Monday, November 25, 2013

So far no problems

"When a bird is alive, it eats ants. When the bird is dead, ants eat the bird. One tree makes a million match sticks. Only one match stick needed to burn a million trees. Time and circumstance can change at any moment. Do not devalue or hurt anyone in life. You many be powerful this time, but remember: Time is more powerful than you." - Buddha

Quite a bit going on for me at the moment, but so far none of that is related to the attention my blog has recently received. The main thing that has me raising an eyebrow at the moment is so many visits for people searching for Detective Nick Rudman, but nothing has come of those visits either.

I've had confirmation from the head of my company's engineering department that the USCG branch I'm working with has decided to not renew the contract with my company when it comes up for expiration. They have stated that they want to convert the positions to government employee ones. This has affected me and two other coworkers unfortunately, but luckily it seems there is enough work for my company that none of us need worry about our jobs, though the loss of income to my company obviously isn't a good thing.

I will be working out of Arlington on a full time basis after this contract is finished. The plus side of this development at least is the timing - well two pluses actually since I'd prefer working out of the Arlington HQ anyway. My lease is ending in a couple months, so things have worked out since I didn't end up renewing it only to be told this new information. However, I had made the decision to move prior to this. For the month of October I worked out of the Arlington HQ, an emergency switch to help on another project before going back to CG work, and that is when I made the decision that I would move to either Arlington or Alexandria due to convenience.

So just about every weekend I will be scouting places to live in Arlington and Alexandria, as well as packing and slowly moving my furniture and belongings into storage until I have a move-in date on a new apartment. I'm looking forward to this as I've grown accustomed to the Arlington and Alexandria area from many visits (though I doubt I'll ever be 100% comfortable, I'm not a big city individual). There is however one issue that has come up, one that has raised further anger towards Ms. Manweiler.

While the news of the contract ending has affected the three of us onsite with USCG, only two of us will actually be returning to the company so far. One coworker recently was hired as a Coast Guard civilian employee and will now be filling in the position they previously had as a GS instead of as a contractor. This is pretty common in the contractor world and always a risk for any company - if you send employees to work with a client offsite there is always the chance they will be hired away from you. I've been informed by others that the word from USCG personnel is they are quite happy with my work. One of my coworkers overheard the CG members discussing me and it appears I'm currently being "tested" at the moment by being given additional work and responsibilities. It is very possible that I may be considered for a job as a Coast Guard civilian employee. I will admit it would be a tough decision, especially since landing the government position means job security that I don't have 100% with my current company. However, I can't even consider accepting this job if it is offered to me for one big reason - the felony charge from 2006.

One of the things I've been informed of is that when getting a job like this, your background is looked into far more than when you are just a contractor. They didn't care about the felony when clearing me for certain things as a contractor but they definitely will care when I become a Coast Guard civilian employee. I can't take the risk of quitting my company and then having the government job fall through after a background check is completed. Granted at the moment my preference is remaining with my current company, but it does anger me a great deal that I can't even contemplate any other options due to the felony. Even if I do decide I want to sign up with the government job, I don't have the option of actually accepting the offer. As I've said before, if Ms. Manweiler thought her actions were going to accomplish anything other than to escalate things, then she was absolutely delusional.

I find it an ironic bit of bad karma for Ms. Manweiler in how things have developed. This current job I have is a far better one than what I had before the events of 2006. If Ms. Manweiler had ignored me in 2006, or at least if she didn't go as far with things as she did, I would still be living in the Tidewater area and not in the DC Metro area where Ms. Manweiler lives. Not to say that I should be excused for my stupid choices (despite the fact it was merely to retaliate against a bully and was never what Ms. Manweiler has been claiming it to be), but had police never been involved back then Ms. Manweiler wouldn't have a problem now - and I wouldn't live anywhere near her today.

Even when going through with lying to the police and having me arrested, if Ms. Manweiler and her father had not pushed things as far as they did in 2006 by having me threatened into this felony, I still could have immediately moved back into my old position at work and continued on with my life where I left off (albeit considerably embarrassed but otherwise able to move on). Even when presented with much better options, Ms. Manweiler decided to pick the most damaging option possible. It accomplished nothing other than to making things far worse - a common theme with Ms. Manweiler's decisions so far in her life. Had I been treated fairly and not threatened out of Constitutional rights that I hold dear, and most importantly had not been threatened into a felony I did not commit, this blog wouldn't exist and Michelle Manweiler would not be facing the situation as it exists now. Michelle Manweiler created her own problems the day she made the decision to have me receive a felony she knew I didn't commit.

Now she has a lifelong enemy who has considerable hatred of her - hate isn't even an adequate term for what I feel. Ms. Manweiler has nobody to blame for it but herself, since I have only ever been an enemy of her own creation. She can live in denial all she wants, but Ms. Manweiler summoned this demon herself. In fact every enemy Ms. Manweiler has in life, and I was not and am not the only one by far, has been an enemy she earned through her arrogance and her thoughtless actions. In the early days when Ms. Manweiler's name was dropped into a discussion I was present for, there were plenty who used less than pleasant words to refer to her - and this is before I ever opened my mouth. I am not the first person to call her a "stuck-up ass" - I'm not even in the top ten and this is said with absolute seriousness. I'm not saying this to be insulting or "cute", this is simply stating fact.

My opinions of this woman slowly developed over time through a combination of what other people said about her and my own negative experiences with her. Someone once defended Ms. Manweiler by claiming that maybe she just doesn't realize how she comes across to people but I find that hard to believe. I've also never been shown any reason to believe that it is all just a "misunderstanding". On the contrary, Ms. Manweiler has worked quite hard and efficiently at confirming every bad thing ever uttered about her. Even before the events of 2006 I fully believed that I'm dealing with an evil and vicious person. Nothing that Ms. Manweiler did had ever proven me wrong in that belief. I believe with every fiber of my being that Ms. Manweiler is an evil person and this is what has provoked my negative responses to this woman. If those on her side had seen the things I have seen from her you'd understand completely. Michelle Manweiler was an arrogant bully then and she's an arrogant bully now - she's just the type who manipulates others into doing the bullying on her behalf.

Nothing that was done to me in 2006 proved me wrong about Ms. Manweiler either. I was completely abused by the legal system in her name. When people who have committed crimes far worse than what I was accused of are given far better and fairer treatment than me, how can I not get angry. Everything that was done to me was completely over the top and violated every standard of equal treatment. I wasn't punished for what I did or was accused of doing. Instead I was punished for who I was accused of doing it to: a UVA student and future lawyer with a rich alumni father. All of these things were done to me by the insistence of the Manweiler family - by admission of the prosecution in court and in documentation in my possession. As a lawyer Ms. Manweiler knew the entire time that this was wrong and that she was receiving special treatment. Even other lawyers and law enforcement professionals I've spoken with have said that it doesn't take a law degree to know the Manweilers were getting special treatment and that what was done to me went too far. They have all said that Ms. Manweiler was completely aware the entire time of the level of extreme favoritism she received, and that she could also see that no part of what was done to me was fair or equal in any stretch of the imagination. Is it a surprise to anyone why this situation has become what it is now?

Prior to the fallout of 2006, when it came to me being an enemy there was nothing that this woman could not have undone through simply dislodging her head from her rear end and just talking it out. We were never going to be friends (a fact I'm truly glad for) but we didn't have to become enemies - that was a decision made by Michelle Manweiler. Ms. Manweiler can naively deny her own guilt in creating her own enemy all she wants, but that doesn't change the reality of the situation. When you have others acting in your name that are harassing me based on rumors people claim you are spreading about me, and when asked to discuss the situation you instead roll your eyes, get nasty and condescending with me and refuse to talk, then you have absolutely no one else to blame but yourself for making an enemy. Michelle Manweiler EARNED her enemy and no denials to herself will change that. An honest and frank discussion between the two of us in the past would have only required 20 minutes of her time, sorted out so much and given us both peace for the rest of our lives. Instead of doing something this damn simple, Ms. Manweiler has instead always used a bludgeon to solve her problems and then had the audacity to express surprise that things turned out the way they did. Michelle Manweiler always had the option to resolve this with a simple talk right up until the point she walked into the CPD and gave her exaggerated story to Detective Rudman. Now things aren't so simple anymore. There is permanent damage that can never be undone and I'm not going to just forgive and forget.

Getting back to my point on karma: as I said earlier, had things not gone the way they did in 2006 there wouldn't be an issue in 2013. I would be in Tidewater and moving on with my life and Ms. Manweiler would be in Arlington moving on with her life. Instead, due only to the damage inflicted on me by the felony Ms. Manweiler pushed so hard for, I now live in the same area as her and for a company based in the city she lives in. No one else was willing to give me a chance with the felony charge except this company in Arlington. I wouldn't be anywhere remotely near her had it not been for the felony charge. Now through the problems I face as a felon I have no other choice but to move to Arlington. Without the charge I wouldn't be forced to turn down the USCG offer, and thus would not need to move into Ms. Manweiler's backyard. The more problems I face as a felon the more this ends up affecting Ms. Manweiler - as I guarantee she is not happy with the news that I'll soon live in Arlington or just outside of it. So far this contract not being renewed is not causing me any problems, on the contrary I'm looking forward to the move and the new location - but I'm willing to bet Ms. Manweiler isn't thrilled. We call that karma ladies and gentlemen. I would have been fine in 2006 for being punished for the mistakes I did, but instead I was punished for what I didn't do and was harmed far more than was right or necessary, all thanks to Michelle Manweiler. The karma she's faced so far shows that it is slowly coming to the day when Ms. Manweiler answers for the role she has played and the corruption committed at her request.

Monday, June 17, 2013

Comments on some issues: Part One

I decided to write a series of posts about a few things I feel are necessary to address. Some of these come from questions I've been asked during the course of writing this blog and some are things I realize I've forgotten to elaborate on or mention.

One of the issues I've not fully elaborated on is the muscle condition I was born with. This is due to not wanting to really go into the issue, but I feel it is now necessary. When it comes to my muscle condition, one of the things Ms. Manweiler/Dickerman will likely point to is some of the sporting activities I've been involved with, claiming my condition can't be that bad due to taking part in certain activities. It is true I've been involved with some sports even with my muscle condition - but I pay a price for that participation.

In high school I was on the wrestling team for about a year and a half. I only took part in it because I knew the coach and wanted to help him out, since he was having difficulty getting enough people to fill the roster. I was only able to make junior varsity and only due to the team needing bodies. Thanks to my muscle condition I had a very difficult time keeping up with everyone else. This resulted in me receiving a great deal of harassment and mocking (on top of what I normally received on a daily basis at school) by so-called "teammates". I never wanted to be there, but continued because I wanted to help out the coach. The price I paid for that was being in quite a bit of pain for extended periods. During one particularly heavy training period where I pushed myself too hard, I ended up hurting myself quite badly. Thankfully this happened after school on a Friday, because when I awoke Saturday I was unable to move. My muscles barely responded and I was in substantial pain. After I joined JROTC in 10th grade and was told I had to make a choice between drill team and wrestling, it wasn't a difficult decision. The wrestling team was an activity I did not enjoy and caused me constant pain, while drill team was the complete opposite.

I've also been involved with other sporting activities since - paintball, backpacking and in recent years my company softball team. I pay a price physically to do these activities that I enjoy. Sometimes I push myself too far for two reasons - 1: Because I just want to be able to do what everyone else is able to do and 2: Because it is an activity I enjoy and I don't want to stop doing it despite the pain.

I haven't participated in paintball since the legal fallout of 2006, but during the time I took part in it I had to be very careful. I wanted to do more than what my body was capable of handling. In one instance during a "woods-ball" game at the wooded field in Fort Eustis Army Base, I pushed myself too hard and it had consequences. Another player and I were sniping from the back of the field while calling out the other teams positions, when we had to move up after some of our teammates in front were tagged out. We heard calls from the remaining ones in front that they needed some help. I provided covering fire for the other guy while he ran up to a bunker. He then stopped and began providing covering fire for me to move up. As this was several games in during a long day of play my body was already screaming at me to slow down, because I had been pushing myself all day to keep up with the Army guys who were playing. I decided to ignore what my body was telling me.

I sprinted up as fast as I could to get to the position I needed to be in. I began to stumble as the muscles in my legs started cramping up. Then my legs simply stopped working - I mean that literally, they STOPPED in mid run. I took an immediate and hard dive into the dirt. Earlier in the day my remote line for my CO2 tank broke and I was forced to attach the bottle directly to the gun. My fall resulted in ripping the bottle and its attachment point right off of the gun. It actually gave me a convenient excuse to sit for a moment and let my legs start working again, while I and one of the referees kept an eye on the CO2 bottle as it emptied itself. I then hobbled off the field and left for the day (I had a backup gun but I was physically done for the day). When I've mentioned to others in the past how I broke the gun, I never admitted what really happened. I just told them that I tripped on an obstacle. The paintball gun never got repaired - before I could ship it off for repairs I was arrested over the issues with Ms. Manweiler and obviously had bigger priorities.

Backpacking is another hobby I enjoyed, though yet again it causes me pain. While I've been slowly updating old equipment, I haven't bothered trying to hike/backpack yet until I get myself up to a certain physical level. If I jump right into it without preparing myself, I'll have a big problem. Another activity has been playing on my company softball team. To give you an idea of just how much my muscle condition affects me, last week on Monday evening I went to an indoor batting cage for some practice (for a Tuesday game that was canceled due to a wet field). I believe the tally is about 80 pitches that evening. Though this took place on Monday, I was still in pain on Thursday of that week and still stiff on Friday. The muscles in my arms, back, neck and even legs still were in pain for days after the exertion.

I do these activities because I enjoy them despite the pain they cause. I've lived with pain like this all my life so I'm used to shoving it aside. But sometimes that pain gets too much and my muscles can and have quit on me. Since I'm doing these activities voluntarily I can stop at any time. I can't do that if it involves my job - like the one I was forced to get right after leaving jail in 2006. Since I was the new guy and untrained in their line of work, I was often used as the "mule". I had to haul heavy equipment and materials up ladders onto building rooftops (also afraid of heights when not in an airplane) all throughout the work day, five days a week. Since it was my job I can't just call it quits when I am in pain. I didn't want to tell anyone out of fear of being fired, and due to my size everyone automatically assumes that what I was doing was something I could handle. It eventually caught up to me and contributed to the loss of the job, which I've already gone over in other posts and thus won't discuss here.

I've posted information on the specifics of my condition previously, including one letter where the doctors were initially analyzing the condition in my childhood, so I won't go into great detail. Doctors have told me that my muscle condition isn't something they've seen before. It isn't genetic as no one in my family has it or anything that can even lead to it. For whatever reason I was hit hard by a number of conditions as I was developing that were never in my family. The two major ones being an abnormal muscle condition and a malrotation of my intestines that nearly killed me as an infant. It required emergency abdominal surgery due to blood vessels constricting and actually killing off my intestines as they tried to rotate back into correct position. I believe this took place during the first month or two of my life. The surgeon told my mother that he basically "cut and pasted" me back together. One nurse in later years looked through my medical records and commented that she was amazed at just how much of my intestines the surgeon had to cut out of me. After the operation the surgeon commented that I shouldn't have even lived as long as I did prior to the surgery, and that I definitely shouldn't have survived the procedure.

None of the doctors know why any of these medical issues happened to me. I was told the muscle condition is essentially a "cousin" to muscular dystrophy, except it doesn't have the severity - meaning that I won't waste away and die from it. Essentially the dying off of my muscle cells only happens during heavy physical exertion. My cells die off quicker and are replaced more slowly than a normal person. I can eventually work myself up to a decent level of fitness, but it is a much longer road than a regular person and it is a much more painful process for me.

This means that I'm also limited in employment, as I can't do jobs requiring heavy physical labor. Unfortunately that was exactly what I had to do after my release from jail and it didn't end well. My job opportunities are extremely limited further due to the false felony charge. Police officers and lawyers who have been told the situation can't believe I have the job I do now. Every felon in the jail cell with me worked minimum wage jobs involving physical labor, like busting concrete for a construction company. That is the fate of most felons. I'm still not off the hook, as I have delayed doing certain things because I know the felony will be an issue - and it will almost certainly cost me this job at some point. Travel to other countries, which will eventually be required of me, is also another problem that I have a draft post in the works on to go into further detail. Not to mention that working as a defense contractor always carries a risk - if the contracts dry up the company can't afford to keep its workforce going. Just because this company hired me doesn't mean that others will.

All of this isn't something I like going into as I'm a private person. But I feel people need to read about things like this so that they get a glimpse of the true face of the Manweiler family, and so that they can get an idea of the true scope of the damage caused by Ms. Manweiler and the Charlottesville law enforcement. Ms. Manweiler/Dickerman knows I have a muscle condition, she knew it even before my arrest. She may point to me being in wrestling in high school, but what you need to know that she was also in gym classes with me and saw me walk the jogging track with the asthmatics. She knew I had physical issues with my body, though she wouldn't have known the exact specifics. A family friend who knows the story of this legal issue and knows about my medical conditions once stated, "If only this woman and her family knew what they really did here". My response was that she and her parents knew damn well what they did, they just couldn't care less.

This is just one of the many things I intend on having follow Ms. Manweiler and her family for the rest of their lives. This woman lied about what took place and manipulated the law enforcement into giving me a felony I didn't commit. This resulted in a person with essentially a physical disability having to do manual labor that caused them considerable pain because of this false charge. This woman and her family knew exactly what they were doing in 2006, including the fact that they were doing this to someone with a physical impairment. Any claims to the contrary by Ms. Manweiler are just an attempt to hide her own guilt from others. Thankfully this blog receives regular visits from those who know Ms. Manweiler or have professional dealing with her. Based on the ISPs listed this has involved everything from politicians and lobbyist groups to even other law firms. I am grateful for the opportunity to show everyone the kind of person Ms. Manweiler really is deep down. She was nothing more than a narcissistic bully in her youth and that has never changed.

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

A note on an issue I found

I wanted to make a note of an issue that I was not aware of previously. Recently I used a service to do a background check on myself. Unfortunately with this specific service it does not make note of the status of the actual charges shown, a big problem in my opinion. For instance, even though the misdemeanor charges were not prosecuted as part of the plea deal, the service I used made no distinction between the specifics of the felony and the misdemeanors. In turn it makes it appear as though those charges were applied to me along with the felony when they were not. See the problem?

Now this isn't the issue that prompted me to make this post. I knew the nolle prossed misdemeanors would appear in some form on a background check and was unconcerned. A felony is far worse to have so who cares if the misdemeanors look like convictions on a specific service. The reason for making this post is that there was another note on my record showing a "failure to yield" ticket back around 2004 - one that was actually thrown out. Now if you've followed my blog you'll remember I mentioned that I had a clean record and never received so much as a speeding ticket. If someone did a check on me they would think I was lying. They would also be completely wrong.

It is a sign of just how screwed up our legal system is that things you haven't been convicted of will still remain on your record unless you go to court to remove it. Doesn't matter if the system screwed up or you were found not guilty - why should they be bothered to wipe your record clean on their own when it is your fault for even getting blamed in the first place, right? That's essentially what we are dealing with when it comes to this ticket. I'm not going to go into a detailed story here, just touch on a few points to explain the situation.

The ticket was given to me during an accident I was involved with back in 2004. I was struck while turning left at an intersection. Even though a witness to the accident stated the other driver was going faster than the speed limit, and the extent of damage showed the other party was going well above the speed limit of 25mph, the cop on the scene ignored this.

It appears that I had a police officer handling the case who was about to go off shift. He was blatantly bored and rushed to fill out paperwork. He decided to go the easy route and just hand me a ticket for "failure to yield the right of way". He did this because I had a green light but not the arrow. He was so unobservant that he actually asked me if I was able to drive the (totaled) truck home, while he's standing next to the right front tire that was folded under my truck. Yeah sure officer I can get it back on just three wheels and a bent frame.

Well courtroom time came for the ticket. One witness was present and repeated that he believed the other driver was speeding (though to be fair he also said I took too long to clear the intersection). The witness also pointed out that the other driver made no attempt to avoid me or slow down when I stopped, and he further stated that she had more than enough time and room to do so.

The judge took a long look at the photos of the damage and asked the other driver just how fast she was going. She hesitated and then added "25 maybe 30". The judge looked at her, then back at the pictures, then stared at the police officer. He set the photos aside and stated that he felt there was more to this and that obviously it would be dealt with as a civil matter. He found me not guilty of the ticket, citing that when I stopped immediately upon seeing the other driver (backed up by the witness) that I thus yielded the right of way, and that the other driver was then obligated to have made an attempt to avoid me. It didn't have any bearing on the civil side of it of course, which I had to deal in with in 2006 - the next day after getting out of jail from the damage done by Ms. Manweiler.

Even if someone did a background check on me and it was indicated that the ticket was a "not guilty", they might assume that a failure to yield the right of way was a standard traffic offense that I had been pulled over for. As you can see this isn't the case. The first and only time I've ever been pulled over by a cop happened as a result of the legal issues brought by Ms. Manweiler/Dickerman in 2006 - when two Hampton police cars came out behind me from a side street while I was on my way home after work.

So now you know the reason for the ticket on the record, and again I was found not guilty. Even my pre-sentencing report did not show the ticket because it was thrown out. So if anyone saw it on a background check and believed I was lying about a clean record or my claim of having never been pulled over before, you were wrong. Just because the court system doesn't automatically clear things someone was found not guilty of doesn't mean I had a criminal record. I shouldn't have been given the ticket in the first place and the judge agreed. I just wanted to make a statement on this, as I could see someone like Ms. Manweiler grasping at straws claiming I was lying because of my claim of not even having a speeding ticket.

It is interesting however how things worked out for me in regards to police. My father is a retired Newport News police officer with 21 years under his belt. He was a SWAT team member and later a detective. I had always been a big supporter of law enforcement and had seriously considered becoming a police officer at one point in time. Yet on three separate occasions when I needed a cop to do their job - they failed.

The first was in 2000 with John Coleman of the William and Mary campus police. He visited my home to arrest me, and informed my family and I that he had been told by Ms. Manweiler that she saw me driving a vehicle around the W&M campus to follow her. He discovered this was a lie by Ms. Manweiler after my mother informed him I didn't have a drivers license let alone a vehicle. Coleman covered for Ms. Manweiler instead of taking action, and continued to treat me like the bad guy even when I showed him evidence of what was going on.

The second was 2004 with this accident - an officer who just wanted to get out of there instead of paying attention to the facts. I almost got taken to civil court thanks to him.

The third time is 2006 and is the situation that gave rise to this blog - where Detective Nicolas Rudman allowed himself to be tricked by a woman fresh out of law school. Forget saying he did a bad investigation, because frankly he conducted no investigation whatsoever. He basically took the claims and the bits of paper Ms. Manweiler handed him at face value without any attempt to verify a single thing. This entire case was based on nothing more than Ms. Manweiler pointing a finger and saying "He did this". Rudman, along with the rest of C'ville law enforcement, was then all too willing to allow me to get thrown under the bus to cover up for their own screw ups. Very honorable.

All three times I was harmed in some way, the third time of course being the worst of the damages. It is pretty bad when the son of a former police officer gets screwed over three times in his life by police who didn't do their job - officers who couldn't care less if they got it right or not so long as they kept getting a paycheck. I've gotten to the point where I don't even trust police anymore unless I personally know the officer. It's a shame, but then so far I've never been shown that I should trust law enforcement in this day and age.

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Hypocrisy, thy name is Manweiler

I decided to write this post based on some additional hypocrisy coming from the Manweiler side of the fence. Recently on Facebook, there are users who have taken to using the pink equal symbol that is the current banner for marriage equality, related to the gay marriage debate. I’ve been told Mr. Dickerman, Ms. Manweiler’s husband, has switched his avatar image to this symbol. I find this amusing if true and I will especially find it amusing if any members of the Manweiler family start using this symbol as well. The reason I find it funny is that it would be a massive amount of hypocrisy for anyone on the Manweiler side of the fence to ever champion equality or ever claim it as a belief important to them. After all, this entire legal case revolves around an extreme inequality done for the benefit of the Manweiler family.

I was denied my right to a fair trial, a right I would have exercised had I not been threatened with retaliation by both the prosecution and my own attorney. I knew that I never threatened to harm Ms. Manweiler or her family. I made mistakes, but I never did that. Others who read the emails agree, including a Hampton Magistrate and a Newport News prosecutor. Even Judge Downer in the District Court told Assistant DA Joe Platania that he saw no evidence of any threats of violence in the emails he read. Had this case gone to trial, I’m confident an unbiased jury would have agreed and found me not guilty of the felony charge. However, with the prosecution stating that they would file multiple felony counts as retaliation for exercising that right, the risk was too great. Multiple felonies meant spending years in prison for a crime I didn’t commit, and I had also been threatened to be sent to one of the worst ones around – the inmates called this prison “The Slaughterhouse”.

As I said, I’m confident an unbiased jury would have found me not guilty of the felony written threats charge. Unfortunately Charlottesville isn’t much for being unbiased. When Andrew Alston, a wealthy UVA student, stabbed a volunteer firefighter to death (18 to 22 wounds if I recall correctly) and only received three years in a white collar prison for voluntary manslaughter, I knew that it was going to be rough getting a fair trial. But with one felony, if the jury was dumb enough to falsely convict me it would be a suspended sentence, and I could later appeal the false conviction. With multiple felony counts for something I didn’t do? I’d first have to spend years in prison being turned into a violent individual, if I even came out of there at all.

In addition I had my family to think of, as they were busy paying my bills while I was locked up on top of already paying $15,000 for an asshole lawyer who didn’t do his job. My mother was literally at her wits end over what was going on, and I knew that a trip to prison for me would be too much for her. Her racing out of the court room in tears at my preliminary hearing wasn’t an act of theater; she really was devastated and confused about what was happening and still hasn’t recovered to this day. All the Manweilers could do was give her evil looks when she hadn’t even done anything to them.

I also had my own lawyer threaten me as well. I was told by him that if I refused to plead guilty, he would quit just so that Platania would carry out the threat and I’d go to prison for years. My family and I were planning on firing him and hiring Katherine Peters to replace him (though I had no idea how my parents were even going to afford another lawyer), but once the head prosecutor Warner Chapman found out about this, Chapman stated that if I tried to fire my attorney and get another he would carry out the threats made against me.

My former attorney freely admits this happened in a tape recording I did after my release. Chapman had also stated that he was so angry that I tried to get another attorney, that come the guilty plea hearing he might just go ahead and file the multiple felonies and force my plea of guilty to them (how he was going to accomplish this forcing was not elaborated on). My former attorney, William Johnson, stated that if this happened he would refuse to defend me – no defense provided in court and no questioning of witnesses, he would just sit there.

The prosecution knew the emails had been tampered with, that this whole case was garbage, and that Ms. Manweiler lied to them. So they came after me out of desperation to cover the whole thing up. They didn’t want to get sued or have the public know they screwed up. So what was I to do? I didn’t have any options, it was either let them apply the lube or they go in dry essentially. All for something I didn’t do. Anyone claiming that this threat by the prosecution wasn’t violating the right to fair trial is an idiot - and a hypocrite as I guarantee you wouldn’t want it done to you or your children.

An example I gave before illustrates exactly what happened without the legalese nonsense. Imagine you go to vote, but someone tells you that if you try to exercise this right they will hit you with a baseball bat in the head. But they claim they aren’t violating that right because you still have the option to ignore them and vote anyway, just so long as you understand that they will hit you with the bat in retaliation. Should sound like a violation of a right to anyone with common sense. Those amendments in the Bill of Rights don’t come with an attachment that you can be retaliated against for exercising them. It’s not a right if someone can threaten me with harm for doing it.

All of this is known by the Manweilers and their allies. Both the prosecution and my former attorney admitted that Ms. Manweiler and her parents were informed that I was being threatened into pleading guilty at the Preliminary hearing. The Manweilers knew a violation of civil rights was occurring, and they were perfectly okay with it so long as it personally benefited them. They have also been to my blog and seen the prosecution’s emails, along with my statement about being threatened out of firing my own attorney. They couldn’t care less – making them a bunch of hypocrites to ever claim they stand up for people’s rights or equality. Because when it was for their benefit, they willingly allowed rights to be violated and inequality to exist.

The inequality is quite blatant and Ms. Manweiler, especially as an attorney, knows for a fact that she received special treatment. She’d be stupid not to realize it. I already gave the example of Andrew Alston, who received three years in a white collar prison for stabbing someone to death. He gets three years, while I have a five year sentence hanging over my head, and with 20 years good behavior time that means it’ll hang over my head until then. So there is the possibility of me spending more time behind bars than a man who stabbed someone to death – and all I was accused of doing was just writing mean emails. You can’t tell me that’s justice. He didn’t get 20 years good behavior time over his head either. Keep in mind that when I say “good behavior time” that doesn’t mean the same good behavior time that gets guys out of prison early. Very different and it’s not as nice as the name makes it sound. It means that five year suspended prison sentence hangs over my head for 20 years of my life.

To give you an idea of just how excessive that is, especially for what I was accused of doing, they have never handed this out to rapists and child molesters. How do I know this? I know it because the prosecutor admitted to this in court. At the guilty plea hearing in the Circuit Court, Judge Hogshire made a comment about the plea deal terms being excessive (BTW the prosecution said at that hearing that Ms. Manweiler had read the agreement and fully consented to all terms). Platania agreed with the Judge, and admitted that he was aware that the 20 years good behavior time would be the maximum ever handed out in the history of the Charlottesville Circuit Court. Platania made that exact statement about it never being handed out in the history of C’ville Circuit Court.

The Circuit Court handles major crimes and felonies: Rape, Molestation, Manslaughter and Murder. It has never handed out 20 years good behavior time before in their entire history until my case - again the prosecutor freely admitted this in court. What was I accused of doing? I was accused of writing mean things over the internet to a rich UVA student; who I hadn’t even been in the presence of until the Preliminary hearing and didn’t even know where she lived in Charlottesville. Worked in engineering, no criminal record to speak of (not even a parking ticket), no history of violence, DoD clearance, etc. Are you starting to get the picture here? Would love to hear Ms. Manweiler explain why she deserved more protection than molested kids.

Michelle Annette Manweiler knows she received special treatment. She knows it and her family knows it. So does her husband John Dickerman. Yet no one on the Manweiler/Dickerman side has ever stood up and admitted this was wrong. It’s called hypocrisy. They claim to be in favor of equality, justice and civil rights – but only when it’s convenient for them. If they personally benefit from inequality and denial of rights, they are perfectly okay with it. That tells me what kind of people I’m dealing with here.

I absolutely hate this woman and wouldn’t shed a tear about anything happening to her, yet even I wouldn’t agree to things like this. I wouldn’t be able to look at myself in the mirror and claim that something this excessive is acceptable. I couldn’t claim it to be justice when it is apparent that it wasn’t. What Ms. Manweiler did to me was evil, but it doesn’t equal the crime of rape or molestation and thus shouldn’t be punished equal to or higher than that. Not to mention that the simple fact here is that I was innocent of this felony. I know what I said and I know my intentions behind my comments, and there was never a threat of violence made. This is something Ms. Manweiler will never get away from for the rest of her life. She had someone convicted of a crime they didn’t commit and she knows it.

What this experience has taught me is that I was 100% correct in my beliefs about Ms. Manweiler and the people surrounding her. A dialogue exchange from a favorite show of mine sums up my feelings on that:

“Seems odd that you would name your ship after a battle you were on the wrong side of."

"May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one."

- Commander Karken and Captain Mal Reynolds, "Firefly"

To finish up my point - if Mr. Dickerman actually has the marriage equality symbol still on his profile (or anyone on the Manweiler side for that matter) it would be hypocritical to leave it up. How can he claim to be standing up for equal rights, when he’s quite aware that his wife was party to a major act of injustice and inequality? Can this guy even look me in the eye and state that any part of this was right? If I ever managed to overturn this whole thing and have charges brought against Manweiler, regardless of whether it’s possible or not, I wouldn’t expect or accept for her to get the same treatment in court that I received. She has a right to a trial and her punishment shouldn’t meet or exceed that of a worse crime, especially when it wasn’t done that way for anyone else. She may deserve it after allowing it to happen to me, but it still wouldn’t be right. I’m not like Ms. Manweiler, I can see an injustice even if I hate that person.

Of course I’m sure that Ms. Manweiler’s and Mr. Dickerman’s hypocrisy will continue - I’m not expecting anything here. When it comes to the people on the Manweiler side of the fence, hypocrisy and ignorance are the only things I expect. All I have ever witnessed from Ms. Manweiler, and her parents, is distain for others, narcissism, hypocrisy and viciousness - and I have never had any reason to believe anything different. I don’t expect anything related to honor and integrity from the Manweilers, so I’m not surprised that anyone who is related to or associates with them would be just as bad.

As for where I stand on the issue of the marriage debate? A post from another blogger actually sums up my current beliefs quite well, especially when it comes to all the ignorance and hysteria surrounding an issue important to me – an issue that was used as justification for the actions done to me, despite it being admitted to by the prosecution that I never did anything wrong or criminal with this right. This blogger fully points out the level of hypocrisy and ignorance on that side of the fence, and it perfectly sums up the Manweilers and the people surrounding them. His blog is called “The Sacred Cow Slaughterhouse” and the specific post is titled “The Post in Which I Piss Off EVERYBODY: or, How I Learned to Stop Caring” (link provided). I won’t quote his entire post in here as I don’t wish to take away traffic from him, but upon reading it you will know exactly how I feel about a lot of issues now. I will at least quote a portion of the post to give you an idea of how I feel:

“First they came for the blacks, and I spoke up because it was wrong, even though I'm not black.

Then they came for the gays, and I spoke up, even though I'm not gay.

Then they came for the Muslims, and I spoke up, because it was wrong, even though I'm an atheist.

When they came for illegal aliens, I spoke up, even though I'm a legal immigrant.

Then they came for the pornographers, rebels and dissenters and their speech and flag burning, and I spoke up, because rights are not only for the establishment.

Then they came for the gun owners, and you liberal shitbags threw me under the bus, even though I'd done nothing wrong. So when they come to put you on the train, you can fucking choke and die.”

Nobody has ever spoken up for my rights. Nobody stood up for me and told the Charlottesville law enforcement they were wrong to take things that far. Nobody questioned it when others used a lawfully exercised right as an excuse to hurt and bash me, just because it wasn’t a politically correct right. What I owned had nothing to do with this case and should never have been dragged into this. But nobody gave a shit. So why should I give a shit about the rights of others, when no one spoke up for me?