Sunday, January 30, 2011

A Few Comments

I have chosen to remove my motion information. Ms. Manweiler has already seen it so it doesn't mean much to remove it. I also believe that her seeing this information is irrelevant because the evidence is something that can not be challenged.

As for giving so much information on the blog, it is because I want to show what kind of people the Manweilers are, in addition to pointing out the corruption within the Charlottesville law enforcement and legal system. Ms. Manweiler can know whatever she wants about the evidence I have, but she can't do anything about it. Most important however is that I wanted to let the friends she has keeping an eye on me know exactly what they are getting into. As I mentioned before, some of her friends actually went as far as sending me friend list invites when I set my profile to private. I know they were her friends because I knew they associated with Ms. Manweiler in high school. I accepted the invite to see what they would do. After they would look around for a bit, they would remove themselves. Part of the reason for this blog is to get the idea across to Ms. Manweiler's friends that they do not know the whole story and need to stay out of this situation.

There are two big reasons for this fight between Ms. Manweiler and I spiraling out of control. The first is Ms. Manweiler's refusal to talk the situation over like a grown adult, which is all I've ever asked of her in the past. The second thing that contributed is the intervention of Ms. Manweiler's friends in something that was not their business.

I can understand family getting involved in a situation without knowing what the story is, that is blood and different rules apply. But I don't care if you are Ms. Manweiler's best friend, that doesn't give you the right to get involved in something that wasn't any of your business. I could understand if in high school I had walked up behind Ms. Manweiler and slammed her head into a locker, that is crossing into physical violence and at that point anyone has the right to intervene. But just being a friend does not give you the right to meddle in a situation just because I was considered "annoying" by Ms. Manweiler. All the interference did was cause more trouble. So here is a tip to those friends of Ms. Manweiler's who like to meddle in this and are keeping track of me for her - stay out of business that isn't yours.

As I said before, I will eventually post the impact statement (I actually had it posted on my Myspace page, but that was taken down when I put the blog up). However, I did see her impact statement in my court file when I went to Charlottesville after my release from probation. So it is not like I'm going to be quoting something that someone couldn't verify on their own. This is an exact quote from Ms. Manweiler's victim impact statement about high school:

"It began with notes in my locker for 4 years...

No it didn't. You see the situation had initially been resolved in the middle of 9th grade, and I didn't try to contact Ms. Manweiler until the middle of 11th grade. There was a large gap in time, specifically 10th grade as I mentioned earlier. I have proof of this because I have copies of two of the notes Ms. Manweiler wrote to me in high school. I thankfully found them in a box at my parent's home that had some of my old high school stuff in it, the notes were in an old notebook. I will post both of her notes on this blog later, but here is an exact quote from a letter Ms. Manweiler wrote to me in 11th grade:

"I guess I thought things were settled w/ my letter until now two years later."

TWO YEARS LATER. Not the four years Ms. Manweiler tries to claim in her impact statement. And Ms. Manweiler knew this to, she deliberately lied in her statement to make the situation sound worse to anyone reading the statement. If you read her letters from high school and then read her impact statement, you see two completely different stories. Another example from her impact statement which continues the high school statement I posted:

"...notes which started out friendly, quickly turned obsessive, and then angry and insult-laden."

Oh really Ms. Manweiler? Is that why you said this in your 11th grade letter:

"I don't know how you got the idea that I hated you for liking me. I didn't and I still don't. I have no reason to."

And how about this one from your 12th grade letter (I underlined exactly what she underlined in her note):

"I want you to make sure you know that I do not hate you. While I don't think it is possible for us to ever be close friends, I have no bad feelings towards you."

So if my notes "quickly" turned obsessive and insult laden, then please explain Ms. Manweiler why you would make comments like this in your 11th and 12th grade letters? Doesn't sound like things happened the way you claimed in your impact statement. No surprise there really.

I need to get back to my classwork, but just wanted to add this additional post. I've got part one of the photo listing in draft, working on it little by little. Hopefully I can get it up soon.