Thursday, September 5, 2024

Getting a bit interesting

Updated 9:00PM 9/5/2024

So I've definitely smacked the hornets nest with Dickerman on that addendum post. Which to be honest it isn't the first time I've made a post that got attention. But I had something else happen today that was interesting. Someone from UVA went right to the main website. Usually when I get UVA views they go to the blog posts about Alston first before looking around. They went to the main website instead and didn't bother to look at the blog. Which isn't normal behavior so it did catch my attention. Catching my attention and my making assumptions is not without reason though, given what I've seen since publishing the addendum post.

Now I'm going to assume for the time being that the most likely reason for the odd view is that this was some random student. One who just happened to hit on one of my meta tags on the website in their search and weren't interested in looking any further than that. If that's the case it's perfectly fine. It's odd they ended up on the main website first but not completely abnormal. Though rather convenient timing.

The other option is that it could be Joseph Platania after Michelle Dickerman contacted him. Given Dickerman is riled up a bit it isn't impossible for her to make a dumb call like that. I did some checking and Platania is still an adjunct professor at UVA School of Law who teaches prosecutor classes. He also sits on the VA State Bar disciplinary board, I'm definitely going to get that nonsense ripped out of his grasp in the future. Nothing quite like putting the State Bar on blast for corruption and favoritism to make them want to distance themselves from problem people and take action against said people.

Platania definitely could have checked the website from his office at UVA. Especially since he might be aware that viewing from computers at the district attorney's office will show up and be a massive red flag for me. Though I would have just expected him to do it from home rather than at UVA. I'm thinking it is less likely that this was Platania but it isn't outside the realm of possibility by a long shot. Like I said, I did seem to light a fire under Dickerman a bit, so I do want to discuss that scenario if indeed she made contact with one of her co-conspirators.

It's possible she ran to Joseph Platania, especially considering this isn't the first time she ran to him over something on this blog (or his former boss at least if not Platania). That was done over her and her parents seeing my post on my former lawyer's plea deal offer. If she did run to him again, it's not the smartest thing for her considering he heavily contributed to making this situation what it is nearly 20 years later. It's also really not smart because Platania's big mouth is also the reason I will be able to sue her father into the ground (maybe literally on that, given his advanced age and the likely stress it'll cause him). Not to mention that if one of the first things she does is reach out to a prosecutor who showed inappropriate affection towards her - well that’s definitely not going to help them when it comes to appearances. I’m not the only person to question whether Dickerman and Platania had improper relations in the past.

If Dickerman is dumb enough to go running to Platania and give him a heads up by all means do so. There will be records showing the contact between them, and that can then be pulled up in court discovery or criminal investigations. Even if it's just phone calls those call logs can still be pulled, and her number showing up on Platania’s phone will prove contact was taking place. It will help demonstrate that the co-conspirators are still working together. It will look bad in court and in the media.

There isn't anything Platania can do about any of this anyway. The evidence against them doesn’t change just because he’s been given notice of what is coming. And if he was actually dumb enough to try criminal shenanigans it would just help me get all this laid out in public and the media. Please be dumb enough to try that shit. By all means I want them to play that fucking game with me so that all of them can be run over by the Streisand Effect truck. They will quite literally be helping me fuck up their lives.

Not to mention that anything they do right now will be used against them later. Michelle Dickerman has seen what I've written. I can prove that. So she knows exactly what is coming and that means everything she does now is on record and will be used against her later. Any actions from this point on can be used against her. Any inaction from this point on can be used against her - since not trying to "fix" what she's done isn't going to look good to people. If Platania tries anything negative he'll also provide proof to everyone that he's aware now of what is going on. That means anything he's doing right now and in the future can be used against him later. Assuming of course if Dickerman contacted him - the proof will come out on that in the future if she did.

Though as I mentioned, I've gotten responses like this from Michelle Dickerman before. It never went anywhere. I'm guessing it isn't going anywhere this time as well. Dickerman is a narcissist. She doesn't care about who she hurt. She doesn't care if it'll harm her family. Dickerman will literally sit on her hands and wait until she has no other option. Although at that point it'll be too late and she won't actually have any options. 

Because that "no other option" will literally be the VA Supreme court vacating the felony and opening her and her parents up to lawsuits. And as I've said in the addendum post, if I have to pay a lawyer to fight it out in court and I end up winning - there are no deals and no settlements. Once money changes hands there is no turning back. At that point I'm going in to this to destroy lives, reputations, and careers. And I'm perfectly fine with mutually assured destruction being the end result of this legal fight. If I can't win then everyone gets to lose along with me.

Both parties also need to keep in mind that I get two shots at this. Let’s say the VA Supreme Court doesn’t side with me on the Writ. Unlikely given all my evidence, and the fact that Dickerman and Platania can’t even prove their email evidence is genuine given that C’ville law enforcement never verified the printouts, but nothing is ever certain in law. I’m still getting this entire thing out into the open with the public and media when the Writ happens, and that’s not going to be a happy time for the guilty parties. Assuming the State Attorney General doesn’t step in to overrule Platania and vacate the felony, I can instead then make my petition to the Governor via the Writ of Actual Innocence on that end and their office can do what the VA Supreme Court did not. And that’s a bad day for the guilty parties as well. 

Given the publicity the case will be getting at that time, I’m betting a politician is going to want to be seen doing the right thing and correcting the act of evil committed against me in 2006. So Dickerman should really think about the fact I can get multiple chances here, not just the two Writ attempts (since an outside party like the Attorney General can step in), and I only have to get lucky once. Michelle Dickerman has to be lucky every single time with a mountain of evidence against her. Is it really worth the very significant legal risk to her and her father to take the chance that she gets lucky multiple times? Because like I said, it just has to work out once for me - and I won’t be making deals anymore at that point. Does she really want to put her family, especially her aging father, through legal proceedings? 

And no I don’t feel one bit bad about mentioning that, not after the Manweilers gave glares of disgust at my mother as she ran out of the courtroom crying at the preliminary hearing. That wasn’t an act, my former attorney hadn’t told either of us what he was doing (that was his intention). Having me waive the hearing, after he dropped it on me right before I was to step out in front of the judge and I had to make a snap decision with bad legal advice, wasn’t something my mother expected and she was in shock. She was hoping the judge would do the right thing considering he argued with Platania at the bond hearings that there was no evidence of death threats in the emails. To suddenly see me waiving the hearing was a blow to her and too much for her to process. She needed to get out of there because she couldn’t watch what was happening. My mother did a lot of crying during 2006 and after - as did many in my family.

So I couldn’t give less of a shit about what Dickerman’s family will go through, not after what was done to me and my family. If they want to give my mother ugly glares after they inflicted serious emotional harm to her, the Manweilers can suffer all kinds of bad things as far as I’m concerned. The ball is in Dickerman’s court to shield her family from this by coming clean about her actions. I know Michelle Dickerman doesn’t care about anyone but herself however, and I intend on using that against her to prove how bad of a person she really is. Refusing to fess up and make this right (to the small extent that’s even possible) even if it protects her family from legal consequences will prove my case that she’s a narcissist. The fact that she’s let the felony go on this long is already a really, really bad look. Making her parents get dragged through the court and media circus when she could have avoided it, all because Dickerman wants to save her career and reputation, is going to be a really bad look.

We'll see whether this UVA view is nothing or not. Like I said it’s really convenient on the timing. I'm really not expecting anything from either side however, even if it does happen to be Platania viewing the main website. If it is him and he tries anything, then that just helps me further fuck up Platania's life later when all this takes off, and it makes his and Dickerman’s current knowledge of this situation a material fact in court. Can’t claim you weren’t aware of all this when you decided to screw with me. The smart thing would be for both sides to not let me have to go through with the writ by vacating the felony on their own, and then trying to make deals with me to limit the damages that are coming their way. But I don’t expect the smart thing from these people. 

If it is not the case that this view was due to Dickerman running to Platania ... well it isn't like I actually believe Dickerman to be sane enough to take the only good way out of this mess she got herself and her family into anyway. So it doesn’t really change anything. Dickerman at least having enough common sense to not run to Platania isn’t really saying much. It’s more an act of self preservation since Platania would be just as happy to flip on her if he thinks it will save him. 

For Platania, the proverbial displaying of Michelle Dickerman’s head in court would go a long way towards blunting some of the damage to himself and the city of Charlottesville. There is every possibility that if Dickerman goes to Platania and he realizes the wave of shit about to come his way, he might slide into my inbox and try to make a deal at Dickerman’s expense. It would actually be funny as hell if Dickerman ran to him and he turned on her. As much as I want to nail Platania’s hide to the wall, the massive shock to Dickerman in getting screwed over like that would be worth making a deal with Platania. Though I can’t imagine Dickerman would be dumb enough to trust Platania and think he’s her friend. Then again she’s made a lot of really, really stupid calls that got her to this point anyway so we’ll see I guess.

That willingness of mine to deal of course is assuming she even has that option. My potential choice to be willing to reach a deal to limit damages to Dickerman's side of the fence isn't out of any consideration for the very people who showed no mercy towards me in 2006. I'm only willing to make deals because I want to get this over and done with, and fighting it out just means it takes me longer to get on with my life. I’ve lost far too much time as it is. But if that has to happen then so be it - the more time of mine gets wasted the more damages get added to the lawsuits after all. But I'm still waiting on any news on something that has the potential to not pan out because of the felony, so there will be some time before I make the decision on whether I even make the offer. I give it 50/50 shot right now with the info I'm operation on.

Monday, September 2, 2024

Addendum to The Issue of Favoritism

Michelle Dickerman Department of Treasury Joseph Platania Warner Chapman Charlottesville

This post includes information that was not added to a previous post. That post being called "The Issue of Favoritism: The special treatment given to Michelle Dickerman and the Manweiler family". That post touched on a few issues, but it primarily dealt with matters of favoritism Michelle Dickerman and her family have received over the years. It also discussed some incidents I touched on in that post, and I have received additional pieces of information that didn't make it into the post. Some of which weren't known to me at the time of publishing.

Some of this was initially going to be discussed in the post I'm currently working about the legal actions I'll be taking in the near future. I decided it was better to put them as a separate post to supplement "The Issue of Favoritism" evidence posting. Because some of these issues were brought up in that older post. In fact most of this just adds more information to previous events I discussed.

The first incident I have additional info for relates to the Charlottesville-Albemarle Regional Jail deliberately delaying my release as an attempt to inflict further harm upon me. Namely that the clerk of court had to personally call the jail herself in order to get the jail to release me when they did.

The second relates to Michelle Dickerman's false accusations of stalking to William & Mary campus police officer John Coleman, which I brought up in a specific section of the Favoritism post. More specifically, it connects to my statements later on about witnessing Dickerman and one of her parents out front of my parent's home in 2002. I offhandedly mentioned that Dickerman had clearly been to my parent's home before since she knew exactly which house was mine without checking addresses (Google Street View wasn't a thing in 2002). Well Dickerman definitely had been to the location before. I had a conversation with the eldest of my younger sisters recently, and she pointed out that Michelle Dickerman had clearly been driving by my parent's home long before I personally witnessed Dickerman doing this. This is due to a statement made by Coleman that my sister remembered quite clearly. I remember Coleman mentioning this information as well but hadn't thought about the connection when writing the post.

A third involves information on Andrew Alston. One specific issue among multiple was brought to my attention by a lawyer who contacted me. This lawyer stated that he was investigating the Alston case when he came across my blog and website. He had attended UVA when Alston had stabbed Sisk, and had also known Alston's at the time girlfriend. One of the most critical pieces of info that he brought to my attention was that Alston appears to be a licensed bar attorney in the State of Pennsylvania - despite having a voluntary manslaughter charge for stabbing a man to death. To quote what the lawyer said in his email on why this is an issue: "I suspect that either Alston was less than completely truthful on the C/F part of his bar application and/or his father has some undue influence. In either case, as an attorney myself I find it unsettling that someone with his background could be admitted to the bar".

A fourth piece of information involves a tip off I received of a heavy connection to the Charlottesville area by Michelle Dickerman's father Gregory Dean Manweiler. The connection wasn't the only thing I was told about, there is more that I was told that I'm going to work on verifying. But the connection I found does go a ways into proving this person wasn't just lying to me. This connection goes well beyond just Greg Manweiler's status as a UVA Business School Alumni, or his financial donations to UVA.

Apparently Greg Manweiler lived in Charlottesville at one time - even to the point of having grown up there. It seems that Gregory Dean Manweiler was an alumni of Albemarle High School. This is a high school attended by people in CharlottesvilleOnce I was told about his connections to Charlottesville, and discovered what high school he attended, I made a point of checking online for any yearbook scans that can be found. Scans of yearbooks have become pretty commonplace, as I came across online scans of all of the yearbooks from when I was in high school some time ago. I no longer have physical copies of my high school yearbooks because the Charlottesville police swiped all of them as "evidence" in 2006 and then later destroyed them.

Having online scans of yearbooks for my high school years however does not make anything about the missing physical copies better. It wasn't about being able to look through them, as I didn't bother to look through the scans until I needed material for the comparison photos you'll see later. What was important was having my physical books in my possession. Those physical yearbooks are gone forever now because of Michelle Dickerman's actions and I'm very angry about the loss of them. And yes - it was Dickerman's fault.

Had she found a better and more competent way to sort this stupid dispute out, or at least hadn't lied about what took place to deliberately make C'ville law enforcement behave much worse, I wouldn't have had my yearbooks stolen as "evidence" by cops. C'ville law enforcement overreacted because Dickerman lied about what took place and faked evidence. C'ville then did everything they could to inflict harm on me for her benefit, and taking my yearbooks and destroying them was just part of the abuse they wanted to inflict. Detective Rudman knew those books held no value as evidence. There are worse damages done to me from 2006 of course. That doesn't change the fact that I'm missing something irreplaceable solely because of Dickerman's actions.

Returning to the subject of the Manweilers and Charlottesville, given that I knew of yearbooks being scanned more commonly these days, I went looking for anything that might confirm Greg Manweiler lived in the Charlottesville area around the time frame I was given by the tip. I hit the jackpot and found scans of yearbooks that certainly show Dickerman's father Gregory Dean Manweiler as having attended Albemarle High in the early 70s. I'll pop up the comparison photos for you and you can see for yourself rather than take my word for it. There is even yearbooks showing what is clearly his sister Nancy Manweiler (now Nancy Malone). Nancy Manweiler's high school photo even has clear family resemblance to Michelle Dickerman when Dickerman was in high school.

The Delayed Jail Release

I'll start with the jail's delayed release of me after my sentencing hearing. As I mentioned in further detail in the Favoritism post, after my sentencing hearing and my ordered release from the judge, my transfer from the courthouse to the jail was very conveniently delayed. My case of 2006 is of course full of very mysterious "convenient" incidents, like damaged hard drives (so the police couldn't verify the blatantly tampered with email printouts from Dickerman) and police interview recordings growing legs and walking off (so that the prosecution could falsely claim I made confessions during the interview which never happened).

Somehow the jail van transport never got the word that I was supposed to be picked up after my sentencing hearing. Very interesting. This was only found out by me after a bailiff had me and a trustee (the orange jumpsuit guys who essentially do free slave labor for the criminal "justice" system) sit outside the courthouse unsupervised for some time waiting for a van that wasn't coming. It got the two of us yelled at by another bailiff later who demanded to know what we were doing outside the courthouse, and to this day I think there was an attempt at legal shenanigans (in a case full of legal shenanigans). The jail would then attempt to make excuses throughout the day to deliberately hold me in the jail for as long as possible, in order to inflict further anguish on me and my waiting family. Again, you can go over what happened there in much more detail then I will here.

The first of these excuses was that the corrections officer at the jail told my mother that my paperwork ordering my release hadn't arrived yet. This is despite a long delay at the courthouse thanks to the mysterious van issue, an issue that actually ensured that my paperwork would have arrived at the jail well before I did. This was in fact confirmed by the clerk of the court.

My mother called the court clerk after the corrections officer claimed this to her over the phone, and the clerk actually got quite mad about the officer's claim. She stated that "his paperwork got there before he did". She instructed my mother on what to say, which my mother relayed to the corrections officer in a more polite version than the clerk. The corrections officer then hurriedly admitted they did indeed have my paperwork the entire time, but they couldn't release me yet because they were feeding the inmates. An outright lie because I've personally watched them release inmates from my cell block while the tray carts were in front of the cell door as food was being passed out to us.

It was one of many bullshit claims they would make to delay my release until very late at night. I won't go over them further here, as I said you can just read the original post if desired. Now originally I thought the clerk's involvement only took place during the delayed paperwork lie. I had always believed that the clerk's efforts ended after this. I didn't have much incentive to discuss everything that happened during this dispute over my release. At that time my family and I were just relieved that the nearly five month ordeal was over, and my focus then turned to the future and what would happen afterwards. But during a recent talk about the events of 2006 with my mother I would discover that the clerk actually had more involvement.

After the clerk told my mother what to say to the corrections officer about the paperwork, she gave my mother her cell phone number and told my mother to call her if the jail gives us any further trouble. My mother resisted bothering the clerk, but finally her desperation kicked in at the jail's continued excuses and she dialed the clerk's cell phone. It turns out that the reason I was even released when I was came down to the direct intervention of the court clerk.

My mother told the clerk all about the excuses and delays. The clerk was again very angry at the jail's actions. She assured my my mother that she was going to take care of this and that I would be released immediately. It was right after the clerk called up the jail herself that I was finally brought out of my cell. I was processed out by a corrections officer at the front desk who kept smirking at me like she found something funny. Clearly the delays had been deliberate. 

They clearly weren't even bothering to release me until the clerk lit a fire under their ass. Maybe via threats of the judge holding them in contempt. I can only speculate of course on what the legal consequences are of a jail ignoring a judge's order to release. But a recent incident involving a jail and prosecutor refusing to release a man declared innocent, in defiance of a judge's order to release him, did involve threats of being held in contempt. So I can only assume the same would apply in my scenario.

I had no idea that the clerk had to get involved a second time, and that the jail only released me when they did thanks to my mother calling up the clerk of the court. I have to wonder how much longer I was going to be held beyond the judge's order for my release? Would they really have held me into the next day? It certainly got late enough for that. I also wouldn't put it past the prosecution and jail given all the very corrupt and even illegal behavior going on in my case.

Which conveniently the next day was when they were removing all of the general population out of the Bridge Ministry cell block (as told to me in a fellow inmate's letter I received and still retain).Was the jail's intention on my sentencing day to hold me until the next day - when this transfer would take place? Would they then attempt to claim further delays on my release thanks to the transfer? I really don't put it past Charlottesville after all the backhanded bullshit they pulled throughout my case.

Was my delayed release being done at the request of the prosecution? Almost certainly. There isn't much incentive for the jail to play games on their own for my release. I really think the jail deliberately extended their holding of me at the prosecution's request. There isn't much chance of it just being a coincidence or an accident. Because there are a lot of bullshit acts and behavior committed by Charlottesville law enforcement already in this case. To claim every single one of the multiple wrong acts done against me in 2006 was just a constant series of coincidences is mentally ill levels of cope. Not to mention that prosecutor Joseph Platania showed a very unhealthy interest in this case (and an unhealthy interest in Michelle Dickerman).

Platania made it a point at my sentencing hearing to tell the C'ville probation officer handling my case that he wanted my Hampton probation officer's contact information to speak with them personally. Which prompted the C'ville probation officer to roll her eyes after Platania turned away. So obviously this was not a normal request by Platania, because the probation officer would not have had reason to respond in the manner that she did if it was a normal thing. I have been told by both inmates at the jail and lawyers I've spoken to since that this is isn't a normal request by a prosecutor. "His job is done, it isn't his place to interfere". I guarantee when an investigation happens we'll find out that not only is this not normal practice in Charlottesville, but that Platania has only done this kind of thing in my case specifically.

My probation officer in Hampton did tell me that he spoke with Joseph Platania, so this request was not just some whim on the part of Platania that was never followed up on. Joseph Platania did indeed make a point to interfere and speak with my probation officer in Hampton, likely out of his unprofessional sexual attraction to Michelle Dickerman. I'm very glad that the sentencing hearing took place in a meeting room with all of us sitting at a small conference table with the judge (thanks to the courtroom being taken up by evidence displays for another trial). Had we been in the main courtroom I would probably not have seen this interaction between Platania and the probation officer, nor would I have likely heard him make the request. A lot of people who behaved badly in this case got cocky and didn't cover their tracks well enough. That's because they believed they would never be held accountable for their actions. I will prove them wrong in this belief one way or another.

Joseph Platania clearly showed a very unhealthy sexual interest in the "victim" he represented which was completely out of line - and he's going to answer for that. I'm sure the public and media will want to know why a prosecutor acted in a sexually inappropriate matter towards the "victim" he was representing. Nobody will find it appropriate that Platania had a locker-room style sexual discussion with my former lawyer. Nobody will find it acceptable that out of excitement over this sexual talk, Platania attempted to setup a meeting between my former attorney William Johnson and Michelle Dickerman. That is something that both Platania and Johnson will get roasted over by the media and the public.

I'm sure the public and media will also want to know why Platania seemed to go above and beyond his authority for the benefit of a rich white UVA student. Especially since I can prove the prosecution had former Detective Nick Rudman poke around on my blog in later years on the taxpayer's dime. All as a personal favor for Michelle Annette Dickerman - the woman Platania has shown extremely unhealthy interest in. Michelle Dickerman clearly contacted the prosecution when I posted the letter my former lawyer sent about a proposed plea deal. This in turn prompted the prosecution to contact Rudman and have him investigate my blog. Considering Rudman deliberately avoided looking at posts where I laid out the criminal evidence against Michelle Dickerman, it was pretty clear that his investigation did not involve investigating any potential wrongdoing by Dickerman.

So why did Platania and his former boss Warner Chapman have Nick Rudman investigate my blog on the taxpayer dime? Why were they doing personal favors for a woman who no longer lived in the city of Charlottesville?

The public is going to rip both prosecutors and the former detective a new asshole for this behavior, and considering there was almost certainly email exchanges over this, there is going to be documentation of this behavior that goes well beyond the visits I've logged on my blog. As government officials every electronic correspondence has to be saved, so I guarantee there will be emails that Charlottesville and the Manweilers will not want public. They won't be able to hide them however when this case hits the discovery phase - whether that discovery ends up being the Writ of Innocence I file, or the lawsuit that is heading their way regardless of how the felony is vacated.

And Platania - you won't be bullshitting your way out of complying with discovery this time around. William Johnson was a lazy attorney, and you took advantage of that, but it isn't going to happen again. You will be giving me all those emails this time around on discovery.

Joseph Platania's massively inappropriate behavior and favoritism of Dickerman honestly makes me wonder if there was a sexual relationship between him and Michelle Dickerman. This will obviously need to be explored in a criminal investigation. God help bother Dickerman and Platania if it were ever discovered that they had a relationship - sexual, romantic, or otherwise - before, during, or after my case. After all, Joe Platania was (and potentially still is) an adjunct professor at UVA Law School. So it is reasonable to assume that both Dickerman and Platania knew each other prior to my legal case. Which if true, and it probably is true, this just further demonstrates that Platania was clearly prejudiced and should not have been handling my case.

I'm also not the only one drawing the conclusion that Michelle Dickerman and Joseph Platania may have had some potential "history". When I discussed this interaction between my former attorney and the prosecutor with the elderly neighbor who attended the hearings with my mother, she quipped "That woman was probably screwing the prosecutor and maybe your lawyer as well". I don't know whether things went that far, but this is why we have investigations - to get to the truth of the matter. Let me find out that there was any level of inappropriate behavior between Dickerman and Platania - or with my lawyer.

The neighbor isn't the only one to reach the same conclusion about possible inappropriate sexual behavior going on. Everyone who hears of Platania's inappropriate behavior and blatant favoritism wonders if Dickerman had sex with him - just as they all automatically assumes Dickerman's father Gregory Manweiler pulled strings behind the scenes for his daughter's benefit. When all this goes public, and it is now a matter of when not if, both the media and the 'court of public opinion' will also wonder if there might have been something going on between Dickerman and Platania.

If a sexual and/or romantic relationship were to be discovered between Dickerman and Platania prior, during, or after my criminal case - well I'm sure Platania and Dickerman are well aware of how badly that will end legally for them should this be uncovered during an investigation. And you can trust that I'm going to publicly call out this potential for a sexual relationship and demand it be investigated. Joseph Platania clearly had an unhealthy personal interest in Michelle Dickerman that was absolutely inappropriate for a prosecutor. It is very obvious that something was going on behind the scenes. Especially when Platania has a sexual discussion about Dickerman with my former attorney William Johnson, and attempts to setup a meeting between Johnson and Dickerman so they could chat.

One thing to keep in mind is that this meeting that Platania was attempting to setup had nothing to do with the case. Period. It was entirely so that Johnson and Dickerman could "chat". It would be entirely unrelated to my case and Johnson even admitted as much. Johnson claimed that he turned down the offer to meet with Dickerman. Though his reason for doing so was solely out of laziness. Not that the meeting was inappropriate - no that's of course not his stated reason for a guy who clearly has no integrity as a lawyer. He said it was because he lived in Mathews County and didn't want to make the drive to Charlottesville for something that wouldn't have an impact on the case. But did he really turn the meeting down? Could he have actually setup the meeting and lied to me about it to hide what happened? Very possible and completely within character for William Johnson.

When you throw in the fact that Platania called up my Hampton probation officer to feed him bullshit stories to cause me issues with my probation (likely with the intention of preventing early release from it), Platania's very disturbing personal investment in this case and Michelle Dickerman becomes massively obvious. As I said earlier, I am betting that an investigation will show that this calling of my probation officer was not normal behavior for Platania.

Even if Dickerman and Platania only had a friendship/mentorship role during Dickerman's time in law school, this is still a major conflict of interest that should have resulted in Platania recusing himself from the case. It is very clear that whether any prior relationship between Dickerman and Platania existed, Joseph Platania desired something from Dickerman with his clearly biased actions and unhealthy behavior for her benefit. He needs to be taken to task for his behavior and the repercussions need to be very severe. Platania, as well as Chapman, needs to be made an example of in the legal system in order to dissuade other prosecutors from behaving in such a disgusting manner.

Moving back to the topic. The incident with the jail deliberately delaying my release, until the Clerk of Court specifically called them up to demand they release me, is just one of many incidents that will help me move forward with a massive Monell lawsuit against the City of Charlottesville. Knowing that the jail was deliberately obstructing my release until an angry court clerk called them is very important. It shows their delays weren't an act of incompetence - this was a deliberate act. They weren't planning on releasing me that day and were just blowing off my mother's calls by making excuses. The only thing that lit a fire under them was the clerk calling them herself.

I suspect the delay in my release was done for Michelle Dickerman's benefit. I was told she was in Charlottesville and attending the hearing. She wasn't in the conference room with us, but they could have had her waiting somewhere else within the courthouse to be told what the result of the sentencing was. Maybe her parents were there as well. I wouldn't put it past prosecutors Platania and Chapman to tell the jail to ignore the release order so that Dickerman and her parents could run around Charlottesville a bit after the sentencing hearing.

I suspect the prosecutors wanted to keep me locked up as a favor, so that Dickerman and her parents could sightsee while I was being illegally held. God help every fucking one of them if that ends up being discovered during the future investigations that are coming. My entire confinement could be considered a case of kidnapping and illegal detention. Given not only the evidence proving Dickerman lied and fabricated the emails the entire case was based upon, but also given that I can demonstrate the prosecution knew this and was covering for her. But to have the prosecution deliberately order the jail to ignore a release order, and thus definitely illegally detain me, just so that the Manweilers could have fun in Charlottesville? I would expect that to result in jail time for the people involved.

Obviously I can only speculate on the reasons why the jail did this, though I'm very sure of who was behind the order to delay my release. But the fact that the delay was intentional definitely isn't up for debate. It never has been up for debate even before this revelation.

Michelle Dickerman's Visits to my Parent's Home

So now we get to the second piece of information. This additional bit of info came about from a discussion with the older of my two younger sisters. My family and I have been discussing the actions of Michelle Dickerman and Charlottesville law enforcement because of the future legal actions I will be taking. I'm not the only person looking forward to seeing Michelle Dickerman answer for what she did. My whole family has expressed interest in seeing Dickerman and her parents get their lives ruined over what happened in 2006. Especially because they know all about Dickerman's earlier criminal actions that tell a different story about this dispute than the one Dickerman tells her friends and family.

Recently the older of my two younger sisters was discussing with me the upcoming legal actions I will be taking. She passed on a warning that both of my sisters wanted me to be cautious about the likely tantrum Michelle Dickerman will have when certain legal things come up in the near future. They are expecting certain desperate and crazy behavior from Dickerman when things start kicking off in the courtrooms. As my sister put it, I needed to be aware that Michelle Dickerman "is a vindictive woman" and that she knows what Dickerman will probably attempt when she's desperate "having been a vindictive woman myself in the past". My sister further went on to point out the following "She stalked you before she went to the cops to accuse you of doing it to her".

The specific incident of Dickerman going to the cops that my sister is referring to is when Michelle Dickerman tried to falsely accuse me of following her around the William & Mary campus with a vehicle. An officer John Coleman showed up to arrest me, expressly stating he was there to arrest me for physically stalking Dickerman with a car, and then couldn't get out of the house fast enough when he found out I didn't have a driver's license at the time. As for what my sister means by her comments, she isn't referring to the incident I brought up about seeing Dickerman and one of her parents (likely her mother) out front of my parents home. That happened in 2002 well after Dickerman had gone to the cops.

That incident from 2002 was discussed in more detail in the Favoritism post. And like I said, I witnessed Michelle Dickerman and one of her parents park their van in front of my family's driveway. I also pointed out that they clearly had been to my parents' home before - at the very least Michelle Dickerman had. This is because Dickerman knew exactly which house to stop the van in front of, and this was before Google Street View was a thing. So I already knew that Dickerman had been by the house before. There was however another detail my sister mentioned during our talk that proves Michelle Dickerman had driven by my family's home long before this incident. Dickerman had been by our home well before Coleman showed up.

I remember the statement from the cop that my sister brought up, in fact I think I even brought it up when discussing the cop attempting to arrest me on Dickerman's first attempt at lying to law enforcement. But my brain did not connect the dots on what was said by the cop and what happened in 2002 when making the post. My sister however vividly remembers the meeting with John Coleman and she remembers the officer's statements. She especially remembers an important detail from his comments and she connected the dots herself. She knew that this statement by the cop had meant that Dickerman had been driving around our house before.

Officer John Coleman, of the W&M Campus Police, had stated that Michelle Dickerman had claimed that I was driving around the campus of William & Mary. He added that Dickerman claimed I followed her around with a vehicle and she said that I was the sole occupant of the vehicle. He further went on to describe the vehicles that Michelle Dickerman described to him - which matched the descriptions of vehicles my mother and stepfather drove

There is a really big problem with this. I already mentioned that this accusation of stalking by Dickerman never happened. I didn't hold a drivers license let alone own a vehicle at the time. My parents had to drive me anywhere I needed to go at the time. Which saved my ass from Dickerman's first time lying to cops. As soon as Coleman was told information that meant this accusation from Dickerman never took place, he couldn't get out of the house fast enough. So given that what Dickerman described never took place, obviously she couldn't have seen what vehicles my parents owned while she was physically at William & Mary. So how did Dickerman know what cars my parents drove?

In the Favoritism post discussing all of this, I brought up that I knew that Dickerman's mother drove a red van when I saw it out front of my parents home in 2002. This was one of the contributing factors that allowed me to realize that it was Dickerman and one of her parents sitting out front of my parent's home. I say contributing because it wasn't the only piece of evidence that made me draw the conclusion. I also saw a woman in the passenger seat who looked exactly like Dickerman who sat and stared at the house pointing and talking to the driver. This was also right around the time her maternal grandfather had died meaning the Manweilers were located in Hampton when this took place. So it's not just the fact that the van was the same one her mother drove, there was far more evidence than that as I went into in the post.

As for the reason why I knew what vehicle Dickerman's mother drove in 2002, I went into that in the Favoritism post as well. But it is a very important detail for the info I'm presenting in this section, so I'll mention it here again. The reason I knew the vehicle is because Dickerman and I attended school together - middle and high. I had witnessed Dickerman's mother, Carole Manweiler, pick Dickerman up from school using the same red van that I later saw parked at the end of my family's driveway in 2002. In middle school her mother picked her up every day in that red van. During high school Dickerman usually walked home unless it was bad weather, because the Manweilers lived near the high school.

Right now you might be thinking "Oh, that's probably how she knew what vehicles your parents drove when she told that to the cops, because she saw them pick you up from school". You would be completely wrong with that thought, and I'll need to get into a bit of background first to explain why.

Unlike the Manweiler family both of my parents had to work for a living. Dickerman might be claiming I've been underselling my family's financial means due to my parent's home being out on waterside property. My stepfather was able to give us a nice place to live because he worked hard as an electrician and made good decisions with his money. He bought the house that my mother and him still live in back in the 70's IIRC, when the area all around it was not developed and land was fairly cheap unlike now. There were only a handful of houses around it when he initially bought it. The road probably hadn't even been paved yet. The house itself was built in the 40s and is probably one of the older houses in the spot it is located in. Most of the really big new houses in the area are no more than 15 years old, and some didn't even exist yet when I left to work in northern VA in 2011.

My family wasn't remotely living paycheck to paycheck but we also didn't have the same means as the Manweilers - who were living in what could be considered a "gated community without the gate". Her father was a bank CFO while my step father is an electrician still working today on factory machinery. He made it a point to study everything he could to make himself indispensable and has been making smart investments with his money. Many times he's built things himself instead of hiring contractors - such as the front porch of the house. For a long time my mother had to work to draw in a second income. My stepfather eventually got to the point where my mother didn't need to work, but that wasn't the case yet when Dickerman and I were attending middle and high school. In fact my mother still had to go to work while the events of 2006 were going on.

I and my siblings were bus riders during all of grade school due to both parents working. During middle school I never took part in afterschool activities, I only started doing those in high school. Even when my mother had been able to pick me up from after school activities when I attended high school, there was never a time that Dickerman was ever present to see me being picked up. Why would she be - during our high school years she literally lived a short stroll down the road from the school. Dickerman didn't have to wait around the school for a ride when she could just walk home.

You could claim that maybe one of those times she saw my mother pick me up and somehow remembered it. The problem is that this would fly in the face of Dickerman's likely bullshit explanations for her facts not lining up in court documents - that being convenient memory loss on her part. So if she claims memory loss as explanations for her lies in court documents, then how the hell would she remember what car my mother picked me up in sometimes in high school? I mean, does she have bad memory or not? Gotta make a call there because you can't have it both ways.

But the extremely important fact that squashes all of that however is that there was never a time my stepfather picked me up from school. He was always at work. He was never able to pick us up from school. So Dickerman never had the opportunity to see his vehicle, yet Officer Coleman gave the description of my stepfather's vehicle as told to him by Michelle Dickerman. He flat out said these were descriptions from Dickerman herself.

So you might now be thinking, "Well maybe the officer is the one who saw your parents' vehicles in the driveway when he pulled in". Except my stepfather wasn't there when John Coleman showed up to arrest me. His vehicle wasn't in the driveway that day. The only people present that day, besides myself and the officers, were my mother and two sisters. My stepfather was at work thankfully because otherwise he would have blown my ass out of the water after that. He never knew it had happened until 2006. So while I can see Coleman describing my mother's vehicle since it was sitting in the driveway - there is no way for him to have described a vehicle that was not present that day

Officer Coleman was extremely lacking (actually non-existent) in his investigation. The idiot didn't even know that I didn't have a driver's license, and that was the easiest bit of info he could have discovered as a cop if he had bothered to do his actual job. So if he couldn't have bothered looking up something that unbelievably simple beforehand, then obviously he didn't do any research into what vehicles my family drove. Because otherwise he would have known I didn't have a license. So given that Coleman described vehicles that weren't present in the driveway, didn't do any research beforehand, and stated himself that Michelle Dickerman gave him those vehicle descriptions - including vehicles which was not present that day - how else would Coleman have known about a vehicle he'd never laid eyes on?

Again, the officer said himself in front of witnesses that Michelle Dickerman described vehicles that matched the vehicles both my parents drove. Dickerman maybe could have seen my mother's vehicle during school and somehow magically remembered it years later - despite claiming to have convenient memory lapses about everything else from years ago that just so happened to help her sell a very exaggerated story in 2006. But Dickerman never had the opportunity to see my stepfather's vehicle "in the wild". Yet by Officer Coleman's own testimony, Dickerman still knew what my stepfather drove despite having never had reason to ever see his vehicle. So how the hell does that happen considering we were able to prove that I wasn't driving those vehicles down to the W&M Campus as Dickerman claimed?

Her knowledge of my stepfather's vehicle could only have happened if Michelle Annette Dickerman had driven past my family's home prior to the officer showing up on our doorstep.

Dickerman had to have seen what vehicles were in the driveway prior to filing the false police report, and she then gave this information to the police officer. Which means Dickerman was physically coming to my parents home, after the idiots at W&M campus police had given her my address (yes there is proof the dumbasses did this), and researching what vehicles were available to me in order to make her story more believable. Because there is no way Coleman was that brutally stupid as to just accept her word on it and try to arrest me without asking Dickerman what vehicles I was driving. He was an idiot to not bother checking if I even had a driver's license first, or even look for surveillance video from cameras W&M had to have had, but there is no possible way he would have ever showed up to arrest me without Dickerman giving a vehicle description at minimum.

Dickerman: "He's been following me with a vehicle around campus. He was the only one in it"
Coleman: "Okay, what did the vehicle he was driving look like?"
Dickerman: "Ummm...."
Coleman: "Make, model, color?"
Dickerman: "Ummmm... I dunno... it had four wheels"
Coleman: "Ok, that's good enough for an arrest"

Yeah I don't think so. At the bare minimum, if you try to claim someone is stalking you with a vehicle the cops are going to ask you "What vehicle were they driving". They would absolutely demand a description of the vehicle. Not being able to provide one would immediately raise suspicion in any cop possessing more than two brain cells to rub together. Michelle Dickerman wasn't a lawyer yet but she wasn't terminally stupid enough to file a false police report without having a vehicle description. So Dickerman needed to get that information beforehand. She obviously had to accomplish this by driving past my parent's home at least once before filing the report. Maybe multiple times.

As you can see, this event impacted my sisters and mother enough that they all remember this happening. The sister I talked with knew exactly what it meant when the officer said Dickerman described our parent's vehicles to him. She knew Dickerman had been by our house before - "She stalked you before she went to the cops to accuse you of doing it to her". I still haven't told her about seeing Dickerman myself in 2002 out front of our driveway. She was very angry when recounting the first time Dickerman lied to the cops, and I knew she would be extremely pissed off to hear that Dickerman was driving by our family home even after lying to the cops about me.

My mother and sisters know exactly what Michelle Annette Dickerman has done. All three were there when Officer John Coleman said right in front of us that Dickerman claimed I was stalking her with a vehicle around the campus of William & Mary. They all remember him leaving quickly once my mother informed him I didn't have a driver's license. They are extremely pissed off at Dickerman, and they regret that we let it slide instead of demanding that the cop file charges against Dickerman. We let our relief over me not getting arrested cloud our judgement there.

That's one of the many missteps Michelle Dickerman took that will contribute to everything blowing up in her face in the near future. My family didn't hate Dickerman and her parents at the start of the criminal case in 2006. They were angry at me at first. But my mother, having remembered that Dickerman lied before, thought that it might be a good idea to keep an eye on what was going on.

My mother was the one who saw the news article that said Dickerman had deleted her Myspace profile. She then went to confirm it herself that yes indeed Dickerman had done this - thus knowing Dickerman committed a criminal act by destroying evidence as soon as the woman heard of my arrest. She even got my password from me to log into Myspace and further confirm what Dickerman did - once again, she could show Dickerman did exactly what the news, and my own lawyer, confirmed. She was the one who noticed odd things on the emails that would later confirm Dickerman tampered and even fabricated evidence. She was the one who tape recorded my former lawyer during meetings and court appearances, and got him to admit to everything that was going on.

My family absolutely hate the Manweiler family, when they didn't have any negative feelings towards them prior. We all know Michelle Dickerman filed a false police report during her time at William and Mary - because a cop flat out told the four of us Dickerman did exactly that. We know Dickerman wasn't honest about what went on in 2006 and committed criminal acts to get me railroaded. We all know her father pulled strings to make this corrupt bullshit happen. Every one of them lit up when I told them about the Writ of Actual Innocence. Every single one of them wants me to rip apart Michelle Annette Dickerman's life afterwards and sue the living hell out of her father and mother. My mother has expressed hope in the past of Dickerman's parents getting to see Michelle Dickerman getting dragged around in shackles and a jail jumpsuit in court. She said she hopes they get to cry for their daughter like my mother did for her son.

We all want to see them lose everything over this. We all want them to experience the same lack of mercy they showed me. Because we all know the things Michelle Dickerman has done, things she's been keeping quiet about with everyone else.

New Information About Andrew Alston

I've mentioned the Andrew Alston case many times on this blog. When paired with my case the Alston case further contributes as a great example of the massive corruption within Charlottesville that is going to require criminal investigations in order to root out all the trash pushing this culture. His case goes in the opposite end of the spectrum from mine.

In my case, Michelle Dickerman is a rich white UVA student who received overwhelming special treatment due to her status in Charlottesville. Before her crimes were even known to C'ville law enforcement, I was abused and hammered because I dared to say mean things online to a woman who hadn't even been in the same room as me until the 2006 preliminary hearing. Even when the prosecution and police discovered her crimes, they covered up for her and railroaded me into a felony they knew me to be innocent of. They did this all while bludgeoning me with a legal sledge hammer because I made a rich UVA student mad at me.

The Andrew Alston case involves a rich white UVA student who stabbed a man, Walter Sisk, to death over an argument. According to the appeal court documents, he stabbed Sisk over an argument that didn't even involve Alston himself. Apparently Sisk was trash talking one of Alston's friends before receiving 20 fatal stab wounds from Andrew Alston. Alston is reported to have a history of bad behavior. I was contacted by a person a few years ago who knew Alston prior to his crimes, who said he had a juvenile criminal record. Prior to the stabbing Alston was being brought up on a criminal charge. If I recall correctly the specific charge was for assault, and I definitely know it on his girlfriend from the news reports. The news reported that Alston's father, a big attorney in Pennsylvania, traveled to Charlottesville overnight to speak with the girlfriend to get her to change her story with the police.

The end result of the stabbing was that Alston received a voluntary manslaughter charge, but was given about three and a half years, of which he would only serve two thirds for good behavior. A slap on the wrist for putting 20 stabs wounds in a man. I would be informed by inmates at the jail that Alston was sent to a white collar "country club" prison to serve his sentence (you don't go there for manslaughter) and according to them Alston bragged about it. Alston getting a slap on the wrist for what was essentially the murder of another human being shows the sickening culture within Charlottesville involving UVA students. While Charlottesville law enforcement might try to claim "well it was the jury not us", the simple fact is that the prosecution would have absolutely been behind it.

First off Alston should have been hit with a murder charge. None of this voluntary manslaughter charge nonsense. The stabbing does not appear to have been premeditated, but there are varying degrees of murder that don't require it being premeditated. Putting 20 stabs wounds in a person is a blatant attempt to kill that person. Only the terminally stupid would believe they wouldn't kill someone with 20 stab wounds. Alston clearly understood he was going to kill Sisk. It should have been a murder charge, but because Alston is a rich white UVA student in Charlottesville with a rich lawyer father, he received only the lesser voluntary manslaughter charge. Charging him with murder would have put a larger penalty on Alston and thus prevented the jury from giving Alston the slap on the wrist that they did. That is absolutely on the prosecution.

Additionally, I personally believe that the Charlottesville prosecution might manipulated the jury pool to favor Alston. As I understand it, the prosecution and defense are suppose to hash out jurors between each other, with the supposed result being a jury that is as impartial as possible. Neither side gets all the jurors that they want. But if the prosecution instead worked hand-in-hand with the defense attorney on who would serve on the jury...

This would ensure that the selected jury would be inclined to give a rich UVA student a slap on the wrist for stabbing a man to death. Which is exactly what the jury did. Even the Charlottesville public, or at least the media, expressed shock over the result. To the point that Judge Hogshire imposed extra probation requirements because he didn't find the jury sentencing verdict to be right. I firmly believe that something corrupt might have happened with that jury selection.

The fact that Alston is reported to have been sent to a white collar prison is more than enough to demonstrate that Charlottesville law enforcement was protecting a rich UVA student - even when that UVA student stabs a man to death. I believe that a full criminal investigation is needed of the Andrew Alston proceedings, and I believe that potential wrongdoing was committed by the prosecuting attorney's office under Warner Chapman. I intend on publicly calling for the Alston case to be criminally investigated right along with my case.

When it comes to UVA students in Charlottesville, I was informed by a corrections officer at the Albemarle-Charlottesville Regional Jail that if you punch a UVA student in the face within city limits, you might as well have punched a cop. Because that's how the system will go after you for it. You have Andrew Alston and Michelle Dickerman as two prime examples of what exactly is going on in Charlottesville.

If a UVA student commits a crime in Charlottesville - they receive a slap on the wrist compared to what regular citizens would receive on the same or even lesser offense (Andrew Alston).

Keep in mind I was punished harsher than Andrew Alston. He killed a man by putting 20 stabs wounds in him. I on the other hand was accused of sending mean emails to a UVA student. A woman who I never laid a hand on and who never laid eyes on me until the preliminary hearing. The fact that I received harsher treatment than him just lays every bit of the corruption in Charlottesville out on the table. There isn't any room here for Charlottesville and especially the prosecution to excuse anything that they did to me in 2006.

If a UVA student is the claimed victim in Charlottesville - the defendant receives far harsher penalties than what would otherwise be received by others for the same or greater offense committed against regular citizens (Michelle Dickerman).

Like I said, I was punished far harsher for emails than Alston was for putting 20 stab wounds in a guy. I was even treated far harsher from the very beginning by the entire Charlottesville legal system than Alston was. Every law enforcement apparatus has been caught trying to inflict as much harm as they could heap on my head from the start. Every single one of them, from the jail, to the police, to the prosecution - all of them did things to deliberately fuck with me and cause me problems. This was personal for Charlottesville and there was never any reason for it to be. So something shady was obviously going on.

This policy, one absolutely criminal in its nature, is being conducted within Charlottesville. The behavior I've laid out above was told to me by corrections officers and inmates. Even inmates from surrounding counties to Charlottesville knew this kind of thing goes on in Charlottesville. Every single one expressed surprise at what was being done to me until I mentioned that Dickerman attended UVA. They still felt it was going overboard, but they knew why it was happening as soon as Dickerman's UVA student status was brought up. One guy thought that I messed with the Mayor's daughter, but once I mentioned UVA he had an "oh that's why" response.

This policy in Charlottesville needs to be investigated and heads need to roll for it. If every case involving UVA students is put under a microscope it will show the behavior I outlined in this section. Every single time. There is nothing original about my case in Charlottesville. I'm not the first person they've done this to. I was not the last person they've done this to. There have also been plenty of cover ups in Charlottesville. I guarantee the police and district attorney's office have covered up for their incompetence and criminal acts on multiple occasions, we just need an actual investigation to be conducted in order to confirm it. The lawyer who contacted me over Alston also let me know a little about the incompetence going on in local C'ville law enforcement, and I will be looking into it a little more down the road.

Which brings me to the new info about Alston that I mentioned. I was contacted via email from the one I listed on the main website. I'm not going to dox the lawyer by mentioning his name, but I did look him up to verify that he even existed. After all when he started asking me about what my future efforts were regarding my criminal case, I naturally wanted to make sure I wasn't talking to a fake account run by Michelle Dickerman. It did cross my mind that either Dickerman was fishing for information by making a fake account, or she could be getting a friend of hers to contact me with a story. While the latter is entirely still possible, though likely improbable, I think I can safely rule out the former.

I did locate a LinkedIn profile. The experience listed matched the various history mentioned in his emails. He was a UVA student during the time of the Alston arrest and conviction, so his statement of knowing Alston's former girlfriend and having met Alston himself was entirely possible. I believe his time at UVA does overlap slightly with Michelle Dickerman's attendance and this initially drew concern from me. Still does a little bit to be honest. Since he was a lawyer I at first assumed he went to UVA law school. Except he did not get his law degree at UVA, he instead graduated for a different unrelated degree and attended law school elsewhere. His time at UVA also seems to have overlapped with Dickerman's for just her first year. I won't go further into his background - like I said I don't want to dox anyone, especially someone who seems to have genuinely wanted to help out.

There was nothing in this lawyer's background that would scream at a potential connection with Michelle Dickerman. The only things in common with Dickerman is that he attended UVA (not the law school though) for about a one year overlap with Dickerman on her first year. So the chances that Dickerman just picked this lawyer's info out to make a fake email address for info fishing is so massively low as to be almost zero. That does not rule out that he knows Dickerman and was contacting me to help her fish for info as a favor however. But I have no reason at all to believe this is the case. It does not appear that this lawyer would have ever had reason to know that Michelle Dickerman exists. Frankly what I told him wasn't significant enough to be a problem anyway. Hell I've been pretty open about what my legal actions in the future will be on the blog and website.

So now we get into what he told me about. I won't bother to get into all the Alston details - his case is important to show the corruption in Charlottesville, but it isn't pivotal to my case. Not to mention I've gone over it in greater detail elsewhere. I also won't bring up some of the stuff about the Charlottesville police that he brought up, specifically related to incompetence and wasting of taxpayer dollars - that's something I'll bring up in the media when discussing my case. Instead, I'll go over something that disturbed both him and me - Andrew Alston's current chosen profession. That profession being a licensed attorney in the state of Pennsylvania despite his voluntary manslaughter conviction. 

The lawyer I spoke with pointed me to the listing showing Andrew Alston as a licensed lawyer. I compared the photo of that man with a mugshot of Alston's arrest for the manslaughter charge - yeah they look like the same person with one being obviously older. The lawyer contacting me had been around Alston in the past and had seen his arrest being discussed in the news. There wasn't a doubt in his mind that this Alston lawyer was the same Alston who was convicted of voluntary manslaughter. This concerned the lawyer and I'm concerned about it as well.

I'm all for giving someone a second chance at life given my own problems. Deliberately stabbing a man to death is a far cry from my situation however. Andrew Alston has the ability to move on but Walter Sisk cannot. Sisk is laying in a grave right now over an argument and he didn't get any justice for that. Two and a half years isn't a fair trade for a life snatched away.

The reality is that the 2006 criminal case between myself and Michelle Dickerman at its core can be described and summarized with a joking yet accurate analogy. Imagine that Michelle Dickerman and I are arguing kids riding in the back of the family car. I poke Dickerman with a finger and she screams bloody murder like a frontman for a Black Metal band. My punishment is that I'm thrown from the moving car to kiss pavement, while Dickerman is given ice cream and a blankie. Different situation and far different results from the Alston/Sisk dispute wouldn't you say? What links the two cases together however is that they are an exercise in how Charlottesville's legal system and law enforcement handle cases involving UVA students. Both are prime and public examples of what is happening in that corrupt city on opposite sides of the spectrum. Especially how two white UVA students with rich and connected fathers are treated with favoritism regardless of the nature of their crimes.

While Michelle Dickerman has always behaved like a dramatic toddler over this situation, the whole conflict between us has always in fact been really stupid at its core. It doesn't excuse her past actions and the harms she inflicted, but it was still a really stupid slap fight between two people who should have handled things better. At least it was just a stupid slap fight until she lied to police, faked evidence, had me railroaded into a felony she knew I was innocent of, all while being helped by law enforcement agencies that she knew were giving her special treatment above and beyond what any regular citizen would receive. Then it became a very grave situation, one that is going to wreck her life and bring her family down with her.

Michelle Dickerman was treated like a favorite daughter for what amounts to butthurt from mean emails, but Sisk and his family didn't get shit from the Charlottesville legal system for being the victims of an extremely traumatic and fatal event. Michelle Dickerman was given overwhelming protection and support for injuries that she never even received, but Sisk's parents couldn't get a single bit of justice for having to bury their son. How's that for equal protection under the law? Dickerman and her family don't give a damn of course. They know it was wrong, and they don't care. They know it was extreme special treatment that they pulled strings to get, and they don't care. Narcissists never do. 

Even when I go scorched earth on Michelle Dickerman's life and future, and that's my intent so far right now, the fact is that Dickerman would still have a chance to one day pick up the pieces and move on. Even after she and her father get fucked up royally in the courts and in the media. Michelle Dickerman has always been able to change her situation all these years by coming clean about what she did and taking her lumps. She's just chosen to let things drag on for almost 20 years and this will end up increasing the damages she and her family will have to answer for. It won't even just affect her. In the end her kids have to deal with the fallout from their mother's criminal acts and the publicity that will surround this case, and the longer this keeps dragging on the longer it'll affect them. The sooner Dickerman fessed up, the sooner everyone could have gotten on with their lives - Dickerman and her family included. Walter Sisk however can never change his situation. There is no resolution for him, at least none to be found in this life. 

Now if Alston was truly reformed, which I really kind of doubt, then if he was doing just about any other profession I wouldn't care less. I say that I doubt his being reformed because had I been given a slap on the wrist for stabbing someone to death over an argument, I wouldn't have fought the judge imposed restriction of not drinking alcohol on probation. Which if I'm recalling it correctly was what Alston's appeal was about - removing those probation restrictions the judge amended to the jury's sentencing.

I don't know, maybe I'm just an oddball but I see that as being pretty shitty if that's what it was about (and I'm reasonably certain I got that right). I make no claims to being a saint, yet I have a problem with that scenario. If you get slapped on the wrist for unlawfully killing someone but immediately try to overturn an alcohol ban during probation - I mean, I'm not exactly inclined to believe you changed your ways. It certainly shows a very screwed up set of priorities. You killed someone who simply pissed off you and your buddy, but God forbid you not be able to drink beer afterwards for a while. I would have just shut up and served out whatever probation restrictions they gave me under those circumstances. Hell I had to comply with probation rules that nearly got me fired from the first job I could get right out of jail just as I got hired for it - and I didn't even commit the felony I was threatened into accepting.

So yeah, I heavily question whether he's fixed his anger issues under those circumstances. Potentially getting licensed as a lawyer when he probably shouldn't be one likely doesn't help when it comes to improving behavior either. Being a lawyer I think is a problem even if he is reformed. I know I wouldn't want to be represented by a man who was convicted of voluntary manslaughter - certainly not if he was my criminal defense attorney. Not to mention that there are supposed to be professional standards for becoming a lawyer. Granted ever since 2006 my opinion of the lawyer profession, and my belief in them being held to better standards, has very quickly disintegrated.

My former attorney William Johnson is a lazy piece of garbage, who not only didn't do the job my family hired him to do, but there is evidence that more than suggests he was actively working against his client for the benefit of the Manweiler family. There is even enough to suspect Johnson was passing my own private words to him on to the prosecution, which would be a blatant violation of his duties as a lawyer. Whether this cooperation with the prosecution was due to his womanizing ways and bluntly stated sexual interests in Michelle Dickerman, or whether Gregory Manweiler perhaps may have slipped him something of value "under the table", that will take some investigation to determine. Of course there actually needs to be an investigation in the first place, and getting through the corruption to even have one seems to be a problem.

I attempted to report Johnson to the Virginia State Bar. I was told by other VA lawyers to not waste my time. One VA lawyer said that the VSB isn't there to protect people like me, instead they are there to protect lawyers. Despite telling the Bar I had recordings that backed up my accusations, they completely ignored my inquiry and my claims about Johnson. They did this even as they admitted there were things he should have done but clearly hadn't done.

I spoke with an appellate lawyer many years ago who served on the disciplinary board of the VSB. He didn't believe me at first when I said the VSB ignored what Johnson did. I told him I could email him their letter to verify. He clarified what he meant when I said I could back up the VSB's response. "What your lawyer has done is very serious, and I just can't understand them [The VSB] ignoring what he did". But that's exactly what happened. I suspect Johnson knows people at the VSB who cover for his behavior. Because we've met plenty of people he's screwed over. I definitely intend on putting the Virginia State Bar on blast in the media and force them to take action against all four misbehaving attorneys involved in my 2006 criminal case.

As for the professional standards I thought lawyers were held to? I watch multiple LawTube lawyer channels and one of them is a channel called Legal Mindset. He was discussing the recent LawTuber Nick Rekieta criminal case with another LawTube lawyer on a livestream. His viewers in the chat were wondering if Rekieta would get disbarred because he was being prosecuted for cocaine possession charges. Legal Mindset said this would be unlikely. He went on to explain that substance abuse is very common among lawyers because of the stress of the job. So State Bar associations tend to show understanding and look the other way when it comes to drug charges and DUI's among lawyers. One of them, either Legal Mindset or his lawyer guest, said they even personally know a practicing attorney who has a drug trafficking conviction and wasn't disbarred. Legal Mindset said that really the main way a lawyer gets disbarred is when they get caught stealing from a client. Apparently this gets you booted very quickly.

I'm still very surprised that some of these type of criminal charges don't necessarily prevent someone from being a lawyer. I don't actually have any complaints about this however, since I'm very much against the government run drug war anyway despite never having any interest in trying drugs. As long as the lawyer hasn't harmed anyone but themself, and they don't let it affect their client's case, I don't much care if they can still practice law with drug possession charges. But voluntary manslaughter is a completely different animal all together. Putting 20 stab wounds in a guy because he pissed you off is so far beyond partaking in a little Columbian marching powder.

Even the lawyer talking to me said that he didn't understand what was going on in Pennsylvania. This is a direct copy and paste from his email (hopefully he doesn't mind) - "What really troubles me is recently coming across this....I suspect that either Alston was less that completely truthful on the C/F part of his bar application and/or his father has some undue influence. In either case, as an attorney myself I find it unsettling that someone with his background could be admitted to the bar".

So as you can see, even a lawyer finds it very strange that Alston was allowed to become a lawyer. Whether Alston deceived the Bar, or his father was involved, that's something that will need investigation. I do think I should call this out publicly when my case gets media attention in the future. Not that I expect anything to be done about it. I don't hold State Bar associations to any standards whatsoever, since they apparently like to pick and choose when they will enforce professional standards. But if some shady business has gone on here I think it needs to get exposed. Granted my focus of course needs to be on my own situation obviously, so we will have to see.

As for my responses to the lawyer, I didn't get too much into the specifics of my case, and what he knew about the case he had already read on my blog and website before he contacted me. I only went over the behavior of my lawyer, the actions of law enforcement and the prosecution, and what I heard about Alston. I didn't get in depth with anything involving Dickerman, I just stuck to the topics I listed above. It was after telling him this that he had made his offer for me to call him to use him as a sounding board for questions and he wanted to know my post-conviction plans. My response back just involved me discussing my future legal actions down the road.

As for further communication with him, he went dark after our last round of exchanges. This again was after he asked me what I was doing in regards to post conviction remedies, and like I said he had offered for me to call him so he could try answering any questions I had. I'm a very socially awkward individual however, and the gradual effect of the mental harm caused by the events of 2006 has resulted in me becoming withdrawn and reluctant to engage with people. I really wasn't sure about calling him. I especially didn't want to bother him with my personal issues and felt guilty about the idea, since I suspect he's very busy as a lawyer. I said as much to him, and told him I didn't want to bug him but if he was okay with it then I could try giving him a call. I think he could have misunderstood what I meant and perhaps he thought I didn't want to communicate further. This was not the case, but I genuinely don't want to be a bother so I haven't followed up with him.

Another scenario is possible. I told him what I was planning and that I might speak to some legal help organizations before I fork over the cash to hire a lawyer. He could have been trying to touch base with some organizations to help me out and might have forgotten to get back to me after getting busy with a case. Another option is that with me mentioning that I was planning on exposing my entire case to the news media, maybe he knew all this was going to be turn into a big thing in the news and he decided he didn't want to get involved. A less likely option however. The more likely one is that he simply got busy with something else and forgot to get back to me. It's once again possible for him to have been fishing for info for Dickerman but I very, very much doubt this. If he was digging for info for Dickerman, I don't think he'd have suddenly gone dark on me. But who knows.

If I don't hear from him again, I appreciate him taking the time to talk and I wish him well.

Gregory Manweiler's Close Links to Charlottesville

Down below you'll find a photo lineup of various pictures of Gregory Manweiler that help prove the Manweiler family's close link to Charlottesville.

After receiving a tip on something related to the Manweilers, I did some digging and found out something very interesting. I'll start explaining the image below it.

The two photos on the left of the comparison image were Gregory Manweiler's class photo and a group photo. Both of which were found within an Albemarle High School yearbook from 1971. The Wikipedia entry for Albemarle High lists the following info: "Albemarle High School is a public high school serving grades 9 through 12. It is a part of Albemarle County Public Schools and is located just outside Charlottesville, Virginia, United States". Anyone living in the north-west suburbs of Charlottesville would have attended Albemarle High. With this kind of connection you can understand why I immediately jumped on this when I came across it.

Unlike the Michelle Dickerman / Nancy Manweiler comparison I'll show later on, I decided to use two photos from the yearbook for Greg Manweiler. The reason for this is that Manweiler's main yearbook photo has his glasses removed and he's not smiling. As an aside, this comment on him not smiling isn't a criticism since my own yearbook photos don't involve smiling much either. Though half of the reason for my lack of smiles was due to a need for braces but waiting until college to get them. I'm not sure why Manweiler isn't smiling in his main photo, but obviously it wasn't for the same reason as my own lack of smiling, since he had no problem smiling in group photos. This lack of smiling and glasses in his main photo however isn't the most helpful for comparison with his later photos. Pretty much anything available to me with decent quality has him smiling and wearing glasses. So I also included one of the group photos to help further demonstrate the issue here.

That issue being that the Greg Manweiler in the Albemarle High 1971 yearbook, a Charlottesville school, is the same Greg Manweiler whose daughter would later receive overwhelming special treatment and protection from the consequences of her criminal acts from the Charlottesville law enforcement in 2006.

This is actually a pretty significant development. It shows that Greg Manweiler's connections to Charlottesville go very deep indeed since he grew up there. In fact it shows that his likely influence in the case goes far deeper than I originally thought. Growing up in Charlottesville goes well beyond the other info pointing towards Manweiler as a potential bad actor in 2006. Having political connections as a bank CFO, his UVA alumni status, and being a UVA financial donor look bad enough as it is for Gregory Manweiler. Add to this his close connections to two different universities that can be shown to have covered-up for his daughter's criminal acts, and you have an extremely blatant case of nepotism here. Gregory Manweiler and his daughter are going to get ripped to shreds in the media when all of this comes out.

Michelle Dickerman lied to the William & Mary campus police department by falsely claiming I was physically stalking her with a vehicle on campus. My family were witnesses to this event, and the officer couldn't leave the house fast enough without making an arrest the moment he found out I didn't have a drivers license (and thus I couldn't have done what Dickerman said I had done). The W&M Campus police had caught Michelle Dickerman red-handed with filing a false police report - yet the officer refused to take action and even continued to cover for Michelle Dickerman's behavior after this event. Gregory Manweiler graduated from William & Mary as did his wife Carole Manweiler. He and his wife moved to Williamsburg so that they could be closer to the college. Their daughter and son graduated from William & Mary. Greg Manweiler is currently an executive partner and advisor for W&M's Business school after he retired from banking. It is no surprise that their daughter had her criminal act covered up for by the W&M campus police.

Jumping forward in the timeline, Michelle Dickerman lied to the Charlottesville police in 2006 by claiming I was going to her place of residence in Charlottesville. This was documented by police, the courts, my former attorney, and even news organizations. Dickerman then accidentally admitted months later in her victim impact statement that she knew I was never aware of where she lived and worked in Charlottesville the entire time. Which means I couldn't have been going by her place of residence in Charlottesville as she had claimed to police at the beginning of the case. Whoops.

Joseph Platania was well aware at the time that Dickerman was admitting she lied to police in this impact statement. He in fact made a big deal of wanting to read certain sections out of her impact statement to the judge at the sentencing hearing. Which proves that Platania was quite familiar with its contents. Platania and Chapman knew Dickerman admitted to the commission of a crime in her statement, and thus were legally required as prosecutors and law enforcement officials to act upon this information. Yet Platania and Chapman continued to cover for her admission of a crime act, just as they continued to cover for her fabrication of the email evidence. They did this partly because Michelle Dickerman was a white UVA student living in Charlottesville - one with a rich father who was also a UVA alumni, former Charlottesville citizen, and a financial donor to the university. 

What Dickerman did in 2006 is very similar to the crime she committed back at William & Mary, in that in both instances she made claims of physical stalking that were later proven to be completely false. In 2006 however, she went well beyond her W&M days by fabricating physical evidence herself. Something which I never expected her to do and that worked in her favor. My mother and I knew something was wrong, we just weren't sure what exactly was going on at the time. I never expected that Dickerman was enough of a nut job to submit fake evidence to law enforcement. It turns out Dickerman was that warped, and Charlottesville had been so quick to rush to the aid of a rich white UVA student that they didn't do their due diligence. They assumed that achievements and success means credibility - a massively stupid assumption on their part. Prisons have played host to plenty of people who were successful in life. Her tampering was so blatant that Charlottesville police and district attorney's office have to admit to criminal levels of malfeasance if they claim they never noticed it - which they will have to do, because admitting they saw it and still prosecuted me is a whole new level of criminal charges for them. 

Two law enforcement agencies connected to universities Gregory Manweiler attended lends considerable weight to the argument that he used backdoor influences to push Charlottesville law enforcement, and that he is in turn culpable for the violations of my civil rights that were done for the benefit of his daughter. I will be looking into further connections involving Greg Manweiler in Charlottesville. Prosecutor Joe Platania isn't old enough to have attended high school with Greg Manweiler obviously. But former head prosecutor Warner Chapman is the right age, so I'm interested in seeing if I find his picture in any of the yearbooks where I find a Manweiler.

I'm also gathering a list of 2006 Charlottesville City Counsel members, University of Virginia administration, Court Officials, Politicians, and high level Law Enforcement officials, and seeing if any of them pop up in the Manweiler yearbooks. Anyone in a position of authority in 2006 who attended Albemarle High in the 70's with the Manweilers is going to immediately be put forward in the news media as a potential suspect when this case goes public. I know some individuals in high positions, especially in the courts, seem to have had a very unhealthy interest in my case - and I'm not just talking about Joe Platania chasing Michelle Dickerman's skirt. As an example, at my guilty plea hearing there were two other individuals sitting at the Judge's bench along with Judge Hogshire. One was a woman who seemed to be focused on writing things down while the other was a man I didn't recognize. The moment I was brought out, that man looked at me like he thought he could set me on fire with pure telegraphed hate. He continued giving me the stink eye without relent throughout the entire hearing. I don't know who this man is yet, but that's the mark of a person who has a personal grudge specific to my situation, and I would very much like to know what his connection to all this is.

Things aren't looking very good for Greg Manweiler as more information pops up. I keep finding more and more that links back to him having some kind of involvement behind the scenes of this case. I think the corrupt piece of garbage will definitely be facing a criminal investigation alongside his daughter when everything comes to light. It might even lead to charges being brought against him. If it can be proven that he pulled strings with people he knew in high positions in Charlottesville to get special treatment for his daughter, in addition to their cover-up of his daughter's criminal actions, there is going to be absolute hell to pay for Gregory Dean Manweiler. If any evidence is found to show Greg Manweiler did some shady backroom deals to have my life ruined - I will absolutely destroy that man in court right along with his daughter. God help them if any evidence comes to light in the criminal investigations that are going to come about.

Investigations are guaranteed because there is just too much that happened in 2006 for authorities to not investigate this entire case as a criminal matter. I wonder if Manweiler and his daughter think that the "strings" Greg Manweiler pulled to hurt me won't turn right around and throw the Manweilers under the bus just to save their own asses. Needless to say - this is going to all look really, really fucking bad in the news media. There isn't any way that Greg Manweiler can clear his name in the media once this whole story hits. People already think he was responsible for what law enforcement did in 2006. But now you have to add in the fact that he lived in and attended school in Charlottesville before his time at UVA - and thus Manweiler has very close personal ties to the city that gave his daughter blatant special treatment. That doesn't look at all good for the Manweilers, and just brings more suspicion down on all parties. The politicians, city officials, public figures, and UVA administrators serving in 2006 will all be looked at for any connections to Gregory Manweiler's life in Charlottesville. I'm very interested myself in seeing what "bigwigs" from 2006 pop up in that yearbook alongside Gregory Manweiler.

Now in case you aren't convinced that I caught Gregory Manweiler in the Albemarle High yearbook, I didn't just stop at looking to see if one Manweiler could be linked to Albemarle High. After all, even though it is pretty clear that that was Gregory Manweiler in the yearbook, it doesn't necessarily prove the Manweilers lived in Charlottesville for an extended period of time. It could be argued that he could have only attended that one year and his family might have moved on afterwards. So I decided to see if I could find the rest of Gregory Manweiler's siblings - those being Nancy, Dan, and Christie Manweiler.

I did in fact find more Manweilers that attended Albemarle High. The first of the Manweiler siblings I found after Gregory Manweiler was one of his sisters - Nancy Manweiler.

I specifically decided to use Nancy Manweiler's photo here because you can easily tell the family resemblance between Nancy Manweiler and Michelle Dickerman. As you'll see below, I found Nancy Manweiler in the 1975 Albemarle High yearbook. I've also added comparison photos of Michelle Dickerman when she was in high school from the yearbook scans that I found online that I previously mentioned. I included one photo at the end of the comparison of Dickerman, a photo from what was probably the early 2010's and likely even prior to 2010s . In fact there is a good chance the end photo is dated from around 2006. I included that last photo because while Dickerman's high school photos clearly show the resemblance - the one on the end really confirms it. Their heads are in nearly the same position with the focus of the eyes being the only thing majorly differing on the pose. It would take the huffing of massive amounts of paint thinner to claim that the two women below aren't related.

It's blatantly obvious the family resemblance between Dickerman and her aunt. Michelle Dickerman gets her nose and Steve Buscemi eyes from her mother, but you can clearly see the match up of the lower part of their faces. Even the smile is the same between the two women, especially when you compare the far left with the far right of the lineup. While some people might try yoga levels of stretching to claim the Gregory Manweiler photos aren't him, it would take blindness or stupidity to believe that Nancy Manweiler on the far left doesn't have a clear family resemblance with Michelle Manweiler (Dickerman) in this photo lineup. The Nancy Manweiler in the Albemarle High 1975 yearbook is obviously kin to Michelle Dickerman.

Michelle Dickerman's grandmother on her father's side, Angela Hill, is now deceased and her obituary obviously listed surviving family as usual. Angela Hill had four children listed - Gregory Manweiler, Nancy Manweiler, Dan Manweiler, and Christie Manweiler. I have found three of the four children in three different Albemarle High school yearbooks online. Greg, Nancy, and Dan Manweiler have all been located by me in their specific yearbooks, and the individual in each yearbook photo matches the younger appearance of all three as adults.

I didn't bother to waste any further time by looking for Christie Manweiler's yearbook photo after finding the others. Locating three out of four siblings attending Albemarle High more than proves what I was trying to confirm - that the Manweiler family grew up in Charlottesville. The Manweilers were in Charlottesville long enough for three children to attend High school there - and had I bothered to spend anymore time on it I'd probably have found the fourth Manweiler sibling. The spread of years for the Manweilers in these yearbooks is a significant enough amount of time to develop ties with that city, ties that you can then use to pull strings with officials and get special treatment for your daughter decades later.

In addition to not bothering to look up Christie Manweiler, I didn't even feel that it was necessary to show Dan Manweiler's photo in a comparison like I did with the other two. Clearly providing photo proof that two out of the four Manweiler children attended Albemarle high is more than enough proof that Greg Manweiler grew up in Charlottesville. Greg Manweiler's yearbook was in 1971 and Nancy Manweiler's was in 1975. Dan Manweiler's yearbook photo was found in a 1976 book. So the Manweiler family were clearly living in Charlottesville for a few years at least.

The family photo below further hits a further home run in proving that the Manweilers in the Albemarle yearbooks are relatives of Michelle Annette Dickerman. What especially hits a home run here is comparing the Nancy Manweiler photo in the Albemarle 1975 yearbook with the Nancy Manweiler in this family photo. Nobody can claim that the Nancy Manweiler yearbook photo isn't the same person as the Nancy Manweiler in this group photo during Dickerman's childhood.

This all is important because it demonstrates that the Manweiler family has close ties with a corrupt city that gave Gregory Manweiler's daughter special treatment. Special treatment which involved covering for his daughter's criminal acts.

We have the fact that Gregory Manweiler was a UVA Business School alumni. I have his name showing up as a financial donor to the university in the UVA investor reports. Interestingly enough his name shows up around the time of my case and a couple years onward, before apparently disappearing as a donor to the university. That's rather convenient isn't it?

The man is an alumni of two universities that can be proven to have covered up for his daughter's criminal acts on two separate occasions. Gregory Manweiler now works for one of those universities as an advisor.

He was a bank CFO at the time which gave him access to a lot of money that could grease more than a few palms. Perhaps even my former lawyer's palm. Because of his CFO banker position I've seen photos of him shaking hands with Virginia politicians - which means he had the potential to bring in heavy outside influence.

His daughter appears to have received special treatment in high school that helped her get an academic honor that doesn't seem to have been legitimately earned. Because if you have to get special treatment just to stay in the running, then you didn't earn the honor fairly. The Manweilers were family friends with the at-the-time Chairman of the School Board - what a surprise the daughter received special treatment in high school right?

All of the above looks really bad on its own. It casts a lot of suspicion on Gregory Manweiler for events in 2006 that look extremely bad. Blatant corruption took place and Gregory Manweiler's hand already looks to be stuck in the cookie jar.

Now add the fact that the Manweiler family clearly grew up in Charlottesville. Toss in that it seems like information online for this has been largely removed, and something doesn't look right. The obituary for Gregory Manweiler's mother mentions nothing about her living in Charlottesville for years, despite the fact she clearly had to have lived there given multiple kids of hers went to high school there. Why does it look like they wanted this to not be common knowledge? Because it all looks really bad, and now it has opened the door for further investigation. I don't think I'll have any problem publicly making a case for a criminal investigation of Gregory Manweiler. I think this connection to Charlottesville makes for a nice big finger pointed right at Manweiler when combined with everything else that happened. The optics of what the City of Charlottesville did during my criminal case in 2006 looks extremely bad. The optics surrounding Gregory Manweiler's links to all this looks extremely bad as well. At least enough to cast plenty of suspicion on him.

I jumped the gun a little in the post announcing this one in my excitement. I mentioned that someone said something to me that prompted me to start digging in order to confirm what they said. That's when I came across the yearbooks for the Manweiler family. I said that this confirmed what the person told me, but this was inaccurate. It is a big piece of proof that confirms their story definitely has merit to research further. It doesn't however fully confirm everything they actually told me. That's going to take a little more digging. It's also something that I think I'm going to keep in my back pocket for later. If I find proof of what this person said, I'm going to use that at a later date. Either at the Writ hearing or even just with the news media.

In the meantime, I'm going to work on further investigating the information I received about Gregory Manweiler. I'm definitely going to compile a list of politicians and important players in Charlottesville during my criminal case, and then see if I can find them in any of the Manweiler yearbooks. God help anyone that gets linked to the Manweiler high school years when this case goes public.

The near future

That's about all I have for this Addendum post, and quite frankly I'm ready to just post this and get it over with. I've been pretty angry for a long time about this and I'm really losing patience for talking about it. It's been time to start doing something for a long time now. But at least that's happening. I really need to focus on the future legal action I'm taking. I was working an update post that I pulled some of this out of. But I'm holding off that update post for now.

The reason being that I was going to put forward a potential deal for Michelle Dickerman if she came forward and fessed up. One that would limit the damages Dickerman is facing and shield her parents completely. At least, shielding her father until something pops up in criminal investigations. I would be willing to keep his name out of anything coming up in the future as part of the deal. But if law enforcement finds something that points back to her father - well I can't help it if he wasn't careful enough to avoid leaving a trail. But I atleast was willing to leave him out of this whole thing as much as possible even then - lawsuits included. It was an opportunity for Dickerman to "fall on her sword" for the sake of her family and to protect them, not that I believe she actually gives a shit about them.

This deal wasn't remotely going to be the one I offered back in 2019. That deal was that whatever side came forward and allowed me to fix this and nail the other side, that party would be completely free from any legal action and I would instead focus on making the other side answer for everything. That deal ended when I hit my 40s and after my father passed away. Now though? I was willing to give Dickerman the opportunity to at least limit the harm and shield her family. She's not getting off completely free from consequences, not after all this time, but it is far better of a deal than what she deserves. It was a good enough deal that some people might get mad about it. It's also good enough that Dickerman would look like shit for not accepting it. It would prove that she's the narcissist I accuse her of being since it would help protect her family. Refusing it would look really bad and drag her family down with her.

The reason I was willing to do this is because it'll take a lot of time and money to fight this out in court. I want to move on from this and get on with what's left of my life. That doesn't happen until my name and record gets clear, and someone loses their proverbial "head" for what was done to me. I was actually looking at getting a house until I found out about the Writ. Now I'm not going forward with the house hunting because I need to focus on the financial cost of legal action. I've had my life wrecked for almost 20 years now because of this felony and the crimes Michelle Dickerman committed to get me that felony. I'm still being held up from moving forward with my life because of what Dickerman did in 2006. So I was willing to make an offer to limit the damages to her and her family if it meant I get to get on with my life faster and with less of a fight.

But not just yet it turns out.

There is something that I'm waiting for word on right now that will determine whether I make this offer or not. Something that the felony may or may not impact, just like it has impacted me for many years. If it doesn't work out then Michelle Dickerman has a very big problem. First off I'm going to use it to add more damages sought against Michelle Dickerman and her parents in civil action if what I'm currently working on doesn't work out. It'll add to the damages quite a bit. The second effect is that if it doesn't work out for me - there are no deals.

I would instead move forward with the Writ, and if the felony is vacated I will go scorched fucking earth on every single party. Carthago delenda est. There will be no deals. No settlements.

This doesn't end until I get my name cleared and somebody answers for the serious crimes committed against me. Someone has to answer for the years I've lost struggling with a false felony charge. Someone has to answer for the emotional toll it has wrought on me and my family. It can be Dickerman who answers or it can be the law enforcement officials who helped her with her crimes. Michelle Dickerman only gets one chance to be able to move on and minimize the harm to herself and her family. But that's only a chance she gets if I receive some good news.

So until certain things happen there is no point to pushing out the update post. Anyway, I think I've written enough. I might tack on the yearbook links later, but not really concerned about doing that right now. As for what is happening down the road, I'll be writing about it when I get word about it. I think that's all I need for this post, I'm tired and I want to be done with this for now. If I feel I need to clean up or add anything I'll do it later, but honestly I think this is enough until I get word on a few things.