Tuesday, September 14, 2010

List of Accusations and Theories

***Under Construction*** Due to Blogspot's editor having issues saving my post as a draft, I published this post before I was ready to so that I would not lose it. I will slowly be updating and adding to it until I finish.

As I mentioned in a previous post, I wanted to provide a summary list of the accusations being brought against the involved parties. In the case of the accusations, I have physical evidence to back them up in the form of legal documentation, lawyer's notes, tape recordings, etc. In some cases I will provide a theory on what I believe took place based on evidence that suggests this theory. Essentially accusations have direct evidence supporting them, theories are based on circumstantial evidence and more investigation would be required in order to prove that the event took place as believed. This list may be edited and modified as evidence is examined and as time allows. Even though I was never given the courtesy of doubt, all parties are innocent until proven guilty in a court of law or a disciplinary investigation by state bar association.

Michelle Annette Manweiler ( Claimed victim, VSB licensed attorney, UVA School of Law Alumni)

1. Ms. Manweiler provided emails she tampered with to police
Ms. Manweiler provided evidence to CPD, in the form of email printouts, that she knowingly tampered with in order to produce trumped up charges against her target. While I did contact Ms. Manweiler when I should not have, and fully admit this was stupid and wrong, at no point in time were any threats of violence made against Ms. Manweiler or any family members of hers. I have copies of some of the emails provided to my attorney the day before the Preliminary hearing in July 2006. I also have copies of my former attorney's legal notes, and there is a section listing information on the emails provided by the prosecution. In his personal notes, my former lawyer makes note of a discrepancy on one of the emails and had even asked me during our meeting at the jail if I could explain why this discrepancy exists. I had no answer for him at the time.

However, since my release I have investigated this discrepancy and can now prove that this discrepancy existed because Ms. Manweiler was forwarding email messages to an account made to look like mine and making edits to hide the fact she was doing this. I believe Ms. Manweiler was altering the contents of the message to make things sound worse than what was actually written. I can not prove she rewrote the emails beyond all doubt unless the original messages are recovered, but my former attorney admits on tape that from the first time seeing these emails that I told him there were things I don't recall writing in them. In addition, Ms. Manweiler was forwarding these messages and trying to hide the fact she was doing this - if she was not doing anything wrong, why try to hide it?

I also can prove that Ms. Manweiler was taking individual emails and putting separate dates on each page to claim that I sent more messages than what were received by her. My former lawyer admits on tape that I told him I didn't send as many messages as the prosecution claimed to have in their possession. There is a reason for this - single emails were split up by Ms. Manweiler. In the example I have, Ms. Manweiler has taken a March 12 2006 email and in her own handwriting she recorded April and May dates on page 2 and 3 of this message. Both the April and May emails have a March 12th time stamp on the bottom of the page. In addition, both emails have the same message ID number at the top of the page - something they would not possess if they were two separate messages sent a month apart as Ms. Manweiler claims in her handwriting.

My mother noticed these discrepancies when she was provided copies of the emails by my former attorney. In a tape recording conducted by my mother in a meeting she had with William Johnson (former attorney) a week before my guilty plea hearing, she asked Mr. Johnson about the time stamp and message ID issue. He freely admits that there is a March 12th time stamp and same message ID on both of these emails that he admits Ms. Manweiler dated April and May. When my mother asks him to explain how a March 12th time stamp could be present on April and May emails, Johnson can clearly be heard on the tape to panic and tries to change the subject. In fact he became so upset that my mother tries to go along with him and calm him down, believing that at any moment he might tell her to get out. The likely reasons for him acting like this are brought up in his list.

After my release I tried to determine why these discrepancies existed. It was actually pretty easy. The emails have the same message ID number because they are one email, not two. If you put the "April" email below the "May" one and read them straight down, they read as one email. In fact, not only is a paragraph shared between the pages, but even a sentence is split between the two of them. They read from one to the other. They even say "Page 2 of 3" and "Page 3 of 3" at the bottom of each email. So what date were they actually sent on, April or May? Neither date. In the "May" email, there is a paragraph that references a Sunday after an event in 2006 - UVA's spring break in March. When I looked up the date referenced in a 2006 calendar, it was March 12th - which matches the time stamp on the bottom of the page. 
    2. Ms. Manweiler provided false statements to the CPD on my actions during the Charlottesville incident

    One of the reasons that the news agencies continued to falsely report that I had journeyed to Charlottesville to stalk Ms. Manweiler is due to the fact that Ms. Manweiler made these very claims to police and at the Protective Order hearings. An additional reason for this is that the the CPD transported me to C'ville from Hampton the night of my arrest and then claimed that I was arrested in C'ville (this is covered in the accusation list against the CPD). Ms. Manweiler lied to police in claiming that I journeyed to C'ville in order to make this situation sound worse than what had actually taken place. At no time did I even attempt to located Ms. Manweiler in C'ville. I couldn't have cared less where she lived and worked there. I was too busy playing video games, working, playing paintball, going out with friends, etc to even bother with that. My neighbor in my apartment (who the police never bothered to speak with) even stated to my mother that he knew I never went to C'ville because I left for work the same time he did, came home the same time and never left my home long enough to even travel to C'ville (we're talking a roughly six hour round trip just in travel time alone between Hampton and Charlottesville) let alone do anything there. In addition, I have my gas receipts showing I never bought more than $10 to $15 dollars worth of gas every week to week and a half, and the bank statements to match - with gas prices what they were in 2006, there was no way I'm traveling around alot on that little amount of gas. I even have my cars mileage record from an inspection and servicing in January 2006, and when compared to what my documented mileage in my vehicle was it shows I didn't drive around much.

    All of this means nothing however because Ms. Manweiler has herself admitted in her Victim Impact Statement that I not only never knew her location in C'ville, but that the first time we've even been in each other's presence since graduating high school in 1999 was the 2006 Preliminary hearing.

    Obviously I can't have journeyed to C'ville when she freely admits I didn't know her location. Ms. Manweiler not only made these statements to the CPD, but even made these statements at the protective order hearings she attended - and I have been told that she would have been under penalty of perjury at these hearings. On one of the documents from the protective order, it states that victim claimed I was following her around the city - something even she admits later never happened. In addition, in a page of notes from my former attorney that were written at the protective order hearing, he records that the accusation was made that there was "contact in Chalottesville other than through the internet". As I recall, he evens says on tape that Ms. Manweiler claimed I went to C'ville. He would later admit months later that he knows there was no in person contact in C'ville.