Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Additional Information

I decided to make another post that adds to the documentation I've already placed. Still working on the photo posting of involved parties. But I first wanted to address why I'm including Ms. Manweiler's parents in the photo posting that I mentioned in the previous post titled "Interesting Blog".

I intend on putting a spotlight on Gregory Manweiler and Carole Manweiler because both of them had a say in the legal proceedings, and both were just as responsible as their daughter for the actions taken by the prosecution. I especially hold Mr. Manweiler responsible because I believe he used his influence to put pressure on the Charlottesville law enforcement. Mr. Gregory "Greg" Manweiler is the CFO of Langley Federal Credit Union. He also has served on boards related to the Credit Unions of Virginia. I have seen pictures of him shaking hands with politicians. In addition, it is my understanding that Mr. Manweiler is an alumni of both William and Mary and UVA - two universities with law enforcement connected to them that covered up for his daughter's criminal actions.

I have nothing against the remaining members of the Manweiler family (such as their son who for some reason was included in the protective order and plea agreement, even though I've never spoken to him or ever met him) and thus they will not be included in any postings on this blog. When I refer to the Manweiler (Rottweiler) family, I am only referring to Michelle Annette Manweiler, Gregory Manweiler and Carole Manweiler. I will go into further detail in the photo posting on Mr. Manweiler and his wife, but I wanted to include an email from Mr. Platania to my former attorney where even he states that Ms. Manweiler's parents were part of the decision making process. All contact information and addresses have been blocked out.

Another Platania email:

The next piece of evidence I will include is a letter my former attorney wrote to the prosecution. Mr. Johnson lays out a plea agreement for consideration of the prosecution and the Manweiler's. While his idea is quite good, this is actually further evidence of his incompetent handling of my case. I have documents that paired with this letter show Johnson was attempting to have me plead guilty to charges before he even looked at a single shred of evidence - despite my repeated comments to him that I never threatened Ms. Manweiler or ever visited her in Charlottesville.

Summary of the letter: Johnson is saying that I should plead to both Misdemeanors and receive maximum suspended sentence on them. The Felony charge would remain on the books for two years, in which I would be required to complete strict requirements. Upon two years, the Felony would be reviewed. If I was in compliance with all requirements, the Felony would be reduced to a Misdemeanor charge and I would receive max suspended sentencing.

As for his comments of sufficiency of evidence, he hadn't even seen any evidence yet because I have another letter where he is again requesting Platania to send him the evidence. How can he decide if there is sufficient evidence if he hasn't even seen the evidence? The first time he laid eyes on a single email was the day before the Preliminary hearing of July 20th, a hearing held just TEN DAYS after sending this letter. Johnson's claim of sufficiency of the evidence without seeing any documentation is more than enough to show his incompetence. The evidence was bits and pieces of printouts that Ms. Manweiler tampered with that were never verified by law enforcement through other sources, as I have briefly laid out in other posts. Not sufficient evidence at all.

I was willing to accept this agreement despite the fact that I can now prove my innocence on the Felony Written Threats and Misdemeanor Stalking. As long as my future was left intact I was willing to take responsibility for things I did not do - simply because I realized that I screwed up. As long as I walked away with Misdemeanors I would have moved on and accepted the punishment. That wasn't good enough for Ms. Manweiler. The Manweilers wanted to do more harm than that.

I knew from the very beginning that Ms. Manweiler would do everything she could to hurt me. Not only did I not expect any mercy from her, but I expected her to try to cause as much damage as possible. I predicted her actions with 100% accuracy. The amusing thing is, had Ms. Manweiler actually shown mercy I would have been blown away. To receive mercy from someone I have only seen evil from - it would have made me question whether I was wrong about Ms. Manweiler all along. Instead she only proved that my opinion of her was correct.

Not only did Ms. Manweiler turn down a plea option that would have been an unusual show of mercy from her, but she turned down another option as well. The other option was that the prosecution could have had me sign over my right to own a gun in exchange for a misdemeanor charge on the felony. While I committed no crime with a firearm, I was prepared to surrender the right to prevent my entire future from being ruined. One way or the other I was going to lose this right since I could not prove my innocence at the time - did I want to lose the right and my future, or lose the right but still be able to move on with my life?

Considering I did nothing wrong with a firearm, I certainly shouldn't have been made to surrender that right just because the assholes in the prosecution didn't like it. We don't determine who gets what Constitutional rights based on whether we like the right or not. Regardless of my feelings on the subject, considering the C'ville law enforcement had me in a little trap and was railroading me, I was going to lose it one way or the other. If surrendering it for a misdemeanor meant I could go back to designing submarine systems, I was prepared to let it go. After all, I fully acknowledge that I screwed up and shouldn't have contacted Ms. Manweiler, especially since she tried to lie to the cops before when she attended William and Mary (as mentioned in a previous post). But that wasn't good enough for Ms. Manweiler. Even my former attorney says on tape that this had nothing to do with me owning a gun, they (which included the Manweilers) wanted me to have a felony no matter what I was willing to do.

Now I have no prospects for the future. Every time I think I can get my life back together, the felony takes it away. Did Ms. Manweiler really think that would make me forget about all this? I hate her more than I've ever hated her in my life, and I have far better reasons to hate her now. I actually didn't hate her for reporting me to the cops when it happened, hell I was surprised she was even reading my messages. Granted I knew she lied about things from the beginning, but I also knew that I screwed up. So I actually wasn't mad that she got me arrested on a lie. I didn't become angry until I was threatened into the felony. That was when my family and friends started hating her as well.

At the Preliminary hearing, I was so in shock when my lawyer deliberately sprang the prosecution's threat on me minutes before going out to the court room, that upon conclusion of the hearing waiver I was so disoriented I actually went to follow my lawyer out of the court room. The bailiffs had to run up and say "Mr. <Redacted>, you need to go this way, come on". They were nice about it, because they saw how upset and afraid I was. My mother was already crying because Johnson told her about the threat. He didn't tell her he had planned the whole time to have me waiver the hearing. My mother was hoping that the Preliminary hearing would stop the threat, so when she saw the hearing being waived she couldn't hold it in and ran out of the courtroom. Prior to running out, she sat there crying in the courtroom while Ms. Manweiler and her parents glared at her.

Every day I remain a felon for a crime I didn't commit, I hate Ms. Manweiler a little more. Not only that but my family and friends hate her as well, where before they had no opinion of her. The only thing Ms. Manweiler accomplished was to make more enemies for herself and her parents. As one inmate commented during my incarceration: "If I wanted someone to forget about this and move on, the last thing I would want is to give them a felony, which would only remind them of this situation for the rest of their life".

The ironic part of this is that had I signed over the right for a misdemeanor, it is my understanding that there is no way to reverse it and restore my gun rights. The right would be gone for good. Receiving a felony charge however does not make it permanent.

Even now Ms. Manweiler would only have to write to the Governor for a pardon and it would be granted. As a lawyer she knows this. No chance of that. Ms. Manweiler has been keeping track of me and reading my blog posts - she is well aware of my employment difficulties from the felony and aware of my medical problems limiting my employment. She also knows she lied to the police, and that the only reason they did all of this was due to her being a UVA student with a rich daddy. Andrew Alston's victim (and family) don't get justice for his death, but Ms. Manweiler gets more protection than any American citizen. I know Ms. Manweiler quite well - she is not capable of human emotions like remorse or compassion. I've never seen her show those emotions towards anyone, let alone to me. She will never accept responsibility for any of her actions no matter what happens. The only way this felony is going away is if I take the actions to remove it. It is what it is, as a former coworker would say.

That is perfectly fine by me, and in reality it will only further show Ms. Manweiler as the vicious person she is. Nobody claiming to be a good person could do what Ms. Manweiler has done. She has made me out to be Satan, yet even as much as I hate her I couldn't do some of these things to her.

Ms. Manweiler has a right to defend herself in court the same as any American, yet she denied that right to me. She has the right to her pick of legal counsel, yet she denied that right to me. She agrees to ridiculous plea agreement terms like 20 years good behavior, something even two of the lawyers I've spoken to have referred to as "sick". Yet if the positions were reversed, I would not agree to do the same to her no matter how much I hate her. That is because I have a belief in those rights and I believe the punishment should fit the crime. If I'm so evil, than what does that make her?

It also will be taken into account that Ms. Manweiler is a lawyer - not only did she know better; she also knew there were ways to handle this without destroying someone's life, and she knew exactly what kind of damage her decisions would inflict. In addition, once my evidence is revealed members of the Charlottesville law enforcement will likely lose their careers over what Ms. Manweiler has done. People who trusted Ms. Manweiler and tried to protect her will be harmed by her lies. Platania and Chapman are done and are potentially even facing criminal charges. Detective Rudman will likely lose his job over this since he was the investigating officer. I don't look forward to any cops getting fired, but I'm not the one who put them in that position. Ms. Manweiler, and their own decisions, put them in that position. She knew her actions could hurt these people if it ever got out, and she didn't care. Ms. Manweiler used them like she uses everyone else.

There can be no denial on Ms. Manweiler's part - her own viciousness is displayed in documents like this. Obviously she saw this letter. Mr. Platania would definitely be disbarred if he didn't show Johnson's letter to her. He would also lose his job if he didn't tell Ms. Manweiler about the option to sign over my rights, because it would mean he coerced the victim into course of action she might not have otherwise gone with simply to get another felony notch on his belt. I seriously doubt Mr. Platania will say that he did not inform Ms. Manweiler of any of this. Since I know how evil Ms. Manweiler is from my own experiences of the past, there is no doubt that she knew of these options and turned them down for the most evil thing they could come up with.

The fight of course continues. I'll go into more detail about specific actions in the photo post, once I get it put together. I have more to do first. I had to write this post over a four day period, so once I free up enough time it will pop up.