Saturday, March 12, 2011

Felt this was appropriate...

I was watching "No Country for Old Men" again and this quote always interested me. Felt it would make an appropriate start to another blog post.

"You know Charlie Walser? Has the place east of Sanderson? Well you know how they used to slaughter beeves, hit 'em with a maul right here to stun 'em... and then up and slit their throats? Well here Charlie has one trussed up and all set to drain him and the beef comes to. It starts thrashing around, six hundred pounds of very pissed-off livestock if you'll pardon me... Charlie grabs his gun there to shoot the damn thing in the head but what with the swingin' and twistin' it's a glance-shot and ricochets around and comes back hits Charlie in the shoulder. You go see Charlie, he still can't reach up with his right hand for his hat... Point bein', even in the contest between man and steer the issue is not certain." - Ed Tom Bell, 'No Country for Old Men'

As the quote suggests, never believe that because you have planned for something that it'll go the way you expect. No matter what preparations you make, plans go awry. This isn't a reminder for me, story of my life in fact. I'm sure the Manweilers thought their little scheme in 2006 was going to resolve this - didn't happen as this blog demonstrates.

Don't know what possessed them to think that branding me for the rest of my life with a false felony charge was going to do anything but make the situation as permanent as the charge. A misdemeanor? I could have walked away as I still had the chance to get my life on track again. Doesn't matter that I didn't commit the crime, a misdemeanor isn't worth the fight. This felony took that away, there isn't any getting past it. Sure there are felons out there who manage to become rich and successful people, but I imagine that makes about 1% of felons.

For most, getting a felony is a ticket to manual labor minimum wage jobs for the rest of your life. Did she really think having me threatened into a felony that she lied to get was going to resolve this? This blog is an answer to that. It is now my goal in life to not only point out the corruption and elitism within our own legal system, but to point out the corruption from the Manweiler family. To point out how they lie and manipulate to hurt people. To show them for what they really are. You take away everything a man has in life over a lie, not to mention over a stupid disagreement that could have been settled through talking it over, you have no right to not expect them to hate you for the rest of their life. And to think they would ever forget what you did to them would be stupid.

So in 2006 they had me threatened into a charge I can prove I didn't commit, and it didn't accomplish the goal they set out with. Then recently they approached the Charlottesville law enforcement to start trouble again - I'm still here. And being able to document the Manweiler clan visiting my blog and attempting to cause trouble again has only given me more ammunition. The Manweilers saw the damage they inflicted against a man with a muscle disability, saw that their decisions led to this individual not being able to obtain employment, and still they wanted to cause more harm over a simple blog. Nice people right? How dare I exercise free speech. Every time they harm me, they give me more evidence to show the world what kind of sick people they really are. There isn't a person yet that hasn't expressed shock when they hear what was done to me.

I'm not going to assume that they aren't still plotting, in fact I know the Manweilers are cooking up something. But given their track record maybe they should be more concerned than I. After all, how many times has hurting me been successful in obtaining the desired result? Again, not a good track record. "...even in the contest between man and steer the issue is not certain."

There isn't any other option for me but to clear my name. There isn't any option other than to fight as long as is necessary to get my life back. Right now there isn't a future for me. As I said in the exoneration post earlier, getting my name cleared and the felony expunged is the only option. A regular pardon will not accomplish this. As the post conviction attorney currently working my case said, getting a regular pardon only makes it slightly easier to get a job. The charge can not be expunged that way, thus it always remains on record. Most decent employers will not care that the felony was pardoned, they will still see that I was a felon. Not to mention I wouldn't be able to return to my former line of work due to not being able to get a security clearance again.

I'm of course working to correct that problem, and while nothing is certain there are options for me. I have the evidence to clear my name and show what was done to me by the Charlottesville law enforcement, the Manweilers and my former attorney William Johnson, but in our legal system nothing is easy. You can't just wave the evidence around and expect the injustice to go away - the system doesn't like to admit its own mistakes. Admitting you screw up on occasion makes your citizens trust you less, brings out calls for reform. Can't have that can we?

So we are taking the initial steps, though it will be a long and difficult path. Not an impossible path as the attorney said, but not a certain path either. Right now this attorney is additionally trying to find me pro bono assistance - while they agreed to represent me should other assistance not be found, they would have to charge me for their services in court and its not cheap. Should I be unable to find someone willing to do it pro bono then I'm going to have to do whatever it takes to find the money for this attorney. I'll likely have to sell my car just to pay some of the costs, though it probably won't pay the whole bill. If selling off all my possessions is what I have to do, so be it. I no longer care what I have to lose to get my life back - I've lost everything I've had already thanks to Ms. Manweiler, a little more isn't going to make a difference for me.

Well that's the situation in a nutshell. Like Ed Bell, "My mind wanders" and I wanted to write something else. Never intended this post to be very long, but writing a large chunk of text tends to happen for me when its a subject I am passionate about. I'm still putting together the photo listing of involved parties, and I also still intend on posting the evidence against Ms. Manweiler. That will come in time.