Thursday, September 17, 2015

September Update

Yep no last post yet, still working on it. A good portion of it now however is really proofreading and reexamining what I wrote. A lot has happened since my previous update that slowed things down, a lot of issues in the background - still working long hours due to the large influx of projects at the company HQ and a recent death in the family hasn't helped either. I intend on getting done soon though, because I just want to finish this blog off and turn my focus towards what the future holds for this situation.

Thursday, June 11, 2015

Update for June/July

Not much to report on the progress of the final posting except to say it is still in the works. As I'm coming to a close on a contract I'm involved with I've had to increasingly work more hours, especially since I'm helping to test a new system. This means that the small amount of time I have once I get home isn't usually spent working on this final post. Working on something that stirs feelings of anger, hate and pain isn't exactly great for decompressing to after a long day at work. Especially since I'm not working on this post with the thought of it changing anything. It won't. For my part I've already made a decision and I don't see anything occurring that will change my mind on things nor am I inclined to discuss the issue any further, hence why I'm writing a post to finish up the blog. Again this doesn't mean I'm calling it quits nor does it mean that I'd let the guilty parties walk away from this. As for the post, I've debated on releasing it in installments with a Part 1, Part 2, etc. I'm not really keen on this idea, I'd rather just wait until I get the entire thing done and be finished with it all together. The contract ends in July, so we'll see if that's when I can finally get it out and finish this blog.

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Still working on it

Since there seems to be interest in whether I've made the final post, I figured I would mention that I am indeed still working on it. There has been some debate with myself on what I really want to write for the final post. Right now the post is essentially a briefing on the entire situation, from when it started years ago to where it stands now. Obviously that is something that takes quite a bit of time. In addition to how long this takes, writing something like that obviously raises some very raw emotions that only add to what I'm already feeling. I'm already extremely angry over the issues I've been facing lately, so writing about this dispute doesn't exactly help. Often I have to just hit save and leave it be for the rest of the day.

Part of me just wants me to say to hell with it, close up the blog and continue forward with the decision I've made without another word. The other part wants to get out the truth of the situation first - that Ms. Manweiler has never been a victim anymore than I have been. That this situation has been largely one of her own making. Not that I don't share blame for it getting out of control (of course I share it) only that Ms. Manweiler shares just as much if not more. I have no desire to change minds with this final post (I think things have long ago reached the point where it is too late for that on either side) and I couldn't care less what the Manweiler's and those siding with them believe. For now I intend on finishing the post but I'm not doing it for any of them.

But I'm getting beyond the scope of this post. The point is that this is taking time but so far I'm still plugging away at it (I would say something on here if that changed). As for some of my other developments previously brought up, those have unfortunately not been resolved. The access card approval issue is still ongoing - the investigators haven't said yay or nay yet. This is actually quite concerning because it shouldn't take this long. A family member in the military has spoken with individuals who handle this sort of thing. They stated that my felony charge wouldn't prevent me in the least from being issued the card, but that it should not be taking so long.

They were quite bewildered by the length of time it is taking. That certainly raises my suspicions that someone is pulling strings with the process to cause me to lose the card. A certain someone who currently works in a Government position, and likely has access to the kind of people who handle the approvals for this sort of thing. Causing me to lose the card won't result in my immediate dismissal from my job, nor cause me to leave Arlington right away, it would likely take a few months and maybe even a year before it finally happens. So if that is the plan it's a very stupid one. I guess we'll just have to see what happens won't we?