Monday, November 25, 2013

So far no problems

"When a bird is alive, it eats ants. When the bird is dead, ants eat the bird. One tree makes a million match sticks. Only one match stick needed to burn a million trees. Time and circumstance can change at any moment. Do not devalue or hurt anyone in life. You many be powerful this time, but remember: Time is more powerful than you." - Buddha

Quite a bit going on for me at the moment, but so far none of that is related to the attention my blog has recently received. The main thing that has me raising an eyebrow at the moment is so many visits for people searching for Detective Nick Rudman, but nothing has come of those visits either.

I've had confirmation from the head of my company's engineering department that the USCG branch I'm working with has decided to not renew the contract with my company when it comes up for expiration. They have stated that they want to convert the positions to government employee ones. This has affected me and two other coworkers unfortunately, but luckily it seems there is enough work for my company that none of us need worry about our jobs, though the loss of income to my company obviously isn't a good thing.

I will be working out of Arlington on a full time basis after this contract is finished. The plus side of this development at least is the timing - well two pluses actually since I'd prefer working out of the Arlington HQ anyway. My lease is ending in a couple months, so things have worked out since I didn't end up renewing it only to be told this new information. However, I had made the decision to move prior to this. For the month of October I worked out of the Arlington HQ, an emergency switch to help on another project before going back to CG work, and that is when I made the decision that I would move to either Arlington or Alexandria due to convenience.

So just about every weekend I will be scouting places to live in Arlington and Alexandria, as well as packing and slowly moving my furniture and belongings into storage until I have a move-in date on a new apartment. I'm looking forward to this as I've grown accustomed to the Arlington and Alexandria area from many visits (though I doubt I'll ever be 100% comfortable, I'm not a big city individual). There is however one issue that has come up, one that has raised further anger towards Ms. Manweiler.

While the news of the contract ending has affected the three of us onsite with USCG, only two of us will actually be returning to the company so far. One coworker recently was hired as a Coast Guard civilian employee and will now be filling in the position they previously had as a GS instead of as a contractor. This is pretty common in the contractor world and always a risk for any company - if you send employees to work with a client offsite there is always the chance they will be hired away from you. I've been informed by others that the word from USCG personnel is they are quite happy with my work. One of my coworkers overheard the CG members discussing me and it appears I'm currently being "tested" at the moment by being given additional work and responsibilities. It is very possible that I may be considered for a job as a Coast Guard civilian employee. I will admit it would be a tough decision, especially since landing the government position means job security that I don't have 100% with my current company. However, I can't even consider accepting this job if it is offered to me for one big reason - the felony charge from 2006.

One of the things I've been informed of is that when getting a job like this, your background is looked into far more than when you are just a contractor. They didn't care about the felony when clearing me for certain things as a contractor but they definitely will care when I become a Coast Guard civilian employee. I can't take the risk of quitting my company and then having the government job fall through after a background check is completed. Granted at the moment my preference is remaining with my current company, but it does anger me a great deal that I can't even contemplate any other options due to the felony. Even if I do decide I want to sign up with the government job, I don't have the option of actually accepting the offer. As I've said before, if Ms. Manweiler thought her actions were going to accomplish anything other than to escalate things, then she was absolutely delusional.

I find it an ironic bit of bad karma for Ms. Manweiler in how things have developed. This current job I have is a far better one than what I had before the events of 2006. If Ms. Manweiler had ignored me in 2006, or at least if she didn't go as far with things as she did, I would still be living in the Tidewater area and not in the DC Metro area where Ms. Manweiler lives. Not to say that I should be excused for my stupid choices (despite the fact it was merely to retaliate against a bully and was never what Ms. Manweiler has been claiming it to be), but had police never been involved back then Ms. Manweiler wouldn't have a problem now - and I wouldn't live anywhere near her today.

Even when going through with lying to the police and having me arrested, if Ms. Manweiler and her father had not pushed things as far as they did in 2006 by having me threatened into this felony, I still could have immediately moved back into my old position at work and continued on with my life where I left off (albeit considerably embarrassed but otherwise able to move on). Even when presented with much better options, Ms. Manweiler decided to pick the most damaging option possible. It accomplished nothing other than to making things far worse - a common theme with Ms. Manweiler's decisions so far in her life. Had I been treated fairly and not threatened out of Constitutional rights that I hold dear, and most importantly had not been threatened into a felony I did not commit, this blog wouldn't exist and Michelle Manweiler would not be facing the situation as it exists now. Michelle Manweiler created her own problems the day she made the decision to have me receive a felony she knew I didn't commit.

Now she has a lifelong enemy who has considerable hatred of her - hate isn't even an adequate term for what I feel. Ms. Manweiler has nobody to blame for it but herself, since I have only ever been an enemy of her own creation. She can live in denial all she wants, but Ms. Manweiler summoned this demon herself. In fact every enemy Ms. Manweiler has in life, and I was not and am not the only one by far, has been an enemy she earned through her arrogance and her thoughtless actions. In the early days when Ms. Manweiler's name was dropped into a discussion I was present for, there were plenty who used less than pleasant words to refer to her - and this is before I ever opened my mouth. I am not the first person to call her a "stuck-up ass" - I'm not even in the top ten and this is said with absolute seriousness. I'm not saying this to be insulting or "cute", this is simply stating fact.

My opinions of this woman slowly developed over time through a combination of what other people said about her and my own negative experiences with her. Someone once defended Ms. Manweiler by claiming that maybe she just doesn't realize how she comes across to people but I find that hard to believe. I've also never been shown any reason to believe that it is all just a "misunderstanding". On the contrary, Ms. Manweiler has worked quite hard and efficiently at confirming every bad thing ever uttered about her. Even before the events of 2006 I fully believed that I'm dealing with an evil and vicious person. Nothing that Ms. Manweiler did had ever proven me wrong in that belief. I believe with every fiber of my being that Ms. Manweiler is an evil person and this is what has provoked my negative responses to this woman. If those on her side had seen the things I have seen from her you'd understand completely. Michelle Manweiler was an arrogant bully then and she's an arrogant bully now - she's just the type who manipulates others into doing the bullying on her behalf.

Nothing that was done to me in 2006 proved me wrong about Ms. Manweiler either. I was completely abused by the legal system in her name. When people who have committed crimes far worse than what I was accused of are given far better and fairer treatment than me, how can I not get angry. Everything that was done to me was completely over the top and violated every standard of equal treatment. I wasn't punished for what I did or was accused of doing. Instead I was punished for who I was accused of doing it to: a UVA student and future lawyer with a rich alumni father. All of these things were done to me by the insistence of the Manweiler family - by admission of the prosecution in court and in documentation in my possession. As a lawyer Ms. Manweiler knew the entire time that this was wrong and that she was receiving special treatment. Even other lawyers and law enforcement professionals I've spoken with have said that it doesn't take a law degree to know the Manweilers were getting special treatment and that what was done to me went too far. They have all said that Ms. Manweiler was completely aware the entire time of the level of extreme favoritism she received, and that she could also see that no part of what was done to me was fair or equal in any stretch of the imagination. Is it a surprise to anyone why this situation has become what it is now?

Prior to the fallout of 2006, when it came to me being an enemy there was nothing that this woman could not have undone through simply dislodging her head from her rear end and just talking it out. We were never going to be friends (a fact I'm truly glad for) but we didn't have to become enemies - that was a decision made by Michelle Manweiler. Ms. Manweiler can naively deny her own guilt in creating her own enemy all she wants, but that doesn't change the reality of the situation. When you have others acting in your name that are harassing me based on rumors people claim you are spreading about me, and when asked to discuss the situation you instead roll your eyes, get nasty and condescending with me and refuse to talk, then you have absolutely no one else to blame but yourself for making an enemy. Michelle Manweiler EARNED her enemy and no denials to herself will change that. An honest and frank discussion between the two of us in the past would have only required 20 minutes of her time, sorted out so much and given us both peace for the rest of our lives. Instead of doing something this damn simple, Ms. Manweiler has instead always used a bludgeon to solve her problems and then had the audacity to express surprise that things turned out the way they did. Michelle Manweiler always had the option to resolve this with a simple talk right up until the point she walked into the CPD and gave her exaggerated story to Detective Rudman. Now things aren't so simple anymore. There is permanent damage that can never be undone and I'm not going to just forgive and forget.

Getting back to my point on karma: as I said earlier, had things not gone the way they did in 2006 there wouldn't be an issue in 2013. I would be in Tidewater and moving on with my life and Ms. Manweiler would be in Arlington moving on with her life. Instead, due only to the damage inflicted on me by the felony Ms. Manweiler pushed so hard for, I now live in the same area as her and for a company based in the city she lives in. No one else was willing to give me a chance with the felony charge except this company in Arlington. I wouldn't be anywhere remotely near her had it not been for the felony charge. Now through the problems I face as a felon I have no other choice but to move to Arlington. Without the charge I wouldn't be forced to turn down the USCG offer, and thus would not need to move into Ms. Manweiler's backyard. The more problems I face as a felon the more this ends up affecting Ms. Manweiler - as I guarantee she is not happy with the news that I'll soon live in Arlington or just outside of it. So far this contract not being renewed is not causing me any problems, on the contrary I'm looking forward to the move and the new location - but I'm willing to bet Ms. Manweiler isn't thrilled. We call that karma ladies and gentlemen. I would have been fine in 2006 for being punished for the mistakes I did, but instead I was punished for what I didn't do and was harmed far more than was right or necessary, all thanks to Michelle Manweiler. The karma she's faced so far shows that it is slowly coming to the day when Ms. Manweiler answers for the role she has played and the corruption committed at her request.