Sunday, October 1, 2023

Update with the "bot"

It turns out that the "bot" from my last post seems to actually have connections to Dickerman. It's kind of funny that Dickerman could not be more subtle, and think a little before she acted after reading my previous post.

Given the timing of the "bot" when it began its load of hits to the blog, I was suspicious about it. But these hits were coming throughout the day and night and I just couldn't see it being connected to Dickerman. To have that many hits on that kind of schedule just didn't seem like something a person would do - unless they were extremely OCD and had a very weird sleep schedule. I told myself it was just a normal bot crawler and that I was being paranoid about the convenient timing. Then Dickerman went and screwed that up.

On the 28th of September the viewer that I've tagged as being Dickerman showed up on the blog and would have viewed my recent update post for the month. In this post I made mention of the "bot" issues. It was after this viewer read this post about the "bot" that the "bot's" behavior very quickly changed. When I say the bot's behavior changed, I'll give you a very clear example of what that behavior change means. The graph below is the isolated views just from this specific "bot" from Thursday (9/28) afternoon to Friday (9/29) morning. 

That is a snapshot I took of the "bot's" views when I was at work early Friday morning and checked that specific tracker again, after I had noticed the bot views shut down Thursday evening. What you are seeing to the left of 12am on Thursday is what the "bot" was doing on my blog for quite a long time.

I haven't bothered to go back and check on just how long the bot views were happening, but it's been going on at least through September (and I'm pretty sure it goes back to August). It seemed to happen after Dickerman had seen my July update. Since that time the views by this bot looked like what you see to the left of the graph, with random breaks for a couple hours late at night before picking back up again in the morning.

Except now that behavior stopped after 8PM Thursday, and this happened after Dickerman had viewed the blog that Thursday morning. The left side of the graph above is what it looked like nearly 24/7 during the month of September - and yet it all suddenly stops after Dickerman had seen my post about the "bot" activity. Rather interesting timing yet again wouldn't you say? I made a point to not immediately say something and instead just waited a couple days to see what would happen.

Since Thursday the "bot" has only made a handful of hits. But when I saw the bot drop in hits Thursday night, I made an adjustment to one of my other trackers so that it would catch the "bot" again if or when it came back. I hadn't planned on making the other trackers pick up the bot until I saw it stop after Dickerman's views. I'm glad I made the change because that's when I saw that the "bot" wasn't coming from Asia - it had never actually been coming from Asia the entire time.

The one tracker I had that wasn't blocking bots was still showing the "bot's" location in Asia on those handful of hits, just as it had been since the beginning of the bot hits. But the other tracker I adjusted showed the real location that the "bot's" views had been coming from the entire time. A deliberate attempt was being made the entire time to make the "bot" seem like it was coming from Asia. In reality it was coming from an entirely different location and someone was attempting to spoof the location as being out of Asia.

Spoofing a location isn't a surprising thing online, it's quite common especially these days, but now I know who is doing these views even without Dickerman making the mistake of cutting off the "bot" so quickly after reading the post.

I don't know specifically what the purpose behind the views are. Again, I find it hard to believe these views aren't being done by something automated, given the schedule it was on and how long it went on for. But it would be a stretch to try to say that the views aren't connected to Dickerman anymore. The views conveniently started after Dickerman saw my July update, and then again conveniently stopped right after she saw the September post pointing out the bot hits. Given the actual location of the views that's yet another reason to suspect Dickerman.

It amazes me that Dickerman wouldn't have used some thought before having things shut down that quickly. Well maybe "amazed" isn't the right word here. I can't honestly say I'm surprised she didn't think it through. Dickerman doesn't seem to give her actions much thought. But to immediately make the "bot" grind to a halt right after she viewed my post about it? Seriously, how the hell did she not expect me to connect the views to her after doing that?

Dickerman could have at least waited a day or two. I would have been suspicious still if the hits stopped after her view even if she had waited a couple days - but to make changes on the same day she views the post discussing it? Nothing subtle about this woman at all it appears. Maybe she doesn't care that I now know it was connected to her, but it still seems like a pretty stupid choice. Why risk doing something she would have to know is going to potentially antagonize someone that she really should not antagonize?

Sunday, September 17, 2023

Update September

Not planning on this being a long update, though I never intend for some of these posts to be long and yet they always get that way. I initially intended on this post to follow the one I'm working currently. That post in the works relates to the topic of two of Mr. Bryan's (The Civil Rights Lawyer on Youtube) videos detailing law enforcement corruption. Obviously I changed my mind and decided on this update coming first. This update isn't the long update I was working on for some time, but I'm getting ahead of myself.

Of the two videos I will be featuring in that post, one relates to nepotism and favoritism by law enforcement. I will briefly touch on the blatant examples of favoritism that Michelle Dickerman experienced from the Charlottesville law enforcement, including going over some the retaliatory actions taken by the jail just to screw with me during my confinement at the jail in 2006.

I will also briefly touch on an example where Michelle Dickerman's family many years ago appears to have blatantly pulled strings with a family friend, one that was in a convenient position of some authority. This resulted in apparent favoritism that allowed Dickerman to receive an academic honor that wasn't legitimately earned. If you have to pull favors just to stay in the running for it, you didn't earn that honor at all. This wasn't something that was just observed by me but our entire graduating class as well. I doubt Dickerman is even aware of just how many people had a negative view of those events and of her after it took place. Then again her narcissism probably shields her from any criticism or awareness of how others view her. Michelle Dickerman is not a woman who possesses the gift of introspection after all.

The issue of that past special treatment, to get an academic honor that appears to have not been legitimately earned, isn't a critical issue. But it does help to establish a history of such behavior by the Manweiler family. Establishing prior behavior is important when it comes to legal issues. Since it is clear that someone in a position of authority meddled in my case in 2006, it is important to demonstrate that entitlement issues and calling in favors for special treatment is nothing new for Michelle Dickerman or her family.

The main focus of this specific update post however is to go over work issues and plans for the blog.

As for the work issues - it appears that I was overzealous with my optimism on my employment. In fact it wasn't actually that long after the July update was posted before I was slapped with a change in the situation. I mentioned that we had new work coming in and that layoffs would not be a risk for now. I was very wrong on my understanding of the situation.

The amount of work was mostly for other sectors of the business. I knew that not all of it was going to my specific group, but I did hope there was more on the plate for us than what we actually got. Granted more work at all is a good thing for a company, but if that work isn't going to your specific sector then you personally are still shit out of luck. We did have the primary shipyard we work with send more work our way and we still have that project I received the new training I spoke about. But that new project looks to only have about six months of work in total and it isn't a continuous six months.

Also the rumor is that the shipyard we're partnered with on our primary work is attempting to hire in-house people instead. This is being done in order to stop outsourcing the work to engineering companies. While it's just a rumor right now, it's also a rumor supported by evidence. There are already employees who have switched over to that shipyard due to the pay incentives. We've been told flat out that if this yard stops sending work to us everyone in our group will be looking for employment elsewhere.

Unfortunately that is the nature of contractor work. Which normally isn't a big deal, especially in this day and age of more places opening up to remote work. At least it isn't a big deal if you don't have a felony on your record. If you do have a felony your mobility in this field is extremely restricted. A lot of employers don't like you.

Shipyards look the other way sometimes with tradesmen like welders and fitters, but they have a different expectation for those in white collar positions requiring more technical knowledge and trust (though designers tend to be more blue collar in personality type at least as opposed to those who are strictly engineers). Employers in this field especially don't like felons because there are a lot of boomers still running these type of places. The older generation tends to stick around a long time in engineering and shipbuilding, and they tend to have certain opinions on anyone finding themselves on the wrong side of the legal system. It's also actually a 'small world' in this particular industry, and it's real easy for word to spread about you and you suddenly can't get hired by anyone.

I encountered the dislike of felons with every engineering company I applied to during that gap of years in my employment post-2006. There were a couple employers who expressed a tentative interest in giving me an interview at least, but they asked the employment agency helping me if I was at least off probation first. I wasn't at the time unfortunately and their response to that was not only 'No' but 'Hell No'.

Even after I was off probation I couldn't get anywhere. That only changed when my previous employer hired me, and that only happened because they were the only ones who didn't check into my background. Other employers demanded to know about criminal record on the application itself. With a warning that not including it was grounds for immediate termination of employment when discovered. Some only wanted to know if it was within 10 years (which it was during my employment gap), but others wanted to know about any serious legal issues in your background no matter how long ago it was.

Some places will not hire a felon just out of some misplaced moral principles. The term felon for them immediately conjures images of violent gangbangers with tear-drop face tattoos who are waiting for the opportunity to commit another crime.

Even without the negative view impacting you, most of this work involves either a majority of military work or they at least dip into that pot from time-to-time. Hiring a felon means risking the chance they can't get clearances or approval to go on base. Sometimes you are approved to get on base but when requesting to get access to the ship itself you get denied. Which means the felon you hire might not be able to do the work you hired them to do. If it turns out that felon's background prevents them from doing their job, you've now wasted time and lost other potential candidates that moved on after you turned them down to hire the felon. You can see why it's a gamble for employers.

Obviously a lot of places just don't want to take that risk at all - and no they will not take your word that it won't be an issue. My saving grace has been the training and experience that I have. Having in demand skills helps but clearly not enough when you have a felony.

One thing that hasn't helped my mood or my belief in the stability of my employment, is that the climate here in my current employer has declined. Granted it may have always been like this and I was just hired during a lull when nobody was stressed out. Especially since I was warned that this employer has a reputation of being rough on its employees when I first told one of my old coworkers about the new job. It used to be much worse however based on the things I've been told by people who have been here a long time. I was told that just a handful of years ago it wasn't uncommon to get screamed at by a manager and loudly told "I'll fire your ass right now". Sometimes the work dried up suddenly and a manager would go around tapping employee chairs with the comment "Come see me in my office", and everyone knew those people were being laid off.

While getting screamed at doesn't seem to be going on so far, it has been a repeated thing to see emails with general statements about an intention to fire or write up people over a lot of things. Which doesn't exactly help morale around here and I think it's not something that encourages employees to stick around. I see a lot of angry and stressed out people at work, far more than what I saw at any of my old places of employment.

To make things worse, after one major issue with a previous job we completed even the managers got threatened with being fired. "Shit rolls downhill" as the saying goes, which is likely why we're getting the previously mentioned emails lately. It also means that nobody will be sticking their neck out for anyone else's employment status given that even managers are under the gun lately. So you can take a guess where that leaves me.

I've already gone through with the new apartment that I discussed in the July update, as I'm not going to sit in limbo on that while waiting to see how things pan out. I've been waiting a year at this current employer to see if anything negative is going to happen. For some time however, it's just going to be bare minimum furniture while everything else sits in storage in Arlington. I had initially thought of slowly bringing things out of storage over time depending on how secure I felt my job was, but obviously I've changed my mind on that plan. I'm not happy by the way about having to keep things barebones in the apartment in case I have to buyout the lease after my employment tanks. But it does make certain decisions I've made much easier to follow through when things finally go down hill in the future.

Recently I have decided that I will probably attempt to leave this job and move to another employer in the near-future. Having my employment continue to hang over my head is not something that is good for me given the severe level of anger towards the guilty parties that has been steadily increasing over the years. Granted, I absolutely run the risk of a new employer telling me to go to hell when they discover my felony charge, but I don't feel I have any other options at this point. Which once again - it doesn't help that level of anger towards Michelle Dickerman.

There are only two reasons I'm sticking through it right now. The first is that the project I received the training for is actually a pretty serious one with a lot of eyes on it outside of the company, and it is actually one of the more interesting projects I've had in a long time. I haven't had something this interesting since back before my life got wrecked in 2006, when as a still fairly brand new designer I was picked to be on a small team that planned out the repair work on the air and gas systems for the USS San Francisco - which was the submarine that crashed into an underwater mountain in 2005.

The above photo was grabbed by me from Wikipedia so don't come knocking on my door Feds. I will say that it was a shock to me finding the photos I did online years ago when I was first told there was actually a documentary on it. This specific photo was among the ones emailed to me during the work we did, so I was really surprised to see it. I would like to point out that Wikipedia appears to once again shows it's lack of accuracy. They mention that the plans for the replacement of the bow was announced in June of 2006. Except those of us working that project knew about it and had already put out our required plans well before June of 2006 (especially since I was arrested in June of 2006).

Now maybe it was intended to mean that it was just announced to the public in June, but that's not the way it reads on Wikipedia in my opinion. They make it sound like the idea was thought up in June, but the Navy absolutely knew what they were going to do before that. Granted I'd expect those of us in the submarine departments to know about this stuff before the public does, but there is definitely a difference between when we did our work and when Wikipedia says the decision on repairs was announced. I'm not surprised about this however - there is a reason why you don't cite things straight off a Wikipedia page after all. It's just funny to see it on something I had involvement with.

I actually got picked to do this over people that had a lot more experience and company time under their belt. This wasn't the only time that this kind of thing happened, it was just the most notable instance of it. I was actually on track to progress very far in that career until the 2006 case brought all that to a screeching halt permanently. Bit off topic, but it shouldn't be surprising that I have really bad thoughts towards the people who derailed that career through their bullshit and lies. Anyway, given that this current project I'm on is a significant and interesting one I'm hoping I can see it through. I do not have high hopes for that however.

The second reason I'm sticking through it for now is because of the recent company-paid training I received for this current project. One of the other senior designers on my specific team has not only left the company but also the industry. He is suffering from burnout and wants to step away from this line of work for awhile. Which I completely sympathize with since burnout has been a big issue for me as well, for reasons I might get into in the future. He has no intention of ever working at this specific company again even if he returns to engineering work, so he isn't concerned about burning any bridges when leaving. I have no wish to burn any bridges here even though they will absolutely not be hiring me ever again due to their knowledge of my felony charge.

If I were to leave now, that puts the company in a worse spot given that another designer on this project, on an already small team, has left. Being down a designer on this project is already a big problem for the company, and if I head out now that will only make the situation worse. They will have to scramble to find someone, and specifically someone that has training already, since they don't have the time to train anyone else thanks to the deadlines on the project. This would be bad enough, but to also leave them after I just received good training at the company's expense - well you can imagine that's going to leave them feeling just a little pissed.

I'm not worried about pissing them off out of concern for not being accepted back in the future - because they are not going to rehire me anyway given my situation. They absolutely don't like the felony on my record. The only reason I made it in the door is because I was rushed forward into being hired and working before background checks were complete, and once they did find out someone went to bat for me to avoid my firing. If I leave I can't remotely see them accepting me back anyway (at least not until some years go by and some people retire along the way) so burning bridges don't matter in that regards. What I really want to avoid is encouraging the company or anyone employed there to speak ill of me after I leave. That whole "small world" issue in this industry as I mentioned previously.

If I leave them with a really negative view of me, they would be more inclined to warn future employers who contact them for employment verification that I have a felony. Maybe they aren't allowed to do that - but how would I know for certain who tipped them off if the new employer doesn't tell me about who informed them of the felony?

If I at least stick around and complete this project they paid to train me for, they might not say anything about my felony when they are called to verify my old employment with them. Nor would I have to worry as much about any black mark being spread through the industry about me. No guarantees on any of that obviously, but I feel I have a much better chance of avoiding the situation if I don't piss them off or make anyone regret speaking up for me.

So while I think I need to seek another job right now and have other offers being made, I will try to at least stick it through this project before I leave. That could be a mistake of course and it probably is. I learned the hard way from my former employer that loyalty towards a company isn't something that will be reciprocated. Which is why I had loyalty towards the people I knew there and not the company, but in the end that still didn't amount to anything when the UK office that owned the company gave everybody a pink slip. Of course my main reason behind not leaving that previous company was over the same felony employment issues I'm facing now rather than any loyalty to a company. But I need to make sure I don't fall into the same trap, and that I pull the ripcord before it gets pulled for me.

When the time comes to leave, I'm hoping for something 100% remote rather than the hybrid remote situation I currently have. I'm currently looking at another employer in the Arlington VA area that many of my former coworkers at D&P signed on with. At the very least they might be willing to do a hybrid remote setup like I currently have. One former coworker of mine lives in New Jersey and only works out of that company's Arlington office one week out of every other month. I'm not putting all my eggs in that one basket though and have been keeping my eye on other remote jobs out there.

None of this is set in stone however and I'll just play it by ear for now. But as I said before, being in this kind of situation isn't helping my anger towards the damage inflicted from the 2006 case as you can imagine. The only reason I'm having to deal with this is due to Michelle Dickerman's lies and criminal acts, as well as the crimes of the trash in authority who aided her vindictive behavior. Someone's definitely going to get to see my own level of vindictiveness in the future thanks to all I and my family have been forced to go through.

In the mean time, I've made a few decisions about the blog and some of my posts. I posted this update before the lawyer commentary video because I've changed my mind on putting out that long post I was working on. I also now intend for the lawyer commentary video to be the last post on this blog until I have the website up to an acceptable level.

I've mentioned in previous posts that I was having trouble figuring out what I actually wanted to do with everything I wrote in that very long post I was working on. It really doesn't have any direction or point because it's an update that morphed into something else over the last couple years I've pecked away at it. Hell I was still with my old employer when I first started the original. A lot has changed since I initially started writing it. It also goes over topics that I feel deviate too much from the main issues addressed on this blog.

As an example, one of the subjects I went over was all the available methods that make it possible for me to get ahold of a firearm anytime I wanted regardless of the laws in place over felons with firearms. My intention behind this writeup was simply to make a point about how absolutely useless the felony charge actually was, and how it hasn't actually stopped any of the things the guilty parties claimed were the reasons behind railroading me into it. As I said in the July update, for now I intend on jumping through the legal hoops first to get my right to own a gun restored the legal way. But I'm absolutely not concerned about being told no in the future, because in the end I'm going to exercise that right anyway.

If the concern was to keep me from owning a firearm, the felony charge wouldn't actually have prevented that from happening once I stepped out of jail on November 2006. It not being legal for me to do something isn't the same as actually stopping me from doing that thing. If I wanted a gun all these years I'd have been able to go forward with that intent anytime if I wanted. The same with claiming that the felony prevented me from taking violent action. How exactly...? I'd still love to know how me being a felon actually stops that from happening. Because it absolutely doesn't. It's no different than thinking a protective order actually does anything to protect someone - when in the end it's just a piece of paper

The intent of that long post (at least one intent, it was actually all over on various topics) was to point out how nothing about the felony actually stops the very things they claimed were their reasons behind my railroading. But we all know that those reasons were lies in the first place. Those claimed reasons were never the intention behind what they did to me. Vindictiveness was the reason. Because the only thing accomplished by railroading me into a felony they knew I was never guilty of, is that it made everything a hell of a lot worse for Michelle Dickerman and her family. Dickerman just hasn't figured that out yet.

As I said in the July update post, doing what they did to me in 2006 has kept me focused on wanting these people to answer for their actions for going on 20 years now. That isn't stopping and it isn't going away. If Dickerman hasn't figured out she made everything worse after almost 20 years then everyone has seriously over-estimated her abilities.

Hell if Dickerman didn't figure it out back in 2006 then the point still stands - because everyone else at the time knew it was going to make everything worse. Even the prosecution didn't believe it was going to make anything better - they just wanted to try to keep the responsibility for whatever happened later to be off of them if at all possible.

As my lawyer put it, Warner Chapman wanted me to be a felon because "if Ms. Manweiler (Michelle Dickerman) ends up dead on the evening news at least nobody will point the finger at them". They were quite wrong about that, as once people found out what really happened in 2006, and more importantly about the hammering I received, everyone would have said the prosecution would have pushed the situation to that point. The public would be correct in that belief. I have never accused the prosecutors in this case of being smart, I've only accused them of being criminals.

There have been plenty of things I've said and done over the years to make a point to the guilty parties, and this long post I was working would just have been the latest instance of making a point. But why waste my time any further making points to individuals that have never let any of this through their thick heads anyway? I've been done with making points to these "people" for awhile now and it's time I just followed through with my intentions. Which leads me back to the blog and the future posts on here.

As I said previously, my final post for awhile is going to be the one about law enforcement bad behavior and favoritism. After I make that post I need to get the website up and running. The website is very high in search results, usually showing up as the number two spot below Dickerman's LinkedIn page - which gives an idea of the amount of traffic it pulls in. Not all that traffic filters through to the blog, and yet I noticed that there are many return viewers that keep coming back to it even when they don't click through to the blog. I'm assuming this is to see if the site is updated.

The website is an important resource that I've neglected for too long and I need to correct that. It's slow going, since things have changed since the early 2000s when I first started making websites. My knowledge on setting this stuff up is limited these days compared to when I started messing with websites right after graduating high school. But it still needs to be done. I'll use modified versions of the evidence writeups I've already created on this blog to save time. This way the website can be the focal point for the public to view the details of this case when it finally hits the news cycle, regardless of the method used to get this case into the public eye.

Once the website is done I'll see about what I want to do with the blog. One thing of interest is the fact that the blog has recently seen increased attention from bots. Specifically bots out of a particular location in Asia. It's pretty clearly bot hits given the location, number of hits, and the fact that it happens pretty much 24/7. Looking into this subject online it seems a lot of websites deal with this kind of traffic from Asia.

I doubt Dickerman has anything to do with this, despite the interesting timing behind it happening all of a sudden. These bot hits are very different in behavior from the ones I previously thought had potential law enforcement connections. It isn't impossible for it to be connected to Dickerman still, as signing up for bot farms is a common tactic for fake social media engagement boosting. It could be done out of a misplaced belief that it'll cause problems for the blog but I'm just not seeing this being the case. I'm not sure what the end goal would be there, as mass hits from bots don't hurt or help the blog in anyway.

Search engines don't use bot hits as a metric for search rankings, only organic hits are used. So my search ranking isn't being affected positively or negatively by any of the bot hits since search engines just ignore those. The bots also aren't going to prevent other traffic seeing the blog or take the site down. I've got multiple view trackers on my blog and website and only one of them is set to record bots. Thus all the other trackers show nothing from these bots so it isn't like they are taking up record space from organic hits. So while the sudden interest is certainly something to take note of, I highly doubt it has anything to do with Michelle Dickerman given that the bot hits aren't accomplishing anything.

At least, if it has anything to do with Dickerman it potentially wasn't with her knowledge. It's possible that there are ties to State actors given the location that the bots are coming from. China has really started flailing around more lately. It's possible these are bots tied to the Chinese government out gathering information on someone listed as a US Government employee (Michelle Dickerman), but I'm still not really seeing that being likely. Dickerman isn't that important to garner such attention, though I'm sure her narcissism tells her otherwise. Regardless, it's an interesting issue that has presented itself, but it has little impact other than a mild annoyance from seeing it pop-up on one of the view trackers.  

Now that this post has been completed, keep a look out for the final post involving Mr. Bryan's videos. I'll attempt to get that out faster since I really want to keep that one as short as possible. As I said, the really long update post has been axed, as I really don't see a point behind putting it up. So the only other one in the works for now is the videos from Mr. Bryan, and some commentary included in that post on Dickerman and the Charlottesville case in relation to these videos. 

Then I'll start focusing on the website before I post here again. At least I'll attempt to hold to this, as it is always possible that something will happen that will prompt a post. Though I don't have any intentions on posting about any potential job loss on here. If/when that happens I have specific plans I intend on moving forward with, and I don't want to telegraph when this is happening. We'll see what the future holds, but hopefully after the next post I'll have that website up in a much better state fairly quick.

Tuesday, May 23, 2023

Addendum to 'The Case for Malicious Prosecution'

Michelle Manweiler, Michelle Dickerman, Department of the Treasury, Gregory Manweiler, UVA, William & Mary,
I recently did a brief glance over of my post displaying proof of the maliciousness behind the prosecution of me in 2006. The main reason behind this was to fix a few grammatical issues, namely instances where the wrong word was used when I had actually intended something else - one such example being that I wrote 'weak leak' instead of 'weak link'. Unfortunately my mind often moves faster than I can type, along with my train of thought switching tracks and suffering derailments while I'm writing. Unless something is spelled incorrectly it doesn't always jump out as being wrong to me until a later proof reading. Sometimes you have to just walk away and leave something for a bit before you can come at it again with fresh eyes.

When reviewing what I wrote however, I realized there were some additional points I wanted to make about a particular subject that had been brought up. More specifically, the points I wanted to make involve the further reasoning behind the high likelihood that my former attorney William Johnson was working hand-in-hand with the prosecution against his client.

I went over how on the Friday before the Monday guilty plea hearing, I had made the mistake of telling William Johnson about my post-conviction plans related to pardons and getting my rights restored. I didn't think there was any issue with telling him about this since things had calmed down during the meeting, and I wanted to hear what he thought about it. I would have never said a word about my plans if I honestly thought it was getting back to the prosecutor. That was a line I didn't expect even William Johnson to cross.

Johnson immediately went heavy on attempting to convince me that this wasn't possible and I should forget about any attempts to restore my rights or get a pardon later. He wasn't just saying it wasn't possible, he really wanted to talk me out of even making the attempt. Which is a rather odd thing for a defense attorney to do. It certainly helps raise further suspicions about him. If he really believed it wasn't possible to restore my rights or get a pardon - why bother trying so hard to convince me to not even attempt it?

I've talked to other people on the subject since that time, and those knowledgeable on such things have flat out told me that nothing Johnson was telling me was correct. Both the Charlottesville and Hampton probation officers said he was absolutely wrong on pardons. A late neighbor on my parent's street sought me out after my release from jail (she had been told by my mother what Johnson had said), revealed to me that her son is a pardoned felon in Virginia, and went over the process with me. A friend of mine had a felony charge and yet legally owns guns after getting his rights restored.

What Johnson told me in his attempts to talk me out of even trying for a pardon was a lie. This in turn certainly raises questions about why he was lying about something that has nothing to do with him in the first place. Why was he so dead-set against me asking for the restoration of my rights and a pardon? Why did he even care what I was planning to do? It literally did not affect his life one bit.

As I mentioned in the post, after I told William Johnson about my plans that Friday, the prosecution would conveniently slip something into the plea agreement. A term of 20 years good behavior was added to the plea deal early Monday morning. Johnson went over the plea agreement with me minutes before I was to walk out into the court room. He had just seen it himself, by his own admission. At least he claimed he had just seen it, for all his word actually matters. I naturally wanted to know what the hell that 20 years good behavior meant, and instead of answering that question Johnson dismisses it as "no big deal" and tells me it isn't something I should be worried about. There are lawyers I've spoken with since who want to see Johnson answer just for that alone.

Upon seeing that I was not convinced (20 years of anything is a pretty fucking long time after all), Johnson snaps back that I should be happy I'm not looking at 20 years in prison by comparison. He then reminds me of Warner Chapman's (the head prosecutor) threats against me and says I'm lucky that Chapman isn't filing multiple felony counts instead as retaliation.

Johnson moves on to instruct me that like he did at the preliminary hearing waiver, he would write 'Y' and 'N' at the top of his notepad. During these procedures the judge asks the defendant certain questions before concluding. Johnson instructed me that I was to answer to whatever he points to with his pen just like the preliminary hearing, and if I don't answer to what he points to I'm going to spend time in prison.

The only time he will not point to anything is when the judge asks if I've been satisfied with the job my attorney has been doing. Johnson tells me that I can go right ahead and tell the judge that I wanted to fire my lawyer and how the prosecutors threatened me, but that absolutely nothing will be done about it and I will spend a long time in prison as a result. "You know exactly how you need to answer Mr. <Redacted>" was his final statement on that.

Thankfully the copies I have of Johnson's notes still have the 'Y' and 'N' he wrote at the top during the hearing, which helps me prove that Johnson had indeed done this. Like I said many times before, the fact that Johnson was so massively arrogant means that he unintentionally dumped a lot of evidence in my lap that proves what went on.

One of the big issues I pointed out in that Malicious Prosecution post was that it was pretty clear that William Johnson was working for the prosecution given that the prosecution seemed to know exactly what I had planned to do in the future. After all, I told Johnson on the Friday before the hearing that I was going to get my rights restored and ask for a pardon, and on Monday the prosecution adds 20 years good behavior to the plea agreement. A penalty which just so happens to prevent asking for pardons and rights restoration for 20 years.

I didn't realize the 20 years good behavior prevented pardons and rights restoration. The reason I didn't realize it is because Johnson didn't tell me it does this - likely because he knew I'd have immediately known that he told the prosecutor about my statements on getting a pardon. So I wasn't aware of this effect of the 20 years until the probation officer in Charlottesville informed me of the issue. It was her opinion that the 20 years good behavior was added specifically to prevent me from asking for a pardon for 20 years, and she said she wanted me to get with a lawyer to fix that as soon as I was off probation.

It was at that point I realized what Johnson had really been doing the entire time. But not just because of the prosecution seeming to know what my plans for pardons were. This was not in fact the first time that the prosecution seemed to miraculously predict the future precisely during the case.

The afternoon prior to the preliminary hearing, held back in July of 2006, Johnson had waited until the last minute to look at evidence. I previously made mention of this in the Malicious Prosecution post when demonstrating his laziness and incompetence in his handling of my case. After retrieving some of the evidence from the prosecution, Johnson met with me at the jail in one of the meeting rooms as he discussed his plans for the preliminary hearing.

During this meeting Johnson said he was going to call me to the stand to testify in my own defense, and we went over the questions that I would likely be asked. He stressed that he wanted me to keep my answers simple and not try to get into details in an attempt to explain myself. Johnson said that he fully expected to lose the hearing and that I would be convicted on both misdemeanor charges. He also said he expected the district court judge to certify the felony charge, which was actually part of Johnson's plan.

I disagree in hindsight with Johnson's belief in what the judge's decision for the felony would be, because the judge in the case seemed very dead set against there being any evidence of death threats in the emails. He argued a lot with Joseph Platania at the bond hearings, demanding to know where these supposed death threats were (which Platania couldn't answer), and he later hugged my mother after the final bond hearing and told her it was all going to work out. When waiving the preliminary hearing (which I'll discuss that in a moment) the judge kept asking me if I was absolutely sure I wanted to waive the preliminary hearing while he kept glancing over at my attorney with a glare. I think he would have dismissed the felony charge and only given me the two misdemeanors. Unfortunately I never got the chance to find that out but I'm getting ahead of myself.

Johnson stated that he expected the loss on the misdemeanors, and for the felony to be pushed on to circuit court. He told me that the wording for one of the misdemeanors matched the wording on the felony charge. His plan was that he would argue in circuit court for a double jeopardy on the felony, and have it dismissed based on the fact the wording on the felony matches one of the prior convicted misdemeanors.

Now given that I'm not a lawyer I have absolutely no idea whether this actually would have even remotely worked out this way, or whether Johnson was just blowing smoke up my ass. I definitely have my doubts these days that Johnson's plan was remotely legit. He very likely could have just come up with some BS to look as if he was actually doing something, maybe thinking that he could still convince the Manweilers to go along with the original plea deal he proposed. However, given what the prosecutor would later pull - perhaps Johnson's plans were not a lie. 

In the threat email from Joseph Platania, uploaded previously in the Malicious Prosecution post, Joseph Platania did a direct indictment on the misdemeanor charges. What this meant is that I would not be tried on the misdemeanor charges in district court, and instead they would be pushed to circuit court to be tried right alongside the felony charge. Which means that William Johnson's plans for the hearing and the felony charge were completely ruined - almost as if Joseph Platania knew ahead of time what Johnson had been planning to do.

As for why I waived the preliminary hearing - mere minutes before I was to go before the judge Johnson drops the bomb on me about the prosecutor's threats. He shrugs his shoulders, then admits he was unprepared for the hearing. He states that he still believes he can do something, but he needs me to waive the hearing so he can get back to work on figuring out something else. Johnson says he's got nothing else for the hearing so I need to waive it - and I had to make that decision on the spot.

I was in a complete state of shock, so much so that after the waiving of the hearing I accidently began following Johnson out of the court room. I didn't even know what I was doing in that moment. The bailiffs had to run up and politely directed me back towards the cells at the bottom of the courthouse. I remember them being very nice to me, which I appreciate because I was really out of it. Johnson had deliberately timed the reveal right before I was to go out, knowing I'd be in shock and not have enough time to process anything and fully make up my mind.

Returning to the prosecution's apparent out-playing of William Johnson - the problem with this is that Platania (assistant prosecutor) and Chapman (head prosecutor) aren't actually that competent to predict William Johnson's plans like that. These are two prosecutors who were played for a bunch of fools by a newly minted lawyer fresh out of law school (Michelle Dickerman).

Platania was dumb enough to blatantly show his affections for Michelle Dickerman in front of witnesses, and had a clearly inappropriate sexual discussion with the defense attorney about the claimed "victim" the prosecution was representing. That's beyond incompetent behavior. Platania even offered to set up a meeting between Johnson and Michelle Dickerman after getting excited during this sexual discussion. Johnson is a massive womanizer and yet even he seemed taken aback by Platania's outburst, and he mocked Joseph Platania's voice as he retold the conversation to me at the jail. Johnson turned down the offer, citing the fact that it was a long drive from Mathews County to Charlottesville and he didn't see what there was to gain from this meeting.

None of Platania's actions strike me as being the behavior of someone that is remotely competent as a lawyer let alone as a prosecutor. How could anyone claim that Platania wasn't an idiot when he behaves like a teenage boy who never knew female attorneys existed before Michelle Dickerman? While Chapman and Platania were not nearly stupid enough to put certain things down in writing, they were still dumb enough to risk the cooperation of an arrogant defense attorney that they knew wasn't doing his job. All in the hopes that said arrogant attorney would somehow keep his mouth shut. Spoilers - Johnson did not in fact keep his mouth shut.

So how is it that Joseph Platania just so happened to predict William Johnson's plan for the preliminary hearing so precisely? Because like I said, Platania wasn't a smart enough man to predict this on his own. He wouldn't have acted like such a blatant horndog when it came to Michelle Dickerman if he was intelligent enough to tell the future like that. How did Platania also seem to know that I had told my lawyer about my plans for pardons and rights restoration on Friday?

It's a real stretch to say that he just so conveniently happened to come to his own conclusion on the pardon plans at the last minute - just in time to put them in the document on Monday morning. Platania just so happened to know exactly what he should do to prevent the rights restoration plans (for 20 years at least) that I expressed to Johnson the previous Friday? On top of just happening to predict Johnson's plans on the double jeopardy with the felony?

I posted one of the emails between Johnson and Platania in the Malicious Prosecution post, the one on Thursday where they were discussing the plea deal terms. You won't find a single mention of 20 years good behavior in the Thursday email. Those plea deal terms only showed up Monday after I had talked to Johnson about the rights restoration on Friday - because those terms were never discussed prior in any emails between Platania and Johnson in my possession. Nor did Johnson ever bring it up until he read the plea agreement on Monday. None of Johnson's notes seem to hint at him even knowing about this 20 years good behavior prior to the Monday hearing.

Joseph Platania some how managed to know things at the last minute that were only discussed between myself and my lawyer in person at the jail. There are only two possible explanations for this happening.

The first option would actually cause a pretty big criminal investigation from what I've heard. None of these conversations with William Johnson took place over a jail phone, which my understanding anyway is that the jail would potentially be entering into sketchy territory in sharing those calls with the prosecutor since they didn't include anything illegal. I was warned that it wasn't an absolute guarantee when it came down to jail phones and that they shouldn't be considered safe, but that actually isn't relevant anyway. Because all of these talks with Johnson on these two subjects took place in person - especially because the asshole wouldn't answer jail calls from me or even answer my mother's calls.

We were in interview rooms specifically intended for defendants to talk to a lawyer with the expectation of privacy. It certainly never occurred to me at the time that the jail would possibly record meetings between a defendant and his counsel. It wasn't a concern Johnson ever expressed either. If the jail was recording us and sharing those conversations with the prosecution, that could explain why Platania seemed to know everything being discussed. But I've also been told that doing something like this would have crossed some lines and broke laws on the Federal and State level.

Of course law enforcement doesn't give a shit about breaking the very laws they hold the rest of us accountable for. However, I very much doubt this was actually a thing. I can't imagine a district attorney's office could keep such a thing hidden. Especially if they did it often. It would become a massive scandal if it was found out that Charlottesville prosecutors were recording defense attorneys during their assumed private meetings at the jail. Given that some defense attorneys become prosecutors, I would imagine they would express outrage if they found out that the district attorney's office was pulling something like this during one of their own past cases. Imagine finding out you only lost a case because the prosecutor recorded you during a private meeting with your client? It would certainly piss me off and I'm not even a lawyer.

I can't imagine that someone wouldn't have turned whistleblower all this time if this was a practice by the jail and the district attorney. Even if the prosecution only did it once, it would call into question every single case the prosecutors involved in this behavior ever handled. Because if they did it once how do you know for certain whether or not they actually did it in other cases? You wouldn't be able to trust the prosecution's denials on which cases they used it on and which ones they didn't. It would turn into a massive shitshow for the City of Charlottesville. One that I don't think the prosecution would have been willing to risk.

I certainly could be wrong about what the prosecution was willing to risk, considering the clear desperation on the part of the prosecution to railroad me in order to coverup the scandal they would face due to Michelle Dickerman's actions with the evidence. But I find it hard to believe that the prosecution would be willing to risk something as serious as recording a defense lawyer's private meetings with their client. Getting caught doing that even once could wreck their entire career, and create potential issues with every conviction they were involved with if it ever came out. All it takes is someone at the jail becoming a whistleblower, or a later district attorney with integrity finding out that the DA's office of Charlottesville pulled a stunt like this once.

So the more likely explanation I think is that Johnson actually told these things to Joseph Platania because he was cooperating with the prosecution against his client. There are at least three possible motives for him to do this:

  • To protect Michelle Dickerman from answering for her criminal acts - a fellow attorney that William Johnson constantly expressed his attraction towards.
  • Johnson might have been paid off by Michelle Dickerman's father Gregory Manweiler to throw the case.
  • Johnson was an absolutely lazy piece of shit who wanted to take his money and run. As soon as he realized that the case was not going the way he wanted, he took the path of least resistance and cooperated with the prosecutor to end it quickly with as little effort on his part as possible. Fighting for his client would have required work that Johnson was clearly not interested in performing. 
Johnson giving the heads up about my rights restoration plans was probably motivated just on the fact that I tried to fire him, with Johnson likely wanting to give me an additional "fuck you" before seeing the case off. Like Michelle Dickerman, Johnson is very full of himself. He would likely ping even higher on the narcissism scale than Dickerman, though I believe Johnson fits the Grandiose, or Overt, Narcissist model while Michelle Dickerman seems to fit the Vulnerable (or Covert) Narcissist model. Johnson would probably claim at the time that he had a right to be angry about me trying to fire him despite knowing full well that he wasn't doing his job. He certainly was as self-righteous as it gets when he was yelling at me at the jail that Friday.

I don't have evidence for the second listed motive yet, which is the bribery to throw the case, so for now I have to lean towards the first and third proposed motives - which are the ones that I do have evidence to point towards. It was likely a combination of the first and third if I'm being honest (again, assuming Johnson wasn't just paid off to throw the case).

There was a lot more that happened that further leans heavily towards Johnson working in cooperation with the prosecution. Hell there is a lot about this case that I haven't bothered writing about, because there is just so fucking much that happened and went wrong with this case. A lot of it has probably been mentioned over the years, especially about Johnson, and is just spread out over all kinds of posts. I just can't summon the desire to go hunting through posts to see if I can consolidate all of it.

It already drags me down just writing what I have discussed so far on this blog. Every time I get done with one of these posts I flip back and forth between feelings of being emotionally drained and feelings of wanting to cave someone's skull in. Given that I've felt increasingly backed into a corner as of late, you can imagine that working on something that causes me to swing through very strong emotions isn't good. The events of 2006 already run through my mind in a constant loop every waking moment. I get little downtime from that, with none of my hobbies being an outlet for that anymore. So it isn't exactly helpful to focus on and relive those events as I sit here typing about them. Maybe at some point I'll attempt to consolidate a lot of what I've written, but with everything else currently going on I just can't do it right now. So it's just bits and pieces here and there.

I need to get the long post done, along with the website. I've delayed a lot on those two, especially the long post. In fact there are some things I'll have to remove because I ended up talking about them in (supposedly) smaller posts that were done instead of the "longer" post. It also hasn't helped my ability to focus that I received confirmation during a meeting with my supervisor that it is not a matter of 'if' I'll lose my job, but 'when' I'm going to lose said employment. You can imagine that doesn't make things better with the sizeable amount of anger I already feel about my situation with the false felony charge.

Until I've finished the long post, what I've written so far should be more than enough for people to work with. Hopefully I can get that completed soon enough. It might be the last post I make on the blog for a while, at least until I get the website completed. At most I might put up something short, but I'm certainly not going for lengthy writing after that long post until the website is done. 

To close this out, I will leave off with stating the obvious. William Johnson is an absolute piece of shit. Though admittedly he’s not the only lawyer in this case who is a piece of shit. That describes every lawyer that had direct involvement, especially Michelle Dickerman, but with the sole exception to that being Katherine Peters (I have no reason to believe Peters did anything wrong). But Johnson is definitely the kind of lawyer who clearly only became a lawyer in order to get lots of money. Johnson is a lawyer because he likes his tailored suits and expensive toys, and he clearly couldn't care less who gets hurt in the process of securing that. Then again that's something he shares with Michelle Dickerman, which is probably why he liked her so much. He found a fellow corrupt kindred spirit. After all, you don't become a litigation lawyer for the government because you care about people - you do it for those parasitically bloated GS benefits.

Money obsessed individuals like this are the last kind of "people" we need in the legal field, but unfortunately they seem to instead be the majority. I've seen little to convince me that it isn’t the majority. Every now and then though I will admittedly come across lawyers that are genuinely there to either help people or fight for their beliefs, and I respect those people. But they seem to be the exceptions that prove the rule. Two Youtube channels run by such lawyers are 'The Civil Rights Lawyer' and 'Fudd Busters' (there are quite a few I watch but those stick out right now in my mind). You also have non-profit organizations like the pro-2A 'Firearms Policy Coalition’, groups looking to help the wrongfully convicted like the ‘Innocence Project’, and groups trying to stop legal overreach like the ‘Institute for Justice’. 

You would never catch lawyers like Michelle Dickerman and William Johnson working for a non-profit legal organization to help people - because there isn’t any money to be made in such things.

Sunday, April 16, 2023

The Case for Malicious Prosecution

Michelle Dickerman, Michelle Manweiler, John Dickerman, Department of the Treasury, CBI,
***Updated with a few corrections 4/20/23***

Here is the 2nd "short" post I promised, the one that not only shows maliciousness was behind Michelle Dickerman's decisions (as well as behind those of the prosecution's), but also proves her parents (Gregory and Carole Manweiler) were intimately involved in the harm inflicted on me. As usual it turned into a much longer post than I originally intended.

Because I've had my life ruined by a felony that I can prove my innocence on (especially since I can prove their daughter fabricated the emails used as the basis of that charge), and because Greg and Carole Manweiler both were pushing for the prosecution to inflict that felony as well as further excessive and unreasonable harm upon me - both of Michelle Dickerman's parents are just as liable in court as their daughter for the damages that occurred as a result. Both my former attorney and the prosecution have fully admitted to Greg and Carole Manweiler being just as involved in the process as their daughter and you're about to see a little of that evidence here.

First we'll start by making a case for maliciousness behind the prosecution of me by all the guilty parties, though this will also partly help demonstrate Greg and Carole Manweiler's culpability as well.

The first piece of evidence is a letter sent to the prosecution from my former attorney William Johnson, with a plea agreement offer to avoid the felony charge. This is pretty much the only marginally competent thing Johnson did while serving as my attorney. I say marginally for two reasons.

The first reason is that this kind of agreement from what I've heard is not an original idea by William Johnson, so it's not like he crafted something like this on his own. It's a very reasonable agreement but it wasn't Johnson's new idea, he just figured this was easily something that the prosecution would be willing to move forward on - because there was never a reason for them to not accept this. This kind of thing is part of Johnson's mode of operation when it comes to his handling of cases.

My family was warned (towards the later half of the case after things had progressed too far to fix) that Johnson is the type of defense lawyer who proposes a reasonable plea deal at the very start of the case, gets the prosecutor to go along with it, then returns to his client and tells them that the agreement is their only hope and they have no other option but to sign it. Thus his client gets screwed over into pleading guilty to a charge they potentially never committed because people naturally are afraid and can't afford the legal battles (something the corrupt State counts on to get its way). Meanwhile Johnson gets to walk away with the large amount of money he demanded upfront - all without having done much beyond making a few phone calls and showing up to a couple short court hearings. 

This is why he demands money upfront and doesn't present any bill on how he's using that money - he wants the case concluded as quickly as possible with as little effort as he can get away with. He doesn't care whether his client is guilty or not, he just wants to end the case and run off with the money. This is not a new accusation against William Johnson from what we understand - he has a reported reputation for doing this to his clients. We've been told that he does this to ALOT of people. My parents and I just wish we'd known this before hiring the idiot, but my mother was afraid and desperate and Johnson took advantage of that by assuring her he could fix everything. Which to be fair this case really shouldn't have turned into what it did and Johnson had no idea what was actually going to happen. But the Manweiler family spent enough money and personal favors around to ensure it went down like it did.

It will require an investigation against William Johnson to discover how many clients he has done this to. I expect that the man will have a lot of people speaking up about him when this case finally goes public one day.

The second reason this is only marginally competent is a statement made by William Johnson in the letter, and it's merely just one part of why he was incompetent in the handling of my case. In this letter he goes over how he acknowledges the sufficiency of the evidence. Oh really? Funny how he could tell that without even seeing a single piece of evidence. That idiot was proposing a plea agreement for his client to accept, all while claiming the evidence against his client was sufficient, and yet he had not even seen any of the evidence when he wrote this letter. So please do tell how someone can know the sufficiency of evidence without actually ever seeing what that evidence is. I'd love to know how that's possible.

Johnson had filed a motion of discovery in court at the very start of the case but the prosecution refused to comply with that motion the entire time (despite claiming an 'open file policy'). Johnson made only one additional request through email in July after this plea agreement had been proposed (I was arrested in JUNE and he was hired right after that arrest) for prosecutor Joseph Platania to send him the evidence requested by the motion of discovery. Platania ignored that request.

By the time of the preliminary hearing William Johnson had been my lawyer for a little over a month. Yet Johnson waited until the afternoon before the preliminary hearing to actually go look at evidence, and the next day at the hearing he admits to me minutes before I go out before the judge that he's completely unprepared for the hearing. Yeah no shit you were unprepared, that's what happens when you wait until the last minute to look at evidence and don't bother forcing the prosecutor to comply with a motion of discovery.

Johnson didn't even get all the evidence when he conducted this one and only attempt at viewing evidence - the prosecution literally handed him four claimed emails (which I can prove were NOT four emails, as Dickerman had written fake dates on individual sheets to split up emails), Platania tells Johnson that they had "a dozen or more emails" but never produces those other emails, and Johnson never pushed to see those "dozen or more emails".

Which considering that that many written emails never existed, those "dozen or more" were all likely just one or two multi-page emails with fake dates written on each individual sheet by Michelle Dickerman to claim each page as a separate email - since that's what I can prove she did with the "four" emails that Johnson had actually bothered to obtain.

So in regards to his claim in this letter that the evidence was sufficient, it can basically be summed up as follows:
William Johnson: "Hey Joe, do you have sufficient evidence?" 
Joe Platania: "Um, yeah sure."
William Johnson: "I don't know you but I trust you and I believe you wholeheartedly."

If I have to explain why any of what I've discussed so far with Johnson's behavior is incompetence, I have some really bad news for you.

As for why we didn't fire William Johnson - we absolutely tried to fire him. By the time of the guilty plea hearing it had become quite clear that Johnson had been working against the interests of his client. If he had not been working hand-in-hand with Joseph Platania for the benefit of Michelle Dickerman (who Johnson constantly praised and made inappropriate comments about), then I believe at the very least he suspected what was going on and made no move to prevent it. If he suspected it was going on but allowed it to happen, it could have been motivated by either laziness or his inappropriate interests in Michelle Dickerman. It was probably a little of column A and a little of column B in that scenario.

Johnson could have even accepted bribes from Gregory Manweiler to throw the case. I don't have evidence to prove it took place yet, but I absolutely believe that neither William Johnson nor Gregory Manweiler are above conducting such actions. I absolutely believe Johnson would happily accept money under the table to throw the case if he thought he could get away with it. I believe Gregory Manweiler would happily grease a few palms to corrupt the court system for the benefit of his daughter. I don't believe it's the first time he's done underhanded things either to help his daughter get ahead in life even to the determent of other people - but that's a different discussion altogether.

As for whether any bribery actually took place, that will require an investigation to uncover. Given that Gregory Manweiler was the CFO of a bank at the time, if he had bribed Johnson he'd be knowledgeable enough to cover his tracks. William Johnson would be the weak link in that scenario. Johnson would be arrogant enough to not bother covering his tracks and he would absolutely sell people out in a heartbeat to save himself. An offer of immunity from prosecution would likely see him testifying against the other parties in this case.

My family initially attempted to speak to a very prevalent attorney in Charlottesville who had a reputation for fighting hard and winning against the prosecution. Unfortunately this attorney said her current case load was too heavy to take on anything else, but she said herself that something was wrong with my case. This attorney felt strongly enough about what was happening that she provided my mother with a short list of really good attorneys that she recommended we talk with. One of the attorneys on this list was Charlottesville attorney Katherine Peters.

My mother paid Ms. Peters to start looking into the case, though we cautioned her to avoid speaking with William Johnson as much as possible. Our concern was that if Johnson knew he was being fired he'd do something to sabotage the case - at least more than what he had already sabotaged. Peters said she did actually need to speak to Johnson a little, so the story she and my mother came up with was that Peters was just looking at the case to give a second opinion. Johnson had no warning at the time that we were preparing to fire him yet and that's exactly how we wanted it.

However, when Ms. Peters attempted to speak to prosecutor Joseph Platania about the case, that living Soyjak meme Platania would run back to his boss Warner Chapman and tell him that Johnson was being replaced by Peters. Warner Chapman calls up William Johnson and warns him that he's being fired (thus directly interfering in a defendant's private affairs with his hired counsel). The next day William Johnson shows up at the jail and I'm escorted to the interview room. Johnson is beet red and begins immediately swearing and shouting. He informs me that Warner Chapman wants to pass along a warning to me if I dare attempt to fire my lawyer.

The piece of garbage prosecutor had told William Johnson that if I attempt to fire my lawyer and hire Katherine Peters, something which is my civil right to do, that in retaliation Chapman will move forward with the threat that he and Joseph Platania made earlier. Apparently if I fired my attorney the legal process for the circuit side would start again. A new judge will be assigned to the case and I was warned that it would be a judge from a nearby county who is known as the "hanging judge". The prosecution again reiterated their previous threat that they will ensure I'm sent to one of the most violent prisons in the area once a conviction is secure. Chapman further warned that he'd pursue getting as many years behind bars as possible if I was to go through with firing my attorney.

Warner Chapman further states that he is so angered by the fact that I attempted to fire my lawyer that come Monday, the day of the guilty plea hearing, he might just go ahead and file multiple felony counts anyway as punishment and FORCE me to plead guilty to all counts at that hearing. Johnson did not elaborate on how Chapman expected to force me into doing this. William Johnson follows this up by stating that if I refuse to plead guilty and there is a trial, or if Chapman follows through with his threat on Monday, that Johnson is done with this case and will refuse to defend me in court.

With no ability to do anything to help myself while in jail, no ability to obtain exculpatory evidence because of Michelle Dickerman's deletion of original evidence combined with the police departments claim of damaging my computer hard drive, not having any idea how my family was going to actually afford another lawyer given that they already took out a large loan to pay William Johnson up front, and facing trial in a city that gave a rich UVA student a slap on the wrist for stabbing a man to death (Michelle Dickerman was a fresh UVA graduate at the time with a banker father who was also an alumni that donates to UVA) - I felt I had no choice but to cave to the prosecution's threats and allow the railroading. I could only hope that after I was released from jail that I could find the evidence to prove my innocence, which I did, and then hope that I could do something about it after the fact. Because if I was sent to prison all the evidence to prove what these people did to me would have been destroyed by the time I was released.

I have Johnson on tape recording admitting to this whole conversation occurring, this recording being made after I was released from jail in November. He wasn't dumb enough to admit that he had joined with the prosecution in threatening me into pleading guilty, but he admits to telling me about Chapman's threats that day.

Chapman had claimed that he had believed that my mother and I were somehow "playing games" with him by firing an attorney that Chapman knew was working against the client's interests. Part of what helped get Johnson's admission to the prosecution's threats on tape was that I deliberately misquoted this statement that Johnson had told me that day. During the recording I repeated Chapman's claim, and intentionally made it sound like Chapman thought 'we' were playing games with him - meaning me and Johnson. Johnson's arrogance kicked in like I figured and he immediately jumps in to correct me that this 'we' did not include Johnson. He freely admits to the threats by Chapman after that, and follows it by saying that prosecutors do this sort of thing to people every day.

It's very important to note that prosecutor Warner Chapman would go on to hire Katherine Peters as an assistant district attorney under him after my case was resolved. I'm not suggesting anything wrong on Ms. Peters' part with this, it is only Warner Chapman who had bad intentions behind it. Peters had been shown the discrepancy's on the emails by my mother, discrepancy's which after my release I would be able to prove Michelle Dickerman's tampering and fabrication of evidence. Peters stated that she felt it needed further investigation because she agreed that something was wrong with those emails. She also was completely against the actions of the prosecution and didn't understand why they were acting like this.

I think Katherine Peters pointed out the discrepancy's on the emails to assistant prosecutor Joseph Platania, who panicked and ran to his boss because he knew the risk of their cover-up being exposed now. That's when Chapman called up William Johnson, warned Johnson of his imminent firing, and asks him to deliver the prosecution's threat to me to prevent the firing. They knew that I was potentially going to be able to find out about Dickerman's crimes, and if it all got out it would end the careers of Platania and Chapman - if not land them in jail. I fully believe that Johnson was working with the prosecution to help benefit Michelle Dickerman, maybe even with financial incentive from Michelle Dickerman's father Gregory Manweiler. I believe Chapman's phone call to warn Johnson helps demonstrate Johnson's efforts to aid the prosecution to the detriment of his client. "Bill, get him in line before anyone figures out what she did to those emails!"

By hiring Katherine Peters after my case was resolved, it would potentially ensure her silence, if not at least make her very reluctant to testify against her boss. I think Chapman wanted to reward Peters and ensure she would have incentive to not "rock the boat" later on.

So now that you know a little of the back story behind this letter, and the circumstances behind Johnson's behavior, let's move forward to the plea agreement proposal.

You'll first notice I didn't bother to block any of Johnson's contact information out this time around. I have never cared about anyone contacting him before to be honest, after all I have been completely open on this blog about his name and county of residence for years. People could have easily looked him up at any time prior. But it likely doesn't even matter anymore whether I censor that info or not since he likely has retired by now, making all of this contact info completely irrelevant. Though I can't be bothered to confirm this as I have no desire to look up anything related to that corrupt and lazy asshole.

I didn't block out prosecutor Joseph Platania's contact information either in the emails I've linked further down in this post, and for much the same reason as Johnson. Again, I have no desire to look up anything about these jackasses anymore so I haven't confirmed if Platania still practices law either. But it wouldn't affect Joseph Platania anyway. He absolutely knows about this blog, the accusations being made against him and Michelle Dickerman, and has known all this for years. So it's not going to jerk his chain at all. But I don't expect either Johnson or Platania to care anyway, because they have assumed all this time that nothing will happen to them for their actions.

Which is fair enough, as my focus is now solely on getting justice against Michelle Dickerman and her family since I've been robbed of the ability to hold all the other guilty parties accountable for their actions. It is very likely that all these people are no longer in their previous roles, and thus are no longer effective targets for me to seek justice against. Rudman and Chapman certainly have moved on to either retirement or another career field. Chapman could even be dead now given his age back in 2006.

That's all fine since Michelle Dickerman and her parents were the catalyst for all this anyway, and deserve to receive severe repercussions from me for what they inflicted on me and my family. None of the guilty parties would have even had their chance to do the things they did if Michelle Dickerman hadn't lied and fabricated evidence. Nor do I believe that the case would have gone as far as it did if Greg and Carole Manweiler hadn't pushed for that extensive harm. The two pages below will help demonstrate how the Manweiler family pushed for that harm.

Now that you've read over the two pages in the above letter, let's go over a few things.

Johnson starts off the letter with his first paragraph discussing Michelle Dickerman's "concerns" towards me. The reality is that this entire dispute between us was escalated by orders of magnitude thanks to Michelle Dickerman's incredibly stupid series of choices in 2006. One such stupid choice being the rejection of this above plea deal that Johnson proposed. The only questions I have for Michelle Dickerman anymore is if she still thinks her decisions in 2006 were intelligent, and whether she thinks it was all worth it. But I feel I already know the answers to those questions given Dickerman's high level of narcissism.

I was railroaded into a felony that she knew she lied and manipulated evidence to bring about. I was treated in an excessively harmful manner by law enforcement while Michelle Dickerman received extreme special treatment far above anything your average person would receive. My life was completely ruined by the false felony charge that continues to cause me serious problems nearly 20 years later. I have been stonewalled from getting justice at every turn so far. And that's all just the tip of the iceberg of extensive questionable and illegal shit that was done to me in 2006 and beyond. Gee I can't imagine there being any "concerns" after putting someone through all that.

If Michelle Dickerman's "concerns" involved fears of violence from me, perhaps she should not have handed me an ample number of motives for committing said violence. Because that's exactly what she ended up doing instead. I certainly didn't have any motives for violence prior to the 2006 court case. Giving me very justified reasons to dwell on thoughts of violence every single day has been the most incompetent move Michelle Dickerman has ever made. If she had hoped that doing what she did to me would somehow make things better, she accomplished the exact opposite and everyone else knew it. Even the prosecution admitted they knew this they just didn't care about what would happen later.

According to William Johnson during my case, and admitted to on the recording I did after my release from jail, Warner Chapman said that his motives behind railroading me weren't for the protection of Dickerman. He told Johnson that if Michelle Dickerman ended up dead on the evening news afterwards at least the prosecution wouldn't be "on the hook" for only having misdemeanor charges on me. Whether "on the hook" was typical use of the phrase or whether he meant the C'ville newspaper "The Hook" - that I can't answer. Chapman's statement however was actually a very stupid thing for him to believe, but then I've never accused the prosecutors in Charlottesville of being intelligent.

If I had hypothetically done what Warner Chapman claimed and Michelle Dickerman was on the evening news after having been murdered - everyone would have blamed the prosecutors. Anytime something like that happens people naturally want to know what drove that person to commit such an act. With the events of 2006 coming to light combined with the struggles I've had getting my life on track due to the severe level of harm done - the finger would rightfully be pointed towards Chapman and Platania by the public.

People would see the level of harm done to me and would accuse the prosecutors of having pushed the entire situation towards violence by hammering someone into the ground that didn't deserve it. They would be absolutely correct. Plenty of violent criminals have been created due to overzealous prosecutors and judges doing excessive harm to someone who didn't require that kind of reaction to their initial minor crimes. That kind of thing is how we ended up with guys like the gangster John Dillinger.

Whatever the future holds for this dispute, the results of it has been solely due to the injustice that was committed against me in 2006. This dispute is not the same fight that we had pre-2006 and it would be incompetence in the extreme if Dickerman has been operating on that assumption. That kid she dealt with has been long dead and this fight became something else entirely.

What Johnson mentions about a change in me at the time was indeed the truth. There was a change in me because I had genuinely felt bad about the entire situation. Rudman had attempted to guilt trip me into feeling bad for Michelle Dickerman at first and indeed I did for quite awhile. I had also realized that my life before the arrest had finally reached a point where things were good for me and that I was actually happy for once. All I wanted was to go back home with my future as intact as possible.

But that wasn't good enough for Michelle Dickerman and her parents.

Once I was threatened by the prosecution into a plea deal for a felony I knew I didn't commit, my attitude completely changed towards the situation. I began to feel a hatred for Michelle Dickerman that I didn't know was possible before.

Frankly had Dickerman not walked into the C'ville police station in 2006 neither of us would be dealing with any of this in 2023. Whether that was due to talking it out or her just ignoring me like always, we would both be living better lives today. She sure as hell shouldn't have walked in the station with lies and emails that she fabricated. Had Dickerman not falsely represented what actually took place, law enforcement wouldn't have overreacted the way that they did. Thus I wouldn't be dealing with a ruined life and employment issues, and Dickerman wouldn't have to look over her shoulder wondering if today is the day she answers for what she did. I went into this a little in the long post I'm working so I won't waste time with that here. But even with her going to the cops with an exaggerated story and tampered emails, if Michelle Dickerman hadn't refused this plea agreement (and Johnson and the prosecutors said she had in fact refused it) none of this would be going on right now.

Had all gone along with this plea deal this dispute would have ended. Not only would it have given me the incentive to walk away and go back to my life, but just as important I wouldn't be aware of all the bullshit Dickerman had pulled with the evidence. As I mentioned earlier, Johnson hadn't bothered to ever retrieve copies of the evidence before proposing the plea agreement in his letter. Since my own lawyer didn't see any of the evidence it means I hadn't laid eyes on it either at the time. So if this plea agreement had actually been accepted Johnson wouldn't have ever bothered retrieving any of the evidence. Johnson's laziness would have meant that I would have gone through life having never seen any of those emails Dickerman handed to the cops - and thus I would never have known she fabricated and tampered with the evidence against me.

I knew at the start that Michelle Dickerman had lied about me going to Charlottesville, since Detective Rudman had told me that she accused me of this during the interview prior to my arrest. But it isn't like she hadn't verbally lied to the cops before about similar when she was at William and Mary. That verbal lie was nothing new, and the accusations of Charlottesville visitations wasn't the primary focus of what was done to me. It was the emails that were the primary focus. I never suspected Dickerman of fabricating physical evidence until I saw the issues with the emails. I didn't think she was that out of her mind to pull something that stupid.

So had Michelle Dickerman gone along with this perfectly reasonable plea agreement that my lawyer proposed, she wouldn't be living in fear of reprisal or having to hide herself online. Because I would have never known that she did anything to those emails. I would have walked away from this case blaming myself and feeling bad about the whole thing. But once I was threatened into pleading to a felony that both of us knew I didn't commit, and especially once I discovered what she did to those emails, there was simply no way that Michelle Dickerman or her family were ever going to get to walk away. Not without Dickerman receiving consequences for her criminal acts and the severe harm those acts caused everyone else.

This plea agreement proposal is another 'nail in the coffin' for the severity of the legal repercussions that Michelle Dickerman and the prosecution could receive when all this goes public. I've shown this letter to a lot of people, especially legal professionals I've talked to. Every single one of them praises the proposal and says there was zero justification for Michelle Dickerman and the prosecution to not go forward with it. Not only do people not knowledgeable on legal affairs think it was extremely reasonable, but every legal professional thinks it was a wonderful proposal. I've shown it to cops (both former and active), to judges (former and active). I've shown it to a lot of lawyers (criminal, litigation, appellate). Every single legal professional I showed it to said this was extremely reasonable and that no justification exists for why this was refused.

As far as I'm concerned the refusal of the plea agreement put forward in this letter makes a very strong case for malicious prosecution. Against not only prosecutors Joseph Platania and Warner Chapman, but against Michelle Dickerman and her parents. It proves that the prosecution of me had nothing to do with protecting anyone or doing the right thing. This letter proves that what was done to me in 2006 was all about inflicting as much vicious harm upon another person as possible. It was about wielding the legal system as a cudgel for the petty revenge of a narcissistic girl who never learned empathy for others. There are going to be consequences for that maliciousness.

As you can see from Johnson's letter, Michelle Dickerman and her parents were both involved in this case from the beginning. They all had a hand in the decisions made during this case. This was never a singular decision made by the prosecution. Though I'm sure Michelle Dickerman and her parents try to portray it as such when discussing this case with others just to make themselves seem blameless. "It's all the prosecutor's doing" - no, no it wasn't. Dickerman and her family were absolutely part of the process and were behind all the decisions the prosecution makes. Johnson makes that quite clear in the last paragraph. He doesn't make the appeal for this agreement to the prosecution. Johnson instead is making the appeal to Michelle Dickerman and her parents. That's a very key thing to note in the letter.

The prosecution stated that Dickerman and her parents rejected this proposal. My former attorney said they rejected it as well. But we're going to show further how Michelle Dickerman and her parents were not only deeply involved in the harm done to me - but I'm going to also further prove the maliciousness behind their decisions.

Below the next couple of paragraphs you will find two emails written by prosecutor Joseph Platania to my former attorney William Johnson. The first email involves the threat by Joseph Platania that violates my civil right to a fair trial. It's not the entire threat however. One additional part of it was that I was also threatened that the prosecution intended to send me to the "most violent prison in the area" if I refused to go along with their demands. As we approached the guilty plea hearing I was additionally told another threat if I tried to get a new lawyer or refused to plead guilty. That threat was that the more reasonable judge we currently had would be replaced with a judge known as a "hanging judge". That judge would handle the case and he would aid the prosecution in inflicting more harm upon me.

Unfortunately Platania wasn't dumb enough to send any of those threats over email where it could be recorded. In fact some of the most damning things said by the prosecution was deliberately said over phone calls with William Johnson to avoid their actions being recorded. The prosecution was using my former attorney as a willing conduit to deliver their threats. Thankfully with Johnson being in love with the sound of his own voice we have his admissions of these threats. This also includes a letter and one of his notes where he mentions the threat of the hanging judge - which I've shared on this blog in the past.

As you'll notice in the email Platania says that Michelle Dickerman wanted me to become a felon. He further stated in the guilty plea hearing that Dickerman was "in full agreement" with the excessive terms of the plea agreement the prosecution was threatening me into. One of those terms, according to Platania himself at the guilty plea hearing, was "the most ever handed out in the history of the Charlottesville Circuit court".

So according to the prosecutor at the guilty plea hearing, Michelle Dickerman was 100% onboard with the plea agreement and all terms of it. A plea agreement which multiple lawyers I've talked to over the years for advice on the case have said was absolutely ridiculous and excessive. One lawyer described Michelle Dickerman's decision to support it as "sick" and said he was surprised I hadn't done anything to her in retaliation given the situation. Even the insurance company lawyer I had to speak with right after getting out of jail (related to a car accident that happened months prior to my arrest) whistled when told about it and couldn't believe things went that far - "I'm not a criminal lawyer but they really hammered you".

I've yet to meet a lawyer who has had anything good to say about the case and the plea agreement terms. Given that Michelle Dickerman is a lawyer she was well aware at the time that the entire thing was wrong and excessive. She has known for over a decade that what happened was wrong and that she received extreme special treatment that nobody else would have received. Given her husband is also a lawyer he is completely aware of all of this as well. They both of course see nothing wrong with anything that happened because they have no beliefs or morals of their own. Their beliefs are fashion statements based upon whatever they are told is acceptable by a talking head on the TV. Those beliefs are dropped the second they are told it isn't in fashion anymore - or just whenever it is convenient and beneficial for them to abandon those principles.

The second email goes into hashing out the details of the prosecution's plea agreement, and shows the prosecution deliberately delaying the sentencing hearing in order to have me sit in jail for longer. Platania clearly states that Michelle Dickerman and her family were not only onboard with this idea, but clearly wanted it as well.

I've already addressed the bullshit statement by Platania in the first email on how Johnson had been an "excellent advocate" for me earlier in this post. Go ahead and reread what I reported about Johnson at the beginning of this post, with the knowledge that there is even worse that I've left out because I’ve brought those details up in previous posts, and then ask yourself if that sounds like someone who was an "excellent advocate". Platania knew he was full of it when made that statement. He knew Johnson was helping them railroad me so he tossed Johnson a bone to keep him looking good. But Johnson's actions, notes, and recorded words tell a different story. Platania knew his statement was a lie. 

Instead I'm going to go over why Platania's first email is clearly a violation of civil rights, specifically the right to a fair trial. Imagine you show up to vote at your local polling place and Joseph Platania walks up to you with a baseball bat in hand. He tells you that if you attempt to enter the polling place and vote, he will hit you with the bat in retaliation. Then it's claimed that he's not violating your civil right to vote, because you can still go walk into the polling place to vote just with the understanding that he's going to hit you with a baseball bat for daring to go vote. You would of course feel that your rights are still being violated despite the claim that he's not violating your rights. That's because those rights are indeed being violated.

A right that can be retaliated against for its lawful exercise ceases to be a right at all. Your right to a fair trial doesn't exist if you can be freely threatened with State sponsored violence by a government official in retaliation for going forward with that right. Platania's wording is a very big problem for him when this whole thing comes out in public. He specifically says "If that charge is contested in Circuit Court, will review all e-mails with Det. Rudman and explore additional felony charges...". This means "If the defendant elects to have a trial (his civil right), I am going to do something harmful to him in retaliation for his choosing to move forward on his civil right to a fair trial". That is exactly what that statement means.

It's one thing for a prosecutor to put forward an offer to lessen the charges against a defendant in return for them choosing to plead out to a criminal charge. This is done all the time. It's quite another thing for a prosecutor to say "If you attempt to have a trial I'm going to do something harmful to you for it". That's exactly what Platania is saying in this email and no amount of mental gymnastics can justify such an act.

Additionally I was threatened by Warner Chapman when he told William Johnson that I was not allowed to fire my lawyer or there would be repercussions for that. This was done to avoid getting a lawyer involved who might blow the lid off on the entire coverup. Both prosecutors knew that Johnson was helping them out, whether working hand-in-hand or not, and the hiring of Katherine Peters would endanger this. Thus my civil right to counsel was further violated by the prosecution, as I was threatened with State violence if I attempted to fire my incompetent lawyer. Platania is party to this additional violation of a right since he was present during the conversation and he was the one who ran immediately to his boss about the firing. While neither prosecutor was dumb enough to write this threat in an email, I have Johnson on tape admitting to the conversation and saying "Prosecutors do this sort of thing to people every day".

Now I'm not going into the specifics of why such actions are "State sponsored violence". That's actually something I discuss in the longer post I'm working, and I'd rather not revisit something I've already typed up elsewhere. The same can be said about the comment on me needing to be a felon so I can't own a gun again. 

Platania knows he's definitely lying given his prosecution of felons who had guns in the same cell block with me. But Dickerman was operating under a delusion if she thinks giving someone a felony keeps a gun out of their hands. Legally sure - but when has something being illegal stopped anyone from doing it? I could have obtained a gun anytime I wanted if that was really something I had the desire to do. That's been true since the day I walked out of jail in 2006. If someone makes the decision to commit murder, which carries the highest penalties possible, what makes you think that person cares about breaking gun laws? I've gone into far more detail on this delusion of Dickerman's in the other post in the works so I'm not going to bother rewriting everything here.

Continuing on topic instead, the threats from Chapman and Platania constitute a threat of State violence - especially when you consider that they also said they would send me to the most violent prison in the area as part of that threat. That is 100% a threat of physical harm against another person and no amount of mental gymnastics can make excuses for that one either. They knew exactly what that kind of thing was likely to result in - they wouldn't have made the threat otherwise. Michelle Dickerman is a guilty party to all these threats of physical violence from State officials as well.

By lying to law enforcement and fabricating evidence to get a felony charge she knew I didn't commit, Michelle Dickerman committed an act of actual physical violence towards me. Especially when she not only went along with the harm committed by the prosecution but she had also demanded it. With the prosecution threatening me with real physical danger via the "most violent prison" stipulation in order to comply with the demands of Dickerman and her parents - it further lays the blame for the prosecutions actions at the feet of the Manweiler family. Both her and her parents knew about every bit of it being done at the time and they have known about it all these years. Yet they've never shown even a bit of mercy or remorse. I'm not going to forget that lack of mercy or remorse, and they should expect the same lack of it towards them.

You don't get to lie and fake evidence that causes an overreaction by law enforcement, and then claim innocence when those same law enforcement threaten someone's life in such a manner just so they can satisfy your demands for revenge. And let's not pretend that the Manweilers weren't making typical jail jokes the entire time of my confinement about the kind of things rumored to happen in such places. I have no doubt they were evil enough to actually hope for it to happen. I should more correctly say stupid enough to hope for it, because it certainly would have justified a desire for violence after my release had that sort of thing actually taken place.

All of the things the prosecution and law enforcement did, they did on the demand of the Manweiler family. The Manweilers all knew those demands were wrong, and they also knew the prosecution was delivering on those demands by doing some very twisted things in this case. I doubt very much that Platania kept the "violent prison" threat from Dickerman's knowledge. She probably suspected it even if he didn't tell her.

Michelle Dickerman would have to be a complete idiot to have believed I pled guilty to a felony, one that she knew was complete bullshit, without threats from the prosecution being behind it. Were she in my place would Dickerman have been willing to plead to a felony charge unless she had been threatened into that plea deal? We both know that as a lawyer Dickerman wouldn't have plead guilty without having been threatened into it the same way as I was. So don't pretend you didn't know the entire time that this is what they had been doing to me. The title of lawyer means you don't get to claim ignorance here.

Even if Platania didn't tell Dickerman about the "violent prison" part of the threats - as I said it doesn't absolve her guilt for their actions on her behalf. She lied and she tampered with evidence, and I've posted ample proof of that. Her and her parents demanded the prosecution harm me, and went along with what law enforcement were doing to me. Law enforcement in Charlottesville did everything to hurt me as much as possible even beyond the legal damage from the felony.

They did things to harm me when I got to the jail. They deliberately manipulated the system to keep me confined as long as possible at the Manweilers' request. They deliberately delayed my release the day of my sentencing, despite the judge's order, just so they could keep me confined me as long as possible - even causing inmates and correctional officers to wonder what was going on. They destroyed my life and did it under threats of physical violence against me. When part of the prosecution's threats are that they will send you to the most violent prison in the area as part of their railroading, there can be no other interpretations of such a statement. They are indeed threatening physical violence against an individual to be dealt out by the inmates of said institution. They wouldn't be making such a threat if that wasn't the implication.

Thus the entire 2006 criminal case involved acts of physical violence via the State. Acts either directly conducted by the State's employees or threats of being placed into a situation where I could be harmed by other inmates. All of this was done for the benefit and, according to the prosecution, at the behest of Michelle Dickerman and her parents. In this entire dispute between Michelle Dickerman and I, her and her parents are the first ones to have committed acts of physical violence against the other party. I'm not going to forget this and neither should the Manweilers. They stepped across a line that they really shouldn't have.

Moving to the second email, it helps demonstrate how the prosecution (and the Manweilers) deliberately manipulated the system to keep me confined longer out of maliciousness. As I mentioned earlier, this email is where Platania and Johnson were hashing out details of the plea agreement. Joseph Platania's response to Johnson was before Katherine Peters had actually spoken with Platania later that afternoon. You'll notice no mentions about his imminent firing or the threats Chapman would make about potentially throwing out the agreement Monday (the guilty plea hearing date) and forcing me into pleading to multiple felony counts (however the hell he was planning to accomplish that). Johnson's not even sure whether he'll bother to visit Friday to go over the plea deal with me (again the SOB wants to wait until the last minute). A far cry from Johnson showing up at the jail Friday morning red faced and shouting at me.

This also helps in part with demonstrating how William Johnson was likely working with the prosecution to screw over his client. On Friday after he had calmed down and we were discussing the case and what would come afterwards, I made the mistake of bringing up to Johnson that I was debating asking for a pardon, and that even without it I could get my right to vote and own guns back. These days I no longer have any intentions on asking for the pardon part of that.

I'm just going to have a lawyer petition to get all my rights restored (including to own a gun again) and no pardon is required for that to happen. In fact rights restoration has to be done first in order to ask for a pardon anyway (at least in Virginia). A friend of mine has a felony and yet is legally able to own a gun again, and there is even a YouTube channel I follow called "Legally Armed America" run by a guy who had his rights restored. It's not incredibly difficult to get your right to own a gun back so long as you can afford hiring an attorney to help. I don't care all that much if "The Crown" says I can't own a gun, but it's certainly preferable to be able to own one openly without the legal risk if possible, so I'll go ahead with jumping through their hoops for now.

2nd Video Above:
AK rifle with 3D printed receiver built by Ivan the Troll
using a filament PLA printer you can buy off Amazon.
I used his old username to keep his new one from catching any flak.
No background check required - he built it himself.
Laws and felonies don't mean shit.

The restoration of my rights is just an easy first step before I focus on any of my other plans. I don't want or need a pardon in order to accomplish anything else in resolving this case, regardless of what path I choose to take in the end. I'm certainly not going to ask forgiveness of the State for something I didn't do. I want the felony completely wiped clean from my record as though it never happened because I'm innocent of the charge. Asking for a pardon doesn't accomplish this - the felony (and everything related to the events surrounding it) still shows up on a background check, and not many employers will care to make a distinction between it being pardoned or not. I go into this further in the long post I'm doing. But returning back on point, an interesting thing would later happen after I screwed up and mentioned this intention to William Johnson (who immediately attempted to discourage me from doing any of this).

One of the plea agreement terms was 20 years of good behavior requirement. Platania said himself at the guilty plea hearing that it was the most ever handed out "in the history of the Charlottesville Circuit Court". You'll notice there is no mention of this requirement in either of the emails. There wasn't a mention of it at all from Johnson prior to the guilty plea hearing. That's because that 20 years good behavior didn't show up in the plea agreement until the last minute, and when mentioning it to me on Monday before my hearing Johnson tried to immediately dismiss it as if it wasn't important (which every lawyer I've talked to has wanted to smack him just for that alone). It literally showed up on the plea agreement Monday before the guilty plea hearing. Why is that?

The Charlottesville probation officer handling the pre-sentencing report (which I'll get into the PSR in a bit) told me exactly why it was done. She was actually quite upset about what was happening to me. She even rolled her eyes at some of the statements Platania made during the sentencing hearing, and it seemed clear to me she didn't actually like Platania (I can certainly understand). After my release from jail I had to go to her office and get the paperwork transferred over to Hampton probation. It was there that I brought up my plans about pardons and rights restoration.

The probation officer got very serious after I started talking about this. She told me that the 20 years good behavior was put on the agreement specifically to prevent me from doing that. As long as it was active I could not ask for a pardon or get my rights restored - for 20 fucking years. Her opinion was that it was deliberately intended for that purpose alone.

The officer told me that she knew the people at the Hampton probation and that they were good people. She said that she was certain that I was going to get off probation early. Which I did, though it was delayed accidentally. I had been quickly set to calling in to an automated system to check-in, and the Hampton probation officer admitted he forgot all about me because "You're not one of the people in my charge that I'm worried about". I had to bring the subject up and he immediately released me from probation when I did.

Moving back to the Charlottesville probation officer's discussion, she told me that she wanted me to immediately talk to a lawyer after I was off probation. She specifically said "I want you to get with an attorney to help you afterwards". She told me that a lawyer can petition the court to have the good behavior terms reduced to time served. She said there is no way that it wouldn't be done because anyone could see it was excessive. Once the good behavior was zeroed out, she said I'd be in the clear to have my rights restored and ask for a pardon. She assured me that I wouldn't have any problem getting that done.

It's interesting how everyone else saw that what was going on was completely wrong, but the Manweiler family had their heads shoved too far up their asses to recognize it. It's more than just having their heads lodged up their third point of contact of course - they are just bad people and always have been. Whatever the future holds for this dispute, when all of this comes out in public nobody is going to feel sorry about Michelle Dickerman facing consequences for her actions.

The Manweilers knew exactly what they were doing during the entire 2006 criminal case. They knew every bit of it was wrong and they still went forward with it. They have known for almost 20 years now that what was done in their name was wrong and yet they have refused to take any responsibility for it. These are evil people. Not misinformed, not confused - just evil.

It's almost funny in a way that they pulled this stunt with the 20 years. Maybe the idiots thought that I'd forget about what they did to me in 20 years. No, not a chance. There was never a chance of that, not after everything they did to me. I'm even more angry nearly 20 years on than I was in 2006. Especially when I think about how long I've had to live with that false felony charge hounding my steps. Hate isn't an adequate term for what I feel. These motherfuckers have taken nearly 20 years of my life from me, time I'll never get back, and they are out of their minds if they think that doesn't come with consequences.

Returning to the subject of William Johnson - it's rather interesting what happened after I told him my plans for pardons and rights restorations that Friday. Because Monday the prosecution specifically added a plea agreement term that just so happened to block me from those plans for 20 years. Rather strange timing don't you think? It was almost like someone told the prosecutors all about my intentions.

I didn't think Johnson was doing something like that at the time. I had my suspicions about his behavior, but at the time I was just assuming it was all due to laziness. I wouldn't have ever opened my mouth about my plans if I seriously thought he was going to tell the prosecutors about it. That's an extremely serious line for a lawyer to cross. His threat to refuse to defend me in court if I didn't plead guilty was a serious line as well, but I didn't know how serious something like that was at the time. But one thing I did know at the time was that a lawyer is supposed to keep confidentiality with his client. I never thought anything I said to Johnson was making its way back to the prosecution, and it makes me wonder just how much he discussed with the prosecutors.

I knew Johnson was a lazy bastard and wasn't doing his job - but blatantly helping the prosecution like that is a whole different level of corruption. It wasn't until the C'ville probation officer told me the purpose of the 20 years good behavior that I made the connection. The minute she started talking about it is when I realized what Johnson had done.

We'll move forward now with how these two emails prove not only maliciousness, but also prove how Dickerman and her parents were just as responsible for what went on as the prosecution. I've already pointed out how Platania flat out states that Michelle Dickerman wanted me to be a felon in the first email. I've also pointed out how her belief that a felony kept a firearm out of my hand was also delusional. We've also discussed how Platania stated at the guilty plea and sentencing hearings that Dickerman and her parents were in full agreement with everything being done. But it gets worse in the second email.

As Platania and Johnson are hashing out the plea agreement terms, Johnson expresses concern over the unnecessary inclusion of a pre-sentencing report (PSR). He says himself that the inclusion of a PSR does nothing except extend my confinement for a couple more months. Platania first starts with the absolute lie that the PSR is required for the judge to accept the plea agreement. This was merely an excuse to cover the real reason - to unnecessarily extend my confinement as a deliberate form of punishment.

It's a lie because multiple inmates said they've had the same judge who has accepted plea agreements in their cases without having a PSR - and these were guys who had pretty extensive criminal backgrounds. When I brought this up with the Charlottesville probation officer who was conducting the PSR - she also said this was a lie by Platania. She stated that Judge Hogshire (the judge conducting my case) did not have a requirement of a PSR before accepting plea deals, and that she didn't know where Platania was getting this.

Not to mention that a PSR was a waste of time because there was literally nothing on it. I had absolutely zero criminal record - not even parking tickets. It didn't require a PSR to produce what the judge acknowledged was the most benign PSR background report he'd ever seen. Platania knew all of this. Warner Chapman knew this. So Joseph Platania was absolutely lying about why he wanted a PSR done before the sentencing hearing. He writes what the actual reason for it was at the end of his email response.

Joseph Platania states flat out that HE wants me to remain in jail until November. THAT was his real reason for the PSR - to deliberately extend my confinement in a very underhanded and unethical way. Which should violate all sort of additional civil rights. You don't get to manipulate the legal system to hold someone in jail just to inflict harm for the benefit of evil people. If we weren't already looking at a false imprisonment lawsuit for railroading me into a charge the prosecution knew me to be innocent of, I think just his deliberate attempt to manipulate the system just to extend confinement was more than enough backing on its own for such a lawsuit. While it seems that he was at first contemplating it and hadn't made up his mind yet in the email, once Katherine Peters made contact with him Platania went through with this as retaliation against me for daring to try to fire my incompetent attorney.

You'll also notice that the prosecutor doesn't say that this is his decision alone. Joseph Platania states quite clearly that "V and her family" also wanted me to stay in jail until November. "V and her family" of course being Michelle Dickerman and her parents. When the prosecution keeps saying that Dickerman and her parents are wanting all of this, it becomes impossible for the Manweilers to claim that they weren't party to all the evil things being done to me. I have no doubt that these pieces of garbage tell people that it was all the prosecution's fault and that Dickerman and her parents were blameless. The problem is that nobody else agrees with that. Even Johnson proclaims often (including on tape) that Dickerman and her parents are behind all of this.

This is where we start pointing out how this unnecessary extension of my confinement via underhanded means is also malicious in nature. Why exactly did I need to stay in jail until November? What possible reason could there be? It certainly wasn't for the protection of Michelle Dickerman - because she wasn't in the city of Charlottesville after September. Michelle Dickerman herself says that she was employed with a law firm in Washington DC in September. Go ahead and look it up - she makes the information public herself. This was in 2006 so she wouldn't have remote work as an excuse, especially not for a brand new lawyer that required training and likely apprenticeship. Michelle Dickerman was in Washington DC in September - she was not in Charlottesville.

Platania even tried to make the bullshit excuse at the sentencing hearing in November that I needed to ensure that I did not try to find Michelle Dickerman in Charlottesville upon my release. The jackass said this because he knew a reporter was in the room, but the drama queen prosecutor knew quite well that Michelle Dickerman was out of the city months ago. Even if she hadn't been out of Charlottesville that isn't justification to extend my confinement through manipulation of the system under false pretenses for your own personal amusement. 

So why again did I need to stay in jail until November when Dickerman was already gone in September? Because we're dealing with vicious "people" who just wanted to inflict harm - that's why. Joseph Platania and Warner Chapman wanted me to sit in jail for months as punishment for daring to fire my incompetent attorney - thus endangering their criminal railroading of me. Michelle Dickerman wanted me to remain in jail until November because she's a narcissistic child who thought the legal system was her personal plaything. Her parents wanted me to remain in jail until November because they raised that narcissistic child and the apple didn't fall far from the tree with those warped traits.

The unnecessary and deliberate extension of my confinement in a corrupt manner (again, Platania says that's his intention regardless of a PSR) had a considerable effect on both my career and my ability to gain employment afterwards. My supervisor at the time was deliberately holding my position vacant the entire time (he had allowed me to resign to avoid being fired due to my jail confinement), and maintained communication with my mother to get updates from her.

My supervisor's hope was that he could fast track me back into my vacant position. Even if I had a felony he was hoping he could find a way around that. He had the backing of the department head, who also said he'd figure out a way to deal with the felony during the rehire process. They didn't know if they could, but they were going to try. But by mid-October the position could no longer be held vacant due to the flood of work coming in. Thus my chances of getting back into my old job was impossible once I was released in November. I had been arrested in June and he had held my position vacant until October - that shows how much he wanted me back. But they were completely full and unable to hire additional people by the time of my release.

I would later end up spending a few years unemployed. Nobody wanted to hire a felon in my career field at the time, so I had to spend time trying to learn a new career. Thanks to the recession at the time the bottom fell out of that field and I was back to square one. It wasn't until 2011 that I was finally able to get hired in my engineering field. I've also gone over my recent issues that this gap in my employment history has had after I had to try finding work again when my previous employer went bankrupt. Not to mention the felony potentially costing me one job and I may end up losing this current job because of it. That's just the tip of the iceberg as far as the damages that were inflicted on not just me but on my family as well. Extending my confinement into November put my family, and especially my mother, through a lot.

I have yet to have a lawyer read Johnson's plea deal without them heavily bashing the prosecution and Michelle Dickerman for refusing it. The fact that the Manweilers and the prosecutors refused something extremely reasonable and instead pushed for a vicious and unnecessary hammering proves the malicious nature of their prosecution of me. Add in how Platania lied and manipulated the system to deliberately and unnecessarily extend my confinement as retaliation, with the full backing of the Manweiler family, and it becomes impossible to claim the nature of their behavior wasn't malicious.

I think it's pretty obvious that when all the details of this case are made public it would result in a pretty massive lawsuit against the city of Charlottesville, the District Attorney's office, the police department, the prosecutors, etc. They aren't the only ones facing civil action either once everything goes public. Not only would a massive lawsuit land in Michelle Dickerman's lap, but I think her parents are just as legally liable as well.

I can prove maliciousness as the reason behind their decisions, as the actions of the prosecution and the Manweiler family get massively criticized every time people hear about what went on. The prosecution and my former attorney have also stated that Greg and Carole Manweiler were just as involved in the damages inflicted on me as their daughter was.

I also think Dickerman's parents should be held criminally liable just as their daughter should be. I don't believe for one minute that Greg and Carole Manweiler didn't know that their daughter had done something criminal, yet they still pushed for me to be hammered for a charge that they knew their daughter lied about. They may not have known at the start of this, but they definitely knew by the time of the preliminary hearing. Greg and Carole Manweiler were reportedly giving my mother evil looks at the preliminary hearing when she ran out of the courtroom crying, all the while knowing what their daughter had actually done. Nobody is going to feel sorry for the consequences they end up facing when all of their actions come out in the news media.

Again, I have no doubt Michelle Dickerman, and her parents Greg and Carole Manweiler, claim complete ignorance about all of this. These people hide behind a mask and pretend to be good people after all. The problem with any claims of innocence on the part of the Manweilers is that nobody else involved with the case agrees with them.

William Johnson said himself that Dickerman and her parents were heavily involved in the decision making process. He specifically addresses Dickerman and her parents at the end of his plea deal offer letter - not the prosecution. Johnson has also said on tape recordings that Dickerman and her parents were deeply involved in everything. Joseph Platania is all too happy to point the finger at Michelle Dickerman and her parents in his emails. He said repeatedly at hearings that Dickerman was onboard with everything done to me. At the guilty plea hearing Platania said that Dickerman had agreed to all terms of a plea deal that other lawyers have expressed disgust over - one lawyer specifically calling it "sick".

Michelle Dickerman and her parents may claim innocence about what went on during this case, but none of the evidence, or even their co-conspirators, agrees with them. Good people don't take part in corruption of this magnitude. Good people don't stay silent and let something like this stand for going on 20 years. These are evil people LARPing as good people. Their silence in the face of the evil things done in their name, along with their refusal to take responsibility for the damages they've inflicted on other people, speaks far more loudly than any denials from the Manweiler family.