Monday, November 19, 2018

Quick Links to Evidence Postings on Michelle Dickerman (Manweiler) and the Charlottesville Law Enforcement

Pictured from left to right: Michelle Annette Dickerman (Manweiler) of Falls Church VA, Joseph Platania the current head prosecutor for Charlottesville VA, and Warner Chapman the former head prosecutor for Charlottesville VA

As mentioned in my previous write-up, I wanted to keep a post on top that links to all the relevant evidence I've posted on this blog. This post will be redone each time there is a new write-up so that it remains on top. So just because it is listed first doesn't necessarily mean there are no new posts below it. This list will be expanded as I go over my existing evidence in this blog, as well as post additional evidence in the future.

Recent Impact and Further Explanations on Evidence Against Michelle Dickerman (Manweiler)
One of the most important pieces of evidence proving Michelle Annette Dickerman (formerly Michelle Annette Manweiler) tampered with the evidence she provided to law enforcement is presented here in a more detailed explanation. This evidence not only shows that Michelle Dickerman committed criminal acts by using her law school training to tamper with evidence, but it shows Charlottesville prosecutors Warner Chapman and Joseph Platania were negligent/incompetent in their handling of this case. I further charge that both these prosecutors actually became aware Michelle Dickerman tampered with the evidence after they had already jailed me, and they then swept it under the rug to prevent any repercussions to their careers. They in turn committed violations of civil rights for the purpose of hiding the evidence I present here. This evidence would have not only resulted in criminal charges against Mrs. Dickerman in 2006, but if this information becomes public it would result in severe legal consequences for the Charlottesville police and district attorney's office.

Evidence Against Michelle Dickerman (Manweiler) Part 2
The above link references this much older post on the email evidence. This specific posting was much less detailed. I was prompted to create the new post due to recognizing that I wasn't as clear as I could be with the explanations in this post. I will still keep this post up because it is a popular post on this blog, and because it displays the entire sheet of the emails so you can see the tampering as it originally appears.

Actions of attorney William Johnson, former defense counsel
This posting discusses the actions of my former defense counsel - attorney William Johnson of Matthews County Virginia. This not only details the incompetent and corrupt actions of my former attorney, but it also goes over information showing improper and even criminal behavior on the part of the other parties involved in this case.

2006: My Case and the Andrew Alston Scandal of Charlottesville
This posting discusses how corrupt the Charlottesville court system is and how it works to protect rich University of Virginia students when they commit criminal acts - even if that act results in the death of a non-UVA affiliated citizen. Former UVA student Andrew Alston stabbed a volunteer firefighter to death (18 to 20 stab wounds), yet received a slap on the wrist for voluntary manslaughter when he received less than a third of the minimum sentence required in the state of Virginia for this crime. I was actually punished more harshly than a UVA student who killed someone, all for emails sent to a rich UVA law school student - a student who I can prove blatantly tampered with the evidence in the case.

Evidence Posting: Part Two
This post shows evidence that Michelle Dickerman (Manweiler) provided false statements in court and to law enforcement, with the intent of causing an excessive response from law enforcement. It also shows that Michelle Dickerman deleted critical evidence in this case, including exculpatory evidence that would have shown my innocence on the felony charge. As a newly graduated law school student, Mrs. Dickerman knew this act was not only wrong, but that such an act could have easily resulted in a charge of obstruction of justice, especially due to the fact that it clearly covers up her tampering of evidence. These pieces of evidence were recorded by my former counsel William Johnson (a lawyer who refused to do his job) in his notes on the case. I have also shown two snips of recordings taken during meetings with my mother and in the lobbies of the courthouse from my former attorney. I have also provided proof that the prosecution threatened me out of my civil right to a fair trial (to cover for Dickerman/Manweiler's blatant tampering) in the form of an email sent by prosecutor Joseph Platania to my former attorney.

Evidence Posting: Part One
This posting proves Michelle Dickerman (Manweiler) lied about events in her victim impact statement, using evidence via letters she wrote to me during the stated time period of the accusation. Her own handwritten letters tell a different story than the one she told to law enforcement. This is not the first time Dickerman was accused of making such false statements as these, as making up such lies has been a repeat accusation from third parties throughout this dispute. By repeating the same lies in 2006 as those she was accused of making in the past, Michelle Dickerman inadvertently confirmed what others had been warning me about for years.

Monday, November 5, 2018

Motion Response

I received a phone call today from the Clerk of Court on my motion I filed in August. Given that I received a response, I have pulled the other update posts offline since they are unnecessary. As it turns out the reason I've received no response has been thanks to the district attorney's office the entire time - not the clerk or the court. As I said in the other updates, if I was being ignored it wouldn't be the clerk or the judge deciding to do that on their own, it would either be the prosecutor or someone Manweiler contacted pushing them to ignore me. While my concerns were not unwarranted given what happened to me in 2006, I'm honestly happy that they turned out to be wrong.

The fact that the delay has been the district attorney isn't surprising. I was informed by the clerk that the judge has agreed to my request, but forwarded my motion to the district attorney's office for their comment. While I would have preferred him not having any comment, I'll admit I would have loved to see Platania's reaction upon reading it. The fact that they were given the motion explains some of the views I've had.

The district attorney has given no response so far which has delayed the process. As I said this is not surprising to me. The clerk said that the court and the DA's office have been busy with a big murder case, and that she'll give the DA a call to nudge them on their comments. I understand her believing that the DA's lack of response is just accidental, but my opinion on the prosecutor's intentions is understandably different. I'm sure Platania is deliberately holding off on a comment for as long as possible.

The clerk said she expected the prosecutor wouldn't have any objections, because the sealed file contains only my pre-sentencing investigation. While I had hoped there would be evidence related to the case, it's fine for it to just be the PSI. At least with my motion there is now something in the case file that tells a little about my side of what happened. After all, I was robbed of that chance to tell my side in 2006 thanks to Platania, Chapman, Manweiler and my former attorney.

Once this situation with the motion is resolved, I will be making preparations for a trip to the Charlottesville Police Department to speak to someone in Internal Affairs as soon as I can. When I can make it down there is largely dependant on work. I'm trying to get as much headway as possible on the projects I'm on so that taking a day or two of leave isn't a problem. At this meeting I'll present the proof showing Manweiler tampered with the emails, that Rudman/Platania completely missed this tampering initially, and my suspicions about the police and DA covering it all up. I will of course provide the IA investigator with the evidence of Rudman investigating my blog while presumably on the clock in 2011/2012. I'll also ask them to look into Rudman potentially instructing Manweiler recently in online hiding attempts, done presumably for the purpose of viewing my blog in secret (or at least attempting it poorly).

I'm also preparing FOIA requests for any emails exchanged between Platania, Rudman and Michelle Manweiler/Dickerman in relation to this blog. This will involve any emails from Rudman's/Platania's first blog viewings in 2011/2012, as well as their more recent viewings that seem prompted by Manweiler once again. Since they are public officials it is my understanding that such information can be obtained by the public through a FOIA request. This will be done prior to my IA visit so that I have that documentation to discuss with the investigator. I have no problems mentioning this on here, and I fully expect Platania and Rudman to attempt to refuse the request. This is not a concern however. I'm sure the investigator with Internal Affairs will have no problems retrieving said emails, and even phone records, without issue.

I'm not putting all my eggs in that basket, as I said I have other plans. One way or another I'm getting my life back and someone is going to answer for what was done to me. I meant it when I said I'm never letting them off the hook for this. I have all the evidence needed to show Michelle Manweiler tampered with the evidence she provided to law enforcement - evidence which was never verified and should never have been used.

I also have proof of all the actions performed by law enforcement - actions which certainly show that the police and district attorney covered up for a rich UVA student that lied to them. They violated my civil rights knowing that they were lied to. You don't get to just walk away from that. As I said before in this blog, if they cooperate with me I'm perfectly willing to deal to limit the damages they receive. But someone's head among the guilty parties needs to proverbially roll for what happened in 2006. I see no reason why someone shouldn't answer after the permanent damages inflicted on my life. The choice is between Manweiler or the Charlottesville law enforcement. Which one would C'ville LE prefer? I don't expect them to make things right however, so I have my own plans in the works.

The Charlottesville police and district attorney need to consider the negative climate towards law enforcement today. When this case goes public, and I'm going to make it go public one way or another, they should consider what the reaction will be when it is shown that I gave them the chance to fix this - and that they refused. What they decide to do is going to become known to the public. If the public sees that the Charlottesville law enforcement refused to make this right and ignored an offer to limit the damages to the taxpayers? I think that'll get real ugly these days.