Sunday, July 24, 2011

The Likely Identity of the City of Charlottesville Viewer

"The truth is incontrovertible. Malice may attack it, ignorance may deride it, but in the end, there it is." - Winston Churchill

In another post I mentioned that I had a good idea of the identity of the City of Charlottesville viewer that Ms. Manweiler had contacted. If you don't know what I am referring to: In this post I go into detail about how Ms. Manweiler and her parents came onto my blog at the same time. The next day following their views, a viewer with an IP address from the City of Charlottesville's network came to my blog. They came to the blog without using a search engine, which showed that someone had given them the blog address.

At first I immediately suspected it to be the Charlottesville Police Department. Considering Ms. Manweiler is a sick and vicious individual, it was a safe assumption that she would try to do further harm to me. However, I eventually decided to look over the evidence involving this viewer to try to determine who they were. A big motivation for this was the return of the viewer to the blog some time after their first visit. I quickly came to the likely answer.

I am 99% certain that the Charlottesville viewer was none other than Assistant District Attorney Joseph Platania, who originally handled my case. A big indicator of this is that the viewer primarily focuses on the evidence related to the prosecution, and especially takes notice of the VSB inquiry in which I reported both prosecutors along with Ms. Manweiler and my former attorney William Johnson. The timing of the view is also not a coincidence. Just as I posted a page from the motion I was preparing and brought up how I was going to get the plea thrown out, the Manweiler clan jumps all over my blog. Then a City of Charlottesville IP gets on the next day and looks over posts related to the prosecution and the motion I was planning on filing. They also weren't big on looking at the evidence I had against Ms. Manweiler. If it were a police officer viewing the page, that would be something of major interest - but not so much to a sleazy prosecutor who could lose his career over a false conviction based on such evidence. In addition, I believe the Charlottesville Police Department has its own ISP separate from the City of Charlottesville, while the District Attorney's Office is located in the City Hall and would share the same ISP.

Ms. Manweiler never went to the Charlottesville law enforcement over my blog until I mentioned I was going to get the charge thrown out. Not when finding the blog, not even when photos of her from 2006 were placed on the blog - she only does it when hearing that I was pushing forward to get the charge thrown out. It is my firm belief that Ms. Manweiler, upon seeing that I was about to attempt to fix the damage she inflicted, gave the prosecutor a heads up so that he could prevent me from getting my life back. It was a deliberate attempt at sabotage by Michelle Annette Manweiler. It shows how twisted she is, because even when confronted with what she has done to another human being, Ms. Manweiler still wanted to prevent that person from restoring their life. But what she may not know, is that she unintentionally gave me more ammo to use in court.

Not only does it show a lack of remorse for her actions, but Ms. Manweiler has also remained in contact with prosecutor Joseph Platania even after the conclusion of the criminal proceedings in 2006. There were two instances in the 2006 case that shows potential conflict of interest between prosecutor Joseph Platania and claimed victim Michelle Manweiler. I think it goes far beyond mere professional interest between two lawyers. The elderly woman in attendance at hearings with my mother was a family friend. During one of the hearings this family friend witnessed a curious incident. The individual saw Ms. Manweiler being led into a room in the courthouse, flanked by two men acting like bodyguards. This of course is absolutely ridiculous and further shows the level of favoritism this rich UVA student was receiving over other victims. Hell I was sitting in essentially a dungeon at the bottom of the courthouse - what need did she have of bodyguards?

However, the family friend noticed something else - specifically the behavior of prosecutor Joseph Platania. She stated that Mr. Platania was staring at Ms. Manweiler - he watched her walk down to the room and only stopped watching her after she entered the room. The family friend said that the entire time Mr. Platania watched Ms. Manweiler that "he had a big stupid grin across his face". This is an exact quote from the witness. In fact last year I had a discussion about the incident with the family friend. She not only clearly remembers the incident to this day, but she gave me further information. She stated that upon seeing the look on Mr. Platania's face as he stared at Ms. Manweiler, the family friend turned to my mother and said "There is something going on between those two".

A second witness was none other than my former attorney William Johnson. During one meeting at the jail, Mr. Johnson had made some interesting comments. First of all he stated that he didn't know why, but the prosecution had it out for me. He stated that considering how minor this whole situation was, there was no reason he could see for the prosecution to be acting in the manner that they were. Additionally, he told me of a conversation he had with Mr. Platania over the phone. What many prosecutors do not know is that while Johnson sucks up to them face to face, behind their backs he actively mocks them. While Mr. Johnson would act so nice and pleasant to Mr. Platania and Mr. Chapman, what was said behind closed doors was another matter. Indeed, Mr. Johnson was quite willing to blab about the prosecution during meetings at his office with my mother (and later me), and admit to things that they said or did - all of which are on tape.

During the jail meeting, Mr. Johnson stated that while he was discussing Ms. Manweiler with Mr. Platania, Mr. Platania suddenly blurted out "Do you want to go talk to her?!" While Mr. Johnson was discussing this, upon getting to the part of Mr. Platania's comment he actually acted it out, basically as a way of mocking Platania. Obviously I can't show you how he acted through words, but suffice it to say it showed that Mr. Platania absolutely thought the world of Ms. Manweiler - as if speaking with Ms. Manweiler was the greatest thing in the world to him. Now Mr. Johnson wasn't very far off in this opinion of Ms. Manweiler. All my family and I heard from Mr. Johnson was about how much of "a hottie" he found Ms. Manweiler to be and kept saying he hoped to see her at the hearings. However, even Mr. Johnson found Mr. Platania's comments (and his excitement while saying the comment) to be an issue.

Mr. Johnson stated that he had no idea why Platania would act in this manner as a prosecutor. Johnson further went on to say that he told Mr. Platania "What would be the point? It's not going to change the situation. I practice three hours away from Charlottesville, I'm not going to drive that distance to speak with Ms. Manweiler when I know it won't accomplish anything". Mr. Johnson said that after this comment Mr. Platania stated he forgot about that and understood. However, Mr. Jonhson seemed very disturbed by this behavior from Mr. Platania.

As I said before, I'm 99% certain that Mr. Platania was the one behind the views. In addition, the records I have from my blog include the IP address and gateway address of the viewer. These can be used later in an investigation. Also, Mr. Platania's email correspondence while on duty as a public servant can be obtained from records. We will see just how much evidence surfaces during an investigation. I have a feeling that it will be found that a definite conflict of interest existed between Mr. Platania and Ms. Manweiler during and after the hearings. Even if it was just a close friendship between the two, that would be a highly inappropriate relationship between a prosecutor and the victim - especially since I have enough evidence to prove that said victim tampered with evidence and lied to police, and that the prosecution tried to cover up for that tampering (and more importantly, for the incompetent behavior that led to that evidence being used in court without verification).

This will all of course come out once an investigation happens. And if it is confirmed that Mr. Platania was the one behind the views, it will only help get my charges thrown out. In addition, the fact that Mr. Platania would have seen the evidence and accusations and yet made no attempt to investigate will only get him into more trouble, if it is indeed proven that he was the one behind the views. I have complete confidence that my guess about the viewer is correct however, but we will see when the time comes.