Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Evidence Posting: Part One

"Not a lot of people know what it feels like to be angry in your bones. I mean, they understand, foster parents, everybody understands, for awhile. Then they want the angry little kid to do something he knows he can't do, move on. So after awhile they stop understanding. They send the angry kid to a boys home. I figured it out too late. You gotta learn to hide the anger, practice smiling in the mirror. It's like putting on a mask."
- John Blake, The Dark Knight Rises

After the situation previously discussed in the posts below, I decided to do two last posts before I call it a night on the blog. After reviewing the "Final Word" post and the two I made after the comment issue, I felt a few more things needed to be said/done before I signed off. I wanted to also post this one today for a specific reason, and I have set it to automatically post after midnight. Today marks ten years since I was sentenced after being forced into pleading guilty by the prosecution and my attorney to a felony I did not commit nor deserve, all on the whim of the Manweiler family. Despite the fact that it has been a decade since that event, it feels like it was yesterday for me.

The systemic abuses leveled at me in 2006 left such a mark that it is all I can think about every waking moment. At the prodding of the Manweiler family, the Charlottesville legal system (from the law enforcement, prosecution, jail and courts) bent over backwards to inflict as much harm as possible during the nearly five months this legal situation unfolded. When even a Charlottesville correctional officer at the jail tells me I need to ask my attorney for a change of venue because "someone has it out for you", there can be no doubt that an abuse of authority occurred. If the intent of their abuse was to make me a much angrier individual, they certainly succeeded with what they did. I was being truthful when I said I didn't write that final post for the Manweilers, but in a way I'm glad they have seen it - if for no other reason then to show these people that they will not get to walk away after what they did in 2006. The Manweiler's knew they were wrong in how far they took it, and they knew they were getting special treatment by the Charlottesville law enforcement. If Ms. Manweiler ever thought she would make the situation better instead of far worse by doing what she did in 2006, then she seriously miscalculated.

After thinking things over since my last postings, one thing I felt I needed to do was provide a little more evidence on a couple of the issues I've brought up before. It's one thing to make a claim about Michelle Manweiler, it is another to actually show that the accusation is true. This will be a two part posting. In this first post, I wanted to take some snippets of Ms. Manweiler's high school letters to demonstrate the issues I spoke about in the large post I made. The biggest event to point out is that Michelle Manweiler lied in court documents about the events of high school, over-dramatizing them in order to negatively influence the prosecution and the court. Again, it is one thing to claim this, but it is quite another to provide proof in Michelle Manweiler's own handwriting. I also want to show that the event I described of her leaving a kid standing out in the rain in 9th grade did indeed take place, by her own admission.

For the second posting, I have decided to post some snippets of the recordings that were taken of my former attorney William Johnson. The behavior of my former attorney quickly degraded over the course of the legal issue. When the first things he says to both my mother and I are inappropriate comments about Manweiler's appearance after meeting her at the final protective order hearing, you can't help but start to wonder what is going on. Add in the fact that we received warnings about the guy from those who knew him in his county of practice, his habits of laziness with his job (he didn't bother looking at evidence until the afternoon prior to the preliminary hearing, thus making him unprepared and wanting to waiver the hearing), that he wasn't doing things that other lawyers said he should have been doing the entire time, and it became quite apparent that this guy was intending on taking my parent's money (which he demanded upfront) without doing the job he was hired to do.

My mother very early on began carrying a tape recorder with her, both in her meetings with William Johnson as well as in the courtroom lobbies. I also recorded him during my last meeting with him after being released from jail (a meeting I had to force by showing up at his office, because he was refusing to send papers on the case and had his secretary screening my calls). The only good thing I can say about William Johnson is that this was a man who was in love with the sound of his own voice, and thus this worked in my favor as he readily went on at length about the case and the actions of the prosecution. He not only admitted to things he was doing wrong, but admitted to everything the prosecution said and did as well as wrongdoing on Ms. Manweiler's part.

There are two snippets I'm looking at posting - one involves him admitting in the court lobby on the day of the sentencing hearing that he was well aware that I never intended on harming anyone. The other clip is my mother confronting him on Ms. Manweiler deleting her Myspace profile after my arrest, which destroyed an original source of evidence while a criminal investigation was ongoing. I still have a newspaper clipping that states that Michelle Manweiler deleted her Myspace profile right after my arrest. Now this itself doesn't mean anything, as new media didn't get anything right during this entire case. Hell they sent a crew down to film my car in Hampton after the police searched it, all within sight of the Chesapeake Bay, while saying I was arrested in Charlottesville - my arrest report proves I was arrested by Hampton police, not Charlottesville. It was pretty stupid to say I was arrested in Charlottesville when the news station sent their own people to film Hampton police around my car within view of the Chesapeake. So a claim by news media in and of itself isn't proof of anything. However, when my mom saw this report she immediately tried to find Ms. Manweiler's profile. She was unable to do so, even when logging onto my profile. In addition, William Johnson informed us that Michelle Manweiler actually told him that she had deleted it when he was speaking with her and her roommate at the final protective order hearing. He not only wrote this down in his notes, of which I have copies, but he even admits to this while he was being recorded by my mother. When my mother confronts him on why a woman who was about to sit for the bar exam would delete evidence during an investigation, he fully admits on the recording "You're right, that was wrong, she shouldn't have done that".

I may include other snippets, but I'm not sure about that at the moment. I won't be providing the entire tapes, nor the entire letters Ms. Manweiler wrote. I'm not about to lay all my cards out on the table. It makes it harder for the guilty parties to lie when they don't know the full extent of what I can prove.

Another issue I wanted to raise before going into Ms. Manweiler's letters, came from reading over my previous two posts on Michelle Manweiler's comment. I felt there was a potential misunderstanding that needed to be addressed. I mentioned how if she had something to say to me to contest my claims about her, Ms. Manweiler should address it like an adult instead of throwing around childish insults. Now I honestly don't expect that Ms. Manweiler will make any further comment, despite the fact that she is still making visits to this blog since leaving her comment. Much of my reaction in the last two postings was largely due to being surprised that she had even left a comment in the first place. This blog has been around since 2010 without any comment from her before. But that comment is all I expect from her. Considering Ms. Manweiler's standard practice is to hide behind others while they do her dirty work, I don't expect her to have the spine for anything more than an insult she tried to leave anonymously.

My statement was intended to point out her behavior of lashing out at me whenever her ego gets bruised, and how it matches with what I've accused her of doing before. It was not intended in the least as an invitation. I do not want to hear anything she has to say even if she were inclined to say anything further. Ms. Manweiler's letters of the past were full of excuses and thinly veiled insults/accusations, with no attempt at taking any responsibility for what was clearly bad behavior on her part. That comment she left proved that Michelle Manweiler doesn't have anything to say that would be worth hearing out. Not to mention we are far past the point of explanations and talk accomplishing anything. After the severe damage done to my life, no explanations and excuses will fix anything or end this dispute, so it would be a waste of time all around. I've made my choice, as has Michelle Manweiler.

Now on to the point of this post. First, here is the exact quote on high school from Michelle Manweiler's victim impact statement of 2006: "It began with notes in my locker for 4 years - notes which started out friendly, quickly turned obsessive, and then angry and insult-laden". Oh really Ms. Manweiler? Well it's funny that she says this, when her own letters from high school tell a different story than the lie that she sold to the prosecution and the courts. Allow me to present a scan from the letter she wrote in 11th grade, which completely contradicts the claim that she was getting notes in her locker for 4 years. You'll have to forgive the quality on this specific letter, this is a scan of an original scan. It's readable but it didn't come out well, and I'm not going to go and fetch the original just to put some quotes on this blog. I'll put text below to quote what the scan is saying to help you read it better:
"Okay - I thought I explained this two years ago, but here goes."
Wait a minute, didn't she say in her victim impact statement that I was sending her letters for four years? Doesn't sound like she heard anything from me for two years. But in case you think that was a fluke, here's another scan showing that it was two years until I contacted her again:
"I guess I thought things were settled w/ my letter, until now two years later."
Then there is the claim that my letters "quickly turned obsessive, and then angry and insult-laden". Once again, her letters say that this was not at all true. Both her 11th and 12th grade letters contain quotes that show that my letters and actions were not what Ms. Manweiler claimed in the impact statement:
This comment is spread out between two sheets:
11th grade: "I don't know how you got the idea that I hated you for liking me. I didn't and I still don't. I have no reason to."
Odd, seems she had no reason to hate me in 11th grade, that doesn't sound like my letters were obsessive/angry/insult-laden. Then here is another comment she makes in her 12th grade letter:
12th grade: "I want you to make sure you know that I do not hate you. While I don't think it is possible for us to ever be close friends, I have no bad feelings towards you. Have a good year."
Well now that's really odd isn't it, seems Ms. Manweiler didn't have any bad feelings towards me in the first quarter of 12th grade when she wrote this letter. That doesn't sound like something you would say if you received letters that "quickly turned obsessive, and then angry and insult-laden". Well isn't this just strange - if you read all of Ms. Manweiler's high school letters in their entirety, it almost makes it sound like Ms. Manweiler was lying about the events of high school in court documents in order to negatively influence the prosecution and the judge during my case. But she would never do something like that, right? The fact is that Michelle Manweiler did exactly that. She took a minor event and lied in order to make it sound like something much bigger and dramatic than what it was in reality - all with the intention of misleading law enforcement and the court. Manweiler can deny it all she wants, but there is proof in her own handwriting.

Most likely she'll just claim she didn't remember the situation correctly to try to avoid taking any responsibility as usual. How convenient that a memory lapse would help her paint a far worse picture for the court than what actually occurred. Not to mention that it would be very poor behavior for someone to recount events they knew they didn't clearly remember in court, especially when said individual just graduated law school and passed the bar exam. There really isn't any good way out of this one: whether Manweiler deliberately lied in court documents (and all evidence points to the fact that she did) or whether she recounted events in court documents while fully knowing that her memory wasn't clear on what actually happened - either way a lawyer should know better.

Just in case there was any question, here is her signature at the end of the 11th grade letter:
As I said in the start of this post, I'd like to also throw in her comments in the 11th grade letter about the time she left me standing out in the rain in 9th grade, just to show that this event did indeed take place:
"I remember the note you gave me and that you wanted to meet me somewhere outside. It was pouring rain that day - otherwise I would have talked to you then. I guess I thought you would not have gone outside - otherwise I would have explained myself then."
This single paragraph is all Michelle Manweiler has ever said about what took place that day. As I mentioned in the "Final Word" post, Ms. Manweiler has never apologized for such a dick move as letting a kid stand out in the rain for her while she watched from her mother's van. No apology, just an attempt to make excuses for her bad behavior like she always does. I also don't believe her when she claims she would have tried to talk to me if it hadn't rained that day. She not only never spoke to me the next day (or any time after in 9th grade), but anytime she saw me after that rainy day she would stick her nose in the air (that's not a figure of speech, it's an accurate description), give a disgusted look and completely ignore my existence. Ms. Manweiler has never had the guts to handle her own issues, instead using third parties to pass off her responsibilities. She would have done the exact same thing to me that she always did (ignoring me) even if there hadn't been any rain that day. It just wouldn't have been quite as much of a dick move without the downpour involved.

I have no doubt that even now Michelle Manweiler is completely incapable of seeing how wrong her behavior was that day (or any day after). I stood out in that rain because I was told I had unintentionally caused her harm and made her cry, and I didn't want to risk her waiting out in the rain only to have me be a no show. That would have added insult to injury. Yet all Manweiler could do was watch me getting soaked from her mother's van without a word, then she pretended I didn't exist the next day. That doesn't sound like the kind of behavior you would see from someone who claims they are a good person. Instead it sounds like something a complete asshole would do to someone. Yet not only does Michelle Manweiler never simply say "I'm sorry" for what she did that day, but she never even acted like it was wrong to do that to me. That tells you everything you will ever need to know about the Manweiler family.

So this concludes part one of this evidence posting. I don't have a timeline for when I'll post the snippets of audio from the tapes for part two. I'll get to it as soon as I can.