Sunday, April 22, 2018

It's Laughably Ridiculous at This Point

I'm still in the process of the write-up on the actions of my lawyer, which may come before or after another post on the prosecutors (based on newer information I came across). Before that I wanted to comment on something that I have to say has become laughable at this point. I debated on whether I wanted to bother making a comment on it, but I feel that this helps to demonstrate a few of the things I've been saying about Michelle Dickerman/Manweiler.

I once pointed out about a year or two ago how Michelle Dickerman/Manweiler was attempting to hide her views from my blog. Which is really a stupid thing to waste time on given that I've been completely aware of her visits to my blog no matter how much she attempts to hide. Not to mention it isn't something that has any impact whatsoever.

The point of this blog has never been to address Michelle Dickerman. Years of personal experience and her actions in 2006 have shown that there has never been any point to try reasoning with someone like her. I told her for years in the past "Hey there is a problem here and more to this situation than you are aware of, so let's talk this over so we can straighten it out". Yet apparently not once did a high school valedictorian ever figure out that the way to fix this was to try talking to the person as they suggested. She repeatedly admitted in her letters that there was a misunderstanding and miscommunication going on, she even admitted to some of that being caused by third parties, but obviously the solution to fix those very problems just went over her head. So there will never be any point in addressing her, as she has always been unable to grasp just what she did wrong all this time. You can not reason with someone who refuses to admit that they were just as responsible for creating the situation. Also, clearly we're not dealing with a reasonable person when they lie to law enforcement and tamper with evidence.

In addition, when I brought up her attempts to hide in the past it was only because I was regularly monitoring visitors at that time. I was watching if the people related to the issue that fell through for me ever showed up on the blog. Once I was informed that they wanted nothing to do with me due to the felony charge from 2006, I only once in awhile viewed the visitor stats to see where the blog showed up in search engines. I haven't paid any real attention to Ms. Manweiler/Dickerman's views on the blog, I've known that she has been viewing the blog and have just assumed that she's continued to visit all this time. Even if her hiding attempts succeeded and I no longer saw her views, I would still assume she's monitoring the blog. Whether I was correct in that assumption or not doesn't matter in the end. I don't care whether she sees what I write, because the people around her are seeing what I'm writing. The proof showing the bad things she has done will always be out here, and there is nothing she can do about it.

Even though these specific views of Michelle Dickerman from her place of work happened on the 16th, I didn't get around to looking at the views until Saturday. It was the first time I even bothered looking through the stats since the day I posted the email evidence, which was just to check that Google indexed it after I posted. I just took a quick screen snip of a little piece from the list after I noticed something odd after a quick scan, and I present it here as evidence (click for a larger view).

Those not aware of certain behavior and techniques on the internet won't know what they are looking at. You'll want to direct your attention to the address of my blog. Notice that instead of a .com address, there is a .fr at the end. While .com addresses are general use based and used world wide, a .fr address is the DNS specific for the country of France. Just as sites from the UK will have .uk at the end. If you are browsing in the US, you wouldn't get directed to a .fr address, you would only get a .fr address if you were in France. But obviously Michelle Dickerman is not in France, it clearly shows that she is at her place of work at the US Department of the Treasury.

I'll not go into any details on this kind of thing, because it is clear Dickerman/Manweiler has not figured out what she is doing, and I do not intend on being of help to her in this. But this sort of issue with the DNS address happens when someone is attempting to make it look like they are browsing from somewhere else. This is just part of one of the things you would do when you try to hide your location online, and it isn't the only thing I've noticed. It should be clear that nobody is managing to hide themselves from me, I'm obviously aware of who has been visiting my blog.

This should definitely help show what kind of individual Ms. Manweiler/Dickerman is. What is even the point in trying to hide anymore? Why even bother? Everyone reading this post should be asking themselves what Michelle Manweiler/Dickerman is trying to hide. If she has that much of a problem in me knowing she's viewing my blog, then why even view the blog in the first place? Nobody is forcing her to come here after all. And I'll not lose any sleep over her views disappearing.

I don't have a problem with her not coming to this blog anymore, in fact it would be preferable. Let her drop her guard and think everything is fine. It would never matter to me whether Michelle Dickerman stops viewing my blog altogether or not. I've been preparing the blog for future viewing, and even if Manweiler gave up ever viewing the blog again it will not change anything. She was never the intended audience.

This blog has never been directed towards Manweiler or her family as an audience. I expect nothing from her and her family, other than the same old garbage. Michelle Dickerman/Manweiler made her choice in the summer of 2006, that much has been made clear. I made a choice as well that summer. The decision I alluded to some time back was merely that the choice still stands, and I'm perfectly at peace with what it means. Manweiler's insults and silence change nothing about that. So whether she hides or doesn't hide, views or doesn't view, it won't make any difference on the future at this point.

About the only thing that matters when it comes to her hiding her views, is that it helps to demonstrate some of her behavior. Either Ms. Manweiler/Dickerman did research into hiding her views, or she talked to someone else about how to hide her views. She is going through some effort for something that in the end is rather meaningless.

As for the future posts, most likely the post about recent info on the prosecutors will come before the post about my former attorney's actions in 2006. Again I have no timeline, this blog is low on my priority list so I'll get to it when I can.