Monday, January 8, 2024

The Issue of Favoritism: The special treatment given to Michelle Dickerman and the Manweiler family

An Addendum has been added that provides additional information for subjects discussed in this post. It can be found here:

"Not to mention the serious problem where a rich white girl cries about getting mean emails, and the system falls all over itself in a race to bludgeon me to death for a crime I didn't actually commit."

Michelle Dickerman Gregory Manweiler
As I mentioned in prior posts, this post will end up being the last for awhile. The primary reason being that I need to focus on fixing up the website in preparation for what's going to happen in the future. It's pretty clear to me that justice requires getting this case into the public eye, and in order to do that I'm going to have to take some drastic steps. I've already made my decision on what steps I'm taking to move forward and I've been planning this for quite a long time. For that reason I need the website to be in a much better state, in order to ensure people understand the history of this case and exactly why we've reached this point. It is far better to have all the important points and information in an easy to find location rather than spread out over multiple posts on a blog.

So until the website is in enough of a decent shape that I feel comfortable with it, this is probably going to be the last post on the blog for awhile. The main exception being that once I feel this post has been at the top long enough, I'll republish the important links post to bring that back up to the top. Obviously if something important comes up, or some legal case comes up that is related to my situation, I'll probably post about it. But to be honest I reached my limit of patience for a long time now. I've grown tired of talking and it's been a forgone conclusion for years that something is going to have to be done.

Reaching my limit of patience is the primary reason this post has actually taken me so long to publish. Going over everything that was done to me in all my past evidence posts has steadily increased my level of anger. Though admittedly that anger has been slowly building since 2006 anyway. I'm far more angry now than I ever was prior to the 2006 case, and I have far more justification for that anger than I ever had before. It was that anger that forced me to step away from this post for extended periods of time to calm down. I had wanted to get it out in December when I mentioned its posting was imminent. But with the holidays soon approaching I decided to leave the post alone and just focus on my family instead. So here we are in 2024.

It is a very long post and it was put together piece by piece over time. Some sections have weeks between them. Sometimes when I got angry enough I tried working on a different section, which in turn resulted in some repetition or things being out of order. I have since tried to ensure everything is orderly and cleaned up as much as possible, but I expect to have missed some things. I might go in and edit this post some more at a later time, but right now I just want to get it out there and move to something else for a bit.

The intent behind this post has been modified since I first started it. It has instead turned into another evidence/account post against Michelle Dickerman and the actions of law enforcement in the 2006 case. Though I still have the intended videos by civil rights lawyer John H. Bryan within this post. I follow Mr. Bryan's channel and respect the work he's putting forward in holding law enforcement, government, and the courts accountable for their actions. I wanted to make sure I include some of his videos that relate to the topic I'm discussing.

The four videos below (one is not a video by Mr. Bryan) help to underline the problems with favoritism and special treatment within law enforcement and the court system. They relate to my own experiences with law enforcement favoritism regarding Michelle Dickerman. Though my situation isn't about a sheriff covering for his daughter's criminal acts or cops/prosecutors covering up the crimes of one of their own. Instead it involves an attorney named Michelle Dickerman and the special treatment given to her by Charlottesville's law enforcement and court system. This special treatment was in part due to her family pulling strings to get this favoritism from law enforcement.

The two law enforcement agencies that showed Dickerman special treatment and covered for her criminal acts also just so happen to be connected to two different universities Dickerman attended. These two universities are also ones that her father was both an alumni and donor of - no possible way there is a connection there I'm sure.

I did initially have another video of Mr. Bryan's from Facebook posted up top, but I have decided to post this video at the bottom of the page. The main reason is that this particular video doesn't quite relate to the issue of favoritism like the videos I've posted below. It does however go over a coverup related to a parole officer using his authority to coerce women on parole into sex, and the coverup conducted by his superiors to hide the officer's actions. I felt it was still important to include it rather than delete the video entirely. I've also included another video of his at the bottom of the post involving a cop using her taser to torture a man who was already in handcuffs and compliant. Again, they don't relate to favoritism and special treatment but they are still serious issues that need to get exposure.

The first two videos relate to a sheriff using his authority to cover up for his daughter's criminal behavior. The primary incident that started off the criminal case now being brought against him, was his daughter apparently wrecking her car from being intoxicated. Because her father was the local sheriff she got off without any issues - despite the fact that any other citizen would have been forced to take a breathalyzer or field sobriety test. Another criminal incident with his daughter also occurred (an assault if I recall), and it appears her father covered up for that behavior as well.

The local prosecutor has tried to protect the sheriff by making excuses for him and refusing to take action herself. Instead she tried to put off the responsibility on a special prosecutor, and only because the video went viral and people raised hell over the case. Both the sheriff and the prosecutor are so corrupt that they legitimately have no concept of being in the wrong, or any thought of being held responsible for their blatantly corrupt actions (traits they both share with Michelle Dickerman). But unfortunately for the sheriff, the special prosecutor brought the charges before a grand jury and there is now an indictment for the coverup.

The third video is related to a client that Mr. Bryan is representing. An off-duty cop in West Virginia showed up at a bar, got in a shootout with two individuals, committed battery on his "baby mama", was clearly driving intoxicated, and fought with his fellow officers (when any regular citizen would have been beaten or shot). The off-duty cop also assaulted the bar owner right in front of his fellow officers.

The off-duty cop never receives charges for DWI despite the beer can being right there in front of the other cops. He is also not charged for the assault of the bar owner that took place in front of other officers. Nor did anyone receive charges for the shootout - neither the cop or the two men involved. Two people exchanged gunfire with an off-duty cop outside a bar - and nobody involved received charges. How the hell does no one involved in a shootout get charges? It happened because it appears the other two shooters were defending themselves against a clearly deranged, armed, and drunk cop. Charging those two men would have brought the off-duty cop's criminal acts to light. So the cops just ignore the entire shootout like it never happened. At least partially, but I'm getting ahead of the story.

The off-duty cop in question received only a charge for battery on his "baby mama", which was later dismissed because the prosecutor claimed he was going to get a special prosecutor involved to file more charges against the officer. It has been a year and no charges have ever been brought forward - because they never intended to charge the cop in the first place for his blatant and recorded criminal acts. But you know who did receive penalties? Mr. Bryan's client, the bar owner who was assaulted by the off-duty cop. The cops, in retaliation against the bar owner, complained to the state's liquor license administration. They asked the administration to revoke the owner's license because of a shooting taking place at the bar - the very shooting their off-duty cop took part in. The administration revoked the license of the bar owner. The third video is a real shitshow and should definitely be watched.

This fourth video below isn't from Mr. Bryan. Instead it comes from another channel called LackLuster, who is also attempting to hold a spotlight on the abuses committed by government and law enforcement. This video is particularly bad because the cops in the video are deliberately degrading and assaulting random people on the street for laughs. They had a "game" of buying large drinks and pitching them at innocent bystanders as the cops drove by. The standards to pass the psych eval for police must be in the toilet for those two cops to have made it on the force.

But this video doesn't just show bad behavior by only two police officers. The department knew this was going on and did nothing to stop it. Other officers would help them by either driving these two cops around, or helping film their actions from another vehicle. The officers conducting this "game" were so certain that their law enforcement status made them untouchable that they recorded these acts. These videos were then shown to other cops on the force for laughs. The two cops would even broadcast their actions over the radio by announcing their successful hits with the phrases "thirsty fam" or "someone was thirsty".

What got them caught was an FBI investigation due to one of the two officers hacking the Snapchat accounts of multiple women. The cop would then blackmail those women with their nude photos he downloaded off their accounts to force them to send him more nude photos. He would then post the photos publicly regardless of whether the women caved to the blackmail or not, even sending one woman's nudes to her employer. The investigation ended up bringing the videos of the drink tossing "game" to light.

Both officers were brought up on charges. However, the federal prosecutor and defense attorneys colluded to put forward a plea deal where neither officer would serve prison time for their actions. Not even for hacking the Snapchat accounts and blackmailing the victims with their stolen nude photos. Blatant favoritism at play due to their law enforcement status. The only reason the two cops spent any time in prison was due to the judge amending the plea deal to include jail time, because he didn't think it was right for them to just get probation. A rare moment of decency from a judge.

As for the other officers who knew of this "game" being played and even aided in it? One got temporarily suspended but is still on the force. No other cops answered for any of this. Favoritism and corruption strikes again.

Videos like these are great for showing that coverups not only happen in law enforcement, but that they happen very often. As for special treatment for Michelle Dickerman from the Charlottesville law enforcement, much has already been discussed in this blog about the abuses done by the C'ville legal system as a favor for the Manweiler family. It's extremely blatant and corrupt to such an extent that it is impossible to hide it. I've gone over the District Attorney's office and police department's abuses in depth already on this blog. So in this post I will be going over further details on the abuses conducted by two other sections of the Charlottesville legal system that I have not gone into full details on. Some of this has been mentioned here and there in the past, but I wanted to ensure it was consolidated front and center.

Past History of Favoritism: Special Treatment to Receive an Academic Honor

Before we go into those abuses of law enforcement and the courts however, I want to discuss a very early example of what appears to be blatant favoritism and special treatment given to Michelle Dickerman and the Manweiler family. One that I witnessed in the past. It is also one I've already hinted at in the previous update post. It relates to Dickerman and her family receiving special treatment from school administration to aid Dickerman in getting an academic honor that I believe wasn't legitimately earned.

This section can be skipped if it isn't of interest. I have divided various sections with red bold titles to separate them. If anyone wishes to skip this first instance of favoritism discussion, the legal system's acts of favoritism are below it.

Keep in mind that the issue of the improper favoritism for an academic honor isn't something that Dickerman could go to jail over. So it's nowhere near as serious as her actions in 2006. It also isn't likely that the academic honor could be rescinded either, at least I don't think it can be. Dickerman should be retroactively removed as co-valedictorian and listed instead as a co-salutatorian - since the other salutatorian did nothing wrong and shouldn't lose what he earned. If she received favoritism to help gain the honor, and everything certainly looks like this is what happened, then I don't' see why Dickerman should keep an honor not earned legitimately.

I'm sure it doesn't work that way however even if in all fairness it really should. Hell if we're talking fairness here, if it is proven that Dickerman's family received special treatment then she should be stripped of all academic honors from that time period - not even receiving a Co-Salutatorian honor. No one should be rewarded for getting school administrators to deliver special treatment that gave them an unfair edge in a competition. But once again, I doubt it works that way. Not even if the public were to raise hell over it when all this finally comes out in the media. But I can definitely imagine that a white girl appearing to have received personal special treatment by a school district, no matter how long ago it happened, will not go over well these days.

Despite the fact that potentially nothing can be done about this specific incident, it does however greatly help to establish that there is a history of seeking favoritism and special treatment by Dickerman and her parents previous to the 2006 events. Establishing a history of prior behavior is a very important part of legal proceedings depending on the subject matter of the case. As Michelle Dickerman herself would no doubt admit. By making the case for Dickerman having been given special treatment from school officials in the past, it helps to demonstrate that the blatant favoritism demonstrated by the Charlottesville law enforcement was in part the responsibility of Dickerman and her family. Manipulating authority figures into giving special treatment does not appear to be something new for them.

I firmly believe the incidents of apparent and blatant special treatment I discuss on this post are merely the tip of the iceberg, and that further investigation of Michelle Dickerman and her parents would bring multiple other examples into the light.

During our senior year of high school Michelle Dickerman was in competition with another girl for the position of Valedictorian of our graduating class. Both Dickerman and this other girl were in the same AP Government class together mind you. Michelle Dickerman started having issues with the teacher running this class. Given Dickerman's abrasive personality at the time (which no doubt hasn't changed in adulthood) I'm betting it wasn't the teacher's fault. Regardless, this situation apparently threatened Dickerman's competition for the Valedictorian slot somehow and it appears the Manweiler family couldn't have that. 

Michelle Dickerman was suddenly and inexplicably transferred out of this teacher's class, and room was made for her in another teacher's class. But it wasn't just any teacher that Dickerman was transferred to. This other teacher just happened to be one of Dickerman's favorite teachers, one she had a close relationship with, and who also ran the Model United Nations club both Dickerman and I were members of in school. How convenient for Dickerman that the school just so happened to find room in the class of one of her favorite teachers. It's almost like Michelle Dickerman was allowed to pick which teacher to switch over to. Dickerman would go on to split the Valedictorian slot with the other girl and be Co-Valedictorian of our graduating class.

Though according to my former attorney William Johnson, Michelle Dickerman doesn't like to talk about being a Co-Valedictorian. According to him he was led to believe Dickerman was the sole Valedictorian of our graduating class. When I chimed in that she actually split it with another girl, Johnson acted as if this information was something that wasn't true. I repeated that yes she did indeed split the Valedictorian with another girl. His response was "Well Ms. Manweiler never said anything about that", in a tone suggesting he still didn't believe she lied to him and he quickly changed the subject.

This is the same lawyer mind you who after the protective order hearing, where he spoke with Michelle Dickerman and her roommate, he meets with me afterwards at the jail and immediately said something that gave me my first misgivings about him. His first words to me were "Mr. (Redacted), I just met with Ms. Manweiler (Dickerman's maiden name) and I just have to say that you have excellent taste!" You need to know some details on Johnson to understand why he’d make such an unbelievably stupid comment to his client. This guy was busy ogling one of my sisters who was underage right in front of my mother while discussing this case. He was witnessed in court grinning and even winking at various women in the courtroom and had no shame in being very blatant with this behavior in public. He was married the entire time he was acting like this.

This comment of his about Dickerman gives you a good look into the mindset of William Johnson. It also would set the tone for where this case was headed. After making such an unbelievably incompetent statement he immediately gushes about Dickerman and discusses her entire academic resume. He then begins to get into a sexual commentary about her. He motions up towards his chest area as he starts saying what you can imagine he is going to say, before he stops and thinks better of it. Likely because he saw the look on my face that I had after I heard him say "You have excellent taste" to a guy accused of stalking and threatening said woman. The lawyers I've talked to over the years have had facepalm style reactions when I bring this behavior up. If Dickerman wants to flatter herself with his statements on her perhaps she needs to consider the kind of person William Johnson is. I honestly don’t think it’s a high bar for women to clear in his case.

Exhibit A that passing the Bar Exam doesn’t actually mean much

It is interesting to note that William Johnson had a full academic resume of Michelle Dickerman after first meeting with her right after the protective order hearing. Like I said in the paragraphs above, in addition to talking about her appearance he also talked about her academic career. This woman is supposed to be so terrified and put through all this drama that she claimed. Supposedly she was so terrified that she was on autopilot the entire time and other such nonsense. Yet she gives my defense attorney a complete academic history of herself upon first meeting him right after such a "stressful" hearing.

Why the hell did Dickerman think that my defense attorney needed to know that she was a high school Valedictorian? Why did she tell him all about her academic progress over the years? Why did my lawyer think this was relevant information? How does that even remotely come up in conversation after a court hearing Dickerman claimed to be so stressful and terrifying? Why did that man walk away from that hearing with a complete rundown of Dickerman's academic career right up to studying for the Bar exam?

No normal person would bring up such completely irrelevant information at a time like that if the situation was what Dickerman made it out to be. Why would Dickerman even waste time telling him this information considering she as a newly minted lawyer would know it was completely irrelevant to the case? Not only that, but based on Johnson's discussions with prosecutor Joe Platania it also appears the prosecution had a full academic resume from Michelle Dickerman.

Why was this woman telling people her entire school career history during a time she claimed was so terrifying and stressful for her?

Michelle Dickerman talked about being on "autopilot" during this time period but apparently still had the ability to chit-chat about her academic achievements. Not only that - why were Platania and Johnson both being kept up to date with the fact that Dickerman had passed her Bar exam? Both Johnson and Platania were fully aware of her academic and professional progress during the whole court proceedings. Why were these guys being given updates of her progress? Once again, what happened to that autopilot this lying drama queen said she was operating under due to the stress? What kind of nut job would give everyone around them a list of their achievements and academic record during a criminal case where they claimed to be in fear from death threats?

I do know the answer to this of course, but I'll bring it up later in this post. For the time being let's switch back to this first instance of Michelle Dickerman receiving special treatment that I briefly derailed from.

Now you might wonder why this class swap is a case of special treatment. It's because this transfer to Dickerman's favorite teacher would never have been done for any other student. I know this for a fact. I've witnessed other kids I personally knew struggle to avoid failing a class because of a bad teacher - and yet they were unable to get swapped to another teacher like Michelle Dickerman. We had some bad teachers at the school who were very notorious among the students. I lucked out in that I didn't have any of those teachers but not everyone was so lucky. Especially not my youngest sister.

My youngest sister had one teacher that I firmly believe had legitimate mental issues. Not a personality disorder like I believe Dickerman to have, we're talking actual issues with the brain itself. I suspect bipolar disorder from what I was told about this teachers behavior. Not just due to what I was told from my sister, but other kids I grew up with discussed these same things about this teacher, since the teacher was around when I was in high school. Obviously I can't confirm a mental issue like that. I'm neither a psychiatrist nor have I sat down and analyzed this teacher even if I were a psychiatrist. But I'm highly suspicious given the behavior described to me. This was one of the teachers that was well known among the students as a bad teacher. My sister fought and struggled during her senior year to get a somewhat decent grade in this teacher's class and she wasn't the only one.

According to my sister, one of her friends was a high honors student all her life and had scholarships and college lined up apparently. Right up until she ended up in the same class as my sister with this bad teacher. This teacher absolutely wrecked that girl's academic career. My understanding from my sister is that this girl ended up waiting tables after high school instead of going to college - all thanks to this teacher. Funny how that girl didn't have the same option as Michelle Dickerman to switch teachers. When someone has highest honors and is suddenly getting wrecked by a single class - I mean it doesn't get much more blatant as to where the problem lies does it? But this girl couldn't get out of that class, and the teacher had tenure so nothing was ever going to happen to the teacher. Nor could other students I encountered over the years get out of a bad teacher's class. But Michelle Dickerman's parents somehow managed it - for a teacher that the other Co-Valedictorian didn't have any issues with.

Of the girl my sister discussed, I'm sure that girl's parents tried to help her get away from this teacher, as most parents would, but they didn't have the connections and/or the money to spread around like the Manweiler family apparently did. One girl has her academic future ruined and is forced to just take it, along with anyone else in that same teacher's class. While Michelle Dickerman was given special treatment for what appears to be for the sole purpose of competing with someone else for an academic honor. I guess my moral compass isn't screwed up enough to find that kind of thing to be remotely right. For the Manweiler's however it's what they believe is their due. They are entitled and arrogant individuals who believe the world revolves around them. "All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others" as George Orwell referred to such attitudes among people like Dickerman.

As I said earlier, Michelle Dickerman was given an option that would NOT have been given to any other student. Was Michelle Dickerman in danger of failing this teacher's class? The answer to that question is a resounding "NO". The teacher's class merely endangered Dickerman's competition for the Valedictorian slot. Dickerman never received so much as a 'B' in the class. This isn't something that I'm just taking a guess at, but instead something that may have actually been admitted to by Michelle Dickerman herself.

In our school newspaper during our senior year, they ran a segment called "Can you imagine...". This segment was where students would anonymously submit things to the paper that they couldn't imagine actually happening. One submitted statement in the paper was "Can you imagine... Michelle Manweiler (Dickerman's maiden name) getting a B?" Around the school the "conspiracy theory" (is it even a conspiracy theory if it's likely true?) was that Michelle Dickerman actually submitted this herself to the school paper as a way of fluffing her own ego. I bet Dickerman probably saved it and has it laminated or framed somewhere. I honestly wouldn't put it beyond Dickerman to have been the one who submitted this to the paper, but likely no one but her knows the truth behind this theory. The point however is this - whether Dickerman or someone else submitted this, it shows that Dickerman had a reputation of never even receiving so much as a 'B' during her academic career.

So given that Dickerman wasn't in any danger of failing the class, indeed wasn't even getting anything less than an "A" in the class, why did she need to be "rescued" from this teacher's class?

The fact that the other Co-Valedictorian remained in this teacher's class, and yet was still able to compete with Michelle Dickerman to tie for the Valedictorian honor, is more than enough proof to show that Dickerman wasn't struggling in her grades. The other girl was able to keep the tie with Dickerman going while even being on the cross-country sports team. Anyone who has been in sports in high school knows there is a huge time commitment there. Michelle Dickerman however never took part in a sport. In fact the claim around school was that Dickerman never did anything except "study and play the piano". So why did a girl with more time commitments than Dickerman not have any issues remaining in a class with a supposedly bad teacher Dickerman needed rescuing from? Why was that girl still able to tie with Dickerman? If that teacher was so bad, why didn't that girl have to leave that teacher's class like Michelle Dickerman? Why wasn't that girl extended the same offer to switch classes?

Michelle Dickerman wasn't failing this class and yet she was given an exception and room was made for her in the class of a teacher she favored. Meanwhile I saw other kids who were struggling with bad teachers that didn't get the same option as Dickerman. All of this blatantly appears to be special treatment given to Michelle Dickerman just so that she could maintain the Valedictorian slot. That's it, that can be the only reason behind it. She wasn't failing the class so it couldn't be for anything other than so that Dickerman could stay in the running for Valedictorian. So why was Dickerman given this special treatment? It's pretty clear to me that it is because of who she and her family knew.

I won't mention the name of the first of the likely influences here, but Michelle Dickerman knows exactly who I'm talking about. Her family were friends with another family, and the father of that family was the Chairman of the School Board for Hampton City Schools at that time. He definitely displayed admiration for Michelle Dickerman that was not extended to anyone else other than his own daughter. His daughter was part of our graduating class and was in the same classes as Dickerman. An additional influence came from the fact that Dickerman was also the personal pet of the principal who absolutely adored her. It's rather easy to have the school bend over backwards for you when you and your family know people in the highest positions of authority over that school. This favoritism from those two individuals was even on blatant display at our graduation and was recorded in the tapes of the ceremony. The tape recordings of the ceremony clearly show this favoritism.

My copy of the graduation ceremony tape was taken by the Charlottesville law enforcement in 2006 as "evidence", and later destroyed by police along with all my high school yearbooks. I'd like to briefly derail things and note that my yearbooks were confiscated by C'ville police under the lie of it being "evidence", which I've gone into the ridiculous nature of that act in previous posts. Apparently Michelle Dickerman's mere appearance in the yearbooks was enough to consider them as "evidence" despite nothing ever being written in the yearbooks. I wasn't about to deface my own yearbooks over Dickerman, though I bet the same can't be said of my photos in her yearbooks. The police refused to return those yearbooks to me and my corrupt former lawyer refused to lift a finger to fight to get them back. My yearbooks are gone forever in an incinerator and thinking about that angers me a great deal still. But unlike my yearbooks a second copy of the ceremony was in the possession of my grandmother, since she was unable to travel to see the ceremony due to health issues.

That tape passed back to me after her death years later and I still have possession of it. I contemplated getting it converted from the VHS tape in order to post the portions I discuss on here. But frankly I'm not interested right now in spending the time doing that just for a blog post. I don't know if that kind of media transfer is even possible anymore - who even has a VHS player that isn't coated in dust and doesn't eat tapes? Maybe sometime in the future I'll find a way to convert the tape and post the snips I discuss here on the website.

In regards to what was shown on the tape recording, the Chairman of the School Board (again, family friend of the Manweiler family) prepares to introduce Michelle Dickerman. He mentions how it is a "great honor" for him to introduce Michelle Annette Manweiler before she goes up to the microphone to give her speech. He makes a point of emphasizing each word of her first, middle, and last name slowly. "Michelle...Annette...Manweiler". During the entire process he is very clearly displaying a personal association with Michelle Dickerman.

When he announces the other Co-Valedictorian, Salutatorian, and Class President to give their own speeches, he is not even remotely as invested nor does he make any special introductions. Why was it a "great honor" for him to introduce Michelle Dickerman but not any of the other kids giving speeches? Why did he make a point of emphasizing her name and not anyone else? Why was he more animated when introducing her? Why did he clearly not care as much about the other three kids giving speeches that day? It's obvious he had some personal link with Michelle Dickerman.

When Dickerman is later called up to receive her diploma, the Chairman of the School Board and the principal are there to hand her the diploma and shake her hand. You can very clearly hear the school principal over the microphone say "I'm going to miss you young lady, good luck to you!" The Head of the School Board is likewise enthusiastic. Neither one of them display any such emotion with any of the other kids giving speeches. Nor did I hear the principal tell anyone else how much he was going to miss them.

I haven't even watched that tape in many, many years - since before I even got the job in Arlington in 2011. But it made a very big impression on me. Because when I saw that favoritism for Dickerman on open display, both while attending the ceremony and when first viewing the tape, it let me know that I was correct in not trying to go to school administrators about my issues with Dickerman and her friends. Just as everyone has made a very serious error of not listening to me now, I wouldn't have been listened to at all back then. It was my word versus the principal's favorite kid. What do you think would have happened?

I've previously brought up Dickerman's actions of the past that helped shape what would happen in the future. Namely the lies, rumors she was spreading, the harassment from her friends who thought I was doing things I was not, and her attempt to falsely portray the situation as something it wasn't. People reading that account might have wondered why I never went to the school administration about Dickerman's behavior. Especially at the end of our senior year once I had finally realized she was committing the exact abuse that people had been accusing her of committing all that time. Well now you know why I never went to the school administration about any of this.

She was the adored pet of the principal and her family were friends with the guy who was in charge of the school board. I didn't know about the link with the school board at the time, but her family were clearly able to pull strings to get special treatment for their daughter from the school. So I knew nothing would have been done to Dickerman. Especially since she'd have lied to them, just as she has lied to everyone else, in order to harm me - and her word would be taken over mine. The same exact thing that happened in 2006.

I'd bet my life this isn't the only example of the Manweiler family pulling strings or getting special treatment by far - it's just the only one I've been witness to until the events of 2000 and 2006. I'm sure many other instances will one day be dug up. Michelle Dickerman's claim to the Valedictorian status is a complete lie based on the events and observations I've put forward. It doesn't matter what effort she put into it. If she had to get special help from the school just to tie with the other girl, a benefit that was not extended to this other girl, it means that Dickerman didn't even remotely earn the honor. If she received special treatment, and it certainly appears that she did, than that in my opinion is as good as cheating.

It might be even worse because she wouldn't have even manage to cheat to win - she would have cheated just to tie.

It appears that her Valedictorian status might have all been a total lie. Which is what Michelle Dickerman's life can be summed up as to be honest. Dickerman should have been the Salutatorian instead. I'm sure the guy who got the Salutatorian honor isn't complaining, but the Valedictorian honor should not have been split. I don't even like the other girl Dickerman split the honor with and yet I can recognize the raw deal the other girl got. Again, it doesn't matter how hard Dickerman worked, that act of what appears to be blatant special treatment casts the entire thing into shadow. Deep down in that shallow "personality" she has Dickerman knows this. She'll just never publicly admit to it.

Michelle Dickerman is too narcissistic to fully accept that earning that honor was a lie no matter what proof is presented to her, but a funny thing about reality is that it remains true regardless of whether you believe in it. It would also mean that every achievement of hers since has been built on the lie of Dickerman earning the Valedictorian honor. That makes everything else she's worked for a lie as well. I firmly believe she got Valedictorian by pulling strings with people in positions of authority, and that poisons everything else that rests on that delipidated foundation.

None of this school special treatment is a conclusion just drawn by me either. I was in JROTC in most of high school, and during our last days of senior year the instructor just let us all talk and hang out so long as we didn't get too loud. A conversation took place in the class about the other girl and Michelle Dickerman splitting the Valedictorian. The other girl was in the cross country sports team which was run by one of the JROTC instructors, we referred to him by his rank of Master Chief. Master Chief heavily recruited the cross country team from the ranks of JROTC students, thus many in that room were on the team and knew the other girl. They all liked the other girl - they did not like Michelle Dickerman.

Michelle Dickerman being transferred from Ms. Flood's class (the teacher Michelle Dickerman butted heads with) was already known by me so that wasn't any kind of surprise. What did surprise me was the Chairman of the School Board connection. That was brought up during the class discussion and this was not known to me at the time. I didn't know what exactly the other kids meant by it until I saw his introduction at the ceremony. I was not in tune with who was on the School Board at the time since I couldn't have cared less as a teenager. Nor did I even know that his daughter was also in our graduating class until her name was dropped in the conversation. I knew who his daughter was, I just never realized who her father was until he was introduced during the ceremony.

This wasn't a discussion that everyone in the class was involved with, as we had a mix of juniors and seniors, but most of those who were part of our graduating class were discussing this splitting of the Valedictorian. Like I said, Dickerman's transfer between classes was brought up along with the people who were favoring her in the school administration. Nobody was on Michelle Dickerman's side during this talk and they all felt the other girl deserved the Valedictorian more. Granted it didn't help that they all knew the other girl and liked her due to the shared experiences on the sports team, but they had very clear reasons for why they didn't think Dickerman deserved to be Valedictorian. I'm not going to pretend I was ever Mr. Popular, and thanks to Dickerman's lies I definitely wasn't even close to being that. But outside of her academic clique Michelle Dickerman was very unpopular. Anytime it was cited as to why, the reasons given revolved around Dickerman's arrogant personality and her treatment of others. Most people thought she was a massive snob, and I stupidly defended her for years because I was a complete idiot. It wasn't until the last half of our senior year that I couldn't deny what was in front of me anymore.

I kept my mouth shut during the talk people were having about Dickerman and just listened. It wasn't my place to jump into the conversation, and I wasn't about to go stirring the pot or risk putting myself in any crosshairs after all the false portrayals by Dickerman at that time. I had resolved to ignore her rumors and the treatment from her friends until after graduation. Though I was unfortunately contemplating even then about getting back at her for her abuses. But at that time I just wanted to get out of there.

Now let me sum up the facts of this issue and let's see what conclusion seems to be the obvious one for you:
  • Michelle Dickerman and the other valedictorian start the school year in the same AP class with the same teacher

  • The contest between the two girls for their ranking is something they were both heavily keeping a close eye on, with the other girl even mentioning this competition between the two in the local newspaper during the Valedictorian interview by the paper

  • Dickerman begins having issues with the teacher of that class. The other girl she was competing with on the Valedictorian spot mentions this in a short talk I had with her. I also witness Dickerman in an argument with the teacher after her class, since I had this same teacher in the next class after Dickerman's (funny how I didn't need to change classes either)

  • Dickerman is not failing the class. This could certainly be proven via transcripts but Dickerman needs to be honest here - was there ever a moment she got a "B" or less with this teacher? I'd bet my life the answer here is a solid "No"

  • Dickerman is removed from the class and room is made for her in the class of another teacher 

  • The new teacher just so happens to be one of Dickerman's favorites and one that she has a close relationship with 

  • This favorite teacher of Dickerman's also runs the Model UN club that Dickerman is not only a member of but is also a Co-Vice President

  • The other girl remains in the same AP government class with the old teacher Dickerman ran away from, and yet had no issues tying with Dickerman for the Valedictorian honor despite still having the same teacher 

  • Both Dickerman and the other girl are white so race difference between the two isn't an issue here 

  • This act of transferring between classes would not have been done for any other student, certainly not for a student that is not failing the class. Personal disagreements with a teacher or dissatisfaction with the amount of work a teacher assigns would never be a consideration for transferring students out of a class. If I had attempted to use such arguments to get transferred out of a class, the school administration would have laughed in my face and told me the more professional equivalent of "Skill Issue"

  • Dickerman was a favorite of the principal, and her and her family were favored by the chairman of the school board serving at that time. Both of these individuals are caught on tape expressing admiration and favoritism towards Dickerman at the graduation ceremony, admiration and favoritism which they do not show towards the other Valedictorian, Salutatorian, and Class President
Some of the critical information listed above can be verified via school records, specifically the class transfer. So let me ask you this question and you need to be completely honest with yourself in your answer - what conclusion would you draw from the facts stated above? It's likely going to be the same conclusion that a lot of people in our graduating class arrived at as our senior year came to a close. If Dickerman is even a halfway competent lawyer she should be able to understand the optics issues of what I listed above. So go ahead counsellor, what conclusion do you think a jury would draw if a case with facts like this were laid out before the court? What do you think the public will conclude when this list of facts hits the news cycle?

People also need to ask themselves another serious and uncomfortable question
. Given the clear appearance of favoritism presented here:
What would the situation be if Dickerman had actually beaten the other girl for the Valedictorian honor?

What if the other girl, who was forced to stay in that class Dickerman was transferred out of, had her grades drop enough that Dickerman was the sole Valedictorian and the other girl was the Salutatorian? How would you feel about the situation then? Do you think it would have been fair? Do you understand the problem here? This isn't just a simple issue of favoritism - someone could have lost an academic honor they fairly earned just because the other party received an unfair advantage. What if this act of favoritism caused the other girl to lose the competition instead of her tying with Dickerman? Why did she not deserve to get transferred out of the class like Dickerman? Why was she still able to compete and tie for the honor if this teacher was really bad enough that Dickerman deserved such favorable treatment? Why is it that nobody else had to transfer out of that AP class like Dickerman did?

As for why Dickerman had such a desire for the valedictorian spot that she appears to have been willing to cheat to get it? It all ties into her personality issues. I believe Michelle Dickerman has Narcissistic Personality Disorder. Specifically the type referred to often online as "Covert", though professionally it is called "shy" or "vulnerable" narcissism. I'm not a trained psychiatrist so obviously I can't diagnose her, nor would it be acceptable for me to diagnose her even if I were (due to the obvious conflict of interest and bias that would be at play). I've gone over this disorder and some of my evidence behind it in a few other posts (look for the list of quick links for them) and I'll very briefly touch on it a couple times later in this post. Just note for now that it ties into the behavior I describe below, as well as why I believe Dickerman just had to get the top spot so badly.

Michelle Dickerman is an extremely arrogant individual. She has very blatantly thrown that personality flaw around with people when she doesn't care about how she appears to them. If she views you as beneath her, or doesn't see any use you can provide her, then she'll happily show her true vicious self to you. When it comes to those whose opinions she cares about (or people she needs to keep the peace with) she'll make herself seem to be the sweetest person on Earth. All but the most malignant of narcissists will do this same behavior, the more high functioning the narc the easier it is to fool people. After all if people think you are a nasty person they are not as easily manipulated by you. But I think those around her would admit they can see the arrogance she hides if they were being honest with themselves.

Dickerman controls herself to a degree depending on the audience, and she heavily tries to manage her PR around others if she views it to be necessary. But it does come out in her behavior from time to time. I was shown a video that had Dickerman in the background talking with someone at an event, it was some wedding either she or her husband was invited to (I'd be lying if I said I even remotely cared why they were there). During the talk I see Dickerman's nose start climbing up in the air as she was talking before she catches herself. I had to laugh when I saw it despite the fact it is a sign of a sick individual. I've seen that nose go up in the air so many times in my life.

Deep down Dickerman believes herself to be superior to everyone else and it does come out unconsciously in her mannerisms despite her PR managing. You could consider it a Freudian slip though that's likely not the correct term for what I'm referencing. Every now and then the mask slips and she shows you exactly what she thinks of you without intending to do this. An arrogant tilt of the head, a look of disdain flashing in her eyes, etc. If you pay enough attention you'll see it for what it is. So once again, if those around her were honest with themselves they would be able to spot plentiful signs of that arrogance.

Perhaps some confuse it with competitiveness or ambition but it isn't. It is a sincere and sick belief held by Dickerman and her parents that everyone else is beneath their notice. The peasants should grovel and consider themselves lucky to be acknowledged. There are a small amount of those in proximity to the family that I absolutely know have spotted it themselves (see my older post of "Commenting on a Comment"). I'm betting that percentage is larger but those others chose to remain silent and never made any contact with me. I get it and frankly it is better to stay out of this anyway. Things wouldn't have gone nearly as far with this dispute if more people had stayed out of it.

Now why did I laugh about Dickerman's mannerism of sticking her nose in the air? As I said I've seen it so many times before with her and her parents. This woman and her parents are the only people I've ever witnessed in my life walking around with their noses literally pointed upwards while they wear a look of disgust at the people around them. Keep in mind Michelle Dickerman and her parents are not the only arrogant and self-absorbed individuals I have encountered in my life. I wish I could say otherwise but unfortunately I've had a handful of encounters with other people that had their heads up their own ass. Everyone has had contact with arrogant people, it is just a fact of life. But I've never seen any of these other arrogant people physically put their nose up in the air like the Manweiler family. The Manweiler family are the only people I've ever noticed with this issue. It is extremely weird, in addition to being a sign of both serious emotional issues and a twisted view of themselves. I used to think depictions of snobbish people with their noses in the air was just a mockery. Until I saw the Manweiler family with nostrils flared skyward like they were walking in a royal procession.

Given Dickerman's arrogance, her not getting the top spot would be an admission that she wasn't better than everyone else. No narcissist can handle that kind of wound. Michelle Annette Dickerman can't suffer anyone being better than her and so she couldn't allow the other girl to beat her. It would crack open that bubble she lives inside. I've seen and heard plenty of examples of behavior from Dickerman that shows something isn't quite right with her. Whenever discussions about this dispute would occur many years ago, others overhearing would inevitability offer their own experiences with Michelle Dickerman to the conversation. It has never been a positive story - not even once. The behavior described in the stories also matched between people who didn't have contact with each other - which lends credibility to the accounts. One of those stories told to me ended up being yet another puzzle piece slipped into place - and it relates to why Dickerman appears to have needed to cheat to get her academic honor.

I won't bother to go into the details of the story here because it involves Dickerman as a child and I don't remotely expect people to give a damn about reading any of that. The essential issue from this story was that when someone beat her as the top scorer early in her academic career, Dickerman reacted very poorly to this and the behavior the guy telling the story described to me seemed a bit concerning at the time. I'm not concerned anymore of course because I couldn't care less now what bad things happened in her life after all she's done to me and my family. But at the time it seriously made me wonder what was going on in her home for this kind of behavior to have been exhibited. It wasn't the normal mentally healthy response you'd expect from a young kid. It was another puzzle piece sliding into place that helps to explain her actions.

I don't have anything that proves this guy's story was legit, though it was very clear that at the very least he did attend school with her back then. I fail to see what he'd have gained from lying about this other than just trolling. The problem with it being trolling is it didn't have anything to do with what was being discussed about Dickerman at the time, and he didn't have to stop and think about anything that he was saying. Which is something I would expect to see if he was making things up on the spot as a joke.

He seemed to genuinely have personal experience with Michelle Dickerman and he was passing on information he thought I should have. The story fits with the arrogance and need to be better than everyone that Michelle Dickerman has constantly exhibited throughout her life. The things he also described matched things that other people told me about as well. I wasn't just using an idiom when I said it was a puzzle piece sliding into place. There were especially a lot of people who brought up stories about her and her parents and the arrogance displayed by them. Most of these people brought up these stories as a way to make me feel better about the situation - it was basically a "hey it isn't just you, she treats others like shit as well".

I didn't know anything about narcissism at the time so I never knew what to make of what was being described, other than the fact I was dealing with a bad person. Once I became aware of Vulnerable Narcissism that's when all those stories from the past actually "made sense". I say made sense in quotes because the behavior described wasn't rational, but once you know the narcissist's thought process you begin to understand why they respond to things the way they do. 

Given everything I've witnessed over the years, I believe Michelle Dickerman went into freak out mode because she perceived the teacher in that AP class as a threat to her identity. That identity being "I'm better than everyone else". The competition between both girls was fierce and Dickerman absolutely had to win it. 'Losing' in Dickerman's mind would mean the other girl was better than her, and Dickerman couldn't have that.

I'm betting that Dickerman made a panicked fuss to her father and likely made up garbage to make the teacher look bad - ignoring of course the fact that the other girl had no issues remaining in the class and was still able to compete with Dickerman. Not to mention I had the same exact teacher for the college prep course right after Dickerman's AP class. The teacher flat out said she ran both the AP and college prep the exact same and that both used the same course material. I had completely checked out my senior year thanks to Dickerman's abuse and yet the only time I received bad grades in that teacher's class was when I just didn't turn work in. So what exactly was Ms. Co-Valedictorian's problem?

Once Dickerman had a panic attack about potentially losing the Valedictorian spot, at that point I think her father came swooping in and pulls strings with the principal, and potentially even the chairman of the school board. The school board chairman wouldn't necessarily be involved so long as the principal was on board, but I'm betting that family friendship was a card in the Manweiler family's deck. After her parents speak to the principal, room is then made for Michelle Dickerman in the class of one of her favorite teachers. Dickerman ties with the other girl for the valedictorian honor rather than getting salutatorian. Even if she did have to cheat just to tie with the other girl, in Dickerman's messed up skull she would believe this was a far better result than simply accepting that someone else was better than her.

The tie is clearly a sore point however, given that it appears Dickerman doesn't bother to mention it to other people often. She certainly didn't tell my lawyer about splitting the valedictorian when she gave him her entire academic resume at the protective order hearing. I guess the other girl should be grateful that Dickerman and her family didn't end up going Tonya Harding on her. That statement might actually be closer to a truth honestly, given what Harding's mother is accused of doing to her daughter during her childhood. Given all the things I've heard about her and her family, I think there might be a potential of the same in Dickerman's childhood. Essentially a possible attempt to push a child too hard in order to live vicariously through them.

Does it mean that I've gotten Dickerman's motives correct? No, that would involve climbing inside her head and I personally wouldn't want to know what's going on in there. There are multiple possible reasons behind why Dickerman would want to manipulate things to tie for the valedictorian spot beyond the needs of a narcissist, and most are the pretty obvious moral failings of many people. Any of those theorized motives could be the real one. Only Michelle Dickerman truly knows what her motives were.

The evidence of the school board, specifically the Chairman of the school board, being involved in the class transfer is admittedly just bad optics. But given what I described much earlier in this post, believing he could have played a role is a reasonable conclusion to draw. When it comes to the principal it is reasonable to assume he had a say in this transfer. He was the principal after all. Even if someone else in his administration made the call (doubtful), it was his school to run and he was the final arbiter of any policy. The buck stops with him regardless of what his underlings do. I do not see how there is any possibility that he wasn't aware of the transfer and that he did not have any input on it.

Michelle Annette Dickerman clearly received special treatment in order to help her remain in competition with this other girl. I don't see how that is disputable given the events that took place and the evidence involved. And you don't get special treatment without knowing people in a positions of authority that can provide such special treatment. Michelle Dickerman and her parents were favored by two people with the authority to bring about this special treatment - that is definitely indisputable.

Special Treatment from the Courts and Abuses Committed in Michelle Dickerman's Name: Actions of the Court

Now that we've gone over the first incident of favoritism and string-pulling in Michelle Dickerman's past (that I'm personally aware of at least), lets move on to the legal favoritism in my 2006 case. The evidence of that is overwhelming - and was conducted at every level of the Charlottesville legal system. From the Magistrates office, the police department, the district attorney's office, the courts, and even the jail.

I've already established the abuses and favoritism conducted by the Charlottesville police, DA's office, and magistrates office in other posts. So I will not rehash those abuses here for the sake of keeping this post as short as possible - which I'm certain will still end up longer than I intended anyway. That leaves the favoritism given to Michelle Dickerman by the Charlottesville courts and the Albemarle-Charlottesville Regional jail. I've only briefly touched on the court, and I've mentioned the jail's actions in passing. So a little more in-depth discussion is warranted.

Before I get into the courts and the jail, I do want to briefly mention Detective Rudman's mentality during this criminal case with a blatantly vindictive act. Rudman was the investigating officer in my case in 2006. A search of my vehicle was conducted after my arrest and transport to the Hampton police department for interrogation. Detective Rudman had my car keys - this is an important point. During the search Detective Rudman used some tool, likely a small pry bar, to snap off the lock of my glove box.

Rudman stripped the screws out to where the lock wouldn't even be able to go back on the glove box to keep it closed. The problem is that the glove box wasn't even locked. It didn't need to be, since the only thing I kept in there was the drivers manual. Rudman also had my car keys which would have unlocked the glove box even if it had been locked. Instead Rudman decided to permanently damage personal property for no justified reason. Given that everything else done to me was far worse this act is minor in comparison. But it helps to give you a look into the mindset and poor training of the Charlottesville law enforcement.

For the court system we have the denial of bond on two separate hearings, when the judge had absolutely zero reason to deny it. Judge Downer of the Charlottesville District Court withheld bond on the first hearing, stating that he wanted me to be evaluated by a Psychiatrist before he made his final decision.

While I've mentioned the actions of Charlottesville magistrate Edward Rex briefly in the past, I haven't really touched on the actions of the Hampton magistrate who aided the C'ville authorities. Probably unwitting aid, but aid none the less. Prior to Judge Downer's actions at the bond hearings, I had previously been told by the booking officer at the Hampton lockup that he had spoken to the Hampton magistrate, and that she just wanted me to stay overnight at the lockup in order to "teach you a lesson". Her intention was that I would be released on bond the next day. Unfortunately the Charlottesville police and district attorney's office had other plans. Which is why magistrates shouldn't be trying to "teach" a lesson and instead simply follow the law equally for everyone. But I forget we don't do that in this country.

It's especially important to not pull stunts like that when someone has simply been accused and not convicted. A magistrate should be smart enough to know that law enforcement doesn't always get it right - and the CVPD sure as hell didn't get things right in this case. Her job as a magistrate isn't to "teach lessons" no matter how right she believed herself to be. She especially shouldn't have done it because she got it very wrong here. The rules said I should have been released on my own recognizance or at the most with a small bond. I wasn't an accused murderer after all. Michelle Dickerman hadn't even laid eyes on me the entire time of contact until the preliminary hearing. We hadn't been in the same room with each other until that hearing. Had the magistrate simply followed proper rules and procedures I might have been able to stop the railroading that happened. But since I was stuck in jail I had no ability to help myself, and thus had to rely on a lawyer who ended up being an incompetent ass. A lawyer that worked against his own client because it was the path of least resistance to take his money and run.

I guarantee the magistrate didn't "teach a lesson" to people who have been accused of worse things than what I was accused of doing in 2006. So why did the magistrate do it? Given the booking officer made it very clear the magistrate in Hampton who made this call was a woman, I think it's very safe to say that the magistrate likely had personal reasons behind her judgement. The Neanderthal-like mentality of "man make woman upset, man bad". Many men who have had a female judge involved in family court matters can tell you all about the problems that occur when this mentality rears its ugly head. It's no less ignorant of a mentality than a male judge taking the man's side because the judge experienced a messy divorce with his ex-wife. 

I was left in the Hampton lockup while Detective Rudman returned with his partner to Charlottesville. They were halfway there when the supervisor called Rudman's cell phone, and told them to turn around and bring me to C'ville himself that night. This act brought about complaints from the booking office about this not being proper procedure. Which is how I know what happened with Rudman - because Rudman was loudly bitching about it to the booking officer while I was being prepped for transport. Both detectives (Rudman's partner on the force was helping him) were tired from a long day and were extremely pissed they had to do this. This act by the Charlottesville police raises eyebrows for the cops I've discussed this situation with. I've been told by every single one of them that there was something shady about just that act alone.

There of course were two reasons C'ville police did this. The first was so that they could lie to the media and falsely claim that I was arrested in Charlottesville confronting Dickerman about a protective order that I didn't even know existed - not until I was already arrested in Hampton and told about it by Rudman. The protective order was taken out the same day the warrant for my arrest was issued as I understand it. So how was I confronting Dickerman in Charlottesville over this protective order when I didn't even know of its existence until a police interrogation in Hampton? This lie of my arrest in Charlottesville helped to make my case seem more threatening to the public than it was in reality.

The second reason I was transferred quickly at night was because Charlottesville wanted to get me in their city limits where they could control what was done to me. I have been informed that a lawyer could have potentially challenged my transfer to Charlottesville in the morning. The argument from my understanding was that the emails were actually sent in Hampton and thus the crime took place in Hampton. What I was charged under was state law and not some city specific ordinance. Where Michelle Dickerman actually opened the emails was completely irrelevant.

If she had instead read them during her short trip to Europe over the summer would that suddenly mean I committed a crime in Europe? Of course not, no idiot would actually claim that. So why would it suddenly change things just because she's in Charlottesville? The location she reported the crime in is also irrelevant to the question of where the trial proceedings could take place. Because the claimed crime would have still been committed elsewhere - from my computer in Hampton. And again, I was charged under a state law and not local ordinance.

How do we know she didn't open some of those emails in another jurisdiction like Williamsburg at her parent's house? Which emails could have been opened in Williamsburg and which were opened in Charlottesville? How do you tell that? One of the emails I obtained from my former attorney can be proven to have been sent on the Sunday following Spring Break week - despite the falsified date Dickerman wrote on it claiming it to have been sent two months later. Dickerman could easily have been at her parent's house in Williamsburg for Spring Break weekend when she read that email, given that Williamsburg is two and a half hours away from Charlottesville. She could even have been in another state on a flight back from wherever she might have vacationed at during Spring Break when she read the email. How would the Charlottesville law enforcement prove where the email had actually been read?

Michelle Dickerman could have opened every single one of those emails in Williamsburg for all anyone in Charlottesville actually knew at the time. No physical proof existed to show where each email was first read, and obviously Dickerman wouldn't be a trusted source on such a matter given her other lies (lies with physical evidence to prove them as such - even using evidence she herself gave to police). Dickerman wouldn't be able to physically prove what location she was in when each individual email was opened over the course of nearly seven months.

So Charlottesville in turn wouldn't be able to prove which, if any, of the emails were ever actually opened within their jurisdiction. This means that the location Michelle Dickerman claimed to have read the emails in can't be used as an argument for which jurisdiction the case was to be handled in. Where she first reported the crime was also irrelevant, because with me being charged under state law Michelle Dickerman could have gone anywhere in Virginia to report it. She could have gone to the Hampton police if she wanted to. The only consistent location that can be proven during the time the contact took place was my location in Hampton. So the jurisdiction of the case should have been with Hampton since all emails would have been sent from that location.

The argument above was thought up by me based off of what I was told by a lawyer - "she could have opened those emails anywhere" - on the question of jurisdiction between Charlottesville and Hampton. I'm not a lawyer so I'm sure a decent and competent attorney could have constructed an even better argument to strip jurisdiction away from Charlottesville than what I've presented here.

Does that mean said lawyer would have been able to successfully argue against the case being tried in Charlottesville? No, nothing is guaranteed in the screwed up legal system we have. But the transfer might have been blocked just long enough to get me bonded out in Hampton while the question was being argued in court. My mother had been in touch with an attorney who was looking into this very situation before my transfer took place that night. Which again is probably one of the reasons behind the CVPD's actions. Charlottesville couldn't risk allowing any lawyer to call into question their jurisdiction or block my transfer.

Without me being in Charlottesville, the C'ville District Attorney's Office would have had a much harder time pulling the stunts that they did. Charlottesville wouldn't have held sway over what was done to me when it was being handled by another city. Hampton officials wouldn't have cared less what university Dickerman attended. It is 99% probable that I wouldn't have ever walked away with this false felony if the case was tried in Hampton.

Charlottesville, being one of if not the most corrupt legal system in the state of Virginia, wanted me to be in a location where they could control the flow of the case. None of the grievous criminal acts that would later be committed against me by the district attorney's office and police department, would have ever occurred if I had been tried in Hampton. Even with the trial taking place in Charlottesville, if I had at least been out of jail I would have had a fighting chance. I wasn't able to discover what Dickerman did to the emails until after my release. Had I been free the entire time things might have gone down very different. Michelle Dickerman might have been the one with a felony record all these years, and she at least would have earned hers.

So returning to the issue of bond, Judge Downer of Charlottesville denies the first bond hearing - citing that he wants to have me evaluated by a psychiatrist first before he makes a decision. I don't think that's what he wanted at all - the evaluation was just an excuse. After all, he didn't end up bothering to listen to the psychiatrist's recommendation at the second hearing.

I think that Downer fully intended to deny bond any way due to pressure being put on him, but he knew it was wrong and was very clearly conflicted about it (as I'll get into in a bit). I think he was hoping that the psychiatrist would give him an easy way out of the dilemma by claiming I was violent. But the psychiatrist didn't give him that easy way out.

The psychiatrist (one that was used by Platania and Chapman often) flat out stated that I was never a threat to Michelle Dickerman or her family at the time. I've already posted that psychiatrist evaluation on here before. William Johnson, my former attorney, told me that the psychiatrist's exact words to him over the phone were "this guy is as harmless as an amoeba". The psychiatrist was so disturbed by the denial of bond and what was being done to me, that he asked my mother and I to stop by his office before we left Charlottesville after the sentencing. We wouldn't be able to leave Charlottesville until the next day after my release thanks to my very late release (I'll get into why that happened later in this post). The psychiatrist waited after hours for us at his office. He expressed that he was very upset over the whole thing and tried to give me encouragement going forward by talking about the experiences of a friend of his with a felony charge.

It really shows what dogshit human beings we're dealing with in Michelle Dickerman and her family, given how everyone else sees what was done to me as wrong. I use the term human beings in the loosest sense possible when discussing the Manweiler family. They've never viewed me as a human being and so I do not view them as human beings either.

During the second bond hearing Downer argues with Joseph Platania repeatedly, demanding to know where the claimed death threats are in the emails because he doesn't see any death threats. Platania keeps dodging the question and tries to throw in complete bullshit instead (such as mentioning I owned firearms despite admitting himself in court that a firearm was never involved and no threats were made with one). The judge keeps telling Platania he doesn't care about any of that, and demands to be shown where the death threats in the emails are because he doesn't see any. That cuck Platania finally throws up his hands (literally) and remains quiet. The judge then sits back for a while and thinks to himself, clearly wrestling with the issue.

Downer then unfortunately decides against doing the right thing. The judge claims that despite the psychiatrist saying there is an extremely low chance of any violence against Michelle Dickerman (I think the exact number he put forward was a 7% chance of violence), that any chance at all is "too high" and that he unfortunately will have to deny bond. Funny he says that, because I guarantee people with far more violent records didn't get that same treatment from Downer.

Not to mention the serious problem that a rich white girl cries about getting mean emails, and the system falls all over itself in a race to bludgeon me to death for a crime I didn't actually commit. I personally witnessed an example of the favoritism Dickerman received over other people who were legitimately in danger.

I had a guy in the cell block who was actually mentally ill. In that the medical staff had to arrive at the cell block on a schedule and give him anti-psychotics. He had to show them his mouth to prove he swallowed them. The inmates all warned each other that in a past stay at the jail (he had a violent criminal history) this guy had tried to strangle an inmate with a hand towel when he didn't get his meds on time. Even with his meds the guy was constantly eyeing everyone with a clear desire for violence. He would start shouting at people for no reason. He was part of the general population that was allowed into the Bridge Ministry cell block (I'll get into that later). During a prayer circle he suddenly screamed at some guy that he was going to stab the dude in the throat with an ink pen while the guy slept at night.

So what was this guy in jail for? He was accused of battery on his girlfriend. She was concerned enough that she actually got a protective order taken out against the guy - just like Michelle Dickerman. Unlike Michelle Dickerman however, this protective order wasn't apparently enforced. The guy continued to call his girlfriend from the phone in the cell block. She denied the collect call charges every time. He ranted every time it happened. I want you to keep that in mind - he was calling the woman, who had a protective order against him, from the jail's own monitored phone line. He said that as soon as he got out of jail he was immediately going to go talk to her to "straighten everything out". The few guys willing to talk to him tried to talk some sense, saying that he really didn't want to violate a protective order while facing charges. He waved it away each time, saying she wouldn't do anything about it and that he's just going to talk with her and fix the whole issue.

Before I continue, I want you to remember how I got denied bond. I had zero criminal record. Zero history of violence. A psychiatrist said I was "as harmless as an amoeba". I had a good job working in engineering. I was accused of sending mean emails to a rich UVA student. A rich white UVA student more specifically. I've never laid a hand on Michelle Dickerman, not even to tap her on her shoulder. She never laid eyes on me during the entire contact until the preliminary hearing (though she ignored me and just walked with her nose in the air to the bench). The preliminary hearing was the first time we were in a room together since 1999. I was denied bond.

I want you to compare all that to what I described about the guy I just discussed. His violent behavior. Violent criminal past. Requiring anti-psychotics to keep him somewhat passive, and attempting to murder someone when he wasn't provided it in time. He beat his girlfriend. The girlfriend was black and low income - compared to Michelle Dickerman who is white, attended the University of Virginia, and whose father was the CFO of a bank. The girlfriend had a protective order out against the guy. He continued to violate said order by constantly trying to call her on the jail phone multiple times a day. Expressed a clear desire to confront his girlfriend to "straighten everything out" as soon as he left the jail. He could not be talked out of doing this. So what do you think happened during his bond hearing?

He was granted bond. He was granted fucking bond. For beating his girlfriend, while I sat in jail for months and was railroaded for fucking emails. He was all smiles when he came back from his bond hearing. The corrections officer told the guy to pack up and that he'd be back for him once everything went through with the paperwork. The guy packed his stuff and waited at the cell door, still stating that he was immediately going to go talk to his girlfriend. The corrections officer returned and the guy was freed from the jail on bond.

I'd love to know if Judge Downer was involved in that bond hearing.

With the denial of bond on my second hearing my career was completely derailed. I had enough vacation time to cover my absence up until that point. My former supervisor had my mother rush a resignation letter to him, personally meeting her outside of the office to take the letter himself. This way I could resign rather than be fired, which he said would make it easier for him to hopefully get me rehired once this whole thing was resolved. None of us anticipated in June that it wouldn't be resolved until November. That's thanks again to Michelle Dickerman and her parents - as stated by the prosecutor himself in an email I've already posted prior.

Judge Downer was still very conflicted about his decision after the hearing. Upon seeing my mother sitting on a bench crying in the courtroom lobby he walks up to her and hugs her. He tells her that he is so sorry and says that everything is going to work out okay. Well things didn't work out okay Downer and your bad call was a major reason why. It caused me to be unable to do anything to help myself and instead be at the mercy of a pack of assholes. Aided by what turned out to be a massively lazy and incompetent lawyer. Downer's act of compassion to my mother in that single instance does not remotely excuse his terrible decision - especially in light of what I would eventually find out.

Upon my return to the jail cell there was a big discussion about the situation, and some of the inmates informed me of an issue with the Judge. Specifically that Judge Downer had close ties to the University of Virginia and that he sat on some board for the university. They claimed he was likely pushed into making that bad call because of his link to UVA. This isn't some random claim made by ignorant prisoners however - they were absolutely correct on all counts. Downer not only was an alumni of UVA School of Law same as Michelle Dickerman - but I was able to confirm years later that he did indeed sit on a UVA board during my case. It made me sick when I saw it.

My walk back to the cell block at the hearing was the moment when the corrections officer escorting me told me I needed to ask my lawyer for a change of venue because "Someone has it out for you". He told me that if you punch a UVA student in the face in Charlottesville, you might as well have punched a cop because that's how the system there will treat it. A practice of favoritism that Michelle Dickerman knew all about during my 2006 case. It was part of her plan after all. The corrections officer felt bad about what was happening and became worried about me. So he talked to the jail's resident psychiatrist. The psychiatrist would meet with me later that day to make sure I was okay and to give me a bit of a "pep talk".

When I returned to the cell block right after the bond hearing, the other inmates had assumed I was getting out. They had previously assured me it would be fine because people who were accused of worse were bonded out. When I got back I informed them that I was denied bond. They stared at me. They were actually shocked and were agreeing with the corrections officer that I needed to get the case out of Charlottesville. As one inmate put it, "they act like you murdered someone".

Needless to say that if I go the legal route to seek justice and succeed in getting the charges thrown out, God help the University of Virginia if I ever find even a sliver of evidence proving they meddled in my case. I will happily have a civil attorney bend them over the table right along with everyone else who had a hand in what happened in 2006. No settlements, no deals. I'll happily go fucking bankrupt dragging every single last one of these assholes through the system.

Special Treatment from the Courts and Abuses Committed in Michelle Dickerman's Name: Actions of the Jail

Now we move to the abuses conducted by the jail, all apparently done out of a desire to "twist the knife". As I've discussed earlier, I was arrested in Hampton and was transferred to Charlottesville late at night by Detective Rudman. Upon our arrival Rudman asks one of the corrections officers to step away for a moment for a chat.

After Rudman left the jailers shoved me in the drunk tank on suicide watch without cause. I was made to strip down in front of both inmates and corrections officers and told to put on a green padded gown. When I asked if I could change somewhere instead of doing it in front of everyone, the officer tells me it doesn't matter because everyone can see me in the drunk tank anyway wearing just that gown. Which isn't the same thing as stripping down naked in front of everyone but apparently the guy couldn't figure that one out - or he just didn't care. He gets annoyed with me and tells me to hurry up.

I'm then forced to sleep on a concrete slab overnight. They provided another green padded gown as a "mattress", but the gowns are so thin from long use that they provided absolutely no cushion or warmth. I receive no sleep that night thanks to a cold AC blowing on me along with a cold slab of concrete to sleep on.

One likely motive, besides their desire to inflict abuse, is to ensure I looked like hell the next morning at the bond hearing. I was unable to sit up straight because my back was in pain from the slab. I had had little sleep so I had a hard time following everything that was going on in that first hearing. Again - this was likely the intention. That's when the judge decides to wait for a psychiatrist's evaluation, and you already know how that series of events went down.

The jail additionally decided to mess with me on the day of my sentencing hearing when I was to be released.

After the sentencing hearing was concluded I was to be transported back to the jail before being released. A bailiff took me and a trustee (who had been mopping the floors in the courthouse) outside of the courthouse and told us both to wait until the jail van showed up to take us back. The bailiff then leaves us alone. Two inmates are standing outside the courthouse completely unsupervised. I didn't realize at the time the potential danger I was actually in - being focused on finally getting released and wondering what I was going to do to rebuild my life.

We wait and wait outside for some time. No van arrives. Eventually a different bailiff comes outside the courthouse for something unrelated to us. The bailiff looks at us and seems genuinely shocked to see us out there. We stare at him and he stares back at us. Then his face changes to anger and he rapidly approaches us. It was at that moment that I had the thought that perhaps I had been setup. That I was left outside the courthouse so the Charlottesville law enforcement could claim that I was attempting to escape. Which would have been an automatic sentence of five years on top of the five years suspended that they had just finished railroading me into.

The bailiff yells at us demanding to know why we're outside the courthouse unsupervised. We both explain the situation to the angry bailiff. The bailiff demands that we follow him because he wants to sort out what just happened. Inside the courthouse there is a discussion between multiple bailiffs. The two of us weren't close enough to make out the discussion, but the bailiffs kept looking over at me. None of them seem to pay any attention to the trustee. To this day I feel a decision was being discussed and made that day. They eventually tell both of us what is going on.

The bailiffs looked into the jail van pickup issue and "discovered" that the jail van isn't coming. It was never coming. Nobody was ever scheduled or notified to pick us up. I find it hard to believe that this convenient incident just "randomly" happened. Given all of the shady things that went on during my case I seriously doubt that I just happened to get left at the courthouse by accident on my sentencing day. The trustee and I are made to pile into the back of a police car and are transported back to the jail.

No legal problems came of that specific incident thankfully. But like I said, I find it very convenient that I just happen to get "forgotten" outside the courthouse. I wish I could say that was the end of it - but the jail still wasn't done playing games with me.

I get back to the jail and the corrections officer tells me to pack my stuff and be ready at the door. I then wait. And wait. And wait. Nobody is showing up. I do a collect call from the jail phone to my mother's cell to let her know what's going on, since she is waiting outside in the parking lot of the jail with the same neighbor who was attending all the hearings with her. She calls the jail and is told by the officer on the line that they can't release me yet because my paperwork from the courthouse isn't at the jail yet.

My mother calls the courthouse to figure out what's going on and speaks to the clerk. She tells the clerk of the jail's statements on not getting the paperwork. The clerk gets angry at the jail's claim and informs my mother that the paperwork "got there before he did" and that whoever told my mom that it wasn't at the jail was "full of it". Which was definitely true considering that long wait outside the courthouse. The paperwork had more than enough time to get to the jail. The clerk was definitely angry about the jail's claim, and tells my mother to inform the jail that the clerk said they already had my release paperwork and that they need to release me right now.

My mother calls the jail, gets the same person on the line, and tells them a nicer version of what the clerk told her. The corrections officer on the line immediately admits that they were "mistaken" and that they did in fact have the paperwork the whole time. But they can't release me yet because they are feeding the inmates. Which was another lie. During my confinement I watched them release guys multiple times during meals, including while the tray cart was at the cell block doors.

So they finish serving food and I'm still waiting. And waiting. And waiting some more. Nothing happens. I call my mother again wondering what is going on. She calls the jail again and is told that shift change is now happening and they can't release me yet. Another lie - again, I watched the assholes do releases while shift change was going on. The shift change finishes. I'm still left waiting for a long time after the shift change has already come and gone.

The corrections officers doing checks of our cell shrug at me the entire day, saying they aren't sure what's going on. The inmates keep assuring me I'm getting released, stating that legally the jail can't hold me an extra day after a judge's order to release me. But even they were left scratching their heads at the end of it. Guys who have been to jail multiple times said they'd never seen a release take this long and they believed it was being done on purpose.

Eventually someone comes for me and I'm released late at night. After a blatant attempt to hold me at the jail for as long as possible. The corrections officer at the front desk doing the checkout kept smirking at me the whole time like she found something really funny. I fail to see the funny joke in abusing authority to inflict what harm they can on a guy simply because he was accused of saying mean things to a rich UVA student online.

An additional issue would present itself later after my release. I have kept in contact with some of the guys I met in jail, including two with gang ties and some of those who were felons that still owned guns as felons without getting caught (we had a shared interest in firearms and that caused us to talk a lot). One of the first letters I received told me what happened in the cell block the day after I left the jail.

Before I can describe this incident, you need to know the backstory of what went on prior. During my confinement most of the general population was suddenly pulled out of my cell block. I believe this was about midway through, though the days just ran together during that time so it might have been a third of the way through. Hell my life before my arrest feels like it happened to someone else these days. I was among a handful still left in the cell block. The corrections officers then brought in prisoners who were with the Bridge Ministry program.

It turned out they had originally been in that cell block before and had requested to be placed back in that particular cell block again. Apparently it was a better condition cell block than their previous one. Which is really saying something given that cell was rundown as well. Even my former attorney commented that the jail in Charlottesville was the most rundown and shitty jail he had ever been in. I still remember the sewage pipe in the ceiling leaking onto the floor in a big puddle. We had two of the dickhead corrections officers working that day so they ignored us asking for something to clean it up. We wouldn't be given a mop and bucket until the next shift change when the dickheads were gone. Since the officers were being dicks, one of the hispanic inmates with low English skills decided to mess with them each time they were doing their hourly prisoner counts. He kept following the dickhead officers all around the cell block, pointing to the big puddle of sewage while saying "Caca" over and over again like some kind of religious mantra. The two corrections officers obviously got annoyed by this, but the inmate kept pretending he didn't know what "shut the fuck up" meant.

Returning to the subject of the Bridge Ministry program, the program was intended to give an alternative to prison for people convicted of certain non-violent crimes. Primarily those that were drug or alcohol related. Instead of prison they would serve their time with the Bridge Ministry group. While they awaited the results of their trials and sentencing, inmates in the program had to go by certain rules and take part in various activities. Prayer circles, bible studies and discussions, a meeting every morning to talk about issues, etc. Individuals running the program, mainly pastors, would stop by occasionally to keep track of everything and talk with us.

This program and my proximity to it was a source of comfort and the only good turn of events that came about during a time when I really needed help of any form. It gave my anger and frustration a much needed outlet during that time, given everything I was experiencing at the hands of the prosecution and my own attorney. In fact I'll be perfectly honest. If the Bridge Ministry hadn't had a calming influence on me during that time, after all of what was being done to me by law enforcement, the courts, and my former attorney - I would have been pushed completely over the edge by the time the sentencing hearing had come and gone. The prosecution and the Manweilers were busy actually creating the very thing they tried to accuse me of being prior to my arrest. Fresh out of jail after being abused by them all, I'd have immediately been looking for payback had the Bridge Ministry not been brought into that cell block.

However, I was not formally a part of the Ministry nor were the handful of general population there with me, which was a small population that grew a bit during my stay in the cell block. We weren't supposed to be there in fact. Only those accepted into the program were supposed to be in that cell block. The jail however had no choice but to keep some general population in the cell block, since it was being kept at deliberate max capacity.

The jail gets more money from the state the more inmates it receives, so there is a financial incentive to pack the jail. And they were absolutely packing that jail. I'd bet my life without hesitation that some of that money from packing the jail gets spread around in the form of kickbacks to cooperating prosecutors and judges in Charlottesville and surrounding counties. The money certainly wasn't going back into the upkeep of that rundown jail. If you think kickbacks from jails aren't a thing, two judges in Pennsylvania were found guilty of doing this exact thing to kids in Juvenile court. It happens all the time but nothing usually gets done about it because all the perps (judges, prosecutors, cops, politicians) are feeding from that same trough. The only reason those two judges got caught was because they got greedy and did it in such a manner that it was too blatant to be hidden from the public. Anyway, the point is that the jail had to pick and choose carefully what inmates went in which cell blocks due to the overcrowding. Because the jail can't just throw random inmates together.

When a corrections officer talked to me during my first week at the jail and I expressed my obvious concerns (having never been to jail before in my life), to reassure me he took me to speak with someone that worked on assigning inmates to each cell block. "We don't just throw people to the wolves" is how the man began his explanation. You can't have competing gangs together, first time DUI arrests with guys facing 20 years, snitches placed with people they snitched on, etc. The jail has to be very careful where they place people to avoid any potential liability. If I recall correctly, the Albemarle-Charlottesville regional jail was actually being sued right around the time my case was going on, for having put a snitch in the same cell with individuals connected to the people he snitched on (resulting in him being attacked).

What's the point of all this explanation, and what was in the letter? I had my Pre Sentencing Investigation (PSI) conducted by a Charlottesville probation officer, as ordered by prosecutor Joseph Platania just prior to the sentencing hearing. The PSI had been deliberately delayed as an underhanded way to keep me in jail until November, as laid out by Joseph Platania in an email of his I shared in prior posts. During my interview with the probation officer I talked about being in the Bridge Ministry block, and how this had been a big help to me. The probation officer noted all this in my PSI report - a report which was read by prosecutor Joe Platania and Warner Chapman before the sentencing hearing. It appears they didn't like finding out about me being in the Bridge Ministry cell block.

In the letter I received from the inmate, they mention that the very next day after my release every single general population inmate was suddenly removed from the Bridge Ministry block without explanation. A new rule was now going to be enforced - inmates who were not part of the program would not be allowed in the cell block anymore. It's very interesting how this happened the next day after my release. Very coincidental timing wouldn't you say? I still have this letter in my possession saved in the same location I keep my original evidence copies. I felt the letter might come in handy later on to prove that this event happened if necessary.

There is not a single doubt that the prosecution told the jail to remove me as soon as they read about me being in the Bridge Ministry block in the PSI. But it takes time for those orders to filter down the system. Room has to be found for all the general population being removed from the cell block. Removing just me from the cell block would have been an extremely blatant act witnessed by other inmates and jail staff. It would have seemed off and lacked any sort of plausible deniability. By the time the order filtered down the line and they arranged for the removal of all general population, I had already stepped out of the jail the day prior.

Is it an absolute guarantee that the removal of inmates the day after my release, and the sudden rule of no general population in the cell block, had anything to do with the prosecution reading about me being there in my PSI? Admittedly it isn't a guarantee, without further evidence it can't be confirmed beyond all reasonable doubt. Could the fact they did this the very next day after my release just be an extremely well timed coincidence (or poorly timed if you're the prosecution)? Sure, it could just be a coincidence. But look through everything I've recounted here on the actions of the jail and the courts, as well as prior posts detailing the behavior of the police and the prosecution during my case. Then I want you to ask yourself one very simple question.

How likely is it, with everything I've discussed and how suspicious it seems, that this was just some pure coincidence and had nothing to do with the prosecution reading about my Bridge Ministry stay in the PSI report?
I think you'll draw the same conclusion as me if you're being honest with yourself. With everything else they were doing to screw with me, why wouldn't this have been part of it?

Due to the abuses conducted by multiple offices of the Charlottesville legal system, especially because of it all revolving around Michelle Dickerman's status as a UVA alumni, I believe that I have a Monell claim against the City of Charlottesville. A Monell claim allows cities and municipalities to be sued for a policy or pattern of practice that results in injury and abuses of Constitutional rights. The pattern of practice in this case of course involves Charlottesville's behavior related to UVA students. This practice violates equal protection under the law, caused serious damages to be inflicted upon me, and resulted in violations of multiple civil rights - all because I was accused of saying mean things over the internet to a UVA student.

A Monell claim here is a slam dunk. Especially because an investigation into the Charlottesville legal system WILL demonstrate in all cases with UVA students that there is indeed a pattern of practice and was not just a one off situation. I was not the first person Charlottesville did this sort of thing to nor was I the last. I guarantee that it will be proven to be a long list. 

While Michelle Dickerman no doubt brought outside influence to meddle in this case, especially her father, it is absolutely clear that Charlottesville's legal system would not have taken things as far as they did if it wasn't for this practice involving UVA student favoritism. When a Charlottesville corrections officer tells me that punching a UVA student in Charlottesville will be treated the same as punching a cop, there can be no denial that something is going on in Charlottesville.

Every inmate at the jail, even those from surrounding counties, knew about this behavior in Charlottesville. None of them understood the reason behind the system hammering me until I mentioned that Dickerman is a UVA alumni. At that point they would automatically comment that her connection to the university was a big part of it. An example of this was one guy asking me if I had messed with the Mayor's daughter, because it didn't make sense to him that the C'ville legal system were going after me like this. When I told him Dickerman was a UVA student he immediately commented "Oh so that's why".

When corrections officers and inmates both inform me that her status as a UVA student is the reason for all this happening - it really doesn't leave much room for doubt does it? The corrections officer felt strongly enough about it that he asked me to get a change of venue, and even followed up with me to find out if I had asked my attorney. Unfortunately William Johnson refused to even entertain the idea, even when informed of all this (it would have required him to actually do his job and that's not an option for him).

Multiple agencies within the Charlottesville legal system did very corrupt things in order to unjustly inflict harm upon me. The Magistrates office, the police department, the district attorney's office, the court, and even the jail - all of them got in on the act. That does not happen without a clear pattern of practice in place, regardless of whether it is officially written down or not. Every legal apparatus within the Charlottesville criminal justice system coordinated with each other in the violation of my rights, the inflicting of abuse, and the destruction of my life. I will repeat myself again here - That does not happen without a practice in place involving favoritism of UVA students that violates equal protection under the law.

While I firmly believe Michelle Dickerman and her family pulled strings to pressure law enforcement, I do not believe that any of the things done to me would have still happened if Charlottesville didn't have this policy of UVA student favoritism. If Michelle Dickerman was just a regular citizen in Charlottesville rather than a UVA student the legal system would never have come after me nearly as hard as they did.

Corrections officers knew what was going on and gave me warnings. Inmates knew what was going on. We have blatant examples of favoritism for UVA students not only in my case, but in the case of Andrew Alston - the UVA student who put 18 stab wounds in his victim and received less punishment than I did. If an investigation is conducted into all cases related to UVA students I guarantee blatant favoritism will be put on full display.

Special Treatment from the Courts and Abuses Committed in Michelle Dickerman's Name: The William & Mary Campus Police Coverup

This case of legal favoritism also isn't limited to Charlottesville alone, though Charlottesville was the worst offender and their criminal acts resulted in a great deal of harm to my life. But Michelle Dickerman would also receive protection for her criminal acts from another law enforcement agency tied to a university she attended.

Around 2000 Michelle Dickerman and I briefly butted heads, during her freshman year at the College of William & Mary. While I admit fully to firing the first shot it was not a one-sided altercation. I've gone over some of this in prior posts so I won't get into the details here on the actual fight itself. Instead we'll cut to the first instance of Michelle Dickerman lying to police officers in an attempt to frame me for actions I never committed.

I had an officer John Coleman of the William & Mary police department show up at my door with another officer (likely a Hampton police officer). My mother and two sisters were present when this visit happened.

Coleman said little however about any of the electronic back-and-forth between Dickerman and I that actually happened during the altercation. He barely even brought up any emails. He instead informed me that he was there to arrest me for physically stalking Michelle Dickerman at the college. According to him Dickerman had claimed that she saw me multiple times driving a vehicle around the campus, that I was the sole occupant of the vehicle, and that I had been following her around the campus with the vehicle. The problem with this story of hers was that I didn't have a driver's license let alone a vehicle during this time period, but I'm jumping the gun on the story.

Coleman gave me the details that I mentioned above. He tells me that he's there to arrest me for an act of physical stalking. The conversation continues as follows:

"Mr. (Redacted), Ms. Manweiler (Dickerman's maiden name) says she saw you following her with a vehicle around the campus. Now if you tell me the truth I can help you. But if you lie to me I'm going to have to take you to jail. You don't want that right? So tell me the truth - did you follow Ms. Manweiler around the campus with your vehicle?"

I of course responded with a "No" because this never happened.

Coleman responds with "Mr. (Redacted) that's a lie. I told you that I can help you if you tell me the truth, but if you're going to lie to me I'm going to have to take you to jail. Now I'll ask again - did you follow Ms. Manweiler around the campus?"

I respond "No, I didn't"

Coleman: *Raising his voice* "No Mr. (Redacted) that's a lie! Stop lying Mr. (Redacted)! Ms. Manweiler says she saw you there! Look, I can't help you unless you tell me the truth. If you're going to lie to me I'm going to have to take you to jail. Do you want me to arrest you in front of your family? Did you go to the campus and follow Ms. Manweiler?!"

The conversation continues along these same lines, with Coleman continuing to get louder and angrier, stating he's about to take me to jail unless I "tell the truth". Having never experienced an encounter like this with law enforcement prior, and not knowing what I was supposed to say when he continues to deny that I'm telling the truth, I begin to freeze up. My mother the entire time tries to get a word in and Coleman keeps shutting her down. To try to get around Coleman trying to silence her, my mother finally asks me if she has permission to speak to these men for me and I nod my head. Coleman angrily demands to hear what my mother has to say. To this day she still remembers her response:

"What is going on here?! Do you realize he doesn't even have a driver's license?! I chauffeur him around when he needs to go somewhere, and you certainly don't think I'm going to take him to William & Mary to stalk some young woman!"

During this time period my parents had wanted me to focus on college instead of getting a job. Since I was unemployed and thus couldn't afford a car, gas, or insurance, I hadn't bothered to get a license at the time. Coleman could have searched this ahead of time because as law enforcement he has that information available. Apparently law enforcement can't be expected to actually do any investigation. This lack of a driver's license turned out to be what saved my ass from Michelle Dickerman's first lie to law enforcement (at least the first lie I'm aware of).

Officer Coleman immediately expresses shock that I didn't have a license at my age, and instantly the tone of the entire visit changes drastically. Coleman couldn't get out of the house fast enough. The guy drove from Williamsburg to my parent's home in Hampton, with what was probably a Hampton police officer along for the ride (and possibly a third individual waiting in the car), and made it quite clear that he came there that day to arrest me. Yet no arrest would take place. Coleman instead leaves the house. This lack of an arrest can be proven with the fact that no arrest shows up on my criminal record until the later 2006 case with Dickerman.

The fact that a visit took place from Coleman is documented in a police report, though it appears that Coleman may have altered the reason behind the visit. A news report I still have printed about my 2006 criminal case mentions the law enforcement intervention during Dickerman's time at William & Mary. It says that the police report claims that the visit was related to written threats. Except that never took place. Coleman never breathed a single word about any claimed threats that day. He barely even brought up emails and electronic contact at all. His entire focus during that visit was the claim by Michelle Dickerman that she saw me following her around the campus in a vehicle.

Not to mention that if I had made threats of violence, why would two cops show up to my house to arrest me for making threats and then suddenly leave without making any arrest? My mother and two sisters were present for this encounter and they all remember that this visit was due to Dickerman claiming I followed her with a vehicle - because Coleman stated in front of all of us that this was the entire reason he was there.

It is also important to note that Michelle Dickerman in her 2006 Victim Impact Statement (VIS) mentions the dispute from William & Mary - except she says nothing about me having made any threats against her. She brings up other things that she claims happened while at William & Mary, but Dickerman is completely silent about having been threatened. She even mentions about me sending her supposed "Scary E-Cards". Which were E-Cards so scary that my youngest sister (in middle school at the time) thought they were "cute" and wanted to send some to her friends. A supposedly grown woman graduating law school actually used the term "Scary E-Cards" in her VIS. Everyone who reads her victim impact statement laughs about it and makes fun of that comment. That really tells you a lot about Dickerman's mental issues. Michelle Dickerman talks about something that childish like it was a mentally scarring act, yet never mentions anything about actual violent threats. It would be to her advantage to bring it up if it she were actually threatened yet she's completely silent about that point.

It is also of significant note that Michelle Dickerman is absolutely silent in her 2006 VIS about an officer from the William & Mary Campus Police paying me a visit. That's a really, really important detail to leave out. An extremely suspicious detail for her to leave out in fact. Dickerman absolutely knew it took place. The officer not only said he talked to Dickerman just before the visit (obviously you're going to talk to your witness), but he even said he was going to speak to her after he returned to Williamsburg. He even confirmed he did in one of his emails I still have. Yet Dickerman is completely silent about such a significant event. It's rather interesting how she didn't want to talk about that police visit. 

It would absolutely have benefited Dickerman to mention the cop visiting me if she had done nothing wrong. Yet she's completely silent in her impact statement about a serious event that she knew took place. Gee, I wonder why that could be? Maybe it's because she knew she got caught lying to the cops back then, and in 2006 she wanted to avoid bringing up that situation in her VIS. I would guess that would hurt her credibility wouldn't it? If someone decided to question anything about that visit it might topple the entire house of cards that was the 2006 criminal case. I wouldn't be surprised if the prosecution specifically told Dickerman to not mention that visit. After all the prosecution knew she was lying to them and had fabricated evidence. All it would have potentially taken to disrupt the prosecution's plan is the judge questioning why I wasn't arrested during that police visit.

As I mentioned, I still have some of Coleman's email responses saved in my email inbox to this day. Along with the email I sent to Dickerman upon hearing about my arrest in 2006, since I Cc'd it to my personal email account. In that email I flat out accused her of lying to cops yet again, because I suspected she did a repeat of the previous crime from W&M. Coleman mentions in the email that in his talk with Michelle Dickerman he told her that it was time for her to move on from this just as I needed to move on. Now why on earth would he tell Dickerman that it was time for her to move on from this if she was the innocent victim in this case? If Dickerman had done nothing wrong and was an unwilling participant - why would a police officer tell her that she needs to move on and walk away? That doesn't sound like something you say an innocent party.

It is blatantly apparent that Coleman covered for Dickerman, and according to early media reports it seems that he might have even lied on his police report about the reasons behind the visit. If he had admitted in his report that he was there over a claim of physical stalking, and this is what he admitted to witnesses during that visit, then he would have to explain why he didn't arrest me. To physically stalk someone is a escalation over merely running your mouth in an email. One could reasonably not arrest someone on making threats over email if they saw the situation wasn't what they believed it to be. But if someone was accused of following a woman around the campus with a vehicle? That is orders of magnitude more serious. Coleman would have to confess that he had been lied to by Dickerman if he admitted he didn't arrest me for the stalking charge.

So instead Coleman appears, again based on the news report, to have lied about the reason behind the actual visit. It's an obvious lie for a very big reason. Even if it is more reasonable to not arrest someone for email threats than it is for physical acts of stalking, it still raises some serious questions on why it wasn't followed up. If I had threatened Dickerman at all, why then did he pack up and leave without taking me into custody?

Coleman only left because he found out I didn't have a driver's license. It makes no sense that he would leave without arresting me just because I didn't have a license when he's supposedly there over emailed threats of violence. Not having a license doesn't mean a thing in that situation. It has no relevance as to whether I should have been arrested for the crime of emailing violent threats had that actually happened. If Coleman was there to arrest me for any reason other than the lie of stalking made by Dickerman - I would have been arrested that day regardless of what licenses I did or did not possess. 

If I sent emails with threats to Dickerman, as his report is supposed to have claimed, then why would my lack of a driver's license play any role in that? Of course it wouldn't. Yet Coleman got out of the house very quickly once that lack of a license was pointed out by my mother. And if Coleman is going to try to claim that his report on threats of violence was not a lie, then why does Michelle Dickerman not mention any threats made to her during that time in her VIS of 2006? It was to Dickerman's advantage to bring up threats of violence, yet she instead talks about "Scary E-Cards" as a supposedly grown woman. So Coleman clearly lied in his report. Needless to say lying on his police report is a criminal offense. I believe it might even be a felony. Of course being that he's a cop, good luck in having him actually answer for that. They get caught in lies on their reports all the time and rarely answer for it.

So Dickerman had a law enforcement agency protect her during our first fight years before the 2006 case. She should have been charged with a crime, specifically filing a false police report which is a misdemeanor (should be a felony given the lives it destroys). The officer for the W&M Campus police decided to cover for her instead. Would you like to know the reason why that happened? 

Michelle Dickerman's father, Gregory Manweiler, is a W&M alumni along with being a University of Virginia alumni. My understanding is Greg Manweiler currently works in some staff or advisor position for the college these days. Greg Manweiler has close enough ties to W&M that he now works with the college (at least of this writing). He and his wife even moved to Williamsburg to be near the college. Dickerman's brother attended W&M as well if I recall correctly. I think even Dickerman's mother went to W&M. This means that the entire family has very close ties to a college that covered for Dickerman's criminal act during our first slap fight in 2000. Her father also has ties to the University of Virginia along with his daughter, and the Charlottesville law enforcement can be proven to have covered up for his daughter's crimes in "Slap Fight 2: Electric Boogaloo" in 2006.

How interesting is it that W&M Campus police covered for the blatant criminal act of Gregory Manweiler's daughter, right? It is also interesting that the Charlottesville legal system would end up covering for his daughter's crimes as well - when he is an alumni of the University of Virginia and donates to that college. Are you seeing a pattern here? The public is going to notice that pattern as well when this case eventually hits the news cycle. A white girl with an affluent father has two law enforcement agencies cover for her blatant criminal acts, and both agencies are tied to universities she and her father attended. Yeah I'm sure that's going to go over really well.

This instance of Michelle Dickerman lying to police about being followed by me at William and Mary shows a prior history of such behavior. Dickerman would later make similar lies to the Charlottesville police by claiming that I went to her home in Charlottesville. She even claimed that I'm supposed to have sat outside her home in Charlottesville, called her cell phone, and told her I was waiting outside with a gun to kill her. It was said this happened at least a month before she went to the cops. And of course we're supposed to believe that she hung up the phone and didn't call the police immediately. No rational person behaves like that. Meanwhile months into the case Michelle Dickerman forgets some of her lies and lets it slip that she knew I wasn't aware of the location of her address and work in Charlottesville the entire time - meaning the events she claimed to law enforcement to have occurred at the beginning of the case could never have taken place.

"Because I've worried that Richard might figure out at any time where I live or work..."
- Quote from Michelle Dickerman's Victim Impact Statement in 2006

Right there above Michelle Dickerman admitted in her own statement that she knew I was never aware of her address or place of work in Charlottesville. Yet that completely contradicts the statements she made to law enforcement, the courts, and my attorney at the start of the criminal case.

Not only did the investigating officer tell me that Dickerman made this claim in 2006, but court documents also mention this lie. My former attorney admits to the accusations on tape recordings and in his own notes. William Johnson, my former attorney, specifically says that I was being accused by Dickerman of having gone to her home in Charlottesville, and it's all on the tape recordings my mother made during her meetings with him. So that's three official sources right there claiming Dickerman made these lies at the start of the case. The news also mentions Dickerman making the accusation. My late father relayed to me the story from law enforcement (told to him at the first bond hearing) about supposedly calling her cell phone outside her home in Charlottesville.

So Dickerman can be proven to have lied about physical stalking during her freshman year of William and Mary in 2000, and she would later make very similar claims to the Charlottesville police years later in 2006. That demonstrates a repeated history of this criminal behavior. All of this has documentation and witnesses to back up. Michelle Annette Dickerman (Manweiler) can be proven in a court of law to have made false statements to the police and the courts. These are criminal acts by definition. The damages from the second time are so severe that it can easily justify felony charges and sizable civil action.

Here is one such piece of evidence proving that Dickerman lied about acts of physical stalking in Charlottesville in 2006:

"Conduct in C'ville - Personal contact other than contact by electronic means." This is from my former attorney's notes, which were written during the final protective hearing and the interview Johnson had with Michelle Dickerman after that hearing. What is described in this excerpt never took place and Dickerman herself accidentally admits to it being a lie in her VIS. As I mentioned, this excerpt is just one piece of evidence out of multiple that proves Michelle Dickerman was making these false allegations in court. Allegations that she would later contradict in her Victim Impact Statement. She not only contradicted the allegations, she never even mentions contact outside of emails having occurred in Charlottesville in the first place in her impact statement. So why does Dickerman never mention any instances of that "Personal contact other than contact by electronic means" in her Victim Impact Statement?

Not knowing where she lived and worked means I couldn't have been to her home in Charlottesville as she had claimed to law enforcement, the courts, and my own attorney. Months later she forgot some of her lies and ended up screwing herself over in her VIS. It is also an admission that will sink Joseph Platania and Warner Chapman. Platania especially made a big deal of wanting to read portions of Dickerman's VIS at the sentencing hearing. Which proves he was knowledgeable about its contents.

Dickerman told police that I was supposed to have been going to her residence in Charlottesville, and Joe Platania clearly would have seen her VIS statement where she admitted that she was aware I never knew where she lived in the city the entire time. So he knew the claimed victim in the case had lied to law enforcement. That's not going to work out for Platania when the time comes to explain his actions in the future. He clearly should have recognized the lie to law enforcement and taken action. It would take someone massively incompetent as a lawyer and prosecutor to not notice it. Yet Platania ignores a blatant crime admitted to by his only witness that calls her integrity into question. He instead proceeds to bludgeon me with grossly excessive penalties that surpass those given to another rich UVA student who stabbed someone to death (see my posts on Andrew Alston and Commenting on a Comment).

Was it really stupid of me to once again tangle with a woman who tried to lie to the cops about me the first time while she was at W&M? It would have been really stupid of me even if she hadn't made those lies back then. My reasoning in 2006 however was that Dickerman was not going to attempt something like that again. She was caught in the act after all and the officer had told her she needed to move on from this as well. Dickerman could have received a criminal charge if I and my family had pushed the issue. Though I don't personally believe she would have ever been convicted in court at the time, because most likely as a woman she would just have to cry fake tears and claim she was just scared. The jury probably would have excused her blatant crime against the "big meanie" that made her upset.

That doesn't mean that receiving a criminal charge didn't have any chance at all of blowing up in her face back at W&M. The possibility was there, however remote, that she could have been convicted of a criminal charge for lying to the cop. Because of this I assumed she wouldn't try it again in 2006. Though when I heard the C'ville police were looking for me while I was at work, it became clear to me she lied to the police at that moment. That's why I accused her of such in that email I sent from my work, and like I said I still have the CC'd copy of that email in my personal account where I even mention she lied again.

My assumption that she wouldn't try it again after being caught the first time was not only very, very wrong, but she tried even worse things the second time around. That escalation in her behavior is definitely something I never expected. Her behavior seriously escalated in 2006 compared to the first butting of heads. Back during her freshman year at W&M she just made a verbal lie to the police to get back at me. It wasn't even a risky lie, because if I had had a driver's license at the time (and most at my age did) I likely would have been railroaded on nothing more than Dickerman's word. But as far as I know she never physically tampered with any evidence during that incident. She could have done this but I was never made aware of any attempts back then. Even to this day I do not have any knowledge of her faking physical evidence during her William & Mary incident.

But in 2006 I can prove Dickerman was forwarding my emails to a fake account made to look like mine (thus giving her complete freedom to alter their contents), and that she had split up individual emails by adding fake dates to each sheet (claiming each page as a separate email). So on top of making verbal lies in 2006, Dickerman also faked physical evidence and handed it to the cops. I never remotely thought she'd ever try something that mentally fucked. Someone has to have broken wiring in their skull to actually do something like that.

Dickerman also had far more to lose over her actions in 2006. If Michelle Dickerman had miscalculated and the C'ville law enforcement decided to have an attack of integrity - Dickerman would have lost everything she had ever worked towards. That law degree she had just received in 2006 would have become the most expensive yet worthless piece of paper to hang on her wall if she ended up on the receiving end of criminal charges. Even misdemeanors would have killed her career before it even got off the ground. I never expected that level of viciousness and sickness. I didn't think she'd be that stupid to risk that much.

But Dickerman knew how the Charlottesville law enforcement behaved towards UVA students. After all she had been reminded constantly in the news during that time that Andrew Alston, a rich UVA student given a slap on the wrist for stabbing someone to death, was soon to be released from jail when Dickerman went to the cops. It isn't a coincidence that she just so happened to finally go to the cops when Alston was set to be released soon. This was a deliberate timing on Dickerman's part.

With prosecutor Joseph Platania having his head lodged up Dickerman's skirt (to the point that my lawyer made it clear to me that he and Platania had a sexual discussion about Dickerman over the phone), there was no way he was going to allow someone he had an attraction to and admiration for lose her career before it even started. So my life had to be the one sacrificed just to protect Michelle Dickerman's future from her own criminal acts (though the fact law enforcement careers would suffer from being tricked by Dickerman played a massive role there as well).

I had no experience at the time with people who have Narcissistic Personality Disorder, which I believe Dickerman possesses the "Vulnerable" or "Covert" form of NPD. I assumed in 2006 that Dickerman wasn't crazy enough to risk everything just to screw me over. I was absolutely wrong in the most spectacular fashion possible. But it was calculated on Dickerman's part - she knew C'ville's reputation for protecting UVA students and counted on them not figuring out what she did until it was too late. I never thought that kind of thing happened at the time, especially not favoritism over something as stupid as what university someone attends.

I also had a lot of buried anger towards Dickerman for all her bad behavior and abuses of the past, and I let that anger cloud my judgement. I never expected things to turn into the absolutely massive shitshow it would become however. That more than anything else caused me to fall into their trap. I never expected things to get as out of hand as it did. Why would I expect that when I had no prior experience with the legal system? What actually happened between Dickerman and I was really stupid and has never been anything near to what she portrayed it as. I felt police intervention was unlikely at the time, or if it even happened it would be in a minor form. I never saw the sledgehammer that was preparing to swing towards my face because it never should have turned in to that in the first place.

That only happened because of Dickerman's lies and fabrication of evidence, the corruption of the Charlottesville law enforcement related to UVA student status, and Dickerman's parents pulling strings to get special treatment. Add to that mix the fact that there is the very real chance Dickerman has a personality disorder. Which resulted in me not dealing with as reasonable of a person as I had previously assumed. I had no experience with personality disorders like that during this time period. Why would I have bothered finding out about such things. Unfortunately because of this naïvety, I was essentially navigating a minefield blindfolded the entire time.

It has always been slightly amusing to me that Dickerman has made such accusations of going past her residence/campus to police officers. She accused me of going to the W&M campus and following her around with a vehicle during the first time we butted head. The second time around she claimed I was going to her home in Charlottesville. Neither of those things ever happened. It's amusing that she's made those claims because she's the one who actually started doing something like that in the first place.

At the tail end of our first butting of heads while she was at W&M, I had backed off from retaliating against Dickerman when it became blatantly clear to me that Coleman was not interested in listening to me or holding Michelle Dickerman accountable. Dickerman still continued some actions to goad me back into the fight, one such example was mail addressed to Michelle Manweiler (again, Dickerman’s maiden name) showing up at my parent's home. Coleman refused to take any action, claiming that he would just talk to her about the issue but making it clear that he really didn't want to hear anything more about the fight. I realized I wasn't going to win that fight with a cop who was clearly biased, so I backed off and ignored her provocations. I've been told by a friend who attended W&M that the campus police are just as much an issue as the C'ville police are with UVA. As they put it "If there is a dispute between a student and a non-student, the campus police will always side with the student".

This issue of mail addressed to her at my family's home is important to note. The W&M Campus police were incompetent enough to provide Dickerman with my home address (which I was living with my parents at the time) early in the dispute. My mother's last name is different from mine due to remarrying and taking my stepfather's last name. Thus simply looking for someone with my last name in the phone book (back when we still had those) wasn't going to be of help to Dickerman. She didn't know my parent's last name at the time and thus tracking me down would have been harder back then. During that time period search engines weren't as developed. Google street view didn't exist and there weren't easily available ways of finding someone's address online back in 2002. But thanks to the W&M Campus police Dickerman wouldn't need any of those tools.

That would lead to what later happened - it wouldn't just be mail showing up at my parent's home

The Manweiler family drives by my parent's home: Further Incompetence of the William & Mary Campus Police

It was December of 2002 when Michelle Dickerman showed up at the end of my parent's driveway. It was right around when her grandfather on her mother's side passed away in Hampton.

It was late in the evening and I was babysitting my youngest sister. I was sick and not feeling well at all. Our dog starting barking outside in the backyard to be let in, and I asked my little sister to go bring him inside. She put on her coat but I didn't notice she also grabbed his leash. After way too long of her not bringing the dog inside and not hearing him barking, I went to find out what was taking so long. It turned out that my sister had walked our dog to her friend's house a few houses down, though I didn't know this at the time. I was in the backyard calling for her but received no answer. I went to the front of the house where the road is and began calling for her there. As I was calling for my sister I noticed there was a van driving down the road. I didn't have any suspicions about it until it stopped at the end of my parent's driveway.

My family lives at the end of a circle far back in the "boonies". I don't think it counts as a cul-de-sac, it's really just a street that circles back onto itself. A red van, exactly like the van I've seen her mother drive for years, is going around the circle as I'm on the porch yelling for my sister. The van makes a full stop at my parent's driveway. They never stopped in front of any other houses. They never checked addresses. They never even slowed down until reaching the area of the circle where I lived. They drove normal speed and immediately stopped in front of the driveway.

It was evening but there is a street light that sits on the property line between my parent's house and their neighbor. That light shines directly down at the street at the end of my parent's driveway. The street light illuminates the person in the passenger seat. Either it was Michelle Dickerman or she has a twin in Hampton who rides around in the same red van her mother drives.

I couldn't see the driver as the street light did not illuminate them due to the angle, but it was clear Dickerman was having a conversation with them. She points at the house as she talks to them. I was in a spot that was a bit in shadow so she didn't see me immediately. When she does finally spot me she immediately points to me. I see a shift of a shadow in the driver's seat as if the driver leaned forward to look at me as Dickerman pointed. They sit there talking and looking at me for a minute and then they drive off. They don't stop in front of any other houses. They didn't even so much as slow down in front of any other houses. They just drive a decent speed and leave down the road.

I would later find out that during this time Michelle Dickerman's maternal grandfather had passed away. His memorial service was to be held in Hampton and he would be buried in a cemetery in Hampton. This places Michelle Dickerman and her family in Hampton at the time that I witnessed a red van like her mother's stop in front of my parent's home - with a woman in the passenger seat that looks exactly like Michelle Dickerman. It was most likely her mother who was in the drivers seat, though I can't confirm that given that I couldn't see the driver. But given that it was the same red van her mother drove at the time, it is highly likely to have been her mother that evening. I saw that same van picking Dickerman up from school on many occasions.

This creates a significant problem because regardless of whether or not it was her mother (who is almost certain to have been the driver), at the very least it was one of her parents driving the van. The reason that's a problem should be obvious but in case it's not - this means that one of Dickerman's parents thought this behavior was acceptable and encouraged their daughter to do it. None of my parents would have ever agreed to drive me by Michelle Dickerman's home or the home of her parents. In fact they would have thrown a fit if I or my sisters ever asked them to do something like that to anyone.

Yet apparently one of Michelle Dickerman's parents decided it was acceptable to take their daughter to drive by the family home of someone their daughter had a conflict with. I think it says a lot about Dickerman's upbringing and the kind of people she was raised by when one of them is willing to drive their daughter to the house of a guy she has an issue with. Granted Dickerman has a brother who potentially may have been of learners permit age at the time, but I seriously doubt Dickerman was being driven around by her brother that night. While it's not beyond the realm of possibility that Dickerman was riding shotgun with her brother if he had a learners permit, I'm betting this was most likely one of the parents behind the wheel that evening - and most likely Dickerman's mother.

My personal theory for why Dickerman and one of her parents (likely the mother) drove by relates to the reason that they can be positively located in Hampton in December of 2002. That being the death of the grandfather on her mother's side. Granted her parents could have even still been living in Hampton at the time for all I know, as I don't know when they actually made the move to Williamsburg. But with the death of her maternal grandfather, Michelle Dickerman and her mother were definitely located in Hampton at the time. Perhaps Dickerman and her mother had just left from dealing with the arrangements for the grandfather who passed away. Maybe they even came from the memorial service and were driving around talking. For some reason they think "Let's go drive by the house of that guy you were fighting with".

I know my parents live on a quiet scenic road out "in the sticks" and that it might be tempting to drive down there while you're having your little bonding experience. That still doesn't mean it was acceptable to do something that Dickerman would be screaming about if I were to do it. While Dickerman shouldn't have gone down there given the history of the dispute, why not just drive down the road without actually stopping at my parent's house? Why stop in front of the house like that and risk being seen? I probably wouldn't have known it was them if they just kept driving without stopping. I realize they didn't see me standing on the porch at first, but sitting at the end of the driveway for a minute with a bright street light shining down on you is an excellent way to draw attention to yourself.

Another problem however is that for all my issues, I find it very odd for Dickerman to sit in front of the house of a guy she butted heads with when she's supposed to be grieving the loss of a loved one. I know people deal with grief in different ways, but that's not something I ever thought of doing immediately after I've lost someone close. Yet I'm supposedly the crazy one according to Dickerman. Granted I'm just assuming that bonding over grief is what led up to the drive. But I genuinely don't know what else would prompt them to drive down my street that evening. Your grandfather dies and yet you think to stop in front of my parent's home while you're still in the process of burying the man - that's weird. Period. It's even weirder if her mother drove her given that this was the mother’s father who was being buried during that time.

Is it absolutely guaranteed to have been Michelle Dickerman and one of her parents that evening? Well let me lay out the facts of what I witnessed for you and see if you can come up with an alternate explanation:
  • A van that was the same red van her mother drove is driving down my street
  • The van only stops in front of my house and no other house
  • There is a woman in the passenger seat illuminated by the street light and she looks exactly like Michelle Dickerman
  • That woman clearly reacts upon noticing me, points at me, and then stares at me for a bit with the driver
  • They drive off without stopping in front of any other houses
  • This happened during a time that Dickerman and her family can be positively placed in Hampton, because they were dealing with the arrangements of her grandfather's funeral in Hampton
So let me ask you this. Given what I've just listed above - what conclusion would you draw? I believe I was dealing with Michelle Dickerman that day because that's the only logical conclusion based on what I witnessed. Occam's Razor states that when there are multiple possible explanations for an event, the one that requires the fewest assumptions is most likely the correct answer. The easiest explanation for what I witnessed above is that Michelle Dickerman and a family member stopped in front of my parent's home that day. Dickerman after all knew my family's address thanks to the W&M Campus Police giving her this information.

Dickerman is not the "innocent sweetheart" she tries to pass herself off as. There were a vast multitude of instances where she was just as stupid and childish as I was during the history of this entire fight. I'd personally say that she was more so given that I at least offered many, many times to do the reasonable thing by talking things out like an adult. I had hoped that if we couldn't find some common ground, we could at least reach a peaceful resolution where both parties fixed the problem and walked away better for it.

The problem with that however was that Dickerman always did the equivalent of plugging her ears, humming to herself, and demanding that everything be resolved in a way that only made her happy - and fuck everyone else. She would then attempt to antagonize me further just to get attention from other people, with no regard for how it harmed me. Michelle Dickerman has a serious case of Main Character Syndrome (as many Narcissists do) and she never had any thought to how her behavior might affect someone else. She couldn't have cared less what damage she was doing. It didn't matter to her if others were doing bad things to me in her name. So long as Dickerman didn't have her precious routine spoiled that was all that was important to her.

You can't have a shitshow of a dispute like this if both sides were willing to come to the table and talk it over like adults. I have ample evidence to prove that I was the only party who ever offered to sit down and talk things out. Hell I still have old letters of hers where she admits I kept asking her to talk things out. The only thing Dickerman was ever asked to do was to sit down and talk. That's it. Apparently I was the only one of us to figure out that if there is a "misunderstanding", as Michelle Dickerman kept calling it, then the way you fix said "misunderstanding" is through having a discussion. What a novel concept right?

You have a failure in communication and the way to solve it is to sit down and communicate. Damn who could have ever figured that out? Not Miss "Valedictorian" obviously. Her method was to just not communicate about the miscommunication (and it was a miscommunication she herself admitted to being present). I literally tried to get her to sit down at a table and talk with me so we could resolve this situation many years ago. Dickerman instead used it as an opportunity to frame me with her friends so she could keep playing the victim, get attention, and cause further harassment of me by her friends. I'll let neutral parties be the judge of whether we have had equal amounts of blame or not in this dispute, when it inevitably goes public one day regardless of the method that comes about.

I'm confident that while people won't approve of my actions, they will at least understand that I was never the bad guy until Dickerman forced me to become one. After all, one side was always willing to resolve things via talking right up until the other side walked into the police station in 2006 to take the nuclear option. That side of the dispute lied to law enforcement in order to use them as a bludgeon and person tool of revenge - nobody will approve of that behavior regardless of her lies and attempts to push blame on others. Dickerman was the only one who had been willing to abuse the system in such a manner.

Meanwhile of the two sides in this fight, the side that walked into said police station was always focused on doing things constantly to make the dispute worse. To the point where it seems very hard to believe that making things worse wasn't Michelle Dickerman's intention the entire time. The more I look back on her behavior over the years the harder it is to believe that it was not deliberate. The only consistency Dickerman has ever had in her life is to screw everyone over by always pick the worst possible option out of the list.

I've had the "Michelle Dickerman has autism" theory posed a couple times by friends when talking about this dispute, but I find it incredibly hard to buy that theory. Autism and NPD can be comorbid, but nobody can possibly be that clueless and unobservant of their behavior without needing to be reminded to breath every few seconds. Autists may have issues understanding social norms and coping with things, but they usually aren't dumb (they aren't the supercomputers people portray them as but they aren't usually stupid). I believe creating the "misunderstanding" was always Michelle Dickerman's intention. Escalating things was always her intention. Because the more things I did in retaliation the more attention she got by playing the victim card (what happens when you push too far? Is the victim card worth what can happen then?).

While I fired the first shot during the W&M fight, Dickerman took part in the game as well. It was never a one sided altercation. In one instance I even had someone who knew her at the college message me and say that Dickerman gave my home address to male friends of hers - after those male friends expressed an interest in physically attacking me. I've even previously posted my lawyer's notes where he wrote down my statements on this having taken place. I firmly believe what that person told me was the truth, because I've witnessed Dickerman do similar right in front of my face in the past.

People were also coming up to me with such claims for years prior to the W&M dispute, and I actually watched her with my own eyes as she lied to people and encouraged them to mess with me. Dickerman even knew I was sitting right there in full view of her during one such incident, and she had no problems brazenly doing it with me being right there. She even looked at me a few times as she was doing it. So yes, I believe the story this person at W&M messaged me with. Why wouldn't I? I've witnessed her do the same thing and I've seen her do lots of other bad things. I would not have any reason to believe any denials on Dickerman's part given how much I can prove she's lied about things that happened. Dickerman has done a lot of things that I think would surprise the people who believe they know her. Assuming they don't have a screwed up moral compass themselves. Which let's face it, most of them probably do have a screwed up sense of morality. There are a lot of fakes and virtue signalers orbiting Dickerman.

So let's return to the incident of Dickerman driving by my parent's home now that I've fully gone off on a tangent. To claim it wasn't Dickerman, when the woman in the passenger seat looked like Dickerman and the van looked like her mother's van, requires a lot more mental gymnastics to explain away than simply drawing the conclusion that it was her and one of her parents. Unless there is a woman out there who is Dickerman's twin that just so happens to ride around in the same type of red van her mother drove at the time. I guess it's possible. I guess it's possible gravity could suddenly turn off and send us spinning off the earth as well, but that's just as unlikely as Dickerman having a twin stopping by my house in 2002.

The fact is that I have been operating under the belief that it was Dickerman and one of her parents that stopped at my parent's home that day. That's because it probably was her, as I have zero reasons to not believe this is the case given the evidence and what I witnessed. This in turn escalated the situation and directed my later actions. You don't get to play games like that and then whine about me retaliating.

When Michelle Dickerman drove past my home in 2002, I had never gone to Dickerman's home or that of her parent's. Nor did the idea of doing so occur to me at the time she committed this act. Yet Dickerman and one of her parents didn't have any trouble committing this act in 2002. Dickerman still had the audacity to make accusations of such towards me, even while knowing she did this to me back in 2002. That's something very important to keep in mind. Michelle Dickerman drove by my home in 2002 during a time I would never have contemplated driving past her home. I had even considered the situation over with by the time she drove by my home. Yet Dickerman has had the audacity to point fingers at me even when knowing full well that she's guilty of committing this act.

Michelle Dickerman lied to the cops about me going to the W&M campus to follow her with a car, but would end up choosing to drive right by my parents' home some time after that allegation. Years later she would claim I was going to her home in Charlottesville, all the while knowing that she was the one who had been doing that in the first place. I would definitely call that hypocrisy, wouldn't you?

There is a further issue however. Remember how I mentioned that Dickerman didn't have to check the house numbers to figure out which house they needed to stop in front of? They drove normal speed and only came to a stop upon reaching the driveway. Most of the street addresses at my parent's location are hard to see that late in the evening without stopping to check. With current day technology I would have chalked that up to using street view. But street view didn't exist in 2002. Online maps weren't what they are today. Yet Dickerman knew the exact house to stop in front of without having to check any other houses. Simply having an address alone isn't going to tell you the physical location of which house among many is the one you're looking for without checking the house numbers.

The photo above may require clicking on to enlarge in order to read the notations. It was taken at the front of my parent's home at the end of 2023. You can see how dark the rest of the neighborhood is. There is a very large house off scene to the right that is adding more light to the rest of the neighborhood - but that large house was just reeds and marsh back in 2002. Meaning the area was darker back then. The point being that in 2002 checking house numbers would have required stopping in front of at least a couple houses to figure out which one was my address. Because most of the houses had the numbers on the house itself and were not as well lit as this. Yet Dickerman and the driver went right to the correct house at full speed without needing to stop to check addresses.

That means that either Dickerman or the parent in the driver's seat had been to my parents' home at least once before without being seen by me. Most likely just Dickerman knew, which would explain why she was gesturing at the house when they pulled up. She informed the driver where they needed to stop. Dickerman having been there before is a logical conclusion to draw based on the evidence. So this drive by of my home in December 2002 wasn't even the first time Dickerman had done this.

That leads to an even further problem - one of the moral nature of whichever parent drove her to my home that day. I think it might even be worse than just Dickerman's hypocrisy.

Let's say you are the parent of Michelle Dickerman back in December of 2002, and you've just driven her to my home. Your daughter has just indicated which house the guy she has a problem with lives at. Without her having to check house numbers.

We'll also pretend that previously your daughter never said anything about driving down there in the past. I would hope after all that the parents didn't have prior knowledge that their daughter had been doing this kind of thing before. But unless you are dense as hell, you are completely aware in that moment in 2002 that this isn't the first time your daughter has driven by this guy's house. And you didn't think that's a problem apparently? You apparently didn't even address it did you?

Or maybe she did tell you that she'd been down there before. Yet you don't even have enough introspective capacity to question why you're driving her there in the first place? Like I said before - none of my parents would have driven me by Dickerman's home or the home of her parents.

So it is comical in a way that Dickerman started throwing around accusations of this at me during the spats in 2000 and 2006. Meanwhile she's the one who actually started doing that in the first place. Dickerman created the precedent and then has the nerve to toss accusations at me. There is also the elephant in the room of one of her parents having driven Dickerman to my parents house that day. Apparently at least one of Dickerman's parents, likely the mother since it was her red van, thought it was acceptable to do this. Something that both my parents would have expressed anger over if I tried to ask them to do similar. Yet neither Dickerman nor her parents would understand the problem with their behavior. I guarantee the hypocrisy of it will go right over their heads.

But the comedy of Dickerman's hypocrisy is lost given the amount of damage she's inflicted with said hypocrisy. This damage is the reason Dickerman is still having to look over her shoulder every day despite almost 20 years on. It is why she will be dealing with it for the rest of her life.

The Case for Vulnerable Narcissism: "...
but some animals are more equal than others.”

I've gone into more details on why I believe Michelle Dickerman has a personality disorder in other posts (found in the Quick Link post), but I wanted to go over it briefly here. Especially since I alluded to it earlier and it is very important for determining Dickerman's possible motives behind her actions. Keep in mind that I'm not a psychiatrist and thus nothing here is a diagnosis. It is merely the best explanation I have for the things I've seen. But I could easily have it wrong. Maybe Dickerman is just an evil person and no personality disorder is at play. But given how the behavior described in one of the videos I link perfectly describes things I've witnessed, I think there is more to it than Dickerman just being evil.

Having a disorder doesn't excuse the harm she's inflicted however and it is important to keep this in mind. I'm all for someone receiving treatment, but they can also be held accountable for what they've done. After all narcissists do have a large degree of agency and control. We're not dealing with a schizophrenic who is seeing hallucinations against their will or someone with a chemical imbalance influencing their decisions. At least, I don't think we're dealing with that in my unprofessional opinion, but I think Dickerman would be far, far more dysregulated if we were dealing with Mental Disorder instead of Personality Disorder.

I believe Michelle Dickerman has what psychiatrists refer to as 'Vulnerable' or 'Shy' Narcissism. In internet circles Vulnerable Narcissism is also called 'Covert Narcissism'. Richard Grannon, the man who produced the video that first clued me into this disorder, mentions that this isn't the best term to use because all manipulative and narcissistic behavior tends to be covert. But the term has stuck. 

The reason she's so willing to force these kind of things upon others is because Michelle Dickerman's personality revolves around convincing every person around her that she's so much better than them. There is no other personality there beyond her achievements. Her career as a lawyer is her personality. Her academic achievements are her personality. Which is why she had her father pull strings to get her moved out of that class. Dickerman should have been salutatorian. But her narcissism wouldn't allow this to happen. Even if she had to cheat, even if all she could managed was to just tie with the other girl, Dickerman absolutely had to be valedictorian. This isn't a matter of being competitive, and there is nothing wrong with that despite modern society's claims to the contrary. I believe the reasons behind why Dickerman needed to be valedictorian so badly goes beyond simple competitiveness. I think it was a mental need on her part.

Relinking in case someone wants to view without scrolling back up.
I've witnessed behavior that matches 12-13 of the major signs,
and that's even when dropping the 1st sign he lists
because I didn't feel it fair for me to use it

Given that if Dickerman has NPD, and I truly believe she does, this doesn't manifest without some form of childhood abuse taking place. I believe she's potentially swung into a bit of a "grandiose" or "overt" form of NPD now that's she's reached the level she has with her career to give her more confidence, but certainly starting out she definitely fit the "vulnerable" or "covert" form of NPD. The victimhood pearl-clutching is strong with this woman, and she exhibits a sick need to get sympathy from everyone around her. I was essentially the sacrificial goat she used as a way of getting attention from her friends, and she didn't much care how that was affecting me. This reared its ugly head in her VIS in a unique way.

When Michelle Dickerman wrote her VIS in 2006, she made a big show of hand wringing over how she was so terrified for the safety of others. Her parents, her roommates, her coworkers (despite admitting she knew that I didn't know where she lived or worked), the children living in the neighborhood, the squirrels running across the street, her pet goldfish, etc. All people I couldn't have cared less about and individuals (such as her parents and family) that I never considered a part of this until Michelle Dickerman made them a part of this.

Despite claiming these people were in danger and that she was so terrified and drained worrying over them - Dickerman makes no attempt to actually say how any of this affected those people. I mean if she really thought they were in danger she surely would have warned these people, right? So why is there no mention of how the warnings would have affected all these lives she claimed were in danger?

Why is there no mention of them changing routines or watching their backs? Why no mention of the stress they would obviously have been under if what Dickerman claims was true? Why didn't she even talk about how her parents had to drive down for hearings at least? Dickerman clearly could give less of a damn about mentioning the impact to even her own parents let alone anyone else. All that was important for Dickerman to mention in her court statement is how the danger these people were supposedly in affected her life.

None of these people Dickerman claimed to have been in danger had the opportunity that day to have the impact to their lives discussed in court. And being told by Dickerman they were at risk would have impacted their lives. Assuming she actually told them, and I guarantee she did not. So why is it that Michelle Dickerman talks a big game about how much of a cross she is carrying for all these people who were supposedly in danger from me - but at no point does she give enough of a damn about what they went through to even mention it in passing in her VIS. It's because she was lying and being a drama queen obviously and had never told any of them they were in danger. But it does give us a glimpse into the mentality of Michelle Dickerman.

The entire VIS is merely about her hand wringing. About how everyone should feel so sorry for her because she cared so much about these people in danger - but just not enough for her to actually talk about how being in supposed danger affected their lives as well. This issue with Dickerman's VIS is a very concerning sign that she doesn't actually care about other people, she only cares about how the supposed danger to them affected her own life. In Dickerman's head the world revolves around her. It was virtue signaling, and blatant virtue signaling at that. "Look how much I care about everyone! Feel sorry for me!" is essentially the summary of Dickerman's VIS. Though the guys at the jail who read it when I passed it around had a better name for her VIS - they called it the "Chicken Little Statement".

Returning to the mention of childhood abuse, NPD is a response to childhood abuse. But do I have any evidence of such abuse taking place? No, that would take an investigation and none has ever been conducted. I don't expect such an investigation to happen though and I really don't care if there ever is to be one in the future. After everything she's done to me and my family I couldn't care less what bad things happened to Dickerman in the past.

Has Michelle Dickerman ever been diagnosed by a professional for Vulnerable Narcissistic Personality Disorder? No, that would require her to actually walk into a psychiatrist office. I doubt she'd ever do that willingly unless a court ordered her to do it. I do however feel there is a high likelihood of a personality disorder at play when it comes to Michelle Dickerman, even if it turns out to not be NPD specifically. A lot of various Cluster B style disorders have overlapping symptoms after all. Especially what is referred to as the "Dark Triad" of Psychopathy, Narcissism, and Machiavellianism.

The stuff I've witnessed however lines up better with NPD, specifically the "vulnerable" or "shy" variety described in the video I've linked. So much so that until I saw that video by Grannon, I dismissed the idea of Dickerman having a disorder like NPD because her behavior didn't quite match the standard definition of it. There were a lot of behaviors that matched but not enough to make me feel that it fit. I was experiencing something more "introverted" (for lack of a better term) at the time with Dickerman versus the standard narcissism definition demonstrating more "extroverted" behavior. That's because that definition was created specifically for the "classic" or "grandiose" narc, and the understanding and treatment of narcissism has expanded over time to where the old definition isn't encompassing everything that professionals are seeing.

Narcissism was even removed from the DSM for a time for a couple reasons. Though being removed from the DSM isn't the 'be all end all' of course, as things sometimes get removed for political reasons or for temporary reasons just to reevaluate. The big reason narcissism was temporarily removed was because of the arguments over the definition not accounting for other varieties being seen. The other more minor reason apparently is a concern that we're essentially medicalizing "asshole behavior" and thus helping to give bad behavior an excuse in the minds of some people. After all when everything comes out publicly (whether near-future or far-future), upon hearing the theory of her having a personality disorder there are idiots in society who will act like a medical condition is a golden ticket to being a complete piece of shit.

Just one of many problems with that stupid idea of "well it's a mental health issue so that makes the behavior okay somehow" is that there is a large degree of agency and control with Narcissism. Even some current studies are suggesting that Narcissists know full well what they are, that what they are doing is viewed as being wrong, and they just don't care. Is it really a personality disorder when you have agency and control over it? That debate isn't one I'll weigh in on too much, other than to say that anyone excusing shitty and abusive behavior just because of a medical diagnosis is just as much an asshole as a narcissist. Whether it is entirely possible to be dealing with just an evil person in Michelle Dickerman rather than a disorder, but there is plenty to make me feel there is more at play besides just arrogance and vindictiveness.

There is the extreme arrogance and entitlement - admittedly demonstrated by her family so that could potentially be waved away as learned behavior. But we have manipulative behavior and a lack of remorse for hurting people. There is also a lack of empathy. Make no mistake - empathy can be faked when they need to fake it. Narcissists, specifically the "vulnerable" type, enjoy doing charity work. More importantly - they want to be seen doing this type of work. That's the key thing that defines whether it's genuine or not. Narcissists, and "Vulnerable" narcissists' in particular, love their virtue signaling. Think of the people who announce giving homeless people money on social media, or pose briefly at some protest for a quick Instagram photo and then leave, and you'll have an idea of what I mean.

The video I linked by Richard Grannon was what made it click for me. Much of what he describes was behavior I witnessed in Dickerman. To the extent that I got really concerned and angry when I first listened to it. I was concerned and angry because I realized that during this entire fight with Dickerman 2006 and prior, that I had been completely in the dark about the thing I was truly dealing with. For years I had been essentially shoving my hand in a dark hole in pure ignorance of the rattlesnake waiting inside it to bite me. I had tried to be genuine with the disingenuous. I had tried to appeal to the better nature of a person who doesn't possess a better nature.

Some people that think if they find out what specifically is wrong with a person they received abuse from, that this new knowledge will make them happy. I can confidently say that finding out this information doesn't make me happy nor did it make anything better. I got more depressed, more angry, and a few other emotions as I started looking into the "Vulnerable" or "Covert" style of Narcissist. Finding out what I believe I've been dealing with in Dickerman didn't bring closure or happiness. But I'm glad that I still found out about it, and gained a better understanding for dealing with people like her.

A further video of his goes over his own experiences with Narcissists, especially with two relationships he had. He admits in his videos that he had his own issues that caused him to seek out people like that until he finally broke free of that problem. The damage he received is something I can definitely relate to, as I've experienced plenty of it over the years as well.

Moving from the issue of potential personality disorders, I'll try to summarize the email evidence against Michelle Dickerman below. But the best discussion on it can be found in the evidence postings you'll see in the Quick Links post. If you are already aware of this information feel free to skip it. I'll label when it is finished.

The Email Evidence Against Michelle Dickerman Summarized

There is one thing to keep in mind with the email evidence used against me in 2006. It's that not a single one of the emails used as evidence were ever verified via an independent and untampered source. Dickerman printed out the emails and handed them to the Charlottesville police. This was considered to be sufficient evidence for a police department and district attorney's office to railroad me into a felony I never committed. Because apparently something like Photoshop doesn't exist in their world. But Dickerman didn't even require any kind of editing software to modify the evidence against me.

Normally law enforcement will confiscate the computer of the accused and obtain the evidence off the defendant's own hard drive. Expect the Charlottesville police claimed they damaged my perfectly working hard drive (I had been playing an MMO the day before my arrest without any issues) and they supposedly wouldn't be able to retrieve anything for nine months until repairs were completed. Which was conveniently long enough for a trial and sentencing to be held before any repairs would be completed. This claim of hard drive damage is something which has raised questions among people I associate with who know more about computers than I do. As one friend who works in cybersecurity put it "Did they run it over with a squad car in the parking lot?" I have ample evidence to prove this claim of hard drive damage by the police. Michelle Dickerman deleted her Myspace profile right after hearing of my arrest, which also deleted the original evidence in her inbox. Once again I can prove this happened as well.

With emails showing evidence of being forwarded from her inbox, and Dickerman writing fake dates on individual sheets to claim each sheet as its own email (fully documented by my lawyer and he admits these discrepancies exist on tape recordings), none of the evidence used by the prosecution can be trusted or proven to have been unaltered by Dickerman. Dickerman had every ability to make those emails say what she wanted, and other lawyers I've spoken with have backed this up. "She could make those printouts say anything". There simply doesn't exist any original emails to be recovered now from an independent source that would prove Dickerman didn't do something to these emails. While ample evidence exists that calls all the evidence used by the prosecution into question. I can prove in a court of law that there are discrepancies demonstrating tampering by Dickerman. Neither Dickerman nor Charlottesville can prove in a court of law that the evidence they used in 2006 wasn't compromised. Michelle Dickerman and the Charlottesville law enforcement made a serious error back in 2006.

The only beneficial thing my lawyer William Johnson did during my case was document his own incompetence. In his own notes he fully documents the issues with the emails that prove tampering, documents statements made by Michelle Dickerman that can be proven as lies, and he documents the actions of the Charlottesville law enforcement. Johnson even documents his own incompetence and lazy mentality, likely due to his massive ego causing him to assume that he'll never answer for it. Which fair enough as nothing so far has proven him wrong. But if I can't make him answer in court, I can at least destroy whatever legacy and name he built once this whole shitshow of a case hits the news cycle after I take future steps that they can't ignore.

On one of the tape recordings my mother took during meetings with Johnson, she deliberately left the copies of the emails he gave her in her car. This way she forced him to have his assistant retrieve his own copies of the email evidence out of his files so they could go over them. She wanted to ensure that Johnson admitted that his own copies from the prosecution had this evidence of tampering. Which Johnson does fully admits on tape that the emails being discussed are copies he was handed by Joseph Platania personally. My mother points out the issues I will address below, and William Johnson states that yes these issues are present on his copies of the emails (emails which he states himself are exactly what the prosecution gave to him).

William Johnson further admits that these discrepancies are odd and confesses that he has no explanation behind why they exist. My mother and I didn't know at the time what exactly Dickerman had done to the emails either, but we knew something was up and that there was a problem that needed to be looked into. Despite there clearly being something wrong with the evidence, by his own admission, on tape Johnson very clearly does not want to discuss these issues. Issues that display blatant tampering. Johnson wants to get off the subject as quickly as possible. This further implicates him in cooperating with the prosecution, along with the other issues I've discussed previously. What defense attorney doesn't want to discuss clear signs that something is wrong with the evidence against his client? What defense attorney would willfully refuse to investigate issues that could win him his case?

Apparently a defense attorney who aided the prosecution to cover for the crimes of a female attorney that Johnson constantly expressed his attraction and admiration towards. Perhaps even a defense attorney who was handed some cash under the table by Gregory Manweiler. That's something that will require an investigation to uncover whether it happened or not of course, but I am fully confident that William Johnson would be willing to accept bribes to throw cases if he believed he could get away with it. I also fully believe Greg Manweiler would bribe a lawyer to protect his daughter's career. I imagine Johnson would be the weak link in that investigation. With Manweiler being a banker he would probably know how to hide such actions. Johnson however is an idiot with a massive ego, and if any financial coercion took place I'm betting he didn't cover his tracks well enough. I'm also betting he'd happily rat out others to save his own skin. God help Gregory Manweiler if I ever found proof that he did bribe my former attorney, because I'll show the same lack of mercy in court that his family showed to me.

I'll summarize the issues with the emails below, but I've gone over this in more detail in other posts. One of the emails shows that Dickerman was forwarding that email, specifically that she was forwarding it to an account that was clearly not mine. During the 2006 contact Dickerman never responded or forwarded my own emails back to me. I'd have jumped all over the police and DA's office if she had done so. The email Dickerman provided to cops said "To Rick" when it should say "From Rick" if this had been printed from her inbox (which is the only location emails sent from me would have shown up). Even my former lawyer saw this, made note of the error in his own paperwork, and admits it exists on tape. He admits it is odd and he doesn't know how to explain it, though I believe his tone on the recording suggests he at the very least suspects what that explanation might be.

Back in 2006 you could create a fake Myspace account using someone else's profile picture and name. You could even copy their background wallpaper, profile song, whatever they wrote on it, etc. You could make that profile look exactly like the real person's profile. You would only be able to tell if that was the real profile of a person by clicking the link and checking specific info that can't be copied - friends list, profile ID number, etc. You obviously can't click a link on a piece of paper that Dickerman handed to the cops. The email shows it was forwarded given it says "To Rick" instead of "From Rick". It obviously wasn't printed from her inbox and thus this email in police custody wasn't an email sent by me. Dickerman never forwarded emails back to me and I'd have raised hell with the cops if she had. I wouldn't have a felony today if Dickerman had ever forwarded any emails, let alone edited emails, back to me in 2006.

This means that the Rick profile she was forwarding the email to was a fake account she created to look like mine. It is the only explanation for why an email in police custody shows it was being forwarded to a Rick account. Again, if this was an email I sent to her and it was in her inbox, it wouldn't have said  "To Rick". This is an insurmountable problem for Dickerman and the prosecution, and there is overwhelming evidence to prove in court that this discrepancy existed on the evidence the prosecution themselves supplied to my lawyer.

Dickerman never told the cops that she forwarded those emails to a fake account. Because not even the Charlottesville law enforcement would be that rampantly stupid to take her word that nothing was done to the emails if they had been aware of this being done. They would know that they were risking major disaster by getting an arrest warrant on me with emails that Dickerman could have easily written herself. It would be criminal levels of negligence if they knew they were not receiving the original emails. Which means that Michelle Dickerman never told them about this extremely critical issue with the evidence that the charges were based upon.

It is an extremely big problem because forwarding said emails means that she had absolute freedom to make the contents of those emails say whatever she wanted. My lawyer admits on tape that I told him from the moment I looked at the emails that there was something wrong and that there were things within the contents I didn't recall ever writing. That admission by my lawyer on its own doesn't prove she rewrote anything within the emails, but the fact that she can be proven to have forwarded the emails means one very important thing.

Those emails obtained from Dickerman are considered entirely useless to the prosecution and should never have been the basis of the case against me without being verified through an original source. And they were never verified elsewhere as I'll get into shortly.

While I mentioned above that not recognizing some of the contents of the emails does not on it's own prove Dickerman rewrote anything, there is a problem she will experience in court. As a lawyer Dickerman would have known that knowledge of her providing forwarded copies that could easily be tampered with was an important detail for law enforcement. She knew she was not providing original untainted evidence. Yet Dickerman decided to withhold this critical information from police. The jury can be allowed to infer that being deceptive about her actions when providing this evidence to police means that Dickerman can be assumed to have done something to the evidence that she knew was wrong. That there was a criminal reason for her to withhold this information from law enforcement. Especially with her lawyer status taken into account. Dickerman's status as a lawyer is going to really screw her over in this case. Because she cannot claim ignorance on anything she did or on anything that happened. A lawyer would know better.

This withholding of important information in turn caused major issues with law enforcement response. If police had known about this forwarding problem they would have just asked for a search warrant first and verified the emails by confiscating my hard drive before any criminal charges were filed. Because to do otherwise would have had the potential of serious repercussions for them. This was clearly not desirable for Dickerman. Michelle Dickerman wanted me to get clubbed over the head by law enforcement ASAP. By withholding this extremely important information from law enforcement it provoked a larger and less cautious response by police. This was Dickerman's plan from the beginning because she knew she had been lying and would eventually get caught.

This in turn massively contributed to the damages inflicted against me by the Charlottesville legal system. Dickerman put C'ville law enforcement in a position where they were now risking lawsuits, firings, investigations, media backlash, and public criticism. It motivated C'ville law enforcement to railroad me in order to hide both Dickerman's crimes and their own incompetence. They couldn't go after Michelle Dickerman without putting their own necks on the line due to their lack of caution. While law enforcement is not to be excused for their actions and behavior, at the end of the day Michelle Annette Dickerman is responsible for all the harm that was inflicted by the law enforcement. They wouldn't have been put in that position if Dickerman hadn't lied to them.

I'll get into more detail on the jury instructions towards Dickerman's behavior further when I discuss her destruction of evidence. For the moment, I'll discuss more evidence proving her tampering.

Two other claimed emails were supposedly sent in April and May according to Michelle Dickerman's notations on the sheets. They were supposed to each be a single page from each email. Except both emails have the same message ID number and they both have a printer timestamp of March 12th. When you put both emails together they read as a single email not two separate emailsThey not only split a paragraph between them, but they even split a sentence between both sheets. One of the emails says within its contents that it was being sent on the Sunday of UVA's spring break week. That date in 2006 was March 12th 2006 - which matches the printer time stamp on the bottom of each sheet.

So they were not two separate emails sent on April and May as claimed by Michelle Dickerman in her own handwriting. The "two emails" can instead be proven in a court of law to be page 2 and page 3 of one email sent on March 12th. Michelle Dickerman had been splitting up pages of specific emails by putting false dates and then claiming them to be completely new emails. This not only covered how long Dickerman waited before taking action (thus proving she never believed herself to be in danger), but it also made it look like more emails had been sent to her than what she had actually received in reality. By pretending she received far more emails than the much smaller number that were actually sent, Dickerman encouraged the Charlottesville law enforcement to respond more aggressively than they would have had they known the truth.

Michelle Dickerman received these claimed emails on her Myspace profile. A profile that Dickerman deleted right after hearing of my arrest. Which destroyed all evidence on her profile. The news media recorded that she did this. When my mother saw this in the news report, she went to verify and could not locate Michelle Dickerman's Myspace profile. William Johnson also recorded in his notes that Dickerman admitted to him that she took down her profile when he talked with her after the protective order hearing.

My lawyer further admits that Dickerman told him she deleted this evidence, his admission being recorded on tape recordings my mother took. My lawyer even added a comment to this admission on one of the tapes - "She was wrong, she shouldn't have done that". Michelle Dickerman was a newly graduated law school student from UVA at the time. She passed the Virginia Bar Exam on her first attempt. Which means that according to the Virginia State Bar - Michelle Dickerman had all the knowledge of a practicing attorney when she destroyed critical evidence right after hearing of my arrest. She knew better than your average person to not destroy evidence and yet she did it anyway. Even another lawyer admits on tape that she was wrong and she shouldn't have done it. To know you shouldn't do something and yet do it anyway is a textbook definition of a criminal act.

This deletion of critical evidence by Michelle Dickerman means that a very important instruction can be given to a jury - that anything in her Myspace mailboxes can be assumed to have been evidence damaging to Michelle Dickerman. Allow me to explain that further using an example. Say if you get into a car accident and you have a dash camera. You are at fault for the accident so you delete that recording. The court finds out you had this recording and that you deleted it. The jury can be instructed that they may assume anything on that deleted recording was damaging to your case and showed you were potentially at fault. Because otherwise you wouldn't have deleted it.

Michelle Dickerman is a lawyer and thus she knew she shouldn't have deleted any of her evidence. She also did this quickly, right after my arrest in fact, which is very suspicious. The email printouts in the prosecution's possession showed clear evidence of tampering by Dickerman. Because Dickerman deleted an original source of the emails, no verification of evidence could be provided via her Myspace inbox. If she had been altering the contents of emails and lying about when emails were sent to her (and the printouts do show this to be the case), removing her Myspace account deleted all evidence of any wrongdoing by her. This means that a jury can be allowed to infer that Dickerman deleted her Myspace account to hide evidence that was damaging to her. Because a lawyer would have known better.

The Charlottesville police department claimed they thoroughly damaged my confiscated computer hard drive. Right before my second bond hearing in fact - which was held about a week after my arrest. So the damage happened extremely early. They "damaged" it so thoroughly that they said they couldn't obtain any evidence from it until it was repaired. The repair estimate ranged from nine to eleven months.

Thanks to the prosecution and my attorney railroading me into a guilty plea, the case was resolved in about four months - and the police had stopped the repairs after I took the guilty plea. I don't believe there was ever any actual damage and the cops just lied. Because by that time the District Attorney's office discovered what Dickerman did and the cover-up was in full swing. Claiming they damaged my hard drive, combined with Dickerman's deletion of evidence via taking down her Myspace profile, means that no evidence of Dickerman's wrongdoing could be uncovered. The hard drive would have proven what Dickerman did and law enforcement couldn't allow that.

My former attorney mentioned at the second bond hearing that the police had damaged my hard drive. I witnessed this myself through the TV screen at the jail. I also witnessed prosecutor Joseph Platania's head snap around so fast to glare at my lawyer that I'm surprised he didn't get whiplash. I could see his face get red even on a TV screen. He was very angry this was mentioned in court, as if this was something that my lawyer was supposed to keep a secret. Platania then began to stammer about how they didn't need anything on my computer. Really? You don't think you need to verify printouts handed to you by the victim that display tampering so blatant that it requires blatant incompetence and negligence to not notice? Boy do I have that asshole Platania dead to rights in court. Criminal levels of negligence at minimum.

Not only did I witness this being brought up in court, along with the prosecutor's own admission this happened - but my lawyer records this in his notes which I possess copies of. He also admits to my mother that this damage to my hard drive took place in the tape recordings she took. Virginia has a one-party law when it comes to recordings, meaning these recordings are admissible in court. So I can prove in court that Dickerman deleted evidence. I can prove in court that C'ville law enforcement claimed they "damaged" my computer hard drive to such an extent that they couldn't retrieve evidence from it.

This means that with Michelle Dickerman deleting her profile (thus destroying all original emails on her end) and the police somehow managing to wreck my confiscated hard drive (thus destroying all original emails on my end) - there was only one other source for the emails. That would have required subpoenaing Myspace for their server records. A request that was never performed.

Which means that the only source of evidence against me for the felony charge was a handful of printouts held by the prosecution that exhibited blatant tampering and were never verified through an independent and trustworthy source. I can prove in court that the evidence wasn't credible, blatantly tampered with, and never verified by law enforcement. I can prove in court the prosecution railroaded me, hid evidence, destroyed evidence, and violated my civil rights by threatening me into pleading guilty. I can prove in court malicious prosecution by both prosecutors and the Manweiler family. I can prove in court my lawyer threatened me into pleading guilty and coached my plea at the hearing. It is an open and shut case - I just have to get it into court. Once the charges are dismissed, regardless of who dismisses them, I then have the ability to start filing some very serious lawsuits in court. You can bet that everyone who touched this case is catching a civil suit. Including Dickerman's parents.

Michelle Dickerman cannot prove that the contents of the email printouts she provided law enforcement in 2006 weren't rewritten by her. Dickerman can be proven to have forwarded the emails because the emails she provided police shows this to be the case. She thus had the ability to modify the contents at will, and no original untainted copies exist to prove she didn't fabricate any parts of the emails when forwarding them. This lack of original copies is partly due to her own actions, as she herself deleted such evidence right after hearing of my arrest. The police then handled the destruction of the rest on their side. Some of the email copies Dickerman provided law enforcement also show that they were sent on a completely different date from the dates Dickerman herself recorded on them with her own handwriting. They were one email and not two as she claimed in her handwriting - again her own evidence says this. Her own evidence is saying that what she wrote on them is a lie.

Dickerman obviously cannot be held as a credible witness as to their authenticity either. While her own behavior and the blatant lies she was caught in have seriously damaged her credibility, she also obviously has a clear conflict of interest. Of course she is going to claim she did anything other than fabricate the emails. Because admitting to the crime will obviously carry serious penalties. "Your honor my client says she didn't do it, I move for dismissal". That's clearly not going to cut it in court. That isn't to say that it would stop them from trying such a stupid act, after all government entities have made some of the most incompetent defense claims in a case to avoid admitting they were wrong, but that isn't something that is going to work out for them here.

I can also prove in court that Dickerman lied to law enforcement and the courts about physical contact happening in Charlottesville at her place of residence. Multiple sources recorded this lie from Michelle Dickerman. She then forgot the lie months later and admitted she was aware I never knew where she lived and worked in Charlottesville. Which means the events she told law enforcement at the start of the case could never have happened. I can also prove she lied in her Victim Impact Statement about past events, using letters Dickerman herself wrote during the time those events took place. There is further proof that Dickerman lied to cops when she attended William and Mary as I went into earlier in this post. The reality is that any competent lawyer could exsanguinate Dickerman's credibility as a witness on the stand. 

End of email evidence summary

The Effects and damage on me and my family from Michelle Dickerman and the Charlottesville law enforcement's actions, as well as the serious consequences Michelle Dickerman and her family risk when public exposure occurs

This section, along with some other spots, were cut and pasted together from various things written over the time I've been working on this post. As I mentioned at the start of the post, multiple times I got angry enough that I had to just step away and let this sit for awhile. Other times I just jumped to writing about something else and then switched back to the other sections once I cooled down. I've attempted to piece this together in a more orderly manner and link everything up better. But I may end up repeating things I've already discussed despite attempting to go through it and edit everything.

I will likely tweak this post after it is published as I go back over it again, but as I'm writing this paragraph I really just want to get this post out and be finished with it. So if it seems to meander or repeat similar concepts in a different way, it's because I wrote some of it weeks apart from each other and didn't want to completely nuke what I wrote altogether when revisiting it. So I tried to make it all fit together as much as possible and hopefully I was successful in this. 

Everything that was done to me in 2006 has left me with issues that I haven't been able to work through, nor will I be able to so long as justice against the guilty parties is continued to be denied to me. During my years of unemployment, due to nobody wanting to hire a felon, I had to ignore everything that happened to me and just deal with it later. Shoved it all into a box and slapped a lid on it. I knew I couldn't deal with what they did to me while I was still uncertain about what kind of future I would even have.

Once I gained employment and was there long enough to be reasonably certain that I would remain employed, I no longer had an excuse to bury what happened in 2006. The lid ripped off the box and everything I had buried hit me like a truck. I slowly started withdrawing from people and became more and more isolated. I stopped going out to most places and became largely a hermit. My anger at my situation continued to elevate. I had also stopped caring about my health, and I experienced the eating issues that Grannon mentions he went through in that Living With the Enemy video I posted in the Narcissism discussion. I ended up putting on a lot of weight that only increased my levels of anger and depression. Insomnia was commonplace. I found myself unable to take time to disconnect and unplug. My hobbies I once enjoyed stopped being the release they used to be, exacerbating the issues I was already dealing with.

While 2020 wasn't good for most people, my issues that year started with watching my father slowly dying from the final stage of Alzheimer's over a three day period. The last stages happened rapidly due to the lockdowns. He was as lucky as you can get however, in that the bad final stage took maybe a little over a week. Some people linger a couple years unable to communicate or do anything while their family takes care of them like an infant.

The death of my father sunk home just how much time I've lost because of what these people did to me. Given that my father was a police officer through and through, the felony charge caused a bit of a rift between us. I had always hoped I might get it thrown out and get that redemption with my father. Once Alzheimer's took hold that redemption wasn't possible anymore. Now that he's dead it definitely is too late for any of that. Which is another source of extreme hate and anger pointed in Michelle Dickerman's direction.

There are other things of course that happened after the death of my father. Other close family passed away, other problems kept surfacing, and it all topped off with me losing my job of ten years when the company suddenly went bankrupt and I had to go job hunting. I certainly wasn't looking forward to that job hunt, given my issues in the past with employers not liking the felony on my record. There were some really bad thoughts towards the guilty parties rolling around in my head during this time, especially when I seemed to keep bumping up against problems with finding new employment thanks to the false felony charge.

I had a company offer me a job for mid-100k through a staffing agency, only to have both the company and agency ghost me once they had enough info to run a background check. I was interviewed by three people, one of whom worked for my old company before jumping to the one I was interviewing for. He was on one of the projects I worked on and so we both knew each other. When he heard about the bankruptcy he felt fortunate to have left when he did. Before the interview took place I was told that it might be a couple of hours before I hear anything about whether I got the job or not. The company's HR contacted the staffing agency with a mid-100K offer within a half hour after my interview. They wanted me onboard ASAP.

Then they got enough info that a background check could have been run without my knowledge. I never heard from them again. Even the staffing agency stopped making excuses and eventually just refused to talk to me. Every staffing agency I talked to during that unemployment period keeps sending me job offers to this day - all except that one agency. And they are still in business and working to fill roles for other companies. They've even found job for other ex-coworkers. But that agency absolutely doesn't want to talk to me and I can easily guess why that might be.

That job offer meant they would get money as well because they would have me under contract until six months went by, where upon I would then roll over into being a direct hire employee afterwards. So they had every reason to want this job offer to go through since that was six months of renting me out. If they found out the other company backed out because I have a felony on my record, I can see their reluctance to deal with me. Why waste their resources on trying to get someone hired when that person's record makes it more challenging for the company to get paid?

That job offer had given me a massive boost of hope, and then I had it taken away. My old job couldn't pay their people that much, and for quite awhile I was even living paycheck to paycheck. When the company started hitting financial issues years before the bankruptcy they froze all promotions and raises. Because of my fears of not getting another job over the felony, I chose to stay even when I had other coworkers that were leaving tell me I needed to go elsewhere. I wanted to go somewhere that paid more but I believed my record would create issues. Better to stick with the only engineering employer that was willing to hire me as a felon. My concerns over my criminal record causing issues with employment turned out to be quite valid given what I've experienced since the bankruptcy.

With the old company I never assumed I'd ever be able to afford lawyers to fix the 2006 damage, and in turn I had decided on other methods I would take to seek justice for the felony. That first job offer gave me hope for the first time in my life that maybe I might be able to afford another option. That hope was taken away from me for a brief time when everything went silent with that job offer. You can imagine how that affected my disposition when the company and staffing agency started ghosting me. If I had received any proof at the time that it was indeed over the felony I might have made a very rash decision.

I've been lucky enough that so far things worked out with a job that pays close to what I was offered before, and that so far they haven't kicked me to the curb yet over the felony. I'm still waiting for that shoe to drop. I could say that such an act might take away that last hope, except I haven't really been entertaining that hope much these days. To be honest I don't believe that hope is likely valid after all this time if it ever was, and I think my options for getting justice are limited to just one.

For now I'm just continuing forward and working in the background towards getting justice for what was done to me. In the short term I'm going to start work on getting the good behavior time dropped early. Once that happens I'll work on getting my right to own a firearm restored (I don't give a shit about the voting rights anymore). For now I'm going to jump through their legal hoops, because things will work out far better and easier in the future if I can own firearms without having to be clandestine about it.

As I said in a previous update post, I could illegally obtain a firearm and ammunition anytime I wanted all these years. Laws only apply when you get caught after all. I don't even need to build my own from parts kits to obtain one, despite the fact I have the exact training and knowledge to do just that. I design 3D parts for a living and I have machine shop experience. People are creating threaded barrels using a bucket of water and electrical current. The guy who shot the former Japanese prime minister with his DIY shotgun probably used his own piss to get some of the chemicals for the gun powder. I don't care who says I'm not supposed to build or own one because of a felony that I'm innocent of in the first place. A felony is only a concern when said felon gives a shit. I stopped giving a shit years ago. The only thing that has stopped me so far is a conscious decision to not yet obtain one even when I was offered guns on a couple occasions. I wasn't ready just yet to make the leap that decision requires.

I'm well aware I'd be looking at prison time if I got caught with a gun as a felon. I don't care. That prison time isn't the problem I have with this decision. What the actual problem is, is that at the moment there is the tiniest, faintest hope that I can get the felony from 2006 thrown out. In my possession I have all the proof I need to show that the evidence against me was false and that I was railroaded by corrupt individuals. If I get another felony added on for owning a gun as a felon - none of the evidence I have proving what they did to me in 2006 matters anymore. I would still never have my record completely expunged because of the new gun charge.

Getting that complete expungement and restoration of rights is the only way that Dickerman would ever hope to see the end of this. Even if she answered for her actions in some legal form, it wouldn't make me go away so long as my record remained tainted. Sure I could potentially get the felony charge from 2006 thrown out once it all hit the public's knowledge of what went down. Maybe I could sue everyone involved in the 2006 case afterwards. But I'd still be a felon if I ended up getting a charge for owning a gun as a felon. I doubt a judge vacating the 2006 felony would have any effect on the felony for possession, even though the possession felony wouldn't ever exist without the 2006 felony. Which would mean that this dispute between Dickerman and I would never end at that point regardless of the consequences she faced - because I'd still be a felon with no means available to correct that problem. This never goes away while my life is still affected by this woman's lies and actions.

That's the only reason that I haven't taken that last leap. Hope. Once I cross certain lines there isn't any chance of fixing what they did to me. It's gone forever. But it might be gone forever anyway. In fact I'm pretty sure their railroading means I can't fix it through the courts. And if I can't get the courts and the media to listen to me, then my only option at that point is forcing them to listen. The day I lose the hope of clearing my name in court, the day I confirm that it's not possible to ever fix the evil these people committed against me and my family in 2006, that's the day I fully stop caring about penalties.

Like I said, I'll jump through the hoops for now because it'll make things easier down the road if I can have firearms legally. But I don't care if I get told "No" in the end. The problem with getting the right restored the legal way however is that the right isn't returned to the same condition pre-2006. For example, even if I'm allowed to buy a firearm again by walking into a gun store and filling out a form, I wouldn't be able to get a concealed carry permit because I'd still have criminal background.

Getting my right to own a gun restored doesn't change the issue of having a criminal background. Sure I could just conceal carry "illegally", and if that's what I have to do so be it. But if I'm put in a situation where I have to use said concealed firearm in a self defense situation - well you can guess the problem. Granted there is a saying among the gun community when it comes to concealed carry in places that say you're not allowed - "you can fix fired and you can fix arrested, but you can't fix dead". But that isn't exactly helpful when I'm having to fix the arrested part on top of trying to fix the felony part.

Once I've worked on the restoration of my rights I'll then look into getting the felony tossed. It's not the court case itself that is the problem, it's getting the case in front of the court in the first place. I have no doubt that once my evidence is shown in court the charge would be thrown out. The felony doesn't have a single leg to stand on. None of the evidence in my case was ever verified through an independent source - it was based on printouts given to them by Michelle Dickerman. Anything provided by Dickerman can be proven to have been tampered with. The email copies provided to my former attorney via the prosecution have blatant signs of Dickerman doing something to them.

Michelle Annette Dickerman absolutely knows that the felony case against me has no legal leg to stand on if it was brought before a court. She also knows that people will see all of what was done to me as an evil act, a violation of civil rights, and a blatant case of favoritism for a rich white girl. Because if she doesn't realize all of this she is even less of a competent lawyer than my former attorney William Johnson. But I think she knows quite well just how high the potential is for her getting screwed by the very system she played around with once all this corrupt and sleazy business goes public.

The system doesn't care who it bludgeons so long as it can keep itself looking good. The Feds like to step in to see that a few heads get put on pikes to keep the masses happy without getting down to the rot itself. They don't mind what heads end up on that pike, so long as the pikes are put on display. If there is enough public outcry for Dickerman to answer for what she did there isn't any amount of money that will save her from criminal charges. Michelle Annette Dickerman knows she destroyed evidence during an investigation and she knows she committed obstruction. The damage she inflicted and her attorney status justifies making them felonies. After all they bumped a misdemeanor to a felony on me and I had zero criminal record at the time. Virginia doesn't have a statute of limitations on most felonies. There are probably a few other felonies that state prosecutors could dig up. Virginia is full of old random laws on the books that get enforced whenever prosecutors feel like being dicks.

Dickerman won't be able to play victim if the public gets pissed off over what clearly appears to be favoritism by law enforcement and school authorities for a rich white girl. Even if Dickerman tried to offer testimony against the criminal acts by Charlottesville law enforcement done on her behalf, the State Attorney General's office likely wouldn't be willing to give any deals or immunity if people demand an example be made. Even if the prosecutors decide they can't pursue charges against Michelle Dickerman - people will be angry and assume the rich white girl is getting special treatment yet again. I imagine it wouldn't be an easy life for the Manweilers after that.

Dickerman knows every bit of this case looks bad for her (and her father given his ties to all of this) when everything is put out in the open. The events of 2006 were a nasty shitshow that looks incredibly corrupt. The optics here are terrible and show blatant corruption. Her status as a lawyer means she can't claim ignorance at any point during this case. Michelle Dickerman knew she was in the wrong. She knew what was being done to me was wrong. She knew she was getting special treatment from law enforcement and knew that special treatment was wrong. She watched me struggle for more than a decade because of what she did and never lifted a finger. She has never shown a single bit of remorse almost 20 years on. How well do you expect that to play out on the news cycle these days? How well do you expect it to play out in a courtroom?

It doesn't even have to be Charlottesville that drops the felony charge from a public outcry. My understanding is the State Attorney General is capable of stepping in to dismiss it since the charges fell under state law. Once the charges get dismissed, for whatever reason, then that dismissal immediately opens up Michelle Dickerman to immense civil liability. Immense given the damages sustained by me and the length of time that damage has been allowed to continue. Almost 20 years lived with a felony I never committed. While also being considered under state custody due to the prosecution's deliberate attempt to prevent me from getting a pardon or a restoration of rights for 20 years. Something they did not only out of viciousness, but it was also done for Michelle Dickerman's benefit. After all, why would the prosecutors even care if I got a pardon or restoration of rights years later? They normally wouldn't, as something like that is completely out of their hands and thus they could never be blamed for it. The prosecutors only cared for two reasons - because they wanted to hurt me, and because Michelle Dickerman and her parents wanted to hurt me.

How much is 20 ruined years of a person's life worth to a jury? Especially given the fact that Dickerman has shown no remorse and taken no responsibility for her actions. She never did anything to fix the clear wrong she committed all that time. 20 years of letting something as evil as this continue. Imagine the jury in her civil trial putting in a request for a calculator. I bet Dickerman would have significant blood pressure issues in that moment.

How much for all the abuses and mental anguish inflicted in her name? How much for the suffering it inflicted on my family? I wonder if the City of Charlottesville could even sue her for her actions? Her case will damage the reputation of the city for a long time and I'd imagine the city and it's citizens would want her to answer for it (I can't imagine she'd ever be able to show her face at a UVA reunion).

People will see that a rich white family manipulated things for their own personal benefit. Not just in 2006. Not just the William and Mary incident. We're talking all the way back to Dickerman getting special treatment from school authorities just to tie with another girl for an academic honor. That absolutely won't fly today in our racially charged society. People don't even have to like me to know that what was done to me in 2006 was absolutely wrong. Whatever people think of me - they will think a lot less of Michelle Dickerman and her father once all the details of what happened come out. Especially given that Michelle Dickerman and her parents have known all this was wrong from the beginning but let that evil stand for going on 20 years. No one will find that acceptable either.

I have been told that there are things Michelle Dickerman could have done all this time to correct some of that evil. Things that she as a lawyer knew she could have done. I've even been told she could have done things all the way back at the beginning of the case. That she was fully capable of stopping the injustice as it was happening in 2006. But Michelle Dickerman didn't want to stop any of it. It was never just the prosecution's decisions at play here, though I'm sure Dickerman paints it that way to protect her image. I'm sure there are some people around her that are stupid enough to believe it.

But it was all within her power to prevent what they were doing to me. It was within her power to fix it all this time. Not make it right, that can't ever be done, but it was in her power to fix a significant portion of what she did. Yet despite seeing me struggle for years, seeing me unemployed, seeing the health impact on me and my family - she knew she could fix some of it and yet let it all continue for almost two decades now. Had she done those acts in the very beginning, I might have been willing to walk away. But not after all these years - that's not good enough. I need people to suffer now for the years I've lost and can never get back.

That refusal to fix the evil she committed was never a surprise to me however. There has never been a time where I ever expected Dickerman to do the right thing for once in her life. I've never once entertained the idea that Dickerman ever felt remorse for her actions. It's a big reason I'll never show remorse in anything I do to her. Nor have I ever assumed she'd one day fess up to her criminal acts. Confessing to her crimes and testifying against her co-conspirators has been the only way out for Michelle Dickerman after all this time and damage. Simply serving them up without her being punished wouldn't be enough now. All these individuals have left their positions of authority. Punishment against the prosecutors means nothing because even Platania has likely moved on. Even my former attorney has probably retired from the lawyer practice. Why would he give a shit now if he's disbarred?

Dickerman's refusal to fix the clear wrongs she committed and is responsible for isn't going to play well on the news media reels. It won't sound good to a potential jury either. Both civil and criminal juries. It also has an additional problem once any public outcry over the special treatment happens should Dickerman ever try to harm me again. She would immediately lose the ability to bargain and negotiate with authorities to avoid any prosecution.

If the favoritism she received in the past sparks a racial backlash - there isn't anything or anyone that is going to save Michelle Dickerman's ass if the State decides to move forward on charges against her. Those in power usually attempt to display the heads of lower level individuals to protect the evil acts committed by those further up the chain of responsibility. It's a way to look like they're doing something when the real rot is still left to fester. If anyone gets left swinging in the breeze from the legal fallout, it'll be Michelle Dickerman. The legal equivalent of putting her head on a pike would help to calm the public and convince people that justice was served. Platania, Chapman, and Rudman would likely walk away without problems while the system made an example of Dickerman. She would be facing that dogpiling on two fronts - the civil case and the criminal case.

When it comes to civil liability, the second worst thing you could do to someone like Dickerman is hit her in the wallet. Her life revolves heavily around money, it's why she went into the financial field after all. Her undergraduate degree was in finance. She now works for the US Treasury Department. You don't get into that kind of degree and career without an unhealthy passion for cash. Much like my former attorney William Johnson, Michelle Dickerman became a lawyer for the financial gain. Johnson is/was a lawyer because he likes his tailored suits and expensive toys. Dickerman became a lawyer for the accumulation of wealth and proximity to any power her role can provide. I believe lawyers take an oath against such motivations but to no one's surprise the word of most lawyers isn't worth anything. There are only two things that Michelle Dickerman cares about in life - her career and her money. I can also imagine Dickerman's father would also hate that hit financially given his line of work. Nobody pursues careers in the financial industry without having a love of money.

Dickerman's parents are likely very open to massive civil liability as well, given that the prosecution fully admitted in writing that she and her parents were behind the railroading and the abuses conducted. It is documented in the prosecution's emails and my former attorney admits their involvement in tape recordings. The prosecution's emails will still be archived as public record, and they won't be able to hide those emails from the public and the courts once an investigation begins. I imagine there will be plenty more evidence showing that Dickerman's parents were fully invested in the harm inflicted on me. Though to be honest I don't expect Dickerman that really cares deep down about what her parents could face out of this. The career and achievements of Dickerman are the only priority for her. Michelle Dickerman only cares about Michelle Dickerman.

In addition to the civil liability, Dickerman also risks serious criminal penalties should prosecutors decide to make an example out of her due to public pressure. A rich white girl lied to law enforcement, and was able to be successful with her lies simply because police just assumed her status made her incapable of lying to them. Law enforcement fell all over themselves to crack me over the head because to them the life of a rich white UVA student was more valuable than any other person. Said law enforcement then committed an extremely blatant cover up partly for her protection. Her protection wasn't the entire reason, but it was definitely a part of it. Especially given prosecutor Joseph Platania's clear and unprofessional attraction to Michelle Dickerman. The C'ville law enforcement then conducted insanely personal abuse against me solely for the benefit of Dickerman and her rich parents. None of this will play well in the news media.

The damages she inflicted, the bad optics of this entire case, and the criminal investigations would result in something far more damaging to Dickerman's ego. The worst thing you could ever do to Michelle Annette Dickerman is to take away her status, her career, and/or her achievements. The loss of the reputation she cultivated through years of lies and carefully managing her own PR. To lose face and all she's worked for means there is no Michelle Dickerman anymore. This is a woman who is as deep as a puddle. Without her career and her achievements there is no personality underneath. All that is there is a program she runs. It's kind of like the Bro-Vets who make their entire personality revolve around the handful of years they spent in the military because they never developed a personality prior to joining.

Taking away everything that Dickerman points to in order to claim she's better than everyone else would be a fate she couldn't handle. So that is why Dickerman keeps quiet. That's why she can't risk doing anything to me no matter what I do. She'll get one hell of a fight on round two, and all her ugliness will get put on full public display. And if the tide turns against her because people get angry that a rich white girl got blatant special treatment to destroy someone's life - it could all blow up in Dickerman's face and cost her everything she's ever worked for in her life. 

So for Dickerman, it doesn't matter what she puts her husband through. She definitely couldn't care less how her actions affect her children. Those kids are purse puppies to someone with the mentality Dickerman has after all. All that matters to her is that Dickerman maintains her status and her career. Because she knows deep down she isn't a person without all that.

She knows that this entire nasty affair going public means that everything goes to hell for her. Journalists camping in front of her house 24/7. If Dickerman thought there was news coverage before, wait until a Federal investigation starts up given all of the evidence I have of bad behavior from law enforcement. There are more ugly things in the history of the Charlottesville court system than just my case, and all of it is just waiting for someone to crack the lid open and take a look. All the nastiness and evil Dickerman committed, and the same evil committed by others in her name, will come out publicly with no ability to hide it. Things won't go down the same way it did last time and I'm perfectly fine with turning it into a circus that shows the reek of these sleazy and corrupt individuals. 

God help everyone involved if this case blows up in their faces - because I won't show a single shred of mercy if the legal system ends up on my side in the end after every thing that happened. Especially if they try for round two. As I said before, things with me have changed a lot now and I no longer have a problem with doing unto others as they have done unto me. That kid who wouldn't have wanted Dickerman to be railroaded or threatened out of her right to a fair trial is dead and buried. I want to see Dickerman being paraded in front of the courtroom in a jumpsuit and shackles like I was. I want to see her parents crying in the courtroom helpless to do anything, just as my parents were forced to do back in 2006. If the legal sledgehammer lands in my hands this time around, I'm going to make things very ugly for everyone involved.

I have zero tolerance for "people" who use the violence and authority of the State to abuse and hurt others. I don't even view such individuals as human and I'm not interested in playing nice with them. There isn't an ounce of mercy for those who used that State apparatus as their own personal toy to inflict harm on me. I firmly believe that I should show my enemies the same mercy they show me. And I was shown absolutely no mercy whatsoever. If you treat me like I'm less than human then I will return the favor ten times over. If you send the boot to step on me, I will laugh and cheer when that same boot you worship crushes your throat. It is what such individuals deserve. 

There is no moving forward for me until I get justice for what was done. They lied to everyone. They railroaded me into pleading to a crime I never committed. They destroyed my life to protect their careers. There is nothing on this earth that will make me go away. Not after everything that these "people" did to me and my family. Not after the crimes that were committed against me. By taking things too far they have nothing left to threaten me with. If Dickerman wants to be an idiot by doubling-down so be it. Try me. There is no scenario where that ever ends any better.

Trying to hurt me has only ever kept this situation going and escalated it further and further. Every single time. She should have been able to see a pattern of her bad behavior making everything worse for her even before the events of 2006. Where has hurting me with her lies gotten her? All of it is theater from her of course just so she can get attention by playing victim. But I imagine the game has to get old at some point. Has anything improved for her and her family by fucking up my life over a lie?

Can't imagine she's batshit enough to think she's in a better situation after the 2006 case concluded than the one she was in before my arrest. "Oh well at least he can't own guns" - no, we've been over that stupid idea already. Not being able to legally get one isn't the same as not being able to get one at all. The felony isn't what is stopping that as I already discussed. So what exactly has been made better by having me railroaded into a felony she knew I never committed back in 2006? Nothing. Hasn't been better for either of us. It is far worse in fact but especially for her. She gave me very good reasons to hate. She gave me justified motive to want to be everything she claimed to be worried about. She not only has kept this fight going for almost 20 years, but escalated it into something far more serious.

Not only that, but Dickerman has backed herself into a corner by not being more careful with her lies. She can't do anything to me without giving me the very publicity I need to absolutely fuck up her life with all the evidence of what took place in Charlottesville in 2006. There is enough evidence to absolutely ruin her life even if she manages to escape criminal charges. But by all means give it a shot, maybe one more dumb decision by her is totally the one that makes everything better. This time things will totally work out. There is a quote about the definition of insanity that is potentially misattributed to Einstein. Misattributed or not, it definitely applies to Michelle Dickerman if she thinks round two will do anything other than dig herself into a deeper hole.

So I don't believe Michelle Dickerman will ever do anything. Because she knows how bad everything looks and she knows it has the potential to ruin her entire life if everything goes wrong for her. And if she doesn't recognize that there is a very real risk to her career, reputation, and freedom should it all go wrong for her? Then perhaps I've been judging William Johnson's competency as a lawyer too harshly. Maybe the reason things are getting worse in this country is because most of the lawyers are complete dumbasses.

When I say Michelle Dickerman won't do anything, I mean she won't do anything. Not just that she will not be stupid enough to try round two with the legal system. But she won't even do the right thing by admitting to what she did and testifying against her fellow conspirators in the Charlottesville law enforcement. That would be the only chance she has to ever walk away. But this woman wouldn't know the right thing even if it slapped her in the face. As a narcissist Dickerman cannot accept responsibility for any of the evils she's inflicted on someone else. She would rather risk her safety and the safety of others than to ever risk her career and status.

I have honestly never expected her to even remotely do the right thing. And for some time now I haven't expected her to do the stupid thing either. Certainly not now that the dilemma she faces has been spelled out more thoroughly on this blog. I expect nothing from the publishing of this post except a maintaining of the status quo.

Dickerman couldn't care less about how all this affects those around her. Not even if it causes her husband to have to worry about security constantly. Not even if that means her kids can't even live a normal life because of what their mother forces them to live with. The kids are just a status symbol after all, but not an important one for someone like Michelle Dickerman. Dickerman has to have me be the "bogeyman" for the sake of her reputation and to get attention. So she'll make me the bogeyman for her kids as well. Because she can't claim to others that I'm a threat if she doesn't make me the bogeyman even for her family.

So she'll put everyone around her through hell because we're not dealing with someone who is mentally capable of doing the right thing. Dickerman would lose everything she truly values if she confessed to her crimes. She also can't risk everything going public on the crimes she committed, which means she can't lift a finger to do anything to me. Not to mention that she gets attention from playing the victim. Dickerman is all too happy to put others through hell for her own benefit, even if that means inflicting that hell on her family as well. Michelle Dickerman's true love is herself and her career.

There is also no way for her and her father to avoid the destruction of their reputations on top of it no matter what direction the wind ends up blowing. This all looks like a case of two corrupt law enforcement agencies (W&M CPD and CVPD), connected to two universities (W&M and UVA) that her rich bastard of a father attended, and both agencies just happened to cover up for his daughter's criminal acts.

Both appear to be colleges that her father (Greg Manweiler) donated money towards. I've definitely seen his name pop up for UVA. I bet a lot of people are going to want to know the timing and amount of those UVA donations. Greg Manweiler even works with W&M after his retirement as CFO of a bank. So as I said her father has very strong ties to two universities his daughter attended, and law enforcement agencies connected to those two universities committed corrupt and even criminal acts for the benefit of the Manweiler family. So what does Dickerman and her father think all of this will look like to the public? 

None of this will play well in the media these days and everyone is going to assume Gregory Manweiler's guilt. People I talk to about the case immediately assume Manweiler had a hand in the situation even before they learn all the details about the guy. Once they hear everything about him they become even more convinced that Greg Manweiler did something wrong behind the scenes for his daughter's benefit.

So once this all goes public, and it will one day no matter what Dickerman does, nobody will ever believe Gregory Manweiler was innocent. Her father will go to his grave one day with his legacy and name completely ruined - all because of his daughter. I can't say it's entirely on her however, given that Manweiler raised his daughter to believe people are objects to be used. It is his daughter's garbage personality and treatment of others that caused this dispute in the first place. And if Manweiler hadn't manipulated things behind the scenes, and I'm 100% convinced that he did in some form, the C'ville law enforcement might not have taken things as far as they did. Both the prosecution and my former attorney point an accusing finger at her parents after all. That influence might not have involved financial incentive, but I firmly believe Gregory Manweiler pulled some strings to get the 2006 results from law enforcement. Just as I believe he pulled strings to help his daughter out for an academic honor.

The evidence I have against the Charlottesville law enforcement's behavior could easily bring Federal attention to the case. Everything law enforcement did in my case looks shady as hell at the minimum, but the evidence shows some serious criminal behavior took place. It will become a media circus complete with news vans parked outside both Dickerman and Manweiler's homes, shouting questions at them the second they go outside.

The irony is that what Dickerman did to me in 2006 is the entire reason this conflict even exists now. It's also the reason also why it has escalated by orders of magnitude more than the stupid slap fight it was prior. The position Dickerman is in now is not a good one and she'd be an idiot to not recognize that. In order to avoid the very real risk of getting her own life ruined, Dickerman has to keep quiet and wait for me to do something. Which is a really big problem and not a position that I'd want to be in personally.

Once again, this situation would have simply been over if she hadn't walked into the Charlottesville police department at all - let alone walking in there with lies and fabricated evidence. I had actually been caught by surprise by the police contact, because some days had passed before that and I just completely forgot about the situation. I had decided I was done, that I had pushed enough, and I couldn't even conjure up anything more that I wanted to say. There had even been a relationship starting up in the month before my arrest. You can imagine what happened to that after the arrest.

Dickerman sat on her ass for so long (roughly seven months) and then only decided to do something when all the fight had actually left me. I would ask if she thought it was worth it when looking back on her past choices, but I'm pretty sure her timing had been intentional. She knew I was walking away and that's why she made her move. She has a history of such behavior. The only consistency this woman has ever shown is choosing to do something to antagonize and escalate every single time when I made the decision to drop it. Every time I was finally running out of steam, she did something really stupid that just pissed me off more. It happened so regularly that I have a really hard time believing that it wasn't intentional. Dickerman loves her victimhood and she couldn't get that without stirring the pot. I just wonder if the oppression points she gets is worth all the trouble for her now.

The simple fact is that had Michelle Dickerman not done anything in 2006, or even better actually try talking it out like an adult (*Gasp* Oh the horror!), this situation would have ended. We wouldn't be doing this bullshit now. She wouldn't be watching her back almost 20 years later. Had she just ignored me I wouldn't have cared about the situation anymore and things would have moved on.

If nothing had happened in 2006 and the two of us ran into each other in 2023 - I wouldn't have even wasted my time giving her the middle finger. I would have just not acknowledged that she existed. Instead the idiot went straight for the nuclear option without even attempting anything else, had me hammered to such an extent that it screams corruption and favoritism, and then she was apparently surprised that she ended up with an enemy for life. An enemy that isn't about to ever let her walk away until she answers for her actions. Talking isn't fixing this situation anymore. So bravo genius! That valedictorian slot was clearly earned fairly with big brain tactics like that.

Even with her going to law enforcement in 2006, had she not lied about what happened I wouldn't have ended up being charged with a felony I never committed. Even with the lies being made and the felony being filed, had Dickerman gone along with the plea deal my former attorney first proposed this whole situation wouldn't exist today. And not just because my life wouldn't have been ruined by a felony charge I was never guilty of committing. It also wouldn't exist because my lazy lawyer wouldn't have bothered retrieving evidence from the prosecution. Which would mean that I would never have known that Michelle Dickerman tampered with the email evidence in the first place.

By choosing to hammer me Dickerman ensured that I found out about what she did to those emails once my lawyer took a look at the evidence. Once I discovered what she did to those emails I wasn't about to let that slide, certainly not with a felony on my record as well. For a misdemeanor I'd have considered it to not be worth fighting over. But then again a misdemeanor would have meant I would have never seen the evidence of email tampering in the first place. So let's give our female Sherlock Holmes another round of applause for her intelligent choices in life! This woman's incompetence is a greater detriment to her well-being than anything else.

My life has been destroyed. All because of Michelle Dickerman's lies, all because of some stupid emails. Dickerman's life will be destroyed as well when all is said and done, regardless of how justice comes to her in the end. And it is coming to her. Her family won't escape the fallout either. I wonder if it was all worth it for her? That's about the only question I have left, and it's not even one I care to have answered. It certainly wasn't worth it for me. But then I was carried along the rapids without any choice in how it turned out once the cuffs got slapped on me.

Michelle Dickerman had a choice. She's always had a choice. A choice to resolve things differently. But she always continued to make the choices that fucked everyone over instead - herself included. She has such a talent for it that I find it hard to believe it's unintentional sometimes. Others have referred to her decision in 2006 as going for the "nuclear option" first without even attempting anything else to de-escalate. I thought lawyers were taught skills like de-escalation, but clearly UVA isn't churning out good lawyers with their curriculum.

Michelle Dickerman talks in her VIS about there being a weight on her shoulders since first meeting me. The problem is I was never the one who put that "weight" up there - that was all your doing you narcissist. God forbid she ever take some personal responsibility for a change. Like I said before, a dispute like this can't get this messed up and convoluted if both sides are willing to come to the table and talk. I have more than enough evidence to prove I tried multiple times to extend an olive branch and talk it out. So guess which side refused? Dickerman has always had a multitude of peaceful ways to end the dispute available to her and instead she did things to antagonize and escalate. So whatever "weight" the drama queen is referring to was put there all by herself. But she's not the only person she's saddled that weight on.

Dickerman is forcing her husband to carry that weight on his shoulders. She's put that weight upon her kids as well, forcing them to live life looking over their shoulders. Dickerman won't fix that because doing so means losing the only things she really cares about - her career and her achievements. Those kids don't matter to people like her, they are essentially "purse puppies" to Michelle Dickerman. Status symbols meant to make her look good. Dickerman is a narcissist through and through. The only things that matters to Michelle Annette Dickerman, besides herself, is her career, her achievements, and her reputation. She couldn't give less of a damn what she puts others around her through, just so long as she safeguards the things she really cares about.

Michelle Dickerman will force her husband and kids to go through the motions of worrying about their personal security because making me the bogeyman gets her attention. Not making me the bogeyman means admitting she did something very wrong, and destroyed someone's life for something she has always known that person was innocent of this whole time.

Either I'm a danger or I'm not. If I'm not a danger, then like I said that means Dickerman destroyed the life of another human being over a lie. Because if I'm not a danger now after she saddled me with ample motives to be violent - then I certainly wasn't a danger back when all she got were mean emails. So to avoid looking like an evil person, she'll keep up the act and make even her kids live in fear of this bogeyman Dickerman created herself. She'll keep up the act even if she has to traumatize her kids and ruin their childhood just to maintain appearances.

Not to mention that as far as any concerns over being a danger, Dickerman has created that situation herself. A situation that was never present before she had someone thoroughly abused by law enforcement in her name. So she caused someone serious harm through lies and special treatment, gave them a really good reason to be pissed off to an extreme degree, and then is surprised that this person might want to get revenge after all that? Who could have possibly ever seen that result coming? She doesn't get to destroy someone's life through pure maliciousness, push that person over the edge, and then claim "Oh I was totally warranted to do all that to them in the first place because now I've actually made them contemplate doing something". 

Dickerman can't act like she's retroactively justified to hurt someone for something they didn't do in the past just because she pushed that person to desire payback afterwards. It's like kicking a bear in the face and then stating that your act was justified because you got mauled afterwards. What other result could be expected? What other result did she think her actions were going to create in 2006? Look at everything that was done to me during this entire case. From my lawyer's actions, to the prosecution, the police, the courts, the jail. All the damage it has caused on my life since then. What endgame did this idiot think would happen other than the one she's currently facing? The best case scenario after having me hammered like that was to spend her entire life looking over her shoulder.

There was no other possible outcome when railroading me into a felony that Dickerman knew was unjustified. She wouldn't have sat with her thumb in her ass for roughly seven months before running to the cops if she actually believed I was making death threats the entire time. She knew this entire case was all bullshit and yet she still went along with it. Even the prosecutors said Dickerman demanded everything they were doing to me. Then Dickerman sat back and watched me struggle in life because of it while not lifting a finger to fix it or showing any signs of remorse.

I've made my share of dumb choices in this case but holy shit how did this woman get so far in life making choices this blatantly stupid. Why would she think I wouldn't want her to answer for everything committed against me in her name? I still remember the commentary one guy in the cell block made when I passed around Michelle Dickerman's Victim Impact Statement for them to read. It's a sign of just how far daddy's money has carried her when even a guy raiding cash registers to feed his cocaine habit thought she was making a dumb decision. "You know if I wanted someone to leave me alone and forget about me, the last thing I'd want to do is give them a felony".

Even if she's still trying to play up that lie that it was all the prosecutors and she's just a sweet innocent girl - Michelle Dickerman had the full knowledge of a practicing lawyer at the time she went to the cops in 2006. At least according to the Virginia State Bar given that she passed the exam. So let's play devil's advocate and say she didn't have a say in what they did. If she didn't know the criminal justice system could get out of hand then she's a dogshit lawyer and that exam must not be as bad as they try to make it out to be.

Or the other option was that she had full knowledge that it could turn out badly and just didn't care. So how did that work out for her so far? She has given a guy ample justification now to be everything she claimed to be worried about. Wouldn't it have been better to have tried something else first before she took an option that she had to have known there would be no coming back from? But Dickerman has proven all these years that regardless of any lies she may have been telling to claim the contrary - she's been fully supportive of what law enforcement did to me in 2006. Every single bit of it.

So returning to Dickerman forcing the situation on others and making her family carry that "weight" she created herself. The reality is that I really wish this nonsense had never happened in the first place. Michelle Dickerman absolutely deserves every bad thing that happened to her, but that doesn't mean that at the time I needed to be the person who forced karma's hand. I wish in 2006 I had found another way to deal with the abuses committed by this woman in the past without giving her the opportunity to inflict more.

In 2006 had I never contacted her, or if she had talked it out with me or at least not gone to the cops with lies, this situation wouldn't exist today. We wouldn't be doing this shit today. I am honestly tired of the dispute and I would have liked to have been done with it long ago. But we're here now because of Michelle Dickerman. Once she got the police involved the future of where this dispute would go was completely out of my hands. Especially after what was done to me. Dickerman made the decisions that brought us to this point now. It was all in hands of Dickerman and her parents. And her and her parents made the really stupid decision to hammer me.

So tired or not I'm never going away. I will get justice against these people no matter what. Nobody gets to walk away from this until people answer for what they did to me. The abuses I describe here and in my other evidence posts should more than demonstrate why Dickerman won't ever get peace until she answers for her lies. She took things way too far and she really should have thought better about it. Too much of my life has been wrecked by her actions for anyone to walk away from this.

The funny thing is that none of the other guilty parties are looking over their shoulders like Michelle Dickerman and her family. Not Johnson. Not Platania. Not Chapman. Not Rudman. Nor are their families having to look over their shoulders. I'm sure not a single one of them believe they will ever pay a price for the corruption and crimes they have committed. Only Michelle Dickerman and her family are left holding that bag. She's allowed those other guilty parties to walk away freely while she is left being the focus for getting justice against. All because she didn't want to do the right thing and confess to what she did. All because she cares more about her career and her public image than she does about her husband and kids.

Michelle Dickerman is the one who put all that weight on her own shoulders. She's the one who is making her family carry it as well. She's also the one keeping that weight on them out of her own self-interest. She can point the finger of blame at others all she wants, but at the end of the day it was always within her power to end the dispute. We could have both moved on to living better lives in peace. But Dickerman didn't give a shit about anyone but herself. And she wanted to escalate things to get attention and sympathy from others. Well I hope it was all worth it. I'll never have peace in my life. Nothing is going to make my life whole again after what she did. So I don't want to ever hear her whine about living her life in peace. What right does she have to expect the peace she denied to me and my family?

Final videos

Before leaving off I wanted to include the two videos I mentioned of Mr. Bryan's. They don't really relate to favoritism and special treatment, but they are both very serious abuses being committed by law enforcement.

The first video involves a cop torturing a man with a taser, one who was already in handcuffs and not resisting. The Supreme Court has made rulings on the use of tasers, and simply using them to gain compliance against someone resisting isn't allowed, though not all departments have bothered to change their policies. There has to be a threat to the safety of the officer or another person for a taser to come into play. But you definitely are not allowed to use a taser on a person who is handcuffed and not resisting. This cop should end up in jail for this act, but I suspect she'll probably not see personal repercussions and the taxpayers will end up with the bill for her sociopathic behavior.

The other video relates to a parole officer using his authority to coerce female parolees into having sex with him. There was a coverup by his supervisor and an attempt to protect the predatory parole officer. Even state parole officials ignored all the women coming forward. This helps to once again demonstrate that coverups happen all the time in the legal system.