Monday, November 8, 2010

Update and additions

Also noticed some viewing statistic trends that concern me, but then its no surprise that Ms. Manweiler has been keeping tabs on me on occasion. Thus I'll go ahead and post some more information. This way, if Ms. Manweiler does try something I'll have a reference for news media sources. Also a little confused on some of the country sources. I'm a little surprised to have readers in Latvia 0_o

First thing I want to post is some of William Johnson's notes. I may take these down at a later point, but for now I want to show further evidence that I'm not just talk, that I do have the evidence I claim to have.

This first page shows Johnson making notes of the four email messages that were supplied to him by the prosecution. This is part of the evidence that shows the prosecution did not comply with the order of discovery, and its also part of the evidence that shows Ms. Manweiler tampered with the email messages she supplied to law enforcement. As you can see on the entry for the February 22nd email, Johnson makes the note '"To Rick"... should be "From Rick"'.

This discrepancy is present on the email claimed to have been sent on that date, and it shows that Ms. Manweiler printed this email from her sent messages folder and not from her inbox - this means it was outgoing from her account, not an incoming email sent from mine. Johnson seemed very disturbed by this when he went to see me at the jail, he turned to me and asked if I had any idea why the email would have this discrepancy. I didn't have an answer for him at that time. Johnson had already written this down when he came back from the prosecutor's office with these emails, which means he would have made this issue known to Joe Plantania, the ADA handling this case.

This page, the further email comments and the emails themselves contain evidence that when combined prove that Ms. Manweiler was forwarding my emails out to another account (apparently made up to look like mine) and was trying to hide the fact that she was forwarding the messages. Why hide it if you aren't doing anything wrong?

The next page shows the notes William Johnson took just before my guilty plea hearing. At the top you see a "Y" and an "N". When the Judge asked me questions at the guilty plea hearing, Johnson informed me that I was to answer what he pointed to otherwise I'd go to prison. He did the same thing at the preliminary hearing. He also records how my mother and I were attempting to replace him as counsel and get the guilty plea hearing extended a month. As I've mentioned previously, I attempted to hire Ms. Katherine Peters to replace the incompetent William Johnson and was threatened out of doing so by both the prosecution and William Johnson.

You can also see the notation "in case too long". This shows how quickly William Johnson tried to conduct the case so that he could take his money and run. This guy was trying to find things for me to plead guilty to before he ever looked at a piece of evidence. He not only told me that he would not provide a defense for me in court, but that if I did not plead guilty he would refuse to continue as counsel and I would have to hire another attorney - something I was already under threat against doing by Warner Chapman the head prosecutor. This is considered coercion by the defense counsel and is justification for invalidating the plea agreement.

As I said, this is just a further sampling of the evidence I've been claiming to have all this time. I'm not kidding around with the claims in this blog - I have all the evidence to back up my claims. Unfortunately thanks to our faulty legal system, having the evidence is not enough. You have to either pay tons of money to have a lawyer navigate the mess of a system we have, or if you don't have the money you have to figure it out yourself - not an easy proposition I assure you. Something needs to be done about that, and I hope my case helps spearhead the efforts to fix our broken legal system.

I can tell by the way pages are being viewed that someone is printing blog posts. Not a problem. What Ms. Manweiler is not aware of is the fact that she may end up in a lot of trouble when this goes public.

I wanted to add a summary of what since I never got around to updating the accusation post. I have evidence showing Ms. Manweiler made false statements to police and tampered with the evidence she provided to law enforcement. When realizing that they just jailed a guy for a crime he didn't commit, the Charlottesville police and district attorney's office decided to cover it up. They threw me under the bus to protect themselves from scandals and lawsuits.

They lied about damaging the hard drive so that they could not verify the blatantly tampered emails. Warner Chapman and Joseph Platania violated my civil rights to avoid having to present the evidence. They not only lied in court, but they withheld evidence that would have cleared me. The CPD and the DA's office lied to the media to make this situation sound worse than what it was. And I have evidence that not only shows my former attorney William Johnson acted incompetent, but there is also evidence that suggest he was aware Ms. Manweiler committed criminal actions and was helping to cover it up - he may have even been working with the prosecution to hurt his client.

I have the ability to prove every claim I've made.