Thursday, July 15, 2021

An Interesting Series of Views Out of Charlottesville

 As a reminder that I want to ensure is at the top of the page at all times, there is a dedicated website in the works. You can find it here at

Michelle Dickerman Department of Treasury Joseph Platania Warner Chapman Charlottesville Nicholas Rudman John Dickerman CBI Confederation of British Industry British-American Business Association BABA
Some views have been catching my eye recently and I felt it needed a comment. More importantly, I felt it needed a post where I pull in some specific sections from my previous two posts front and center. Specifically the ones that help sum up this case pretty good. I'll elaborate on that further on in the post, though if you don't care about the viewer commentary then feel free to scroll down to the title in bold and underlined, you can't miss it. But first I'll discus the views I noticed.

The first viewer in question was from Charlottesville, which isn't notable in and of itself and that isn't what caught my attention. I've been getting viewers from Charlottesville coming in since first creating the blog, though they are happening much more frequently now. That's all thanks to me finally taking further steps to dangle a carrot in front of search engines (still need to do the same for the website).

I've been looking at views far more now than I have in the past due to my previously mentioned search engine efforts. You need to know how people are getting to your site and what they are searching for. While the fact that it was a Charlottesville viewer wasn't what specifically drew my attention and prompted this post, I give them a glance just in case for obvious reasons. But what actually caught my eye was that they didn't get to the blog via a search - they got here via a direct request to a specific post. Which means rather than click a search result they used a link to that post someone either sent them directly, or they had the page favorited in a browser. It's also important that this specific page was the post on (former) detective Nicholas Rudman. If you're at all familiar with this blog you can probably guess why this immediately caught my attention.

The specific post on Nicholas Rudman was one of those I altered to include the criminal evidence against Michelle Dickerman first. That evidence is certainly relevant to Detective Rudman since he screwed up and missed blatant tampering, but I'm very glad I made the evidence against Dickerman be front and center on all those posts. This viewer read though that entire post and it's evidence, clearly read the two posts about the stunts from John Dickerman and someone likely aligned with him, and then read the post about Joseph Platania's email where he threatened me into pleading guilty.

This view did actually ended up being a help to me. It drew my attention to the fact that I was missing an important image on an important post. I had originally linked the screenshot of Platania's email to an image hosting site since at the time Blogger didn't allow uploading directly to the blog. This hosting site has since purged the image. Thankfully I had the email quoted in the post so that it could still be read. But I've now gone back and directly uploaded the email screenshot into Blogger itself to prevent that mistake from happening again. I'll also make it a point to post that email screenshot at the bottom of this post.

As for who this viewer was I can only guess of course. They were on a mobile network so it's not like a City of Charlottesville ISP that gives a clear heads up that it's someone in C'ville government or law enforcement. But given their viewing habits there is a possibility that we could be dealing with either Rudman or Platania. As I mentioned earlier, they did a direct request to a post on (now former) detective Rudman, looked through the two other posts on the front page - and then they filtered 2010 posts until they clicked on the prosecutor threat email. Seems like rather odd and specific viewing behavior for someone who wasn't knowledgeable about the case and this blog.

Most people (at least those not affiliated with this case or the guilty parties in any way) get to this blog via a search engine and almost always Google. Usually it's in a main search result and they end up on the front page. They then either read through the blog as is, click on something in the quick links post, or if that's not at the top they will often click on posts in the Popular Posts section. The Popular Posts section obviously shows which posts people are focusing on, and usually it's posts related to Michelle Dickerman. Though this is not always the case as you can tell - after all I get a decent amount of people, primarily in Pennsylvania, who like to go to the Andrew Alston post (Alston was from Pennsylvania if I recall correctly).

Another source of visitors are people who click a photo in Google Images and end up here, and these numbers have started increasing as more images show up there from the blog. It's usually a specific photo of Michelle Dickerman that takes them to one of the evidence posts, though the page banner takes them to the front page when they click that. When they click on the photo of Dickerman and go to the evidence post however, that heavily suggests someone who recognized her and clicked on the image to get to this blog. It's the reason I ensured all those post show the evidence of her criminal activity now, and usually those visitors clearly take long enough to read through the evidence before they go to the front page.

So for someone in Charlottesville on an iPhone to do a direct link right to a post on former detective Nicholas Rudman, read two posts on the front page, and then only search for 2010 posts to get to the prosecutor threat email post - well that's rather unusual behavior. Granted I made mention of being threatened by the prosecution in at least one of those two posts, so I could see someone being curious about that. But I don't recall mentioning it was an email and I certainly didn't mention what year it was posted on this blog.

As for the fact it was a direct request, most of the time I've had direct request views it has been Michelle Dickerman or one of her family members. In the case of some views it showed a clear redirect from a link in a Facebook post or message, which was either the Dickermans sharing it or at least someone who knows them. In case Michelle and John Dickerman have never shared this blog and think I'm lying about those Facebook link direct requests, here's an example of one such view from someone who used their phone to view the link. The ones on PC look different, but still show Facebook as the referral site. This specific view occurred after the post announcing the website.

However, it is the views I've had right after the Charlottesville direct request that add some weight to the theory of who that viewer is. The next day very early in the morning, I had another viewer show up to the blog. Nothing on the surface appeared to be amiss, but with my suspicions raised from the Charlottesville view the previous day, I dug a little deeper. That's when I saw that this individual was hiding behind internet fuckery to deliberately hide their actual information and location. Another viewer later that day also was clearly doing things to try to hide their real identity and location - and this viewer went right to the Nicholas Rudman post.

If I had to pick which of the guilty parties in Charlottesville this would be, assuming it is even any of them, I'd say it would be Rudman. No contest there. Given how he was the police department's "internet crime guru" (laughable given he was incompetent/negligent and easily tricked in my case), he would certainly have the skills and knowledge to keep himself hidden. Warner Chapman after all is an angry boomer who is scared of the latest tech stuff the "kids" are doing. Joseph Platania has never shown any competence in computer technology (not just a lack of competence in technology, but we won't get into that here). Nor would those two focus their attention on a post of Nicholas Rudman - but Rudman certainly would.

Of course it's possible it isn't any of the guilty parties. Maybe it was just someone who knew Rudman and knew how to attempt hiding online. But if it was Rudman, I hope the dickhead got to see just how badly he screwed up - and just how screwed he'd be if any of this ever came out publicly. If it was Platania or Chapman, they are far more arrogant so I doubt seeing the evidence of how badly they screwed up would trouble them. And they both already know what I caught them on. Even if it was one of the guilty parties I don't expect anything to come of it. Nor do I believe that Michelle Dickerman is trying to pull anything - she's more than proven she knows she's been caught and that it would go badly for her. I've actually delayed this post longer than I intended and nothing has come of those views so far. If it was Rudman it was probably just interestingly timed curiosity. 

The Quoting and Posting of Sections from the "Stunt" Posts:

As for my previous mention of pulling in specific sections from the previous two posts (excluding the link list obviously), there are two specific things I'm going to bring in. The first thing I'm going to post in here is the section where I talk about the evidence against Michelle Dickerman in the post on her husband's stunt. The second will be the behavior of Michelle Dickerman, in the post where either a Karen or a friend of the Dickerman family pulled a stunt of their own.

The reason for posting specific sections from those posts here is that I felt those summaries made really good and concise points that explained the problem. Granted maybe I'm being biased and I could be completely wrong about that, but I think I made my points fairly well in both of them. I want to post them here in order to remove the talk about the behavior that prompted those posts. Because let's face it, people outside the specific parties involved aren't going to care about any of that. I also cleaned up the language in it a bit, and I've modified some sections to make what I said more clear and understandable. But if you want a decent summary of the case (though keep in mind it's very brief and doesn't cover everything) then feel free to read below.

Keep a couple things in mind while reading up on the case. Michelle Dickerman caused someone to receive a charge they never committed, with evidence she tampered with and fabricated. She destroyed someone's life when she didn't have to do so. Michelle Dickerman went too far with the entire thing and hurt far more people than just me in the process. Per the prosecution's own words (in an email and in court), Dickerman and her parents were fully onboard with penalties that other lawyers have described as "sick" (one using that specific term, the others clearly suggesting it). Yet you won't find one drop of guilt or remorse from Michelle Dickerman about any of this. That's just one of the many reasons I won't show any mercy or consideration towards Dickerman or her family when it comes to my future plans with this case - because neither I nor my family ever received any mercy or consideration from her.

Commentary on the criminal evidence against Michelle Dickerman

Keep in mind when reading this summary section, that it was directed at the people surrounding Michelle Dickerman.

"I have no doubt she tells quite a few lies to sway people, she's been doing that since she was a teenager after all. I even witnessed her doing that very same thing people were accusing her of doing for all those years. The problem is that I've actually shown people the evidence of what she has done, rather than just telling you about it. When I can demonstrate how she's lied to courts and law enforcement using her own words and her own letters, only the truly thickheaded would trust they are getting a straight story from Michelle Dickerman. You've never been getting the correct story from Michelle Dickerman and you've been an idiot to believe you have been the entire time.

The evidence against her includes observations even from my former lawyer who noticed something was wrong himself, and that evidence he points out can only mean one thing - that she was forwarding those emails to a fake account made to look like mine and never told the cops she was doing this. In her own handwriting she put fake dates on what she claims to be two separate emails, but I have proven on this blog that they are in fact two sheets of a single email. If you put them together they even read straight through as one email. They not only split a paragraph between the two pages, they split a sentence between them. I also proved how one of the pages even says what date it was actually sent to her on, and that date does not match her handwritten claim. That date the email itself mentions it was sent on matches the printer time stamp, but does not match Michelle Dickerman's own handwritten false date claim. Allow me to break it down for you stubborn people who refuse the blatantly obvious:

  1. In her own handwriting she claims a date that the email itself says isn't true. Her own evidence is saying that she lied.
  2. She split one email into two emails by writing in fake dates. Again her own evidence says this. The prosecution claimed they had over a dozen emails, but this amount never existed. I wonder how they had so many more emails supposedly in their possession than what had actually been sent to her? It's almost like she had split up other emails with false dates on the other evidence the prosecution withheld from me.
  3. She was forwarding emails to a fake account made to look like mine and kept this information hidden from police - because nobody would have been stupid enough to bump a misdemeanor charge to a felony if they had known something like that had been done. Hell they wouldn't even file charges until they got a search warrant and verified the emails from another source. To have filed charges when knowing that the evidence could easily have been manipulated like that - that's a major lawsuit and a career ender right there, and likely jail time.
  4. She deleted her Myspace profile right after hearing of my arrest (as recorded by both my lawyer and news media) and this conveniently wiped out all evidence on her account. She knew it would do that as well, because her previous blocking action caused all previous emails to be deleted before. Michelle Dickerman is a lawyer, she absolutely knew not to do something like that at the time. Even my lawyer admits on tape "She was wrong, she shouldn't have done that".

Michelle Dickerman liedMichelle Dickerman fabricated evidence. How stupid do you have to be to ignore something this blatant? Everything points towards Michelle Dickerman fabricating evidence because there simply isn't any other possible explanations for the major discrepancies in the emails she provided to police. By all means, tell me how she didn't fake evidence when she clearly wrote false dates of April and May on individual sheets of an email that says it was sent to her in March. Do you think she has a time machine in her basement? The email itself says it was sent on the date of the March printer time stamp - not on the date she claimed in her handwritten notation on the email. The very evidence she herself gave to police proves she committed a criminal act.

She split the emails up to make it look like she got more than what were actually received. She put fake dates so as to hide that there was such a large gap in time between when she received the claimed threats and when she finally went to the police. It was clearly done to produce a heavy handed response from law enforcement and that's exactly what it accomplished. It can be proven Michelle Dickerman was forwarding emails to a fake account made to look like mine which gave her every opportunity to fabricate their contents - and kept this information a secret from police. Why would she have not told law enforcement about this if she wasn't doing anything wrong? Why the secrecy about it? My lawyer even admits on tape that I told him from the first time I laid eyes on these emails that there were statements I never recalled having written. It's pretty obvious what she did here, and she had every opportunity and motive for giving the email contents some "artistic license".

Dickerman even lied in making a claim about me going to her home in Charlottesville and supposedly making in person contact with her. She likely had at least one roommate lie for her in court on this particular accusation. Multiple sources stated Michelle Dickerman made this false claim - my attorney wrote it in his notes, Detective Nicholas Rudman told me she accused me of doing this, and the protective order paper work stated she had made this accusation. Then months later she forgot her lie when writing her victim impact statement, and admitted she was aware I didn't know where she lived and worked in Charlottesville the entire time. So how the hell was I supposedly going to her Charlottesville home and making contact with her there, when in her own words she said I didn't know where she lived or worked in Charlottesville? What do you people think I did - astro projected my soul to her house?

Michelle Dickerman's actions not only completely destroyed my life for something I didn't do, but it caused serious harm to my family. If the truth had gotten out in 2006 about what she did while the case was ongoing, it would have cost the livelihoods of members of law enforcement who at the time just wanted to protect her. Considering she was a lawyer at the time she was also completely aware that every bit of this would be the result of her actions. Michelle Dickerman knew that people were going to get hurt and get their lives ruined. Yet she still went through with it and maintained the farce for months. At some point you have to consider yourself an idiot if you're still telling yourself she's an innocent sweetheart here.

If it's a matter of not liking me, I couldn't care less. This isn't a popularity contest and anyone using such justification to ignore blatant evidence has some really loose wiring in their skulls. Evidence and facts don't change just because you've decided you don't like a guy you've never met. If you can't separate factual evidence from your personal opinions on someone you don't know from Adam, then the problem lies with you not me.

I also don't care whether you like my actions or not. You don't get to judge me when I've been blocked from getting justice for what was done to me at every single turn. If the system puts roadblocks in the way of someone getting justice, at some point that person is going to get fed up with not having a legal recourse for the wrongs done to them. Michelle Dickerman has committed serious acts that she has still not received punishment for, nor has she ever taken responsibility for those actions. So neither she nor anyone else allied with her gets to whine about what I do in response.

The evidence against Michelle Dickerman looks like she's committed a serious crime. Dickerman's behavior during the case, such as deleting all the original evidence after my arrest when a lawyer would know better, looks extremely shady. The actions of the Charlottesville law enforcement looks extremely shady as well. If you were a law enforcement agency wanting to cover up for the negligence that resulted in the embarrassment of experienced law enforcement being tricked by a newly minted lawyer - you would do the exact same things that the Charlottesville law enforcement has done during my case.

Did it ever occur to you people that the reason it looks like she committed a crime, is because she committed a crime? Or is that very simple concept beyond the ability to be comprehended by the people hovering around her? And if you can admit to yourself "Yeah maybe she did falsify evidence to ruin someone's life for a charge they didn't commit", and yet still support her and try to justify her actions because I said a few mean things to her online - you are clearly a massive piece of garbage. Nobody can accept the facts of what she clearly did and yet still call themselves good people when they support such actions. Especially if they simply support her because they don't like someone they've never met in their entire life.

You have no idea the amount of harassment I dealt with as a kid because Michelle Dickerman was telling people things that weren't true. When the garbage she's telling people is even causing friends of hers to start fights with me when I hadn't even done anything, there is clearly a problem. Nobody has a right to tell me I was supposed to just sit there and take it, but I also had no means by which to get help for the situation. I at least tried to handle it properly by trying to talk to her about the situation. All that ever got me was more fuel for her victimhood stories to get sympathy and attention from her friends. Michelle Dickerman was doing this sort of thing because she has something broken inside of her, as I've laid out in the posts discussing her likely having Narcissistic Personality Disorder.

Did I screw up by lashing out later in life online at the person who inflicted years of mental abuse in the past because I committed the terrible crime of having a romantic interest in them? I absolutely did screw up. I have no problem admitting that. And I would have accepted responsibility for it had I been given misdemeanors, even ones for crimes I didn't commit, so long as I was allowed to return to my life with it relatively intact. I wasn't given that option however. Instead I was threatened into pleading to a felony I didn't commit by both the prosecution and my lawyer, based on fabricated evidence, hammered with penalties not given to people who had done far worse than me, and had my life and future put to the torch with the tattoo of a felony that wasn't even supposed to be a felony in the state of Virginia. And all of it done simply because the person I sent emails to was a UVA student in Charlottesville with a rich banker for a father who knew important people at the university.

So if you support Michelle Dickerman - it means that you think it was acceptable for the legal system to railroad someone, completely ruin their life for a charge they never committed, with fabricated evidence on top of that, all done out of special treatment not received by others because she's a UVA student in Charlottesville with a rich daddy … and all because that person said mean things over the internet to someone who had abused them in the past. It's all perfectly acceptable for her to lie and fabricate evidence to destroy lives because she received mean emails she didn't want. If you believe that, I have to ask just what is mentally wrong with you. Do you people even consider how stupid you sound when supporting her?

This wasn't a game, this was my life she played with. She destroyed not only my life but caused serious harm to my family. My mother's health was never the same after that stress, and my father and I never repaired the strained relationship that the events of 2006 inflicted - and he's no longer alive to ever see that situation fixed. Members of law enforcement who, for all their corruption, just wanted to protect her were put at risk - and they were lied to and push into covering up for her to avoid the loss of their livelihoods. If any of this became public, it would not just ruin their lives but it would harm their families as well - who are the only innocent parties in all of this.

As I said before, Michelle Dickerman's status as a lawyer means she knew exactly what would become of all the people she lied to if the truth were to ever come out. If Charlottesville law enforcement did the right thing in 2006 by coming clean, they would have suffered consequences for having been tricked in the first place. Michelle Dickerman planned for that to happen, because it meant law enforcement couldn't come after her without suffering consequences themselves. That means she intended for Detective Rudman's family to risk consequences to their lives if he lost his job and pension over Michelle Dickerman's actions. She definitely knew she was putting his job at risk when she was being interviewed by him at the police station. None of the things done by Michelle Dickerman are the actions and behavior of a good person. She is not and has never been a good person. You can not look at what the facts prove she did and still call her a good person, not unless you are suffering from severe delusions."

Commentary on the events of 2006 and Michelle Dickerman's actions since

Keep in mind when reading this summary section, that it was directed at the people surrounding Michelle Dickerman.

"Let's try using some common sense here for once in your life. If nothing I've said on this blog was the truth, if none of my evidence was valid in any way whatsoever, if it was all complete crap - why has Michelle Dickerman done nothing about my claims? You think a scumbag lawyer wouldn't know how to deal with it if none of what I've said was true? If none of my evidence was valid? She doesn't deal with it because she knows the evidence is valid and can't be argued against. Her husband doesn't lift a finger to do anything either because he sees it himself, even if he won't admit it to anyone around him.

It's her own evidence she submitted to the cops, how the hell do you even begin to counter something when it's your own evidence and handwriting saying you lied? How do you claim you didn't do something when multiple witnesses and court documents say otherwise? I wouldn't even have the basis to claim she committed serious crimes if it hadn't been for her shady behavior and the blatant tampering on those emails. Had nothing been suspicious on the emails, the only argument I would have is about the gross and blatant special treatment she received from C'ville law enforcement due to her being a white UVA law school student with a rich daddy. That very special treatment from the hammering conducted by C'ville law enforcement ironically enough would likely never have happened had Michelle Dickerman not faked evidence and lied to cops. After all, causing law enforcement to overreact was exactly her goal when she fabricated the evidence.

As I said, were it not for Michelle Dickerman's shady actions and her own evidence showing blatant tampering, I would never have come to the conclusion she committed multiple serious criminal acts. Michelle Dickerman's own evidence, actions, and statements have done more to hurt her than anything else. The narcissistic toddler shot herself in the foot in her rush to get back at me in 2006, and ended up making the worst mistake of her life. Everything she did points an accusing finger at her. Her own evidence has ratted her out.

Michelle Dickerman, Michelle Manweiler, John Dickerman, Department of the Treasury, CBI, Charlottesville, Corruption, Invincible, Omni-man, Think Mark Think Meme

One of the worst enemies of corruption is publicity. Michelle Dickerman can't move on me without all this going public, without people visiting this blog and the website I've created. She can't stop reporters from talking to me. In this anti-law enforcement climate the second the public finds out a rich white girl got special treatment and had her crimes covered up for by Charlottesville law enforcement due to her social status - things are going to get ugly really quick. Just as the C'ville law enforcement couldn't move against her in 2006 without suffering consequences for their incompetence, Michelle Dickerman can't move against me without serious backlash thanks to all the evidence against her. Even if she escaped criminal charges, unlikely in our current politically and racially charged environment, her reputation would be entirely destroyed by the details of what she's done coming out. The optics of all the events and evidence of 2006 looks really bad for her and her parents. Her father, Gregory Manweiler, is just as likely to go down with her - at least in regards to his name and reputation.

The Dickermans wouldn't get anywhere given all the evidence against her - and both of them know it. Both John and Michelle Dickerman know what all that evidence looks like, and it looks like Michelle Dickerman committed multiple serious crimes. Multiple felonies which have no statute of limitations here in Virginia. Taking action against me would only make things worse for them and help draw attention to what she did in 2006. Drawing any attention to the case at all will end very badly for Michelle Dickerman. She has far more to lose by attempting to act against me, and wouldn't gain anything of benefit in the process. It would be too big of a risk for no reward and she knows it.

So she does nothing and hopes the people around her are stupid enough to believe she's innocent of any wrongdoing despite the clear cut evidence. None of the people around her have any reason to believe she wouldn't be capable of the kind of things that I've accused her of. All you've got is her denial versus what I've shown in physical evidence and even her own words proving she's lying. People are people, and for all the virtue signaling most people do whatever they can get away with when they think nobody is watching. Or in Michelle Dickerman's case, when they are arrogant enough to think nothing will happen to them for doing it. So if you just assume she's innocent with nothing more than her word, in the face of the mountain of evidence against her (which includes evidence she supplied to law enforcement herself), then I guess you must be just as stupid as she believes you to be.

Someone acting nice and friendly in social situations around friends or family means nothing when it comes to their actual integrity. Some of the worst people in the world are thought to be great people or do nice things to create a false image of themselves to others. John Wayne Gacy regularly preformed at children's hospitals and charity events when he wasn't raping and murdering people. Ted Bundy worked a suicide hotline when he wasn't being a serial killer. Jim Jones spoke out against nuclear weapons, racism, and was on the human rights commission in Indianapolis, before he convinced around one thousand members of his cult to commit suicide. You might be thinking that these are extreme examples, but there are sociopaths like this all over the world that don't get put on blast or earn the notoriety of these individuals.

The fact is that mental illness is not always outwardly apparent, especially when it's a personality disorder that makes you manipulate people you mistakenly believe are lesser than you. Often the people acting the most righteous end up being the biggest pieces of trash out there, and many of them never have their crimes brought to light. On one of the videos of narcissism I've posted before it was brought up that it is so common for vicious narcissists to be pillars of the community, that the presenter was tempted to list it as a red flag criteria for Narcissistic Personality Disorder.

Below: Unfortunately Blogger no longer allows the Youtube embed code, so I can't have the video start from where he talks about what I mentioned in the paragraph above.
You'll have to manually go to the 18:13 minute mark.

Below: A further video demonstrating how deceptive yet immoral these people can be.

Narcissists, specifically the higher functioning and more behaved types, love making themselves look like wonderful people to the clueless individuals they come into contact with. You've been nothing other than a bunch of saps tricked into believing in nothing more than a program she's running to get what she wants out of people. I was once one of those saps myself, but I at least eventually snapped out of it and saw her for what she is. The problem is you people still can't accept the fact you've been lied to all this time. Your refusal to accept that reality does not change that reality.

I'm betting Michelle Dickerman and her husband play off the current state of the dispute like the whole thing is a joke, because they know anything else they try to do will blow up in their face. And who knows, maybe they really are arrogant and deluded enough to even believe it themselves. But if you people actually tried thinking for yourselves for a change, you should be able to figure out how stupid of a position that really is - and how bad it actually sounds for Michelle Dickerman.

Back in 2006 Michelle Dickerman made a massive deal about the whole case, when really she just received minor harassment over the internet that was a long delayed payback for abuses she committed against me earlier in life. It was a poor decision by me, but my poor decision did not warrant what she did in response. Only the mentally ill would think her actions were justified. It certainly did not justify her not only lying about what took place and faking evidence, but it also did not justify making what was actually a minor dispute out to be something it clearly wasn't.

Michelle Dickerman's own victim impact statement is an excellent example of this. When I passed around her impact statement to the rest of the guys in the cell block, they dubbed it the "Chicken Little Statement" due to the sheer amount of drama it contained. I was told not to worry about it because they all felt the judge would be able to see through her nonsense. I've proven several times in detail on this blog how absurd her claims about other people being in danger at the time actually are - but I'll cover it briefly.

First off you wouldn't sit with your thumb up your butt for seven months before going to police, because you wanted to wait until you graduated law school first, if you genuinely believed other people were in danger the entire time. No morally and mentally sound person would allow the people they claim to care about remain in the danger Dickerman claimed them to be in for so long. If I believed the people around me were in danger from an individual - I wouldn't wait months, weeks, or even days. I'd be at the police station as soon as I possibly could.

Michelle Dickerman however claims she believed I was going to kill her family, roommates, coworkers, neighbors, the children in the neighborhood, her pet goldfish, etc during the entire seven months it took her to finally get off her butt and actually go to the cops. No one does that. It was a lie and she knew it, but she wanted to be Miss Drama Queen. And yet no where in her impact statement does she ever talk about the effects such a thing would have on these people.

I mean she had to have told them about it, right? Because I can't think of anything more evil than to believe others are in danger and yet not tell them about it. So why doesn't Michelle Dickerman ever talk about what her parents, roommates, coworkers, etc went through in her VIS after she would have hopefully told them about the danger they were in?

She never talks about how any of these people reacted to this information or how it impacted their lives. I've never seen a victim make a statement in court where they didn't include the effects it has had on their family members at least. Yet this is completely absent from Michelle Dickerman's victim impact statement. Instead Michelle Dickerman only hand wrings about how absolutely terrified and traumatized she was about worrying over the danger these people were supposedly in during the seven months she sat around doing nothing about it. She was such a brave soldier carrying such a heavy cross for these people, if they had only known the danger they were in! If you were to go to a psychiatrist and mention what I've just described above, I'm betting they would be concerned and say that heavily suggests someone with narcissism or a manipulative personality disorder.

Yet despite all her 2006 drama claims about death and dismemberment, Michelle Dickerman and I had never been in each others presence the entire time. Obviously I hadn't even laid a hand on her given we both had not been face-to-face until the preliminary hearing. Even when we were teenagers I never once laid a hand on her despite all the pain and abuse being leveled in my direction thanks to her. I didn't even bother to find out where she lived in Charlottesville the entire time during the 2006 contact because I didn't care - and she even admitted it months later in her impact statement.

In 2006 all I had to go on for motivation in my actions against Michelle Dickerman was mostly third party statements and a few instances of bad behavior by her that I witnessed. The only permanent damage she had inflicted at the time was emotional and mental trauma, not the upheaval of my entire life and future that she inflicted in 2006. Yet in 2006 Michelle Dickerman asserted that I was going to kill her and her entire family, and made a massive drama about claiming to have lived in fear - again despite waiting seven months to go to police until after she had graduated law school. So I'm supposed to have deserved a misdemeanor bumped up to a felony, while having no criminal record, because as Michelle Dickerman stated I was supposedly ready to kill her - while not actually possessing any actual motive for such an extreme act at the time? 

I didn't even care enough to find her Charlottesville address, by her own admission, but had motive enough to spend the rest of my life in prison by murdering her? For what again? She had done nothing to me at the time to even prompt me to physically assault her, hell nothing to even motivate me to get off my butt from playing computer games, yet I'm supposed to have been intending to off her and her entire family? On vague cliché statements that not only could be interpreted multiple ways, but given her blatant tampering were probably never even written by me? Enough to have warranted more penalties, in the prosecutor's own words, "than has ever been handed out in the history of the Charlottesville Circuit Court"? The same court that handles manslaughter, murder, child molestation, rape, etc by the way. I even got worse penalties than a rich UVA student (Andrew Alston) who stabbed a man 18 times and ended the guy's life. Because I'm supposed to have intended to kill a woman that hadn't even been in my presence the entire time. That I was so motivated to kill her that I couldn't take the small effort to even look up where she lived in the city of Charlottesville the entire time.

And you people can't see that nonsense for what it is?

Yet Michelle Dickerman likely plays off the current situation like it's nothing, because she knows she can't actually do anything about it. After all, it'll blow up in her face and she risks everything falling apart when her crimes come to light. So how else would you explain why you sit on your butt and do nothing about the situation? I've certainly noticed her pretending it's some game to a certain degree. I can't imagine her and her husband running their mouths to the point that people they know are meddling in this dispute, if they were actually making things out to be a really dangerous situation. Those attempting to currently meddle would be complete idiots to get involved in this were the Dickermans making things out to be dangerous. So let's look at that cavalier attitude objectively and see how the situation compares to her drama queen claims of 2006 shall we?

I've already gone over how I didn't have the motivation in 2006 to even look up her address, let alone brutally murder her and her entire family like Miss Drama Queen claimed to police. All I had were third party statements and bad behavior on Dickerman's part. The only permanent damage was some emotional and mental trauma from her narcissistic abuse, but nothing that was insurmountable, certainly not if there had been a simple talk between us. There was certainly no permanent damage to my life and future. But after what was done to me in 2006?

In 2006 I had my entire life and future ruined by a woman who lied and manipulated the system to accomplish it. Her father clearly used his influence to accomplish that as well. I had abuse inflicted by multiple levels of law enforcement in an attempt to heap as much harm upon my head as possible. I had a scumbag lawyer rip off my family for thousands. That same lawyer not only aided the prosecution because his head was up Dickerman's skirt, but he continued to verbally abuse and mock me and my mother the entire time. We could do nothing about this because the prosecution threatened us out of firing him, since they got word that we were hiring a new attorney. The head prosecutor would later hire the new lawyer we were going to go with, as an assistant district attorney under him after my case was over. This was done because that lawyer had been shown the evidence of tampering, and hiring them would make them less likely to make waves over the issue. Both my former lawyer and the prosecutor acted like teenage boys over Michelle Dickerman, to the point that the two of them were having locker room style talks over the phone about Michelle Dickerman.

I was denied bond and held in a violent institution for months, when the prosecution knew the entire time it was based on fabricated evidence. The stint in jail was deliberately extended artificially by the prosecution's own admission to add as much time as they could get away with without me even being sentenced - and his statement in an email to my lawyer that this was what Michelle Dickerman and her parents had wanted. I was threatened by not only the prosecutor into pleading guilty to a felony I didn't commit that wasn't even supposed to be a felony in the state of Virginia - but was even threatened into pleading to the charge by the scumbag attorney representing me. He said he wouldn't defend me in court if I tried to go to trial, he'd just sit back the entire trial and let me go to prison. And again, we couldn't fire him without the prosecution carrying out their threats. I also have no idea how my family expected to pay a new attorney given they were already scammed out of $15,000 by the former attorney.

I was vilified in the media with false claims, false claims created both by Michelle Dickerman and even from the Charlottesville law enforcement. I even had a reporter put words in my mouth and distort comments on my social media page. I was hauled from Hampton to Charlottesville under the cover of night on the day of my arrest, so that the Charlottesville police could claim they arrested me in C'ville themselves. The detective was halfway to C'ville when his supervisor called and him told to turn around and bring me to C'ville that night. I was hammered with penalties that people who had done far worse didn't even receive. I was warned by a corrections office that I needed the case moved out of Charlottesville, because they said someone had it in for me. Even all the inmates that cycled through the cell block I was in were absolutely blown away by what was going on, saying they had never seen something like this happening before. The lawyers and retired judges I've spoken to for advice express amazement and shake their heads at what went on during this case.

I was railroaded into a criminal charge that I knew I didn't commit. With evidence I can prove was fabricated by Michelle Dickerman, which was only found after the railroading had concluded. I'd stake my life on the evidence I have without a second thought. I guarantee if it was presented in court Dickerman would be convicted of multiple felonies. Yet I've been blocked at every turn from getting justice and retaking my life and name. Even been mocked by the prosecution over it. Had my life set back over a decade, and my future permanently derailed. Had mental trauma inflicted to the point that this case is all I think about every waking moment. Have watched the effects it has had on my family, watched it prematurely age my mother and cause her health to spiral downhill. I will never start a family, the damage done from 2006 changed me in quite the negative way and I no longer have the patience that a wife and kid would deserve from me. That damage done can never be reversed. I've spent too long just trying to claw my way back up to where I was prior to the felony, that I've still never managed to do any of the things I wanted to do before I settled down. And many more things I've gone over in this blog.

I'd say I have a hell of a lot more things to be motivated by now.

Yet Michelle Dickerman and her husband appears to be treating the situation now like it's a joke. I certainly can't see him being stupid enough to pull the stunt he did if he took things seriously. They both are probably claiming it's an attention thing now, a belief that isn't based in reality. But if indeed this is how her and her husband play things off considering everything that was done to me - that really should start some gears turning in your head if you are actually semi-competent.

If doing all that damage to me means nothing and this current situation is no big deal, then Michelle Dickerman is effectively announcing that the events of 2006 were based entirely on a fairy tale she created for law enforcement. She is admitting the charge to be based on a lie, and that none of what was done was warranted. That she knows there was never a threat back then. You can not compare the situation before 2006 to the situation after the cuffs got slapped on. Specifically, you can not remotely compare what harm she did to me pre-2006 to what she did to me after walking into that police station with evidence she knowingly falsified. The damage between the two periods doesn't remotely measure against each other. And felon is nothing more than a legal term that carries no weight and prevents nothing if the person it is applied to stops giving a shit about consequences, thus belief in a mere word being a protection isn't based in reality. So why would the situation have justified such drama back then but not now?

So if the Dickermans play this whole thing now off nonchalantly, that should be a massive red flag to those of you orbiting them. It should be a clue to you that maybe this crazy blogger guy actually does have evidence that could get Michelle Dickerman slapped with some serious felonies if said evidence ever came to light. If it doesn't set off alarm bells, then I suggest you start wearing a helmet you special boy. You should also look into some counseling since you clearly have a screwed up moral compass to support someone that has done something like that to another person."

The Prosecution's Threat

As promised, I've also included the prosecutor's email with his threat in writing. This was a straight up violation of my civil right to a fair trial - as a right isn't a right if I can be threatened by a government official with retaliation when lawfully exercising it. Platania's threat here can be better explained in non-legal speak as a simple analogy. Imagine I'm going to a polling place to vote, and Mr. Platania approaches me with baseball bat in hand. He informs me that if I attempt to exercise my right to vote, he'll crack open my head with the bat afterwards in retaliation. But yet it's supposedly not a violation of my right to vote, because I can still go inside the polling place to vote - I just have to accept I'm getting my head smashed in with a bat for doing so. That certainly sounds like being denied a civil right to anyone that isn't bootlicking trash or huffing paint as a hobby. Prosecutors do this every single day to people and get away with it - but getting away with it doesn't make it right.

A point of comedy is Platania saying my lawyer was an excellent advocate. You mean the guy who waited until the day before a hearing to look at evidence when he had a month, thus (by his own admission) being completely unprepared for the hearing? The guy who said the evidence was sufficient when he had never even seen it? The guy who was too lazy to even show up to some hearings and was even screening calls to avoid talking to his client? Who couldn't stop gushing about Michelle Dickerman to my mother, made inappropriate comments about Dickerman, and even had locker room talks with the prosecutor over the phone about Michelle Dickerman? The guy who was ogling my sisters (one a minor at the time) as he spoke to my mother about the case? The guy who verbally abused both my mother and me? The guy Platania knew full well was working with the prosecution against his own client? The guy who allowed his client to be railroaded into a false felony charge, when he later even admitted after the sentencing hearing (on tape) that he knew his client never had any intentions to do the very thing the charge was based upon? That guy totally sounds like an excellent advocate, and not some absolute shitbag that essentially stole $15,000 that he demanded up front to take advantage of my family's desperation and then didn't even do the job he was hired to do.

Joseph Platania, Charlottesville, Warner Chapman, Michelle Dickerman, Michelle Manweiler, John Dickerman, Department of Treasury, CBI, BABA Washington, Department of Justice, Civil Rights, William Johnson, Matthews County,