Thursday, May 16, 2024

Brief Downtime Explanation

The blog was taken off of public reading and search engines for a little bit. Not long but a handful of days. Reason being that the "bot" behavior I brought up in the past has been going on for awhile. I decided to see if locking down the blog would curb the behavior.

The second the blog went back online I started seeing the behavior again, so it was a no go there. However one beneficial thing came about from it.

It does seem that when I reactivated the blog and gave Google search a tap to put it back on, images that weren't on Google Images before popped in. For some time Google Image search only had the website's images shown. Doing this little "restart" if you will seems to have put a few images from the blog back into the search.

Currently I'm working on a post where I will go over an important matter that has come up. While I mentioned that I was working on something in the background, the post I'm preparing isn't about that at all. This is something separate, something I didn't know at the time of writing the last post. Instead it revolves around a much more recent discovery.

In previous postings I mentioned that all I need is to get my evidence shown in one of two places: either inside of a courtroom or out in the media. Well it turns out some laws changed within the last couple of years that I hadn't been aware of. It looks like I'm going to get to do both in the near future.

If everything works out in my favor, and chances are very good it will, I won't be a felon anymore. And just as great - I really will get to ruin the lives and reputations of some really evil people.

Michelle Dickerman, Gregory & Carole Manweiler, William Johnson, Joseph Platania, Warner Chapman, Nicholas Rudman, The City of Charlottesville. There is some hell to pay for a lot of "people" and it looks like I will have my day in court with every single one of these pieces of shit. Both in the legal courts and in the court of public opinion. They lumped every injury on my head that they possibly could out of pure spite. They shouldn't be surprised when I do the same back to them when the legal cudgel falls into my hands.

They shouldn't have taken things as far as they did in 2006. Hope the ride's been worth it.

Like I said, another post in the works. In it I'll explain what's coming in the future. I'm not worried about Dickerman knowing about it. She can't stop it, but she also won't want to stop it if she's smart. The process isn't going to be pretty, I'm not saying it will be for anyone. But taking her deserved lumps in the courtroom and the media means moving on for everyone - Dickerman included. It's just as much a way out for Michelle Dickerman as it is for me.