Tuesday, February 28, 2023

Update - End of February

Michelle Annette Dickerman
Michelle Annette Dickerman (Manweiler)
Nothing has happened since the odd views I previously discussed, nor did this specific viewer seem to return to the blog so far. The behavior I witnessed from that viewer definitely ended (so far), that is a certainty. It was a full stop on their part as soon as they accessed my now unpublished posts where I first pointed out what they were doing.

At this point I'm assuming nothing is going to come of those views, since I can't see it taking anywhere near that long for any law enforcement action to actually take place. At the very least I would have expected them to at least make contact to try to speak to me by now. Which isn't happening of course - I learned a hard lesson about talking to police in 2006. Not going to happen after Detective Rudman and the Charlottesville prosecution conveniently "lost" the tape of my interview so that they could falsely claim I confessed to everything (making it my word against a cop's word in court).

When it comes to these views and any potential actions from it, I'm assuming one of two things at this point:

1. - Either I was wrong about the nature of the strange views (meaning they were never law enforcement) and nothing is going to come of it

2. - Or the views had been law enforcement, but they either decided they wanted no part of this situation or gave Michelle Dickerman the "call us if he shows up at your door" line

Since I already took steps in the event that the source of the views turned out to be law enforcement, I haven't been stressing over the possibility of them showing up. Either it works out in my favor or it doesn't, and no matter what I'm not stopping until I get justice for what happened in 2006 and beyond. And I'm pretty confident it'll work out in my favor with the evidence I have. I've also assumed for awhile now that if something was going to happen they would have already knocked on my door. I don't expect to be waiting more than a week for that knock, and certainly not approaching a month without word from a cop.

Given that nothing has happened, there is a good chance that I was incorrect about the source behind the very strange views being a cop. The behavior I was witnessing stopped once I called attention to it, and the viewer behind it doesn't seem to have returned so far. I definitely haven't seen that level of hits yet from a single viewer. I mean this was a lot of views that went from 3am to 11pm, and then started back up at 6am the next day until late that night. Not even Dickerman has been that absorbed by anything written on this blog.

Nobody has ever put that amount of time into pulling up and saving individual posts. I've never seen that happen the entire time this blog has been active. To be completely honest I'm not sure what was going on if it wasn't law enforcement. I can't see anyone but law enforcement doing the kind of behavior I was witnessing. The fact that the viewer immediately stopped when I called them out is very telling, as it is clear there was a person on the other side of those views even if they were using something automated to pull up posts. But as for who was behind it - I don't have any answers right now.

Given the timing of it happening after Dickerman was clearly upset over something she read in one of my past posts, it was logical to assume she was tied to it in some way. I just don't know what the specifics are or what would be the identity of the viewer in question if it wasn't LEO in nature.

I heard Michelle Dickerman's brother works for Google and I've been watching for any fuckery since getting word about it. Which I would suspect that any actions towards me and my websites for his sister's benefit would be a breach of company policy worthy of termination of employment. Probably a decent sized civil case as well that I would absolutely pursue - and not just filed against Google. But I seriously doubt those weird views had anything to do with him at least. I doubt it was him for the same reason I doubt it was his sister.

I know it wasn't Dickerman herself behind the views because I don't see her looking at my blog at 3AM and continuing to visit throughout the day until 11PM. Nor do I believe Dickerman is at all computer literate enough to use a Linux OS or hide herself the way this viewer was. Not that she couldn't learn Linux, but why would a lawyer working for the Treasury Department even bother? Hell my job involves designing ship mechanical systems in a 3D CAD environment and I haven't ever bothered to learn Linux - it doesn't apply to my career. So no, it wasn't remotely possible that it was Michelle Dickerman. Her brother probably knows how to use Linux but as I said I don't believe it was him. I don't see him getting on at 3am to play 'fuck fuck games' with my blog. I don't even see him bothering to use a bot to do it.

It's possible for the views to still be law enforcement in nature, but if it was a cop they apparently decided against moving any further on this case right now. They might have taken one look at the situation and said "I'm not touching this". Or they might have responded the way the cops responded to one of my sisters years ago. The oldest of my two sisters had a roommate who was divorcing her abusive husband. My sister was attempting to help her both with the divorce paperwork and the legal paperwork for the violent actions the husband had been involved with.

Upon finding out about my sister's involvement the husband sent my sister emails with threats, including a statement along the lines of "I know where you live and you know what I'm capable of doing" (he had a violent criminal record). Since it was only a handful of years at most since my 2006 case with Dickerman was concluded, my sister decided to see what the cops would do about the threats from the abusive husband of her roommate. She printed out all the threatening emails the guy sent and brought them with her to file a police report. It was just as much a test of the special treatment Dickerman received from Charlottesville, as it was a necessary step given the abusive husband's violent criminal record.

Guess what the cops did when presented with all my sister's evidence? Absolutely nothing.

They said he didn't use the word "kill" so they couldn't claim it was a death threat. The cops claimed they couldn't even justify his statements as being enough of a threat of violence to file charges on since he only hinted rather than outright said what he would do. Even though any reasonable person would clearly see the statements as threats, especially given the guy's criminal history. But the cops just told my sister to "call us if he shows up on your doorstep".

Funny, none of the emails the prosecution had from Michelle Dickerman ever used the word "kill" or anything remotely close, yet somehow those emails were considered to be death threats. My mother visited a Hampton magistrate during my case and showed him copies of the few emails that my lazy attorney had bothered to obtain from the prosecution. After reading them he stated he didn't know where they were getting death threats from, that all it sounded like was "a bunch of clichéd statements from an immature individual" and that he felt it was "defensible" in court.

As a further test my mother also called a Newport News prosecutor and said she had a daughter who was receiving emailed threats from a guy. She described the accusations that Michelle Dickerman had been making as well, but claimed these were experiences from her "daughter". My mother wanted to see what another prosecutor would say when presented with the same evidence as Michelle Dickerman had presented to law enforcement. She read him the emails over the phone - the same emails the magistrate had seen - and asked the prosecutor if it was possible to get "the guy" a felony charge over these statements and "his" actions.

The prosecutor, having no knowledge of my case because he thought it was a situation my mother was dealing with, said he'd have no justification for a felony charge based on those emails. He said in order to justify filing a felony on a guy with no criminal record he'd have to prove "the guy" in question had intent to do harm beyond all reasonable doubt.

He explained further that intent can be a hard thing to prove as people "say things all the time they don't mean". The prosecutor said he just didn't see that there was proof that threats of violence were being made let alone intent to follow through based on the email statements and the accusations my mother was making against "this guy"(which again were accusations Michelle Dickerman and the Charlottesville law enforcement were making). So without knowing that the scenario my mother was discussing wasn't about her own daughter, but instead about Dickerman's prosecution of me, a Newport News prosecutor said he couldn't justify actions that the Charlottesville law enforcement was actively taking against me at the time.

I witnessed the judge at my bond hearings argue with the Charlottesville prosecutor (Joseph Platania) over the emails, demanding for the prosecutor to show him where the threats of death were because he didn't see anything that was a death threat. I watched on the TV screen as Platania kept dodging the question. Instead of answering he kept going off on complete bullshit and unrelated tangents, such as how I owned firearms and wasn't this so very terrifying judge? Grug think firestick is scary unga bunga!

The judge shut Platania down, saying none of it had anything to do with what he asked and he again demanded to know where these supposed death threats were written. Platania threw up his hands and remained quiet. Literally threw his hands up. I watched that living embodiment of a soyjak meme throw up his hands in exasperation because the judge had the audacity to demand his question be answered. Of course Platania couldn't point to a death threat because there was never a death threat nor any threat of violence.

It unfortunately didn't stop the judge from denying me bond, thus resulting in nearly five months behind bars and ensuring I had only an incompetent and lazy attorney to rely upon. But I was also told the judge sat on an important board for the University of Virginia School of Law at the time of my case. Dickerman's father Gregory Manweiler had probably spread some sizable financial love around at the university by that time to bribe the UVA administration into pressuring the courts and law enforcement into hammering me. He was after all a UVA alumni like his daughter and listed as a donor to the university.

I don't like to believe there were bad motives to that judge's decision, given that he comforted my mother in the hallway after the second and final bond hearing, hugged her, and assured her it was all going to work out in the end (it didn't). But I can't ignore his close ties to UVA. I can't ignore the comments from law enforcement and lawyers I've talked to post-2006 who flat out say that this was a bad call by the judge. I can't ignore the surprised reactions to the bond denial by even Charlottesville correction officers at the jail as I was being taken back to the jail cell - one of whom warned me that I needed to get my lawyer to do a change of venue out of Charlottesville because "someone has it out for you".

Nor can I ignore the staring from the inmates in my cell block when I told them about the denial of bond. Prior to the hearing every single one of them said my concerns about the hearing were unjustified, that guys who had done worse than me walked out on bond. When I came back they had assumed I was getting out until I told them I was denied bond. They couldn't believe I got denied bond. I had a fucking gang member making a similar statement to the corrections officer who warned me to get the case out of Charlottesville. Even a gangbanger thought there was something extremely suspicious going on with my case and that I needed to get out of Charlottesville.

So yeah - there isn't any way for me to excuse the judge's decision regardless of him hugging my mother and comforting her after the hearing. There is no doubt he was pressured into denying me bond, but he could have shown some spine and done the right thing regardless. His decision helped the Charlottesville prosecution and my own attorney railroad me into a felony I didn't commit. Because once I couldn't leave the jail, I was stuck with having to depend solely on a lazy attorney who was actively fucking up my case because he just wanted to take the money he demanded upfront and run off with it.

Returning to my sister's report to police, they flat out told my sister to call if the roommate's husband ever showed up at the door. They refused to do anything else despite my sister having more to show justification than anything Michelle Dickerman had. Yet again the special treatment the Manweiler family purchased in 2006 is put on display.

I would imagine that Charlottesville, and the influence of UVA on the legal system in that city, is a completely different animal from Falls Church or Arlington Police however. Michelle Dickerman doesn't likely have any ties that would help pressure cops into doing something if they didn't want to act. Especially if they read over the history of this case and said "fuck all that noise". I know if I was a cop I wouldn't want to wade into this if I could help it. Hell I don't like still dealing with this shit almost 20 years on (I don't have a choice), so I can understand an outsider taking one look at this case and saying "Nope".

If the cops refused to make a move on me, I doubt that Dickerman would risk trying to get anyone in the Treasury or DoJ to pressure law enforcement even if she were inclined to do that. If high-up people who know her aren't among the Treasury Department viewers I get, then informing said individuals of this situation would be rather stupid of her. There is no way she'd be able to keep them from finding out about this blog or the website, in fact she'd only end up steering them towards it. So I doubt Dickerman would risk trying to pull strings.

It doesn't give her a lot of options if the cops told her the same thing they told my sister - "Call us if he ever shows up on your doorstep". Which is admittedly a really stupid comment from law enforcement. By that point it's already too late for cops when the threat is at your door. Typical LEO response time is five to ten minutes even in a good neighborhood. That's just enough time for them to show up to draw the chalk outlines around the bodies. Not to mention the smart thing is to attack the person while they are in transit to a location (like how the Hampton police waited for me on the road in 2006 while I was heading back home) or ambush someone in a transitional space away from home.

A frequent saying in the 2nd Amendment crowd these days is "Nobody is coming to save you, act accordingly". So yeah, I'd imagine hearing cops say "just call us if he shows up" wouldn't be a comforting statement that Michelle Dickerman would want to hear. Too bad. Because this is entirely a situation that she created herself, and her shitty decisions are the reason that everyone around her gets dragged into this as well. She shouldn't have lied to law enforcement and demanded I get railroaded into a felony she knew I didn't commit.

But as I said earlier, I could be completely wrong about those views even being related to law enforcement. It could have nothing to do with Dickerman, it could just be an odd coincidence that it happened to occur right around the time that she was riled up by one of my posts. But that's a pretty convenient coincidence. And I have no idea what the explanation behind it is if it wasn't the cops. I've never seen views like that since creating this blog in 2010 - which is why it immediately rang alarm bells. Guess I'll see if this viewer shows up again, but like I said they seem to have backed off since I called them out.

I'm still angry about the possibility of it being cops. There has been a cold rage slowly simmering for a long time now towards Michelle Dickerman, though my recent issues with employment have only exacerbated that. I'm less certain of what options I'm going to pursue in the end to get justice for what was done because of my feelings on the situation right now.

The recent far, far better pay I get from my new employer has opened up options for me that I didn't think I had before. I probably still don't have those options due to the railroading, but at least now I have the income to start looking into it to see what might be available. But frankly I've also had other plans on resolving this that I've been working towards for the last few years. And to be honest I'm thinking I might just move forward with them regardless of other options. I'm pretty fucking angry at this point and I've already lost my best years to this shit. Something needs to happen.

I'm pretty much taking things one day at a time until then, and whatever happens happens. I don't see any point in commenting on the views again unless something changes - either confirmation it was cops or if the views start up again. I don't see that anything else remains to be said about that incident right now. Either I got it wrong, the cops said "fuck no", or they are really taking their sweet time to do anything. My time would be better spent trying to get that big update post ready instead of commenting on this any further until something comes from it.