the police search that day as you will see. Unless I have something important in my glove-box I don't lock it. It wasn't locked the day of my arrest. I know this because one of the two Hampton PD officers involved in my arrest did a fast check of the glove-box while I was being hand-cuffed by the other officer. The officer had no problem opening the box and closing it when he saw there were no weapons.

However, once I was transported to the police station and placed in an interrogation room, the two CPD detectives (I am assuming they conducted the search and not Hampton PD) then went through my car in more detail. Instead of checking to see if the glove-box was unlocked, or using my car keys that were in their possession, the police snapped the lock off my glove-box. That's right - they broke the lock off a glove-box that wasn't locked. And police wonder why people end up not trusting them. "Hell it isn't my property, and he's just some perp". Nice to see 'innocent until proven guilty' put into practice by police. Apparently they stripped out the screw holes when they did this, because no matter how much I try to fix it and tighten the screws, the lock eventually works itself loose and falls off. As far as I'm concerned the deliberate and unnecessary breaking of my property was thug behavior on display.

And yes, I just used the term "thug" to describe law enforcement actions. That was the behavior they displayed when they snapped the lock of a glove-box that wasn't locked. They couldn't care less about destroying property that isn't theirs, because after all you are guilty until proven innocent in their eyes. This isn't the only issue I have though. Detective Rudman decided that my high school yearbooks counted as evidence. Yes, they took my high school yearbooks. And the tape of my high school graduation. This isn't a joke or a misunderstanding - they really took this property. And since my former attorney William Johnson was worthless and refused to ask for the return of this property, I was notified in 2008 by Detective Rudman that all my property has been destroyed. There is no way I can replace those high school yearbooks. They had nothing to do with this nor any value as evidence. I'm sure everyone reading this would agree its ridiculous for them to have taken those items. Obviously expecting the CPD to use common sense is a fool's hope.

I have begun to see a change in law enforcement that has led me to be thankful that I did not seek a career as a police officer. I'm seeing a thug-like mentality develop in the desk jockeys and management of law enforcement. Keep in mind that I still have respect and admiration for the field officers. I know there are good people, heroes in fact, in the police. But the people running it are becoming greedy scum only focused on their careers and not on protecting the public.

The Charlottesville law enforcement knew that Ms. Manweiler tampered with evidence and that I was innocent of the felony charge. Due to their negligence in not paying attention to their evidence, they didn't find this out until after they jailed me and cost me my job. So they decided to throw me under the bus to avoid lawsuit and scandal by threatening me into a charge they knew I didn't commit. Then when Ms. Manweiler came to them again recently, they viewed my evidence and accusations on this blog but made no attempt to have an internal affairs investigation. They want to keep it covered up.

This is another change I've seen in law enforcement - hypocrisy. They expect citizens to take responsibility for their actions (and sometimes for actions they didn't commit), but when law enforcement screws up they don't own up to it. They pass the buck, lie and cover-up. Even when police blatantly screw up, I rarely see them come on camera and just plainly say "We messed up". They don't take responsibility for their mistakes, so who are they to demand any citizen to take responsibility? That is hypocrisy and I see it more and more. The CPD will never man up and take responsibility. When this story breaks Chief Longo will never come on TV and admit his department screwed up. They will lie, cover up and pass blame. But never admit they did wrong. THAT is what law enforcement has become. And if they can't admit responsibility for their mistakes, then they are not deserving of respect. Again this isn't a fault I'm finding with the field officers, just the desk jockeys and manager types in law enforcement.

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I have also noticed that Ms. Manweiler made a return to my blog, in fact more than once. Usually she waits about a week or two between visits, but not this time apparently. I'm guessing she's making up for lost time. My mother suggested that I tell Ms. Manweiler that she needs to just stop visiting my blog as it is no longer any of her business what I'm posting. My response to my mother was that there would be no point in telling Ms. Manweiler this. Ms. Manweiler's belief is that people she views beneath her are just cattle. She is far too arrogant to care what I say - Ms. Manweiler will continue to do as she pleases just as she always has. There are just some people in this world who are incapable of listening to reason, and Ms. Manweiler is one of those people.

All I've ever asked her to do is to sit down and talk this situation over like a grown adult, so we could both walk away and be at peace. Trying to be reasonable and accommodating got me nowhere. In fact it only made things worse. Ms. Manweiler is a selfish person who couldn't care less how her actions affect another human being's life, she only cares about getting what she wants at your expense - and then has the nerve to wonder why she made an enemy. Why should she expect peace when she won't give it to others? Granted I'm just as responsible as her for ending up where I am now - in fighting back I acted immature, and Ms. Manweiler would never have had the opportunity to tamper with evidence had I not contacted her. I gave her the opportunity to pull this off when I should have realized that I had a good life and career that wasn't worth losing. I screwed up. But I didn't deserve what was done to me, especially when the entire case was pretty much a lie. However, that is water under the bridge as they say. The damage is done and this is now a permanent thing - not only the damage but my argument with the Manweilers. Nothing is going to ever give me back what this woman took from me. I can only try to put a few pieces back together and ensure that what the other parties have done follows them around for the rest of their lives, just as it will follow me for the rest of mine. I do this not only for justice for myself and my family, but to hopefully prevent Ms. Manweiler and the Charlottesville law enforcement from ever doing something like this to another person.

There is at least one thing I can say that Ms. Manweiler can't - at least I didn't wreck someone's life for a crime they didn't commit, and potentially ruin the careers of people trying to protect me, out of my own selfish desires. That is on Ms. Manweiler's head, not mine. Her actions didn't just hurt me and the officers who could lose their jobs from this. What Ms. Manweiler has done didn't just cause pain for me, but her decision to allow me to be threatened into a charge she knew I didn't commit caused a great deal of suffering for my family. During the legal proceedings my family was terrified that I would get sent to prison, and part of my willingness to not fight back against my former attorney and the prosecutors was that I knew if I lost it would only cause more grief for my family. Especially since they were paying my bills while I was locked up. I couldn't let that continue. Considering it only involved emails this case should never have involved the risk of prison. My family has been greatly hurt by Ms. Manweiler's actions and they hate her for it. While Ms. Manweiler can't see her actions and decisions as evil, other people can. Like the Charlottesville law enforcement, Ms. Manweiler is completely incapable of taking responsibility for her own actions. She is incapable of looking at her past behavior, as others see it not as see views it, to see that she was wrong in how she acted. That she handled things just as wrong as I did. Ms. Manweiler is incapable of realizing that she took this too far. That is something else that I can say that she can't - I can see where I made mistakes and admit I was wrong. The fact that Ms. Manweiler and her parents have seen what damage they inflicted, and still tried to cause trouble again, is more than enough proof that they are unable to see how wrong their actions and decisions were.

One interesting bit of information coming from the viewing logs is that it seems Ms. Manweiler may have a new job. Some of the views that I believe to be her came from the House of Representatives. Ms. Manweiler does some specific things when viewing this blog that are a quick tell of whether it is her or not. If Ms. Manweiler is working for a politician, then I hope that public servant sees this blog and removes her from their staff before her past harms their political position. In addition I've noticed more Arlington views that do not appear to be Ms. Manweiler, and one came from a search of "michelle manweiler greenberg traurig". I was quite happy to see that viewing, as there is a good chance it is someone who worked for Ms. Manweiler's company or was a client. It could even be someone working for the earlier mentioned politician performing a vetting of Ms. Manweiler before accepting her on their staff.

As I've said in a previous post, the more people this blog reaches the better my chances of getting my life back. This woman lied to police for attention and to get me back for running my mouth over the internet. Ms. Manweiler and her parents had prosecutors threaten me like a bunch of thugs into a criminal charge that she knew I didn't commit. After all, why would Ms. Manweiler wait months to go to police if she really had her life threatened? She claims in her victim impact statement that the whole time she was afraid for the safety of her family, her coworkers and roommates - even though she admitted in said statement that she was aware I never knew where she lived and worked in Charlottesville. So how could I have threatened the safety of these people if I didn't know where they are? I'm no expert but I think you have to know the person's location to actually harm them. After all I haven't met anyone who could kill with the power of their mind.

So where was the threat? Not only that, but Ms. Manweiler waited from December of 2005 to June of 2006 to go to police. If she was really as scared for the safety of these people as she claims in her victim impact statement, why would she wait so long to act? Ms. Manweiler would have to be the most irresponsible person on the planet. I know if I thought someone was going to hurt my family, coworkers, roommates, etc., I would not wait days let alone months to do something. I think any rational human being would immediately take action. Not Ms. Manweiler apparently. Anyone who doubts whether I was innocent or not should seriously contemplate why Ms. Manweiler waited so long to get police involved if I had actually threatened harm to her, as it certainly doesn't make sense to me.

In addition Ms. Manweiler had the opportunity to show mercy and chose not to do so. The claim by the prosecution was that both they and Ms. Manweiler decided that I needed to be a felon so that I couldn't own a firearm. This is quite frankly the dumbest excuse I've ever heard of and Mr. Platania knew this. Even the attorney I attempted to replace Johnson with, Ms. Katherine Peters (who now interestingly enough works for the prosecution), made the comment to me that she didn't understand that reasoning because Mr. Platania (or "Joe" as she referred to him) knew quite well that he doesn't have to make me a felon if the intent was to keep me from owning a firearm.

There is the option to have the person sign over their right in exchange for a misdemeanor. Ms. Peters stated that Platania knew of this and that giving a person a felony when they have absolutely no criminal record is "exceedingly harsh". Ms. Manweiler, being a lawyer, knew of this option and the fact that a felony for someone with no record and who's never confronted her face to face was ridiculous. As one former attorney told me "This had nothing to do with protecting herself, you made her angry so she's doing this just to hurt you. It's quite sick". Even a family member who only took a few legal courses in college for their bachelor's degree knew that I could have signed over my right for a misdemeanor - and as they stated, if they knew about it then someone who went through law school would definitely know about it. So Ms. Manweiler decided to choose viciousness instead of a better option. I would have accepted this deal just to get back to my life, even though I didn't commit the crime and did nothing wrong with a firearm (indeed no guns had anything to do with this case). I shouldn't have been forced to do this, but I would have taken it and walked away. Instead they only succeeded in making this a permanent issue, and it will end up bringing down their careers one day.

I definitely need to expedite the post with the email evidence proving Ms. Manweiler tampered with the emails she provided to police. I was planning on including some segments from my tape recordings of my former attorney commenting on Ms. Manweiler and her actions, but I don't want to hold up the post too long. We'll see. Pretty soon everyone will get to see for themselves what Ms. Manweiler has done. Hopefully the people who know her and viewed this site will return to see the evidence.